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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Injury and Rehabilitation => Topic started by: Carmello on August 09, 2007, 06:02:25 PM

Title: Fractured skull.
Post by: Carmello on August 09, 2007, 06:02:25 PM
Long story short I was trying to prevent my friend from driving drunk so i stood on the running boards of his explorer. He bolted out of the parking spot then in a panic hit the brakes and sent me flying spraining my ankle and fracturing my skull. I lost some hearing because i broke some small bones behind my ear drum, but it's getting better, and my left leg's nerve hurts cause of not bein able to put much pressure on my right ankle. I didn't get staples, or pins. It's more like line fractures, but I do get horrible headaches when i wake up, and I get dizzy sometimes making sudden movements. This was 3 weeks ago, I feel like I'm recovering well, but I've lost 20lbs. My Doctor says I'm recovering well, and I'm lucky it wasn't worse, but when I asked how long she thought before I could weight train again she said not for a while. I'm scared I may never lift the same again. My brain did swell in the accident, and I was bleeding profusely out of my right ear do to it, but the catscan suggested it wasn't severe and I should be fine. I want to start light training maybe in 2 weeks. Should I hold off?
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: pumpster on August 09, 2007, 06:16:15 PM
No one here can tell you for sure; it'll be thru the guidance of one or more doctors (get a second opinion if necessary) along with your own sense of returning equilibrium. Three weeks out from this is nothing, don't hurry it because proper recovery will help you more in the long-run to return to normal training.

And when you start training again of course it's got to be moderate for a while, maybe just cardio and high reps with light weight with no real intensity on anything for a while. No rush, your muscle memory will get your weight back in no time later on. It won't take that long to get back into it later, and the break can rest your central nervous system & actually help you exceed your previous levels before too long.

Your friend owes you big time after being an idiot. Has he/she acted accordingly?
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Carmello on August 09, 2007, 07:21:08 PM
Yeah he was real concerned. He went to see me in the hospital, and he even offered to pay my medical expenses. My other friends that were there are pretty sore at him though. Thanks for the advice. I guess it's hard when u do something day in and day out and it gets taken away from you. Guess I'm just really anxious to get back at it, but you're right. I gotta just hit the sideline in favor of the right recuperation.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: pumpster on August 09, 2007, 07:23:44 PM
Most BBs including myself used to worry a lot about time off. Later in life you realize that a break like this will not necessarily be a big deal because (1) of muscle memory and (2) the fact that the down time can actually lead to better workouts later & better gains.

Maybe there's nothing now but if this is a friend he can do things later.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Carmello on August 09, 2007, 07:37:18 PM
Thanks. Hope you're right Pumpster.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: pumpster on August 09, 2007, 08:07:20 PM
Thanks. Hope you're right Pumpster.

All i've done if give you information. As far as the rest time off ya i'm right and other older BBs with wider perspectives will tell you same.

BTW when you work back into lifting heavier, don't go all-out the first workout you can, stop short of where you normally would. You'll be sore as hell the next day anyway, there's no need to overdo it the first couple of workouts until the body's aclimated to the stress again, it doesn't help anything.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Carmello on August 10, 2007, 07:55:41 AM
Allright. That's gonna be a long while but that's what I'll do. I'll train real light for a while, and stick to moderate weights for a while before trying the heavy stuff again. It's true that rushing to get back quick isn't worth a setback.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Carmello on August 12, 2007, 05:14:47 PM
there's something else. When i was brought into the ICU my blood sugar level was through the roof. They kept giving me shots of insulin. Earlier in the day i had Syntha-6 protein, and NO Shotgun right before i went to the bar to drink. I was gonna go to the gym that's why I took the Shotgun, but I wound up goin to the bar. I don't have a history of diabetes or anything. Far as my checkups have gone I'm healthy, but do u got any idea what caused my sugar level goin up like that. Doctors didn't know what it was. Was it that Shotgun shit! Cause if I space it a few days, I always feel like I'm sick on the first day I take it again. I don't know.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Alex23 on August 12, 2007, 05:18:46 PM
Sue his/her fucking ass.

This is unacceptable.

You deserve to be compensated beyond the medical expenses.

Fucking drunks.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Alex23 on August 12, 2007, 05:19:52 PM
there's something else. When i was brought into the ICU my blood sugar level was through the roof. They kept giving me shots of insulin. Earlier in the day i had Syntha-6 protein, and NO Shotgun right before i went to the bar to drink. I was gonna go to the gym that's why I took the Shotgun, but I wound up goin to the bar. I don't have a history of diabetes or anything. Far as my checkups have gone I'm healthy, but do u got any idea what caused my sugar level goin up like that. Doctors didn't know what it was. Was it that Shotgun shit! Cause if I space it a few days, I always feel like I'm sick on the first day I take it again. I don't know.

Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: pumpster on August 13, 2007, 02:17:22 AM
there's something else. When i was brought into the ICU my blood sugar level was through the roof. They kept giving me shots of insulin. Earlier in the day i had Syntha-6 protein, and NO Shotgun right before i went to the bar to drink. I was gonna go to the gym that's why I took the Shotgun, but I wound up goin to the bar. I don't have a history of diabetes or anything. Far as my checkups have gone I'm healthy, but do u got any idea what caused my sugar level goin up like that. Doctors didn't know what it was. Was it that Shotgun shit! Cause if I space it a few days, I always feel like I'm sick on the first day I take it again. I don't know.

Uh, if doctors don't know what are the chances someone here would? LOL
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Carmello on August 13, 2007, 01:34:52 PM
Well I didn't tell them about the sports supps cause they don't know about that shit. I figured maybe someone here would know something.
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: sandpiper on August 13, 2007, 02:27:42 PM
Uh, if doctors don't know what are the chances someone here would? LOL

what do you mean? the guys on here know everything.... ::)
Title: Re: Fractured skull.
Post by: Deicide on September 12, 2007, 08:09:41 PM
Most BBs including myself used to worry a lot about time off. Later in life you realize that a break like this will not necessarily be a big deal because (1) of muscle memory and (2) the fact that the down time can actually lead to better workouts later & better gains.

Maybe there's nothing now but if this is a friend he can do things later.

Yup, the magic of recovery...