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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: El Diablo Blanco on December 07, 2007, 08:06:48 AM

Title: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on December 07, 2007, 08:06:48 AM
Another bonehead athlete is claiming his positive steroid test comes from a tainted supplement.  Where can I find these steroid loaded over the counter supplements.  What a tool.
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Master Blaster on December 07, 2007, 09:38:22 AM
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: McFarland on December 07, 2007, 10:11:26 AM
Matt C swears his SIZEON had dbol in it.  I wonder how many of these supplement companies ever consider spiking the products they will send to some of the more influential "supplement reviewers" just to get good buzz going for them.  If you really think about it, it would only take a couple of glowing, sincere reviews from the right people in the industry to get launched in grand style.
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 07, 2007, 10:17:02 AM
Matt C swears his SIZEON had dbol in it.  I wonder how many of these supplement companies consider spiking the products they will send to some of the more influential "supplement reviewers" just to get good buzz going for them.  If you really think about it, it would only take glowing, sincere reviews from just a couple of the right people in the industry to get launched in grand style.

yeah right.  ::)

like 2 years ago one could buy prohormones legally. Maybe some baseball player stocked up on those? Were they even effective? I doubt McGwire hit 70 homeruns on prohormones alone.

These players are juicing and using supplements as a scapegoat.
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Matt C on December 07, 2007, 10:20:56 AM
Matt C swears his SIZEON had dbol in it.  I wonder how many of these supplement companies ever consider spiking the products they will send to some of the more influential "supplement reviewers" just to get good buzz going for them.  If you really think about it, it would only take a couple of glowing, sincere reviews from the right people in the industry to get launched in grand style.

I swear it worked better than I ever imagined dbol would have worked.  I put on seven pounds in the first seven days and another 2-3 pounds over the remaining three weeks, and kept the gains until I slacked off on my diet.

Another reason why I thought SIZEON had dbol in it: I remember reading a news article someone posted here about a Gaspari product having a banned substance in it.

My review of SIZEON:
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: mass 04 on December 07, 2007, 10:21:56 AM
I swear it worked better than I ever imagined dbol would have worked.  I put on seven pounds in the first seven days and another 2-3 pounds over the remaining three weeks, and kept the gains until I slacked off on my diet.

Another reason why I thought SIZEON had dbol in it: I remember reading a news article someone posted here about a Gaspari product having a banned substance in it.

My review of SIZEON:

It's a GREAT supplement.
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: McFarland on December 07, 2007, 10:22:36 AM
yeah right.  ::)

like 2 years ago one could buy prohormones legally. Maybe some baseball player stocked up on those? Were they even effective? I doubt McGwire hit 70 homeruns on prohormones alone.

These players are juicing and using supplements as a scapegoat.

Van Blinderass (sic) called it; Matt really does look as though he may have ingested a few mg's of dbol in some of those pictures floating around.  (minus the clogs and black socks)
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: triple_pickle on December 07, 2007, 10:23:21 AM
Matt C swears his SIZEON had dbol in it.

yeah, looking at him i can see it works ;D
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Ron on December 07, 2007, 10:32:53 AM
Received this email yesterday from one of my supplement manufacturers that I work with, but of course, when pushed, they don't want to say what products they tested or which items contains these steroids. Why? Because they may get sued, etc...  So what good is a study without any prood or documentation on what it was. Get real...

Quarter of dietary supplements contain steroids
13 out of 50 analyzed contained banned substances, study says

One quarter of dietary supplements purchased in a recent sampling contained traces of steroids and 11.5 percent had banned stimulants, according to a study to determine whether supplements sold across the United States are really clean.

The study was overseen by Informed-Choice, a nonprofit coalition of dietary supplements, and conducted by a British company, HFL.

HFL bought best-selling brands of a variety of supplements made by companies that were not believed to screen for banned substances as part of their routine quality control process. The study does not reveal the names of the brands or their manufacturers.

Of the 52 supplements that could be analyzed for steroids, 13 showed up with steroid contamination. The result surprised Travis Tygart, the CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, who said no American athlete has tested positive because of supplement contamination since 2004.

"I think it's surprising, and hopefully they'll provide names so this illegal activity can be shut down," Tygart said.

These results come about five years after an International Olympic Committee study that sampled 240 supplements purchased in America and found 18.8 percent of them contained steroids.

"The presence of steroids and stimulants in supplement products is still very much an issue," the conclusion of the report read. "It is clear that not all supplement manufacturers follow good manufacturing practices and the necessary controls are not always implemented to ensure the safety of athletes and the general public who use the supplement products."

Kelly Hoffman, executive director of Informed-Choice, told USA Today, which first reported on the study, that banned substances can find their way into products accidentally, such as when manufacturers fail to properly clean equipment.

In all, 10 categories of supplements were tested. Those known as testosterone boosters were most susceptible to having banned substances in them; six of nine boosters contained androstenedione, which was declared illegal about three years ago.

Though amateur athletes are considered most susceptible to buying tainted products at health stores, the issue is also relative to professional sports.

It has long been default mode for players who test positive to say they used a tainted product.

Three years ago, the NFL and the players union began working with the nonprofit company, NSF International, that put supplements through a purity test and labels substances that are safe to take.

Lori Bestervelt, senior vice president and chief technical officer for NSF, said she also wasn't surprised at the results of the HFL test.

"I think there are two categories, one where people are intentionally putting them in, and another where they aren't but they don't have a good rein on the supply chain or manufacturing practices, so things can slip in," she said. "If you don't have good control of the supply chain, and you're not testing and auditing, things like this can happen."

Bestervelt said the NSF Web site provides a list of supplements that have carry the "Certified for Sport" seal, meaning they've passed that organization's rigorous testing process and are at low risk to contain banned substances.

Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 07, 2007, 10:34:45 AM
I bet these "steriods" were ZMA or something.  ;D

Come on...  ::)
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: marcus on December 07, 2007, 12:33:52 PM
Jungle Warfare is a steroid and is marketed as a test booster.
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Special Ed on December 07, 2007, 01:42:10 PM
I'm calling 'Shenanigans' on the 'tainted' supplements. First off, in "trace" amounts, it would provide no benefit to a user, so that makes zero sense. Second, how and why would supplement manufacturers producing their useless powders from the world's cheapest ingredients happen to have massive bins of Tren powder next to the Whey Protein?

Another supplement company marketing scam designed to make headlines and convince idiotic teens to run out and buy 'legal steroids' at GNC...oh brother...

Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Faust on December 07, 2007, 01:43:08 PM
That steroid "creatine" will kill you!
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 07, 2007, 01:58:08 PM
Pure flaxseed bitches!
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: Emmortal on December 07, 2007, 02:20:50 PM
You can still get plenty of pro-hormones legally, lots of Superdrol, Halodrol M1 clones around although I would rather hump glass shards naked and dive into a 500 gallon tub of sea salt before putting them into my body.
Title: Re: Where can I buy these "supplements" that contain steroids
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 07, 2007, 02:21:54 PM
You can still get plenty of pro-hormones legally, lots of Superdrol, Halodrol M1 clones around although I would rather hump glass shards naked and dive into a 500 gallon tub of sea salt before putting them into my body.
