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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: Swedish Viking on February 27, 2008, 02:33:16 PM

Title: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 27, 2008, 02:33:16 PM
His name is Ron Weinland
  He claims to be one the two end time witnesses of the Book of Revelation. So far, everything he has predicted has been spot on-noticeable increase in high profile deaths, noticeable increase in excessively strange harsh weather, noticeable increase in earthquakes around the world-indonesia has had 12 in the last 4 days, England had one yesterday, Vegas had one last week, and of all places...Svalbard had one three days ago(first of that magnitude in over 100yrs).  Chile is going through the worst drought they've had in 80 yrs, the US has experienced very rare winter tornadoes, along with other strange weather...All of this since the beginning of this month(feb) when he said things would really start rolling.
His next major prediction is the beginning of complete demise of the US via nuclear attacks in major cities-LA, NY, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Washington DC starting in April. After that, he says WWIII breaks out and all hell breaks loose(my words, not his).
Overall, his message is pretty simple. Christianity today isn't Christianty. People need to start living Holy lives(repenting by actually changing their lives rather than just confessing their sins), which, in his opinion, starts with obeying the Saturday Sabbath.
If anyone is interested, he has written 2 books which you can DL free or he will send them to you free from His other site is

I've never been really into fundamentalist Christianity, or any religion for that matter, but these things kind of get you spooked, especially when they are accurately predicting things at the same time that they are NOT trying to make a buck off you.  And to be honest...I agree with his message-people have got to start taking more responsibility for their own actions and how they effect everyone and everything else-and right now, much have that revolves around the environment. 
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: calmus on February 27, 2008, 02:35:30 PM

Nibiru is coming. You mus evol.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: The Squadfather on February 27, 2008, 02:38:45 PM
does anyone mod this board anymore?
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: MisterMagoo on February 27, 2008, 02:39:52 PM
end-times prediction is nothing new during times of turmoil. every year there's someone new saying the armageddon is coming.

then when it doesn't come, they try a new tact or say "it's still coming soon, just not as soon as i thought".
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: emn1964 on February 27, 2008, 02:41:05 PM
does anyone mod this board anymore?

Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: HTexan on February 27, 2008, 02:43:38 PM
LA, NY,Houston, San Francisco, and Washington DC I can see, But WTF is in Chicago that someone would want to nuke it? Plus chicago shares water with canada. houston gots nasa but shares water with mexico. So Now you just pissed off two more countries. ???
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: figgs on February 27, 2008, 02:46:10 PM
It's more of a warning, but that could very well be the route we take. We're on very shaky ground and time is speeding up the to moment of judgement. Destruction or ascension. Which route we take can be turned to our favor at any moment. It's only a choice. A choice between fear and love. If we see through the eyse of love and see us all as one, the world would be saved.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: wes mantooth on February 27, 2008, 02:46:49 PM
im terrified.......

who cares??? if theres a nuclear war that starts in have one month to either (do whatever the fuck you want) or ( snivel to your god and obey the saturday sabbath?)

im gonna dig a bomb shelter....then fuck my neighbor.....
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Straw Man on February 27, 2008, 02:48:33 PM
The unknown nutbag(s) who wrote the book of Revelations thought the end time was going to happen in their lifetime(s)

2000 years later and we're still waiting
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Emmortal on February 27, 2008, 02:48:41 PM
40 Tornados in Oklahoma in January....never has happened heh.

Crazy times indeed.  Is the end near?  Who knows, but I sure fucking hope so....
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: HTexan on February 27, 2008, 02:48:57 PM
It's more of a warning, but that could very well be the route we take. We're on very shaky ground and time is speeding up the to moment of judgement. Destruction or ascension. Which route we take can be turned to our favor at any moment. It's only a choice. A choice between fear and love. If we see through the eyse of love and see us all as one, the world would be saved.
warning? doesn't that fuck up the space time continuum?
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: wes mantooth on February 27, 2008, 02:49:05 PM
It's more of a warning, but that could very well be the route we take. We're on very shaky ground and time is speeding up the to moment of judgement. Destruction or ascension. Which route we take can be turned to our favor at any moment. It's only a choice. A choice between fear and love. If we see through the eyse of love and see us all as one, the world would be saved.

be careful figgsy...after the holocaust hippies will be the first to be persecuted.....

begin your underground shelter, make enough room for johnny falcon
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Straw Man on February 27, 2008, 02:49:42 PM
Nuclear attacks in April

Damn I better stock up on beer
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: FrenchFrie on February 27, 2008, 02:53:04 PM
avoid living in any major cities then, and settle in the country to have a chance to survive the nuclear blasts.

and start building a mini vault in your garden and get some guns and ammo.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: figgs on February 27, 2008, 02:57:58 PM
If I get the intuitive urge, I'm going to take a train trip to Lakota Republic in the mid north and then live out the rest of my life like in Stephen King's The Stand.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: hamood on February 27, 2008, 03:04:14 PM
does anyone mod this board anymore?

LOL - Maybe the contraversial "prophet" is going to step on a bodybuilding stage?
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 27, 2008, 11:31:28 PM
Update: more record breaking weather on the east coast today-New England snows. Plus, another notable death, William F. Buckley Jr-founder of the National Review.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Stark on February 27, 2008, 11:36:14 PM
lol here make a serach on Google for this:

Who is "Daddy Radic"?

Ordinarily, I don’t make a practice of apologizing to known felons but I feel the need to do so on this occasion.

Back on May 30th, I received a rather odd email from a rather odd man claiming some really odd things. Click here and read that email, then hurry back for the rest of the story–I’ll be right here waiting for you so don’t take too long, okay?

As you can see, I wrote this weirdo off as well, a weirdo, simply dismissing him and his nonsensical rambling. I didn’t bother to research or understand the claims being made by this Randall Radic, instead I decided to make fun of him–because it was so easy.

Recently, though, I’ve been getting many visitors to Dr. Blogstein by way of Google searches for “Randall Radic” and variations there of. The majority of them from Northern California. I decided to look into who this guy is, and what I uncovered is shocking.

He is who he says he is! According to the Modesto Bee (why is it that if it’s criminal, it seems to always be happening in Modesto?), Radic ( right), a pastor, pled guilty to felony grand theft by embezzlement as part of a deal with prosecutors instead of standing trial for selling his church without the congregation’s knowledge!

I’m inclined to say it again–This man of cloth sold his church right from under his congregation!

He reportedly sold the First Congregational Church in Ripon, CA for over $500,000 and then bought himself a BMW.

So, to “Daddy Radic”, as he calls himself, I’m sorry for not taking your email more seriously. I wasted a huge opportunity to get more in depth with you about your very interesting story. If you do find it in your heart to come around again I’d love to interview you here on Dr. Blogstein as well as help you find a literary agent.

So, come back, Daddy Radic, come back!
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Straw Man on February 27, 2008, 11:59:21 PM
Update: more record breaking weather on the east coast today-New England snows. Plus, another notable death, William F. Buckley Jr-founder of the National Review.

Let's review:  It's winter and it snowed in the east coast and an 82 year man with emphysema and diabetes died.

Conclusion:  The End Time is nigh

fuck it - no point is working out tomorrow
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 28, 2008, 12:17:35 AM
He didn't say they would be unnatural deaths, just unusually many of notable people. Same with the weather, of course it's bad, but he said it is going to start getting out of hand, which it definitely has.  I don't see how anyone can deny the change in the weather over the last few years.  But of course, we didn't need him to tell us that. 
  Like I said, I'm not in total agreement with this person, I'm just going to see how much of what he says comes true.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Straw Man on February 28, 2008, 12:20:07 AM
He didn't say they would be unnatural deaths, just unusually many of notable people. Same with the weather, of course it's bad, but he said it is going to start getting out of hand, which it definitely has.  I don't see how anyone can deny the change in the weather over the last few years.  But of course, we didn't need him to tell us that. 
  Like I said, I'm not in total agreement with this person, I'm just going to see how much of what he says comes true.

notable people die every day

Buckley was 82 and had multiple chronic diseases

It tends to snow in the east coast in the winter

I'm gonna need something a bit more substantial
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 28, 2008, 12:23:26 AM
I agree, I'm going to too...although, there do seem to have been a hell of a lot of notable people dying lately.  The first real prediction he's made that other people generally couldn't have is this nuclear strike in April.  So, we'll see.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Stark on February 28, 2008, 12:55:59 AM
notable people die every day

Buckley was 82 and had multiple chronic diseases

It tends to snow in the east coast in the winter

I'm gonna need something a bit more substantial

;D hillarious
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: muscularny on February 28, 2008, 01:35:15 AM
the world has been coming to an end since it started, the missle deal in the 60's y2k global warming

misery seeks company people eat this shit up since they are losers and this is their only hope, they hope everyone goes crashing

fact is everything is just fine get with the program and thats it
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Matt C on February 28, 2008, 01:37:20 AM
His name is Ron Weinland
  He claims to be one the two end time witnesses of the Book of Revelation. So far, everything he has predicted has been spot on-noticeable increase in high profile deaths, noticeable increase in excessively strange harsh weather, noticeable increase in earthquakes around the world-indonesia has had 12 in the last 4 days, England had one yesterday, Vegas had one last week, and of all places...Svalbard had one three days ago(first of that magnitude in over 100yrs).  Chile is going through the worst drought they've had in 80 yrs, the US has experienced very rare winter tornadoes, along with other strange weather...All of this since the beginning of this month(feb) when he said things would really start rolling.
His next major prediction is the beginning of complete demise of the US via nuclear attacks in major cities-LA, NY, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Washington DC starting in April. After that, he says WWIII breaks out and all hell breaks loose(my words, not his).
Overall, his message is pretty simple. Christianity today isn't Christianty. People need to start living Holy lives(repenting by actually changing their lives rather than just confessing their sins), which, in his opinion, starts with obeying the Saturday Sabbath.
If anyone is interested, he has written 2 books which you can DL free or he will send them to you free from His other site is

I've never been really into fundamentalist Christiany, or any religion for that matter, but these things kind of get you spooked, especially when they are accurately predicting things at the same time that they are NOT trying to make a buck off you.  And to be honest...I agree with his message-people have got to start taking more responsibility for their own actions and how they effect everyone and everything else-and right now, much have that revolves around the environment. 

Hi Ron Weinland.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 28, 2008, 01:42:08 AM
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Moosejay on February 28, 2008, 01:50:50 AM
Update: more record breaking weather on the east coast today-New England snows. Plus, another notable death, William F. Buckley Jr-founder of the National Review.

The snow in New England is hardly 'record breaking'.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Moosejay on February 28, 2008, 01:54:17 AM
the world has been coming to an end since it started, the missle deal in the 60's y2k global warming

misery seeks company people eat this shit up since they are losers and this is their only hope, they hope everyone goes crashing

fact is everything is just fine get with the program and thats it

Very true
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: dr.chimps on February 28, 2008, 02:01:52 AM
I've never been really into fundamentalist Christiany, or any religion for that matter, but these things kind of get you spooked, especially when they are accurately predicting things at the same time that they are NOT trying to make a buck off you.  And to be honest...I agree with his message-people have got to start taking more responsibility for their own actions and how they effect everyone and everything else-and right now, much have that revolves around the environment. 
I rarely just come out and slam people, but wow, are you an idiot.  ::)
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: FrenchFrie on February 28, 2008, 02:41:56 AM
He didn't say they would be unnatural deaths, just unusually many of notable people. Same with the weather, of course it's bad, but he said it is going to start getting out of hand, which it definitely has.  I don't see how anyone can deny the change in the weather over the last few years.  But of course, we didn't need him to tell us that. 
  Like I said, I'm not in total agreement with this person, I'm just going to see how much of what he says comes true.

maybe YOUR life is starting to get out of hand and you feel the need to believe every other people lifes are getting out of hand at the same time? typical. Get some pills from the doctor and everything will be allright.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: IFBBwannaB on February 28, 2008, 02:51:59 AM
It's more of a warning, but that could very well be the route we take. We're on very shaky ground and time is speeding up the to moment of judgement. Destruction or ascension. Which route we take can be turned to our favor at any moment. It's only a choice. A choice between fear and love. If we see through the eyse of love and see us all as one, the world would be saved.

STFU and send me the 100$ you owe me!  >:(
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: James Blunt on February 28, 2008, 02:52:57 AM
I rarely just come out and slam people, but wow, are you an idiot.  ::)
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 28, 2008, 03:01:27 AM
maybe YOUR life is starting to get out of hand and you feel the need to believe every other people lifes are getting out of hand at the same time? typical. Get some pills from the doctor and everything will be allright.

I suppose that's possible, but I'll stay away from any pills for the time being.  About the record breaking snows-that was a quote from the morning news on  I am at work and can't access msn right now so I can't link it.  And if I'm an idiot for believing this person, then I'm actually not an idiot because all I'm doing to reporting what I've seen and read.  I don't agree with his conclusions about religion and spirituality, but of course I'm open to them. 
  I tend to think more along the lines of Figgs, that people have these experiences for a reason and the reason is to warn people and actual get them to change-which is needed.  We live very inneficient(especially when it comes to the environement) lives right now.  Like I said, I agree with his message that repenting is much more than just admitting your wrongs, it's actually changing your ways. 
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Purge_WTF on February 28, 2008, 04:00:46 AM
  Weinland isn't saying anything that the author of Revelations didn't say centuries ago.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: KillerMonk on February 28, 2008, 04:11:20 AM
Theres going to be a long line into Heaven or Hell.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: phreak on February 28, 2008, 04:18:59 AM
LOL - Maybe the contraversial "prophet" is going to step on a bodybuilding stage?

He already did.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Da Freak on February 28, 2008, 04:30:03 AM
LOL to above!!

quote from his bio:

An author whose books have now been read by people in over 140 countries, Ronald Weinland is first and foremost the pastor of God's Church. He has been a minister in the Church of God for more than twenty-five years. Every Saturday he speaks to a church congregation, but generally in different locations across the United States and broadcasts those live sermons on a Church webcast.

In addition to visiting various scattered congregations in the United States, Ronald Weinland and his wife, Laura, also travel to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Europe. He does this to warn and prepare people for what lies ahead in the traumatic events that will unfold over the few remaining years of this prophetic end-time.

Although the Church of God has not been accustomed to having a prophet for nearly 1900 years, God made him a prophet in 1997. His first book, The Prophesied End-Time (published in mid-2004), is the product of what God has given him concerning prophetic end-time events that have already begun to be fulfilled, events that are occurring exactly as he has written in the book. His latest book, 2008-God's Final Witness, pinpoints the timing of these end-time events and adds additional information beyond what the first book covered.

2008-God's Final Witness is a revelation of the Book of Revelation. As Ronald Weinland explains, the apostle John was given the task of recording prophetic events reserved for revelation at this end-time, and he states that he has been given the task of revealing the truth about those things John wrote. As John wrote, God explained to him that the meaning of what he was writing would not be revealed until the time came to unseal the Seven Seals of Revelation, six of which have already been opened.

Unlike The Da Vinci Code or the Left Behind series, which are fiction, 2008-God's Final Witness is true and reveals hidden secrets that man has not been able to uncover for thousands of years. Of the three major religions of the world who claim belief in the God of Abraham (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), no one has ever known the prophecies that are revealed in this book, which are beginning to unfold even now.

2008-God's Final Witness reveals the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John was not allowed to record! It also gives more specific end-time prophecies that will sharply increase during the next year and one-half when the final tribulation of this world strikes. That destructive power will quickly cripple world governments and destroy the world economy over a six-month period. The year 2008 is prophesied as pivotal for the end-time.

Ronald Weinland says that 2008 will mark the beginning of the final events that will thrust the world into the great tribulation (last three and one-half years of the end-time), which will usher in World War III, the death of billions, and on the last day of this great tribulation, the return of Jesus Christ.


book link 1 (

book link 2 (
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Moosejay on February 28, 2008, 04:31:35 AM
maybe YOUR life is starting to get out of hand and you feel the need to believe every other people lifes are getting out of hand at the same time? typical. Get some pills from the doctor and everything will be allright.

VERY good point.

Trying to pull others into his swirling pool of discontent.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 28, 2008, 05:43:04 AM
VERY good point.

Trying to pull others into his swirling pool of discontent.
it's all about control with those types
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: BM OUT on February 28, 2008, 05:59:41 AM
GOD IS DEAD AND WE ARE ALL ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You want a real prophet.Listen to this
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Triple-H_2005 on February 28, 2008, 06:26:04 AM
I'm going to give you a simple explaination, from a Biblical point of view, as to why this guy is full of air.

If you don't believe, that's fine, no need to trash or flame my post.  I just want to illistrate that this is yet another case, like with the Anabolic Outlaw, that you should not judge the faith by the supposedly faithful!

The Two Witnesses do not make an appearance until a few specific things happen.

1.  Rapture of the Church Rapture (removal) of true Christians from earth to heaven by Jesus Christ,  Rev 3:10, Matt 24:36-41, Titus 2:11-13, 1John 2:28

2.  Anti-Christ signs Middle East Peace Pact with Israel, Daniel 9:27 & Rev 6:1,2

3.  Middle East Peace Pact begins the 70th week of Daniel or 7 yr Tribulation signed shortly after the Rapture

It is only after these three things take place that the Two Witnesses appear. 

In Jerusalem!

For 3 1/2 Years, the Two Witnesses prophesy in Jerusalem, Rev 11:3-13

Again, if you think of the Bible as a work of fiction, that's your call, so no need to flame.  I just wanted to illustrate that this guy is, Biblically, off his rocker.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: figgs on February 28, 2008, 07:14:25 AM
I just found this article which makes this "prophesy" all the more disturbing.


On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

I heard something to the effect that the japanese mafia had a hit out on the Illuminati for threats of "doomsday". hahaha how awesome would it be if the fucking mafia just popped out these old greedy scumfucks one by one? Mafia to rescue the world! Anyway, let's hope people are working on the task. These people seriously need to be eradicated.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Fatpanda on February 28, 2008, 07:58:01 AM
rockerfeller is the head of the illuminati, he must know something we dont  :'( the end is nigh
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 28, 2008, 08:10:14 AM
I'm going to give you a simple explaination, from a Biblical point of view, as to why this guy is full of air.

If you don't believe, that's fine, no need to trash or flame my post.  I just want to illistrate that this is yet another case, like with the Anabolic Outlaw, that you should not judge the faith by the supposedly faithful!

The Two Witnesses do not make an appearance until a few specific things happen.

1.  Rapture of the Church Rapture (removal) of true Christians from earth to heaven by Jesus Christ,  Rev 3:10, Matt 24:36-41, Titus 2:11-13, 1John 2:28

2.  Anti-Christ signs Middle East Peace Pact with Israel, Daniel 9:27 & Rev 6:1,2

3.  Middle East Peace Pact begins the 70th week of Daniel or 7 yr Tribulation signed shortly after the Rapture

It is only after these three things take place that the Two Witnesses appear. 

In Jerusalem!

For 3 1/2 Years, the Two Witnesses prophesy in Jerusalem, Rev 11:3-13

Again, if you think of the Bible as a work of fiction, that's your call, so no need to flame.  I just wanted to illustrate that this guy is, Biblically, off his rocker.

I don't trash or flame anyone's posts.  His books have another take on those events you are talking about.  Along with many other things.  Like I said, I don't actually agree with everything he says either, but I think he has a pretty good message.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Stark on February 28, 2008, 08:15:22 AM
The cool thing with the bible is that over the years it has been "water down" and filtered so many times that you can make anything look like it has been prophesied by the Bible.
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Swedish Viking on February 28, 2008, 08:17:36 AM
there are some great books about that...makes you wonder just how much is left from the originals and how much is new.  On the other hand, we do have some very old manuscripts. 
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: SinCitysmallGUY on February 29, 2008, 10:26:32 PM
Nuclear attacks in April

Damn I better stock up on beer

I should get some sun screen.... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Controversial Prophet predicts demise of US and death of Billions
Post by: Montague on March 01, 2008, 07:13:43 AM
His name is Ron Weinland
  He claims to be one the two end time witnesses of the Book of Revelation. So far, everything he has predicted has been spot on-noticeable increase in high profile deaths, noticeable increase in excessively strange harsh weather, noticeable increase in earthquakes around the world-indonesia has had 12 in the last 4 days, England had one yesterday, Vegas had one last week, and of all places...Svalbard had one three days ago(first of that magnitude in over 100yrs).  Chile is going through the worst drought they've had in 80 yrs, the US has experienced very rare winter tornadoes, along with other strange weather...All of this since the beginning of this month(feb) when he said things would really start rolling.
His next major prediction is the beginning of complete demise of the US via nuclear attacks in major cities-LA, NY, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Washington DC starting in April. After that, he says WWIII breaks out and all hell breaks loose(my words, not his).
Overall, his message is pretty simple. Christianity today isn't Christianty. People need to start living Holy lives(repenting by actually changing their lives rather than just confessing their sins), which, in his opinion, starts with obeying the Saturday Sabbath.
If anyone is interested, he has written 2 books which you can DL free or he will send them to you free from His other site is

If I was superstitious this would scare the piss out of me.