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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Deicide on February 24, 2008, 06:54:26 PM

Title: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 24, 2008, 06:54:26 PM
I just got through an HST 15 rep workout on a no carb diet:

Dumbbell shoulder press x2
Latpulldown x2
Dumbbell press x2
Dumbbell rows x2
Seated Curls x1
Skullcrushers x1
Deadlifts x2
Squats x2 (ass to grass)
Crunches x2 (weighted)

Maximum 45 seconds break between the time I finished the squats, I was that close to puking and totally wiped out. I wanted it short and intense but is that the way it should be carried out? Maybe it's because I am old now? ???
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on February 24, 2008, 07:25:54 PM
I just got through an HST 15 rep workout on a no carb diet:

Dumbbell shoulder press x2
Latpulldown x2
Dumbbell press x2
Dumbbell rows x2
Seated Curls x1
Skullcrushers x1
Deadlifts x2
Squats x2 (ass to grass)
Crunches x2 (weighted)

Maximum 45 seconds break between the time I finished the squats, I was that close to puking and totally wiped out. I wanted it short and intense but is that the way it should be carried out? Maybe it's because I am old now? ???

hey man that seems like a pretty good workout....imho every workout should be that intense i know that probably 9 out of 10 i almost puke and every once in a while i do not on an HST routine but still a lighter routine with short rests and monster reps and super also on the no carb thing right now for 2 days and i do think that has something to do with it also...but keep up the hard work
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 24, 2008, 07:34:45 PM
hey man that seems like a pretty good workout....imho every workout should be that intense i know that probably 9 out of 10 i almost puke and every once in a while i do not on an HST routine but still a lighter routine with short rests and monster reps and super also on the no carb thing right now for 2 days and i do think that has something to do with it also...but keep up the hard work

Yeah...maybe it had something to do with my meal prior to lifting. I am thinking of doing the deadlifts and squats first now....because I hate them so much and they are so exhausting...maybe get them out of the way.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on February 24, 2008, 07:38:17 PM
Yeah...maybe it had something to do with my meal prior to lifting. I am thinking of doing the deadlifts and squats first now....because I hate them so much and they are so exhausting...maybe get them out of the way.

yea ive always done squats and deads first although they are two different days for me...what was your meal like prior to lifting?  and i was wondering how much you weighed and how much protein you were consuming on a daily average and what you did for cardio?
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on February 24, 2008, 07:48:30 PM
Teh short rest periods are beneficial for hypertrophy, yes.

This phase will also give u better muscular endurance beneficial for your heavier phase because it allows for quicker recovery.

So keep the short rest periods, don't be a pussy.

Jk, but not really.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on February 24, 2008, 07:50:20 PM
Why do deadlifts before squats? I don't understand the logic in that. Why even deadlift every workout? It's really not all that beneficial for bodybuilding purposes, and on a cutting diet u're really only draining your CNS that much more when you're already fucking your recovery by restricting the calories.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on February 24, 2008, 07:54:21 PM
Why do deadlifts before squats? I don't understand the logic in that. Why even deadlift every workout? It's really not all that beneficial for bodybuilding purposes, and on a cutting diet u're really only draining your CNS that much more when you're already fucking your recovery by restricting the calories.

so your saying no deads at all?  what sense does that really make when especially on a HST program you want so to speak the most bang for your buck with each workout and deads are a great lift for your back as well as others your legs a little your middle and upper back, your forearms i just see them as one the most beneficial moves....i would have agreed with you if you had said that maybe alternate every other workout do deads but not to cut them out completely
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on February 24, 2008, 07:56:02 PM
Read my post carefully champ ;D
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on February 24, 2008, 08:03:16 PM
Read my post carefully champ ;D
Why do deadlifts before squats? I don't understand the logic in that. Why even deadlift every workout? It's really not all that beneficial for bodybuilding purposes, and on a cutting diet u're really only draining your CNS that much more when you're already fucking your recovery by restricting the calories.

my fault your saying to alternate?  i read it fast and misread it...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on February 24, 2008, 08:09:02 PM
Whatever scheme he wants to use (like alternating deads as u suggested), I just think deadlifting EVERY workout is a little much. To each his own I guess, I'm jsut making a suggestion. Trapezkerl doesn't liek muslims so I understand why he wouldn't listen to me  :D
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: pumpster on February 25, 2008, 03:45:35 AM
Agree about the deads; they don't have to be done every workout if at all, and why not do them towards the end of the workout after squats if at all? Squats work the lower back BTW.

As far as where to do squats, i think you should decide whether your legs are ahead or behind the development of the rest of the physique. Put them closer to the beginning of the workout if legs are lagging, otherwise keep em for later.

Ya, of course you can end up puking if you eat close to a workout. Just common sense to leave time after eating and if not, to eat light.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 25, 2008, 04:30:54 AM
Whatever scheme he wants to use (like alternating deads as u suggested), I just think deadlifting EVERY workout is a little much. To each his own I guess, I'm jsut making a suggestion. Trapezkerl doesn't liek muslims so I understand why he wouldn't listen to me  :D

Your religious affiliation is irrelevant here, unless there is something the Korean that is pertinent to the topic at hand?

Deadlifts burn mad calories; that's why I do them every workout. My metabolism is incredibly slow and I have a ridiculously hard time shedding body fat so need all the energy burners I can get in terms of exercise. Metabolic boost is all it is. The only reason I plan on employing HST for a while is because I am dieting. I have just started after a hiatus due to medical problems. Lots of heavy, all body compound exercises use lots of calories.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: DK II on February 25, 2008, 05:19:15 AM
funny HST you do there.

My HST was only 4 exercises and it nearly killed me. 3 times a week, everytime

pull ups

20 reps, clustered after 80%.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: pumpster on February 25, 2008, 06:01:21 AM
Deadlifts burn mad calories; that's why I do them every workout. My metabolism is incredibly slow and I have a ridiculously hard time shedding body fat so need all the energy burners I can get in terms of exercise.

Just keep in mind there are plenty of exercises to burn calories; that's probably not enough reason to do an exercise when there are others.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 25, 2008, 06:57:35 AM
Just keep in mind there are plenty of exercises to burn calories; that's probably not enough reason to do an exercise when there are others.

Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 25, 2008, 07:02:22 AM
Just keep in mind there are plenty of exercises to burn calories; that's probably not enough reason to do an exercise when there are others.

Also great for hamstrings...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: pumpster on February 25, 2008, 07:19:47 AM

If you want to burn more calories do cardio or burpees. If you want to stick with weights, do things like high rep cleans, clean and jerks, squats, weighted step-ups, etc., things that enlist major muscle groups.

Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: DK II on February 25, 2008, 07:24:35 AM
If you want to burn more calories do cardio or burpees. If you want to stick with weights, do things like high rep cleans, clean and jerks, squats, weighted step-ups, etc., things that enlist major muscle groups.

Like deadlifts?

What's wrong with deadlifts?

I strongly suggest the following HST program that i did. It works all muscle groups with multi-joint movements.


Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: pumpster on February 25, 2008, 07:27:20 AM
Like deadlifts?

What's wrong with deadlifts?

First of all, compounds like squats and rows already work the lower back.

Secondly just playing the odds, lifting alot on deads might be a good ego stroke but is potentially harsh on the lower back, For what it's worth, Vince Basile with more experience than anyone here says same. Just reality; they put tremendous stress on the core that can if injured f*** up workouts for the rest of the body. If the back is injured it can cause problems for years to come.

There's no rule that says they have to be done, based on the above. If they're done keep the reps high, do hypers instead or rely on other exercises that hit the lower back as well as other areas.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 25, 2008, 07:36:57 AM
First of all, compounds like squats and rows already work the lower back.

Secondly just playing the odds, lifting alot on deads might be a good ego stroke but is potentially very hard on the lower back, For what it's worth, Vince Basile with more experience than anyone here says same. Just reality; they put tremendous stress on a key area of the body that can if injured f*** up workouts for the rest of the body. If the back is injured it can cause problems for years to come.

There's no rule that says they have to be done, based on the above. If they're done keep the reps high, do hypers instead or rely on other exercises that hit the lower back as well as other areas.

Good idea; on the 15ers I will drop the weight by 5 kilos.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: DK II on February 25, 2008, 07:37:19 AM
First of all, compounds like squats and rows already work the lower back.

Secondly, they're potentially very hard on the lower back, which is what i think and what Vince Basile with decades of experience thinks as well. Just reality; they put tremendous stress on a key area of the body that can if injured f*** up workouts for the rest of the body.

There's no rule that says they have to be done, based on the above. If they're done keep the reps high, do hypers instead or rely on other exercises that hit the lower back as well as other areas.

Seriously, i understand the problem many have with deads, but i have never managed to get my lower back worked like with deadlifts.

I never go too heavy and always have 110% accurate movement. hyper extensions are either too light or hurt the back more than deads in my personal case.

You don't even need higher reps, you can also go a little slower on the movement and flex your back hard, all very carefully.

The problem is not deadlifts, it's the ego of the one who deadlifts, at least that's my view of things.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: pumpster on February 25, 2008, 07:41:52 AM

You don't even need higher reps, you can also go a little slower on the movement and flex your back hard, all very carefully.

The problem is not deadlifts, it's the ego of the one who deadlifts, at least that's my view of things.

Slower might or might not help everyone; it could be more dangerous as well for some. The main issue is that the lift itself facilitates the use of high weight that puts a lot of stress on the back.

Deadlifts because they inherently allow a lot of weight to be used and stress a key area of the body that affects the overall body, AND the way they're done are both problems, they're intertwined.

The lower back can be worked very well with weighted hypers or high rep deads and can be worked well using other exericises.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 25, 2008, 07:52:41 AM
Slower might or might not help everyone; the main issue is that the lift itself allows a lot of weight to be used, sometimes more than the back can handle.

Deadlifts because they inherently allow a lot of weight to be used and stress a key area of the body that affects the overall body, AND the way they're done are both problems, they're intertwined.

Anyway, taking your advice and going to go lower in weight with the high rep deads.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 26, 2008, 05:18:49 PM
Ok. What about alternating days when I do Squats and Deadlifts? Mon Deads, Wed Squats, Fri Deads, Mon Squats Wed Deads Fri Squats, etc....

Better, non?
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on February 27, 2008, 12:11:23 AM
Ok. What about alternating days when I do Squats and Deadlifts? Mon Deads, Wed Squats, Fri Deads, Mon Squats Wed Deads Fri Squats, etc....

Better, non?

id say alternate deads with bent over bb rows and squats with leg presses
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on February 29, 2008, 01:01:40 PM
Why not do SLDL's instead?

Agreed with ngm's suggestion.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on February 29, 2008, 02:34:23 PM
Why not do SLDL's instead?

Agreed with ngm's suggestion.

that is also a good on a side note i suck ass at squats and for the life of me cant get my squat up...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on February 29, 2008, 03:55:50 PM
Well I have taken many of the suggestions to heart and believe myself to haev found a reasonable solution; given the fact that I am old, on ZERO carbs and limited caloric intake I was doing too much and not concentrating on the core stuff. So I started yesterday and it was reasonably fast, just as intense and I mentally felt better doing it:

Dumbbell shoulder press x3 (15)
Latpulldown, inverse grip x3 (15)
Dumbbell bench press x3 (15)
Squats (ass to grass)x3 (15)/ Deadlifts x3 (15) (alternating, so since I did squats yesterday I will do deads Monday, etc.)
Crunches x3/Leglifts x3/Calf Raises x3

This way I work every muscle in the body with more or less big compound exercises at high intensity and also cut 15 to 20 unnecesary minutes out of my workout) Yesterday I finished in about 35 minutes...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: candidizzle on March 02, 2008, 11:23:27 PM
why the fuck are you going so high intensity on zero carbs? thats stupid as fuck. especaially with the short rest periods.

i love low carb diets. the are the best at losing fat.


training while on low carbs means= LONG REST SETS, HEAVY WEIGHTS, LOW # OF REPS

or else your going to be losing a shit load of muscle

if you want to train that way, eat 2 apples 30 mins befor eyou train, down some waxy maize afterwards, then go ahead and right back into your low carb diet...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on March 02, 2008, 11:25:00 PM
Well I have taken many of the suggestions to heart and believe myself to haev found a reasonable solution; given the fact that I am old, on ZERO carbs and limited caloric intake I was doing too much and not concentrating on the core stuff. So I started yesterday and it was reasonably fast, just as intense and I mentally felt better doing it:

Dumbbell shoulder press x3 (15)
Latpulldown, inverse grip x3 (15)
Dumbbell bench press x3 (15)
Squats (ass to grass)x3 (15)/ Deadlifts x3 (15) (alternating, so since I did squats yesterday I will do deads Monday, etc.)
Crunches x3/Leglifts x3/Calf Raises x3

This way I work every muscle in the body with more or less big compound exercises at high intensity and also cut 15 to 20 unnecesary minutes out of my workout) Yesterday I finished in about 35 minutes...

Stiff leg deads my man, stiff legs... You're missing out on hamstring development  :P
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on March 03, 2008, 04:49:14 AM
Stiff leg deads my man, stiff legs... You're missing out on hamstring development  :P

Meh, a few weeks without such won't matter, besides my hams are always sore from regular deads....besides part two, I am too fat to see my hams... ;D
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on March 03, 2008, 07:17:36 AM
Stiff leg deads my man, stiff legs... You're missing out on hamstring development  :P

i am a huge fan of deads but up until sat i had never tried the stiff leg version....they are taxing and my hams are absolutely fried but do you think that they work your back just the same as regular deads?
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on March 03, 2008, 09:34:24 AM
i am a huge fan of deads but up until sat i had never tried the stiff leg version....they are taxing and my hams are absolutely fried but do you think that they work your back just the same as regular deads?
For bb'ing purposes, IMO they are just as good. I actually wouldn't use regular deadlifts if I would train bb'ing solely.
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: ngm21084 on March 03, 2008, 10:58:03 AM
For bb'ing purposes, IMO they are just as good. I actually wouldn't use regular deadlifts if I would train bb'ing solely.
yea i mean my back felt pretty worked but my hamstrings were fired also i was going light but the light was harder stiff legged then regular i really liked them though and barring any apparent major differences i think i am going to do the stiff legged for a while...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on March 07, 2008, 06:31:50 PM
yea i mean my back felt pretty worked but my hamstrings were fired also i was going light but the light was harder stiff legged then regular i really liked them though and barring any apparent major differences i think i am going to do the stiff legged for a while...
Try going heavy bra, like 6 reps with good form.

Hey Trapezkerl, how's the routine going? You should try some BCAA's to enhance your recovery during and after your workouts.

P.S- what does trapezkerl mean?
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on March 07, 2008, 06:46:09 PM
Try going heavy bra, like 6 reps with good form.

Hey Trapezkerl, how's the routine going? You should try some BCAA's to enhance your recovery during and after your workouts.

P.S- what does trapezkerl mean?

My original name...just means Traps Guy, because my traps were the first part on my upper body that grew, basically without me doing anything. I will always look like shit because of my genetics but I have spent the last few years trying to even out the traps imbalance. The first year or two I had no arms or shoulder whatsoever BUT I did have traps and it looked horrible.

Of course I take BCAA's...especially before bed.

Routine is going decently...and always between 30 minutes and 45 minutes, which I like...on No Carb, doing more is not that great. However today is a carb loading day...anyway...
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: haider on March 07, 2008, 07:07:52 PM
My original name...just means Traps Guy, because my traps were the first part on my upper body that grew, basically without me doing anything. I will always look like shit because of my genetics but I have spent the last few years trying to even out the traps imbalance. The first year or two I had no arms or shoulder whatsoever BUT I did have traps and it looked horrible.

Of course I take BCAA's...especially before bed.

Routine is going decently...and always between 30 minutes and 45 minutes, which I like...on No Carb, doing more is not that great. However today is a carb loading day...anyway...
Don't be so hard on yourself stud, once you lose the fat you'll look pretty decent.

why kill yourself with no carb though? A bit too impatient w/ fat loss? Doin any cardio?
Title: Re: Should HST be totally exhausting and super intense with limited breaks?
Post by: Deicide on March 07, 2008, 07:12:53 PM
Don't be so hard on yourself stud, once you lose the fat you'll look pretty decent.

why kill yourself with no carb though? A bit too impatient w/ fat loss? Doin any cardio?

At the moment, twice a week. I am impatient AND too fat. In some ways no carb is easy. Sure I just eat a little less and like magic the fat comes off; much better than calculating 100 grams or so of carbs and doing all the other nasty diet business.

Meh...IF I get the fat off I will just look like a skinny fuck with bad bone structure....but I can't change that I am tired of being fat.