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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: gdub1979 on August 19, 2007, 02:40:44 PM

Title: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: gdub1979 on August 19, 2007, 02:40:44 PM
Sup yall.  As of right now, I'm 28, 5'10, about 175lbs.  Not alot of bf, just some around the midsection only.  Anyway, I've taken one cycle before.  It was months ago, and I'm ready for something else.  I'm looking for size only.  My eating habits are in check, and I workout a whole lot.  I just need to gain mass.  What would you suggest?  I'll do another cutting cycle after, I guess.  But right now, I'm just lookin for size.  What do yall think?
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Puller on August 19, 2007, 05:17:22 PM
Eat more and train harder. Seriously.  If you refuse to do this you could go with test-e 500-750 wk 12 wks and kick start with some dbol. But by the " Iwork out a whole lot" I would just train harder and eatmore
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: BodyMachine on August 19, 2007, 05:57:40 PM
X2 on the advice given above. There is no magic pill that will make you "freaking huge" overnight. It will take time, effort, good diet and training. Good luck
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: trab on August 20, 2007, 05:49:40 AM
Dont "Cut". THere's not enough mass to cut.
Test + Deca + dbol.  EAT.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Luv2Hurt on August 20, 2007, 06:27:42 AM
Dont "Cut". THere's not enough mass to cut.
Test + Deca + dbol.  EAT.

Good advice.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: coolioni on August 20, 2007, 10:51:34 AM
You need to build a good base before getting on the juice.
Try to get as big as you can naturally , then when you get to the point where you just can't get any bigger naturally, then it is time to get on a cycle.
When you first get on stick with the basics (test, deca, EQ, and dbol).
It is always best to stack an injectable with an oral for best results.
Don't take orals only. You will loose almost all of gains after going off.
I only use orals at the beginning of a cycle to kick start it, then I will use injectables only.
For me the best dosage of test was 1000mgs a week. At this point I need more than that, but I have been on gear for close to 15 years now.
Don't look for the quick fix like anadrol , that stuff will get you all bloated and then you will loose a ton of weight when getting off of it.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Arnold jr on August 20, 2007, 02:34:19 PM
Good advice.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: gdub1979 on August 20, 2007, 05:10:09 PM
Post your diet and training program in detail.

175lbs at 5'10'' after a cycle is tiny, you do not need steroids, you need to get to the gym consistantly and have a plan.

I pig out for breakfast normally (pancakes, eggs, sausage, protein shake).  I graze for the rest of the day.  I average about 4 or 5 meals a day.  I take protein shakes very regularly and I work out about 6 or 7 times a week (don't workout on weekends).  I DO go to the gym consistantly, for those who wonder about that.  After my first cycle, I was 192lbs at 5'10, and I was maxing out at 265lbs.  I know I've lost weight since then, but I want to get back to 192 or closer to 200lbs, if possible.  So basically, I eat enough and I workout enough.  I HAVE peaked and I feel that I do need steroids to get bigger.  I'm one of the biggest people in my family.  Trust me, I've peaked.  So please help me and let me know what I should take, if it hasn't been mentioned already by someone else.  I thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: trab on August 20, 2007, 05:44:09 PM
If 20 weeks of Test @ 500-750 or so,
 And also add the 1st 10 weeks  200-400deca
   And 1st 4-6 weeks,  Dbol at 20-30mg a day..
                   If That dont swell on some meat - Nothing prolly Will ;D

How much AAS you used before also matters, hopefully less than this....?
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Arnold jr on August 20, 2007, 06:15:11 PM
The cycle trab laid out would be fine. Beyond that your diet is not up to par IMO. 6meals a day minimum, if you're not growing then more meals. Moderate size meals, not pig out meals...a pig out meal is fine here and there, but not every day. I'd be willing to bet you $1000 that if you followed a more structured diet for 16wks that you'd be closer to the size you're wanting to get to even without AAS. Last thing, from the sound of it you may be over training...6-7 times wk and you don't train on wkends? Just so you know, over training can really hinder progress.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: gdub1979 on August 20, 2007, 09:29:26 PM
The cycle trab laid out would be fine. Beyond that your diet is not up to par IMO. 6meals a day minimum, if you're not growing then more meals. Moderate size meals, not pig out meals...a pig out meal is fine here and there, but not every day. I'd be willing to bet you $1000 that if you followed a more structured diet for 16wks that you'd be closer to the size you're wanting to get to even without AAS. Last thing, from the sound of it you may be over training...6-7 times wk and you don't train on wkends? Just so you know, over training can really hinder progress.

Thanks, man.  I really needed some advice.  Arnold Jr. and trab, y'all gave me good advice every time I post on here.  I ain't new to liftin', but I AM new to AAS and I need some structure right now.  So as of now, I'll eat 6 times a day minimum, in moderation, and I'll get on the cycle that trab suggested.  Oh yeah, and I'll switch up my trainin a lil bit too.  I feel like I'm ALWAYS in the gym.  I often feel like I'm in there too much.  I guess I WAS.   Anyway, one last question.....

For the cycle that you suggested, trab, those are all injectables, correct?
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: BodyMachine on August 20, 2007, 09:37:06 PM
please do some more research before jumping the gun. it isn't as simple as taking those items, there are sides to everything! Plus PCT is a must! To answer your question, dbol is a oral.

Thanks, man.  I really needed some advice.  Arnold Jr. and trab, y'all gave me good advice every time I post on here.
Yes Trab and Arnold are great guys. I can't tell you how much Trab has helped me out.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: gdub1979 on August 20, 2007, 09:45:48 PM
A 265 bench at your weight is nothing, no way you are even close to your peak.

Post your training program in detail.

Monday - Chest, triceps
Tuesday - Biceps
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Biceps, triceps
Weekends off
Abs whenever I get around to doing them
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: chaos on August 20, 2007, 09:55:27 PM
Monday - Chest, triceps
Tuesday - Biceps
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Biceps, triceps
Weekends off
Abs whenever I get around to doing them
sweet, lots of biceps/triceps work

too much me thinks.........

have someone set you up a better program, quite frankly I think that one sucks.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: coolioni on August 20, 2007, 11:37:59 PM
I agree a nice long cycle of Test E at about 500-750 mgs plus 200-400 mgs of deca .
In the beggining of the cycle take 30-40 mgs of dbol for 4 weeks. At the end of the cycle do 3-4 weeks of prop only so you don't crash after you go off.
After your cycle. make sure you take HCG for 2 weeks @ 500 ius EOD  (This will vary depending on who you talk to, but this works great for me) You will probally need an anti-esterogen like arimidex or nolvadex towards the end , and especially when taking HCG. then take clomid for a few weeks.
Start at 100mgs daily for the first week , then 50 mgs for 2 or 3 weeks, then you are done!
This is a nice basic cycle which won't cost much . you can do this cycle for 12-16 weeks . you can also substitute EQ for the deca if you want.
It is very important to take about double the amount of test than the deca/EQ dose.
Make sure you eat alot , but eat clean. Very low sugar, lots of protein, medium carbs and fats.
Try to eat every 2-3 hours. and drink lots of water.
Limit your cardio to about 30 mins 3-4 times a week.
I can't stress this eneough, to make sure you get the products you will need for your PCT at the end of your cycle. I never will even start a cycle unless I have everything ready to go. there is nothing worse than starting a cycle , and not having what you need or run out of something halfway through your cycle.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Luv2Hurt on August 21, 2007, 04:32:02 AM
Good advice to you from all.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Puller on August 21, 2007, 06:05:42 AM
Monday - Chest, triceps
Tuesday - Biceps
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Biceps, triceps
Weekends off
Abs whenever I get around to doing them

Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: trab on August 21, 2007, 06:07:19 AM
Batemans right about the Bench Lbs.  Form and set up and leg drive can give you 50-100lbs on that bench in months. That will make you thicker (Without even taking any drugs)

Dbol is a oral. Can raise liver enzymes (Should raise them if it's real) Great strength drug IMO.
Bloats a lot of guys, not me. Acne. The Bottles say "Take 1-2 tabs daily for 4-6 weeks maximum".
We BBers tend to like at least 20-30mg day for 4-6 weeks...Along with Test and Deca...

I'd cut the training volume back and get more rest days in there.
2 workout days  in a row max. Age matters w/ recovery also...
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: gdub1979 on August 22, 2007, 04:36:39 PM
Aight yall.  I FINALLY put together a cycle that should work for me. 

Wk 1-4:  30 mg Dbol/ed
Wk 1-8:  400 mg Deca/week
Wk 1-10: 250 mg Test E/week

I'm also going to take some Nolvadex, but I would like to know what week I should start taking it.  Thanks.

One more thing...I found a site where I can buy all the stuff, including the needles.  But the total for everything needed for the cycle above was $567.  Is that about right?  It seems kinda high to me, but that's about right, please let me know. 
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Arnold jr on August 22, 2007, 06:52:49 PM
Aight yall.  I FINALLY put together a cycle that should work for me. 

Wk 1-4:  30 mg Dbol/ed
Wk 1-8:  400 mg Deca/week
Wk 1-10: 250 mg Test E/week

I'm also going to take some Nolvadex, but I would like to know what week I should start taking it.  Thanks.

One more thing...I found a site where I can buy all the stuff, including the needles.  But the total for everything needed for the cycle above was $567.  Is that about right?  It seems kinda high to me, but that's about right, please let me know. 

wk 1-6 dbol 30mg/ed
wk 1-10 deca 200mg/wk
wk 1-12 test-e 500mg/wk

Keep the nolva on hand if you need it. If not, save it for your PCT.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: BigFish on August 22, 2007, 08:30:23 PM
AJ's right...up the test and lower the deca.  don't ever use more deca than test.  $567 for your first cycle is reasonable, as you do more and meet more people you'll pay less for all the stuff you mentioned.
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: BodyMachine on August 22, 2007, 09:04:05 PM
Me thinks an AI is good to have just in case (from the aromatization of Test).
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: krazee on August 23, 2007, 06:53:58 AM

wk 1-6 dbol 30mg/ed
wk 1-10 deca 200mg/wk
wk 1-12 test-e 500mg/wk

Keep the nolva on hand if you need it. If not, save it for your PCT.

My first stack exactly, worked wonders for me....
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: gdub1979 on August 23, 2007, 08:17:53 PM
$567 for your first cycle is reasonable, as you do more and meet more people you'll pay less for all the stuff you mentioned.

Oh, ok.  Cool.  As long as I ain't gettin ripped off, I'm good.  Thanks everybody.  I'll let you know how it goes......
Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Naked4Jesus on August 27, 2007, 10:06:39 AM
Post your diet and training program in detail.

175lbs at 5'10'' after a cycle is tiny, you do not need steroids, you need to get to the gym consistantly and have a plan.

Agreed.  At 5'10" he should be way over 200 natural in the offseason (assuming he competes).  What this guy needs is heavy consistant training and food.   

If you find yourself cycling yourself up to a massive 175 it's not you're cycle that's the problem.

Title: Re: Need help getting freakin huge
Post by: Alex23 on August 27, 2007, 10:28:14 AM
hahahaha " Need help getting freakin huge " ... ::)