Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: Redwine on October 26, 2007, 08:05:49 PM

Title: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Redwine on October 26, 2007, 08:05:49 PM
heyya broz! i just wanna know.. whts the point eating clean if you are not preparing for any comp in d nearest time? i feel if one is not preparing for comp.. its better to eat right?

maybe.. sun, mon, tues - eat clean
wed- cheat day
thurs , fri - eat clean
sat- cheat day

wht you guys say for this?
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on October 26, 2007, 10:16:44 PM
because the more fat you put on, the more muscle you will lose whiel dieting that fat-off come pre-contest time. you dont have to put on fat to put on muscle. there is no benefits from over eating to the point that you store excess calories as bodyfat....only overeating to the point that its stored as muscle.(an excess of 300 calories per day)
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: wes on October 26, 2007, 10:34:52 PM
More fat = lowered testosterone levels also.

Cheat days/meals are fine if not competing............jus t keep portions moderate and don`t use them as an excuse to get sloppy.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Dragon on October 27, 2007, 02:57:11 AM
More fat = lowered testosterone levels also.

Cheat days/meals are fine if not competing............jus t keep portions moderate and don`t use them as an excuse to get sloppy.

lower GH levels too
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: gtbro1 on October 27, 2007, 03:01:13 AM
More fat = lowered testosterone levels also.

  more fat = less pussy
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: AVBG on October 27, 2007, 03:25:23 AM
Great thread!
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Redwine on October 27, 2007, 04:51:21 AM
hey broz.. thanks for d quick replies.. do you guys think this plan would do good?

sun, mon, tues - eat clean
wed- cheat day
thurs , fri - eat clean
sat- cheat day
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: gtbro1 on October 27, 2007, 07:20:12 AM
hey broz.. thanks for d quick replies.. do you guys think this plan would do good?

sun, mon, tues - eat clean
wed- cheat day
thurs , fri - eat clean
sat- cheat day

good  enough

Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Redwine on October 27, 2007, 08:56:34 PM
right now i have no plans to compete till next june.. so considered offseason.. and let say im eating clean.. should i add more carbs or? by adding more carbs.. is it possible to keep my waist line down?
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: wes on October 28, 2007, 09:00:05 AM
Eat the majority of your carbs at post-workout and early in the day for best results.

Carb cycling is a good option even in off-season if you want to avoid adding too much bodyfat.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Swedish Viking on October 29, 2007, 12:33:50 AM
well there's also the health reasons....eating clean is being clean.  Eating crap is becoming crap.  Honestly, at some point even if you are not competing you have to realize that eating junk just makes you feel like junk and perform that way too.  Try this, if you want to over eat-over eat on all clean foods and see how much more you grow...meaning, eat a pizza's worth of calories with grass fed beef and eggs.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: romeo on October 29, 2007, 08:05:08 PM
More fat = lowered testosterone levels also.

i take it you are referring to 'body fat; and not dietary fat?

body fat has been shown by studies to be inversely proportionate to test production/ levels.

however nat test is made from fat.

i think thats what you meant big guy.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: tonymctones on October 29, 2007, 09:29:40 PM
man that sounds pretty good to me, I dont think your gonna put on any fat if your not going completely crazy on your cheat days
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Redwine on October 29, 2007, 10:03:54 PM
heyya broz.. thanks for d replies :P  im been eating clean for the past 2 months. having cheat day only once a week.. but then i feel im loosing way too much mass.. wonder why.. thts why i thought of having 2 cheat days in a week
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: younggunz on November 01, 2007, 11:04:27 PM
because eating clean usually means less calories, you need to eat alot more when eating clean especially if you watch your carb intake , which u probly should.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: wes on November 02, 2007, 03:12:58 AM
Increase protein,water,and cycle your carbs................2 low days,2 higher days,2 low days,and so on.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Meso_z on November 03, 2007, 01:23:36 PM
More fat = lowered testosterone levels also.

Cheat days/meals are fine if not competing............jus t keep portions moderate and don`t use them as an excuse to get sloppy.

I thought more fat in your diet = increased test and gh levels, maybe im wrong.... :-\
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Mars on November 18, 2007, 04:17:24 AM

  more fat = less pussy

hahaha, im startin to like this guy.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on November 18, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
I thought more fat in your diet = increased test and gh levels, maybe im wrong.... :-\
you are correct, BUT, i think wes was reffering to bodyfat %, not nutrient intake %. carrying more than 13% body fatlowers your test, gh, igf-1, metabolic rate and just about everything that you want to be high.   
having more than 40% dietary fat intake raises your test, gh, igf-1, fat tissue metabolic rate, and just about everything else you want to be high.

not that it has anything to do with anything at all....but imo, the best bb diet is high protein/high-moderate fat/moderate-low fiber
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: The Freakshow on November 19, 2007, 10:46:58 PM
because the more fat you put on, the more muscle you will lose whiel dieting that fat-off come pre-contest time. you dont have to put on fat to put on muscle. there is no benefits from over eating to the point that you store excess calories as bodyfat....only overeating to the point that its stored as muscle.(an excess of 300 calories per day)

Well said.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Honour on November 19, 2007, 11:15:22 PM
Yeah only problem with having more than one cheat day a week is that you tend to get a taste for the junk food, and before you know it you are eating crap all week :o. I'd say save your cheat day for like Sat or Sunday so if you go out on the weekend you don't feel bad about eating out etc.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: rick brophy on December 04, 2007, 12:44:53 AM
Yeah only problem with having more than one cheat day a week is that you tend to get a taste for the junk food, and before you know it you are eating crap all week :o. I'd say save your cheat day for like Sat or Sunday so if you go out on the weekend you don't feel bad about eating out etc.

YUP. At one point in my dieting I had basically forgotten what burgers, pizza and chinese food tasted like. Then I started doing weekly cheat days which helped me shed a lot of weight ( I lost 5 pounds 3 days after one cheat day ), but then I had the taste for junk again and it was tougher to stay strong.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on December 04, 2007, 08:35:49 AM
YUP. At one point in my dieting I had basically forgotten what burgers, pizza and chinese food tasted like. Then I started doing weekly cheat days which helped me shed a lot of weight ( I lost 5 pounds 3 days after one cheat day ), but then I had the taste for junk again and it was tougher to stay strong.
this is the main reason why i NEVER cheat anymore. to me...cheat foods taste like almonds, cashews, and whole eggs.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: coltrane on December 04, 2007, 04:26:08 PM
when you're eating for nutrition, not taste, you're on the right track
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: The True Adonis on December 08, 2007, 12:49:13 PM
Nothing but morons on this thread.

There is no such thing as a "dirty" or "bad" food.

I eat whatever I wish.

I scoff at the entire ignorance contained therein regarding this thread.

The majority of you not only look awful, but will never look nearly like anything worthy of note.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: coltrane on December 08, 2007, 01:01:58 PM
Nothing but morons on this thread.

There is no such thing as a "dirty" or "bad" food.

I eat whatever I wish.

I scoff at the entire ignorance contained therein regarding this thread.

The majority of you not only look awful, but will never look nearly like anything worthy of note.

PhD. in Illusions of Grandeur
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on December 08, 2007, 01:40:18 PM

PhD. in Illusions of Grandeur
haha. yes, very true.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Swedish Viking on December 08, 2007, 11:30:26 PM
I think there's such a thing as not eating clean...I consider what most people do on a daily basis not eating clean-not insulting.  We can download a list of carcinogens or I could just rattle some off, contained in the diet of pretty much ALL people, who do not eat completely clean-I think cancer causing agents and other compounds we can actually see in the food we eat and then subsequently see in our bodies classifies whatever it is as 'not clean.'
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: The True Adonis on December 09, 2007, 02:12:45 AM
I think there's such a thing as not eating clean...I consider what most people do on a daily basis not eating clean-not insulting.  We can download a list of carcinogens or I could just rattle some off, contained in the diet of pretty much ALL people, who do not eat completely clean-I think cancer causing agents and other compounds we can actually see in food in the food we eat and then subsequently see in our bodies classifies whatever it is as 'not clean.'
Prove it.  Link me with studies of ANY food additives PROVING a link between cancer in humans.

You can`t.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: coltrane on December 09, 2007, 09:01:42 AM
Prove it.  Link me with studies of ANY food additives PROVING a link between cancer in humans.

You can`t.

TA---your ignorance really amazes me.  Just bc there isn't a study or documented report that PROVES a link doesn't mean there aren't any.  If we can't prove something in this moment in time it doesn't mean there is no link.  Just ask the naysayers of Louis Pasteur's time. 

You shouldn't (and can't afford) to have such a HIGH disregard for the quality of food you eat.  The foods you are claiming to survive on (ice cream, junk etc) are nutrient void compared to healthy, more nutrient dense foods.

Your logic and reasoning is ill-founded and erratic at best.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on December 09, 2007, 04:14:33 PM
coltrane....a "calorie is a calorie", dont you know it doesnt matter where the calories come from once you have met your daily minimal fda recommended levels of carbs fats and proteins, the rest of you cals can be from ben & jerries, or haagen daas and it doesnt matter!!


adonis is an ignorant jackass.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Swedish Viking on December 09, 2007, 11:49:22 PM
Well, I wasn't talking about food additives but since you mention it, you'll not likely find any carcinogenic ones in food all that often because everytime one is found to be carcinogenic, it is taken off the market-this has happened many times, you don't need me to prove it to you.  I was talking about the known or highly suspect either carcinogenic or just disease causing compounds created from the cooking process such as Acrylamides, A.G.E., Lipid Oxides, Heterocyclic Amines...etc.  Trust me, I am fine with you continuing to eat McDonald's everyday-although I don't think it's very environmentally responsible, and continuing to think that a calorie is a calorie and that it doesn't matter where it comes from; I'll stick with fresh, organic raw foods and you can eat everything else

And on top of that, and this I love...please feel free to wait for empirically proven, double blind tested, and published in a 'credible' scientific or medical journal results on everything you do and consume before you do or consume any of it.  In the meantime, I'll do what I know is right for me. 

Again, you're never going to find studies PROVING a food item causes cancer because those things are taken off the market or specifically given a warning label-like on cigarettes.  All you are going to find is correlational studies-some of which are more than enough for me.   
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: The True Adonis on December 10, 2007, 12:51:50 PM
Well, I wasn't talking about food additives but since you mention it, you'll not likely find any carcinogenic ones in food all that often because everytime one is found to be carcinogenic, it is taken off the market-this has happened many times, you don't need me to prove it to you.  I was talking about the known or highly suspect either carcinogenic or just disease causing compounds created from the cooking process such as Acrylamides, A.G.E., Lipid Oxides, Heterocyclic Amines...etc.  Trust me, I am fine with you continuing to eat McDonald's everyday-although I don't think it's very environmentally responsible, and continuing to think that a calorie is a calorie and that it doesn't matter where it comes from; I'll stick with fresh, organic raw foods and you can eat everything else

And on top of that, and this I love...please feel free to wait for empirically proven, double blind tested, and published in a 'credible' scientific or medical journal results on everything you do and consume before you do or consume any of it.  In the meantime, I'll do what I know is right for me. 

Again, you're never going to find studies PROVING a food item causes cancer because those things are taken off the market or specifically given a warning label-like on cigarettes.  All you are going to find is correlational studies-some of which are more than enough for me.   
I do not eat Mcdonalds or fast everyday.  I eat it whenever I wish.  Tell me one ingredient that Mcdonalds uses that is harmful.  Merita Bread? Kraft Cheese?  USDA grade A Hormone Free Beef?  Tomatoes, Lettuce, Onions from various farms?

Stop spreading myths and untruths.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on December 10, 2007, 01:08:03 PM
  Tell me one ingredient that Mcdonalds uses that is harmful. 
trans-fats. thats easy. processed white flour/sugar products. another easy one.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: coltrane on December 10, 2007, 04:21:19 PM
high fat crap mayo, trans fats, not to mention all the fat in general.

True A youre way off base.  Do you make protein shakes outta the toilet water after you crap too?
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Swedish Viking on December 11, 2007, 12:16:26 AM
I do not eat Mcdonalds or fast everyday.  I eat it whenever I wish.  Tell me one ingredient that Mcdonalds uses that is harmful.  Merita Bread? Kraft Cheese?  USDA grade A Hormone Free Beef?  Tomatoes, Lettuce, Onions from various farms?

Stop spreading myths and untruths.

You said it, pasteurized kraft cheese, white bread, mayonaise, trans fat, flour tortillas, sugar in their various sauces, vegetable shortening, hydrogenated cottoneseed, corn and soybean oil, wheat gluten,  high fructose corn syrup, soy flour(in all their buns!), liquid margarine(nice)....this list is long.

I think it's funny that this is their ingredient list for pickles: Cucumbers, water, distilled vinegar, salt, calcium chloride, alum, potassium sorbate (preservative), natural flavors (plant source), polysorbate 80, extractives of turmeric (color).    hahahaha.

...and just one last thing, the beef they use has, in all liklihood been raise on a factory farm(i think this would be the only possible way to continue supplying them with the amounts they need) and it is no secret that factory farmed beef is inferior to grass fed-from the health of the cow to the health of the person to the health of the environment. 

  But once again, I should add that I wasn't talking about additives, I wasn't talking about specific ingredients at all in fact-I was talking about the chemical by-products of the cooking process.  I apologize if I insulted you by saying that you eat Mcdonald's everyday-I said that because somewhere in my memory I remember you talking about being able to eat Mcdonald's everyday for a month and suffer no harmful consequences and look just as good as ever-I could be way off base with that though, maybe it wasn't you at all. 
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: snowboarding_bear on March 31, 2008, 08:41:50 AM
i allow myself a cheat meal like each week..just meal not day, and when i say not tlakin i go to mcdicks(mcdonalds) its gonna b a good meal prepared at home from the rents lol.
a lot of times im at work and eat salad or at the gfs n her family is all they eat healthy as hell
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: davie on April 01, 2008, 07:26:44 AM
I try stick with high preotein, mod carbs-throughout the day, gattin less and less as day goes on,cutting off carbs at about 6-7pm.

Have cheat meal mayb during week, probably not though.

Thensaturday sunday im lloser with my diet, i eat well on satu but not as strict as through the week, then on sunday its eat what i want. Which actually usually means pretty healthy apart from cooked brekkie in morning, and roast at night (mayb ice cream to).

Eating like that with inrense DC training has put 30lbs on me in 14months. Not saying its all muscle, but most is.

Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: d0nny2600 on April 02, 2008, 03:22:26 AM

  more fat = less pussy
Epic truth - see Pumphard for reference
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: MCWAY on April 02, 2008, 12:01:29 PM
I try stick with high preotein, mod carbs-throughout the day, gattin less and less as day goes on,cutting off carbs at about 6-7pm.

Have cheat meal mayb during week, probably not though.

Thensaturday sunday im lloser with my diet, i eat well on satu but not as strict as through the week, then on sunday its eat what i want. Which actually usually means pretty healthy apart from cooked brekkie in morning, and roast at night (mayb ice cream to).

Eating like that with inrense DC training has put 30lbs on me in 14months. Not saying its all muscle, but most is.


Congrats to you, Davie.

The last time we chatted, I believe you were inquiring about weight gainers (MET-Rx's Xtreme Size-Up, I think) and/or creatine.

It appears you have found a product that has helped you in achieving your goals. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: davie on April 02, 2008, 01:50:07 PM
Congrats to you, Davie.

The last time we chatted, I believe you were inquiring about weight gainers (MET-Rx's Xtreme Size-Up, I think) and/or creatine.

It appears you have found a product that has helped you in achieving your goals. Keep up the good work.

Thanks MCWAY, you helped me alot definately, actually the product has been mainly food, and lots of

Actualy recently adding another 2 cans of tuna a day to my diet added another 10lbs to me in 6 1/2 weeks.

Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: MCWAY on April 03, 2008, 07:58:53 AM
Well, I wasn't talking about food additives but since you mention it, you'll not likely find any carcinogenic ones in food all that often because everytime one is found to be carcinogenic, it is taken off the market-this has happened many times, you don't need me to prove it to you.  I was talking about the known or highly suspect either carcinogenic or just disease causing compounds created from the cooking process such as Acrylamides, A.G.E., Lipid Oxides, Heterocyclic Amines...etc.  Trust me, I am fine with you continuing to eat McDonald's everyday-although I don't think it's very environmentally responsible, and continuing to think that a calorie is a calorie and that it doesn't matter where it comes from; I'll stick with fresh, organic raw foods and you can eat everything else

And on top of that, and this I love...please feel free to wait for empirically proven, double blind tested, and published in a 'credible' scientific or medical journal results on everything you do and consume before you do or consume any of it.  In the meantime, I'll do what I know is right for me. 

I concur.

What many doctors are  recently "discovering", regarding diet and excercise, bodybuilding enthusiasts have known for DECADES, through "empricially proven" results (aka good old-fashioned TRIAL AND ERROR in the real world).

"Millions of people are involved in exercise programs that involve strength training and aerobic exercise. High-protein diets are the craze. Arnold was doing that back in the '70s, in the 60s." - Bill Phillps, "Iron and Beyond", from the 25th Anniversary Edition of Pumping Iron.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: rccs on April 11, 2008, 11:01:41 AM
hey broz.. thanks for d quick replies.. do you guys think this plan would do good?

sun, mon, tues - eat clean
wed- cheat day
thurs , fri - eat clean
sat- cheat day

Sat - 20 beers... just to relax and enjoy life... ;)
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: Dragon on April 11, 2008, 05:29:24 PM
yesterday i had pizzahut large pizza for lunch
                     fried chicken and a beer for dinner
                     2bags of cheetos here and there , 5 jelly and glazed dounuts
                     2 bagels with cream chease before bed
 should have stopped after lunch...........
not joking............. i feel miserable......... 
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: KingCol on April 11, 2008, 08:32:51 PM
More fat = lowered testosterone levels also.

Cheat days/meals are fine if not competing............jus t keep portions moderate and don`t use them as an excuse to get sloppy.

This must be why all the "power lifters" are so weak???   ::)
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: AKR on April 15, 2008, 07:51:21 PM
I always eat clean and it shows. You want a ripped tight bod? You eat good like I do. I laugh at big dumb fat idiots when I am working out! I like to walk up to them and get up right in their pig faces and I'll yell and scream at them!! Those morons just gawk and shiver. Man that is a badass feeling watching some fat pig squirm in fear.
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: AKR on April 15, 2008, 07:52:17 PM
Nothing but morons on this thread.

There is no such thing as a "dirty" or "bad" food.

I eat whatever I wish.

I scoff at the entire ignorance contained therein regarding this thread.

The majority of you not only look awful, but will never look nearly like anything worthy of note.
hahaah whats with that look on your face? you look retarded. youre not in that good of shape anyway, lulz!
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: candidizzle on April 15, 2008, 08:17:49 PM
This must be why all the "power lifters" are so weak???   ::)

Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: calfzilla on July 10, 2008, 02:19:24 AM
when you're eating for nutrition, not taste, you're on the right track

Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: d0nny2600 on July 10, 2008, 02:41:48 AM
Brutal digging up an old topic
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: ASJChaotic on July 10, 2008, 06:07:36 AM
because the more fat you put on, the more muscle you will lose whiel dieting that fat-off come pre-contest time. you dont have to put on fat to put on muscle. there is no benefits from over eating to the point that you store excess calories as bodyfat....only overeating to the point that its stored as muscle.(an excess of 300 calories per day)

excess calories doesn't have anything to do with muscle growth, food doesn't grow muscles, working out does
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: ASJChaotic on July 10, 2008, 06:09:10 AM
hey broz.. thanks for d quick replies.. do you guys think this plan would do good?

sun, mon, tues - eat clean
wed- cheat day
thurs , fri - eat clean
sat- cheat day

eating "clean" or eating "dirty" doesn't matter, if you go above your calorie totals for that day that tuna that you eat will be stored as fat  ;D
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: ASJChaotic on July 10, 2008, 06:12:10 AM
Yeah only problem with having more than one cheat day a week is that you tend to get a taste for the junk food, and before you know it you are eating crap all week :o. I'd say save your cheat day for like Sat or Sunday so if you go out on the weekend you don't feel bad about eating out etc.

nice tits hahahaha
Title: Re: why eat clean..IF
Post by: ASJChaotic on July 10, 2008, 06:14:00 AM
Nothing but morons on this thread.

There is no such thing as a "dirty" or "bad" food.

I eat whatever I wish.

I scoff at the entire ignorance contained therein regarding this thread.

The majority of you not only look awful, but will never look nearly like anything worthy of note.
THANK YOU, finally someone agrees with me, I built my body on chocolate, cake and pizza  ;D and maybe 100 grams of protein if i was lucky lol