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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2008, 08:35:31 AM

Title: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2008, 08:35:31 AM
It has begun, as 240 predicted.  Hilary will enter the convention with 40% or so of the votes, and will demand the party elders construct the ticket so she is on as VP.

This morning she began her campaign of listing their similarities and saying "WE need to unite the party".

Camp Hilary will demand the VP slot or threaten to split up the party.  Obama won't have the required 2200 delegates to outright win, and in order to prevent a messy scenario, the party elders (Gore, edwards and others) will cave.

The ticket will be Obama/Clinton in 2008.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: FullROM on February 28, 2008, 08:44:05 AM
Obama 08 bitches!!!!
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 28, 2008, 08:45:43 AM
Obama 08 bitches!!!!

Why am I not surprised you support Obama? :-\  But wait a minute, he's from Kenya, you're from Ethiopia...aren't those two countries enemies?
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Captain Equipoise on February 28, 2008, 08:54:20 AM
Why am I not surprised you support Obama? :-\  But wait a minute, he's from Kenya, you're from Ethiopia...aren't those two countries enemies?

Hahahaha...epic tribal warfare!
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 28, 2008, 08:56:47 AM
Hahahaha...epic tribal warfare!

Indeed! ;D
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: FullROM on February 28, 2008, 08:59:49 AM
Indeed! ;D

Thanks for showing my picture in every thread you post in mate. After all how much more attention can a 120LB man like me get... :P
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 28, 2008, 09:01:20 AM
Thanks for showing my picture in every thread you post in mate. After all how much more attention can a 120LB man like me get... :P

No problem.  I always try to help the underprivileged :D
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: polychronopolous on February 28, 2008, 09:02:52 AM
No problem.  I always try to help the underprivileged :D
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Rearden Metal on February 28, 2008, 09:04:15 AM
Bill's praying Hil makes it on the ticket.

"Allriiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, giggity...Back in the White House!"
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: FullROM on February 28, 2008, 09:05:25 AM
No problem.  I always try to help the underprivileged :D


Hey Panda, how can I get as big as you!!! Come on, don't keep it a secret!!
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 28, 2008, 09:07:03 AM

Hey Panda, how can I get as big as you!!! Come on, don't keep it a secret!!

Eat one double cheeseburger between every set.  Never fails :P
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: FullROM on February 28, 2008, 09:09:34 AM
Eat one double cheeseburger between every set.  Never fails :P


Good stuff !!

So anyway are you training for anything? contests?
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: gh15 on February 28, 2008, 09:11:41 AM
It has begun, as 240 predicted.  Hilary will enter the convention with 40% or so of the votes, and will demand the party elders construct the ticket so she is on as VP.

This morning she began her campaign of listing their similarities and saying "WE need to unite the party".

Camp Hilary will demand the VP slot or threaten to split up the party.  Obama won't have the required 2200 delegates to outright win, and in order to prevent a messy scenario, the party elders (Gore, edwards and others) will cave.

The ticket will be Obama/Clinton in 2008.

friend,,if the promising black boy put the demon on the ticket it is done for him,,she will lose this election if she is on the ticket wether for her or for him,,right now the economy in america is so bad that barak has about 30-40% to really become president,,,she will bring the chance down to the 10% ,,right now barak can even bring up his chances to the convention and all that mess and really be contender and have about 40 solid % to become president ,,,as crazy as it is with no experience he will have about 40% ,,,she can not be on ticket though

then again ........

barak hussaun obama?
nah not in this life time ,,not in america of 2008
economy has to be bad as in  over 4 $ per gallon of fuel for it to become reality and it wont have time for that since mccain is independent
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 28, 2008, 09:11:56 AM
I LOVE IT.  ALL HAIL PRESIDENT HUSSEIN OBAMA.  The funny thing is he calls himseld a Christain but we all know he is muslim on the inside.  he only adoted christianity to run in USA politics.  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 28, 2008, 09:13:50 AM

Good stuff !!

So anyway are you training for anything? contests?

Naw man, just lift for the fun of it.  All bullshitting aside, I do have respect for people who diet down to sub 10% BF.  Takes a lot of discipline.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: gh15 on February 28, 2008, 09:18:23 AM
I LOVE IT.  ALL HAIL PRESIDENT HUSSEIN OBAMA.  The funny thing is he calls himseld a Christain but we all know he is muslim on the inside.  he only adoted christianity to run in USA politics.  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you need to learn few things about america

jews must be with you to be elected,,jews dont like barak

you have to have little experience but barak doesnt have little experience ,,no one knows anything about him ,,,he does sound smart but no real substance of experience and action

americans love independent and war heros ,,true war heros

americans ,,especially whites can not mentaly vote for someone black and with middle name of arab origin ,,,for the white american its like giving the country to the saudi family,,,will never happen

obama has 2 things going for him


media love stories such as this inaddition to the era we are in which is generation nothingness,,,it is a plys for him

over all mccain should win this election 60 to 40 % in the worst casse
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: FullROM on February 28, 2008, 09:19:46 AM
Naw man, just lift for the fun of it.  All bullshitting aside, I do have respect for people who diet down to sub 10% BF.  Takes a lot of discipline.

Sounds good mate.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: CT_Muscle on February 28, 2008, 09:24:53 AM
Is it just me or does anyone else think Hilary has the weirdest look on her face sitting next to Obama. Its like a combination of caked on make up with cheesy grin that says ok i'm here but i know i lost already  ::)
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: FrenchFrie on February 28, 2008, 09:26:48 AM
you need to learn few things about america

jews must be with you to be elected,,jews dont like barak

you have to have little experience but barak doesnt have little experience ,,no one knows anything about him ,,,he does sound smart but no real substance of experience and action

americans love independent and war heros ,,true war heros

americans ,,especially whites can not mentaly vote for someone black and with middle name of arab origin ,,,for the white american its like giving the country to the saudi family,,,will never happen

obama has 2 things going for him


media love stories such as this inaddition to the era we are in which is generation nothingness,,,it is a plys for him

over all mccain should win this election 60 to 40 % in the worst casse

i hope so.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: nycbull on February 28, 2008, 09:29:34 AM
Americans that believe in Obama have there heads so buried in the sand the just want someone who speaks pretty words to them and makes them feel good, and makes them believe in fairy tales like "change",,,,its so juvenile and so predictable that Americans would vote for fantasy, they are obsessed with Hollywood afterall.

THey are so afraid to look at real issues, they just want fantasy and be able to go about their little lives being constantly stimulated by their little electric products.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: War-Horse on February 28, 2008, 09:34:51 AM
70% of America is tired as hell of the constant corruption of the bush administration.      He will be tried for war crimes and treason against his country.

He sold out the middle class and dropped the dollar to put us into the "New world order"

I just pray that obama or hillary can undo so many constant fuck-up for 8b years...
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: timfogarty on February 28, 2008, 10:09:36 AM
The ticket will be Obama/Clinton in 2008.

yes it will, and that's a good thing.   they'll win in a landslide, especially if 72 year old McCain is forced by the right wing to pick someone like Huckabee.    The only thing that might make it close is for McCain to pick a non-white male for his VP.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: calmus on February 28, 2008, 10:20:19 AM
yes it will, and that's a good thing.   they'll win in a landslide, especially if 72 year old McCain is forced by the right wing to pick someone like Huckabee.    The only thing that might make it close is for McCain to pick a non-white male for his VP.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.  McCain-Huckabee is probably stronger than any other combo out there.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: timfogarty on February 28, 2008, 10:26:58 AM
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.  McCain-Huckabee is probably stronger than any other combo out there.

No I am not.  Independents aren't afraid of Hilary as the right wants to believe.  But they are very much afraid of the theocrats.    A war-monger and a theocrat is not a winning ticket.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2008, 10:30:28 AM
yes it will, and that's a good thing.   they'll win in a landslide, especially if 72 year old McCain is forced by the right wing to pick someone like Huckabee.    The only thing that might make it close is for McCain to pick a non-white male for his VP.

McCain wants Kay Bailey Hutchinson of TX.

She has said she doesn't want the job.

He'd negate the woman factor, and she has a lot of game, despite her 1994 legal problems.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: calmus on February 28, 2008, 10:31:09 AM
No I am not.  Independents aren't afraid of Hilary as the right wants to believe.  But they are very much afraid of the theocrats.    A war-monger and a theocrat is not a winning ticket.

The latest polls indicate that McCain is just as popular among the independents as Obama. Or slightly more so, but I might have blocked that part out.

And Huckabee might play better in the Bible Belt than Obama-Clinton.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: emn1964 on February 28, 2008, 10:34:31 AM
I just don't see Hillary letting her ego accept a VP position.  Obama will have a relatively conservative/middle of the road white male VP
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2008, 10:36:17 AM
friend,,if the promising black boy put the demon on the ticket it is done for him,,she will lose this election if she is on the ticket wether for her or for him,,right now the economy in america is so bad that barak has about 30-40% to really become president,,,she will bring the chance down to the 10% ,,right now barak can even bring up his chances to the convention and all that mess and really be contender and have about 40 solid % to become president ,,,as crazy as it is with no experience he will have about 40% ,,,she can not be on ticket though

then again ........
barak hussaun obama?
nah not in this life time ,,not in america of 2008
economy has to be bad as in  over 4 $ per gallon of fuel for it to become reality and it wont have time for that since mccain is independent

I agree he doesn't want her on the ticket... get a Jim Webb or Wes Clark or someone with a clean record and more cred.  Plus Obama and Hilary don't seem to like each other.

But he doesn't have a majority - the 2200 or so delegates required for a clean win.  party elders quiet.  Hilary suddenly talking about uniting the party.  If she loses on tues, it gets harder for her.  if she wins, it gets harder for obama.

Clinton is ambitious, and would be a solid VP despite her polarizing nature.  People would have to overlook that, just like they'd have to overlook obama's name and skin color.  But by november, a lot of people might be very broke, and a dem ticket means the economy will start to recover.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2008, 10:38:43 AM
The latest polls indicate that McCain is just as popular among the independents as Obama. Or slightly more so, but I might have blocked that part out.

And Huckabee might play better in the Bible Belt than Obama-Clinton.

HIlary, Obama, and McCain will all do good jobs.

Some are stronger than others in some area, but all in all, none will screw anything up too bad.  The biggest difference is, if you make OVER $70k, obama will tax you more.  If you make UNDER $70k, obama will take better care of you.  That's basically it.

The economy is the biggest issue.  If everyone is broke in november, obama wins in a landslide.  McCain is currently telling america he will keep bush plan in place, and admits he doesn't konw much about thee economy.  If you've lost half your retirement by Novemeber, are you going to elect the guy who says he won't change anything?
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: timfogarty on February 28, 2008, 10:43:04 AM
And Huckabee might play better in the Bible Belt than Obama-Clinton.

the white Bible-Belt is also very black, and they'll be out in record numbers for Obama.

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: G o a t b o y on February 28, 2008, 10:49:40 AM
A war-monger and a theocrat is not a winning ticket.

If you're McCain, it depends on what you think will hurt you more at the polls:  independants not voting for you due to a theocrat VP, or your far-right theocrat base staying home and not voting for you.  I don't know which situation leads to the better result for him, but I'm sure his campaign staff have studied this and put numbers to it.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on February 28, 2008, 06:31:55 PM
On the one hand:

Clinton for President with Obama as VP... unelectable.
Obama for President with Clinton as VP... possibly electable.

...on the other hand:

McCain for President with Huckabee as VP... also unelectable.
McCain for President with Condoleeza Rice as VP... also possibly electable.

Obama for President with AnyoneOtherThanHillary as VP beats McCain no matter who his running mate is.

   My considered opinion would be that Obama's AnyOneOtherThanHillary of choice should be Ralph Nader. This avoids the contentious splitting of the Democrat vote that arguably cost John Kerry the 2004 election. It also has the benefits of protecting Obama (which vested interest is going to assassinate/impeach him if the alternative is ultra-liberal Nader... might as well have Michael Moore in the White House) and it rehabilitates (in a way) the man who most pundits (politics aside) would agree is the most respected liberal icon of the 20th century (if not a front runner for greatest living American).
   As long as America shuns people like Ralph Nader, America is lost.

What most Europeans like about Obama is the hope (spurred by the vagueness of his policy details) that he will move America away from it's current path (a faltering fascist state in all but name moving towards becoming a regressive/oppressive theocratic idiocracy) towards a more liberal, compassionate, realistic form of government.

We here in Ireland (and Britain) have always looked west for inspiration... let's privatise public transport, LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA... let's privatise healthcare, LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA... let's cut taxes, LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA... let's offer tax incentives and government dig-outs to multinational corporations LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA.

Well now it's thirty years later... and guess what? AMERICA'S FUCKED! And the shiny Yankee social policies we all jumped on are failing here as badly as they failed Stateside.

The highly respected historian Jared Diamond (author of "Guns, Germs and Steel") writing in his treatise on the dynamics of human civilization/population cycles, his recent book "Collapse (Why Civilizations Choose to Fail)" made a well argued and plausible assessment of America's prospects of surviving the next century: 50/50!

Meanwhile there's been a quiet revolution in the Scandinavian countries based on sensible long-term thinking and non-sensationalist politics.

Here's an example, the United Nations (WHO) rankings of the best healthcare systems in the world for 2006: (take the time to read it)
1         France
2         Italy
3         San Marino
4         Andorra
5         Malta
6         Singapore
7         Spain
8         Oman
9         Austria
10        Japan
11        Norway
12        Portugal
13        Monaco
14        Greece
15        Iceland
16        Luxembourg
17        Netherlands
18        United  Kingdom
19        Ireland
20        Switzerland
21        Belgium
22        Colombia
23        Sweden
24        Cyprus
25        Germany
26        Saudi Arabia
27        United  Arab  Emirates
28        Israel
29        Morocco
30        Canada
31        Finland
32        Australia
33        Chile
34        Denmark
35        Dominica
36        Costa Rica
37        United  States  of  America
38        Slovenia
...guess which country spends more than any other country on healthcare (both per capita and as a percentage of GDP; even adjusted for cost of living)? Yes, it's number 37! Guess which countries have free universal healthcare? Yes, that's right... the whole top twenty.

But America simply can't have universal healthcare because the vested interests behind FOX NEWS hired wordsmiths and propagandists who re-labelled the idea "Socialised Medicine"; as if it's only to be considered something that failed in communist countries.

Here's the "Peace" ranking (how unlikely you are to be drafted/invaded):
1         Norway
2         New Zealand
3         Denmark
4         Ireland
5         Japan
6         Finland
7         Sweden
8         Canada
9         Portugal
10       Austria         ...notice all the same countries in the top ten this time around? Well you should as European (Scandinavian countries in particular) dominate the top rankings in just about every favourable living index: longevity; wealth; health; education; literacy; child mortality; crime rates; prison population; even "happiness".
   by the way, the US ranks 96th on the Peace Index.

To prove my point, here's the rankings of most LIVABLE countries... considering a weighted formula of crime; life expectancy; wealth; education; health; benefits etc etc
1    Iceland 
2    Norway 
3    Australia 
4    Canada 
5    Ireland 
6    Sweden 
7    Switzerland 
8    Japan 
9    Netherlands 
10    France                  ...the US ranks 12th and only due to it's sheer wealth and a misleading averaging of results that doesn't properly represent the growing disparity and inequalities in American society.

Hopefully Obama has been so coy with his agenda as he is actually smart enough to know that what America needs to prevent its collapse is what it fears most:
-atheism (goodbye jeebus!)
-high taxes that are fair and redistribute wealth
-proper eductaion: nationalised and properly funded
-universal healthcare: nationalised and properly funded
-gun control
-"BIG" government
-strict controls on corporations
-strict controls on vested interests
-strict controls on the military/industrial complex
-pluralist media (goodbye Rupert Murdoch!)
-proper separation of church and state
-an end to tax exemption for religions
-science education

...or to put it more succinctly; America (and the world at large) needs a Scandinavian mindset.

...if America can embrace all these things, a cull of the low IQ breeding stock might be averted.

End of lecture...

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: War-Horse on February 28, 2008, 06:43:54 PM
Good stuff, Luke.      The elitist upper class will have no part of it tho.   Probably take a total collapse of the US to make someone do anything different. :-\
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on February 28, 2008, 07:11:15 PM
It has begun, as 240 predicted.  Hilary will enter the convention with 40% or so of the votes, and will demand the party elders construct the ticket so she is on as VP.

This morning she began her campaign of listing their similarities and saying "WE need to unite the party".

Camp Hilary will demand the VP slot or threaten to split up the party.  Obama won't have the required 2200 delegates to outright win, and in order to prevent a messy scenario, the party elders (Gore, edwards and others) will cave.

The ticket will be Obama/Clinton in 2008.
Not a chance. Barack doesn't like the bitch, and with her gigantic ego, likely would not accept the VP spot after feeling she was "entitled" to be president for the past year.

Obama should choose, Kathleen Sebelius, the governor from Kansas. It would be the perfect ticket.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 28, 2008, 07:14:59 PM
Not a chance. Barack doesn't like the bitch, and with her gigantic ego, likely would not accept the VP spot after feeling she was "entitled" to be president for the past year.

Obama should choose, Kathleen Sebelius, the governor from Kansas. It would be the perfect ticket.

Sebelius is a clinton supporter to the core.

Plus, Obama might not have say in it.  He can't win the 2200 req'd delegates to automatically secure the nomination.   hilary's kept it close enough. 

And yes, she has a giant ego, BUT given the choice of being VP or having to return to senate, she'll take the VP.  Remember - Dick Cheney has made it so that the 2009 vice President will be a very powerful person.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on February 29, 2008, 03:48:25 PM
Sebelius is a clinton supporter to the core.

Plus, Obama might not have say in it.  He can't win the 2200 req'd delegates to automatically secure the nomination.   hilary's kept it close enough. 

And yes, she has a giant ego, BUT given the choice of being VP or having to return to senate, she'll take the VP.  Remember - Dick Cheney has made it so that the 2009 vice President will be a very powerful person.
Get the facts right. Sebelius endorsed Obama and campaigned with him in Kansas, helping him win that state.

Obama-Sebelius=winning ticket  ;)

Once the party backs you, you are in control and you always have a say on who you want as your vp. Whether its Clinton or Obama, their hand will not be forced.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 29, 2008, 11:35:29 PM
sorry, my mistake.  i remembed a kansas woman congressman stumping for hilary... my bad.  I shoulda wiki'd it if not sure.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Moosejay on March 02, 2008, 04:41:12 PM
I've been as low as 3%.

Maybe we can post with civility towards each other now? :)
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Deicide on March 02, 2008, 06:10:48 PM
On the one hand:

Clinton for President with Obama as VP... unelectable.
Obama for President with Clinton as VP... possibly electable.

...on the other hand:

McCain for President with Huckabee as VP... also unelectable.
McCain for President with Condoleeza Rice as VP... also possibly electable.

Obama for President with AnyoneOtherThanHillary as VP beats McCain no matter who his running mate is.

   My considered opinion would be that Obama's AnyOneOtherThanHillary of choice should be Ralph Nader. This avoids the contentious splitting of the Democrat vote that arguably cost John Kerry the 2004 election. It also has the benefits of protecting Obama (which vested interest is going to assassinate/impeach him if the alternative is ultra-liberal Nader... might as well have Michael Moore in the White House) and it rehabilitates (in a way) the man who most pundits (politics aside) would agree is the most respected liberal icon of the 20th century (if not a front runner for greatest living American).
   As long as America shuns people like Ralph Nader, America is lost.

What most Europeans like about Obama is the hope (spurred by the vagueness of his policy details) that he will move America away from it's current path (a faltering fascist state in all but name moving towards becoming a regressive/oppressive theocratic idiocracy) towards a more liberal, compassionate, realistic form of government.

We here in Ireland (and Britain) have always looked west for inspiration... let's privatise public transport, LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA... let's privatise healthcare, LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA... let's cut taxes, LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA... let's offer tax incentives and government dig-outs to multinational corporations LIKE THEY'RE DOING IN AMERICA.

Well now it's thirty years later... and guess what? AMERICA'S FUCKED! And the shiny Yankee social policies we all jumped on are failing here as badly as they failed Stateside.

The highly respected historian Jared Diamond (author of "Guns, Germs and Steel") writing in his treatise on the dynamics of human civilization/population cycles, his recent book "Collapse (Why Civilizations Choose to Fail)" made a well argued and plausible assessment of America's prospects of surviving the next century: 50/50!

Meanwhile there's been a quiet revolution in the Scandinavian countries based on sensible long-term thinking and non-sensationalist politics.

Here's an example, the United Nations (WHO) rankings of the best healthcare systems in the world for 2006: (take the time to read it)
1         France
2         Italy
3         San Marino
4         Andorra
5         Malta
6         Singapore
7         Spain
8         Oman
9         Austria
10        Japan
11        Norway
12        Portugal
13        Monaco
14        Greece
15        Iceland
16        Luxembourg
17        Netherlands
18        United  Kingdom
19        Ireland
20        Switzerland
21        Belgium
22        Colombia
23        Sweden
24        Cyprus
25        Germany
26        Saudi Arabia
27        United  Arab  Emirates
28        Israel
29        Morocco
30        Canada
31        Finland
32        Australia
33        Chile
34        Denmark
35        Dominica
36        Costa Rica
37        United  States  of  America
38        Slovenia
...guess which country spends more than any other country on healthcare (both per capita and as a percentage of GDP; even adjusted for cost of living)? Yes, it's number 37! Guess which countries have free universal healthcare? Yes, that's right... the whole top twenty.

But America simply can't have universal healthcare because the vested interests behind FOX NEWS hired wordsmiths and propagandists who re-labelled the idea "Socialised Medicine"; as if it's only to be considered something that failed in communist countries.

Here's the "Peace" ranking (how unlikely you are to be drafted/invaded):
1         Norway
2         New Zealand
3         Denmark
4         Ireland
5         Japan
6         Finland
7         Sweden
8         Canada
9         Portugal
10       Austria         ...notice all the same countries in the top ten this time around? Well you should as European (Scandinavian countries in particular) dominate the top rankings in just about every favourable living index: longevity; wealth; health; education; literacy; child mortality; crime rates; prison population; even "happiness".
   by the way, the US ranks 96th on the Peace Index.

To prove my point, here's the rankings of most LIVABLE countries... considering a weighted formula of crime; life expectancy; wealth; education; health; benefits etc etc
1    Iceland 
2    Norway 
3    Australia 
4    Canada 
5    Ireland 
6    Sweden 
7    Switzerland 
8    Japan 
9    Netherlands 
10    France                  ...the US ranks 12th and only due to it's sheer wealth and a misleading averaging of results that doesn't properly represent the growing disparity and inequalities in American society.

Hopefully Obama has been so coy with his agenda as he is actually smart enough to know that what America needs to prevent its collapse is what it fears most:
-atheism (goodbye jeebus!)
-high taxes that are fair and redistribute wealth
-proper eductaion: nationalised and properly funded
-universal healthcare: nationalised and properly funded
-gun control
-"BIG" government
-strict controls on corporations
-strict controls on vested interests
-strict controls on the military/industrial complex
-pluralist media (goodbye Rupert Murdoch!)
-proper separation of church and state
-an end to tax exemption for religions
-science education

...or to put it more succinctly; America (and the world at large) needs a Scandinavian mindset.

...if America can embrace all these things, a cull of the low IQ breeding stock might be averted.

End of lecture...

The Luke

Luke, I am both European and American and you are wrong.

The size of the USA, both spatially and demographically as well as a radically different history prevent the implementation of the things you suggested a la Norway (and I love Scandinavia). Denmark and Norway have less than 10 million people, significantly less. France has less than a quarter of the American population. No, you are comparing apples and oranges. The USA cannot and will never gravitate to Western European styles of doing things. Atheism or non-belief as a majority consensus in the USA? You must be living in lala land. That will never happen (and more's the shame). You are right that in those countries, those systems work fairly well. What the USA needs and what would be most plausible would be a return to individual state sovereignty where the great majority of decisions would fall state side; in such a case each state would be its own country, more or less. However even that is unlikely to happen. The USA is fucked.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: War-Horse on March 02, 2008, 06:34:18 PM
Luke, I am both European and American and you are wrong.

The size of the USA, both spatially and demographically as well as a radically different history prevent the implementation of the things you suggested a la Norway (and I love Scandinavia). Denmark and Norway have less than 10 million people, significantly less. France has less than a quarter of the American population. No, you are comparing apples and oranges. The USA cannot and will never gravitate to Western European styles of doing things. Atheism or non-belief as a majority consensus in the USA? You must be living in lala land. That will never happen (and more's the shame). You are right that in those countries, those systems work fairly well. What the USA needs and what would be most plausible would be a return to individual state sovereignty where the great majority of decisions would fall state side; in such a case each state would be its own country, more or less. However even that is unlikely to happen. The USA is fucked.

Yes, Unfortunatly giving all power to each state  would be total anarchy, as power corrupts in a huge way here.   Politicians only care about how much they can screw out of you before their term ends.     There would be civil unrest immediatly....

Imagine a george bush times 51 states...........VERY FUCKED UP!!!!
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on March 02, 2008, 06:46:53 PM
If the states were given sovereignty then we'd have the Sovereign Nazi-style Evangelical Fascist Theocratic Coalition (formerly known as Middle Ameica) at war with both the United Homosexual-Tolerant Jewish Alliance (formerly known as the West Coast) and the Homosexual-Tolerant United Jewish Alliance (formerly known as the East Coast).

The entire world is moving towards an integrated world government.

Europe, through the efforts of the EU is effectively the United States of Europe.

China, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Russia will soon extend their trade agreements to form a Eurasian Block.

The African League gains political clout every year.

Climate change will bring Canada under increasing pressure from resource hungry America and that will lead to the integration of the EU and Canada with Australia (and possibly Japan) joining soon afterwards.

The only place deliberately marching backwards is the US.

The facts are simple: a well educated, stable and wealthy society quickly becomes athiest; socialist and tolerant.

We should all be following Norway's lead... they're doing something right, and it can be adapted (population /demographic differences notwithstanding) to any and all other countries. If Americans are too religious, then educate them. If Americans are too stupid for education, then implement a eugenics program (or at the very least actively combat the dysgenia).

There's no choice in any of this... as the alternative is an increasingly unstable country in an increasingly stable world. The only real question is whether any of this will matter. Technological advancement and the approaching AI Singularity might well make all such discussions moot within this new century.

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Deicide on March 02, 2008, 07:51:56 PM
If the states were given sovereignty then we'd have the Sovereign Nazi-style Evangelical Fascist Theocratic Coalition (formerly known as Middle Ameica) at war with both the United Homosexual-Tolerant Jewish Alliance (formerly known as the West Coast) and the Homosexual-Tolerant United Jewish Alliance (formerly known as the East Coast).

The entire world is moving towards an integrated world government.

Europe, through the efforts of the EU is effectively the United States of Europe.

China, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Russia will soon extend their trade agreements to form a Eurasian Block.

The African League gains political clout every year.

Climate change will bring Canada under increasing pressure from resource hungry America and that will lead to the integration of the EU and Canada with Australia (and possibly Japan) joining soon afterwards.

The only place deliberately marching backwards is the US.

The facts are simple: a well educated, stable and wealthy society quickly becomes athiest; socialist and tolerant.

We should all be following Norway's lead... they're doing something right, and it can be adapted (population /demographic differences notwithstanding) to any and all other countries. If Americans are too religious, then educate them. If Americans are too stupid for education, then implement a eugenics program (or at the very least actively combat the dysgenia).

There's no choice in any of this... as the alternative is an increasingly unstable country in an increasingly stable world. The only real question is whether any of this will matter. Technological advancement and the approaching AI Singularity might well make all such discussions moot within this new century.The Luke

Elaborate on said point please.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Deicide on March 02, 2008, 07:53:52 PM
If the states were given sovereignty then we'd have the Sovereign Nazi-style Evangelical Fascist Theocratic Coalition (formerly known as Middle Ameica) at war with both the United Homosexual-Tolerant Jewish Alliance (formerly known as the West Coast) and the Homosexual-Tolerant United Jewish Alliance (formerly known as the East Coast).

The entire world is moving towards an integrated world government.

Europe, through the efforts of the EU is effectively the United States of Europe.

China, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Russia will soon extend their trade agreements to form a Eurasian Block.

The African League gains political clout every year.

Climate change will bring Canada under increasing pressure from resource hungry America and that will lead to the integration of the EU and Canada with Australia (and possibly Japan) joining soon afterwards.

The only place deliberately marching backwards is the US.

The facts are simple: a well educated, stable and wealthy society quickly becomes athiest; socialist and tolerant.

We should all be following Norway's lead... they're doing something right, and it can be adapted (population /demographic differences notwithstanding) to any and all other countries. If Americans are too religious, then educate them. If Americans are too stupid for education, then implement a eugenics program (or at the very least actively combat the dysgenia).

There's no choice in any of this... as the alternative is an increasingly unstable country in an increasingly stable world. The only real question is whether any of this will matter. Technological advancement and the approaching AI Singularity might well make all such discussions moot within this new century.

The Luke

You got to get on the religious discussion board Luke, MCWAY is sure to disagree with you and the education/religion bit (whilst I do agree)...too many stupid fundies on this site...
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on March 05, 2008, 12:22:06 AM
more and more....

NBC reporting on rumbles from camp clinton about neither candidate getting the 2,025 required delegates, and making it a 'resume war' about the 'body of work' of each candidate, if the difference in superdelegates is 'neglibable', or less than 100.

hilary is going to be on the ticket, kids.  she vowed to take it all the way to denver now.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: youandme on March 05, 2008, 05:27:14 AM
Why am I not surprised you support Obama? :-\  But wait a minute, he's from Kenya, you're from Ethiopia...aren't those two countries enemies?

haha spit my coffee out
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 08, 2008, 12:17:42 PM
hilary is going to be on the ticket, kids.  she vowed to take it all the way to denver now.
not a chance
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: headhuntersix on March 08, 2008, 12:25:19 PM
more and more....

NBC reporting on rumbles from camp clinton about neither candidate getting the 2,025 required delegates, and making it a 'resume war' about the 'body of work' of each candidate, if the difference in superdelegates is 'neglibable', or less than 100.

hilary is going to be on the ticket, kids.  she vowed to take it all the way to denver now.

They're going to have to do a re-vote in MI and FLA but I think she's going to win. The media love affair with Obama is over. The Saturday Night Live deal sealed it. That could be something that politico's talk about like the Nixon-Kennedy debate, should he loose.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 08, 2008, 01:18:59 PM
They're going to have to do a re-vote in MI and FLA but I think she's going to win. The media love affair with Obama is over. The Saturday Night Live deal sealed it. That could be something that politico's talk about like the Nixon-Kennedy debate, should he loose.
All the do-overs and SNL skits in the world won't change the pledged delegate count.  ;) Victories in Wyoming today, MS on Tuesday, and the media's increased reporting that Obama did indeed win TX spells continued momentum and doom for Clinton.

Seriously...Hilary can only win by getting more superdelegates to side with her. If that happens, she will have no chance of beating McCain in November for so many reasons.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: headhuntersix on March 08, 2008, 01:23:26 PM
Ok sure....his staff is killing him and the media honeymoon is over. Wait until they dig. There is plenty of dirt and very little u really think u can't count Hil out. Hope is not a method.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 08, 2008, 01:34:27 PM
Ok sure....his staff is killing him and the media honeymoon is over. Wait until they dig. There is plenty of dirt and very little u really think u can't count Hil out. Hope is not a method.
All that and a bag of Doritos won't change the delegate count.  ;)
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: headhuntersix on March 08, 2008, 02:40:54 PM
Ur counting out Hil and thats a mistake....u have no idea what she might be up to. On paper ur right..and if things were even..maybe ur right again. She's the best politician in this fight so we'll see.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on March 08, 2008, 03:09:17 PM
Ok sure....his staff is killing him and the media honeymoon is over. Wait until they dig. There is plenty of dirt and very little u really think u can't count Hil out. Hope is not a method.

where is this dirt?  I'd like to hear it!

If Obama is dirty, why are they waiting til he wins all these states to reveal it?  I mean, dropping the news right before super tuesday, or even before Iowa would have been far wiser.

I keep hearing how bad it'll be "once they dig".... I find it VERY hard to believe that Camp Clinton hasn't been digging all this time.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: headhuntersix on March 08, 2008, 03:15:41 PM
Camp Clinton can't figure out how to attack this guy...atleast up until 2 weeks or so ago. He has ties to the weather underground folks...ties to an avowed communist...his ties to the unual dem party hack in Illinois, all of which have been ignored. Then there is the fact that the media has ignored his lack of record and substance. Its all going away...maybe it will get swept under the rug again if he gets the nomination. How do u successfully attack a black candidate...a candidate that shares roughly the same beliefs as u do...thats something they have not figured out.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on March 08, 2008, 04:33:57 PM
Camp Clinton can't figure out how to attack this guy...atleast up until 2 weeks or so ago. He has ties to the weather underground folks...ties to an avowed communist...

...why are Americans so scared of communists?

Do the propaganda induced attitudes from the Cold War still persist?

And what are these "ties" Obama has to this communist anyway? Statistics would dictate there isn't a person alive today who doesn't personally know: a thief; a drunk; a junkie or a child molester. Does meeting someone constitute having "ties" to that person? What if a junkie sits beside you on the bus?

Who do you actually want to run for the presidency? Jeebus himself? All his (His) friends were either unemployed or prostitutes...

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: w8tlftr on March 08, 2008, 04:55:10 PM
...why are Americans so scared of communists?

Are you serious?

Everything about Communism is against the values and principals our country was founded upon.

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on March 08, 2008, 05:05:07 PM
Everything about Communism is against the values and principals our country was founded upon.

...everything? At it's core communism is little more than advanced socialism.

As a democratic, socialist, secular state, the US would have more in common with a (true) communist state than it would have with say, an absolutist monarchy... or a fascist state for that matter (although the argument could be made that America is now a de facto fascist state itself maintaining a pretense of democracy).

The values and principles America was founded upon (which it has now for the most part abandoned) were those of Freemasonry.

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on March 08, 2008, 05:10:41 PM
Camp Clinton can't figure out how to attack this guy...atleast up until 2 weeks or so ago. He has ties to the weather underground folks...ties to an avowed communist...his ties to the unual dem party hack in Illinois, all of which have been ignored. Then there is the fact that the media has ignored his lack of record and substance. Its all going away...maybe it will get swept under the rug again if he gets the nomination. How do u successfully attack a black candidate...a candidate that shares roughly the same beliefs as u do...thats something they have not figured out.

Why would FOX news ignore these facts?

They seem to LOVE to embarass Hilary and Obama all the time.  Even the file footage they show of them always makes Hilary look older, and obama look 'darker', than the CNN and MSNBC footage.

If he's shady, why is FOX hiding it?  I mean, I'm not crazy about any of the candidates, and many military folks have said they hate obama cause he's a muslim, etc... but I want to see facts... what is all this dirt, and why won't FOX news report it?
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: w8tlftr on March 08, 2008, 05:16:32 PM
...everything? At it's core communism is little more than advanced socialism.

As a democratic, socialist, secular state, the US would have more in common with a (true) communist state than it would have with say, an absolutist monarchy... or a fascist state for that matter (although the argument could be made that America is now a de facto fascist state itself maintaining a pretense of democracy).

The values and principles America was founded upon (which it has now for the most part abandoned) were those of Freemasonry.

The Luke

I'm of the opinion that "socialism" and "fascism" are in many ways related.

A lot of fascist governments are socialists governments (former USSR, Cuba, Nazi Germany). It's all about how the socialist policies are enforced and how free will and individual sovereignty is taken away.

America isn't a fascist country but we are sliding in that direction. It will happen slowly through guilt, fear, and smiley faces.

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 09, 2008, 08:47:45 PM
Why would FOX news ignore these facts?

They seem to LOVE to embarass Hilary and Obama all the time.  Even the file footage they show of them always makes Hilary look older, and obama look 'darker', than the CNN and MSNBC footage.

If he's shady, why is FOX hiding it?  I mean, I'm not crazy about any of the candidates, and many military folks have said they hate obama cause he's a muslim, etc... but I want to see facts... what is all this dirt, and why won't FOX news report it?
It's because there's nothing there.  ;)

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on March 10, 2008, 06:53:31 AM
It's because there's nothing there.  ;)

that would mean that all these folks who have been saying for a year that "obama has skeletons in his closet" and "he's a muslim" and "he's evil, you'll find out" were all wrong.

were you wrong, HH6?

Where are these stories, and more importantly, why won't FOX news even report it?

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: War-Horse on March 10, 2008, 09:26:09 AM

He's waiting for Hannity to let him know.... :-[
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 240 is Back on March 10, 2008, 09:28:11 AM

He's waiting for Hannity to let him know.... :-[

yeah he is.

fucking pathetic, no-opinion owning follower.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Tre on March 11, 2008, 06:49:21 AM
Ur counting out Hil and thats a mistake....u have no idea what she might be up to. On paper ur right..and if things were even..maybe ur right again. She's the best politician in this fight so we'll see.

Exactly, which means she's the worst possible candidate to put into the White House.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 12, 2008, 09:04:50 AM
Pelosi: Joint ticket 'impossible'
Posted: 05:30 PM ET
Pelosi said Tuesday a so-called 'Dream Ticket' won't happen.
(CNN) — A so-called "dream ticket" scenario - the idea that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama could join forces this fall — may have gripped the imaginations of Democrats nationwide - but you can list House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a skeptic.

"I think that ticket either way is impossible," Pelosi told a New England Cable News reporter Tuesday, pointing to comments from Clinton and her campaign that implied Republican John McCain would make a better commander-in-chief than Obama.

"I think that the Clinton administration has fairly ruled that out by proclaiming that Senator McCain would be a better commander-in-Chief than Obama," she said.

She spoke bluntly about her view that a joint ticket was not in the cards, she said, because "I wanted to be sure I didn't leave any ambiguity."

The California Democrat, who has remained neutral throughout the party's primary process, said she remains an uncommitted superdelegate.

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 13, 2008, 11:54:40 AM
March 13, 2008
Posted: 02:30 PM ET
Pelosi again said a joint ticket with Obama and Clinton won't happen.
(CNN) – The Democratic presidential ticket will be a "Dream Team," Nancy Pelosi said Thursday, it just won’t have both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's name on it.

Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill, the House Speaker reiterated comments she made earlier in the week that the two presidential candidates will not end up sharing a ticket.

"I do think we will have a dream team, it just won't be those two names," She said. "Whoever our nominee is and whoever he or she is and whoever he or she chooses, will be a dream team as the Democrats go forward.”

When pressed further about the possibility of a joint ticket, Pelosi stated flatly, "Take it from me, that won't be the ticket."

The comments echoed remarks the Speaker made Tuesday, when she emphatically told a Boston television station that a joint ticket with Clinton and Obama is "impossible."

"I think that ticket either way is impossible," she said. "I think that the Clinton administration has fairly ruled that out by proclaiming that Senator McCain would be a better commander-in-Chief than Obama."

Pelosi’s remarks came a day after Obama mocked Clinton and her campaign surrogates for raising the implication he would make a good vice president.

"With all due respect, I won twice as many states as Sen. Clinton. I've won more of the popular vote than Sen. Clinton. I have more delegates than Sen. Clinton. So, I don't know how somebody who's in second place is offering vice presidency to the person who's in first place," he said at a campaign event in Mississippi.

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 24KT on March 14, 2008, 06:08:25 PM
I must be dreaming, ...but I think the ultimate "Dream Ticket", and certainly one capable of taking the White house hands down would be one with Barak Obama & Ron Paul on it. Could you imagine it. The audacity of hope, sound fiscal policy, and a domestic agenda framed by the guideline of the Constitution?  That would certainly make history unlike anything else we've ever seen, ...although with Ron Paul's recent statements about Obama, I doubt something like that could ever happen, ...even in my wildest dreams, ...but a gal can dream can't she. {sigh}

Luke, you should post more often. The few times I've read your stuff, I've really enjoyed it.  :)
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on March 14, 2008, 06:26:35 PM
Luke, you should post more often. The few times I've read your stuff, I've really enjoyed it.  :) do know that I'm a thirty-year-old live-at-home loser who works minimum wage jobs to fund his hobby of traipsing across the globe hunting for lost treasure troves and Sasquatch, don't you?

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 14, 2008, 06:42:52 PM do know that I'm a thirty-year-old live-at-home loser who works minimum wage jobs to fund his hobby of traipsing across the globe hunting for lost treasure troves and Sasquatch, don't you?

The Luke

You two should get your own board...or a room.  :P
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 24KT on March 14, 2008, 06:45:19 PM do know that I'm a thirty-year-old live-at-home loser who works minimum wage jobs to fund his hobby of traipsing across the globe hunting for lost treasure troves and Sasquatch, don't you?

The Luke

Umm, I didn't. But what does that have to do with what you write or how enjoyable I find it?

Or are you telling me this for another reason? Are you sick of your minimum wage job? looking for something more?
If so, know I can hook you up where you can spend all your time traipsing across the globe, hunting for lost treasure troves & Sasquatches, ...and never ever have to ask anybody if they'd like fries with that? Really!  :D
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 24KT on March 14, 2008, 06:56:49 PM

You two should get your own board...or a room.  :P

A room with him. I don't think so!
If he's who I think he is, I'd be way too skeered he'd hurt me, ...big time.

Wasn't Luke the guy who once posted a pic of his legs. Legs that looked like giant redwood tree trunks.
If so, there might be a little too much power in those thighs for this little gal to handle.
Contrary to what some may think, I really am just a fragile, delicate little flower. He might break me.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on March 14, 2008, 07:19:31 PM post of my legs up yet.

If you watch the Simpsons... Comic Book Guy. That's what I look like, balding; fat; bearded (except I'm only 5').

The reason why I'm so interested in these threads is because as a European, I'm continually amazed at how indoctrinated Americans (of both stripes) seem to be. It's not just entrenched political viewpoints, it's dogmatized entrenched THINKING.

Americans are seemingly so misinformed that they don't seem to understand that America is not a microcosm of the world at large... it's a weird Twilight Zone that borders reality.

In most of Europe Ralph Nader would be considered right wing... you guys make fun of the French; try visiting France. They're not arrogant, they're cultured... and yes, to put it bluntly, they ARE better than you so it's not a character fault if they also happen to think so.

Gotta admit though, Ron Paul or Ralph Nader as Obama's VP would be a dream ticket.

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 14, 2008, 07:46:37 PM post of my legs up yet.

If you watch the Simpsons... Comic Book Guy. That's what I look like, balding; fat; bearded (except I'm only 5').

The reason why I'm so interested in these threads is because as a European, I'm continually amazed at how indoctrinated Americans (of both stripes) seem to be. It's not just entrenched political viewpoints, it's dogmatized entrenched THINKING.

Americans are seemingly so misinformed that they don't seem to understand that America is not a microcosm of the world at large... it's a weird Twilight Zone that borders reality.

In most of Europe Ralph Nader would be considered right wing... you guys make fun of the French; try visiting France. They're not arrogant, they're cultured... and yes, to put it bluntly, they ARE better than you so it's not a character fault if they also happen to think so.

Gotta admit though, Ron Paul or Ralph Nader as Obama's VP would be a dream ticket.

The Luke
I would think most people around the world are rather myopic when dealing with domestic issues and concerns. Maybe Americans moreso...maybe not. We don't have the perspective of being able to look at ourselves from a distance as you do being in Europe.

As interesting as it may sound, an Obama - Paul/Nader ticket is absolutely ridiculous.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: The Luke on March 14, 2008, 07:56:46 PM
I meant more along the lines of FOX News... less myopia, more a case of propaganda.

FOX News can't even be broadcast here in Europe... it breaches the legislated requirement that news coverage be "fair and balanced". Yet Americans utilise this filth as informing (if not shaping) their world view.

The Luke
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 14, 2008, 09:40:09 PM
I meant more along the lines of FOX News... less myopia, more a case of propaganda.

FOX News can't even be broadcast here in Europe... it breaches the legislated requirement that news coverage be "fair and balanced". Yet Americans utilise this filth as informing (if not shaping) their world view.

The Luke
FOX News is garbage wrapped in a nice little bow of very pretty and usually very blonde news bunnies to make the right-wing nonsense they spew more palatable. Don't worry, only a certain segment of the American population gets their news from Rupert Murdoch's news outlet. There are other channels to choose from that are not as nauseating. Consider yourselves fortunate to not see FOX, as many of us ARE fortunate to see BBC News.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: OzmO on March 14, 2008, 09:43:04 PM
I meant more along the lines of FOX News... less myopia, more a case of propaganda.

FOX News can't even be broadcast here in Europe... it breaches the legislated requirement that news coverage be "fair and balanced". Yet Americans utilise this filth as informing (if not shaping) their world view.

The Luke

Interesting.....  you have any link or doc on that?
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: w8tlftr on March 25, 2008, 10:21:16 AM post of my legs up yet.

If you watch the Simpsons... Comic Book Guy. That's what I look like, balding; fat; bearded (except I'm only 5').

The reason why I'm so interested in these threads is because as a European, I'm continually amazed at how indoctrinated Americans (of both stripes) seem to be. It's not just entrenched political viewpoints, it's dogmatized entrenched THINKING.

Americans are seemingly so misinformed that they don't seem to understand that America is not a microcosm of the world at large... it's a weird Twilight Zone that borders reality.

In most of Europe Ralph Nader would be considered right wing... you guys make fun of the French; try visiting France. They're not arrogant, they're cultured... and yes, to put it bluntly, they ARE better than you so it's not a character fault if they also happen to think so.

Gotta admit though, Ron Paul or Ralph Nader as Obama's VP would be a dream ticket.

The Luke

If Ralph Nader is considered "right wing" in Europe then you guys are in a lot more trouble than I thought.

No wonder the durkas are taking over.

Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Benny B on March 26, 2008, 07:16:20 PM
If Ralph Nader is considered "right wing" in Europe then you guys are in a lot more trouble than I thought.

No wonder the durkas are taking over.

Europe rocks!  8)
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 24KT on March 27, 2008, 03:48:24 AM post of my legs up yet.

ok, then you're not the person I was thinking you were. Still I really enjoy many of your posts.
While I might not agree with them, I find them to have sound reason, and it's obvious brain cells were actually at work when the message was composed. Not enough of that around here I don't think.

If you watch the Simpsons... Comic Book Guy. That's what I look like, balding; fat; bearded (except I'm only 5').

Umm,, don't watch the Simpsons if I can help it. If I'm semi-comatose, have lost the remote and am in too much pain to actually get up and find it, ...or to change the channel, then I might catch an episode, but it's not the type of fare I seek out. (unless a friend is doing a voice-over on it)

The reason why I'm so interested in these threads is because as a European, I'm continually amazed at how indoctrinated Americans (of both stripes) seem to be. It's not just entrenched political viewpoints, it's dogmatized entrenched THINKING.

You believe Americans can THINK?!
Now THAT's funny!  j/k (some of them can) Many on here amaze me everyday, ...but yes I know what you're getting at. And quite often they thump their chests and roar We're #1, We're the best, and have no concept of the actual reality, but when you try to open their eyes, you're accused of being Anti-American. And worse, those within their borders who attempt to point out the truth are called "treasonous" for not going along with the insanity, and for simply having the cojones to point it out.  :'(

Americans are seemingly so misinformed that they don't seem to understand that America is not a microcosm of the world at large... it's a weird Twilight Zone that borders reality.

I never really looked at it that way, ...but I have to agree with you.

In most of Europe Ralph Nader would be considered right wing... you guys make fun of the French; try visiting France. They're not arrogant, they're cultured... and yes, to put it bluntly, they ARE better than you so it's not a character fault if they also happen to think so.

{wince} Ouch!

Gotta admit though, Ron Paul or Ralph Nader as Obama's VP would be a dream ticket.

The Luke

More like an impossible dream.  ;D  Can you picture those two? I could just see the discussions on health care now.
Although I'm sure it would probably be the most civil disagreement we'd ever be priviledged to see among politicians.
For such a ticket to occur, I think they'd have to throw all policy platforms out the window and go simply on character and their sincere desire to bring change to how washington works, ...although Ron Paul did say a mixed ticket with Kucinich wasn't entirely out of the question. I think an Obama / Paul ticket, matter how highly impossible, ...were it to occur, ...would sweep the nation. Both do have a strong background in the Constitution.
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on March 27, 2008, 04:04:39 AM
I should start deleting posts for excessive babbling... :)
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: 24KT on March 27, 2008, 04:08:03 AM
{blush}  :-[
Title: Re: Hilary angling to demand VP position!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on March 27, 2008, 04:15:31 AM
uh yea ::)