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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: GetItOnNY on March 18, 2008, 10:20:35 PM

Title: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: GetItOnNY on March 18, 2008, 10:20:35 PM
This is definalty Croatches wife, that dirty lil beast would defiantly marry this girl.Remember fellas, he is marrying her boobs ,not her.Croatch doesnt drink protein powder, he goes for the real deal, breast milk
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: nzmusclemonster on March 18, 2008, 10:32:17 PM
Hey GetitonNY, Ive seen photos of you. You have small muscles and a pencil dick.
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: GetItOnNY on March 18, 2008, 10:38:51 PM
Your right I am not that big.Right now I right around 245 lbs, at 5'11" at around 7-8% bodyfat.SO not I am not that big.As far as the pencil dick goes, your kidding right????? lmao. Are you queen vissy or something? Any man who talks about another mans penis size, defiantly has issues with his sexuality
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: JohnnyVegas on March 18, 2008, 10:46:31 PM
That skank is UGLY!
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: nzmusclemonster on March 18, 2008, 10:47:36 PM
Your right I am not that big.Right now I right around 245 lbs, at 5'11" at around 7-8% bodyfat.SO not I am not that big.As far as the pencil dick goes, your kidding right????? lmao. Are you queen vissy or something? Any man who talks about another mans penis size, defiantly has issues with his sexuality

If I was to compliment you on your penis, yes that would be gay. But seeing as I am pointing out that you are hung like a bee, then no I am not gay.

You see as I am pointing out that my girth and length far exceeds yours, then that makes me the alpha male and you are then inferior to me.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: GetItOnNY on March 19, 2008, 01:34:50 PM
NZ MUSCLE, OR LITTLE BOW PEEP, LMAO.First of all to be an alpha male you first need to be bigger, and stronger then the rest of the pack.You will never be bigger or stronger then me, which would make you "the bitch".
My size, power, and strength far exceeds yours.I benched 575 lbs raw, curled 225lbs for 8 reps,Shoulder pressed 315lbs for 7 reps, and dumbeel shoulder pressed 160lbs for 8 reps.
Little Bow Peep and your sheep are no match for me, even when it comes to male organ size, don't make me embarrass you there either.
I got a $1000 says, you will never be an "alpha male" over me in size, strength, or male organ size so STFU, and go play with you sheep.
Go get some Velcro gloves, and go help the sheep over the fence, or better yet tell you sheep to make a "EWE" turn and give you a kiss.
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: bigbalddaddy on March 19, 2008, 01:42:06 PM
Well I can't speak for Johns cock size (maybe I can find a stripper who can  ;D) since I live do live in Vegas & he was benching 415 for reps like butter 7 yrs ago and pushing more poundages overall than almost anyone i've seen, so I wouldn't take the $1,000 bet...

"Hope this helps"  ;)

BTW, what up Johnnie!!!
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: The Squadfather on March 19, 2008, 04:02:10 PM
NZ MUSCLE, OR LITTLE BOW PEEP, LMAO.First of all to be an alpha male you first need to be bigger, and stronger then the rest of the pack.You will never be bigger or stronger then me, which would make you "the bitch".
My size, power, and strength far exceeds yours.I benched 575 lbs raw, curled 225lbs for 8 reps,Shoulder pressed 315lbs for 7 reps, and dumbeel shoulder pressed 160lbs for 8 reps.
Little Bow Peep and your sheep are no match for me, even when it comes to male organ size, don't make me embarrass you there either.
I got a $1000 says, you will never be an "alpha male" over me in size, strength, or male organ size so STFU, and go play with you sheep.
Go get some Velcro gloves, and go help the sheep over the fence, or better yet tell you sheep to make a "EWE" turn and give you a kiss.
you better watch out John, "nzmusclemonster" looks to be 171 pounds from the pics i've seen and has posted that he loves 13-14 year old girls and frequents middle and high school playgrounds looking for them, aren't you impressed?
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: Matt C on March 19, 2008, 04:19:44 PM
Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate

This is Croatch's wife:

Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: Croatch on March 19, 2008, 06:15:10 PM
This thread is completely false!  This is my wife:
As you can see, I've been going a little hard on her...hence the redness.

And GetItOn, never associate me with implants.  I'd rather you call me a fag....haha
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: GetItOnNY on March 20, 2008, 09:08:33 AM
Big Bald Daddy, not much is going on just getting back into training intense again.I am 40 now so I can compete in masters, so alot of people have been encouraging me to compete as a master super heavy.Will I compete again who knows,I am enjoying life right now.Why mess things up and complicate things with a contest diet, and contest prep.
Besides we all know how wealthy pro bodybuilders are, just look how many millions pro bodybuilders make ???.
Mr Olympia only wins $165,000 , thats really not alot of money these days, by any means

As far as Craotch goes, I am sorry about accusing you of being married to a girl with fake boobs .My bad.
Croatch one thing I dont uderstand is, how can some one with calve implants, not like some one with boob implants???????Croatch are your calve implants, or just synthol????  For a guy who is 5 feet tall you have some unusally big claves 8).
The good thing about having those big calves is, if you jump out of an airplane and your parachute doesnt open atleast you have strong calves to help cushion your landing.
This sick bastard wants to jump off of cliffs, and buildings, with a parachute.I keep telling the doctor to up his medication but nothing seems to work, lmao
Here is a pick of Croatches real wife
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: The Squadfather on March 20, 2008, 09:11:27 AM
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: GetItOnNY on March 20, 2008, 09:13:00 AM
Squad father, that is a pic of Croatches misstress
Title: Re: Croatch's wive shows marriage certificate
Post by: Mars on March 20, 2008, 09:19:19 AM

holy lord :o :o