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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Mega Man on March 11, 2008, 01:57:31 PM

Title: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Mega Man on March 11, 2008, 01:57:31 PM
I've been taking HALODROL clone H-DROL be fastaction labs for 1-2 weeks now and for the last 24-48 hours I have to pee/urine every few minutes. I only go a little. I doesn't hurt but I feel pressure on my bladder as If I drank a gallon of water...AND I feel like this constantlly. And if I dont go to the bathroom every few minutes, than it feels like I am holding it in.

My dad says these are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate....if that's the case then it's just a coincidenc that this happend while thaking this. But I don't know if it could be a urinary infection or bladder infection.....and help or advice would be appreciated.

I think I'm gonna go to the hospitol tonight to be safe since I have insurance and can afford the $75 co-pay....but I have the time so I'd thought I hear from you guys first....but if this is a common side effect with a prohormone or AAS, mabey I can just tough it out!

....again I'm another dumb young buck, that should have listened to you experienced users...and just took some damn Test E ;D
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Overload on March 11, 2008, 02:05:31 PM
Live and learn.

i've never used Pro-H so i have no idea if this is common.

See a doc.

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Mega Man on March 11, 2008, 02:45:57 PM
Also....something just popped in my head.

while I'm at the there any thing I can say or do to convince him to prescribe me nolvadex or an anti-e...mabey try to convince him my problem is estrogen related (which it's probably not) ;D

This might be sound crazy but why not just through it out there ;D
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Rimbaud on March 11, 2008, 05:28:51 PM
I don't even know what to say. It could be something with your prostate. Please keep us updated.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 11, 2008, 05:42:37 PM
Proibally not an enlarged prostate, this would more than likely take longer than a couple weeks to appear.  plus you are young.  Get it checked out.  A $75 co-pay?  Ouch! 

Dont be silly and start asking them to prescribe you drugs either  ::)
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on March 11, 2008, 08:13:12 PM
I'm not a doctor, but i did watch alot of Squad 51, so here I feel completely qualified here:

sounds like you got prostatitis (sp?). it can be a rather nasty infection to clear up, you need to go to the MD and they'll give you some antibiotic like Cypro. but not before they give you a digital exam, so have fun with that!

Whatever it is, you need to go to the doc! its probably nothing now, don't wait until it becomes something.

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Vet on March 11, 2008, 08:41:41 PM
Going to the doctor is the best thing. 

I have never heard of a prostate in any species becoming enlarged that fast ( acouple of weeks) unless there was a severe infection involved or cancer.  Unfortunately with some cases of prostate cancer, it can grow day by day in some.   The thing is a young person who isn't putting their junk in dirty spots shouldn't be getting prostatitis and prostate cancer is unlikely based on age.  The other thing is the clinical signs described are the same as a severe bladder infection or a bladder stone with partial urethral obstruction.

Bottom line, you need to get your ass to a doctor ASAP.   
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Mega Man on March 12, 2008, 03:15:38 AM
Thanks for the reply guys....I just got back from the hospitol.

I got there at 10:00 pm eastern last night cause I took a nap earlier. They didn't see me until 1:00 am lol. They took my blood and gave me a cat scan. And then I waited until 5:00 am...when the nurse finaly came back. He said everything checked out okay and I'm ready for discharge. while I was signing out he said "one thing liver enzyme is a little high, Do you drink" I guess that halodrol effects the liver's not that bad other wise he would have said more. at first I thought he was gonna say "one more tested positive for Roids"  ;D

The did give me a prescription for 600mg ibuprophen tabs and some other pain medicine tramadol hcl 50 mgs......those would probably just add more stress with the halodrol, so I might not even take them.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Rimbaud on March 12, 2008, 02:50:21 PM
Thanks for the reply guys....I just got back from the hospitol.

I got there at 10:00 pm eastern last night cause I took a nap earlier. They didn't see me until 1:00 am lol. They took my blood and gave me a cat scan. And then I waited until 5:00 am...when the nurse finaly came back. He said everything checked out okay and I'm ready for discharge. while I was signing out he said "one thing liver enzyme is a little high, Do you drink" I guess that halodrol effects the liver's not that bad other wise he would have said more. at first I thought he was gonna say "one more tested positive for Roids"  ;D

The did give me a prescription for 600mg ibuprophen tabs and some other pain medicine tramadol hcl 50 mgs......those would probably just add more stress with the halodrol, so I might not even take them.

You'd be surprized how fast things can affect the body. I was taking 50mg of winny a day & had my liver enzymes tested before & then about a week later. Both numbers jumped about 20 points.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: busyB on March 12, 2008, 06:41:18 PM
Thanks for the reply guys....I just got back from the hospitol.

I got there at 10:00 pm eastern last night cause I took a nap earlier. They didn't see me until 1:00 am lol. They took my blood and gave me a cat scan. And then I waited until 5:00 am...when the nurse finaly came back. He said everything checked out okay and I'm ready for discharge. while I was signing out he said "one thing liver enzyme is a little high, Do you drink" I guess that halodrol effects the liver's not that bad other wise he would have said more. at first I thought he was gonna say "one more tested positive for Roids"  ;D

The did give me a prescription for 600mg ibuprophen tabs and some other pain medicine tramadol hcl 50 mgs......those would probably just add more stress with the halodrol, so I might not even take them.

Not take what, the crappy PH product?

You keep saying "Halodrol", but sounds like a PH to me? Nothing is like Halodrol unless it is real Halodrol. That sounded like a little shit PH company that probably made that product in a dirty sink.

You will be tossing that in the trash now, right??  :-\  ....and doing what the doc says???

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Disgusted on March 14, 2008, 11:21:57 PM
Sounds like a urinary tract infection. IMO you should NEVER tell the Dr that you use steroids or PH of any kind. It will not change the treament no matter what is wrong with you and the Dr just may blame it on them and likely not find the real cause of what ails you. Also, you will never be able to get insurance again being that you are an illegal drug taker.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 15, 2008, 05:41:02 AM
I've been taking HALODROL clone H-DROL be fastaction labs for 1-2 weeks now and for the last 24-48 hours I have to pee/urine every few minutes. I only go a little. I doesn't hurt but I feel pressure on my bladder as If I drank a gallon of water...AND I feel like this constantlly. And if I dont go to the bathroom every few minutes, than it feels like I am holding it in.

My dad says these are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate....if that's the case then it's just a coincidenc that this happend while thaking this. But I don't know if it could be a urinary infection or bladder infection.....and help or advice would be appreciated.

I think I'm gonna go to the hospitol tonight to be safe since I have insurance and can afford the $75 co-pay....but I have the time so I'd thought I hear from you guys first....but if this is a common side effect with a prohormone or AAS, mabey I can just tough it out!

....again I'm another dumb young buck, that should have listened to you experienced users...and just took some damn Test E ;D
Do you use ephedrine?
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 15, 2008, 07:24:08 AM
Sounds like a urinary tract infection. IMO you should NEVER tell the Dr that you use steroids or PH of any kind. It will not change the treament no matter what is wrong with you and the Dr just may blame it on them and likely not find the real cause of what ails you. Also, you will never be able to get insurance again being that you are an illegal drug taker.

This is probally very sad but true.  You would like to be upfront with the doctor but the fact of the matter is they know nothing about steroids and how they truely affect you, so its pointless.  They really dont care to learn either cause maybe you are the only weird freek they have/will come across who would do such a thing.  They have no reason or desire to learn. 
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Mega Man on March 15, 2008, 08:14:34 AM
Do you use ephedrine?

Yeah...I've been using the ECA stack (bronkaid, nodoz, baby asprin) on and off for about 1 year now. Why could that be causing some problems?

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: 4thAD on March 15, 2008, 12:25:18 PM
Yeah...I've been using the ECA stack (bronkaid, nodoz, baby asprin) on and off for about 1 year now. Why could that be causing some problems?

Yes. Ephedrine will swell your prostate. Use Saw Palmetto and it will help with prostate health.

Sounds like a urinary tract infection. IMO you should NEVER tell the Dr that you use steroids or PH of any kind. It will not change the treament no matter what is wrong with you and the Dr just may blame it on them and likely not find the real cause of what ails you. Also, you will never be able to get insurance again being that you are an illegal drug taker.

I don't think this is at all true. Patient confidentiality. Lots of "illegal drug users" use their insurance to go to rehab for drug addiction. Also people that need abscesses treated do not lose their insurance due to steroid use. I think its best to let your Doc know exactly what is going on when being treated for something.   
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Emmortal on March 15, 2008, 01:25:33 PM
Yes. Ephedrine will swell your prostate. Use Saw Palmetto and it will help with prostate health.

This is a misnomer, saw palmetto will do nothing for your prostate.  There was a recent study done  posted to the New England Journal of Medicine that studied the effects of Saw Palmetto and prostate health.  The men taking Saw Palmetto showed no significant decrease in prostate size or general health.

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 15, 2008, 03:06:29 PM
Yeah...I've been using the ECA stack (bronkaid, nodoz, baby asprin) on and off for about 1 year now. Why could that be causing some problems?

Yes for sure. I bet this is the reason for the frequent pissing. You are stimulating the alpha-receptors in your prostate.

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: 4thAD on March 15, 2008, 03:43:46 PM
This is a misnomer, saw palmetto will do nothing for your prostate.  There was a recent study done  posted to the New England Journal of Medicine that studied the effects of Saw Palmetto and prostate health.  The men taking Saw Palmetto showed no significant decrease in prostate size or general health.

yes, but that is a study with patients that already have prostate cancer. Also the study is centered around replacing drugs with saw palmetto, which is a bad idea to begin with. I haven't really researched studies on using SP for prostate health in an already healthy prostate, but I do know this: When I use SP while on ECA My urine flow is normal and strong. When I don't I have a very weak stream. You may be absolutely correct though I need to research it more, but it seems to work well for me. I swear by SP.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: gdub1979 on March 23, 2008, 08:48:22 PM
I've taken Halodrol and H-drol, and some other stuff called Halo-D.  And I've had no side effects from any of them.  I'm not a doc, but I don't think that the bladder thing has anything to do with the H-drol.  That's my way of saying, "Go to the doctor".  Better to be safe than sorry, ya know.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Mega Man on April 18, 2008, 01:36:13 AM
Since the doc said I was fine...I finished the 4 weeks of hdrol...then started taking 500 mg test e per week....I just started week 4 and also started taking the mdrol now which is the superdrol clone.

Im stacking the mdrol with the test E. I might add tren A too!

so far no sides from the M-drol
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: whitewidow on April 18, 2008, 01:39:51 AM
I took bruce knellers halodrol the very first batch with the DMT and masking agent and it was the best oral I ever used! was off the market in literally a few eeks and replaced with a weaker version without the masking agent and dmt.I did have to piss alot but I always have to piss alot my doctor says even if you piss 12 times a day its normal. I got checked out because I was worried to but no problems were found.
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: andreisdaman on March 27, 2009, 06:33:47 PM
I recently took Halodrol and after a week my balls and prostate were so sore I couldn't walk.........and I had to pee all the time as well.....I was felt like I had an enlarged prostate and it felt like I was sitting ona buzzer or something thats how bad the pain was....I stopped taking it and it went I was sore all over
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on March 28, 2009, 10:18:33 AM
Here's an idea.........STOP taking the halodrol and wait a few days before freaking out.  You sound like a dumb teenager who shouldn't be using ANYTHING steroid related. LOL. 
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: powerpack on March 28, 2009, 01:04:57 PM
I got some kind of infection while on a course of HAVOK.
I increased the dosage to about 50mg a day.
All of a sudden it burned to pee, my bladder was on fire even if I just had a few drops in.
I had a tests done for urinary tract infection and they could find nothing wrong, all cultures came up negative.
I was even tested for different STDs in the end( no I was not shagging around)and came up negative for everything.
I was given CIPROBAY a broad spectrum antibiotic in the end and it sorted it out after 10 days.
It must have been something for the antibiotics to kill it.
I still don't know what it was.

The doctor (an Endo) told me afterwards if you are run down certain steroids can lead to strange fungal infections in the UT
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: DIVISION on March 28, 2009, 07:03:51 PM
Yeah...I've been using the ECA stack (bronkaid, nodoz, baby asprin) on and off for about 1 year now. Why could that be causing some problems?

You mean to say you didn't look in to the effects of ephedrine before using it?

Some of you people deserve what you get because you don't use your head.


Ephedrine constricts muscles in the bladder causing these effects......

The question is, why didn't you think about this before using it?

Now you want to blame the Halodrol (bad choice in anabolics anyway) instead of using common sense.   ::)

Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 29, 2009, 07:41:27 AM
pro hormones = waste of time and money, riddled with side effects.. = GARBAGE

always go for the real thing then screwing around with these stupid wannabe's
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on March 29, 2009, 12:55:36 PM
pro hormones = waste of time and money, riddled with side effects.. = GARBAGE

always go for the real thing then screwing around with these stupid wannabe's

Haha no way dude SUPERDROL is way better than test!  I love the guys spewing that bullshit because 99% of them have never done steroids themselves, let alone a good quality cycle with test.  There's a reason why thousands of steroids were invented and only a handful ever came to be used by pharmaceutical companies.  The side effects were ridiculous.  Yeah you might grow on superdrol, but when you have a prostate the size of a grapefruit crowding your ass what's the point?  Test is much safer and more effective. 
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: DIVISION on March 29, 2009, 08:34:05 PM
pro hormones = waste of time and money, riddled with side effects.. = GARBAGE

always go for the real thing then screwing around with these stupid wannabe's


Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: shrek on March 29, 2009, 11:15:20 PM
i had this problem last year...... i was takeing NOexplode which has alot of caffine and also LG sciences mythly 1d and masterdrol ...... what happened was it caused a prostrate infection and he had to check it by sticking his finger UP MY ASS and said it was dry and course feeling and the gave me antibiotics and said to get off all supps for 2 weeks
Title: Re: HELP FAST : Urinary problem from HALODROL clone
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 30, 2009, 07:16:42 AM
Haha no way dude SUPERDROL is way better than test!  I love the guys spewing that bullshit because 99% of them have never done steroids themselves, let alone a good quality cycle with test.  There's a reason why thousands of steroids were invented and only a handful ever came to be used by pharmaceutical companies.  The side effects were ridiculous.  Yeah you might grow on superdrol, but when you have a prostate the size of a grapefruit crowding your ass what's the point?  Test is much safer and more effective.