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Getbig Alternative Boards => Y Board - The Player's Club => Topic started by: Fury on September 16, 2007, 07:36:32 PM

Title: Anyone watch Flight of the Concords on HBO?
Post by: Fury on September 16, 2007, 07:36:32 PM
Great fucking show. Absolutely hilarious. So anyways, me and my boy are making the rounds at this party this weekend. And my friend is absolutely ripped. So we start going up to the girls saying he's Murray Hewitt the band manager and I'm Jermaine and our other friend is the other band member Brett. The kid's New Zealander accent was unbelievable. So 99% of the girl's actually fall for this shit that we got a band going to make a break. And if you've seen the show, the songs they sing are retarded. Anyways, we accidentally end up walking up to two girls and one turns out to be black. Now, all the white girls laughed and talked or whatever, but not the black girl. My friend says "Murray Hewitt, I manage the band" to the girl and she just screams in his face, "Will you get the fuck out of here?" which wasn't surprising.

All in all, I can't say I'm surprised the only girl to scream was black. Just further proves the stereotypes. Always a 100% given that they're rudest douche bags around. Our fault for not seeing that she was black.  :-\
Title: Re: Anyone watch Flight of the Concords on HBO?
Post by: chaos on September 16, 2007, 07:53:34 PM
how could you not see a black girl? didn't you have to walk around her ginormous ass to talk to her?
Title: Re: Anyone watch Flight of the Concords on HBO?
Post by: Fury on September 16, 2007, 08:17:55 PM
how could you not see a black girl? didn't you have to walk around her ginormous ass to talk to her?

hahahaha! It was outside and the glare from the flood lights made it really hard to see. It was a mistake. It just cracks me up that one the person who always has to scream and flip out is 99.99% of the time black. The fuck is wrong with them sometimes?