Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: FOXTROT-1 on February 07, 2008, 10:10:20 PM

Title: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: FOXTROT-1 on February 07, 2008, 10:10:20 PM
 Hello. If anyone out there knows how to get ahold of Quincy Taylor. Tell him what he did was bogus. Check this out everyone. He was slinging some 'goodies' with alleged informant Davey J from TX. Davey J asked him to hold onto about $35K worth of 'goodies' but not move it because he wanted to get it out of his hands as he suspected potential raid.

 So Quincy Taylor slings it all. All of it. Now he refuses to be fair and be real and either pay back Davey J or just confess he pulled scumbag move. He even told people like Melvin A " it man, what's he gon' do...he gon' call the cops or sumethin? "

 Melvin told him he was bogus so Quincy Taylor decided to start a rumor that Melvin uses coke and crack.

 I guess Quincy Taylor owes LOTS of people around the country $$$ for promising them GEAR and just ditching them. Now he is hiding out in Vegas to duck those he owes money to.

 Ron. Don't delete this. If this was FALSE then it could be deleted. Your policy at Getbig is that if it is false then it gets removed but you know damn well this isn't false.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: calmus on February 07, 2008, 10:14:26 PM
 Ron. Don't delete this. If this was FALSE then it could be deleted. Your policy at Getbig is that if it is false then it gets removed but you know damn well this isn't false.


I always suspected that Ron was the bb equivalent of Don Corleone.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Dragon on February 07, 2008, 10:15:37 PM
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Thealmightyronald on February 07, 2008, 10:22:14 PM
I don't post at anymore because there's so many idiots there, but I do check up on the pro's who post there and I know Quincy has a stickied thread there if you wanna contact him.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 07, 2008, 10:24:23 PM
that's not ronnie coleman
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: FOXTROT-1 on February 07, 2008, 10:25:03 PM
 Ron knows this isn't false.

 Quincy Taylor was even offered a few kits of GH and a basic cycle of gear to hold the goodies for Davey J as a condolance but Quincy Taylor seen fit to sell all of Davey's stuff for his own personal pockets and basically telling Davey J at various trade shows/expos that he'll pay him back but then when Quincy Taylor was far away enough he gave Davey J a great big middle finger.

 Typical bodybuilder.

 Even more low trying to start drama with Melvin A saying he is a crack user.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: FOXTROT-1 on February 07, 2008, 10:26:31 PM
I don't post at anymore because there's so many idiots there, but I do check up on the pro's who post there and I know Quincy has a stickied thread there if you wanna contact him.
I am quite sure it will get deleted as soon as it is posted. I shall try.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Matt C on February 07, 2008, 10:43:03 PM
Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: noworries on February 07, 2008, 11:15:32 PM
Ask Sean Ray.  He deals with drug dealers all the time.  And if Quincy ever gets busted and goes to jail he at least will have a job at MD when he gets out.  That is part of MD's M.O.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: calmus on February 07, 2008, 11:42:59 PM

STFU.  Geez, go post somewhere else.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: roc on February 08, 2008, 12:04:32 AM
another honorable citizen in the world of bodydestorying,oh i mean building
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: LatsMcGee on February 08, 2008, 04:01:09 AM
Can't Quincy just blame his mom like all the cool kids do?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: arce377 on February 08, 2008, 04:06:15 AM
Damn. Pay up.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: wylllis100 on February 08, 2008, 04:24:18 AM
Where Im from nicking 35k = no knees
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Brutal_1 on February 08, 2008, 05:27:12 AM
Where Im from nicking 35k = no knees

Are you kidding??  Where I'm from it's far past just the knees, 35k is worth well more than a man's life  :o
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: CalvinH on February 08, 2008, 05:31:27 AM
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Captain Equipoise on February 08, 2008, 06:06:50 AM
This is sort of similar to why Dorian got his ass kicked a few years ago (the famous black eye) at some expo... same kind of deal, he stiffed someone for a lot of $$$$$.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Smokincrazy on February 08, 2008, 06:12:24 AM
Never trust anyone when it comes to drugs or juice
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: rocket on February 08, 2008, 06:17:28 AM
I like the fact that the "something" that has occurred is a public post on getbig.

I reckon that just about vindicates QT's assertions that nothing is going to happen :)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: warchild on February 08, 2008, 06:32:24 AM
Quincy is a huge scumbag, he had a big connection with Gavin Kane and we know what happened to him. Quincy has the rep of being a piece of shit, so this doesn't surprise me at all
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: chester_bbb on February 08, 2008, 06:38:09 AM
Quincy is a huge scumbag, he had a big connection with Gavin Kane and we know what happened to him. Quincy has the rep of being a piece of shit, so this doesn't surprise me at all

What's the story with QT and GK?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Red Hook on February 08, 2008, 06:48:38 AM
since when is there honor amongst criminals?

I will play along, why should quincy accept the liability of accepting drugs and not be compensated, how much of a cut was he promised?

also why couldn't the guy just get a locker at some bus terminal and store it there?  this guy doesn't seem to bright to me to.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Ron on February 08, 2008, 09:31:09 AM

So Dave Jacobs, in his interview, accuses Quincy Taylor of 35K.  Quincy Taylor denies it, says he doesn't even know Dave Jacobs well, and sees him at the gym when he lived in Texas. Nice accusation (as you will see in the interview), but that is what Dave Jacob's said.  Besides the accusation, is there any proof on the matter???

You want to ask Quincy about this? Quincy will be at the Ironman Pro show expo at the PTA booth. 

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 09:34:34 AM
So Dave Jacobs, in his interview, accuses Quincy Taylor of 35K.  Quincy Taylor denies it, says he doesn't even know Dave Jacobs well, and sees him at the gym when he lived in Texas. Nice accusation (as you will see in the interview), but that is what Dave Jacob's said.  Besides the accusation, is there any proof on the matter???

You want to ask Quincy about this? Quincy will be at the Ironman Pro show expo at the PTA booth. 

If QT is innocent, he will promptly sue Jacobs for a lot of money.

I'm guessing QT just lets this one slide, though ;)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Lift Studios on February 08, 2008, 09:45:55 AM
So Dave Jacobs, in his interview, accuses Quincy Taylor of 35K.  Quincy Taylor denies it, says he doesn't even know Dave Jacobs well, and sees him at the gym when he lived in Texas. Nice accusation (as you will see in the interview), but that is what Dave Jacob's said.  Besides the accusation, is there any proof on the matter???

You want to ask Quincy about this? Quincy will be at the Ironman Pro show expo at the PTA booth. 

Anyone care to translate this into English?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: Tre on February 08, 2008, 09:59:20 AM
Are you kidding??  Where I'm from it's far past just the knees, 35k is worth well more than a man's life  :o

If you kill him, how are you going to collect the money? 
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Tre on February 08, 2008, 10:01:59 AM
Anyone care to translate this into English?

LOL @ Lift!

I'm not 'holding' shit for anyone...well, except that one time, but that was by accident. 

If you don't have a secure place to store your stash, then you're just shit outta luck and maybe you should try getting a real fucking job.  lol
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 10:20:27 AM
This is 100% true.  You can even look at other threads where I posted some comments to Big Q Douche Bag where I tell him he better pay me what he owes me.  I think the thread was called Quincy Taylor 3 weeks out or something like that.  I called him out even then and all the way until now.

When I got raided one of the cops got really crazy and threw so much shit around while he was destroying my closet and covered up a box of "goodies"

When they left I saw it and did not know if they left it on purpose or if it was for another set up, were they going to hit me again tomorrow and bring more charges. I had no idea what was going on and I was freaked out beyond belief.  I did not want to call any of my "close friends" because I did not want them to get caught up in it and Quincy lived 70 miles away from me, and he will do basically anything for money.  So I called the vanilla gorilla and asked if he could take it for me because I was scared and did not know what to do about it, and of course there was "compensation" of goodies offered for doing so.  Of course as Quincy always said  "free.99" is always a good price.  So he had no problem picking it up.

What he did was sell all the stuff that was ready made and kept the money.  He kept the cash I gave him and never returned it.  He kept a box of 20 Eastropin kits and used and sold them.  Had over 50 bottles of pills, 250 bottles of ready made stuff and kits - ALL SOLD.  One of the worst things was he had 100g of primo powder, 200g test decanoate powder, 150g test isocaprioate, 200g phenyl prop powder, 200g test prop powder and 300g nandrolone decanoate powder, 50g masteron.

Do you have any idea how much money in goodies that powder made? 

100 bottles of primo
100 bottles of sustanon
100 bottles of prop
100 bottles of dec
100 bottles of phenyl prop
100 bottles of test isocaprioate
50g masteron.

AND some things left over...... Do the math street value and see how much that comes up to. 

He even told me to my face when we had lunch once that when he was in Los Angeles he got brought in by the FBI where they showed him video of him buying and selling hundreds of boxes of HGH,and they wanted him to tell them who he was getting it from and selling to.  He said that he told them well you got me so do what you want with me. He said they were asking him a lot of questions and as a result of their talks he had to move to Texas.  He told me not to worry though he never said anything and they never pursued it.  Now having been through my situation I find that VERY hard to believe. 

He always talked about Charles Glass getting busted, he talked to me about Milos and many other people especially Shawn Ray.  He told me that he left a voice mail on Shawns phone threatening him and saying he would beat his ass etc.  He said that if he ever had a chance to screw Shawn over he would even to the feds because he claims Shawn screwed one of his girls (I hope that rumor is true actually).  So if Shawn reads this - now you know what that asshole told me about you so you can use that info for whatever you want or need to.

So that is where all the rumors and bullshit started about me.  Quincy Taylor trying to do and say things to get people against the guy ripped off and stole from so that he can justify his actions.  Instead of being a man and keeping his word he decided to be a thief and use lies and rumors to try and help himself out.  He felt that if he could get enough people to think I was a piece of shit that they would condone and give him justification for what he did.

The fact is Quincy when I was scared out of my mind, trying to protect my friends and make sure things were safe - you took advantage of me, stole from me, started rumors and made up so many lies you dont even know how to cover them up anymore.

There is good reason why you have been calling everyone saying I have been threatening you, telling you that you better keep your promises and pay back the money you owe me etc.  You promised me when we had dinner after the Olympia that you would pay me back as soon as you got home.  Instead you lied again and talked more shit and the only thing you have done is made things worse for yourself.

Screw you Quincy.  I dont owe you a damn thing.  You brought all this on yourself. Somehow I dont think you are happy and now that everyone knows the truth maybe you will know what it feels like when you go out in public and everyone will look at you with disgust, and they will never trust you or talk to you.  The only difference between you and me is the looks they give you will be justified.  The looks I get will be cleared up and people will find out the truth when this is all said and done.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 10:24:36 AM
LOL at the drama.

Dude, you're one of those guys who would call and report his weed stolen.

Look, you're a drug dealer who got ripped of by a drug user.

Are you really that shocked?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: JohnnyVegas on February 08, 2008, 10:27:19 AM
Ron knows this isn't false.

 Quincy Taylor was even offered a few kits of GH and a basic cycle of gear to hold the goodies for Davey J as a condolance but Quincy Taylor seen fit to sell all of Davey's stuff for his own personal pockets and basically telling Davey J at various trade shows/expos that he'll pay him back but then when Quincy Taylor was far away enough he gave Davey J a great big middle finger.

 Typical bodybuilder.

 Even more low trying to start drama with Melvin A saying he is a crack user.

Tell your buddy to file a lawsuit against QT if this is true-otherwise the olding saying is "dont play with fire or you might get burned"......
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 10:30:01 AM
Damn. Pay up.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 10:31:24 AM
Ooh so now Quincy wants to say he does not know me very well?

How about the employees at my store who were there when he would come and pick stuff up?
How about the guys at Metoflex who saw Quincy meeting me in the parking lot all the time
How about the video cameras at my store.  I have the DVR recordings you idiot.
How about the text messages I have on my phones!
How about the email messages I still have with your address, what you are doing saying - EVERYTHING?
How about talking to Melvin, Charles Glass, Gus Carter, Ronnie Coleman, Branch Warren  and TONS of other people who know the truth and also who people he lied to and ripped off!

There are a ton of Amateur bodybuilders here (male and female) that he ripped off! Call Chuck from Scivation and ask him about how Quincy was calling all the time trying to find someone who could set up a lab for him so he could take the powder and turn it into ready made product.

I hope Quicy DARES to bring it on.  I have so much dirt on that fool that he will need a shovel the rest of his life to dig himself out of the hole he is gonna put himself in if he does.  

Here is a bit of nice dirt for ya....

Maybe he would like me to talk about the trip he and Frank Roberson made to Mexico to work on the magazine deal with Paolo where Frank said he never saw a man screw more prostitutes in his entire life.  He said Quincy spent most all the money there on hookers and hardly had time to do anything else but screw women.  He also said instead of taking the money for the photo shoots the guy offered him 10k worth of gear instead, and asked me if I could help him move it.

Quincy - you want to start this ball rolling?  You really want to start lying and say you did not know me that  ell.  Want me to tell people about Jason?  I would love for you to start lying and saying you dont know me.  You were over at my house all the time picking shit up.  Even my freakin neighbors talk about you to this day.

You want to start a campaign of crap against me Quincy.  I have all the proof brother.  You are about to get yourself more embarassed than you ever have in you life if you start this crap up.  I am fed up with you and everyone elses BS.  Its time so set the record straight.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 10:34:32 AM
LOL at the drama. Dude, you're one of those guys who would call and report his weed stolen. Look, you're a drug dealer who got ripped of by a drug user. Are you really that shocked?

No I am not.  Angry - Yes.  Pissed off - Yes.  I trusted him and that is my fault and no one elses.  After finding out how many people he ripped off and owes money to I am not surprised. However that does not change what he did.  The lies he said and what happened.

I would not touch any of that stuff with a 10 foot pole anyway.  I am LOOOONG out of the game and I am not going back to the dark side again.  I am lucky things turned out the way that they did however people need to know what a piece of shit Quincy is.

I will never get the money he owes me back pure and simple.  I know and realize that.  Its my fault for trusting someone. Just dont ANYBODY trust Quincy with anything.  He will burn you like he has the rest of us.  That is what I am saying.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Melvin Goodrum on February 08, 2008, 10:46:59 AM
Ooh so now Quincy wants to say he does not know me very well?

How about the employees at my store who were there when he would come and pick stuff up?
How about the guys at Metoflex who saw Quincy meeting me in the parking lot all the time
How about the video cameras at my store.  I have the DVR recordings you idiot.
How about the text messages I have on my phones
How about the email messages I still have with your address, what you are doing saying - EVERYTHING?
How about talking to Melvin, Charles Glass, Gus Carter, Ronnie Coleman, Branch Warren  and TONS of other people who know the truth and also who people he lied to and ripped off
There are a ton of Amateur bodybuilders here (male and female) that he ripped off
Call Chuck from Scivation and ask him about how Quincy was calling all the time trying to find someone who could set up a lab for him so he could take the powder and turn it into ready made product.

I hope Quicy DARES to bring it on.  I have so much dirt on that fool that he will need a shovel the rest of his life to dig himself out of the hole he is gonna put himself in if he does. 

Here is a bit of nice dirt for ya....
Maybe he would like me to talk about the trip he and Frank Roberson made to Mexico to work on the magazine deal with Paolo where Frank said he never saw a man screw more prostitutes in his entire life.  He said Quincy spent most all the money there on hookers and hardly had time to do anything else but screw women.  He also said instead of taking the money for the photo shoots the guy offered him 10k worth of gear instead, and asked me if I could help him move it.

Quincy - you want to start this ball rolling?  You really want to start lying and say you did not know me that well.  Want me to start talking about hos you and your son joaquim were in my house all the time and how you were "helping" him to get stonger?  Want me to tell people about Jason?  I would love for you to start lying and saying you dont know me.  You were over at my house all the time picking shit up.  Even my freakin neighbors talk about you to this day.

You want to start a campaign of crap against me Quincy.  I have all the proof brother.  You are about to get yourself more embarassed than you ever have in you life if you start this crap up.  I am fed up with you and everyone elses BS.  Its time so set the record straight you thief.

If you're going to argue about "goodies" owed, then I'd suggest using PM's or a phone call.  The Feds monitor this board and like a hawk most likely and with the quantities you're talking, I'm sure it will get their attention to not only go after Quincy but you as well.... ::)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 10:48:09 AM

If you're going to argue about "goodies" owed, then I'd suggest using PM's or a phone call.  The Feds monitor this board and like a hawk most likely and with the quantities you're talking, I'm sure it will get their attention to not only go after Quincy but you as well.... ::)

we all remember you snitching people out when you got flagged, vince.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: warchild on February 08, 2008, 10:49:35 AM
Any person that's half way involved in professional bodybuilding knows that QT is a fuckin dirtbag.....I love how Ron always runs to their defense and feels the need to protect them. Ron knows exactly what goes on in the "industry" and still tries to justify their behavior. Hell, somebody's gotta cover up their shit, might as well be Ron   :o
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jbrice on February 08, 2008, 10:54:14 AM
No I am not.  Angry - Yes.  Pissed off - Yes.  I trusted him and that is my fault and no one elses.  After finding out how many people he ripped off and owes money to I am not surprised. However that does not change what he did.  The lies he said and what happened.

I would not touch any of that stuff with a 10 foot pole anyway.  I am LOOOONG out of the game and I am not going back to the dark side again.  I am lucky things turned out the way that they did however people need to know what a piece of shit Quincy is.

I will never get the money he owes me back pure and simple.  I know and realize that.  Its my fault for trusting someone. Just dont ANYBODY trust Quincy with anything.  He will burn you like he has the rest of us.  That is what I am saying.

Dude you were on national TV getting busted, I would say I didn't know you also. If you understand that fact that you are not going to get anything back be a man and take it on the chin and quit complaining on here to people that really don't care about it. It happens to everybody.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Rearden Metal on February 08, 2008, 10:55:12 AM
Why are you admitting to illegal activities on an open forum? Are you fucking retarded?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: CalvinH on February 08, 2008, 10:56:52 AM
Sue him.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Ron on February 08, 2008, 11:03:30 AM
Any person that's half way involved in professional bodybuilding knows that QT is a fuckin dirtbag.....I love how Ron always runs to their defense and feels the need to protect them. Ron knows exactly what goes on in the "industry" and still tries to justify their behavior. Hell, somebody's gotta cover up their shit, might as well be Ron 

Every industry has their own stories, from Hollywood, to football, to baseball.  I hear a lot of stories from all sorts, especially with directors, actors and more, but again, proof is needed.  Dave Jacobs has repeatedly said that he is not implicating anyone in his plea agreement, and Quincy said he didn't know him well. Covering up? Just quoting what I was told.  Can I offer my opinion? Sure, but right now, I, like many of you, are just hearing what Dave is saying and more.  As to justify someone's behavior - do I look like a preacher?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:13:24 AM
Who was the person who drove all the way from Plano to Arlington, bailed you out, waited for 2 hours while they processed you, took you to get your car from impound, then took you home...

That would have been me....  Still dont know me?

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 11:16:05 AM
Quincy Taylor is the MAN!

He keeps finding insecure enablers like you and his wife to carry him.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:28:58 AM

Dude you were on national TV getting busted, I would say I didn't know you also. If you understand that fact that you are not going to get anything back be a man and take it on the chin and quit complaining on here to people that really don't care about it. It happens to everybody.

Youre right bro.  I know Quincy will never pay me back or do the right thing.  He is not an honorable person and he does not care about anyone but himself. I am not expecting 1 penny from him.  If he was going to have kept his word and paid me he would have done it already so this has nothing to do with that.

Youre also right I got busted and I got busted pretty damn hard too.  I got cleaned out and wiped out.  All of that was my fault for being involved in something that was illegal.  I never denied it or tried to blame anyone else for my choices, so I am being a man about it.  Some people dont care - you are absolutely right.  However some people care a whole lot because they are involved with him, know him or have associations with him, and they should know what they are getting into, and they cant say they were not warned.

I am however just not going to take anyone elses shit or put up with any more bullshit like what Quincy did.  He told people I was selling ex, coke and ghb.  He told people I have an ankle recorder on me everywhere I go (please feel to look anytime if you have any doubts if you are around me by the way - I have never worn one and never will). So screw Quincy and his bullshit.  I dont care about him, and I dont owe him a damn thing either.  Especially any respect because he destroyed that himself.

I did not bring up the details of Quincy either.  I just confirmed what was brought up was true.  Its not like its a big secret that he rips people off, does not pay back money, etc. etc. people around here have known what he has done for a while I guess it just took some time for it to all get around and come out.

However what he did to me was true, and if he wants to keep running his mouth and talking shit I am going to keep bringing every bit of proof I have back out.  My suggestion is that Quincy shut his mouth.  He is wrong.  He admitted to me and others he was wrong, but he decided to do the wrong thing and now he is paying the price for it.

hey I made my mistakes and my choices and I am paying for them.  Is he different because he is an IFBB Pro?  Does that make his being a thief and dishonest less becuase he is a pro bodybuilder?  Is he better than you, me or anyone else because he is Quincy?  Nope it sure does not.  In fact I think it means he should be held to a higher standard because he is in a position to represent an organization.  People will look at what Quincy does and judge the IFBB accordingly.

If he worked for me or represented me I would have already fired his ass a long time ago.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 11:30:43 AM
who was the person who drove all the way from Plano to Arlington, bailed you out, waited for 2 hours while they processed you, took you to get your car from impound, then took you home...

That would have been me....  Still dont know me?

You got played, G.

Let it go.

You now understand the game.

Go play others now.  Respond to being the bitch by making others your bitch.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: bigtraps on February 08, 2008, 11:32:30 AM

Here is a bit of nice dirt for ya....

God this is good Shiz.  Give more.  It's getting GOOD.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:32:42 AM
Quincy Taylor is the MAN!

He keeps finding insecure enablers like you and his wife to carry him.

He did pay me back for bailing him out.  It took almost 3 months but he did pay me back for that.  Youre right about one thing Pete.  I cant blame anyone but myself for trusting him and getting burned by it.  That was my fault for being a trusting person and believing what he said.  It was my fault for being his friend and looking out for him.

If you only knew how many times I gave him money for car payments, legal fees, issues for his custody battle for his kids etc. it would shock people.  He paid me back eventually for all of those things.  However when he saw the opportunity to score big from me he grabbed it and took it.  He got me really good, and you are right that was my fault for trusting him.

However.... That does not change what he did.

Just dont anyone trust him, give him money or extend any friendship or someday you might get stuck like I did.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 11:36:04 AM
He did pay me back for bailing him out.  It took almost 3 months but he did pay me back for that.  Youre right about one thing Pete.  I cant blame anyone but myself for trusting him and getting burned by it.  That was my fault for being a trusting person and believing what he said.  It was my fault for being his friend and looking out for him.

If you only knew how many times I gave him money for car payments, legal fees, issues for his custody battle for his kids etc. it would shock people.  He paid me back eventually for all of those things.  However when he saw the opportunity to score big from me he grabbed it and took it.  He got me really good, and you are right that was my fault for trusting him.

However.... That does not change what he did.

Just dont anyone trust him, give him money or extend any friendship or someday you might get stuck like I did.

nah, i sympathize with you dave.  i've trusted ppl too and got burned.

while many will hate on your for ariing dirty laundry, chances are QT's connections in the industry / future prospects/ will be drying up shortly.

the whole world reads getbig.

i'm sure 5 of his friends have claled him already today, and i'm sure he's reading this thread now.

he'd be on the phone with Ron if any of this was untrue, and it'd be deleted. 

props to you for exposing him.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:36:45 AM
You got played, G.

Let it go.

You now understand the game.

Go play others now.  Respond to being the bitch by making others your bitch.

Pete you are cracking me the hell up.... Seriously youre cool bro - Its good to laugh sometimes with all this crap going on all the time.  Your posts crack me up in a good way.

I couldnt play other people though.  I have very few close friends now and they are awesome.  The only way for me to build things back up is to continue to do right by people.  That is why I sleep good at night.  So playing other people is not for me but I am going to not make the same mistakes again and trust people like I did.  That is a very great lesson I learned.

I just wish others will watch their backs and not get burned like I did.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Mydavid on February 08, 2008, 11:38:14 AM
He did pay me back for bailing him out.  It took almost 3 months but he did pay me back for that.  Youre right about one thing Pete.  I cant blame anyone but myself for trusting him and getting burned by it.  That was my fault for being a trusting person and believing what he said.  It was my fault for being his friend and looking out for him.

If you only knew how many times I gave him money for car payments, legal fees, issues for his custody battle for his kids etc. it would shock people.  He paid me back eventually for all of those things.  However when he saw the opportunity to score big from me he grabbed it and took it.  He got me really good, and you are right that was my fault for trusting him.

However.... That does not change what he did.

Just dont anyone trust him, give him money or extend any friendship or someday you might get stuck like I did.

This thread is useless without a pic of Cut260.

Thanks in advance :-*
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Pete Dimano on February 08, 2008, 11:39:21 AM

post a pic dude.

lisa will suck ya off when youre in her town.  it's guaranteed.  she can't walk past a hormonized dick without getting blowers cramp.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Matt C on February 08, 2008, 11:47:31 AM
It was somewhat irrational to think that the drugs were left behind were left there for a raid the next day.  Do you really think the police could convince a judge to get a second warrant for the same residence the very next day with no additional evidence in the meanwhile?  Special Ed is getbig's foremost legal expert and he will tell you that the home is granted the most protection under the Fourth Amendment.

Police are NOT law.  Police have NO rights.  It is the judge who makes the final decisions.

I have no reason to believe that Quincy Taylor didn't do exactly what you said he did, judging by his attitude at the 2007 Mr. Olympia as he is not exactly a nice guy and will ask to "take things outside" if he disagrees with someone.  So I have no reason to think you are making this up.

Had you not been burned like this by other users in your time as a merchant?  Didn't you perhaps expect this type of response from a user?

You were in a bind, you made a decision in the heat of the moment and it backfired.  If Quincy did this to you, YES, he is a piece of shit.  But at the same time, in the back of your mind somewhere you should have realized that it was a possibility.  That is not justifying Quincy's actions should your report be accurate.  I'm merely stating that this comes with the territory so to speak.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:49:01 AM
Here ya go...
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:53:38 AM
Off Season pic
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:55:18 AM
It was somewhat irrational to think that the drugs were left behind were left there for a raid the next day.  Do you really think the police could convince a judge to get a second warrant for the same residence the very next day with no additional evidence in the meanwhile?  Special Ed is getbig's foremost legal expert and he will tell you that the home is granted the most protection under the Fourth Amendment.

Police are NOT law.  Police have NO rights.  It is the judge who makes the final decisions.

I have no reason to believe that Quincy Taylor didn't do exactly what you said he did, judging by his attitude at the 2007 Mr. Olympia as he is not exactly a nice guy and will ask to "take things outside" if he disagrees with someone.  So I have no reason to think you are making this up.

Had you not been burned like this by other users in your time as a merchant?  Didn't you perhaps expect this type of response from a user?

You were in a bind, you made a decision in the heat of the moment and it backfired.  If Quincy did this to you, YES, he is a piece of shit.  But at the same time, in the back of your mind somewhere you should have realized that it was a possibility.  That is not justifying Quincy's actions should your report be accurate.  I'm merely stating that this comes with the territory so to speak.

Youre right bro.  Looking back on it I realize a mistake by them had been made, but I was honestly really freaked out and did not know what to do so I made a bad call - trusting Quincy.  Yes I thought this was a possibility but after everything I did from him I thought he would not have stabbed me in the back like he did.  I was wrong
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Disgusted on February 08, 2008, 12:00:41 PM
This thread is useless without a pic of Cut260.

Thanks in advance :-*

I know where you mind is.  ;D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 12:04:40 PM
This is from when I bailed Quincy out of jail.. He cried when he got out because he said I was the only one who would help him.

Thanks for returning the favor when I needed you Quincy.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Mydavid on February 08, 2008, 12:05:43 PM
I know where you mind is.  ;D


Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Matt C on February 08, 2008, 12:06:05 PM
No I am not.  Angry - Yes.  Pissed off - Yes.  I trusted him and that is my fault and no one elses.  After finding out how many people he ripped off and owes money to I am not surprised. However that does not change what he did.  The lies he said and what happened.

Exactly.  Quincy is a piece of shit if this is true, and just because this type of thing is to be expected, doesn't justify it and I wasn't trying to say it did.

Chalk it up to lessons learned.  I just hope that you don't have to serve any serious time for all of this.  You seem like a decent person and I would rather see you come out of this stronger than ever than have your life ruined irreversibly over it.  And obviously being highly libertarian, I am pro drug legalization and don't consider you to be a criminal, aside from in the legal sense.

If you're going to argue about "goodies" owed, then I'd suggest using PM's or a phone call.  The Feds monitor this board and like a hawk most likely and with the quantities you're talking, I'm sure it will get their attention to not only go after Quincy but you as well.... ::)

Yep.  The police in my community monitor facebook too.  I post about getbig all the time on my facebook.

Someone recently convicted of an assault in Thunder Bay had a no alcohol condition.  He posted on his facebook status that "the party starts at 9:30" at a local steakhouse.  The cops rolled in and tasered him even though they refused to breathalyze him.  He got charged with "resisting a peace officer" but no charge for an actual crime which gave him every legal right to resist.  Since you are allowed to resist illegal arrests.  The question is knowing when the arrest is illegal, and in his case, it was.  So now he is suing the city and the last person who won a taser case got $17,000 per day in jail - he was in jail for five days.

Dude you were on national TV getting busted, I would say I didn't know you also. If you understand that fact that you are not going to get anything back be a man and take it on the chin and quit complaining on here to people that really don't care about it. It happens to everybody.

If what is said on here is true, I think Quincy deserves to have his reputation destroyed as much as possible.  You need to give him an incentive not to do what he did.  In other countries, people get killed for a lot less than that.  Even in the USA, people get killed for that.  Again, if what is said here is true, Quincy is getting off easy.  If he has a problem with this thread, he can go fuck himself.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Stavios on February 08, 2008, 12:07:22 PM
Here ya go...

awesome physique
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jbrice on February 08, 2008, 12:26:55 PM
If what is said on here is true, I think Quincy deserves to have his reputation destroyed as much as possible.  You need to give him an incentive not to do what he did.  In other countries, people get killed for a lot less than that.  Even in the USA, people get killed for that.  Again, if what is said here is true, Quincy is getting off easy.  If he has a problem with this thread, he can go fuck himself.

I'm not saying but I'm saying... word on the street is you (Cut260) started this whole ORD. I'm not saying if it's true or not but alot of people around the country are upset with you right now. When you play the game you win some and you lose some. No need to bring other people into it or air dirty laundry. No need to talk about his wife or this Brandy girl or his kid. You said what you had to in your first post no need to keep running things. It's making it seem like you are trying to put focus on someone else and take it off of you. Quincy didn't say I know Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Falcons that I sold to and I'll give names. Take it on the chin partner.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Matt C on February 08, 2008, 12:31:34 PM
I'm not saying but I'm saying... word on the street is you (Cut260) started this whole ORD. I'm not saying if it's true or not but alot of people around the country are upset with you right now. When you play the game you win some and you lose some. No need to bring other people into it or air dirty laundry. No need to talk about his wife or this Brandy girl or his kid. You said what you had to in your first post no need to keep running things. It's making it seem like you are trying to put focus on someone else and take it off of you. Quincy didn't say I know Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Falcons that I sold to and I'll give names. Take it on the chin partner.

Reasonable points!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 08, 2008, 12:54:54 PM
You come across as a whiner.  If you were not a whiner, you would not be on here doing exactly what you are doing... whining.

You got busted and then dumped off a shitload of illegal stuff on him.  Which if that is what you gave him, I would like to know the quantity amounts that the cops left with.

You did however redeem yourself a bit by coming on here and spilling the dirt on the scumbag. 

He is obviously a third tier competitor who is depending on bodybuilding and pushovers to keep him up and support his lifestyle.  You should hit him where it hurts.  Keep ruining his rep.  Yeah.. do that.  Tell us more shit.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: AVBG on February 08, 2008, 12:59:52 PM
I asked QT this question on and got a reply.
Hey QT, good luck in the upcoming competitive season. Just one question..Is there any truth to the rumour that you owe Dave Jacobs $35k? He claims that you were "holding" for him whilst he was being raided, then you allegedly went ahead and sold everything and kept the cash.

Yeah that rumor sits there with Lee Priest killing himself. If I had that kind of money sitting around I'd be doing the Ironman and the Arnold. I don't even know this guy other than he worked out at the same gym I did. He should go work for Disney he's great at making up fairytales. That's all I got to say. This is a b.s. rumor and I'm not going to waste more than 1 second talking about it. Next thing you know I'll grow wings and get some pixie dust and sprinkle it on the judges and win the Olympia. While we're at it why don't I make my leg sweep magically appear and make every women fall in love with me at first site and make silvio grow to over 6 feet.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Stavios on February 08, 2008, 01:02:19 PM
LMAO he is still bitter that Silvio PWNED him onstage  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Karl Kox on February 08, 2008, 01:47:59 PM
Hello. If anyone out there knows how to get ahold of Quincy Taylor. Tell him what he did was bogus. Check this out everyone. He was slinging some 'goodies' with alleged informant Davey J from TX. Davey J asked him to hold onto about $35K worth of 'goodies' but not move it because he wanted to get it out of his hands as he suspected potential raid.

 So Quincy Taylor slings it all. All of it. Now he refuses to be fair and be real and either pay back Davey J or just confess he pulled scumbag move. He even told people like Melvin A " it man, what's he gon' do...he gon' call the cops or sumethin? "

 Melvin told him he was bogus so Quincy Taylor decided to start a rumor that Melvin uses coke and crack.

 I guess Quincy Taylor owes LOTS of people around the country $$$ for promising them GEAR and just ditching them. Now he is hiding out in Vegas to duck those he owes money to.

 Ron. Don't delete this. If this was FALSE then it could be deleted. Your policy at Getbig is that if it is false then it gets removed but you know damn well this isn't false.


 Who gives a shit !  I don't think the bords should be filled with crap like this
I see him at metroflex all the time.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 02:02:39 PM
Quincy knows I am telling the truth.  Pure and simple.  He knows about the emails I have, the text messages etc.  That is why he is taking the stance of "I am not going to waste my time with this etc." 

Shit guys look how much time I am taking to clear up some of the false rumors said about me. 

Some of the things that have been said are 100% true.  I made it, I sold it, I got busted for it - guilty as charged your honor, but I NEVER took what was not mine, sold it then bashed someone and made shit up about them to justify ripping them off.

Yeah I know the whole no honor amongst thieves, this is what you get when you sell steroids, what did you expect from people etc. - all valid and true points.  Am I whining about it - yes I am to a certain degree I will go along with that I guess. 

Youre all right - I am upset and pissed and letting it all out - but where can you ever find a better place to do all of that than right here!

I NEVER said that I know this player or was involved with that team. The news said that but I declined comment when asked.  However as I said before the government knows EVERYTHING before they come to you.  Its called building their case which in my situation took 18 months, so if anyone thinks I needed to "volunteer" information about anyone or anything they are greatly mistaken.  They already knew my involvement with EVERYONE before I sat down at the table.

Its funny to think that people assume the government knows nothing and they need people to call up 1-800-RATAPRO in order for them to figure anything out.  Absolutely comical that people would give me that much credit or assumption to anyone...

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Captain Equipoise on February 08, 2008, 02:21:57 PM
Cut260, I don't know why you keep whining about this shit, man up,  hire a few trained guys to fuck him up at the next show he attends ironman/arnold... pull some serious tactics and get ur shit back.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 02:27:17 PM
Cut260, I don't know why you keep whining about this shit, man up,  hire a few trained guys to fuck him up at the next show he attends ironman/arnold... pull some serious tactics and get ur shit back.

Believe me bro I have had friends offer to do that for free and because they feel the same way about him, but although that would be personally very satisfying it still wont solve the problem - in fact I have enough shit to deal with already without adding some craig titus shit to my case =)

I like how you think though!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: MAXX on February 08, 2008, 02:51:12 PM
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Matt C on February 08, 2008, 03:50:34 PM
However as I said before the government knows EVERYTHING before they come to you.  Its called building their case which in my situation took 18 months, so if anyone thinks I needed to "volunteer" information about anyone or anything they are greatly mistaken.  They already knew my involvement with EVERYONE before I sat down at the table.

Its funny to think that people assume the government knows nothing and they need people to call up 1-800-RATAPRO in order for them to figure anything out.  Absolutely comical that people would give me that much credit or assumption to anyone...

If this is true, then why did it take about 15 years to shut down the cocaine cowboys (Mickey Munday, Jon Roberts, & crew) in Miami?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: just_a_pilgrim on February 08, 2008, 04:09:44 PM
Believe me bro I have had friends offer to do that for free and because they feel the same way about him, but although that would be personally very satisfying it still wont solve the problem - in fact I have enough shit to deal with already without adding some craig titus shit to my case =)

I like how you think though!

Look mate Quincy royally fucked you up. He isn't going to pay you back. I'd be pissed. You should post as much gossip on him on this board as possible, and hell why stop with him, other pro's could screw you over in the future you should post everything you know on them as well.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: TooPowerful4u on February 08, 2008, 04:15:32 PM
Best way to get him back?  How long does he diet for a show and how much money does he spend on competition prep?  Just wait til hes about 1-2 weeks out from a show after a long grueling prep in a show he has a good chance at doing well in....and have someoone baseball bat his knees....ruin his whole show, prep, etc...cost him lots of $$$ etc.....paybacks a biotch...this is probably the worst i can think of...taking a bb out of a show they busted their buts for
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 04:20:59 PM
If this is true, then why did it take about 15 years to shut down the cocaine cowboys (Mickey Munday, Jon Roberts, & crew) in Miami?

How many times do we have to tell you to STFU?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 04:22:25 PM
Believe me bro I have had friends offer to do that for free and because they feel the same way about him, but although that would be personally very satisfying it still wont solve the problem - in fact I have enough shit to deal with already without adding some craig titus shit to my case =)

I like how you think though!

How come the media decided to put the "sold to the Cowboys/Falcons" line in your mouth and not in Atwood's? 

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: nycbull on February 08, 2008, 04:30:20 PM

Yeah I know the whole no honor amongst thieves, this is what you get when you sell steroids, what did you expect from people etc. - all valid and true points.  Am I whining about it - yes I am to a certain degree I will go along with that I guess. 

This whole thing is like a David Mamet play or movie..If you get an offer from Hollywood for your story be sure to include getbig in it... ;D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 04:44:44 PM
How come the media decided to put the "sold to the Cowboys/Falcons" line in your mouth and not in Atwood's? 

I think it is because Art did not have any association with the NFL or with any players that I have ever been aware of. 

It was obvious and easy for anybody to put together by who I spent time with and associated myself with that I had a lot of contacts with professional athletes in a lot of different sports areas.  I mean shit there are pictures all over the internet, My Space, Photo Bucket, slide, even get big, MD, FLEX - I mean there are a ton of places where there are pictures of me and lots of people together. 

What can you do about that? It does not take long for anyone to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
If anything comes out in press, tv etc. I will be happy to tell you what is true and what is not.  I have already gone under the chopping block by admitting my guilt in federal court about what I did, I have no reason or benefit by lying to you guys... and girls =)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 04:49:23 PM
This whole thing is like a David Mamet play or movie..If you get an offer from Hollywood for your story be sure to include getbig in it... ;D

Hell yeah.  If it happens will Ron allow me give a free plug for Get Big?

Can I have some blue stars along with my avatar?... lol
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 04:59:54 PM
Hey I finally found it where you guys can download and see it without having to go to the PACER system and pay to download my case info.  As I have said all of this has been available to the public since my indictment in May 2007. 

Here is the link to my indictment

Here is the link to my plea agreement

FINALLY you guys and girls can read with your own eyes.....

ENJOY and to all the haters who made up the rumors and pointed fingers.... Kiss my ass.  Youre all looking pretty stupid right about now
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Matt C on February 08, 2008, 05:05:45 PM
David, how do you feel that you are a political pawn and the purpose of your bust is just to get media attention on you instead of real issues in the world?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: nycbull on February 08, 2008, 05:18:05 PM
Hell yeah.  If it happens will Ron allow me give a free plug for Get Big?

Can I have some blue stars along with my avatar?... lol

totaly, Ron is so Hollywood ;D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 05:24:47 PM
I think it is because Art did not have any association with the NFL or with any players that I have ever been aware of. 

It was obvious and easy for anybody to put together by who I spent time with and associated myself with that I had a lot of contacts with professional athletes in a lot of different sports areas.  I mean shit there are pictures all over the internet, My Space, Photo Bucket, slide, even get big, MD, FLEX - I mean there are a ton of places where there are pictures of me and lots of people together. 

What can you do about that? It does not take long for anyone to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
If anything comes out in press, tv etc. I will be happy to tell you what is true and what is not.  I have already gone under the chopping block by admitting my guilt in federal court about what I did, I have no reason or benefit by lying to you guys... and girls =)

That's fair.....there was the stink about Lehr, so I guess it makes sense.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 05:24:54 PM
David, how do you feel that you are a political pawn and the purpose of your bust is just to get media attention on you instead of real issues in the world?

Excellent question Matt.

Let me put it this way.  I joined the Marines when I was 17 years old.  I defended the rights of people to even come on here and bash me and attack me whether its true or not and whether I like it or not.  why? because its their constitutional right to be assholes, and I believed in what I was doing and I am proud of what I did to this day. 

I decided to throw away my civil rights, and put myself in harms way in order to serve my country.  I swore an oath to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic.  The funny thing is trying to define who the real enemy is.  Is it the guy in the desert trying to fight for what he believes or is it the guy behind a desk using his pen the same way the other guys use IEDs.  There is a very fine line there, but the benefit of being a Marine is you dont have to think or decide - you just do your job and you try to bring your men home alive.

I was a pawn when I was in the Marines.  A tool used to exercise the political agenda of the government.

Nothing has changed but the dates. 
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 05:29:39 PM
I was a pawn when I was in the Marines.  A tool used to exercise the political agenda of the government.

Nothing has changed but the dates. 

Now don't get all melodramatic on us.....
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 05:37:01 PM
Now don't get all melodramatic on us.....

LOL  yeah I know.  That was some 60 minutes kind of stuff wasnt it...

OK enough of that sappy stuff... Back to that vanilla gorilla Quincy Taylor.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on February 08, 2008, 05:42:29 PM
... Back to that vanilla gorilla Quincy Taylor.

Do you know that Gavin Kane aka Jeffrey Rock guy that was supposed to be Quincy's "trainer"? Was he a former national level competitor like he claimed?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 05:48:02 PM

Still dont know me?  Hmmmmmm. 

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 05:59:34 PM
Do you know that Gavin Kane aka Jeffrey Rock guy that was supposed to be Quincy's "trainer"? Was he a former national level competitor like he claimed?

When was he supposed to be training Quincy?  From November 2005 until shortly after my case I was working with Quincy.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: dr.chimps on February 08, 2008, 06:01:18 PM
Still dont know me?  Hmmmmmm. 
Hmmm. Where are you registered? I'll send you guys a gift.  :-X      ;)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Matt C on February 08, 2008, 06:02:03 PM
Excellent question Matt.

Let me put it this way.  I joined the Marines when I was 17 years old.  I defended the rights of people to even come on here and bash me and attack me whether its true or not and whether I like it or not.  why? because its their constitutional right to be assholes, and I believed in what I was doing and I am proud of what I did to this day. 

I decided to throw away my civil rights, and put myself in harms way in order to serve my country.  I swore an oath to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic.  The funny thing is trying to define who the real enemy is.  Is it the guy in the desert trying to fight for what he believes or is it the guy behind a desk using his pen the same way the other guys use IEDs.  There is a very fine line there, but the benefit of being a Marine is you dont have to think or decide - you just do your job and you try to bring your men home alive.

I was a pawn when I was in the Marines.  A tool used to exercise the political agenda of the government.

Nothing has changed but the dates. 

I hear you.

Numerous world experts such as economists, sociologists, psychologists, and others, have determined what types of changes need to be made in government in order for progress to be made.  Charging you for steroid crimes will not help society in any way, and rest assured, it is all very deliberate to serve other agendas.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 06:09:14 PM
Hmmm. Where are you registered? I'll send you guys a gift.  :-X      ;)

HA!  Sports Authority.  QT needs a jock strap.  Extra Small for his no nuts.....
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: nycbull on February 08, 2008, 06:13:47 PM
Cut260 should team up with Nasser and gh15 and be the third wizard of truth.

They will be like superheros.

in all seriousness CUT260, what is your opinion of the Nasser interviews on

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: TooPowerful4u on February 08, 2008, 06:15:18 PM
Best way to get him back?  How long does he diet for a show and how much money does he spend on competition prep?  Just wait til hes about 1-2 weeks out from a show after a long grueling prep in a show he has a good chance at doing well in....and have someoone baseball bat his knees....ruin his whole show, prep, etc...cost him lots of $$$ etc.....paybacks a biotch...this is probably the worst i can think of...taking a bb out of a show they busted their buts for

You still need to read this
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on February 08, 2008, 06:18:22 PM
You still need to read this
Genius idea you have there
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: spinnis on February 08, 2008, 06:24:37 PM
Hes a damn big black monkey that´s for sure..

I wouldn´t mess with s dude that size without a damn baseball bat in my hand :D

Seriously just have someone break his knees...
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 06:43:58 PM
You still need to read this

Why do you think he looked like absolute ass for the Europa and the Olympia.  I had his bitch ass stressing 24/7

I did not need to threaten anything physical.  He already knows I know people who would love to see him cry, and trust me he may weigh 340lbs (thanks to me by the way) but he still does not want to tangle with me I promise you that.  Just because he is QT 340 lbs and some wanna be gangster does not mean he wants to start some shit with someone who has actually been there done that.  However any physical threats would not accomplish anything positive (at least for me) and it would only open up more problems not solutions.

However I bombarded him with messages and texts letting him know what info I had on him, what I would do if he screwed me over and that I would let all of you know what a piece of shit he is if he screwed me over and did not pay me the money he owes me.  He was calling people left and right crying, whining and acting like a little girl talking about he saved all the text messages I sent him, if anything happens to him David did it, etc. etc. etc.  I had him so freaked out he could not even spell the word diet much less actually do one.

Hence the vanilla gorilla made an ass of himself.

You are right.  Psychological destruction is much harder and longer lasting than anything physical.  You can heal a wound.  you cant stop living in fear.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: TooPowerful4u on February 08, 2008, 06:47:50 PM
Why do you think he looked like absolute ass for the Europa and the Olympia.  I had his bitch ass stressing 24/7

I did not need to threaten anything physical.  He already knows I know people who would love to see him cry, and trust me he may weigh 340lbs (thanks to me by the way) but he still does not want to tangle with me I promise you that.  Just because he is QT 340 lbs and some wanna be gangster does not mean he wants to start some shit with someone who has actually been there done that.  However any physical threats would not accomplish anything positive (at least for me) and it would only open up more problems not solutions.

However I bombarded him with messages and texts letting him know what info I had on him, what I would do if he screwed me over and that I would let all of you know what a piece of shit he is if he screwed me over and did not pay me the money he owes me.  He was calling people left and right crying, whining and acting like a little girl talking about he saved all the text messages I sent him, if anything happens to him David did it, etc. etc. etc.  I had him so freaked out he could not even spell the word diet much less actually do one.

Hence the vanilla gorilla made an ass of himself.

You are right.  Psychological destruction is much harder and longer lasting than anything physical.  You can heal a wound.  you cant stop living in fear.

1.  Hire someone smart enough not to get caught.
2.  Be somewhere far away and deny it. Even if you have motive, if the person was not caught and you were accounted will get a huge headache but will be in no trouble.  The headache and being harrased by cops is far outweighed by the revenge.  Dont say it.....just do it  ;)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 06:52:07 PM
Cut260 should team up with Nasser and gh15 and be the third wizard of truth.

They will be like superheros.

in all seriousness CUT260, what is your opinion of the Nasser interviews on

Nasser has always been very cool to me so I could not say anything negative about the guy.  Always been up front and honest with me (as far as I know) and he and I have hung out and had a good time together.  I owe him a drink by the way - the last time we had some he bought the last round and I did not get to return the favor as of yet.

Just for clarification and so no rumors get going I NEVER did business with him so please dont bring people into my past for the sake of speculation.

I am not 100% sure who GH15 is.  I have heard rumors and so forth but if it is who I think it is - then its all good =)

I am absolutely in agreement with them to bring the truth and real facts out in the open.  Most people actually have no clue what is really going on with most pros, what the behind the scenes are and what actually happens.  The magazines are total bullshit.  The interviews are staged and most of the information given is worth as much as a promise to pay you back from Quincy Taylor.

I am happy to work with them, talk with them interview with them etc.  Lets do it.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 06:57:36 PM
1.  Hire someone smart enough not to get caught.
2.  Be somewhere far away and deny it. Even if you have motive, if the person was not caught and you were accounted will get a huge headache but will be in no trouble.  The headache and being harrased by cops is far outweighed by the revenge.  Dont say it.....just do it  ;)

The cops took all my money when they raided my house...  Does anyone take food stamps?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on February 08, 2008, 07:02:17 PM
The cops took all my money when they raided my house...  Does anyone take food stamps?

TP4U will do it for free. He stands up for his fellow iron warrior bros.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 07:03:00 PM
Alright my girl wants me to get off the damn computer and stop "chatting" and spend some time with her.

So given that she is so damn hot, sexy and absolutely... well you guys (and girls) know what I am talking about..... I am inclined to "cooperate" lol  get it "cooperate" ha ha

So the bottles of wine are about to be opened and I am off to play for the night..


Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: TooPowerful4u on February 08, 2008, 07:05:22 PM
TP4U will do it for free. He stands up for his fellow iron warrior bros.

I dont make enemies for no reason.  Thats the sign of a true dikhead.  I just felt like offering advice haha.  Plus i doubt i could take out QT and id feel like a pssy using a weapon...
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jbrice on February 08, 2008, 07:11:13 PM
Hey I finally found it where you guys can download and see it without having to go to the PACER system and pay to download my case info.  As I have said all of this has been available to the public since my indictment in May 2007. 

Here is the link to my indictment

Here is the link to my plea agreement

FINALLY you guys and girls can read with your own eyes.....

ENJOY and to all the haters who made up the rumors and pointed fingers.... Kiss my ass.  Youre all looking pretty stupid right about now

My question is how did you arrive at the deal you got? You got busted with all that stuff but only got probation? Seems sketchy to me. If I was you I meet up with Quincy face to face and handle it like a man. No need to have your boys take care of it. If you know where he's at why haven't you done anything? Me personally I'd have my shit back or I'd take it out the ass of whoever stole from me.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Dallasdoom on February 08, 2008, 07:40:32 PM
Alright my girl wants me to get off the damn computer and stop "chatting" and spend some time with her.

So given that she is so damn hot, sexy and absolutely... well you guys (and girls) know what I am talking about..... I am inclined to "cooperate" lol  get it "cooperate" ha ha

So the bottles of wine are about to be opened and I am off to play for the night..

Which girl? The one that got busted because of you? The one that is now engaged to a younger guy and wouldn't sleep with you or the one that you had a meltdown over because she enjoys doing judges more than you?

How are those parking tickets you claimed was all you were busted on?  ::)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor. You owe someone some MONEY!
Post by: The Squadfather on February 08, 2008, 07:44:25 PM
another honorable citizen in the world of bodydestorying,oh i mean building
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 07:48:45 PM
Which girl? The one that got busted because of you? The one that is now engaged to a younger guy and wouldn't sleep with you or the one that you had a meltdown over because she enjoys doing judges more than you?

How are those parking tickets you claimed was all you were busted on?  ::)

texasbubba strikes again.  ;D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 08, 2008, 07:56:13 PM
holy shit i just read all this shit, what a soap opera. :o
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: PRAXIS on February 08, 2008, 09:19:21 PM
Hello. If anyone out there knows how to get ahold of Quincy Taylor. Tell him what he did was bogus. Check this out everyone. He was slinging some 'goodies' with alleged informant Davey J from TX. Davey J asked him to hold onto about $35K worth of 'goodies' but not move it because he wanted to get it out of his hands as he suspected potential raid.

 So Quincy Taylor slings it all. All of it. Now he refuses to be fair and be real and either pay back Davey J or just confess he pulled scumbag move. He even told people like Melvin A " it man, what's he gon' do...he gon' call the cops or sumethin? "

 Melvin told him he was bogus so Quincy Taylor decided to start a rumor that Melvin uses coke and crack.

 I guess Quincy Taylor owes LOTS of people around the country $$$ for promising them GEAR and just ditching them. Now he is hiding out in Vegas to duck those he owes money to.

 Ron. Don't delete this. If this was FALSE then it could be deleted. Your policy at Getbig is that if it is false then it gets removed but you know damn well this isn't false.


Thats pretty fucking gangster. I will give Quincy props for jacking him and making a joke about it. Knowing that 99% off the entire pro bodybulding community is full of fucking rats and snitches then he made the right move.
+1 Quincy
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: PRAXIS on February 08, 2008, 09:31:06 PM
Selling fake shit is one thing: Palumbo and who knows who else.
But Jacking someone selling the shit and laughing about it gets my respect.

35k of stuff is something to be pissed about. If something was going to happen to Quincy it would happen it wouldnt be on a bodybulding forum. We would be reading how Quincy committed suicide tragically.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 08, 2008, 09:32:46 PM
Authorities say a Labrador retriever named Jet really can fly. The 65-pound dog survived a six story leap from a Tampa airport parking garage and lived.

Police and Jet's owners and vet say the 2-year old dog accidentally leaped over a parking garage railing on New Year's Eve and walked away from the landing — 60 to 80 feet below.

Jet spent the night at a vet's office with a collapsed lung and some cuts and bruises. But by the next day, the dog was getting antsy again.

His owners are Clayton and Jessica Tieman of Largo. They named Jet for the sheen of his black fur, not for any flying abilities. They say their next dog will get a more earthly name, perhaps Scooter.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: PRAXIS on February 08, 2008, 09:44:02 PM
This is 100% true.  You can even look at other threads where I posted some comments to Big Q Douche Bag where I tell him he better pay me what he owes me.  I think the thread was called Quincy Taylor 3 weeks out or something like that.  I called him out even then and all the way until now.

When I got raided one of the cops got really crazy and threw so much shit around while he was destroying my closet and covered up a box of "goodies"

When they left I saw it and did not know if they left it on purpose or if it was for another set up, were they going to hit me again tomorrow and bring more charges. I had no idea what was going on and I was freaked out beyond belief.  I did not want to call any of my "close friends" because I did not want them to get caught up in it and Quincy lived 70 miles away from me, and he will do basically anything for money.  So I called the vanilla gorilla and asked if he could take it for me because I was scared and did not know what to do about it, and of course there was "compensation" of goodies offered for doing so.  Of course as Quincy always said  "free.99" is always a good price.  So he had no problem picking it up.

What he did was sell all the stuff that was ready made and kept the money.  He kept the cash I gave him and never returned it.  He kept a box of 20 Eastropin kits and used and sold them.  Had over 50 bottles of pills, 250 bottles of ready made stuff and kits - ALL SOLD.  One of the worst things was he had 100g of primo powder, 200g test decanoate powder, 150g test isocaprioate, 200g phenyl prop powder, 200g test prop powder and 300g nandrolone decanoate powder, 50g masteron.

Do you have any idea how much money in goodies that powder made? 

100 bottles of primo
100 bottles of sustanon
100 bottles of prop
100 bottles of dec
100 bottles of phenyl prop
100 bottles of test isocaprioate
50g masteron.

AND some things left over...... Do the math street value and see how much that comes up to. 

He even told me to my face when we had lunch once that when he was in Los Angeles he got brought in by the FBI where they showed him video of him buying and selling hundreds of boxes of HGH,and they wanted him to tell them who he was getting it from and selling to.  He said that he told them well you got me so do what you want with me. He said they were asking him a lot of questions and as a result of their talks he had to move to Texas.  He told me not to worry though he never said anything and they never pursued it.  Now having been through my situation I find that VERY hard to believe. 

He always talked about Charles Glass getting busted, he talked to me about Milos and many other people especially Shawn Ray.  He told me that he left a voice mail on Shawns phone threatening him and saying he would beat his ass etc.  He said that if he ever had a chance to screw Shawn over he would even to the feds because he claims Shawn screwed one of his girls (I hope that rumor is true actually).  So if Shawn reads this - now you know what that asshole told me about you so you can use that info for whatever you want or need to.

So that is where all the rumors and bullshit started about me.  Quincy Taylor trying to do and say things to get people against the guy ripped off and stole from so that he can justify his actions.  Instead of being a man and keeping his word he decided to be a thief and use lies and rumors to try and help himself out.  He felt that if he could get enough people to think I was a piece of shit that they would condone and give him justification for what he did.

The fact is Quincy when I was scared out of my mind, trying to protect my friends and make sure things were safe - you took advantage of me, stole from me, started rumors and made up so many lies you dont even know how to cover them up anymore.

There is good reason why you have been calling everyone saying I have been threatening you, telling you that you better keep your promises and pay back the money you owe me etc.  You promised me when we had dinner after the Olympia that you would pay me back as soon as you got home.  Instead you lied again and talked more shit and the only thing you have done is made things worse for yourself.

Screw you Quincy.  I dont owe you a damn thing.  You brought all this on yourself. Somehow I dont think you are happy and now that everyone knows the truth maybe you will know what it feels like when you go out in public and everyone will look at you with disgust, and they will never trust you or talk to you.  The only difference between you and me is the looks they give you will be justified.  The looks I get will be cleared up and people will find out the truth when this is all said and done.

This cant be true. A drug dealer putting all this out there for everyone to read. My god what the hell is wrong with these bodybuilders. Too bad real criminals didnt supply the juice to all these guys so we wouldnt have to hear this gay shit!!!
The Feds who actually bust these guys are probably laughing their asses off on how easy it is to get these tuff guys to roll on each other....
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: ncmslippin on February 08, 2008, 09:57:32 PM

Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?

It is "does he owe Dave Jacobs money? Not "Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?

I can see you didn't use your speak n spell as a tot.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 08, 2008, 10:05:41 PM

Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?

It is "does he owe Dave Jacobs money? Not "Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?

I can see you didn't use your speak n spell as a tot.

Ummm...last time I checked Quincy Taylor was a negroe. Negroe's don't talk good...knawatImsayin, yo? They be don't all be using proper grammar and shit. They be using 'country grammar'...knaw'mean?

 "Do he owe Dave Jacobs money". Sounds like how he'd say it if he were talking.

 This is a great thread. I spoke to Dave Jacobs personally about the matter and he verifies it all to be 100% true.

 Hey Q, you still popping BRANDI while your wifey takes care of yo lil' SHAWTYS? I know your black ass all be reading this and shit...
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:08:44 PM
Which girl? The one that got busted because of you? The one that is now engaged to a younger guy and wouldn't sleep with you or the one that you had a meltdown over because she enjoys doing judges more than you?

How are those parking tickets you claimed was all you were busted on?  ::)

You again bro.  Jesus bro you really need to get your facts straight.

Amber Jarrell got caught up in the shit I was in because she lived with me at the time.  That was extremely messed up to involve women.  However she NEVER got busted and they gave her probation.

I dont know which younger guy or what girl you are talking about - you must be smoking crack again and confusing your lies with other shit.

My GIRL AMANDA has NEVER slept with any judges or any other competitors for that matter.  They tried and they failed.

I never said all I was ever busted on were parking tickets, but I did get arrested on a warrant for not paying a traffic ticket.  Look it up douche bag thats public record too.

Here you are talking shit again - saying things you dont know anything about and as usual you dont offer anything of substance - just shit.

Just because youre jealous that a person who goes through all this shit still has more than you, is happier than you and will always be better than you ever will be does not mean you will make things better by shitting out of your mouth.

Go back to your trailer trash whores you like to bang around bro.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 08, 2008, 11:10:43 PM
This cant be true. A drug dealer putting all this out there for everyone to read. My god what the hell is wrong with these bodybuilders. Too bad real criminals didnt supply the juice to all these guys so we wouldnt have to hear this gay shit!!!
The Feds who actually bust these guys are probably laughing their asses off on how easy it is to get these tuff guys to roll on each other....

Actually this is 100% true.  Quincy was even stupid to admit selling it and tried to justify doing it.  Yeah Mr. tough QT has to go ripping people off to get anything in life.  Hope he sleeps well at night.  I know his girl Brandy doesnt.  He has to hit, beat and smack women around to feel good about himself.  Talk about tough guy... Real tough beating on chicks.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: PRAXIS on February 08, 2008, 11:20:31 PM
Actually this is 100% true.  Quincy was even stupid to admit selling it and tried to justify doing it.  Yeah Mr. tough QT has to go ripping people off to get anything in life.  Hope he sleeps well at night.  I know his girl Brandy doesnt.  He has to hit, beat and smack women around to feel good about himself.  Talk about tough guy... Real tough beating on chicks.

Stop hating you got jacked like a bitch!!!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: arce377 on February 08, 2008, 11:32:28 PM
Like Judge Joe Brown likes to say..."PAY THE MAN!"
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Tre on February 09, 2008, 06:12:33 AM
Every industry has their own stories, from Hollywood, to football, to baseball.  I hear a lot of stories from all sorts, especially with directors, actors and more, but again, proof is needed.

You sure do hang with some shady characters, Ron.   ;)

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: KillerMonk on February 09, 2008, 06:39:59 AM
Im with TooPowerfull4u, get the son of a bitch knee capped, if some one stole that much money from me, Id be at a croweded bar for my alibi and hire a couple of thugs to do the buisness.Easy satisfaction guarenteed.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Tre on February 09, 2008, 10:56:23 AM
Hey I finally found it where you guys can download and see it without having to go to the PACER system and pay to download my case info.  As I have said all of this has been available to the public since my indictment in May 2007. 

Here is the link to my indictment

Here is the link to my plea agreement

FINALLY you guys and girls can read with your own eyes.....

ENJOY and to all the haters who made up the rumors and pointed fingers.... Kiss my ass.  Youre all looking pretty stupid right about now

Gotta give you credit for coming here (and to the courts) and taking ownership of what you did wrong. 

That says a lot about you, in my opinion, and I wish you the best moving forward. 

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 09, 2008, 11:04:19 AM
I wish you the best moving forward. 

Does it seem like he's moving forward?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jbrice on February 09, 2008, 11:28:51 AM
Actually this is 100% true.  Quincy was even stupid to admit selling it and tried to justify doing it.  Yeah Mr. tough QT has to go ripping people off to get anything in life.  Hope he sleeps well at night.  I know his girl Brandy doesnt.  He has to hit, beat and smack women around to feel good about himself.  Talk about tough guy... Real tough beating on chicks.

So basically what you are saying is that Quincy said to your face yea I sold it what can you do about it? You know you can't do anything. So you come on Getbig and vent to all of us.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Tre on February 09, 2008, 11:37:13 AM
Does it seem like he's moving forward?

By coming here to set the record straight for his peers and potential clients, absolutely. 

The healing process is different for each of us. 
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: CalvinH on February 09, 2008, 12:21:15 PM
Sounds like selling steroids is alot of fun.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: just_a_pilgrim on February 09, 2008, 02:22:07 PM

So basically what you are saying is that Quincy said to your face yea I sold it what can you do about it? You know you can't do anything. So you come on Getbig and vent to all of us.

Yeh dude it's one step up from a knee-capping, spreading the love on GETBIG
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 09, 2008, 03:45:33 PM

So basically what you are saying is that Quincy said to your face yea I sold it what can you do about it? You know you can't do anything. So you come on Getbig and vent to all of us.

Absolutely bro.  100% abso fuckin lutely.

What if you were an aspiring bodybuilder, and came across Quincy and he offered to do some work with you and also by the way he can hook you up with your supplies.  You think wow I found this ugly ass pro wants to hook me up and he says I am a cool guy (typical fluffing the ego BS).  You hand over a grand to him and get all excited only to find out you just got played.

What if someone had taken the time to give you a heads up and let you know that this is the type of shit he does on a daily basis.

Would you be upset that someone let you know or would you be happy that you just had someone save your 1000 bucks and prevent you from having your hard earned money end up in some strippers G-String while they laugh at you?

Quincy jacked me and jacked me hard.  What he did was so wrong there is no where to begin but at the end of the day it was me who trusted him.  As I said after all the things I had done for him and his family I would have expected better, but ooh well.  He is the one who will live with the fact that he lied, cheated and stole from a friend.  I however will always know that it was me that was there for him so as usual I will sleep good tonight.

Especially knowing people around him are keeping a closer eye on their money and wont have to go through what I did.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 09, 2008, 03:47:16 PM
hahhaa, a pro bodybuilder ripping people off.......BIG surprise. :D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 09, 2008, 03:57:33 PM
hahhaa, a pro bodybuilder ripping people off.......BIG surprise. :D

Sure is bro.  So normal these days it comes as "to be expected" behavior.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 09, 2008, 03:59:53 PM
Sure is bro.  So normal these days it comes as "to be expected" behavior.

yep, it's fuccked up, there's a couple of clowns like this at my gym, always getting shit fronted to them from different people and not paying, seems like pros are notorius for it.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jbrice on February 09, 2008, 04:58:11 PM
Absolutely bro.  100% abso fuckin lutely.

What if you were an aspiring bodybuilder, and came across Quincy and he offered to do some work with you and also by the way he can hook you up with your supplies.  You think wow I found this ugly ass pro wants to hook me up and he says I am a cool guy (typical fluffing the ego BS).  You hand over a grand to him and get all excited only to find out you just got played.

What if someone had taken the time to give you a heads up and let you know that this is the type of shit he does on a daily basis.

Would you be upset that someone let you know or would you be happy that you just had someone save your 1000 bucks and prevent you from having your hard earned money end up in some strippers G-String while they laugh at you?

Quincy jacked me and jacked me hard.  What he did was so wrong there is no where to begin but at the end of the day it was me who trusted him.  As I said after all the things I had done for him and his family I would have expected better, but ooh well.  He is the one who will live with the fact that he lied, cheated and stole from a friend.  I however will always know that it was me that was there for him so as usual I will sleep good tonight.

Especially knowing people around him are keeping a closer eye on their money and wont have to go through what I did.

I make my own decisions people can say what they want about other people but you and I both know that people say shit about our friends that we know isn't true just because they have animosity towards them.  It's like a girlfriend telling the new boyfriend that her ex was the best boyfriend she's had. She's gonna call him all kinds of names, tell horrible stories, talk sh*t and stuff. Maybe you two should kiss and make up.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: LatsMcGee on February 09, 2008, 05:07:45 PM
Actually this is 100% true.  Quincy was even stupid to admit selling it and tried to justify doing it.  Yeah Mr. tough QT has to go ripping people off to get anything in life.  Hope he sleeps well at night.  I know his girl Brandy doesnt.  He has to hit, beat and smack women around to feel good about himself.  Talk about tough guy... Real tough beating on chicks.

So you're saying Quincy is training with the great Nasser El Sonbatty? 
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: toolarge4u on February 09, 2008, 05:18:00 PM
By coming here to set the record straight for his peers and potential clients, absolutely. 

The healing process is different for each of us. 

jesus thats well said and about the only thing i have ever taken from getbig
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Krankenstein on February 10, 2008, 07:37:58 AM

If you're going to argue about "goodies" owed, then I'd suggest using PM's or a phone call.  The Feds monitor this board and like a hawk most likely and with the quantities you're talking, I'm sure it will get their attention to not only go after Quincy but you as well.... ::)

Hey fat body......hows the prep going for your upcoming shows?   ::)

Cant wait to show up at them.....I think I have vacation time set up.....Metrolina.....hmm m....I think I might switch to the NPC and compete
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 10, 2008, 09:37:27 AM
 'DallasDoom' ='s Jay Moore.

 Jay Moore ='s 'DallasDoom'.

 Jay Moore is the dude in camoflauge in Branch Warren's video who kept going..."Come one muthaFUCKA...FUCK! "
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mogulgangi on February 10, 2008, 09:38:36 AM
'DallasDoom' ='s Jay Moore.

 Jay Moore ='s 'DallasDoom'.

 Jay Moore is the dude in camoflauge in Branch Warren's video who kept going..."Come one muthaFUCKA...FUCK! "

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Go 4 It on February 10, 2008, 09:40:22 AM
'DallasDoom' ='s Jay Moore.

 Jay Moore ='s 'DallasDoom'.

 Jay Moore is the dude in camoflauge in Branch Warren's video who kept going..."Come one muthaFUCKA...FUCK! "

Is it the same dude that was throwing barbells all over the place..
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 10, 2008, 09:41:23 AM
Is it the same dude that was throwing barbells all over the place..
yep, that's him.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 09:44:21 AM
Is it the same dude that was throwing barbells all over the place..
isn't he "hardcore"  ::)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 10, 2008, 09:47:24 AM
isn't he "hardcore"  ::)
that guy is a doucebag, i remember Adonis saying that he was threatening to beat people up on the MD forums. ::)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 10, 2008, 09:48:26 AM
Is it the same dude that was throwing barbells all over the place..

 Yes it is. The one who looked constipated during the whole film.

 Quincy Taylor oweing money to a man who didn't do a BAD THING is fucked up. Dave may have been wrong(in legal standpoint) but he did nothing wrong. He provided a service to people who want to have big muscles. His products were inexpensive and very clean/potent. If Dave was selling bunk shit...then Dave is an asshole for making money selling pure sesame oil. The shit was all good. He provided a service for a supply/demand.

 So what? GEAR is only illegal because of misguided legislation and ignorance. We all know damn well steroid users are not criminals(if you narrow it down to only using steroids).

 Quincy Taylor stealing from a fellow bodybuilder who helped him, bailed him out of jail and dealt with is drama of infidelity and chronic lying to people is worthy of keeping this thread bumped to the top of this page for another 2 weeks or everyone can see it. right before the Ironman/ASC.   :)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 09:49:22 AM
that guy is a doucebag, i remember Adonis saying that he was threatening to beat people up on the MD forums. ::)
He reminds me of a ten year old who yells "fuck" then looks around with a little grin to see if anybody heard him. I'd be suprised if his IQ  was above 75.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 10, 2008, 09:51:22 AM
He reminds me of a ten year old who yells "fuck" then looks around with a little grin to see if anybody heard him. I'd be suprised if his IQ  was above 75.
we better watch out because we wouldn't want big bad "dallasdoom" aka Jay Moore to threaten to find us and beat us up, that would be absolutely terrifying, wouldn't it? ::)
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 09:52:41 AM
we better watch out because we wouldn't want big bad "dallasdoom" aka Jay Moore to threaten to find us and beat us up, that would be absolutely terrifying, wouldn't it? ::)
haahha, that ogre couldn't figure out how to read a map. I'm not worried.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Go 4 It on February 10, 2008, 09:53:03 AM
that guy is a doucebag, i remember Adonis saying that he was threatening to beat people up on the MD forums. ::)

Haven't seen the whole video, but I have seen clips, and I was thinking what the hell?? This guy is trying way too hard be "hardcore" Branch wasn't even acting like that...
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 10, 2008, 09:54:31 AM
haahha, that ogre couldn't figure out how to read a map. I'm not worried.
hahahhaa, can you imaging this jackass trying to figure out his coffee maker in the morning, probably looks either like a caveman trying to figure out how to start a fire or a monkey smashing two rocks together and screaming. ;D
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jetcity on February 10, 2008, 09:56:21 AM
Absolutely bro.  100% abso fuckin lutely.

What if you were an aspiring bodybuilder, and came across Quincy and he offered to do some work with you and also by the way he can hook you up with your supplies.  You think wow I found this ugly ass pro wants to hook me up and he says I am a cool guy (typical fluffing the ego BS).  You hand over a grand to him and get all excited only to find out you just got played.

What if someone had taken the time to give you a heads up and let you know that this is the type of shit he does on a daily basis.

Would you be upset that someone let you know or would you be happy that you just had someone save your 1000 bucks and prevent you from having your hard earned money end up in some strippers G-String while they laugh at you?

Quincy jacked me and jacked me hard.  What he did was so wrong there is no where to begin but at the end of the day it was me who trusted him.  As I said after all the things I had done for him and his family I would have expected better, but ooh well.  He is the one who will live with the fact that he lied, cheated and stole from a friend.  I however will always know that it was me that was there for him so as usual I will sleep good tonight.

Especially knowing people around him are keeping a closer eye on their money and wont have to go through what I did.

so if you knew he does this shit on daily basis... why were you his friend? bailing him out of jail..etc i know you're a changed man now but how could you in the past as a friend of his let him get away with this? were you conning ppl with him? and your just bitter now because he did this to you? i just don't understand why you were buddys with him, if you knew he's a POS... kno wat i mean?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 09:56:34 AM
hahahhaa, can you imaging this jackass trying to figure out his coffee maker in the morning, probably looks either like a caveman trying to figure out how to start a fire or a monkey smashing two rocks together and screaming. ;D
I can see him trying to turn on a computer, pointing the mouse at it and clicking like a remote, then getting frustrated throwing it across the room and banging out some squats.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: XFACTOR on February 10, 2008, 09:57:15 AM
we better watch out because we wouldn't want big bad "dallasdoom" aka Jay Moore to threaten to find us and beat us up, that would be absolutely terrifying, wouldn't it? ::)

Careful Squad this guys minutes from logging on and telling you he will fly you to Dallas for a lift-off followed by a fight behind the monkey bars.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 10, 2008, 09:59:42 AM
Careful Squad this guys minutes from logging on and telling you he will fly you to Dallas for a lift-off followed by a fight behind the monkey bars.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 10, 2008, 10:00:19 AM
we better watch out because we wouldn't want big bad "dallasdoom" aka Jay Moore to threaten to find us and beat us up, that would be absolutely terrifying, wouldn't it? ::)
I know. Especially if he wears that extra medium camoflauge shirt. Brrrrr...that shirt is more terrifying than a TAPOUT sweatshirt/hoodie.

 He's probably laying in a puddle of his own drool with the 'bubble guts' after reading this knowing that we all know who the secret identity of 'dallasdoom' is on here.

 Hahahaha...I bet after Jay Moore was in the Branch Warren dvd he was probably walking around the gyms with extra ILS and face scowl thinking that everyone in a 3 block radius around him were whispering to themselves..."There he is...that's him...yea, the guy working out with Branch Warren...yup...yea, that's him...holy cow should we run? Do you think he is going to hurt us? "
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 10:01:59 AM
Careful Squad this guys minutes from logging on and telling you he will fly you to Dallas for a lift-off followed by a fight behind the monkey bars.
impossible, Jay Moore isn't smart enough to board a plane.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: XFACTOR on February 10, 2008, 10:03:17 AM
impossible, Jay Moore isn't smart enough to board a plane.

Hahahah that was funny.
He does look pretty damn stupid. 
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: The Squadfather on February 10, 2008, 10:04:52 AM
hahahaha, i can just picture his slack jawed grimace as he tries to figure out how to put a different handle on the tricep pushdown machine and then finally gets so pissed off that he throws the bar halfway across the gym while grunting.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Go 4 It on February 10, 2008, 10:08:41 AM
hahahaha, i can just picture his slack jawed grimace as he tries to figure out how to put a different handle on the tricep pushdown machine and then finally gets so pissed off that he throws the bar halfway across the gym while grunting.

Imagine if he can't find the right attachment that he needs, (especially in that gym, theres shit everywhere) he probably goes fuckin ape shit!!! I gotta admit, I get pretty pissed when this shit happens to me, so imagine this "hardcore behemoth!"
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: XFACTOR on February 10, 2008, 10:14:41 AM
Imagine if he can't find the right attachment that he needs, (especially in that gym, theres shit everywhere) he probably goes fuckin ape shit!!! I gotta admit, I get pretty pissed when this shit happens to me, so imagine this "hardcore behemoth!"

He throws the 45's as if they were frisbees. A true bad ass.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 10:15:56 AM
Imagine if he can't find the right attachment that he needs, (especially in that gym, theres shit everywhere) he probably goes fuckin ape shit!!! I gotta admit, I get pretty pissed when this shit happens to me, so imagine this "hardcore behemoth!"
can you imagine this oaf out in public? In the supermarket wearing his beanie and v top yelling and throwing Ritz crackers everywhere and when the manager asks what he's doing he says "I Branche's weight lift partner. I throw plates grunt"
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Go 4 It on February 10, 2008, 10:20:07 AM
can you imagine this oaf out in public? In the supermarket wearing his beanie and v top yelling and throwing Ritz crackers everywhere and when the manager asks what he's doing he says "I Branche's weight lift partner. I throw plates grunt"

I think your on to something here!! Can you imagine a dvd series (like Lee Priest's) Bodybuilders Reality, that shows him in "day to day life" that would fuckin be priceless!! Waking up in the morning, "mad as fuck" at the world for no reason, going shopping, hittin up a nightclub starring people down............dude that would be hilarious!!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: mass 04 on February 10, 2008, 10:22:58 AM
I think your on to something here!! Can you imagine a dvd series (like Lee Priest's) Bodybuilders Reality, that shows him in "day to day life" that would fuckin be priceless!! Waking up in the morning, "mad as fuck" at the world for no reason, going shopping, hittin up a nightclub starring people down............dude that would be hilarious!!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 10, 2008, 11:25:41 AM
I think your on to something here!! Can you imagine a dvd series (like Lee Priest's) Bodybuilders Reality, that shows him in "day to day life" that would fuckin be priceless!! Waking up in the morning, "mad as fuck" at the world for no reason, going shopping, hittin up a nightclub starring people down............dude that would be hilarious!!
Ba ha ha...

 Classic! I love knowing he is reading this now.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: FOXTROT-1 on February 11, 2008, 06:30:24 AM

  My intelligence source tells me that Quincy Taylor has been calling Ron Avidan pleading for this thread to be taken down.

Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: jetcity on February 11, 2008, 06:41:20 AM
i didnt even know who this QT guy was till this thread started... what a way to get your name known.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: thisiskeith12 on February 11, 2008, 06:55:40 AM
i didnt even know who this QT guy was till this thread started... what a way to get your name known.

Me either!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 11, 2008, 07:29:02 AM
Me either!
I did. He's the big negroe with the black makeup under and around the perimeter of his eyes. Does he post here? I know he reads but does he post?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Go 4 It on February 11, 2008, 07:36:52 AM
He doesn't like short people..
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: emn1964 on February 11, 2008, 07:46:29 AM
Did anyone ask Lee Thompson about this?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: thisiskeith12 on February 11, 2008, 07:50:37 AM
Is this that guy that Ron interviewed in the bathroom?!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 11, 2008, 07:53:04 AM
Did anyone ask Lee Thompson about this?
Don't even go there! Lee reads this to. He and 'The Others' will right away be on the horn with Ron Himself and threaten his press passes and access to the trade shows/expos. Trust me. This is no mans land territory.

 Lee does like to trade scores for tricks though with foolish and naive figure sluts. Everybody knows that.   :-X
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Bix on February 11, 2008, 08:00:12 AM

Oh my GOD, he'll crush you!
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: HTexan on February 11, 2008, 08:03:52 AM
Maybe QT didn't sell it,....... he used it all ;D 
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Blockhead on February 11, 2008, 08:06:42 AM
 Oh, but Quincy Taylor has no idea who Dave Jacobs is. Hahahahaha...I can't believe he's trying to sell that to people who will listen. "oh, naaaw man...I don't know that nig ga. I mean, like...I know who he be but I don't like KNOW him and shit...he aint black. "

 Something like that, TSf. I know alot about it now. PM me for details as I can't talk about it. I just don't want Ron Himself calling me upset because Lee called him with threats. The whole entire IFBB including officials study this board all day long.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: Cut260 on February 11, 2008, 05:51:25 PM
Funny how a guy who does not know me signed over his paycheck, a money order and a guest posing check to me, and he claims he only saw me at the gym a few times....
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: calmus on February 11, 2008, 06:07:55 PM
Funny how a guy who does not know me signed over his paycheck, a money order and a guest posing check to me, and he claims he only saw me at the gym a few times....

Do you know a black dude who used to own a gym in your neck of the woods (DFW, think it was nearer FW) busted sometime last year? His case was in front of the Northern District last summer (might be still pending).......He was/is engaged. I know it's not much......but I have some friends who work at the Northern Dist and they were pretty pissed......last summer, he was trying to get out for a day to get married and the judge wouldn't let him.
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: emn1964 on February 12, 2008, 07:46:30 AM
Funny how a guy who does not know me signed over his paycheck, a money order and a guest posing check to me, and he claims he only saw me at the gym a few times....

Why are you having someone else create threads here for you?  Or do you use alter-egos?
Title: Re: Quincy Taylor: Do he owe Dave Jacobs money?
Post by: nycbull on February 12, 2008, 08:26:07 AM

hahah look at that ad for redbuzzed  ::), more irresponsible behavior by out of control supplement companies.

Telling kids they should be high on some chemical to be happy and popular :-\