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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:06:18 PM

Title: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:06:18 PM
RUSH: Mickey Kaus on  Headline: "Hillary, Eavesdropper?"  Page 93 of the unreleased Gerth-Van Natta Hillary Clinton book has quite a bombshell, Kaus writes.  Hillary "listened to a secretly recorded audiotape of a phone conversation of Clinton critics plotting their next attack. The tape contained discussions of another woman who might surface with allegations about an affair with Bill. Bill's supporters monitored frequencies used by cell phones, and the tape was made during one of those monitoring sessions."  So the Clintons were out there just like that couple, grandparents driving on I-75 here in Florida heading up to Jacksonville to do some Christmas shopping, and like every one of us they had a cell phone monitor in their car, right there in the dashboard, and they decided to tune in, and all of a sudden, just quite by accident, they said they caught a moment of history.  They listened to Newt Gingrich talking to John Boehner.  By the way, who was it that got this?  Was it Moran or McDermott?  Yeah, it was McDermott, Baghdad Jim McDermott. 

Anyway, this couple, just the sweetest people you'd ever want to run into, grandparents, accidentally tuning around their cell phone receiver in the car, like we all have in our cars and hear this conversation between Newt Gingrich and John Boehner, "Gee, this is history, what do we do with this?"  They decided to give it to Baghdad Jim McDermott, congressman from Washington, who then gave it to the New York Times, which then published the transcript of the conversation.  McDermott has been in lawsuits, has lost up to 800 grand now in terms of reimbursing Boehner for all this.  We find out now the Clintons have been doing the same thing.  The Clintons have been engaged in illegal wiretapping.  They're monitoring cell phone frequencies so they hear calls from enemies of the Clintons plotting their next attack and so forth.   

Now, don't get carried away here, my friends.  This will not affect a single Hillary supporter or a single Drive-By editor.  It's like that picture that's out there.  Hillary was making a speech yesterday and the graphic behind her misspelled the word "tomorrow," with two M's in it, and Hillary is up there making a speech.  Now, she didn't misspell it, but she's standing in front of it.  If this were a Republican this would be all over the news today as in Dan Quayle and potato.  So the Drive-Bys are not going to care about Hillary and monitoring people's cell phone calls, but what this sort of shows us is this: The last three major wiretap stories on American citizens have been -- well, how many of you can name the three?  What are the big three wiretap stories on American citizens?  Going back a number of years.  No, no, no, not the NSA, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.  Number one, Bobby Kennedy wiretapping Martin Luther King.  Yes, he did.  They wiretapped Martin Luther King and they were collecting a dossier on his infidelities. The Kennedy attorney general, the Kennedy justice department was doing it.  Bobby Kennedy wiretapped Martin Luther King.  Then we had Baghdad Jim McDermott passing on wiretaps of Republicans, as we've talked about, and now Hillary Clinton wiretapping anybody she says is an enemy, monitoring their cell phone calls with a cell phone receiver.  Chairman Meow, we call her, Chairman Mao, Chairman Meow strikes again.  And nobody's going to care.  Well, it's going to be in the book.  The book's not yet released, but Kaus has a copy of it and has put this on the website.  We'll see what kind of traction it gets. 
Read the Background Material...
Slate: Hillary, Eavesdropper?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Laughing Sam's Dice on June 04, 2007, 12:07:17 PM
You had me at RUSH:
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: OzmO on June 04, 2007, 12:08:21 PM
You had me at RUSH:

Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:08:42 PM
You had me at RUSH: had me at Liberal ;D
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:14:31 PM
You had me at RUSH:

Just pointing out the hypocrisy.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 12:22:03 PM
Unbelievable.  That's as bad as the US president spying on americans without a warrant.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 04, 2007, 12:23:23 PM
Unbelievable.  That's as bad as the US president spying on americans without a warrant.

pwned!  ;D

its called a dictatorship!
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:35:49 PM
pwned!  ;D

its called a dictatorship!

Really? Is that what your state ran media told you?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 12:36:16 PM
Unbelievable.  That's as bad as the US president spying on americans without a warrant.

Decker how have the wire taps affected you directly
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:37:19 PM
Unbelievable.  That's as bad as the US president spying on americans without a warrant.

No comparison, the Clintons were doing because of their critics, Bush does it for terrorism!
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:38:13 PM
Decker how have the wire taps affected you directly

Unless he's got something to hide it shouldn't effect him at all!
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 04, 2007, 12:38:36 PM
I despise Billary with a passion and if this is true it only makes me dislike her. Unfortunately it was posted by Mr. Hate from a transcript from the drug addicted hypocrite blowhard Limbaugh so it's credibility is suspect at this point.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Enigma on June 04, 2007, 12:39:51 PM
RUSH: Mickey Kaus on  Headline: "Hillary, Eavesdropper?"  Page 93 of the unreleased Gerth-Van Natta Hillary Clinton book has quite a bombshell, Kaus writes.  Hillary "listened to a secretly recorded audiotape of a phone conversation of Clinton critics plotting their next attack. The tape contained discussions of another woman who might surface with allegations about an affair with Bill. Bill's supporters monitored frequencies used by cell phones, and the tape was made during one of those monitoring sessions."  So the Clintons were out there just like that couple, grandparents driving on I-75 here in Florida heading up to Jacksonville to do some Christmas shopping, and like every one of us they had a cell phone monitor in their car, right there in the dashboard, and they decided to tune in, and all of a sudden, just quite by accident, they said they caught a moment of history.  They listened to Newt Gingrich talking to John Boehner.  By the way, who was it that got this?  Was it Moran or McDermott?  Yeah, it was McDermott, Baghdad Jim McDermott. 

Anyway, this couple, just the sweetest people you'd ever want to run into, grandparents, accidentally tuning around their cell phone receiver in the car, like we all have in our cars and hear this conversation between Newt Gingrich and John Boehner, "Gee, this is history, what do we do with this?"  They decided to give it to Baghdad Jim McDermott, congressman from Washington, who then gave it to the New York Times, which then published the transcript of the conversation.  McDermott has been in lawsuits, has lost up to 800 grand now in terms of reimbursing Boehner for all this.  We find out now the Clintons have been doing the same thing.  The Clintons have been engaged in illegal wiretapping.  They're monitoring cell phone frequencies so they hear calls from enemies of the Clintons plotting their next attack and so forth.   

Now, don't get carried away here, my friends.  This will not affect a single Hillary supporter or a single Drive-By editor.  It's like that picture that's out there.  Hillary was making a speech yesterday and the graphic behind her misspelled the word "tomorrow," with two M's in it, and Hillary is up there making a speech.  Now, she didn't misspell it, but she's standing in front of it.  If this were a Republican this would be all over the news today as in Dan Quayle and potato.  So the Drive-Bys are not going to care about Hillary and monitoring people's cell phone calls, but what this sort of shows us is this: The last three major wiretap stories on American citizens have been -- well, how many of you can name the three?  What are the big three wiretap stories on American citizens?  Going back a number of years.  No, no, no, not the NSA, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.  Number one, Bobby Kennedy wiretapping Martin Luther King.  Yes, he did.  They wiretapped Martin Luther King and they were collecting a dossier on his infidelities. The Kennedy attorney general, the Kennedy justice department was doing it.  Bobby Kennedy wiretapped Martin Luther King.  Then we had Baghdad Jim McDermott passing on wiretaps of Republicans, as we've talked about, and now Hillary Clinton wiretapping anybody she says is an enemy, monitoring their cell phone calls with a cell phone receiver.  Chairman Meow, we call her, Chairman Mao, Chairman Meow strikes again.  And nobody's going to care.  Well, it's going to be in the book.  The book's not yet released, but Kaus has a copy of it and has put this on the website.  We'll see what kind of traction it gets. 
Read the Background Material...
Slate: Hillary, Eavesdropper?

Hillary sucks, but so do your Rush scratch and sniffs.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 04, 2007, 12:42:32 PM
Decker how have the wire taps affected you directly

This line of reasoning is insane. You're smarter than this MM.

The point isn't what individual is or isn't effected it's the trampling of our rights as a whole, you know, the Constitution that founded this country that is the issue.

Your logic can be used in the abortion debate as well. If some woman in New Mexico gets an abortion what effect does that have on you or any of the other Pro Life supporters but that's not the point now is it?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 12:47:03 PM
Decker how have the wire taps affected you directly
The merest threat to my fundamental right to privacy by any Big Government action is enough to do me harm. 
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 12:49:17 PM
Unless he's got something to hide it shouldn't effect him at all!
Don't you see that this line of reasoning is Gestapo in nature?

Isn't that obvious to you?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 12:50:56 PM
This line of reasoning is insane. You're smarter than this MM.

The point isn't what individual is or isn't effected it's the trampling of our rights as a whole, you know, the Constitution that founded this country that is the issue.

Your logic can be used in the abortion debate as well. If some woman in New Mexico gets an abortion what effect does that have on you or any of the other Pro Life supporters but that's not the point now is it?

I am as against big government as anyone, but being military I see the value of the right people being able to intercept messages and reacting instead of waiting 4 days for permission and it being to late. As far as abortion, you are right that is doens't affect me but I'm not worried about me. I am concerned for a baby that has no choice...but in the long run ONE thing bugs me about abortion....if you kill a baby 1 month before born it is fine, but kill that baby 1 day after it is born and you go to prison for murder.....
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:51:35 PM
I despise Billary with a passion and if this is true it only makes me dislike her. Unfortunately it was posted by Mr. Hate from a transcript from the drug addicted hypocrite blowhard Limbaugh so it's credibility is suspect at this point.

Then go to the background material at the bottom of his artical, you think he's just making this shit up?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 12:52:55 PM
The merest threat to my fundamental right to privacy by any Big Government action is enough to do me harm. 

Funny, I don't feel threatend.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 12:54:32 PM
No comparison, the Clintons were doing because of their critics, Bush does it for terrorism!
Oh Christ.  Bush does everything for terrorism.

According to Bush, he's got no higher duty than protecting us from terrorists. 
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 12:56:14 PM
Funny, I don't feel threatend.
You should.

Could you imagine President Clinton spying on Americans without a warrant?

I didn't think so.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 04, 2007, 01:13:14 PM
Then go to the background material at the bottom of his artical, you think he's just making this shit up?

I did and it's still not proven, this is a quote from a book that hasn't been released yet. Not damning yet, when it is then I'll be right there bashing her with you. I fully believe she is capable of doing this, all I'm saying is it hasn't been proven and your link is from the least reputable spewer of propaganda on the radio.

I'm curious though, did you condemn Nixon for his secret wiretaps?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on June 04, 2007, 01:14:23 PM
MM69 and Joe don't understand why our government was set up in such a way, and why it's wrong for Bush to just trample all over it.  ???
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 01:15:30 PM
MM69 and Joe don't understand why our government was set up in such a way, and why it's wrong for Bush to just trample all over it.  ???

no no

being military I see the value of the right people being able to intercept messages and reacting instead of waiting 4 days for permission and it being to late
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: OzmO on June 04, 2007, 01:18:19 PM
no no

being military I see the value of the right people being able to intercept messages and reacting instead of waiting 4 days for permission and it being to late

Something should be done where they don't have to wait 4 days and still get judicial approval.    We could have "on-call" judges.   :)
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 01:25:11 PM
Something should be done where they don't have to wait 4 days and still get judicial approval.    We could have "on-call" judges.   :)
FISA permits spying on americans without a warrant as long as the warrant is applied for within 3 days of the spying act.  It's retroactive permission.

Bush just ignored that.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 01:27:31 PM
Something should be done where they don't have to wait 4 days and still get judicial approval.    We could have "on-call" judges.   :)

if it was a several hour process I would be cool with it...but several days? That is no way to stop terrorism
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 01:46:06 PM
if it was a several hour process I would be cool with it...but several days? That is no way to stop terrorism
The law could have been changed.

But pres. Bush just ignored the law and flipped the bird to Congress by authorizing the spying in direct violation of FISA.  That is not allowed in our constitutional form of government.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: OzmO on June 04, 2007, 01:48:16 PM
The law could have been changed.

But pres. Bush just ignored the law and flipped the bird to Congress by authorizing the spying in direct violation of FISA.  That is not allowed in our constitutional form of government.

These days it seems to be  >:(
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 01:49:27 PM
oh nothing was hurt...and you guys talk about Repub fear mongering?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 04, 2007, 01:55:53 PM
oh nothing was hurt...and you guys talk about Repub fear mongering?
Damage to our government's separation of powers is fear mongering?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 02:14:36 PM
You should.

Could you imagine President Clinton spying on Americans without a warrant?

I didn't think so.

Yes, he's done didn't bother me. Did you miss the title of the thread :-\??
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 02:15:44 PM
Damage to our government's separation of powers is fear mongering?

in this case yes....tell me what it hurt...not what it might have hurt but what it did hurt
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 02:16:54 PM

I'm curious though, did you condemn Nixon for his secret wiretaps?

Dude, I was 10 or 12, I could care less :-\
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Enigma on June 04, 2007, 02:19:29 PM
Yes, he's done didn't bother me.

Ok Mr Hate, be go home tonite and you unexpectedly find hidden micophones and camera's, planted all over your home. Do you mind?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Enigma on June 04, 2007, 02:21:46 PM
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 04, 2007, 02:25:25 PM
Ok Mr Hate, be go home tonite and you unexpectedly find hidden micophones and camera's, planted all over your home. Do you mind?

guess I missed the story when that happened.....hell as I sit here there is some clown watching everything I do...who cares?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 04, 2007, 02:26:46 PM
Dude, I was 10 or 12, I could care less :-\

Yeah, I didn't think you'd answer. I was but a itch in my daddy's ball sack that's not really the point though.

Nice deflection of course.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 03:49:01 PM
Ok Mr Hate, be go home tonite and you unexpectedly find hidden micophones and camera's, planted all over your home. Do you mind?

Considering it doesn't happen like that, never has and never will.

Still trying to figure out the "Mr. Hate" thing, like I said, it's no worse than anyone else on here, but I guess when a Liberal starts a thread about the Pres or another Republican or conservative it ok.........whatever!
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 04, 2007, 04:07:28 PM
Really? Is that what your state ran media told you?

no..its a self made observation...

sadaam and bush aren't all that different..
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Coach on June 04, 2007, 04:10:19 PM
no..its a self made observation...

sadaam and bush aren't all that different..

When was the last time Bush killed millions of his own people?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Enigma on June 04, 2007, 04:26:05 PM
Considering it doesn't happen like that, never has and never will.

How would you know the inner working's of Government surveillance?
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: ToxicAvenger on June 04, 2007, 04:31:41 PM
When was the last time Bush killed millions of his own people?

now i want you to answer me this questions

1) we were friends with saddam..exactly what majic # of people did he have to kill for us to be pissed?  143233 we r ok with 143234..o noo now ya gone done it?

2) dontcha think if the BIGGEST army on this planet if about to ask your miiiight wanna use them WMDs if ya had em?

3)  why didn;'t we ever go after him...orr did we develop our morals after his era??

maybe its cause he didn't have oil eh..

Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: tu_holmes on June 04, 2007, 04:33:51 PM
I am as against big government as anyone, but being military I see the value of the right people being able to intercept messages and reacting instead of waiting 4 days for permission and it being to late. As far as abortion, you are right that is doens't affect me but I'm not worried about me. I am concerned for a baby that has no choice...but in the long run ONE thing bugs me about abortion....if you kill a baby 1 month before born it is fine, but kill that baby 1 day after it is born and you go to prison for murder.....

I thought Bush could get the warrants retroactively, but just decides not to bother?

As far as the original point... Hillary has always been evil... I've never liked her... If she did something illegal, she should be tried for it.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Enigma on June 04, 2007, 04:47:20 PM
people being able to intercept messages and reacting instead of waiting 4 days for permission and it being to late.

That is patently false. The Government has 3 days beforing needing a judges stamp.
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: OzmO on June 04, 2007, 05:54:44 PM
When was the last time Bush killed millions of his own people?

he didn't kill millions.  by the estimates provided by the kurds which can be argued as tainted, they say 300k.  but if "millions" ads drama and impact to your arguments by all means say it. ;D
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Dos Equis on June 04, 2007, 07:21:59 PM
he didn't kill millions.  by the estimates provided by the kurds which can be argued as tainted, they say 300k.  but if "millions" ads drama and impact to your arguments by all means say it. ;D

Don't know how accurate this is:

Kill tally: Approaching two million, including between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqi and between 450,000 and 730,000 Iranian combatants killed during the Iran-Iraq War. An estimated 1,000 Kuwaiti nationals killed following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. No conclusive figures for the number of Iraqis killed during the Gulf War, with estimates varying from as few as 1,500 to as many as 200,000. Over 100,000 Kurds killed or "disappeared". No reliable figures for the number of Iraqi dissidents and Shia Muslims killed during Hussein's reign, though estimates put the figure between 60,000 and 150,000. (Mass graves discovered following the US occupation of Iraq in 2003 suggest that the total combined figure for Kurds, Shias and dissidents killed could be as high as 300,000). Approximately 500,000 Iraqi children dead because of international trade sanctions introduced following the Gulf War.

. . .
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: The Enigma on June 05, 2007, 04:00:52 AM
When was the last time Bush killed millions of his own people?

Considering Bush has exterminated more Iraqi's than Saddam ever did...........that should be a pround accomplishment for all YOU Neocons.

Saddam was hung for just 16 deaths............and all we ever heard was how he gassed all his people. If so, why was he not tried for these "crimes"?

Bush & Co manage 16 new Iraqi deaths every 10 minutes.  >:(
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: militarymuscle69 on June 05, 2007, 05:20:09 AM
Considering Bush has exterminated more Iraqi's than Saddam ever did...........that should be a pround accomplishment for all YOU Neocons.

Saddam was hung for just 16 deaths............and all we ever heard was how he gassed all his people. If so, why was he not tried for these "crimes"?

Bush & Co manage 16 new Iraqi deaths every 10 minutes.  >:(

hey smart me how many deaths in this war that were Iraqi citizens are directly attributed to the American military and not suicide bombs....
Title: Re: Clinton's Caught Eavesdropping
Post by: Decker on June 05, 2007, 06:16:52 AM
Yes, he's done didn't bother me. Did you miss the title of the thread :-\??
No I didn't miss the title of the thread.

What gets me upset is your moral relativism.

I see it all the time from Bush apologists, in this case:  "Look a democrat spied just like the president spied, how about that..."

Unlike you, I am not a moral relativist and I don't equate x with y b/c it is rhetorically expedient to do so for the purpose of my political prejudices.