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Title: Are titties out of style?
Post by: Al Doggity on August 06, 2007, 08:12:33 AM
We were discussing this over dinner on Friday. It seems like during the 90s, most of the it girls  who were considered sexy  opted for large, fake implants- Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Carmen Electra,Jenny McCarthy, Janet Jackson and the list goes on. There were girls like Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock who remained unaltered, but I don't really know too many guys who find Julia Roberts sexy.

Nowadays, it seems like a lot of girls attain sex symbol status with small chests. Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez have sexy bodies, but they aren't really well-endowed up top. There are girls like Scarlett Johanson ,Jessica Alba, Lohan and Jessica Simpson who have big boobs, but theirs are real- which we know because they've been famous since their teens. Paris Hilton (who I find heinous) is considered a sex symbol by some, but she has no boobs. Eva Longoria is another woman who is worshipped for her sex appeal but is really small-chested. Cameron Diaz. Kiera Knightley and Natalie Portman and Jennifer Garner- all relatively flat chested.

Are fake boobs finished?

Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: Diesel1 on August 06, 2007, 08:31:40 AM
We were discussing this over dinner on Friday. It seems like during the 90s, most of the it girls  who were considered sexy  opted for large, fake implants- Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Carmen Electra,Jenny McCarthy, Janet Jackson and the list goes on. There were girls like Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock who remained unaltered, but I don't really know too many guys who find Julia Roberts sexy.

Nowadays, it seems like a lot of girls attain sex symbol status with small chests. Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez have sexy bodies, but they aren't really well-endowed up top. There are girls like Scarlett Johanson ,Jessica Alba, Lohan and Jessica Simpson who have big boobs, but theirs are real- which we know because they've been famous since their teens. Paris Hilton (who I find heinous) is considered a sex symbol by some, but she has no boobs. Eva Longoria is another woman who is worshipped for her sex appeal but is really small-chested. Cameron Diaz. Kiera Knightley and Natalie Portman and Jennifer Garner- all relatively flat chested.

Are fake boobs finished?


With any luck they are.
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on August 06, 2007, 09:41:07 AM
Everything moves in cycles. I don't think tits are out of style. I think comically huge tits and blonde hair in general aren't in favor these days.
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: Camel Jockey on August 06, 2007, 01:12:33 PM
The generic big boob blonde look is gone.

Tits can never go out of style.. Any woman with a pair of knockers can hypnotize you.  8)
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: CARTEL on August 06, 2007, 05:31:39 PM
The generic big boob blonde look is gone.

Tits can never go out of style.. Any woman with a pair of knockers can hypnotize you.  8)

I agree with this. Big tits will live on forever.
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: danielson on August 06, 2007, 05:34:34 PM
The generic big boob blonde look is gone.

Tits can never go out of style.. Any woman with a pair of knockers can hypnotize you.  8)

Good, I hope all guys start to hate that look, more for me. :) As for the question at hand, yes I do think to a large degree that implants on actresses is on the downswing, due to in no small part Paris Hilton claiming that fake boobs were gross many times and an oversaturation of fake tits in movies. However, fake tits on women in the real world still seems to be on the upswing, at least where I live.
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: Al Doggity on August 06, 2007, 05:47:35 PM
I do think to a large degree that implants on actresses is on the downswing, due to in no small part Paris Hilton claiming that fake boobs were gross many times and an oversaturation of fake tits in movies.

I actually think part of the backlash against the blond look is largely due to Britney. It' s hard to remember, but she was so popular and omnipresent at one point that there was a clone of her popping up every month. I think when more exotic girls like J-lo and Beyonce emerged and she started to decline,  mainstream tastes sort of changed. Even girls like Angelina Jolie have sort of an international flava.

I'm just throwing this one out there and lettin' it marinate:

Do you think the shift from the traditional all-American look could  have any deeper cultural significance? 
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: danielson on August 06, 2007, 06:41:05 PM

Do you think the shift from the traditional all-American look could  have any deeper cultural significance? 

Not really sure. One thing is for certain, there are very few good roles for actresses anyways. There are a few young up and comers like Scarlett and Jessica(Biel and Alba) who are so gorgeous that fake tits are really a moot point. But there will always be roles for large breasted bimbos in certain "American Pie" type movies. As for serious roles, I can definitely see where large fake breasts(not necessarily smaller fake ones that don't look too fake)could definitely hurt an actresses chance of getting roles. Chicks like Anne Hathaway are getting good roles lately, and of course Charlize Theron and Hillary Swank will continue to get good roles. I am curious as to where the trend for fake tits in films will go. People go to the theater to see things that are different from the norm, and since soooo many real life girls have fake tits, I could definitely see Producers backing away from them. Pretty good question actually. Should be interesting to see what happens in Hollywood.
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: Parker on August 07, 2007, 01:48:19 PM
The question should be as a whole: "Are real titties out of style"? It seems like when you go out, when you turn on the TV there are women with breast implants. I like them real, baby! Pam Anderson needed to have those implants put on her ass, cuase her's is a flat as a pancake. Paris, has no ass and no breasts. Biel, Alba, J-Lo, Beyonce, Shakira, Halle all have flava and all have curves. What a woman needs to look like, those should be the standards, not Pam.
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: coltrane on August 07, 2007, 01:51:59 PM
best clothed real tits:  Lohan and scarlett...YUM!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Are titties out of style?
Post by: Option D on August 07, 2007, 01:57:04 PM
dude where are the picture