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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Powerlifting / Strongman => Topic started by: chaos on April 24, 2008, 08:23:36 PM

Title: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: chaos on April 24, 2008, 08:23:36 PM
I just started doing sled pulls for some cardio, 100ft, turn around, 100ft back.

Is that right ??? I'm going off what the powerlifter at the gym does, so I'm not 100% sure.

He's talking about bringing in a tire, difficult is that to flip?

We're going to set up a course, 5 flips and 50ft pulls.

What else can we get?
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: Stubborn on April 24, 2008, 10:16:45 PM
It all depends on what you are going for.

I need to improve on cardio in general so I will do a 10-15 minute session of either sled pulling, tire flipping, or a heavy wheel barrow. I get my heart rate jacked and then walk around until it comes down a bit and do it all over again.

If the tire is truly 800lbs then most people wont be able to flip it. At nationals we had a 850+lb tire and a lot of the Strongmen couldnt get it off the ground once. I got 3 that day and was completely spent.

As far as other implements of cardiovascular torture, I would get some sand bags and a large duffle bag so you can load them all in together and change the weight 50lbs at a time. Also, any object (stone, concrete block, anvil...) that can be used in a front carry. When the weight of the object is crushing your chest, your cardio has to be top notch because you arent getting as much volume in each breath (as well as you are carrying a big ass weight). 

Have fun and let us know how it goes.
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: burn2live on April 26, 2008, 05:55:54 PM
Man, I would love a sled and a tire like that. I just don't have the money for the equipment. I really want to get into some strongman training. I'm jealous of you
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: Stubborn on April 26, 2008, 08:04:11 PM
Tires are easy to come by....for FREE.

Call around or search the net for a place that changes heavy equipment tires. They will be more than happy to give you a "dead" tire. They have to pay a recycling fee for them, so to give them away is to save money.

Also, you can use a car or truck tire for a sled. Bolt a round piece of plywood inside the tire on one side so that you have a place to put plates/stones/concrete bags for weight. The simply tie a rope around the tire and attatch the rope to a weightlifting belt and you have a sled!

Much of the fun of Strongman (for me at least) is creating the implements. You can make them ALL at Home Depot. :D
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: chaos on April 26, 2008, 10:23:16 PM
Guy at the gym also has a stone imitator.....I haven't seen it yet, but he says you put it in between rubber coated plates and stack them to the desired weight, it forms a cylinder and you just lift it up to shoulder height....gonna give that a go this week.
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: burn2live on April 27, 2008, 08:39:05 AM
Tires are easy to come by....for FREE.

Call around or search the net for a place that changes heavy equipment tires. They will be more than happy to give you a "dead" tire. They have to pay a recycling fee for them, so to give them away is to save money.

Also, you can use a car or truck tire for a sled. Bolt a round piece of plywood inside the tire on one side so that you have a place to put plates/stones/concrete bags for weight. The simply tie a rope around the tire and attatch the rope to a weightlifting belt and you have a sled!

Much of the fun of Strongman (for me at least) is creating the implements. You can make them ALL at Home Depot. :D

Nice! Thanks for the advice man
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: hrspwr on February 01, 2012, 10:13:54 AM
I now resurrect this topic.  :D

 So I made a sled out of an old small trailer frame and found a used tire off of a log skidder. The sled I managed to pull for about 1000 ft, pull as long as I can stand - 2 minute timed recovery. The tire I only managed 30 flips out of and my arms were on fire, what a fantastic workout this is.
 Great equipment that cost next to nothing.

Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: chaos on February 01, 2012, 10:21:58 AM
30 flips!!! What is the weight of the tire?
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: hrspwr on February 01, 2012, 10:27:23 AM
30 flips!!! What is the weight of the tire?

 Nothing to get excited about, its only about 4ft tall can`t weigh more than 250lbs. I worked out in the rain and it was a bitch to grip. If the rain lets up I`ll post a pic of my low budget equipment.  :D
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: chaos on February 01, 2012, 11:53:12 AM
We got a tire like, about that 1000' sled pull...
Title: Re: Sled pulls/tire flipping
Post by: hrspwr on February 01, 2012, 12:22:28 PM
Sled probably weighs around 100lbs, drag the bitch through the gravel and mud as far as you can, stop for 2 minutes, go again. I take it up my driveway and around the house.

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