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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Sports Discussion Boards => Topic started by: jmt1 on September 04, 2007, 03:21:03 PM

Title: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: jmt1 on September 04, 2007, 03:21:03 PM
NEW YORK -- Whoopi Goldberg started her stint on ABC's "The View" Tuesday by coming to the defense of convicted felon Michael Vick.

Just 15 minutes into the show she brought up Vick's conviction on dogfighting charges.

"You know from his background this is not an unusual thing for where he comes from," said Goldberg.

"There are certain things that are indicative to certain parts of our country."

Co-host Joy Behar seemed shocked at Goldberg's statements.

"How about dog torture and dog murdering," Behar asked.

"Unfortunately it's part of the thing," Goldberg replied.

"You're a dog lover. For a lot of people dogs are sport," she added.

Behar continued to shake her head in disgust.

Goldberg said it seemed to her that it took a while for Vick to realize that the charges against him were serious.

"It seemed like a light went off in his head when he realized that this was something the entire country really didn't appreciated, didn't like," Goldberg said, referring to Vick's guilty plea.

She said if the case had involved somebody from New York City her feelings would have been different.

Goldberg pointed out that Vick was raised in the South.

"This is part of his cultural upbringing," said Goldberg.

Co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck said she was encouraged by the NFL suspending Vick indefinitely.

But Goldberg continued to defend Vick saying "This is a kid who comes from a culture when this is not questioned."

It was Goldberg's first day moderating the talk show. She took over from Rosie O'Donnell who quit the show earlier this year after feuds with Donald Trump and Hasselbeck.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: youandme on September 04, 2007, 03:23:15 PM
I just posted this and it got deleted? A *iqqer mod ot something must have axed it.

Now tell them to axe her, or send her to Vick's house to replace the pits (

Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: jmt1 on September 04, 2007, 04:12:28 PM
the show could get interesting this friday. rachel ray who is a pitbull owner and advocate for the breed is scheduled to be on.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: JBGRAY on September 04, 2007, 06:55:19 PM
I'm not defending her statements, have to admit that Vick is getting piled on pretty bad.  But yet, other "sports" which involve animals being crually treated go largely ignored......Bullfightin g(and Running of the Bulls), Dog racing, various Equestrians(and usage of spurs), circus animals, particularily elephants, cock fighting, and so on and so forth.  Before the Vick case broke, dog fighting was largely ignored in most forms of media and most didn't care.  But all of a sudden, people are acting like this was the first time something like this had happened. 

Another prime example of how the media are experts at inflamming the population in whatever subject it mandates and selling more newspapers and ratings.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: youandme on September 04, 2007, 07:51:59 PM
Another prime example of how the media are experts at inflamming the population in whatever subject it mandates and selling more newspapers and ratings.

Not so sure about that I heard BET ratings went down by 25%
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: Geo on September 04, 2007, 08:38:51 PM
like flower said on the pet board a couple weeks back..........why would anyone want to attribute something that's cruel,inhumane and against the law to their culture ?

and to compare it to cock fighting is pretty idiotic too because cockfightings just about as sick and dysfunctional as it gets too
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: Hedgehog on September 05, 2007, 02:01:18 AM
like flower said on the pet board a couple weeks back..........why would anyone want to attribute something that's cruel,inhumane and against the law to their culture ?

and to compare it to cock fighting is pretty idiotic too because cockfightings just about as sick and dysfunctional as it gets too

Whoopi never was the sharpest knife...
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: bmacsys on September 05, 2007, 06:08:28 AM
Indicative of what? Whoopi insults all blacks in one fell swoop. What a dumb asss.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: rockyfortune on September 05, 2007, 06:19:35 AM
once again...a certain group fails to accept responsibility for their actions...first it's a racist justice system, now it's the culture.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: body88 on September 05, 2007, 06:34:03 AM
I'm not defending her statements, have to admit that Vick is getting piled on pretty bad.  But yet, other "sports" which involve animals being crually treated go largely ignored......Bullfightin g(and Running of the Bulls), Dog racing, various Equestrians(and usage of spurs), circus animals, particularily elephants, cock fighting, and so on and so forth.  Before the Vick case broke, dog fighting was largely ignored in most forms of media and most didn't care.  But all of a sudden, people are acting like this was the first time something like this had happened. 

Another prime example of how the media are experts at inflamming the population in whatever subject it mandates and selling more newspapers and ratings.

I dont agree with this. Vick is a superstar. Vick is one of the faces of the largest sport in America. Vick makes millions and millions of dollars playing football, and endorsing a slew of products. Who do all the kids playing football in the back yards of Atlanta want to be? Tom Brady? Manning? My money is the most popular "pretend" player a kid can be out in Georgia is Micheal Vick . Of course people are going to hold him to a higher standard. Many people where introduced to the horrors of digfighting when Vick was busted. How is Joe schmo is middle America supposed to know about the underground sport of dogfighting? I am willing to bet 99 percent of the people on this board have never seen a dog fight. These things are held in shady places, at shady times, by shady people. Vick brought it to the mainstream.

I don't understand why people only use the term "dog fighting" when talking about Vicks crimes. Vick also admitted to torturing Innocent dogs to death that did not test well for fighting. Gambling,breeding fighting dogs etc etc.

As for bull fighting. is that held in America? People do get outraged about it. What are we supposed to do? March into a different country and change there lifestyle. Most the countries you see bullfighting in are extremely poor. Hell people don't value human life in many of those places. Nevermind bulls. This is America. In America you cant bull fight, dog fight or cock fight. If you do and you get caught your gonna pay. Vick knew better. Time to pay the piper.

Vick deserves everything he gets.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: CQ on September 05, 2007, 07:00:50 AM
once again...a certain group fails to accept responsibility for their actions...first it's a racist justice system, now it's the culture.

Not sure how one persons actions, or anyones statements can represent millions of people.

I assure you there was no worldwide convention for black folk to discuss and agree on this :D

Statistically speaking, child molestation is overwhelming committed by white males, I do not see that all white males should take responsibility for that.

Internationally speaking, serial killing is statistically far more likely to be committed by a white American male. I do not see all white American males should take responsibility for this.

Vick is also a member of another group; Americans. I do not see that the entire group of Americans should take responsibility for this.

If one is to say that Vick's actions represent a culture, than the same thought pattern indicates that serial killing must be indicative of white American male culture.

The same way that Jeffrey Dahmer, Tim McVeigh and Charles Manson do not represent whites, neither does Vick's actions or anyones statements. Each person is responsible for their own actions.

Another prime example of how the media are experts at inflamming the population in whatever subject it mandates and selling more newspapers and ratings.

Exactly. In a nation with comparitively speaking strained race relations, it will be headlined. In the meantime, hundreds of murderers, rapists, other animal abusers and other general sickos are also committing  myraids of crimes.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: Option D on September 05, 2007, 07:12:35 AM
Not sure how one persons actions, or anyones statements can represent millions of people.

I assure you there was no worldwide convention for black folk to discuss and agree on this :D

Statistically speaking, child molestation is overwhelming committed by white males, I do not see that all white males should take responsibility for that.

Internationally speaking, serial killing is statistically far more likely to be committed by a white American male. I do not see all white American males should take responsibility for this.

Vick is also a member of another group; Americans. I do not see that the entire group of Americans should take responsibility for this.

If one is to say that Vick's actions represent a culture, than the same thought pattern indicates that serial killing must be indicative of white American male culture.

The same way that Jeffrey Dahmer, Tim McVeigh and Charles Manson do not represent whites, neither does Vick's actions or anyones statements. Each person is responsible for their own actions.

Exactly. In a nation with comparitively speaking strained race relations, it will be headlined. In the meantime, hundreds of murderers, rapists, other animal abusers and other general sickos are also committing  myraids of crimes.

yes and ill have a bit of ownage on the side. thank you
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: headhuntersix on September 05, 2007, 07:13:02 AM
The fact that this has broken along racial lines, while not surprising, is both ridiculous and disappointing. You would think that the people handling some of these black stars and spokes people would tell them that the vast majority of people in this country love animals, specifically dogs, and to watch how they approach the subject. Just condemm what he did, don't apologize, and then maybe ask that people forgive him once he's done his punishment..enough said. As far as cock fighting..listne to sports radio..many people have called saying that while they condemm dog fighting, they enjoy cockfighting, bet and gamble on it etc. It was surprising. There were alot of calls, over a few weeks that went along these lines.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: youandme on September 05, 2007, 07:39:31 AM
Not sure how one persons actions, or anyones statements can represent millions of people.

I assure you there was no worldwide convention for black folk to discuss and agree on this :D

Statistically speaking, child molestation is overwhelming committed by white males, I do not see that all white males should take responsibility for that.

Internationally speaking, serial killing is statistically far more likely to be committed by a white American male. I do not see all white American males should take responsibility for this.

Vick is also a member of another group; Americans. I do not see that the entire group of Americans should take responsibility for this.

If one is to say that Vick's actions represent a culture, than the same thought pattern indicates that serial killing must be indicative of white American male culture.

The same way that Jeffrey Dahmer, Tim McVeigh and Charles Manson do not represent whites, neither does Vick's actions or anyones statements. Each person is responsible for their own actions.

Exactly. In a nation with comparitively speaking strained race relations, it will be headlined. In the meantime, hundreds of murderers, rapists, other animal abusers and other general sickos are also committing  myraids of crimes.

Can you not comprehend the fact that everyone 'speaking out' for Vick is BLACK?
And while Russel Simmons and Al Sharpton made a press relase within 48 hrs that they do not condone it, Simmons sure as hell has his hands bloody with all of the pitbull fighting shirts he sells....
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: rockyfortune on September 05, 2007, 07:46:09 AM
yes and ill have a bit of ownage on the side. thank you

own what?

Last time I looked I don't remember any groups (black or white) defending mass murdering, child molestation or pedophelia and saying it's part of a one's culture...and if they did I would condemn them too...I never read anywhere where a white celebrity came out and said--hey, charlie manson was raised in a violent environment and it's in his culture to murder people...and just that was said by whoopi goldberg, emmit smith, deion sanders, stephon marbury---and and how do i forget clinton portis and chris samuels...laughing about the whole thing...all these people seem to dismiss this as a nonevent because it's in one's culture to fight dogs and torture and kill them and ''down south'' it's no big deal.  

Each person is responsible for their own actions.

an intelligent statement..but where in the statements by all these black celebrities has any of them said he broke the law and he should pay...all of them have stated that, in essence, this is what we do and it's no big deal so why pile on mike vick...and don't forget the naacp has defended michael vick and asked that the public not rush to judgement on him---which michael vick, in the end, admitted to what he did...why is it michael vick can accept responsibility for his actions but celebrities need to defend what he did by calling it a culture issue?
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: rockyfortune on September 05, 2007, 07:48:22 AM
The fact that this has broken along racial lines, while not surprising, is both ridiculous and disappointing. You would think that the people handling some of these black stars and spokes people would tell them that the vast majority of people in this country love animals, specifically dogs, and to watch how they approach the subject. Just condemm what he did, don't apologize, and then maybe ask that people forgive him once he's done his punishment..enough said. As far as cock fighting..listne to sports radio..many people have called saying that while they condemm dog fighting, they enjoy cockfighting, bet and gamble on it etc. It was surprising. There were alot of calls, over a few weeks that went along these lines.

dude..where you living? because the sports radio shows i listen to...there is no mention of cockfighting---
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: rockyfortune on September 05, 2007, 07:55:56 AM
Not sure how one persons actions, or anyones statements can represent millions of people.

I assure you there was no worldwide convention for black folk to discuss and agree on this :D

Statistically speaking, child molestation is overwhelming committed by white males, I do not see that all white males should take responsibility for that.

Internationally speaking, serial killing is statistically far more likely to be committed by a white American male. I do not see all white American males should take responsibility for this.

Vick is also a member of another group; Americans. I do not see that the entire group of Americans should take responsibility for this.

If one is to say that Vick's actions represent a culture, than the same thought pattern indicates that serial killing must be indicative of white American male culture.

The same way that Jeffrey Dahmer, Tim McVeigh and Charles Manson do not represent whites, neither does Vick's actions or anyones statements. Each person is responsible for their own actions.

Exactly. In a nation with comparitively speaking strained race relations, it will be headlined. In the meantime, hundreds of murderers, rapists, other animal abusers and other general sickos are also committing  myraids of crimes.

mmm...curious...who has come out and defended serial killers, child molesters, and pedophiles as a ''culture thing''?

nice try at making a parallel but it fails.

i'm wondering how many black celebrities and athletes would come to peyton manning's defense if he was caught fighting dogs--
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: CQ on September 05, 2007, 08:10:13 AM
own what?

Last time I looked I don't remember any groups (black or white) defending mass murdering, child molestation or pedophelia and saying it's part of a one's culture...and if they did I would condemn them too...I never read anywhere where a white celebrity came out and said--hey, charlie manson was raised in a violent environment and it's in his culture to murder people...and just that was said by whoopi goldberg, emmit smith, deion sanders, stephon marbury---and and how do i forget clinton portis and chris samuels...laughing about the whole thing...all these people seem to dismiss this as a nonevent because it's in one's culture to fight dogs and torture and kill them and ''down south'' it's no big deal.  

Each person is responsible for their own actions.

an intelligent statement..but where in the statements by all these black celebrities has any of them said he broke the law and he should pay...all of them have stated that, in essence, this is what we do and it's no big deal so why pile on mike vick...and don't forget the naacp has defended michael vick and asked that the public not rush to judgement on him---which michael vick, in the end, admitted to what he did...why is it michael vick can accept responsibility for his actions but celebrities need to defend what he did by calling it a culture issue?

Not trying to be rude, but could be please direct me to a link where the millions of black people that exist defend Vick?

As I said, he is not defended by a group, but by a few individuals. If one wants to stick with the group theory, then one must note that those you mentioned defending him are all Americans, therefore Americans are defending him.

One thing I note within "certain" cultures, is when one individual of a certain race commits a crime; in this example Vick's, but think back to other circumstances OJ et al....the race seems to come into play. When there is a 'high profile crime' committed by a white, their race is almost never made an issue. When McViegh blew up 160 people, there weren't hundreds of comments about whites. When those kids shot up Columbine there weren't hundreds of comments about their race.....

We unfortunately had a murder here last week, and the focus is on the family of the victim and catching the revolting cretin that did it. Things are not being waylaid by anyone worrying about the race of either. A man is dead, who cares his race, thats sad. Someone killed him, who cares his/her race, thats disgusting.

Personally, although I find his actions abhorable, I do wish the same focus could be places on other crimes. While we are here arguing about this, somewhere a 4 yr old is being raped. Somewhere else, a parent was just killed and kids will be parentless forever. While we debate some total nutcase is chaining up a woman about to rape her than slit her throat.

Hate the criminal, hate the act, hate the person.......but hating whole groups only contributes to lack of peace and future problems in varied types.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: militarymuscle69 on September 05, 2007, 08:11:16 AM
I'm not defending her statements, have to admit that Vick is getting piled on pretty bad.  But yet, other "sports" which involve animals being crually treated go largely ignored......Bullfightin g(and Running of the Bulls), Dog racing, various Equestrians(and usage of spurs), circus animals, particularily elephants, cock fighting, and so on and so forth.  Before the Vick case broke, dog fighting was largely ignored in most forms of media and most didn't care.  But all of a sudden, people are acting like this was the first time something like this had happened. 

Another prime example of how the media are experts at inflamming the population in whatever subject it mandates and selling more newspapers and ratings.

You can't be comparing bullfighting, dog/horse racing and circus animals to dog fighting? Come the fuck on son. Cock fighting is illegal
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: rockyfortune on September 05, 2007, 08:11:59 AM
Not trying to be rude, but could be please direct me to a link where the millions of black people that exist defend Vick?

As I said, he is not defended by a group, but by a few individuals. If one wants to stick with the group theory, then one must note that those you mentioned defending him are all Americans, therefore Americans are defending him.

One thing I note within "certain" cultures, is when one individual of a certain race commits a crime; in this example Vick's, but think back to other circumstances OJ et al....the race seems to come into play. When there is a 'high profile crime' committed by a white, their race is almost never made an issue. When McViegh blew up 160 people, there weren't hundreds of comments about whites. When those kids shot up Columbine there weren't hundreds of comments about their race.....

We unfortunately had a murder here last week, and the focus is on the family of the victim and catching the revolting cretin that did it. Things are not being waylaid by anyone worrying about the race of either. A man is dead, who cares his race, thats sad. Someone killed him, who cares his/her race, thats disgusting.

Personally, although I find his actions abhorable, I do wish the same focus could be places on other crimes. While we are here arguing about this, somewhere a 4 yr old is being raped. Somewhere else, a parent was just killed and kids will be parentless forever. While we debate some total nutcase is chaining up a woman about to rape her than slit her throat.

Hate the criminal, hate the act, hate the person.......but hating whole groups only contributes to lack of peace and future problems in varied types.

Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: headhuntersix on September 05, 2007, 08:13:51 AM
Exactly.......KC bro. It was weird..but the topic was Mike Vick and the these guys came outa the wood work.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: rockyfortune on September 05, 2007, 08:14:49 AM
Not trying to be rude, but could be please direct me to a link where the millions of black people that exist defend Vick?

As I said, he is not defended by a group, but by a few individuals. If one wants to stick with the group theory, then one must note that those you mentioned defending him are all Americans, therefore Americans are defending him.

One thing I note within "certain" cultures, is when one individual of a certain race commits a crime; in this example Vick's, but think back to other circumstances OJ et al....the race seems to come into play. When there is a 'high profile crime' committed by a white, their race is almost never made an issue. When McViegh blew up 160 people, there weren't hundreds of comments about whites. When those kids shot up Columbine there weren't hundreds of comments about their race.....

We unfortunately had a murder here last week, and the focus is on the family of the victim and catching the revolting cretin that did it. Things are not being waylaid by anyone worrying about the race of either. A man is dead, who cares his race, thats sad. Someone killed him, who cares his/her race, thats disgusting.

Personally, although I find his actions abhorable, I do wish the same focus could be places on other crimes. While we are here arguing about this, somewhere a 4 yr old is being raped. Somewhere else, a parent was just killed and kids will be parentless forever. While we debate some total nutcase is chaining up a woman about to rape her than slit her throat.

Hate the criminal, hate the act, hate the person.......but hating whole groups only contributes to lack of peace and future problems in varied types.

I'm not hating CQ. I'm making a point from the facts that I've read and heard on the boob tube.  You have black celebrities, athlete's and groups defending what he did as a culture thing and that's a copout...
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: CQ on September 05, 2007, 08:20:36 AM

Can you not comprehend the fact that everyone 'speaking out' for Vick is BLACK?
And while Russel Simmons and Al Sharpton made a press relase within 48 hrs that they do not condone it, Simmons sure as hell has his hands bloody with all of the pitbull fighting shirts he sells....

So which way should I look at it, by that thought pattern? Blacks defend him or Americans? They are both members of that group.

Like you said, some, and I am sure most blacks so not condone it, as I am sure most Americans don't or even people worlwide for that matter.

Vicks, a black man, did it, and some blacks defended him.....does not represent me, Big_Mal, Tre, Jag or any other black person around.

Vicks, an American did it, and some Americans defended him.....does not represent you, Body88, 240 or any other American around.

In the end, people are people, some are morons some aren't irrespective of race.

I'm not hating CQ. I'm making a point from the facts that I've read and heard on the boob tube.  You have black celebrities, athlete's and groups defending what he did as a culture thing and that's a copout...

Sure and thanks same here. Btw, nice to have an intelligent convo without slurs being thrown, you are articulate and well "spoken" :)

Exactly.......KC bro. It was weird..but the topic was Mike Vick and the these guys came outa the wood work.

OMG, yes I just noticed this is on the Sports board. I just clicked 'last posts' and responded.

Sorry to barge into this male area with my female ramblings guys. Don't worry, I dont intend to start displaying my non-existent knowledge of NFL or posting about make-up or anything :o
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: youandme on September 05, 2007, 08:30:19 AM
So which way should I look at it, by that thought pattern? Blacks defend him or Americans? They are both members of that group.

Like you said, some, and I am sure most blacks so not condone it, as I am sure most Americans don't or even people worlwide for that matter.

Vicks, a black man, did it, and some blacks defended him.....does not represent me, Big_Mal, Tre, Jag or any other black person around.

Vicks, an American did it, and some Americans defended him.....does not represent you, Berserker, 240 or any other American around.

In the end, people are people, some are morons some aren't irrespective of race.

Yes it is respective of that race and that culture to have so many outspoken celebs come out and adhere to a criminal act. When that sample of X many people speak and defend him it is held against a whole population, where the sample is then examined as a parameter. You may find your views opposing but I guess your "not from the south" ?

Sorry to burst your bubble but it became respective of race, considering the naacp was called in hours into the investigation.

No one except Hank A. has done anything to speak out against it in terms of being African American, everyone else just "good luck to him, it's just a sport....."
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: CQ on September 05, 2007, 08:36:15 AM
Yes it is respective of that race and that culture to have so many outspoken celebs come out and adhere to a criminal act. When that sample of X many people speak and defend him it is held against a whole population, where the sample is then examined as a parameter. You may find your views opposing but I guess your "not from the south" ?

Sorry to burst your bubble but it is respective of race, considering the naacp was called in hours into the investigation.

Yes, I guess it all a matter of perspective and I don't really disagree with you. In fact that is kind of my always boils down to race.

I just note it as it is so different from here, as here criminals are basically criminals. No one cares about their race, no one really defends them and no one piles on them more due to their race. They are simply labeled a criminal, and most people treat them as pariahs.

Anyway, I am rather liking the sports board. Perhaps I shall start some iceskating or netball threads shortly 8)
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: youandme on September 05, 2007, 08:59:02 AM
Yes, I guess it all a matter of perspective and I don't really disagree with you. In fact that is kind of my always boils down to race.

I just note it as it is so different from here, as here criminals are basically criminals. No one cares about their race, no one really defends them and no one piles on them more due to their race. They are simply labeled a criminal, and most people treat them as pariahs.

Anyway, I am rather liking the sports board. Perhaps I shall start some iceskating or netball threads shortly 8)

True, I took what Hank said to heart, I'm glad they interviewed him on the subject. 

If someone does something and has plead guilty, no reason to fend for them when they can fend for themselves plenty.

I was dissapointed in what Smith, and Irvin said having meet and hung out with Irvin, was not surprised just shocked he would even comment on the matter. I think that is why he might have stopped coming to the gym, lol.

Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: Cap on September 05, 2007, 09:26:24 AM
The NAACP is, big surprise there.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: CQ on September 05, 2007, 11:59:31 AM
True, I took what Hank said to heart, I'm glad they interviewed him on the subject. 

If someone does something and has plead guilty, no reason to fend for them when they can fend for themselves plenty.

I was dissapointed in what Smith, and Irvin said having meet and hung out with Irvin, was not surprised just shocked he would even comment on the matter. I think that is why he might have stopped coming to the gym, lol.

Please excuse my brutal ignorance, but I did not know who "Hank" or "Irvin" were or even what they said and was forced to google it and so I learned something new today. Thanks :D

When most groups are "slammed" they will react. Recently here a tourist beat a girl very badly as she refused his advances. A small group of people defended him saying he should not be punished, that we had no right to imprison a US national, and various other rhetoric. Like the Vick thing, there is no excuse for a man beating up a woman for refusing to date him.

It was a few stupid people from his 'side' who defended him for beating a girl bloody for not wanting to date him, and then some stupid islanders acted like the few who spoke represented all Americans, when most the American tourists here were cheering for him to *go* to jail, the same way most blacks do *not* agree with Vick's actions.

The actions of some, whether it be the crime or wrongly defending it, never speak for us all.
Title: Re: whoopi defends vick...says dogfighting is part of his cultural upbringing
Post by: WOOO on September 05, 2007, 07:06:09 PM
what an idiot