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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: TroubleReady39 on October 22, 2007, 09:22:11 AM

Title: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: TroubleReady39 on October 22, 2007, 09:22:11 AM
How many mg?

And how much from soda/coffee, how much from those Vivarin pills?
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: gtbro1 on October 22, 2007, 09:24:11 AM
   12 diet mountain dews at least...however much caffeine that is :-\
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: candidizzle on October 22, 2007, 09:28:23 AM
most diet sodas have about 50 mg of caffiene per 12 ounces, gt1bro.

Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: bigdumbbell on October 22, 2007, 09:40:27 AM
18 a day  coffee only  2 large starbucks
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: BODYBUILDER212 on October 22, 2007, 11:29:25 AM
I dont know but the doc said to be carful

6 cups cafe during day
1 espresso when wake
2 redlines during day
and training 2 ephedra tabs
needless to say not much sleep
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: OTHstrong on October 22, 2007, 11:33:36 AM
When I am three weeks out all my daily activities are so hard at this point. 2000 mg per day
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: Monster81 on October 22, 2007, 11:43:28 AM
don exactly know but its only one teaspoon of black coffee a day
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: G o a t b o y on October 22, 2007, 11:43:50 AM
How much caffeine do you ingest each day?

A lot.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: anvil on October 22, 2007, 11:45:17 AM
   12 diet mountain dews at least...however much caffeine that is :-\

That's 660 milligrams.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: The Squadfather on October 22, 2007, 11:46:39 AM
How many mg?

And how much from soda/coffee, how much from those Vivarin pills?
as many as it takes me to get through a hardcore sex session with your girlfriend.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: affy on October 22, 2007, 11:48:15 AM
as many as it takes me to get through a hardcore sex session with your girlfriend.
same..except change girlfriend to mom and sister for me

Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: Bluto on October 22, 2007, 11:50:00 AM

i dont do drugs.

all natural baby!
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: The Squadfather on October 22, 2007, 11:54:46 AM

i dont do drugs.

all natural baby!
you better hope the government doesn't start classifying penis as a drug or you will be a drug addict.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: Bluto on October 22, 2007, 12:05:32 PM
you better hope the government doesn't start classifying penis as a drug or you will be a drug addict.

stay off the drugs
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: the_doc on October 22, 2007, 04:48:58 PM
I'm a bad example. 5/6 cups coffee, 2 cans of coke or red bull.
The Doc :o
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: Livewire on October 22, 2007, 05:19:50 PM
6-8 red bulls per evening, depending upon how late I stay up.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: shiftedShapes on October 22, 2007, 05:21:00 PM
for you guys who are drinking coffee all day, is your energy level very high, is it higher than before you started drinking coffee, or do you need the caffeine just to get you to your previous baseline.

Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: kh300 on October 22, 2007, 05:21:43 PM
i have a caffeine iv hooked to my arm all day
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: The Squadfather on October 22, 2007, 05:22:43 PM
i have a caffeine iv hooked to my arm all day
i have one too but it's chocolate milk.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: gtbro1 on October 22, 2007, 05:23:00 PM
you better hope the government doesn't start classifying penis as a drug or you will be a drug addict.

Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: rocket on October 22, 2007, 05:23:43 PM
I don't know how much but I know that it is way too much and that sometime during my life I will need to step away from the stimulants and stand on my own two feet.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: 240 is Back on October 22, 2007, 05:28:14 PM
I used to be on 2 caff pills a day, plus about a 2-liter of diet dr pep.

My last checkup, I admitted it to my doctor, and he tore me a new one.

I drink maybe 1/2 a 2-liter of soday daily now.  Also I might chistle 1/4 a caff pill now and then (when I stay up til 4 am playing a show then back up at 7 am with the rugrat).

Caffeine is awesome - but you do need it to return to a baseline.  It's a great feelig every morning - but you do become addicted.  Since quitting it, life has improved greatly for me.  Your blood vessels constrict when you take caffeine for years (I had taken it twice daily for over 2 years).  I feel a lot better now that I"m off it.  (for the most part - I still get 200 mg a day spread out.)
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: rocket on October 22, 2007, 05:35:42 PM
I don't really have a problem with caffeine so much as I have a problem in that I really really like coffee (don't say decaf)
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: BFP on October 22, 2007, 05:36:48 PM
400-600mg per day.  2 no doz and a coke or 5 a day.

Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: Old-Skool on October 22, 2007, 05:40:24 PM
I'm Canadian...half my paycheck goes to "Tim Horton's"........ ;D
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: HowieW on October 22, 2007, 06:02:46 PM
How many mg?

And how much from soda/coffee, how much from those Vivarin pills?

The equiv. of 200 mg via ripped fuel or hydroxy cut type of tabs twice per day and 2-3 diet cokes, now that I am on an actual diet program.
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: 250Ben250 on October 22, 2007, 07:31:22 PM
Deezamn and I thought I had it bad for 3-4 cups of coffee's worth a day.

I haven't tried this yet but its gotten great reviews - (

Basically you can lower your stim intake and get a better effect, or cut it out all together and be back to baseline faster than you would otherwise.
Title: Not sure, but canadians are the . . .
Post by: Etrain on October 22, 2007, 08:54:37 PM
How many mg?

And how much from soda/coffee, how much from those Vivarin pills?

Statistically, Canucks take in more mg of Caffeine daily than any other country. . .  ;D
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: Rimbaud on October 23, 2007, 03:20:53 AM
On average maybe two cups of coffee a day plus a half gallon of iced tea (usually decaf but sometimes not).
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: mental_masturbator on October 23, 2007, 04:04:06 AM
I have 2 small cups of coffee a day.  ~6 oz french pressed cups of Kenyan AA have forever spoiled me.  Guatemalan is great too.  Sometimes I'll do instant in emergency situations. Thanks for caring...
Title: Re: How much caffeine do you ingest each day?
Post by: pac-man on October 25, 2007, 09:18:55 AM
I always wondered how much caffeine is too much. 

It is not uncommon for me to down 200mgs of caffeine in one form or another every 4 hours that I'm up.  Sometimes my day starts at 3am and doesnt end until 9 at night.  I try not to have this much everyday though it does happen from time to time. 

Anyone know the long term effects?