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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => E-Board - Movies, Music, TV, Videogames, Comics => Topic started by: Bluto on May 25, 2007, 07:07:52 AM

Post by: Bluto on May 25, 2007, 07:07:52 AM
In this thread we'll discuss Everything Stallone - previous films, upcoming films, books, quotes, interviews etc.

Let me start this off

"Sylvester Stallone has slammed the last Rambo film - branding it "terrible." The tough guy actor, who is reprising his John Rambo role in a forthcoming blockbuster, admits he initially thought 1988's Rambo III was a great film but now concedes it is below par.

He explains, "The last Rambo film had too much action and no story. It was terrible. Back then, I thought it was brilliant. Now I think: 'What a crock of crap this is.'"
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Always Sore on May 25, 2007, 08:05:13 AM
Stallone is a icon lost without an age. In the late 70's early 80's he was spot on action hero, but then went south IMHO with comedy attempts and remakes. Now he is to old and strange looking to be a action star and would be better served doing stuff like copland (movie sucked but I liked his roll). He would make a great bit player or cragy old cop or retired fighter. I was really suprised that the last rocky movie did not have him working as a trainer for his son and dealing with not wanting his son to follow his same path. It would have made more sense.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on May 25, 2007, 08:10:35 AM
Gotta have some pics.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: powerpack on May 25, 2007, 08:28:23 AM
Off all the action movie guys Sly has done the most to motivate me in the gym.
My two favourite movies are "Asasin" and "The specialist"
Rambo1 was still the best Rambo
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Laughing Sam's Dice on May 25, 2007, 10:27:00 AM
He shoulda stayed a porn star.

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on May 25, 2007, 10:31:31 AM
Off all the action movie guys Sly has done the most to motivate me in the gym.
My two favourite movies are "Asasin" and "The specialist"
Rambo1 was still the best Rambo

interesting picks! yeah sly done some less known movies that are good for sure
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Havenbull on May 25, 2007, 06:44:33 PM
Tango and Cash is the greatest movie ever made

Tango: When this is over, we have to pay Jabba the Hutt here a visit.
Cash: I'll bring the chainsaw.
Tango: I'll bring the beer.

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: njflex on May 29, 2007, 06:35:14 AM
Tango and Cash is the greatest movie ever made

Tango: When this is over, we have to pay Jabba the Hutt here a visit.
Cash: I'll bring the chainsaw.
Tango: I'll bring the beer.

HEY,IT'S CAPT flick,stallone made a drug reference ::)
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on May 29, 2007, 08:45:50 AM
Sylvester Stallone has heaped praise on his wife for keeping him grounded despite his huge success in Hollywood. The star is grateful for his spouse Jennifer Flavin's frankness early on in his career, because her stern talks have prevented Stallone from developing a big ego.

He explains, "She said: 'You are a truly horrible person... You're insensitive to everything except things that are about you'. Now I listen. You should see my house - all women. Even the dogs are female plus the housekeeper! I don't win one argument.

"Ninety-five percent of the time, women are right, though. They can be emotional but they're right. Like when they say your shoes look like s**t or your tie is wrong."
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: powerpack on May 29, 2007, 10:03:16 AM

"Ninety-five percent of the time, women are right, though. They can be emotional but they're right. Like when they say your shoes look like s**t or your tie is wrong."
LOL I dont agree with him on this one  ;)
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MM2K on May 29, 2007, 11:32:04 PM
You know, for a rich celebrity like that who could easily allow his arrogance to consume him, a woman like that is probably indeed the right thing for him. But for ordinary people like us who live normal lives, a woman like that would eat us alive.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Ari_gold on June 07, 2007, 01:58:18 PM
Sylvester Stallone has heaped praise on his wife for keeping him grounded despite his huge success in Hollywood. The star is grateful for his spouse Jennifer Flavin's frankness early on in his career, because her stern talks have prevented Stallone from developing a big ego.

He explains, "She said: 'You are a truly horrible person... You're insensitive to everything except things that are about you'. Now I listen. You should see my house - all women. Even the dogs are female plus the housekeeper! I don't win one argument.

"Ninety-five percent of the time, women are right, though. They can be emotional but they're right. Like when they say your shoes look like s**t or your tie is wrong."
he would never make the Team bateman with that philosophy
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: njflex on June 11, 2007, 06:47:14 AM
ON  the 3rd pic up top is probably the closest to his real genectics off/clean training.or he could have been training less,he did have his daughter sofia in mid ninties and she was born with a heart problem?
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Ari_gold on June 11, 2007, 02:13:43 PM
stallone is a cool cat, his made many flops but still has legendary status.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2007, 12:45:51 PM
Rambo!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Deadpool on July 03, 2007, 12:59:23 PM
looking forward to the new rambo
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Kwon on July 06, 2007, 01:55:37 PM
New Rambo will have LOADS of brutal action.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on August 16, 2007, 06:18:12 AM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: xxxLinda on August 16, 2007, 01:55:55 PM
I went out numerous times with Sly's brother (in fact, after the last dinner date, before he flew back to LA, I had mad sex with him, I decided I had to)  But he refused to talk about his brother or about his mother...
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: DK II on August 16, 2007, 02:09:55 PM
I went out numerous times with Sly's brother (in fact, after the last dinner date, before he flew back to LA, I had mad sex with him, I had to...)

uuuuhhh, Frank is a great singer!
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: xxxLinda on August 16, 2007, 02:13:34 PM
That's what I thought.  I worked at a recording studio in Toronto.  He also has a great sense of humour.


Must be difficult to be Sly's brother and that crazy woman's son though.

He called me afterwards a few times from LA, (even invited me) which I figured was nice of him...

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on August 18, 2007, 02:15:37 PM

This has got to be one of the most amazingly random acts of badassness ever displayed on the big screen. After a gang member talks shit to Cobra for pushing his car out of the way, Cobra walks up to him and says, "Clean up your act," grabs the punk's shirt and tears it straight down and then walks away. How do you even react to something like that happening to you? I'll tell you how: you don't. You just stand there in awe, wishing you could be that awesome, but you know it'll never happen. Why? Because somebody far more awesome than you just tore the shirt right off your back, sucka.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: powerpack on August 20, 2007, 10:43:19 AM
I loved that car in the movie
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on August 29, 2007, 08:19:12 PM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on August 30, 2007, 03:46:00 AM
link to last picture didnt work

yes cobra is a classic, one of my favorites

i wish there were sequals to that one! the character sure is good enough for it
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on August 30, 2007, 03:53:32 AM

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on August 30, 2007, 03:57:05 AM
this was the original Rocky 4 Trailer..Awesome
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on September 02, 2007, 01:30:10 AM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on September 06, 2007, 01:44:20 AM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on September 06, 2007, 05:32:34 AM
its a thing of beauty
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on September 10, 2007, 02:27:13 PM
i took this picture yesterday in london  :D
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on September 10, 2007, 05:20:41 PM
i took this picture yesterday in london  :D

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 15, 2007, 10:51:22 AM
Another underrated Sly pic . . .
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 15, 2007, 10:55:03 AM
OK, one more underrated Sly movie . . . .
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: njflex on September 17, 2007, 07:35:38 AM
ray tango,marion cobretti,john rambo,gotta love him.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 17, 2007, 09:41:58 AM
ray tango,marion cobretti,john rambo,gotta love him.

extra points if you can give us the names of the characters in the two movies above . . .
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on September 17, 2007, 11:07:03 AM
extra points if you can give us the names of the characters in the two movies above . . .

Rath and Dasilva
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 18, 2007, 10:28:54 AM
Rath and Dasilva

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Frauhorn on September 20, 2007, 04:26:36 AM
Rocky IV Montage with the TA montage song  :)

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on September 25, 2007, 11:20:30 PM
sticky this thread
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on September 28, 2007, 06:26:48 AM
stallone is back as a sticky!!! thanks to danielson!!!!!  8)
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 28, 2007, 07:56:44 AM
Okay, I have had two experiences seeing the Man. 

First, as a law student at Pepperdine in the early 90s, I was working out at the Malibu Gym while Sly was there.  What made it cool was that Dolph (Drago) was working out at the same time -- not together.  Still very cool.

Also during my law school years, Sly had an art exhibition of his paintings opening on Rodeo Drive.  I was standing outside the gallery with the paparazzi when a black sports car comes wheeling around the corner with a screech.  Out hops Sly (leaving the car for some lacky to park).  I thrust my arm in the air "Hey, Sly!"  With a closed fist, the most famous fist in the history of movies,
he punches my open hand (afterwords I almost got in the fight with a photographer because my outstetched hand ruined his picture!).

Any other stories out there?

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on September 29, 2007, 10:00:36 AM

First, as a law student at Pepperdine in the early 90s, I was working out at the Malibu Gym while Sly was there.  What made it cool was that Dolph (Drago) was working out at the same time -- not together.  Still very cool.

I would have asked them point blank if their feud was "East versus West, or man against man. "
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 29, 2007, 10:21:58 AM
I would have asked them point blank if their feud was "East versus West, or man against man. "

They would have answered:

"Two worlds collide, rival nations
It's a primitive clash, venting years of frustrations
Bravely we hope against all hope, there is so much at stake
Seems our freedom's up against the ropes
Does the crowd understand?
Is it a East vs. West, or man against man
Can any nation stand alone?

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire, in the burning heart

In the warrior's code, there's no surrender
Though his body says stop, his spirit cries never
Deep in our soul a quiet ember
Knows it's you against you
Its the paradox that drives us on
It's a battle of wills, in the heat of attack
It's the passion that kills
The victory is yours alone

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire
In the burning heart "

Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on September 29, 2007, 11:06:10 AM
Awesome song! 8)
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 29, 2007, 11:47:19 AM
Awesome song! 8)

Agreed.  Some of the best training music ever.  Maybe we should post some more lyrics on this thread!
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on September 29, 2007, 11:49:04 AM
Agreed.  Some of the best training music ever.  Maybe we should post some more lyrics on this thread!

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger Lyrics

Risin up
back on the street
did my time took my chances
went the distance now I'm back on my feet
just a man and his will to survive
so many times
it happens too fast
you trade your passion for glory
don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
you must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Face to face
out in the heat
hanging tough
stayin hungry
the stack the odds still we take to the street
for the kill with the skill to survive...

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Risin up
straight to the top
had the guts got the glory
went the distance now I'm not gonna stop
just a man and his will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger......
The eye of the tiger......
The eye of the tiger.....
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 29, 2007, 04:23:23 PM
"Hearts on Fire"

"Silent darkness creeps into your soul
and removes the light of self-control
the cave that holds you captive has no doors
burnin' with determination
to even up the score

hearts on fire
strong desire
rages deep within
hearts on fire
fever's rising high
the moment of truth draws near

time will not allow you to stand still, no
silence breaks the heart and bends the will
and things that give deep passions are your sword
rules and regulations have no meaning anymore

hearts on fire
strong desire
rages deep within
hearts on fire
fever's rising high
the moment of truth is here
is here

hearts on fire
strong desire
rages deep within
hearts on fire
fever's rising high
hearts on fire
strong desire
rages deep within"
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: MidniteRambo on September 29, 2007, 04:28:36 PM
"No Easy Way Out"

"We're not indestructible,
Baby better get that straight.
I think it's unbelieveable,
How you give into the hands of fate.
Some things are worth fighting for,
some feelings never die.
I'm not asking for another chance,
I just wanna know why.

There's no easy way out,
There's no shortcut home.
There's no easy way out,
Giving in can't be wrong.

I don't wanna pasify you,
I don't wanna drag you down.
But I'm Feeling like a prisoner,
Like A Stranger in a no-name town.
I See all the angry faces,
Afraid that could be you and me.
Talking about what might have been,
Thinking about what it used to be.

There's no easy way out,
There's no shortcut home.
There's no easy way out,
Giving in can't be wrong.

Baby Baby we can shed this skin,
We can know how we feel inside.
Instead of going down an endless road,
Not knowing if we're dead or alive.
Some things are worth fighting for,
some feelings never die.
I'm not asking for another chance,
I just wanna know why.

There's no easy way out,
There's no shortcut home.
There's no easy way out,
givin in, givin in, can't be wrong."
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: njflex on September 29, 2007, 07:51:47 PM
not rocky but "winner takes it all"theme by hagar in over the top..
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on September 29, 2007, 08:26:35 PM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on September 30, 2007, 10:10:27 AM
Cool pic, he looked better than those freaks that competed this weekend!
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: powerpack on September 30, 2007, 10:38:04 AM
I have never seen that pic!
He does look good there
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on September 30, 2007, 01:16:28 PM
Cool pic, he looked better than those freaks that competed this weekend!
No gut.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Havenbull on September 30, 2007, 05:09:04 PM
that's his mom

she must be hot for him
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on October 01, 2007, 02:11:58 PM
looks good there

apparantely he has been more or less in shape all his life at least up to the age of 60


Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Quickerblade on October 01, 2007, 02:16:04 PM
looks good there

apparantely he has been more or less in shape all his life at least up to the age of 60


His a real legend, God bless him
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on October 10, 2007, 02:34:59 PM
do you realise




john rambo !!
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 05:47:15 AM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: danielson on November 22, 2007, 11:04:09 AM

On December 20th, 2006 I went and saw the first showing of Rocky Balboa, looks like I know what I am doing January 25th at noon 8)
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: gymrat3082 on November 22, 2007, 11:37:28 AM
I will be there January 25th as well to see John Rambo. 
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 11:46:03 AM
i hope it opens worldwide at that date
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: danielson on November 22, 2007, 11:57:34 AM
i hope it opens worldwide at that date

You won't be able to see it until like 2012 in your country.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on November 22, 2007, 12:00:15 PM
You won't be able to see it until like 2012 in your country.

They had to postpone the introduction of the euro already, so i guess they aren't fit for RAMBO too.  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 12:09:37 PM
worldwide premiers is pretty common these days to reduce the damage of piracy etc
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 12:10:24 PM
Russia     24 January 2008     
Norway    25 January 2008    
USA    25 January 2008    
France    20 February 2008    
Finland    22 February 2008    
UK    22 February 2008    
Poland    7 March 2008    
Japan    28 June 2008    
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 12:11:44 PM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on November 22, 2007, 12:15:23 PM
Russia     24 January 2008     
Norway    25 January 2008    
USA    25 January 2008    
France    20 February 2008    
Finland    22 February 2008    
UK    22 February 2008    
Poland    7 March 2008    
Japan    28 June 2008    

haaha, japan gets fucked again. Looks like they should have hired me for the subtitles.

Germany is fucked to i presume, i takes forever until movies are released here because of the shitty dubbing.  :-X :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: danielson on November 22, 2007, 12:16:44 PM
Russia     24 January 2008     
Norway    25 January 2008    
USA    25 January 2008    
France    20 February 2008    
Finland    22 February 2008    
UK    22 February 2008    
Poland    7 March 2008    
Japan    28 June 2008    

Wheres Czech? Doesn't look like you et to see it at all ???
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 12:23:09 PM

im sure theyll add more dates later

no worldwide premiere though which sucks

Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: danielson on November 22, 2007, 12:24:35 PM

im sure theyll add more dates later

no worldwide premiere though which sucks

We will get it on the 24th as well. Well, actually it will be a midnite show, so technically it will be the 25th I guess. I will write a full review for you since you won't get to see it for 9 months or so. ;D
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 01:40:22 PM
poland doesnt get it to march, thats not good  >:( and i cant go to the uk to watch it cause they will be late too
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: danielson on November 22, 2007, 01:41:36 PM
poland doesnt get it to march, thats not good  >:( and i cant go to the uk to watch it cause they will be late too

I just read online it is not coming to Czech at all. ;D
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on November 22, 2007, 01:42:54 PM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: danielson on November 22, 2007, 01:44:17 PM

You need to call the airlines, thats what you need to do. It is not coming there. I can prove it later.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on November 22, 2007, 11:03:31 PM
You need to call the airlines, thats what you need to do. It is not coming there. I can prove it later.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Deadpool on December 16, 2007, 03:19:28 PM
love Rambo.  Liked the book too.  First Blood by David Morrell
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Havenbull on December 16, 2007, 07:38:44 PM
love Rambo.  Liked the book too.  First Blood by David Morrell

epic wikiing
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on December 26, 2007, 05:47:23 PM
stallone fucking rules

Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on December 26, 2007, 05:50:16 PM
review of first blood on blu-ray

and another one
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on December 26, 2007, 05:54:52 PM
why the hell isnt cobra out on high def ???

what the hell are they doing

why the hell isnt it out

what the hell are they doing




ON HIGH DEF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on December 26, 2007, 06:01:26 PM
stallone high def release list


first blood
rambo 2
rambo 3


first blood
rocky balboa
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on January 01, 2008, 07:22:36 AM
remember when it seemed like ages until the rambo movie? well it's only roughly 3 weeks left now !!!  :o
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on January 01, 2008, 11:35:52 AM
remember when it seemed like ages until the rambo movie? well it's only roughly 3 weeks left now !!!  :o
im a huge stallone fan, but this new Rambo movie looks very D-Grade :'(
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on January 01, 2008, 11:37:01 AM
im a huge stallone fan, but this new Rambo movie looks very D-Grade :'(

How did the trial go in australia, btw?
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on January 01, 2008, 11:57:01 AM

Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on January 01, 2008, 01:08:05 PM
How did the trial go in australia, btw?
$3000 fine...True story...but the lagal fees were $10,000..lunch money.

After being very apologetic and quite sincere about not knowingly breaking Australian law, Sylvester Stallone has gotten off light with a small fine.

Stallone had pleaded guilty] last week to bringing a banned growth hormone into Sydney airport in February.

After showing remorse and being very publicly apologetic, Deputy Chief Magistrate Paul Cloran decided a $2,450 [around $3000 AUD] was enough, instead of the maximum $18,136 fine.

Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on January 01, 2008, 01:09:46 PM
$3000 fine...True story...but the lagal fees were $10,000..lunch money.


the GH must have been worth more. Unbelievable.  :-\
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on January 01, 2008, 01:11:45 PM

the GH must have been worth more. Unbelievable.  :-\
He had the most expensive legal eagle in OZ defend him.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on January 02, 2008, 01:46:16 AM
He had the most expensive legal eagle in OZ defend him.

Well, that was safe, i guess.

Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on January 02, 2008, 03:11:04 AM
Well, that was safe, i guess.

i kind of question Sly's roid usage during the Rocky/Rambo phase, i used to think he did take a bit to get an edge, but after this im almost positive..
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on January 02, 2008, 04:00:54 AM
i support roids in the movie industry
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on January 02, 2008, 11:33:09 AM
i support roids in the movie industry
You know what? i do to, stallone knows thats millions of people for generations are going to see his body, so fuck it a bit of winny is fine...Funny thing is i look at the rambo movies now and say "His not that jacked, his just ripped" as a kid i thought he was massive....
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on January 02, 2008, 03:51:07 PM
You know what? i do to, stallone knows thats millions of people for generations are going to see his body, so fuck it a bit of winny is fine...Funny thing is i look at the rambo movies now and say "His not that jacked, his just ripped" as a kid i thought he was massive....

The body he had in First Blood is definitly attainable naturally, Rambo II maybe also. III i doubt.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Quickerblade on January 02, 2008, 08:06:55 PM
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: Bluto on January 04, 2008, 05:29:20 AM
The body he had in First Blood is definitly attainable naturally, Rambo II maybe also. III i doubt.

dont give up just yet donkeykong
Title: Re: Everything Stallone - John Rambo january 25th!
Post by: DK II on January 04, 2008, 09:46:04 AM
dont give up just yet donkeykong

Thanks Bluto!!

No i won't!!
Post by: Bluto on January 24, 2008, 01:31:38 PM
Post by: danielson on January 24, 2008, 03:18:07 PM
I can't see it tomorrow. Planning on 7ish Saturday night.
Post by: Bluto on January 24, 2008, 03:21:26 PM
I can't see it tomorrow. Planning on 7ish Saturday night.

looks like you will get banned!!!  >:(
Post by: tu_holmes on January 24, 2008, 03:25:33 PM
Midnight showing at the ArcLight tonight!
Post by: danielson on January 24, 2008, 03:27:32 PM
Midnight showing at the ArcLight tonight!

Awesome 8)
Post by: Bluto on January 24, 2008, 03:30:03 PM
Oman     23 January

hahaha can you believe that shit? according to imdb it opens first in OMAN!


Post by: tu_holmes on January 24, 2008, 11:48:46 PM
got my ticket and heading into the dome. (cinemascope theater).

need my raisnettes and diet coke.

Post by: tu_holmes on January 25, 2008, 01:51:17 AM
just got out... excellent!

if I had to some it up in one word?

Post by: Pecs on January 25, 2008, 10:26:03 AM
did all the beheading, throat pulling and guts spilling scenes stay intact like the 1st "raw and uncut trailer"? because from where i watch, they were all "toned down" >:(
Post by: tu_holmes on January 25, 2008, 11:11:54 AM
did all the beheading, throat pulling and guts spilling scenes stay intact like the 1st "raw and uncut trailer"? because from where i watch, they were all "toned down" >:(

They seemed like they did quicker camera cutaways... But I don't think it lost any impact.

I saw that guy get turned into Hamburger meat by the 50 cal exactly like the trailer.
Post by: danielson on January 26, 2008, 02:49:16 PM
I am seeing it in two hours. I am sure I will enjoy it, but the reviews are not so good. Fuck 'em, what do they know. Not nearly as excited as when went and saw Rocky Balboa though. I hope he makes Cobra 2 next. After Notorious of course.
Post by: danielson on January 26, 2008, 07:09:11 PM
Great movie. Rambo slaughtered those gooks!
Post by: powerpack on January 27, 2008, 09:38:22 AM
Great movie. Rambo slaughtered those gooks!
Great I will go and see it.
When it comes to Sly, Arnie the critics always dis the movies but they turn out to be great.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on February 04, 2008, 09:29:45 AM
Sylvester Stallone Upset Over Potential 'Rambo' Ban In Myanmar

RamboSylvester Stallone has threatened to expose Burma's killing fields if country officials ban his new movie Rambo there. The action man shot the movie in the jungles of Myanmar - formerly Burma - and is upset the violent film might not reach fans following an official crackdown on the distribution of pirated copies of "Rambo."

The Burmese authorities are said to be upset with the plot of the film, in which Stallone's character tackles the country's military in a mission to free a group of captured Christian aid workers.

The angry actor/director fumes, "If the Burmese government has nothing to hide, I am wiling to go there and show the world where thousands of bodies of innocent women and children are buried. Let the generals look me in the eye and tell me they have a free country. It will never happen."
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on February 04, 2008, 12:00:23 PM
rambo might flop, it made $7M last week.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on February 10, 2008, 11:45:54 PM
Fucking gay.
Post by: Quickerblade on February 13, 2008, 04:40:19 AM
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on March 26, 2008, 04:17:25 PM
ok ok!
i finally saw it and i give it thumbs up!  8)

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: xxxLinda on April 01, 2008, 10:59:09 AM
Fucking gay.

His brother is a total wanker, a piece of shit (yep, I have numerous stories about him) and unfortunately his mother isn't very nice either.

Sly can be funny sometimes though.


sorry, i didn't read your entire thread.

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on April 01, 2008, 04:38:09 PM

His brother is a total wanker, a piece of shit (yep, I have numerous stories about him) and unfortunately his mother isn't very nice either.

Sly can be funny sometimes though.


sorry, i didn't read your entire thread.

well tell us a story!
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Ruffneck on May 11, 2008, 07:57:12 AM
Stallone meets Rocky

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Montague on June 18, 2008, 05:55:57 AM
This thread’s been dormant a while.
Here’s my own contribution to the ICON…

The following excerpts are from interviews and articles on Stallone’s site: (

To get the lean look of a POW in the film Victory, Sylvester ate only 200 calories a day, all protein food, with an occasional potato, just so he wouldn't faint. In the film he weighed in at 159 pounds, the lightest he ever weighed in his adulthood, until Rocky III.

During the scene where Rocky is pulling a sled, Sly heard a snap. Two weeks later he had excruciating pains in his chest. When he went to the hospital he found out it was a bruised heart muscle. Stallone was back on set filming only 10 days later to complete the movie.

Q: Did you ever take steroids?
In 1987, when I was making Rambo III, I used to take an amino acid that's nearly as strong as steroids. It's about 15 times more powerful than the typical amino acid, but give none of the raw rage - the anger - that comes with steroids. All steroids do is make you a cumbersome, apelike goon.

On training with Columbu:
"Sylvester gained just about 10 pounds in six and a half weeks," Franco says. "He has great structure, with a waist only about 29 inches. When we started, he had a 44-inch chest. At the end, his chest was almost 50 inches. And his arms went from 16 ˝ inches to 18 inches. He was bigger, harder and much more muscular."

Lots of other interesting facts on the site for Stallone buffs.
Check it out when you have time.

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: powerpack on June 18, 2008, 12:58:12 PM
Interesting website
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 04:56:21 AM
This thread’s been dormant a while.
Here’s my own contribution to the ICON…

The following excerpts are from interviews and articles on Stallone’s site: (

To get the lean look of a POW in the film Victory, Sylvester ate only 200 calories a day, all protein food, with an occasional potato, just so he wouldn't faint. In the film he weighed in at 159 pounds, the lightest he ever weighed in his adulthood, until Rocky III.

During the scene where Rocky is pulling a sled, Sly heard a snap. Two weeks later he had excruciating pains in his chest. When he went to the hospital he found out it was a bruised heart muscle. Stallone was back on set filming only 10 days later to complete the movie.

Q: Did you ever take steroids?
In 1987, when I was making Rambo III, I used to take an amino acid that's nearly as strong as steroids. It's about 15 times more powerful than the typical amino acid, but give none of the raw rage - the anger - that comes with steroids. All steroids do is make you a cumbersome, apelike goon.

On training with Columbu:
"Sylvester gained just about 10 pounds in six and a half weeks," Franco says. "He has great structure, with a waist only about 29 inches. When we started, he had a 44-inch chest. At the end, his chest was almost 50 inches. And his arms went from 16 ˝ inches to 18 inches. He was bigger, harder and much more muscular."

Lots of other interesting facts on the site for Stallone buffs.
Check it out when you have time.

Growth hormone (GH) is a hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction in humans and other animals. It is a 191-amino acid, single chain polypeptide hormone which is synthesized, stored, and secreted by the somatotroph cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland. Somatotrophin refers to the growth hormone produced natively in animals, the term somatropin refers to growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology[1], and is abbreviated "rhGH" in human. Growth hormone has a variety of functions in the body, the most noticeable of which is the increase of height throughout childhood, and there are several diseases which can be treated through the therapeutic use of GH.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Montague on June 19, 2008, 05:02:34 AM
Once again, "Great One," your wisdom is astonishing. :)

So, I didn't follow the recent Aussie story all that closely...
Is that the same sh!t the authorities confiscated from Sly during his Rambo publicity tour?

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 05:13:06 AM
Once again, "Great One," your wisdom is astonishing. :)

So, I didn't follow the recent Aussie story all that closely...
Is that the same sh!t the authorities confiscated from Sly during his Rambo publicity tour?

Yep, there are several TV interviews with him where he is stating that "HGH is just an amino acid..."

He is right, but the argumentation is stupid. Just like candidizzle saying he is natural when he shoots testosterone because testosterone is naturally in your body.  ::) ::)
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2008, 05:14:14 AM
I love stallone, but his been taking steroids for ever, he just changes the name to "strong amino acid" if he said steroids the whole "Rocky-underdog" thing he was loved for would be a farce.

He tried telling older folks to do his excercises to keep fit and look better

When all along its this that was making it work for him
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 05:22:24 AM
I love stallone, but his been taking steroids for ever, he just changes the name to "strong amino acid" if he said steroids the whole "Rocky-underdog" thing he was loved for would be a farce.

He tried telling older folks to do his excercises to keep fit and look better

When all along its this that was making it work for him

Yep, also his whole overpriced supplement line was totally bogus shit trying to sell off his celebrity status for some poor idiots who believed that tribulus and protein pudding could make you look like Rambo.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2008, 05:29:49 AM
Yep, also his whole overpriced supplement line was totally bogus shit trying to sell off his celebrity status for some poor idiots who believed that tribulus and protein pudding could make you look like Rambo.


Funny thing is you dont hear about the range anymore.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 05:51:04 AM
typical hollywood supplement line, he has some seriously good designers for bottles and ads and then it's totally overpriced.

What these guys don't realize is that with a fair price and their name, they could be no 1 in supplement sales in no time.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2008, 05:56:59 AM
typical hollywood supplement line, he has some seriously good designers for bottles and ads and then it's totally overpriced.

What these guys don't realize is that with a fair price and their name, they could be no 1 in supplement sales in no time.
the whole Instone and remaking Rocky and Rambo turned me off sly, it seemed he was desperate, not to say he was but it just seemed he was trying to milk it for all he can, though i cant hate him for that.

Sly was God-like in the 80's and early 90's just his name alone could finance a movie, he had a good run, a Real hollywood legend...
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 06:12:06 AM
the whole Instone and remaking Rocky and Rambo turned me off sly, it seemed he was desperate, not to say he was but it just seemed he was trying to milk it for all he can, though i cant hate him for that.

Sly was God-like in the 80's and early 90's just his name alone could finance a movie, he had a good run, a Real hollywood legend...

Yep, although i think he is totally making an ass of himself now.  :'( :'(
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2008, 06:18:35 AM
Yep, although i think he is totally making an ass of himself now.  :'( :'(

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 06:31:25 AM
good pics, i bet they are discussing a sequel to "Stop! Or my mom will shoot" called "Stop! or my slave co-workers will rebel", set in the US of the 18th century.  :-X
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: onlyme on June 19, 2008, 08:57:12 AM
Instone was a huge failure.  All because of Sly not knowing how to market and not listening to the people who put the line together.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: tu_holmes on June 19, 2008, 08:58:43 AM
Instone was a huge failure.  All because of Sly not knowing how to market and not listening to the people who put the line together.

Shame... I bought the pudding.

Can you still get it?
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Montague on June 19, 2008, 09:41:15 AM (
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2008, 02:08:44 PM
Instone was a huge failure.  All because of Sly not knowing how to market and not listening to the people who put the line together.
wasnt here just the spokesperson for the comany?? and his magazine flopped also
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: onlyme on June 19, 2008, 04:51:53 PM
wasnt here just the spokesperson for the comany?? and his magazine flopped also

My friend is the person who developed those products for Sly.  He also gave his opinons on how they should be marketed and sold.  Sly had his way.  They flopped
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 19, 2008, 04:56:32 PM
My friend is the person who developed those products for Sly.  He also gave his opinons on how they should be marketed and sold.  Sly had his way.  They flopped
How do you mean? how did they want to promote it? It got huge exposure during the CONTENDER and while he was promoting Rocky balboa, he even went on Larry king and had him eat the Pudding.

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: tu_holmes on June 19, 2008, 07:11:33 PM
How do you mean? how did they want to promote it? It got huge exposure during the CONTENDER and while he was promoting Rocky balboa, he even went on Larry king and had him eat the Pudding.

Yeah, what else could he do?

What would he have done differently?
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 19, 2008, 11:44:23 PM
How do you mean? how did they want to promote it? It got huge exposure during the CONTENDER and while he was promoting Rocky balboa, he even went on Larry king and had him eat the Pudding.

good point!

Yeah, what else could he do?

What would he have done differently?

Yep, tell us more onlyme!

personally i think most of the products were crap, sorry.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Montague on June 20, 2008, 04:29:08 AM
I never bothered looking into the line.
Several people here have mentioned it was overpriced.

Could that have been a/the factor?

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Quickerblade on June 20, 2008, 04:36:09 AM
I never bothered looking into the line.
Several people here have mentioned it was overpriced.

Could that have been a/the factor?

It tasted shit, to expensive, GNC couldnt wait to get rid of that shit, if Stallone had promoted it 15 yrs ago it would of been bigger than Muscletech.

I actually purchased the protein powder and pudding, i liked the pudding. but was expensive as fuck to maintain and im not broke..

Instone is still around its just go no promotion.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: onlyme on June 20, 2008, 10:43:00 AM
Not sure the exact details cause he didn't want to get into it but I think it was not to have Sly promote the product himself.  I think it is because the general public would not take him seriously.  I know I didn't.  What does he know about supplements.  I figured (before I knew) he was just another celebrity backing a product because he was getting paid for it or owned piece of it.  I never really asked in detail why it failed.  But, anyone on here who knows anything about supplements and who are the premier people behind the products know who my friend is.  I won't mention his name but you may be able to guess.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: tu_holmes on June 21, 2008, 12:24:32 AM
It tasted shit, to expensive, GNC couldnt wait to get rid of that shit, if Stallone had promoted it 15 yrs ago it would of been bigger than Muscletech.

I actually purchased the protein powder and pudding, i liked the pudding. but was expensive as fuck to maintain and im not broke..

Instone is still around its just go no promotion.

The pudding was running like 4 bucks for a 4 pack... which is pretty expensive for pudding... I agree it was overpriced, but the banana cream flavor was really good.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: OneBigMan on August 22, 2008, 04:55:15 PM
I like Stallone as a actor because that guy really is a expert at "knowing your craft" and "knowing your trade" when it comes to being a movie star. Also that reality T.V. show he did with Sugar Ray Leonard called "The Contender", was really a good idea. My question is why did Stallone wait so long to launch his own magazine which is the one called "Sly Moves". That magazine would have been a great idea had he came out with it around the year 2000 or shortly after that.

None of you are probably going to believe this so take it for what this piece of reliable info is worth. Mr.Stallone himself is supposedly going to be in Las Vegas either next month or in October. The reason has to with someone else that is very infamous who has been residing in Miami for a number of years. Guess what I am referring to as far as Las Vegas is concerned.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: danielson on August 23, 2008, 05:16:33 AM
I like Stallone as a actor because that guy really is a expert at "knowing your craft" and "knowing your trade" when it comes to being a movie star. Also that reality T.V. show he did with Sugar Ray Leonard called "The Contender", was really a good idea. My question is why did Stallone wait so long to launch his own magazine which is the one called "Sly Moves". That magazine would have been a great idea had he came out with it around the year 2000 or shortly after that.

None of you are probably going to believe this so take it for what this piece of reliable info is worth. Mr.Stallone himself is supposedly going to be in Las Vegas either next month or in October. The reason has to with someone else that is very infamous who has been residing in Miami for a number of years. Guess what I am referring to as far as Las Vegas is concerned.

No way, Sly is going to be in Vegas?
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Havenbull on August 23, 2008, 05:21:46 AM
I like Stallone as a actor because that guy really is a expert at "knowing your craft" and "knowing your trade" when it comes to being a movie star. Also that reality T.V. show he did with Sugar Ray Leonard called "The Contender", was really a good idea. My question is why did Stallone wait so long to launch his own magazine which is the one called "Sly Moves". That magazine would have been a great idea had he came out with it around the year 2000 or shortly after that.

None of you are probably going to believe this so take it for what this piece of reliable info is worth. Mr.Stallone himself is supposedly going to be in Las Vegas either next month or in October. The reason has to with someone else that is very infamous who has been residing in Miami for a number of years. Guess what I am referring to as far as Las Vegas is concerned.

He's teaming up with Hulk Hogan again ? ::)
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on October 27, 2008, 02:55:31 AM

thats what i wanna know

so i checked with imdb

Notorious (2008) (TV) (completed) .... Russel Poole

A film about the deaths of Biggie and Tupac, and the Los Angeles Police Department corruption scandal that lurks beneath the story. Stallone plays LAPD detective Russell Poole. The real-life Poole was a key figure in exposing the corruption in the LAPD's Rampart division, and his interpretation of events is key in the theories that say Biggie and Tupac were killed as part of a gang-police-rap power triangle


im surprised at stallone doing this, and doing something for tv
i do feel teh whole biggie and tupac story is played out, i wonder what news they can bring to it? still it will be good to see sly again

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on December 10, 2008, 02:30:48 PM
David Morrell, author of the original 'First Blood' novel (as well as the novelizations of 'Rambo: First Blood Part II' & 'Rambo III') has just posted this news on his website


I have reliable information that the fifth and probably final Rambo movie is definitely being planned. It’s only at the script stage for now, a first draft of which is about to be delivered to the producers. I don’t know anything about its plot, and I wouldn’t reveal anything even if I did—because I don’t want to betray a confidence. But it looks as if Rambo has one more adventure in him.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on December 10, 2008, 02:40:40 PM
The Expendables


Director Sylvester Stallone
Writer Sylvester Stallone (screenplay)

Jason Statham      

   Sylvester Stallone      

   Jet Li      

   Dolph Lundgren   
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: danielson on December 10, 2008, 06:25:52 PM
The Expendables


Director Sylvester Stallone
Writer Sylvester Stallone (screenplay)

Jason Statham      

   Sylvester Stallone      

   Jet Li      

   Dolph Lundgren   

That's a good cast. It will be good to see Sly and Dolph together again, squaring off like Deniro and Pacino!
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on December 11, 2008, 01:49:15 PM

they need to get together like tht, shouldvt done that years ago

good to see stallone aint slowing down even though hes getting older

maybe he can be like charles bronson doing action way up in age!!

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on December 12, 2008, 12:19:46 AM
The Expendables


Director Sylvester Stallone
Writer Sylvester Stallone (screenplay)

Jason Statham      

   Sylvester Stallone      

   Jet Li      

   Dolph Lundgren   

That's not gonna get an Oscar, lol!!
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: danielson on December 14, 2008, 07:41:35 AM
The Expendables


Director Sylvester Stallone
Writer Sylvester Stallone (screenplay)

Jason Statham      

   Sylvester Stallone      

   Jet Li      

   Dolph Lundgren   

Randy Cooter got added, that guy can't act for shit.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: garebear on December 18, 2008, 03:12:46 PM
I blow you up
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Bluto on December 26, 2008, 04:52:22 PM
stallone fuckn rules aint that the truth ruth
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: garebear on January 19, 2009, 02:59:24 AM
Here is another Sly.
Title: Re: Everything Stallone
Post by: chainsaw on February 12, 2009, 11:26:31 AM
ON  the 3rd pic up top is probably the closest to his real genectics off/clean training.or he could have been training less,he did have his daughter sofia in mid ninties and she was born with a heart problem?

He has an autistic boy as well.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Kwon on February 20, 2009, 05:14:50 AM

His brother is a total wanker, a piece of shit (yep, I have numerous stories about him) and unfortunately his mother isn't very nice either.

Sly can be funny sometimes though.


sorry, i didn't read your entire thread.

Still you had sex with him???
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: loco on June 30, 2009, 05:26:53 AM

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

( (

Axel Foley was originally going to be played by Sylvester Stallone or Mickey Rourke. Stallone left the project and used some of his script ideas to make Cobra (1986).

The movie was written for Sylvester Stallone, with the character of Michael Tandino being his brother, and Jenny Summers being his love interest. Two weeks before filming was to start, Stallone was suddenly out and Eddie Murphy was in, prompting massive rewrites.

Besides Sylvester Stallone, other actors who were considered for the role of Axel Foley were Al Pacino, James Caan and Mickey Rourke.

In one of the previous drafts written for Sylvester Stallone, Billy Rosewood was called "Siddons" and was killed off half-way through the script during one of the action scenes deemed "too expensive" for Paramount to produce. Only after Martin Brest cast Judge Reinhold and John Ashton was the decision made to keep Rosewood alive due to his chemistry with Taggart.

The original finale for the Stallone draft of the script took place at night and ended with a car chase between Victor in a Lamborghini and Axel in a turbo-boosting Pontiac GTO. Victor is ultimately killed when his car smashes into an oncoming train.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Dos Equis on June 30, 2009, 11:19:43 AM
No way Stallone could have played Alex Foley.  Too much dialog.  Too much humor. 
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: loco on June 30, 2009, 11:21:25 AM
No way Stallone could have played Alex Foley.  Too much dialog.  Too much humor. 

I think that is why Stallone abandoned the project.  He thought it had way too much humor and not enough action.  That's why he left and made his own version of it, Cobra.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Dos Equis on June 30, 2009, 11:52:12 AM
I think that is why Stallone abandoned the project.  He thought it had way too much humor and not enough action.  That's why he left and made his own version of it, Cobra.

Yeah.  Makes sense. 
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: DK II on June 30, 2009, 12:44:01 PM
No way Stallone could have played Alex Foley.  Too much dialog.  Too much humor. 
I think that is why Stallone abandoned the project.  He thought it had way too much humor and not enough action.  That's why he left and made his own version of it, Cobra.
Yeah.  Makes sense. 

Damn, you guys gotta be movie scientists or somehting like that!

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: loco on June 30, 2009, 12:46:35 PM
Damn, you guys gotta be movie scientists or somehting like that!

 ;D ;D

That's right, we are.    ;D

Nah, it's just movie trivia stuff on the Internet.  Don't even know if it's completely true.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Dos Equis on June 30, 2009, 12:50:10 PM
Damn, you guys gotta be movie scientists or somehting like that!

 ;D ;D

I don't know about that, but I have seen way too many movies.  Takes me a looong time to rent at Blockbuster.   :)
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Montague on September 12, 2009, 07:47:44 AM
credit: (

Sci-Fi Plot Revealed for Stallone's Rambo V: The Savage Hunt
September 5, 2009
Source: Ain't It Cool News
by Brandon Lee Tenney

Just a few days ago news broke confirming that the fifth installment of Sylvester Stallone's Rambo series had been greenlit by Nu Image / Millennium Films and was already in the works (and even hard a storyline about human trafficking across the Mexico border).

Well, hold on to your bandanas, because AICN's Harry Knowles just had a conversation with Mr. Stallone himself in which he reveals the shadows of what will become Rambo 5. First, we have an official title - Rambo V: The Savage Hunt - and a poster (a glimpse of it seen above). Second, well, this Rambo may prove to be a bit different than those four previous movies.

John Rambo will be returning to the Pacific Northwest, back to his roots, if you will. There we'll be seeing Rambo on the hunt, the one doing the chasing rather than the one being chased. The film will center around a US Military installation that's experimenting on its soldiers, attempting to "tap into [the] savagery that we have deeply embedded [inside] us." Basically, these elite soldiers are to become purely instinctual killing machines without a shred of regret, with nary a single qualm about taking a human life.

Who would guess that this experimental program turns out to work exceptionally well? And then backfires terribly. That's when Rambo, as part of a Black Ops squad, is brought in to hunt down this unfeeling, moral-less killer.

Well I'm sold. I don't know about you, but having written and read all that back, I'm sold. I trust Stallone after witnessing what he was capable of bringing to his exceptionally affecting 2006 film Rocky Balboa and 2008's Rambo-can-still-kick-ass fourth installment of the Rambo franchise.

The guy knows his characters. And more so, he's confident in his characters. Mix that with some classic government conspiracy, a dash of some sci-fi super soldier, and John Rambo doing what he does best in the forests of the good ol' U. S. of A. — well, let's just say I've pitched my tent outside the movie theater already. Are you ready to join me in line?

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: Da Freak on November 19, 2009, 05:45:12 AM
Universal Soldier - Part III of the Trilogy  ???
credit: (

Sci-Fi Plot Revealed for Stallone's Rambo V: The Savage Hunt
September 5, 2009
Source: Ain't It Cool News
by Brandon Lee Tenney

Just a few days ago news broke confirming that the fifth installment of Sylvester Stallone's Rambo series had been greenlit by Nu Image / Millennium Films and was already in the works (and even hard a storyline about human trafficking across the Mexico border).

Well, hold on to your bandanas, because AICN's Harry Knowles just had a conversation with Mr. Stallone himself in which he reveals the shadows of what will become Rambo 5. First, we have an official title - Rambo V: The Savage Hunt - and a poster (a glimpse of it seen above). Second, well, this Rambo may prove to be a bit different than those four previous movies.

John Rambo will be returning to the Pacific Northwest, back to his roots, if you will. There we'll be seeing Rambo on the hunt, the one doing the chasing rather than the one being chased. The film will center around a US Military installation that's experimenting on its soldiers, attempting to "tap into [the] savagery that we have deeply embedded [inside] us." Basically, these elite soldiers are to become purely instinctual killing machines without a shred of regret, with nary a single qualm about taking a human life.

Who would guess that this experimental program turns out to work exceptionally well? And then backfires terribly. That's when Rambo, as part of a Black Ops squad, is brought in to hunt down this unfeeling, moral-less killer.

Well I'm sold. I don't know about you, but having written and read all that back, I'm sold. I trust Stallone after witnessing what he was capable of bringing to his exceptionally affecting 2006 film Rocky Balboa and 2008's Rambo-can-still-kick-ass fourth installment of the Rambo franchise.

The guy knows his characters. And more so, he's confident in his characters. Mix that with some classic government conspiracy, a dash of some sci-fi super soldier, and John Rambo doing what he does best in the forests of the good ol' U. S. of A. — well, let's just say I've pitched my tent outside the movie theater already. Are you ready to join me in line?

Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: ronbrgundy on December 21, 2009, 08:59:03 AM
Over the top

"What I do is I just try to take my hat and turn it around. Its like a switch goes on.."
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: MM2K on April 02, 2010, 02:49:37 AM
FOr Rambo 5, they changed the plot and are now going with the human trafficking/Mexican border storyline. It was originally supposed to be the plot for Rambo 4.
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: loco on July 15, 2010, 11:48:05 AM
Filming "The Expendables"
Title: Re: STALLONE!
Post by: loco on July 15, 2010, 01:27:41 PM
Sylvester Stallone left with broken neck as hardmen battle it out on screen

Fight scenes in Sylvester Stallone's new movie were so realistic that he broke his neck during filming, the actor says in a magazine interview.

Stallone stars in The Expendables, which boasts some of the acting world's best-known tough guys, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke and British actor Jason Statham.

The 63-year-old said a fight scene with the wrestling star Stone Cold Steve Austin became so "vicious" that he needed an operation for a hairline fracture and had a metal plate inserted in his neck.

Stallone, a writer and director on the film, told this month's FHM Magazine: "Man, it was seven guys, kicking each other's ass, one guy tougher than the next … no joke, our stunt guys were begging for mercy," he said.

"Actually, my fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I'm not joking. I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck."

The film centres around a team of mercenaries who embark on a mission to overthrow a dictator. It also features actress Brittany Murphy, who died last monthafter collapsing at home.

Stallone previously starred with Lundgren in Rocky IV – when he suffered similar injuries. He said: "Dolph Lundgren and I always went for it.

"I gave him orders to try to knock me out while the cameras were rolling. At one point, he hit me so hard on the top of the head I felt my spine compress." "He then hit me with an almighty uppercut. That night my chest and heart started to swell, and I had to be helicopter-ambulanced from my hotel to a nearby emergency room.

"I was told that Dolph had punched my rib cage into my chest, compressing my heart.

"If it had swollen any more, I would have died. After that, I was like, 'Dolph, it's only a movie, bro..."'