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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: mopar_freak on September 27, 2007, 01:46:20 PM

Title: please help
Post by: mopar_freak on September 27, 2007, 01:46:20 PM
hey guys please give me some help. i few months ago for 8 weeks i was on 200mg deca/w 200mg test cyp/w 100mg winny /everyotherday and 300mg of tren a week. i noticed great gains from it. the only problem was that i got gyno aweek after i stopped using and then i started to get major depression for about a month.

now, im leaving for cuba in jan for 2 weeks, and i wanted to take something that will give me no sideeffects, so far im thinking 60mg of Anavar a day, 100mg winny everyotherday and add some 4-AD to it.

so i guess my question is can Winny, anavar and 4-ad cause gyno or depression once off of it ???
and should i use it until the day i leave or should i stop a week or so before,
thanks for any of your help.
Title: Re: please help
Post by: Overload on September 27, 2007, 02:59:54 PM
What PCT did you do for that cycle?

i'm not sure about 4ad, i know nothing about prohormones.

EVERYTHING AAS related as side effects, some more than others. the combo of deca and tren can throw your HPTA way out of whack. that is probably why you were all emotional with tons of estrogen in your body and no test. now you know what a women feels like on her rag.

Title: Re: please help
Post by: mopar_freak on September 28, 2007, 09:26:27 AM
i used clomid for about 3 weeks.

do you think ill be ok with the winny and anavar?
Title: Re: please help
Post by: davinci on September 28, 2007, 09:52:34 AM
take some cabergoline at .5 mg x2 a week. its helps knock down the estrogen and gives you a huge boost in sex drive and also a sense of well being.
Title: Re: please help
Post by: mopar_freak on September 28, 2007, 10:14:51 AM
but will estrogen be a problem when taking winny and anavar?
Title: Re: please help
Post by: Arnold jr on September 28, 2007, 10:29:00 AM
I don't understand? You're saying you had no gyno, no signs of gyno, stopped your cycle and them Bam, gyno? If that's what you're saying, well, it makes no sense because gyno doesn't work like that.

As far as depression, a lot of guys experience this to some degree when coming off's just the nature of the game.
Title: Re: please help
Post by: Overload on September 28, 2007, 11:02:45 AM
take some cabergoline at .5 mg x2 a week. its helps knock down the estrogen and gives you a huge boost in sex drive and also a sense of well being.

Please explain how cabergoline effects estrogen.

It effects prolactin and does increase sex drive(due to lowering prolactin levels).

Title: Re: please help
Post by: trab on September 28, 2007, 02:01:02 PM
I don't understand? You're saying you had no gyno, no signs of gyno, stopped your cycle and them Bam, gyno? If that's what you're saying, well, it makes no sense because gyno doesn't work like that.

As far as depression, a lot of guys experience this to some degree when coming off's just the nature of the game.

AJ this is possible several ways.
He was low test at the end. Sometimes some androgen present helps prevent gyno IMO.
Withdrawl it, and very little Test present, and its a matter of ratio of Test to Female hormones.

Also, a rebound surge of natural test production after stopping AAS can produce/ aggravate gyno.

Ive some gyno from puberty, and Its a real good indicator to different situations that can aggravate it.
Ive kept it basically the same, even using substantial testosterone over years.
I can feel it act up, and react accordingly.

His question is hard to understand,
                                               But 1.DONT USE PRO HORMONES! Never!
                                                     2. No - Stan & Var dont aromatize.
                                                     3. Enough Stan and Var for long enough will comprimise Nat Test.

If thats a serious issue, you should not cycle steroids.
Title: Re: please help
Post by: Arnold jr on September 28, 2007, 02:35:30 PM
AJ this is possible several ways.
He was low test at the end. Sometimes some androgen present helps prevent gyno IMO.
Withdrawl it, and very little Test present, and its a matter of ratio of Test to Female hormones.

Also, a rebound surge of natural test production after stopping AAS can produce/ aggravate gyno.

Ive some gyno from puberty, and Its a real good indicator to different situations that can aggravate it.
Ive kept it basically the same, even using substantial testosterone over years.
I can feel it act up, and react accordingly.

His question is hard to understand,
                                               But 1.DONT USE PRO HORMONES! Never!
                                                     2. No - Stan & Var dont aromatize.
                                                     3. Enough Stan and Var for long enough will comprimise Nat Test.

If thats a serious issue, you should not cycle steroids.
I understand what you're saying, but is it possable for it to happen this fast? I mean it's almost as if he's saying it was least that's how it read to me.
Title: Re: please help
Post by: OTHstrong on September 28, 2007, 03:43:23 PM
Yes you can still develope gyno after. I think what your asking is if whinny and anaver will effect gyno. No it shouldn't. Next time you come off take some nolvadex, especially when using deca and tren. As for emotions go, welcome to the game.
Title: Re: please help
Post by: davinci on September 28, 2007, 06:24:13 PM
Please explain how cabergoline effects estrogen.

It effects prolactin and does increase sex drive(due to lowering prolactin levels).

im sorry i meant to say knocks down prolactin levels and said it would give him a better since of well being in response to his depression state. sorry for confusion and misprint
Title: Re: please help
Post by: mopar_freak on September 29, 2007, 08:23:38 AM
thanks guys