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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Slintowin4424 on February 18, 2008, 12:01:29 PM

Title: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Slintowin4424 on February 18, 2008, 12:01:29 PM
Contest or bulking?
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: ChinoXL on February 19, 2008, 02:11:41 PM
750 mgs test e a week   1-14
25 mgs dbol ed  weeks 1-4
400 mgs EQ a week   1-14
75 mgs tren acetate eod  weeks 10-14
40 mgs anavar ed     weeks 10-14
60 mcg clen ed    weeks 10-15
350 g protein ed
10g creatine ed
10g glutamine ed
2 megamen multis ed

pct with hcg and clomid for three weeks

started at 229lbs and by week four I was at about 245 or so.  by week eight I was right around 260 lookin kinda puffy with high bp and noticeable gyno.  i ignored that.  week ten is where the detail really took off.  that's the only time i used tren,anavar and clen together and i gotta say, it was good, real good.  I ended up at about 265 lbs with, for the first time in my life i must say, veiny vascular abs.  I know this means nothing without pics, but if anyone knows anyone who was on the USS Carl Vinson during westpac 2002-2003 they would tell you AO3 Cisneros was JACKED the fuck up. 

Ahhhh, looking at life in retrospect sucks.  NLOL.  >:(
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Overload on February 19, 2008, 02:16:32 PM
Bulking - 1000mg Test E, 400mg Deca, 50mg Anadrol per day

Cutting - 500mg Test Prop, 600mg Primo, 40mg Anavar per day...low carb diet and 1 hour cardio 5 days a week.

Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: busyB on February 19, 2008, 02:28:12 PM
Since I have only ran a few, the most recent.

1-20 800 mg Test
1-16 400 mg Deca
17-20 75 mg Tren A

Only lost about 5 lbs after PCT

BUT when I was a kid....

Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Slintowin4424 on February 19, 2008, 04:00:44 PM
Great posts guys thanks a lot I will post mine later but its very long to type and right now I dont have time
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: thelamefalsehood on February 19, 2008, 07:11:28 PM
Week 1-10 Virormone Test Prop 600mg EW
Week 1-8   Norma Deca 400mg EW
WEEK 1-6 Oxybolone(Greece Anadrol)50mg ED

Second cycle and only ran HG. Gained about 25 pounds and got incredibly strong very quickly. Those drols are the best IMO and that Test is the very best test money can buy, again IMO. No pain whatsoever and its Propionate ;D
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Arnold jr on February 19, 2008, 09:13:43 PM
I don't think that there is one cycle that stands above the rest...not for me.

First cycle I ever did was EQ only, so it wasn't worth much.

Basic test/deca cycles are hard to beat though...throw in drol and it's pretty much unstoppable. Here's a cycle I've ran a handfull of times I really like:

Around 20 wksTest (doesn't matter what kind) 750mg-1g/wk
wk 1-16 Deca 400-600mg/wk
wk 12-20 winny 50-100mg/ed

I've ran that same cycle several times...always does well. Front it with drol 6 or so wks, and then another 6wks later on and it's even better...extend it and run tren on the back half and it's even better.

A few more trivia tid bits about myself just for conversaton.

Most test used at a time. 1350mg/wk for about 20ish wks or so
largest dose of any other AAS, EQ, 300mg/eod...that comes out to 900mg-1200mg/wk for the math impaired.

As for dieting ones were only the best because the diet was can use anything IMO. Even so, I've done well with basic 16wk diets with this cycle:

wk 1-8 test-e or C 250mg/eod
wk 1-8 eq 200mg/eod
wk 9-14 tren-a 75mg/eod
wk 9-14 winny 50mg/ed
wk 9-16 prop 200mg/eod
wk 15-16 tren-a 100mg/ed
wk 15-16 winny 100mg/ed
wk 1-16 gh 4iu/ed
wk 1-14 letro 1mg/eod
wk 15-16 letro 1mg/ed
Clen and t-3 throughout.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: wes mantooth on February 20, 2008, 01:45:18 PM
test e
tren e

monster cycle. my fav by far.....

dont remember was loooong ago
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: candidate2025 on February 20, 2008, 02:12:19 PM

how about this(i havent done this, obviously, but this is the most potent mass building stack i could think of)

1500 mg test-e/week
750 mg deca/week
50 mg winstrol/ed
50 mg proviron/ed
100mcg clen/ed
50mcg t3/ed
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: ChinoXL on February 20, 2008, 03:33:40 PM

how about this(i havent done this, obviously, but this is the most potent mass building stack i could think of)

1500 mg test-e/week
750 mg deca/week
50 mg winstrol/ed
50 mg proviron/ed
100mcg clen/ed
50mcg t3/ed

imo anything over 400mgs deca is a bit redundant.  t3 is something i will never touch again.  stick with clen.  when the fuck you gonna quit thinking about it and do the shit candi?  lol
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: candidate2025 on February 20, 2008, 04:10:25 PM
...maybe i already am "doing some shit".. ;D

why wouldnt you use t3 again... bad reaction to it?
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Arnold jr on February 20, 2008, 05:08:07 PM

how about this(i havent done this, obviously, but this is the most potent mass building stack i could think of)

1500 mg test-e/week
750 mg deca/week
50 mg winstrol/ed
50 mg proviron/ed
100mcg clen/ed
50mcg t3/ed

No need for clen  & t-3 when building that for dieting. The idea that if you take these things while bulking that your body is going to more selectively gain muscle and no fat is a're either gaining or you're clean you do it is diet.

Other then that, the cycle structure is fine, test is higher then needed though. I'd run gh and IGF to make it truly perfect.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on February 20, 2008, 05:24:18 PM
why wouldnt you use t3 again... bad reaction to it?

Maybe because the sides get to him. I don't like T3 either. Even a low dose makes me jittery & gives me a headache.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: candidate2025 on February 20, 2008, 05:40:21 PM
No need for clen  & t-3 when building that for dieting. The idea that if you take these things while bulking that your body is going to more selectively gain muscle and no fat is a're either gaining or you're clean you do it is diet.

Other then that, the cycle structure is fine, test is higher then needed though. I'd run gh and IGF to make it truly perfect.
AH! forgot about gh and igf.....
i guess i forgot about slin too..

Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on February 20, 2008, 05:43:59 PM
No need for clen  & t-3 when building that for dieting. The idea that if you take these things while bulking that your body is going to more selectively gain muscle and no fat is a're either gaining or you're clean you do it is diet.

Other then that, the cycle structure is fine, test is higher then needed though. I'd run gh and IGF to make it truly perfect.

The Deca is too high as well - would probably be just fine with 300-400mg.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: bigmikecox on February 20, 2008, 06:39:46 PM
3 A bombs/day Weeks 1-4
600 mgs Cyp Weeks 1-10
500 mgs Sos Weeks 1-10
200mgs Tren Weeks 1-8
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: ChinoXL on February 21, 2008, 07:20:36 AM
...maybe i already am "doing some shit".. ;D

why wouldnt you use t3 again... bad reaction to it?

Maybe because the sides get to him. I don't like T3 either. Even a low dose makes me jittery & gives me a headache.

Right you are Rimbaud.  T3 at 25mcg made me feel as if an MI was coming on after a half hour cardio session on the step master.  What's worse is that the half-life on those bad boys is pretty long so I had to tough that shit out for a whole day.  That's because I started at half the cynomel tab for the first 4 or so days.  It's just one of those things that varies amongst users.  That's why people should take care when listening to every bit of advice they get from the boards.  What works great for some could mean disaster for others. 

Like Rim and I said, the deca dose your thinking of is pretty much a waste.  Keep it at 400 mgs tops.  As is the test level.  500-700 mgs should do you just fine my brother(just got finished watchin some classic Clockwork Orange on my day off and feel like callin everyone brother or droog and maybe even performin some of the ol' in-out, in-out. lol). 
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: ChinoXL on February 21, 2008, 07:22:31 AM
3 A bombs/day Weeks 1-4
600 mgs Cyp Weeks 1-10
500 mgs Sos Weeks 1-10
200mgs Tren Weeks 1-8

Big Mike beastin' it!  My hands are gettin swollen just thinkin bout droppin three bombs a day!  DAM!
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: vinnyvee on February 21, 2008, 07:41:34 PM
Too many to list.....But here is an interesting scenario. I'll list the very 1st cycle I did and what Im doing now.

500mg Test C a week   wks 1-12
30mg Dbol ed              wks 1-10
Deca 250mg  a week    wks 1-6


500mg Test E  eod
250mg Deca e/3rd day
200mg Drol ed 5/2-0ff
30u's of humalog 5/2-off
100-150mg of ephedrine training days only

It's too much to type but I basically rotate compounds every 8-10 wks. For example in another month it will start to warm up here and I have weighed 260-275 in the heat and I'm over it! So I will switch some shit up and remain around 245ish...
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: candidate2025 on February 21, 2008, 08:58:52 PM

500mg Test E  eod
250mg Deca e/3rd day
200mg Drol ed 5/2-0ff
30u's of humalog 5/2-off
100-150mg of ephedrine training days only

now thats a cycle. fucking aye.

whats your bf% at that weight?
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: AlterEgo on February 22, 2008, 05:35:03 AM
just about to hit a cycle next month, comment if anyone has tried this combo

750mg Sustanon 250
250mg test prop eod
50mg dbol ed
400mg deca
300mg Tren

looking to go for at least 16-20 weeks but still working out cycle arrangement and mg per week.
i've including test prop to save sus 250 due to limit stock, so though test prop can be used to up the dosage a little. please comment on thoughts   ;)
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Playboy on February 22, 2008, 02:01:22 PM
DDT (Deca, d-bol & test)

750mgs of Test Enathate
30mgs of D-bol
400mgs Deca

Another favorite was:

300mgs Tren (finaplex Gold)
500mgs of Sustenon 250

Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Loomis on February 22, 2008, 11:43:08 PM
Every Morning...

250mg Omnadren
50mg   Winny
200mg  EQ
4iu GH

Felt like a fucking wild animal.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: abc123 on February 23, 2008, 11:52:19 AM
400 mg Test E5D
50 mg Stanozolol EOD
40 mg Halotestin ED
Humalog 20 IU pre-workout
T3 100 mcg ED
Clen 100 mcg ED
Adex .75 EOD
HCG 250 IU M, W, F
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Loomis on February 23, 2008, 02:34:01 PM
400 mg Test E5D
50 mg Stanozolol EOD
40 mg Halotestin ED
Humalog 20 IU pre-workout
T3 100 mcg ED
Clen 100 mcg ED
Adex .75 EOD
HCG 250 IU M, W, F

Curious how the slin pre-workout compares to taking it post. Have you tried both ways?
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: abc123 on February 23, 2008, 04:24:27 PM
I've never taken it PWO.

If taken 30 minutes prior to training it will peak during your workout and have strong action for the first two hours.  Then it will decrease and be completely out in 4 hours.  This works well with a pre, during and post workout shake.  That way you not only get the benefit of high insulin with your PWO shake, but you also cram aminos and glucose into the muscles before and during the workout.

I'll put it this way, I had to lower my AAS dose because I did not want to grow as much as I was.

I will warn you though, you are much more likely to go hypo during your workout since you are using glycogen during workout.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Slintowin4424 on February 24, 2008, 10:49:26 AM
Curious how the slin pre-workout compares to taking it post. Have you tried both ways?

Taking slin pre workout you really need to know your stuff.  The idea is that the blood flow from workout move those amino acids directly into a muscle however insulin has to be present.  You can do this one of two ways by simply drinking a gatorade spiked with vasodialators and amino acids or inject insulin like every pro does prior about one hour take it at 3grams carbs to every iu then make your during workout drink you will need vaso dialators and amino acids with branch chains and now you are set to kill that normal belief that muscle is torn down when you work out.
Title: Re: Post your greatest cycle
Post by: Loomis on February 27, 2008, 03:41:10 PM
Interesting. How many IU's do you use?