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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => E-Board - Movies, Music, TV, Videogames, Comics => Topic started by: Army of One on April 17, 2008, 11:46:04 AM

Title: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Army of One on April 17, 2008, 11:46:04 AM
Comes out in just over a week, pre reviews all say its pretty much the best game ever made, who is buying it?

Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: Bluto on April 17, 2008, 11:47:07 AM
i bet its more of the same shit that was boring the hell outta us in the last couple of games

visually it doesnt look very impressive either does it

Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on April 17, 2008, 11:49:06 AM
bluto you're an idiot.

that game will be what anal sex was to my wife when i got tired of blow jobs
Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: Army of One on April 17, 2008, 11:49:29 AM
i bet its more of the same shit that was boring the hell outta us in the last couple of games

visually it doesnt look very impressive either does it

Making a city the scale they have you will never get gears of war graphics, video textures stored in the 360 would barely render a city block if it did, you have to appreciate the scale to appreciate the graphics.All reviews says its a revolution compared to previous entries.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Bluto on April 17, 2008, 11:56:54 AM
i dont know man

if it's just more of the same from san andreas it will be too boring

they need to do something revolutionary to the gameplay to hold my interest
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Pollux on April 17, 2008, 12:00:58 PM
who is buying it?

Buying it? I already bought it.  8)

Gonna pick up my copy when it's release at midnight. I can't wait for this fuckin' game!  8)
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Special Ed on April 17, 2008, 12:02:23 PM
I'm so psyched for this, I bought it on XBox360 and the PS3 and I don't even have either system!

Hopefully it will still run on my Commodore64!
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Bluto on April 17, 2008, 12:06:13 PM
hopefully it mean a lot of people will stay away from posting on getbig
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: JasonH on April 17, 2008, 12:24:26 PM
I won't be buying it - I can't be arsed with all that gangster shit.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Zaphod on April 17, 2008, 12:28:26 PM
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 17, 2008, 01:03:55 PM
i'm looking forward to it

will be one of the best games ever though i like the vice city setting more
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Ex Coelis on April 17, 2008, 01:06:36 PM
I leave for a month long exercise this Sunday

damn game will be sold out by the time I get back from the field  >:(
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: gordiano on April 17, 2008, 01:17:43 PM
I'm so psyched for this, I bought it on XBox360 and the PS3 and I don't even have either system!

Hopefully it will still run on my Commodore64!

LOL bastards may not hear from me for a few days once that game is out..... ;)
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Ursus on April 17, 2008, 01:29:43 PM
if i had a ps3 i would. awesome games.

SA was awesome. probaly bully the little sisters b/f into lending me it for a while lol
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Mad Nickels on April 17, 2008, 01:35:16 PM

a friend invented the game "grand theft auto".....that bastard sold the games rights a couple of yrs ago for a cool $600 million.

Yeah, a friend of mine invented the original Nintendo system.  Also my great-granddad Henry invented the model T a few years back.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Zaphod on April 17, 2008, 01:36:20 PM
Yeah, a friend of mine invented the original Nintendo system.  Also my great-granddad Henry invented the model T a few years back.

Hahahah. Yeah I wish I hadn't sold my patent on gravity for ten bucks and a pack of Kools!
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 17, 2008, 01:38:18 PM
The only review I've seen came from OEM (Official XBox Magazine).  So, the owner of a magazine who also has invested millions for exclusive downloadable content from GTAIV puts out a review saying it's great.  I'm shocked.

Not to say GTAIV won't be great, but I'll wait until Metacritic gets a better sample size.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: HTexan on April 17, 2008, 01:40:29 PM
Comes out in just over a week, pre reviews all say its pretty much the best game ever made, who is buying it?

im buy it for sure on launch day.  :) Won't be able to play it for 2-3 days tho. Damn finals >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: HTexan on April 17, 2008, 02:25:42 PM
have you see GTA 1? He had shitty graphics even for back then. The bad words and gameplay is what sold that game.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: m8 on April 17, 2008, 02:27:57 PM
The main character is white now? Then I might download it for PC  :D
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: spinnis on April 17, 2008, 02:38:26 PM
I cant wait for it to come on PC baby!
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Beener on April 17, 2008, 02:40:29 PM
have you see GTA 1? He had shitty graphics even for back then. The bad words and gameplay is what sold that game.

GTA was SO fuckin awesmoe. I got so mad when they changed to make it all 3d like gta3. man gta1 was super awesome
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: bodybuilder1234 on April 17, 2008, 02:51:31 PM
The main character is white now? Then I might download it for PC  :D

Would you constantly have the main character in the changing rooms if he was Chabal?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: _bruce_ on April 17, 2008, 03:00:18 PM
I really liked part 2.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: HTexan on April 17, 2008, 03:27:28 PM
The main character is white now? Then I might download it for PC  :D
Yes, if arabs are white. ;D
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Croatch on April 18, 2008, 02:25:08 AM
This games doesn't seem to do one thing very well, but many things mediocre.  Shooting, graphically, online...all blah.  I admire the context of the game, where you can bang hookers and shoot random people, but the aimless gameplay is something I'd get bored of in 5 minutes. 
Apparently, they're emploring the Euphoria physics technology, as seen in the new Star Wars game, coming out later this year.  That will be interesting, when running people over, or just people falling in general, but not worth purchasing it.
Of course, I am in the minority here.  I'll play the demo and see if the online is worth it.  16 people running around bitch slapping citizens and running each other over with cars, may be fun.  This game just looks very child like, compared to COD4 or Gears.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: The Master on April 18, 2008, 02:53:22 AM
This games doesn't seem to do one thing very well, but many things mediocre.  Shooting, graphically, online...all blah.  I admire the context of the game, where you can bang hookers and shoot random people, but the aimless gameplay is something I'd get bored of in 5 minutes. 
Apparently, they're emploring the Euphoria physics technology, as seen in the new Star Wars game, coming out later this year.  That will be interesting, when running people over, or just people falling in general, but not worth purchasing it.
Of course, I am in the minority here.  I'll play the demo and see if the online is worth it.  16 people running around bitch slapping citizens and running each other over with cars, may be fun.  This game just looks very child like, compared to COD4 or Gears.

Will Ron Moaster be embracing this game with open arms?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Mars on April 18, 2008, 02:53:59 AM
"you're free to leave now".
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Army of One on April 18, 2008, 02:54:01 AM
This games doesn't seem to do one thing very well, but many things mediocre.  Shooting, graphically, online...all blah.  I admire the context of the game, where you can bang hookers and shoot random people, but the aimless gameplay is something I'd get bored of in 5 minutes. 
Apparently, they're emploring the Euphoria physics technology, as seen in the new Star Wars game, coming out later this year.  That will be interesting, when running people over, or just people falling in general, but not worth purchasing it.
Of course, I am in the minority here.  I'll play the demo and see if the online is worth it.  16 people running around bitch slapping citizens and running each other over with cars, may be fun.  This game just looks very child like, compared to COD4 or Gears.

They have totally redone the shooting, it now plays a bit like Gears of War, with the cover system and all.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 03:19:45 AM
GTA 4 will rock... Metal Gear 4 will rock even harder... Resident evel 5 will blow everybody away...
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Mars on April 18, 2008, 03:20:38 AM
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 03:39:15 AM
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Croatch on April 18, 2008, 03:54:53 AM
GTA 4 will rock... Metal Gear 4 will rock even harder... Resident evel 5 will blow everybody away...
Resident Evil 5 looks great.  Hopefully, they include some multiplayer mode, otherwise, it will be good for 12 hours and that's all.
MGS4 is probably the most over anticipated game I've ever seen.  Leave it to Sony, to hype the hell out of something, then blah.  Much like the PS3 prerenders of Killzone 2 years ago.  MGS4 looks so dull and slow paced, I couldn't bring myself to play it.
Gears 2 will be the best game this year.
Of course, it's all personal preference though.

I'm curious as to how Mortal Kombat will come out.  I'd guess it will rock graphics, due to the Unreal 3 engine...let's hope they don't blow the gameplay, trying to overuse the analog every jackass game developer seems to do these days..SKATE, being the first that comes to mind.  Pushing buttons for tricks, has worked for years, leave it:)  How the Wii sold that gimmick joystick to people with the power of a PS2 for $280, is just genius.  What a horrid system. ;)
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 05:11:14 AM
mgs4 is a game that can't go wrong to me... played them all... (sony hitbit msx/ GB color/ Psone / Ps2)

This will be a farewell to Snake... 
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Pollux on April 18, 2008, 05:15:11 AM
Games worthy of purchasing: GTA IV; Metal Gear Solid 4; Star Wars: Force Unleashed; and Ghostbusters.  8)

I saw screen shots to this game I believe was called Only in Vegas (GTA type game). I'll have to look into it.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 05:29:13 AM
Games worthy of purchasing: GTA IV; Metal Gear Solid 4; Star Wars: Force Unleashed; and Ghostbusters.  8)

I saw screen shots to this game I believe was called Only in Vegas (GTA type game). I'll have to look into it.

it's called:this is vegas...will not touch GTA 4...but it's interesting

another game i'm looking forward to is the real gran turismo 5...i'm playing the prologue version and i luv it
Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: Stark on April 18, 2008, 05:31:55 AM
i bet its more of the same shit that was boring the hell outta us in the last couple of games

visually it doesnt look very impressive either does it

Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: swilkins1984 on April 18, 2008, 05:34:28 AM
Can't decide on 360 vs. PS3 version. I hear 360 will have the most content at launch while the PS3 will look better.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Tombo on April 18, 2008, 05:40:35 AM
xbox360 gets exclusive content... apparently "a full cities worth" of content.. maybe ill get a 360 on the weekend and not for pc..
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Pollux on April 18, 2008, 05:40:43 AM

it's called:this is vegas...will not touch GTA 4...but it's interesting

Yeah. That's it! Thanks, man.

I too believe it won't touch GTA IV, but it's a game that's catching my interest. I'll probably pick it up.
Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: Croatch on April 18, 2008, 05:42:24 AM

Bluto is correct.  Visually, GTAIV, while the best looking of the series, is mediocre graphically compared to GOW or COD4.  Take a look at any gameplay and it's pretty bland, graphically.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Croatch on April 18, 2008, 05:44:18 AM
xbox360 gets exclusive content... apparently "a full cities worth" of content.. maybe ill get a 360 on the weekend and not for pc..
Go with the 360, graphically, they'll be indistinguishable to the eye.  The 360, like you said will come with exclusive or downloadable content in the future.  The 360 has a better overall online service.
360 for sure.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 05:57:08 AM
the ps3 online service will hopefully catch up to the live service...

i was playing pgr 2 back then and it was i'm playing GT5prologue online and it can't touch pgr2 online although pgr 2 is much older..that's because sony's online service sucks a bit right know,hope it will get better
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2008, 05:59:23 AM
wait, in GTA4, you can play online against others?  Sounds fun.  I don't own a PS2/3 or Xbox, and haven't in about 3 years.  I have been thinking about getting one sometime soon.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 06:00:21 AM
wait, in GTA4, you can play online against others?  Sounds fun.  I don't own a PS2/3 or Xbox, and haven't in about 3 years.  I have been thinking about getting one sometime soon.

yes i think it will be a great feature

there are several modes for example :deathmatch
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2008, 06:04:08 AM
yes i think it will be a great feature

there are several modes for example :deathmatch

would that be best served by playing on the PC, PS3, or xbox?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: rocket on April 18, 2008, 06:05:41 AM
GTA is fun for a while but ultimately, you know you're going to get yourself a cheat key, get all the weapons and go out and get how ever many stars there are this time for police/army/federal resistance against you.  You might have a few Guns N Roses moments driving down the highway on a stolen bike with the sun setting/rising.. but thats about as far as it is going to go.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 06:06:24 AM
would that be best served by playing on the PC, PS3, or xbox?

a pc version is not even on the list

i'm sure it will come but you would have to wait a long time...

i own a ps3 so i will buy the ps3 version but if i had both i would buy the 360 version because the online service is much better
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 06:08:42 AM
GTA is fun for a while but ultimately, you know you're going to get yourself a cheat key, get all the weapons and go out and get how ever many stars there are this time for police/army/federal resistance against you.  You might have a few Guns N Roses moments driving down the highway on a stolen bike with the sun setting/rising.. but thats about as far as it is going to go.

only losers cheat
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Stu on April 18, 2008, 06:32:01 AM

Is that first guy "the shadow"?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 06:33:14 AM
Go with the 360, graphically, they'll be indistinguishable to the eye.  The 360, like you said will come with exclusive or downloadable content in the future.  The 360 has a better overall online service.
360 for sure.

yeah... go buy yourself a scratchbox 360... and get a hddvd player to go allong with it... costs a dollar nowadays...
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Mars on April 18, 2008, 06:49:35 AM
Is that first guy "the shadow"?

haha i cant get enough from those videos.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 06:51:38 AM
wait, in GTA4, you can play online against others?  Sounds fun.  I don't own a PS2/3 or Xbox, and haven't in about 3 years.  I have been thinking about getting one sometime soon.

I would avoid the PS3 like the plague, the 360 has done everything better from the get go.

I think even Sony exlcusives like MGS4 will eventually port to the 360.  
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 06:53:27 AM
is this another Coleman vs yates thread?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on April 18, 2008, 07:20:43 AM
trying to overuse the analog every jackass game developer seems to do these days..SKATE, being the first that comes to mind.  Pushing buttons for tricks, has worked for years, leave it:) 

You're full of shit if you think Fight Night and Skate would be the same w/ button pressing. I can't even touch Tony Hawk anymore. Open up a little bit
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 07:42:10 AM
have a ps3... glad to... mates have a box... now on ebay... all want in on the 3...
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Army of One on April 18, 2008, 07:45:15 AM
So question is who is buying it and who is 'cough' obtaining it?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 07:49:10 AM (

my take on the issue...

Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: mossel on April 18, 2008, 08:05:01 AM
Time for micro$oft to go beg for a Blu ray drive... (
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 08:09:46 AM
i prefer the ps3...right now the xbox is a bit better selling and it has a better online service but i'm sure within the next year the ps3 will dominate just like the ps2 and the psone
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: HTexan on April 18, 2008, 08:28:15 AM
get the 360 version. The ps3 online service sucks balls.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 08:40:06 AM
right now the xbox is a bit better selling and it has a better online service but i'm sure within the next year the ps3 will dominate just like the ps2 and the psone

I can't agree with this.  I see nothing to indicate this other than going by name alone.

Let's look at the hard data. The 360 has sold 11.5 million units in the US. The PS3 has sold 4.6 million units in the US. That's close to a 7 million difference in units sold. There is no way it's going to catch that. The 360 will be dropping in price this year, making it attractive to people on the fence. The market that ps2 came out in is completely different from the market that the ps3 is in. If you come out the gate flat you're screwed. Sony came out flat. They have now lost 2 straight holiday seasons to the wii and 360 and they don't have any game for the 2008 holiday season that can compete with Gears of War 2.

The PS2 had no competition, neither did the ps1. The ps3 on the otherhand has the wii and 360. Also publishers run the video game world. The larger the installed userbase a console has, the more games publishers will put on it. In this case that's the 360.

Blu-ray is a non factor. Unlike DVD, people don't care about blu-ray. It's a niche format. DVD when it came out was the next natural step for home video. People buy their consoles to play games, not watch movies.

Nobody dominates the console wars for three generations straight.  Sony thought the Blu-ray player would enable them to price out the PS3 originally at $600 and that was a breaking point for most people.

The 360 has done it right on all apsects, save the heat-sync three red rings problem.   They solved it by taking a one billion dollar hit and giving out an unheard of three year warranty on repaired XBox 360s.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 08:52:22 AM
in japan the ps3 is right behind europe the ps3 will be on top within the next year
the only place where i can see the xbox winning is the usa
Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: Stark on April 18, 2008, 08:54:18 AM
Bluto is correct.  Visually, GTAIV, while the best looking of the series, is mediocre graphically compared to GOW or COD4.  Take a look at any gameplay and it's pretty bland, graphically.

mate when It comes down to Computer games than  I know what I'm talking about, after all i have been working in the
Games industry for over 6 years.

You cannot compare GRAIV with GOW and COD4 all 3 are completly different cames, its silly to compare these.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 09:05:04 AM
in japan the ps3 is right behind europe the ps3 will be on top within the next year
the only place where i can see the xbox winning is the usa

The only market that matters, especially to us is the US market. The US market also happens to be the #1 market in the world.

The 360 recently dropped the price in Europe and saw their sales jump and outsell the PS3 the past 2 months.

The Japan market has never been able to handle an american console and in fact, the sales of the wii and ps3 have dipped in Japan this year

The 360 has a worldwide lead over the ps3 by over 7million, even though the 360 is only competitive in 2 markets.

In japan the wii has sold 3 million more then ps3, I'd hardly say thats right behind.

Of course I'm not arguing your personal preference to the PS3, just stating the numbers.  The PS3 will not dominate, and most good games will port to the 360 if the publishers want to make money.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Stark on April 18, 2008, 09:38:29 AM
The only market that matters, especially to us is the US market. The US market also happens to be the #1 market in the world.

The 360 recently dropped the price in Europe and saw their sales jump and outsell the PS3 the past 2 months.

The Japan market has never been able to handle an american console and in fact, the sales of the wii and ps3 have dipped in Japan this year

The 360 has a worldwide lead over the ps3 by over 7million, even though the 360 is only competitive in 2 markets.

In japan the wii has sold 3 million more then ps3, I'd hardly say thats right behind.

Of course I'm not arguing your personal preference to the PS3, just stating the numbers.  The PS3 will not dominate, and most good games will port to the 360 if the publishers want to make money.

ehh no... not when it comes down to Gaming
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 09:44:26 AM
ehh no... not when it comes down to Gaming


If you're talking about total gamers, yes Korea and Japan top the U.S in terms of % of population.  If you're talking about software sales, the U.S. market is the single most important market.

Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Stark on April 18, 2008, 09:56:55 AM


If you're talking about total gamers, yes Korea and Japan top the U.S in terms of % of population.  If you're talking about software sales, the U.S. market is the single most important market.

we are talking about generaly gaming (any form of Video gaming) Asian market way over the US market
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 10:06:51 AM
we are talking about generaly gaming (any form of Video gaming) Asian market way over the US market

My discussion with ironneck was that that I was saying that the PS3 will not dominate like the PS2 did.  That means console and software sales come into play.  In those terms, the US market is the one that matters most.

You're just putting out the word "gaming" in a broad, undefined term.  Asian market is way over the US market in what?
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 18, 2008, 11:42:23 AM
My discussion with ironneck was that that I was saying that the PS3 will not dominate like the PS2 did.  That means console and software sales come into play.  In those terms, the US market is the one that matters most.

You're just putting out the word "gaming" in a broad, undefined term.  Asian market is way over the US market in what?

i agree...will never dominate like the ps2

microsoft did a very good job with the 360...they learned from the mistakes of the first one

never the less the "name" plays a big role..i'm pretty sure many people will buy the ps3 when the price drops...the will buy it just because of the name,i'm talking about the casuel gamers who don't know much about gaming
Title: Re: GTA IV , Oh Yeah!
Post by: Croatch on April 18, 2008, 12:47:16 PM
mate when It comes down to Computer games than  I know what I'm talking about, after all i have been working in the
Games industry for over 6 years.

You cannot compare GRAIV with GOW and COD4 all 3 are completly different cames, its silly to compare these.
Graphically you can.  Gears and COD4 are comparible, both FPS, but yes...different.  GTAIV, is it's own thing, but a shooter all the same.
My discussion with ironneck was that that I was saying that the PS3 will not dominate like the PS2 did.  That means console and software sales come into play.  In those terms, the US market is the one that matters most.

You're just putting out the word "gaming" in a broad, undefined term.  Asian market is way over the US market in what?
The 360 is clearly a better gaming console, but the Japanese are so brand homeland driven, they're buying Wii's and PS3...both poorer consoles.  The bluray is a good feature and if your tv supports 1080p, really worth it, but for $400?  I did it, but should have bought a stand alone bluray, saved $300 and had a regular remote.  Now, I'm stuck with a shitty console and separate controller to play movies.  I'm still waiting for Sony to make one game that is worth buying for the console...MGS4 looks like a fucking snore fest.  Some old guy crawling around on the ground, sneaking in to towns, etc...just dull.  I'll take a good multiplayer over that single player mode any day.  It gets old, playing against imaginary AI.  I like to know I'm ruining someone, as I blast their head off with a shotgun.
The replay in a game is all multiplayer.  Single player is merely a 10 hours, multiplayer can be 200 hours over the course of a game.  COD4 did both very well.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 12:47:55 PM

i agree...will never dominate like the ps2

microsoft did a very good job with the 360...they learned from the mistakes of the first one

never the less the "name" plays a big role..i'm pretty sure many people will buy the ps3 when the price drops...the will buy it just because of the name,i'm talking about the casuel gamers who don't know much about gaming

You're right, the name helps, and they may see somewhat of an increase, but they won't close the gap or dominate.  The Wii's getting in the way of grabbing the casual fanbase.

The PS3 just doesn't have the exlusive title power any more outside of FF.   Games like GTAIV are cross platform and MGS (my favorite all time series on any platform) is not a console seller.

Microsoft got them this round, and I will always recommend the the 360 over the PS3 to somene on the fence.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: HTexan on April 18, 2008, 01:38:13 PM
Japanese will only japan made products. Its not like it is here.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Croatch on April 18, 2008, 02:16:47 PM
You're right, the name helps, and they may see somewhat of an increase, but they won't close the gap or dominate.  The Wii's getting in the way of grabbing the casual fanbase.

The PS3 just doesn't have the exlusive title power any more outside of FF.   Games like GTAIV are cross platform and MGS (my favorite all time series on any platform) is not a console seller.

Microsoft got them this round, and I will always recommend the the 360 over the PS3 to somene on the fence.
Gears of War and the online functionality, ruin the PS3.  Microsoft needs to wise up and put a Bluray in there.  Then, there would be absolutely no reason to buy a PS3, but I'm sure they figure, why start now.  They'll probably wait for the next version of the Xbox to do that...2012.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 18, 2008, 04:36:28 PM
I think we'll see the next gen XBox before 2012.  I think that would make the 360 a 7 year console, which I don't think will happen.

Looks like Kojima's not too happy with MGS4, mostly due to the limitations of the PS3:
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Tombo on April 18, 2008, 06:47:50 PM
Go with the 360, graphically, they'll be indistinguishable to the eye.  The 360, like you said will come with exclusive or downloadable content in the future.  The 360 has a better overall online service.
360 for sure.

yeah theres not a chance in hell im getting the overhyped ps3, especially since it's still a good 100-150 more than the xbox
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 19, 2008, 05:30:40 AM
don't know but i still prefer the ps3..i'm pretty sure that the ps3 will live much longer,microsoft on the other hand will put the next xbox within the next 2 years i guess
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 19, 2008, 06:51:16 AM
don't know but i still prefer the ps3..i'm pretty sure that the ps3 will live much longer,microsoft on the other hand will put the next xbox within the next 2 years i guess

You may be right on the XBox.

Out of curiosity, what do you like better about the PS3?  The reasons I like the XBox better are the incredible online system, better controller, comes with component cables, ability to stream video, music, and pics to my TV, and all the downoladable content.

The only thing I think the PS3 has over the XBox is FF and MGS4, which I believe it will port to the 360 anyway.

To be fair, there is also the hardware failure issure with the Xbox, but MS has done a good job at compensation for that problem.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 19, 2008, 06:56:29 AM
full HD,will live longer so i have longer fun,better controller,exclusive games(gran turismo,mgs,ff,god of war)
blue ray

maybe i would have buyed the 360 but i did not want to buy a console which will be replaced within the next 2 years
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 19, 2008, 10:48:48 AM
full HD,will live longer so i have longer fun,better controller,exclusive games(gran turismo,mgs,ff,god of war)
blue ray

maybe i would have buyed the 360 but i did not want to buy a console which will be replaced within the next 2 years

Good point on the last one.  I forgot about God of War, too, but still believe MGS will port to the 360 in order to make money.

But I'll argue with you on the controller.  The PS3 controller feels like a cheap piece of crap, whereas the Xbox controller is just about perfect.  They  had the smarts to offset the thumbsticks so your hands fit naturally on the controller, unlike the PS3 which still aligns them horizontally.  The triggers also feel much more intuitive.  And originally, the Xbox had rumble right from the get go.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 19, 2008, 11:08:37 AM
i never had the 360 controller in my hands but i have to say i love the dual shock controllers from sony..they are perfect
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 19, 2008, 03:03:09 PM
i never had the 360 controller in my hands but i have to say i love the dual shock controllers from sony..they are perfect

I was a Playstation nut, believe me, but the 360 controller is perfect  and destroys the PS3 one.  If you have a chance in a store, give it a try.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: HTexan on April 19, 2008, 10:07:41 PM
360 exclusive content :)
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: ironneck on April 20, 2008, 06:16:34 AM
i would love it if sony had something like "live"
i would pay for it to have a good online service,hopefully sony will realize that their online service is shit
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Pollux on April 20, 2008, 07:01:09 AM
i still prefer the ps3

I'm loyal to the Playstation generations till the end.
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Pollux on April 20, 2008, 07:04:33 AM
i never had the 360 controller in my hands

I've played the XBOX, and maybe because I had played the Playstation for so many years and am used to their controller that the XBOX controller felt jacked to me. After a few games I was like, 'I can't play this shit anymore.'
Title: Re: GTA IV, Oh Yeah!
Post by: Grape Ape on April 20, 2008, 11:49:59 AM
I've played the XBOX, and maybe because I had played the Playstation for so many years and am used to their controller that the XBOX controller felt jacked to me. After a few games I was like, 'I can't play this shit anymore.'

360 or original XBox?  The original controller for the Xbox sucked.

Going back to the PS controllers are impossible now - too light and the thumbsticks are way too loose.