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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: GR on October 12, 2007, 07:33:19 PM

Title: ARMS!
Post by: GR on October 12, 2007, 07:33:19 PM
Today i trained arms, i did:CABLE PRESSDOWNS 3SETS(200POUNDS)x16,16,12
                                    OVERHEAD CABLE EXTENSIONS 3SETS(200POUNDS)x12,12,12
                                    ONE ARM DUMBELL EXTENSION 3SETS(22,30,36POUNDS)x10,10,10
                                    BARBELL CURL 3SETS(78,98,118)x16,12,10
                                    ALTERNATE DUMBELL CURLS 3SETS(26.5,35.2,50POUNDS)16,12,8
                                    HIGH PULLEY CABLE CURLS 3SETS(40POUNDS)12,12,12.
I finished in 30 minutes,didnt go crazy but the arms felt good...Your opinion on the above?
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: GR on October 12, 2007, 07:35:00 PM
5'9",211 Pounds.
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: webcake on October 12, 2007, 08:29:13 PM
Personally, for tricpes, i only do one exercise with cables and maybe 2-3 with free weights. Anyway, your workout seems nice and quick, but yeah, maybe replace 1 of your cable exercises for triceps with maybe skull crushers or close grip bench.
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: mitchyboy on October 12, 2007, 08:56:58 PM
What kind of crazy ass weights are u using
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on October 13, 2007, 11:30:51 AM
what is a 35.2 lb DB? a 35 pounder with .2 lb tooth stuck in it?
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: Zach Trowbridge on October 13, 2007, 12:03:56 PM
I would ditch the overhead cable extensions for either 2-arm db or 2-arm ez bar overhead extensions, and drop the high pulley curls and add in either preacher curls, hammer curls or reverse curls.  Other than that it looks pretty solid.
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: GR on October 13, 2007, 01:56:06 PM
Iam European,i try to calculate the weight in pounds(we use kilos).I try to change the workout every one or two weeks.
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: Bluto on October 15, 2007, 06:29:32 AM
i think you need to change one of your triceps excercises for a heavier one. if you can do 16 reps for several sets it doesnt sound very heavy more warm up which is fine but then the second should be a harder exercise

might wanna add straight up dips (no leaning forward) or close grip benches.
for biceps i would change one for hammer curls.
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: slaveboy1980 on October 15, 2007, 06:33:55 AM
Today i trained arms, i did:CABLE PRESSDOWNS 3SETS(200POUNDS)x16,16,12
                                    OVERHEAD CABLE EXTENSIONS 3SETS(200POUNDS)x12,12,12
                                    ONE ARM DUMBELL EXTENSION 3SETS(22,30,36POUNDS)x10,10,10
                                    BARBELL CURL 3SETS(78,98,118)x16,12,10
                                    ALTERNATE DUMBELL CURLS 3SETS(26.5,35.2,50POUNDS)16,12,8
                                    HIGH PULLEY CABLE CURLS 3SETS(40POUNDS)12,12,12.
I finished in 30 minutes,didnt go crazy but the arms felt good...Your opinion on the above?

looks like a standard "armday", that many people do.

i used to have "armdays" too...but it always took me a while to get warm...

nowdays i do arms after a bigger bodypart. (doing a simple 3 day split).

and yes you should do some close grip benching and/or dips ...(as been mentioned)

Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: GR on October 15, 2007, 02:08:17 PM
Maybe i'll switch to skullcrushers again because close grip presses never felt right to me and my wrists hurt when i do them...
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: slaveboy1980 on October 15, 2007, 04:31:23 PM
Maybe i'll switch to skullcrushers again because close grip presses never felt right to me and my wrists hurt when i do them...

the hurting wrist thing can be avoided if you dont grip too close...(in general)

you dont have to keep hands almost touching...that will totally fuck up the wrists
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: GR on October 26, 2007, 03:06:00 PM
so i changed my arm routine and decided to go heavier:triceps cable pressdown(3x12,198 pounds)
                                                                           one arm dumbbell extensions(35x10,40x8,40x8)
                                                                           barbell curls(102x12,127x8,137x8)
                                                                           preacher ez bar curls(87x12,97x10,97x8)
                                                                           concetration curls(22x12x3sets)
                                                                           hammer curls(44poundsx10,2sets)
what do you think?(i use kilos so i try to calculate them in pounds)
Title: Re: ARMS!
Post by: Emmortal on November 03, 2007, 05:25:11 PM
Decline skullcrushers are really nice as opposed to standard ones, you might try those out as well.