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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: babaliciousbri on May 26, 2007, 02:35:49 PM

Title: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 26, 2007, 02:35:49 PM
Doing a show in 2008. Going to start a cycle now & possibly another before contest time. Would be in figure and starting to eat clean tomorrow. Around 2000 calories daily.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: wes mantooth on May 26, 2007, 03:04:26 PM
other cycle experience?
when is the show?

primo and anavar arent really that powerful.....almost a pre contest cycle. are you trying to bulk? stay lean? 2000 cals isnt that much either unless you are just trying to maintain....
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: trab on May 26, 2007, 03:31:15 PM
Only thing I'd have for you is...
I think the most import thing for the women is knowing someone whose used what your using first.
Labels are cheap to print if you get my drift...

For new raw size dont underestimate everything in the PLers tool box. They look like they do because they eat like swine. Lots of good thick muscle under their fat.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: trab on May 26, 2007, 03:52:02 PM
Hard to get the women to talk. I'd be real carefull w/ well meaning guys that HAVE ZERO  personal experience w/ women & AAS, and that's most of us... What someone's friend.. of a buddy... said... ::)
Gets a little worrisome to me.

Personally,As a guy in my 40's I love deca and HGH. THe Physicans General Rx lists WOMENS DOSAGE for Nandrolone Decanoate as 50-100mg per week for anemia or renal disease. 25-50mg every 3-4 weeks for children 2-13 yrs of age. Suggests intermittent use, watching for sides.

2ius of HGH w/ 25mcg of cytomel AM. precardio/ empty stomach rocks for fat loss for me. Even just a couple times a week. Cutting that HGh/ cytomel dose in half may be prudent. You need to get some of the girls talking here...  good luck
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 26, 2007, 04:23:27 PM
Well, for starters your calories are about right according to my calculations. BUT what percentages are you doing of Protien, Carb, Fat?

6 Reps per set will be great for strength but not great for adding muscle size.
8-12 is the range for hypertrophic stimulation (muscle growth). Supersets are great precontest.

I have worked with about 50 girls getting them ready for shows, a couple doing USA's this year. But none of them are using....we can get them in shape without, believe it or not. There are ways of gaining size without the gear but will help, no doubt. Would also need to see where you need improvements (bodyparts) in order to determine if your training will give you the best possible chance of adding the size you need.

The Pro's I know say they use Deca off season and GH precontest. Otherwise, your compounds will be fine as long as the training and diet are on.

Just my .2 cents....
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: trab on May 26, 2007, 04:43:46 PM
Re: Cytomel.. Yeah I wont do it nonstop. But I've personally seen no harm from it  2-3 times week with the HGH for short fat removal runs.
  For upper body mass, I think getting the Bench press poundage up with board presses and chain/ bands on the bar are better than many a drug run. But PLing techniques are unLoved  here.
Nothing wrong with 3-5 reps for size. Ask Overloads opinion, hes a PLing judge.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 26, 2007, 04:57:00 PM
Yeah, and he is a powerlifter not a figure competitor. Unless he wants to show us photos in a 2 piece

The girls I have trained have all done better with a range of 8-12, again, just my experience
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on May 26, 2007, 05:22:07 PM

6 Reps per set will be great for strength but not great for adding muscle size.
8-12 is the range for hypertrophic stimulation (muscle growth). Supersets are great precontest.

In many cases this is true, but it's not set in stone. It goes back to the saying, different strokes for different folks...some rep ranges, even lower ones work well to build muscle for some...even some women.

Doing a show in 2008. Going to start a cycle now & possibly another before contest time. Would be in figure and starting to eat clean tomorrow. Around 2000 calories daily. Primo 100mgs week   Anavar 10mg-20mgs a day for 10 weeks. Anyone who has some input please let me hear it. Or any other cycle ideas. I've taken 10mgs of Anavar for 10 weeks previous.
This cycle looks fine and should do you well. Like already said, adding in GH and/or t-3 would not hurt in the future. As for GH, most women are safe with doses at 1-2iu/ed. In regards to t-3, I don't buy into the thyroid shutdown theory, at least not as a whole. It may be true that some do fall into this category, but they would be in a minority IMO. If it were true, we'd have a ton of obese former competitors walking around.

Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: trab on May 26, 2007, 06:33:52 PM
Yeah, and he is a powerlifter not a figure competitor. Unless he wants to show us photos in a 2 piece

The girls I have trained have all done better with a range of 8-12, again, just my experience

Yeah, I don't think the 2 piece would do 4 him, But you said you want more MASS, right?
Ever tried getting the max up w/ lower reps and different resistance on the bar? Change is shocking to the body, you don't have to do it for keeps, or eat snicker bars and bacon by the lbs like lots of them do. Another 25-35lbs plate on each side of the bar for the same # of reps with good form = More Mass.  There is no way around it. THe problem lies in besting your present max by another 50-70lbs.  That's where the chain comes in.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: az on May 26, 2007, 07:29:44 PM
Welcome to getbig! I've had decent gains with steranabol (not easy to get but it's out there). It was part of my first cycle, took it with Deca and anavar, also took a bone strengthener with that. I'm a hard gainer and bb'er so I take in a few more calories than you 3500-4000. Whatever you do stay away from andro's!!!! I really can't say whether great gains were made from deca, I mainly use it for my joints. There is another supp I took but I want to give the correct spelling, it's a similar name to what guys take (but not what guys take)so when I get home I'll get the correct spelling off the bottle and post.

I'm still in my off season but I hardly ever do less than 20 reps unless it's really really super heavy.

when exactly is the competition? how many weeks do you diet before?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: wes mantooth on May 27, 2007, 09:44:02 AM
LOl...i immediately thought you were a know what they say about assumptions  ;)

Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 27, 2007, 10:21:53 AM

I have worked with about 50 girls getting them ready for shows, a couple doing USA's this year. But none of them are using....we can get them in shape without, believe it or not.

I find that hard to believe for some reason. Those girls have great muscle size & to be natural and looking like that its extremely, if not impossible, to come by.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: az on May 27, 2007, 10:23:38 AM
LOl...i immediately thought you were a know what they say about assumptions  ;)

nope not a guy
a chick
a black chick
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: az on May 27, 2007, 10:27:20 AM
ok the correct spelling is masteron, when you do your research for steranabol you may also see it spelled sternabol. Just make sure you keep reading, the more you know the better.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 27, 2007, 11:22:51 AM
I find that hard to believe for some reason. Those girls have great muscle size & to be natural and looking like that its extremely, if not impossible, to come by.

Yes, agreed tons of the girls are using. My point is the girls I have helped have won regional shows, qualifying them for USA and Nationals. Do I think they have a chance? Very slim but it is their option to use or not. They just pay me to get them ready (diet and training) and it is up to them if they want help in the gear dept. Most of the girls I train have no desire to be pro and know that they will only go so far. There is only one I am helping for this USA who has a chance because she is a genetic freak! Other than that, most of the girls do use...
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 27, 2007, 11:24:21 AM
nope not a guy
a chick
a black chick

Thanks for chiming in on this Az!! It will be good for her to have a FEMALE perspective.  ::)

Does Az mean you are in Az, neighbors if so?!?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 27, 2007, 11:29:39 AM
I figured. & thats fine, but I want to go pro. If not earn it, atleast look like one!! haha. But you get my point. Girls ignore that minor detail when talking about their contest regimens.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 27, 2007, 11:49:11 AM
Hard to say how many girls use and what I have experinced is that it is a moral issue with some. If they are pro, chances are they use something in some capacity but it is not bodybuilding so some actually might not take much if anything and without knowing them personally, I can only vouch for the pro's I do know. They seem to love Anavar and Winny with Deca in off season.

I would tweak your raios a bit on the diet as you want to add size so carbs will be important to fuel your hard training. I would start with a 40% P 40% C and 20% Fat. Too low of fat can make for achy joints and will help with hormone production as well. Since you are training pretty heavy, you can even get away with 35% C, 40% P and 25% F. Fats should of course be mostly EFA's and only 10% of the 25% saturated at most. Carbs should be complex, lower sugar and even add in your vegies for fiber and will stoke your metabolism as well. Protein of course lean meats, powders, yada yada yada, you should know what is what...

With regards to you training, the lower reps is fine and will work, don't get me wrong! But I feel you will need to go thru "meso cycles"> meaning, change it up! You may go a few months with the heavy, low volume training, then train in the 8-12 range, then will have to see what works best for you and being young, you have time to figure (no pun) that out. I have only one girl who does great with 6-8 reps, most others 12-20 reps. Keep a journal of your progress not only for poundages, sets, reps and diet but how you feel. ie: tired all the time, achy joints, too sore, etc....that way you can referance what is working for ya' and make changes when needed.

It is good you know what you need to work on as judges like full round delts with a V taper so don't let your waist get out of hand. Try to also focus on upper back, traps as that is a differance maker in figure. Do you have the same structure as Gina A.? Every girl has differant structure so find a girl that has the same delt to waist ratio and see what she did to get where she is..

Is it the LA that you are doing in So Cal '08? If so, plenty of time and will see you there, I am doing it as well if all goes well...PM me if you like and good luck!

Guys, you can argue and suggest whatever you like, this is all just been my personal experience!  8)
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 27, 2007, 12:33:29 PM
I just meant that you want to have a V TAPER.....measurements can always change. Create that illusion, ya know.

Journal whatever will help you make adjustments in whatever area you need, whether diet, gear, training, moods, etc...

Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: az on May 27, 2007, 02:54:20 PM
Thanks for chiming in on this Az!! It will be good for her to have a FEMALE perspective.  ::)

Does Az mean you are in Az, neighbors if so?!?

dirty jerzey baby!
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: az on May 27, 2007, 02:58:20 PM
one last question for you babalicious; have you gone to the Nationals yet to see what the girls like in person?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 28, 2007, 05:18:15 AM
My weakest parts at this point are my shoulders and calves. They grow well when I hit them hard, but I've been slackin.

This is after much slacking on my part. So normally that waist&hip measurement would be smaller.

For someone who would like to take it to the next level and even maybe turn pro........I'm reading about a lot of "slacking"??  Why would you slack on your weakest areas?  I have to question your seriousness.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 28, 2007, 10:44:17 AM
For someone who would like to take it to the next level and even maybe turn pro........I'm reading about a lot of "slacking"??  Why would you slack on your weakest areas?  I have to question your seriousness.

Turning pro is long term goal I have. MY SHORT TERM GOAL is to compete NPC in a medium size show and start my journey. I KNOW dedication is key, my seriousness is there. My "next level" is competing NPC, not turning. I'm starting my journey now & taking it seriously.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 28, 2007, 10:45:55 AM
one last question for you babalicious; have you gone to the Nationals yet to see what the girls like in person?

No I havent been to a nationals yet. I havent seen many in person either.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on May 28, 2007, 11:53:49 AM

No I havent been to a nationals yet. I havent seen many in person either.
You should definitely try to get to a national level or pro will give you an entirely different perspective. It should do 2 things, one, going to things like that can always be really motivational, for me at least, and two, it gives you more of a clear picture of what you're up vs seeing printed pics, there's no comparison.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 28, 2007, 11:58:42 AM
You should definitely try to get to a national level or pro will give you an entirely different perspective. It should do 2 things, one, going to things like that can always be really motivational, for me at least, and two, it gives you more of a clear picture of what you're up vs seeing printed pics, there's no comparison.

AGREED! That is one thing I forgot to mention to you...USA's in July will be the next event if you are west coast. Nationals this year is in Texas, I think and that is in Nov. Pics vs. live gives you a whole new perspective plus you can see how they judge and what they look for but that changes from show to show (harder some shows, softer the others?!?)
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: trab on May 28, 2007, 12:16:26 PM
You should definitely try to get to a national level or pro will give you an entirely different perspective. It should do 2 things, one, going to things like that can always be really motivational, for me at least, and two, it gives you more of a clear picture of what you're up vs seeing printed pics, there's no comparison.

Hey AJ is it hard to get real good seats to a show at that level? They need get close to see detail.
Ive only ever been to local shows, and quite awhile back, but I could easily get pretty close there for prejudging at least.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 28, 2007, 12:24:40 PM
Hey AJ is it hard to get real good seats to a show at that level? They need get close to see detail.
Ive only ever been to local shows, and quite awhile back, but I could easily get pretty close there for prejudging at least.

Even if you are not in the front few rows, they have huge screens that you can see from anywhere. But just like a good concert or sporting event, get your tickets early!

I have been to tons of pro and national shows and never had a problem with seeing good detail on the competitors.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on May 28, 2007, 12:34:48 PM
Hey AJ is it hard to get real good seats to a show at that level? They need get close to see detail.
Ive only ever been to local shows, and quite awhile back, but I could easily get pretty close there for prejudging at least.
For a pro show it can be hard...don't buy through ticket master unless you get lucky and be ready to pay through the nose. Like "busy" said, buy em early, or better yet, like in everything in this world, know people who know people and get your tickets through them.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 28, 2007, 01:10:39 PM
I'll try and make it to one. I live in the midwest so its hard to get to some pro shows around here. I've seen a few competitors off season for promos but none contest ready & live. Cathy Lefrancois came here last  year & I saw her in person.I loved her look ( I know shes back into BB) So I know the figure pros arent going to be any bigger than she is. Michelle Cogger just moved here & shes placed high in a few Cali shows. Once I'm out in Cali to compete I'm sure I'll meet a large variety of pros. That will be a good time to see some & see what I need to do to better myself.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 28, 2007, 02:51:39 PM
I'll try and make it to one. I live in the midwest so its hard to get to some pro shows around here. I've seen a few competitors off season for promos but none contest ready & live. Cathy Lefrancois came here last  year & I saw her in person.I loved her look ( I know shes back into BB) So I know the figure pros arent going to be any bigger than she is. Michelle Cogger just moved here & shes placed high in a few Cali shows. Once I'm out in Cali to compete I'm sure I'll meet a large variety of pros. That will be a good time to see some & see what I need to do to better myself.

Well then you may wanna see the Jr. Nationals  Its in Chicago and Has a day, Friday dedicated just to the women.  I attended last year and there were like 300+ figure competitors alone.  Its a good show that does not sound too far away for you.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: trab on May 28, 2007, 03:03:23 PM
Thanks AJ & BB.
 At the Last local show I saw; Eddie Robinson (Sp?) guest posed. Awhile huh?

Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 28, 2007, 08:24:20 PM
I'll try and make it to one. I live in the midwest so its hard to get to some pro shows around here. I've seen a few competitors off season for promos but none contest ready & live. Cathy Lefrancois came here last  year & I saw her in person.I loved her look ( I know shes back into BB) So I know the figure pros arent going to be any bigger than she is. Michelle Cogger just moved here & shes placed high in a few Cali shows. Once I'm out in Cali to compete I'm sure I'll meet a large variety of pros. That will be a good time to see some & see what I need to do to better myself.

And the good ol' Arnold Classic in Ohio. Hurt is right though, you will get a great idea of where you need to be if you went to the Jr Nats. They are coming up soon...

Figure gilrs are NO WAY near the size of Cathy. She is much, much bigger!
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 28, 2007, 08:25:49 PM
Thanks AJ & BB.
 At the Last local show I saw; Eddie Robinson (Sp?) guest posed. Awhile huh?

WHOA brotha...we gotta get you out of the house more often!  :)
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on May 28, 2007, 08:54:07 PM
Thanks AJ & BB.
 At the Last local show I saw; Eddie Robinson (Sp?) guest posed. Awhile huh?

A while? Bro, that's ancient BB history ;)

WHOA brotha...we gotta get you out of the house more often!  :)
You're right, we need to set up an outing and take trab to a show.

That gives me an idea...I'll post something here in a while in the locker room and let you all know what I'm thinking.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 28, 2007, 09:04:05 PM
A while? Bro, that's ancient BB history ;)
You're right, we need to set up an outing and take trab to a show.

That gives me an idea...I'll post something here in a while in the locker room and let you all know what I'm thinking.

By the way Trab, I bet his hair (Eddie) did not move a bit...was always perfect! AHHH the days of Vidal Sasoon...

Let's hear the idea AJ! I will be attending a couple shows in the next few months so depending on what part of the country y'all are in, come attend as will respond when I hear your idea first..
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 29, 2007, 04:18:07 AM
A while? Bro, that's ancient BB history ;)
You're right, we need to set up an outing and take trab to a show.

That gives me an idea...I'll post something here in a while in the locker room and let you all know what I'm thinking.

Sounds interesting AJ
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on May 29, 2007, 08:09:09 AM
haha, Yeah I figured Cathy was going to be slightly larger than any of those girlies. I've got a pretty good idea where I need/want to be. Its now time to do it!! ahaha..  I'll def. look into some midwest shows to go check out, I wanted to go to the Arnold BADLY but my boss took his brother instead! hahaa.. Oh well, next year. I might go to the olympia ( Although not local!) this year. We'll see about that one. Thanks for the input on things.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: militarymuscle69 on May 29, 2007, 08:18:19 AM
No pictures?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 29, 2007, 11:07:24 AM
haha, Yeah I figured Cathy was going to be slightly larger than any of those girlies. I've got a pretty good idea where I need/want to be. Its now time to do it!! ahaha..  I'll def. look into some midwest shows to go check out, I wanted to go to the Arnold BADLY but my boss took his brother instead! hahaa.. Oh well, next year. I might go to the olympia ( Although not local!) this year. We'll see about that one. Thanks for the input on things.

If you can make it to Vegas for the O, you will see all you need at the Expo alone. Quite the 3 ring circus. Let me know if you decide to head out but the Jr Nats will be your best option so get to Chicago!!
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: az on May 29, 2007, 03:04:31 PM
Save the money and go to the Nationals and see a Pro show, it will put things in perspective, well it did for me. Good luck and keep us posted.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 29, 2007, 04:55:54 PM
but the Jr Nats will be your best option so get to Chicago!!

Thats what I was thinking, thats the show to see if your an amature thinking about moving up, its the real world.  Especially if you live in the mid-west it would be the easiest to get to probally.  The pro shows are the final step, one step at a time.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on May 29, 2007, 05:09:42 PM
Save the money and go to the Nationals and see a Pro show, it will put things in perspective, well it did for me. Good luck and keep us posted., the Olympia is a pro show  ???
and Nationals is amateur?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on June 12, 2007, 01:44:24 PM
Had someone throw me a diet to loose BF quickly. Wondering what everyone thought of it. Keep in mind, I'll be cycling while on the diet & doing cardio atleast 5 times a week. My mind set for doing this diet would be to drop to 15% now and maintain till 12weeks out. Then cut from there for the show. Thinking about doing this diet for 6-8 weeks then going to a clean 1800cal diet until Feb or march ( shows in June 08)

Its the get shredded diet by Dr. John Beradi. the formula would be 10x's your bodyweight to get the calorie portion.
EXAMPLE:   150lbs = 1500kcal  113g protein   38g carbs 100g fat. daily
i'd obviously be coming in slightly lower calorie than this.

on the 14th day this plan schedules a re-feed then back on it again.

I know its extreme, but could this work to get the fat low & then go back to a clean cal diet after that to maintain or would I see a yoyo affect from this??  just a refresher: I'm 5'4 133lbs 20-21% BF.

Lemme know what you think.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 12, 2007, 06:24:27 PM
For one, protein is too low. 1 g. per lb bodyweight, even for a girl, minimum!

Add some cardio now to facilitate losing bodyfat but you dont want to be too low of calories to not fuel muscle growth.

And with 100g of fat, better eat your vegies or you will be a little backed up, if you know what I mean.  :-\

1600 calories should be fine for your weight, if you take your weight x 10, you are in starvation girl (1300)!! Don't defeat the purpose of taking the gear by eating too low of calories.

1600 calories
40% Protein = 160g
35% Carbs = 140 g
25% Fats = 44 g

just my .2 cents
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on June 13, 2007, 02:53:33 PM
Yeah thats what I was thinking or just sticking with the 1800-2000 cal with the 40 35 25 ratios. I just saw some videos from some Cal shows last  year & the year before. I gotta get my ass going!! Get some size!! ahahha
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 13, 2007, 03:00:04 PM
Just don't starve yourself and hamper your ability to buid some muslce. That is why it is off-season. You can always make some adjustments to your diet as you go along and if 1600 calories is really too much, adjust. Even if you just tweak the ratios of p, c, f , that alone will have a profound affect on your physique.

Dont get caught up in what the other girls look like, you have to just worry about you and where you want to be. Enjoy the journey, you are young and have time!
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on June 13, 2007, 03:10:01 PM
For sure! I called my friend and said those girls are big!! ahhaa he told me to watch the awards part and see which ones placed top 3 & it was the smaller but more symetrical ones that were taking home hardware. (which isnt my goal) for now just want to be able to hang with some of them and work my way in!
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 13, 2007, 03:21:09 PM
Just do your work and you will do fine....most of the top girls have been training for many years. Shit takes time no matter what you use! Good luck girl.  8)
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on June 13, 2007, 06:49:25 PM
Just do your work and you will do fine....most of the top girls have been training for many years. Shit takes time no matter what you use! Good luck girl.  8)
True. for most girls it takes years to do well, just as it does most men. However, this does not always hold true. For instance, a good friend of mine did her first figure show this past wk end and won her class  at 20 yrs old...and this was not an easy show by any means. In the overall, it was a 3 to 4 decision between her and one other girl and she lost this to a 38 yr old who'd been doing this for years. Honestly, it could have gone either way, as you can tell from the 3 to 4 decision.

Next step for her, a national show...and I'd expect this girl to do very well...this whole thing comes pretty easy for her compared to most...of course, it doesn't hurt that she has Arnold jr. in her corner giving out stellar advice. ;)
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 14, 2007, 07:08:01 AM
Yes, there are always the genetic gifted that can waltz into their first shows and dominate. These are the athletes that go pro in no time. But that is a very tiny percentage out of thousands and thousands of athletes that have been doing this for years, men or women. I had one girl do her first show in March, won the whole thing out of 80 girls and is now going to the USA's in 7 weeks...she is one of the genetic freaks.

Maybe our freaks will compete against each other Jr!?  8)
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 14, 2007, 12:15:13 PM
No, battle here. Much love for Jr.

I just want to see a genetic freak chic fight!  ;D

We are just trying to give YOU all the scenarios possible...
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on June 14, 2007, 12:24:12 PM
hahhaa I hear ya! This is the most indiv. sport i've ever been involved in my life.  crazy stuff
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on June 14, 2007, 02:51:23 PM
Yes, there are always the genetic gifted that can waltz into their first shows and dominate. These are the athletes that go pro in no time. But that is a very tiny percentage out of thousands and thousands of athletes that have been doing this for years, men or women. I had one girl do her first show in March, won the whole thing out of 80 girls and is now going to the USA's in 7 weeks...she is one of the genetic freaks.

Maybe our freaks will compete against each other Jr!?  8)
How old is she and how long has she been training? The girl I mentioned, training off and on since 16, hard core for say a year+ and I said she's 20, actually, she turns 20 in about 10 days.

 For my girl, the North Americans may be the most plausible, although it's not the one I'd prefer her to do. She has a small stress fracture in her heal and could use a few wks of rest. If she can get up for it, I'd have her go do the USA's late July, but that may be too much at this stage. We'll see.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on June 14, 2007, 03:01:58 PM
Lets see some photos
I checked the web site to see if they had pics of the show up and so far no...after all, the show just took place...I'm sure they'll get them up shortly. Once they do, I'll either PM you the links or post them up here if she's cool with that.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 14, 2007, 04:42:06 PM
She has been more of a core and spin class instructor for many years. Training with weights just a few years. She just has the structure they are looking for and judging on right now (the Pro Cal, Colorado Pro)...that wider shoulder, not so ripped, just hard enough. Every show seems to be judged differantly which is why we are doing the USA's now since they seem to be judging toward her look.

On the other hand, I am training a few girls that have been training for years and still can not win a local class.

C'mon AJ, get her to the USA' girl will be in Class A.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on June 14, 2007, 06:05:20 PM

C'mon AJ, get her to the USA' girl will be in Class A.
I wish, it would be a better show for her, but like I mentioned before, the girl does need a small break...and that show is right around the corner. We're going to talk it over this wk end and come up with a plan. BTW, she would be in class B.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on June 14, 2007, 09:33:10 PM
I wish her well on a speedy recovery...she obviously has time on her side.

I know if I was injured then getting on stage would be the last thing on my mind. Oh, wait, I am a bodybuilder and ignore pain..nevermind!

Seriously, she should take a break but hard to do when you are on a roll....

Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on July 11, 2007, 08:20:32 AM
So far I'm liking the little gains I've seen but hating the feeling of being 12lbs heavier in just three weeks. I feel really puffy and I HATE HATE HATE that feeling. I look fat as hell. Up to 145lbs this morning. BLEGH!!!!!!   But Havent done much cardio.
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Arnold jr on July 11, 2007, 09:21:55 AM
So far I'm liking the little gains I've seen but hating the feeling of being 12lbs heavier in just three weeks. I feel really puffy and I HATE HATE HATE that feeling. I look fat as hell. Up to 145lbs this morning. BLEGH!!!!!!   But Havent done much cardio.
So what exactly are you doing right now? You mentioned earlier in the thread that you wanted to drop a little weight first, and then coast at that weight/bf% until you start your prep diet. You also said that you'd be doing cardio 5 or so days per wk, but you just said you're not doing too much at all. So questions, are you bulking or cutting? What's the cycle/drugs look like? What's the diet look like?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on July 12, 2007, 04:39:32 AM
I gotta say this girl sounds all mixed up!  Are you really serious?  Just cause you say you are gonna do a show does not mean you are serious, lots of people talk.  Really your all over the place.  Pics might let us see if you have any potential, cause Im starting to wonder?
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: busyB on July 13, 2007, 12:02:06 PM
Agreed. Babs, you do sound like you are all over the place. You said you had a plan but does not sound like you are following it very well. One thing I have learned over the years, is if you are listening to bunch of differant people, you will get confused!!

Contest prep, on or off season, is all about consistancy so follow that plan you had and if it does not work after at least 8 weeks, make some changes!
Title: Re: Show coming up 08. Need some advice about cycle.
Post by: babaliciousbri on July 30, 2007, 10:51:40 AM
Thanks for your conerns. Your comments are motivating. I'm not all talk. But I guess only time will be the true tell.