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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: aussiejosh on April 29, 2008, 11:21:53 PM

Title: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on April 29, 2008, 11:21:53 PM
How long does your work out normaly last for mine is only 45-55 mins
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Geo on April 29, 2008, 11:31:23 PM
How long does your work out normaly last for mine is only 45-55 mins

I think your full of shit.....

nobody does what they have to do in an hour (much less 45 min)

I know the common thought is to get in there and get intense with your sets.... but NOBODY i see doing anything relevant gets in there in under an 1.5 hours.....

if you're a pumper fine than I can see it.....

but if you're a tank top pumper..............who really gives a rats ass what you've read in some of these mags !
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: io856 on April 29, 2008, 11:40:45 PM
wow he really struck a nerve
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Geo on April 29, 2008, 11:55:01 PM
no nerves struck...

I'm just callin a bluff !

I'm a realist who likes doing that....

Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: webcake on April 30, 2008, 12:22:28 AM
I agree with Geo to an extent. Im always in the gym for at least an hour, yet that i know that im not overtraining. I don't rest overly long, yet i don't see the point in rushing myself.

Theres nothing i hate more than being in the gym and only having about 45 mi ns or so to workout. I just end up rushing everything and leave feeling that it was a shit workout.

So mine would be anywhere from 1- 1.5hrs. I don't care if people think its too long. I prefer this length.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on April 30, 2008, 03:51:37 AM
Fuck calm down geo If you bother to read my previous post I recently had surgery Im currently just hitting the weights again here is my routine fully body work out for the next two months then I'll split it up, Seated row x 3 sets, tricep pull down x 3 sets, cable bicep curl x 3 sets, seated chess press x3 sets,  shoulder press x 3 sets, shoulder shrugs till failure. Some times ill add in lat pull downs just depends on how my back is feeling. And why the fuck would anyone lie about length of work out maybe trying to sound hard core an saying you work out for 2 hours but 45 to an hour tops is what I work out if you count the 15 on the tredmill before hand then its an 115 mins.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: dr.chimps on April 30, 2008, 05:10:58 AM
How long does your work out normaly last for mine is only 45-55 mins
This is about right, aussie. Legs take me a tad (5-10 mins) longer. If you can't hit a bodypart hard in 30-45 mins, then stretching it out is just diminishing returns. You need to go back to the drawing board and rethink things if you are taking any longer -ie. less time between sets/more intensity; more weight; supersets, etc.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on April 30, 2008, 06:56:07 AM
Exactly I don't see the point in doing something in 1 hour 30mins that takes 100 hour, I take a 2 min break max between sets then move onto the next machine/weight. Even when I get back to normaly I cant see the length of time changing the exercises will but thats about it.Unless your juicing the what's the point each to there own tho.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: mass 04 on April 30, 2008, 07:20:18 AM
depends. Legs and back about 90 minutes,  Chest and triceps, Shoulders, biceps about 75 minutes.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on April 30, 2008, 07:24:15 AM
Mass would you say though for my full body work out with the above exercises that 55-60 mins is long enough?
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: mass 04 on April 30, 2008, 08:25:45 AM
Mass would you say though for my full body work out with the above exercises that 55-60 mins is long enough?
yes, with the exercises you listed and the rest periods that sounds about right.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: philly on April 30, 2008, 09:01:18 AM
70-90 minutes...depending
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Bluto on April 30, 2008, 11:47:29 AM
training 30minutes picking up chicks another 15 so 45 minutes or so
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: mass 04 on April 30, 2008, 01:22:08 PM
picking up chicks another 15
you train to failure right?
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: The Squadfather on April 30, 2008, 01:25:14 PM
I think your full of shit.....

nobody does what they have to do in an hour (much less 45 min)

I know the common thought is to get in there and get intense with your sets.... but NOBODY i see doing anything relevant gets in there in under an 1.5 hours.....

if you're a pumper fine than I can see it.....

but if you're a tank top pumper..............who really gives a rats ass what you've read in some of these mags !
maybe "aussiejosh" takes 25 seconds rest between sets of 95 pound benches, squats and deadlifts, Geo. ;D
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Boost on April 30, 2008, 02:13:18 PM
If i'm doing sets of heavy squats for 4-6 reps, then i need AT LEAST 4-5 mins in between sets. If you are truly pushing yourself, then i can't see how you would have the strength to push the same or heavier weights with 90 seconds rest.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: mass 04 on April 30, 2008, 02:30:10 PM
If i'm doing sets of heavy squats for 4-6 reps, then i need AT LEAST 4-5 mins in between sets. If you are truly pushing yourself, then i can't see how you would have the strength to push the same or heavier weights with 90 seconds rest.
exactly. I understand why "aussie josh" trains like that but for any healthy person can rest for 37 seconds when they are deadlifting 155. I really hate those clown who look at their Casio calculator watches and time their rest periods.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: NoCalBbEr on April 30, 2008, 03:00:22 PM
well, it all depends on what bodypart your doing. if your doing. Legs takes about 60 minutes,chest and back takes  about 50 minutes and arms / shoulders are 40 - 45 minutes. It includes stretching afterwards.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: jpm101 on April 30, 2008, 03:04:48 PM
So we talking about actual time in the gym or actual time working out. Warm-ups and all that other stuff that most guys do before getting ready to move some weight? Also things like gazing in the mirror with a  slight flex here and there. Drawning in the not needed lifting belt, an extra notch, to kind of look cool and get that "V" shape. Checking if there is any puss-ahhh around. Even some of the of the 40/50ish MILF kind of look good in a gym. Some at a distance anyway. But like in a bar, mostly looking good nearing closing time.

I'm doing three exercises a workout, in three seperate workout days in a 9 day cycle. Require just about 45- 50 minutes a gym session. Workout #1: BB hack, BP and Hi-pull. Next workout day workout #2: DB Side press, chin and step-up. Workout #3: Dips & SLDL/shrug (a strong shrug when reaching the standing position). Three to four sets each (9 to, at the most, 12 sets a complete workout) and trying for 90 to 120 seconds between sets. And, at the most, 3 to 4 minutes between exercises. Reps are 6-9 mostly. Trying to keep it brief and to the point. Thats the idea is it not? Good Luck.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: JasonH on April 30, 2008, 03:15:37 PM
60-75 mins for me - depends what I'm doing.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: triple_pickle on April 30, 2008, 03:51:24 PM
up to 2 hrs
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: tonymctones on April 30, 2008, 04:40:15 PM
This is about right, aussie. Legs take me a tad (5-10 mins) longer. If you can't hit a bodypart hard in 30-45 mins, then stretching it out is just diminishing returns. You need to go back to the drawing board and rethink things if you are taking any longer -ie. less time between sets/more intensity; more weight; supersets, etc.
whats your back and leg routines look like im just curious? If your doing BB squats, and SLDL's, hacks and another ham exercise then i seriously doubt you are done in 30 mins even 45 mins, if your doing leg presses, with leg curls and leg ext. then sure. It depends what exercises your doing and the intensity your performing them at for you aussie i think thats pretty reasonable for the exercises your doing but why no legs? Is that due to the operation?
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on April 30, 2008, 08:21:06 PM
Yeah it is due to the op because it puts pressure directly onto the spine, but I have been doing squats with a swiss gym ball behind my back and dumb bells in hand which on do on a seperate day at home which sucks cause I cant wait to train legs properly but if I rush it I could really fuck things up so I've just been doing that and chucking the tredmil  on a incline so thats all I really can do for now. And to answer squadfather why would you need to take any longer rest period then 2-3 mins between sets I just dont get those clowns that sit there an chat for 10 mins then go and do another set I want my muscles to stay as warm and pumped as possible and take enough time to get your breath back and hit back into it again.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: tonymctones on April 30, 2008, 08:41:59 PM
Thats cool, shoot stay safe its better than screwing yourself up and making it worse. Aussie on the bigger lifts: deads, squats, SLDL's I think you need a longer break Ill take 5 mins sometimes more in between those exercises. Its all about the weight/intensity sure i could knock off a good chunk of weight and drop my breaks to 2 mins on these but thats counter productive to my goals, building strength and muscle mass. The smaller exercises or machines are easier to take less time in between, big full body exercises and free weight exercises require more time. Its not like we sit there and talk man inbetween these sets i feel like puking/laying down in the fetal position and rocking back in believe me talking is the last thing on my mind
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on April 30, 2008, 08:56:07 PM
hahah yeah I can understand what your saying about the squats and other exercises that are hardcore but I guess what Im saying is aimed at guys like Geo who said no one can do what they are there to do in 1 hour or 45 min which I think is crap it just depends on what your there to do there is more then one way to skin a cat!
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: tonymctones on April 30, 2008, 09:04:30 PM
hahah yeah I can understand what your saying about the squats and other exercises that are hardcore but I guess what Im saying is aimed at guys like Geo who said no one can do what they are there to do in 1 hour or 45 min which I think is crap it just depends on what your there to do there is more then one way to skin a cat!
true very true, I used to be able to get in a workout in about 45 mins to an hour and a half when i was younger and supersetted all the way through. But when I started concentrating on strength and lowered my rep range on the big exercises and stopped supersetting it makes my workouts about an hour to an hour and a half now and sometimes longer.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: webcake on May 01, 2008, 12:38:02 AM
Today i did hamstrings and back.

Took me over 30 mins just to do hams (i do them at the start) then a bit over an hour to finish off back.

So all up probably 90-100 mins or so. No way would i be able to do a back and ham workout in under an hour...
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Determinator on May 01, 2008, 02:14:04 AM
I take about 1hr and 15 mins.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on May 01, 2008, 06:22:03 AM
What do you do for your hammies webcke?
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: webcake on May 01, 2008, 06:45:35 AM
What do you do for your hammies webcke?

5-6 sets of Stiff leg deadlifts and 3 or so sets of lying leg curls. Not that much really, but SLDL beat the shit out of me.

Like some people, i train hams and back together as i feel that SLDL are a good back exercise as they are a hamstring exercise. And i think any serious back workout needs some form of a deadlift in it. Also lets my leg workout (quads) be quicker and more effective.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Determinator on May 01, 2008, 07:00:14 AM
5-6 sets of Stiff leg deadlifts and 3 or so sets of lying leg curls. Not that much really, but SLDL beat the shit out of me.

Like some people, i train hams and back together as i feel that SLDL are a good back exercise as they are a hamstring exercise. And i think any serious back workout needs some form of a deadlift in it. Also lets my leg workout (quads) be quicker and more effective.
I actually agree with you there. SLDL are just as much of a back excercise. I like top deadlifts, which to me are more of partial SLDL rarther that partial deadlifts as the name would suggest.

(see, normal posts on this part of the board)
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on May 01, 2008, 07:13:57 AM
I think people fail to take take into account the time it takes to unload an load the weights onto the squats cause machines are already loaded so that halves your gym time right there. And my exercises are all machine weights apart from shoulder shrugs.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: dr.chimps on May 01, 2008, 07:17:33 AM
whats your back and leg routines look like im just curious? If your doing BB squats, and SLDL's, hacks and another ham exercise then i seriously doubt you are done in 30 mins even 45 mins, if your doing leg presses, with leg curls and leg ext. then sure. It depends what exercises your doing and the intensity your performing them at for you aussie i think thats pretty reasonable for the exercises your doing but why no legs? Is that due to the operation?
Hmm. This week, for legs I did 3 sets of leg press drop sets to start: 8 plates for 12 reps; drop to 7 for 12; then 7&a 25lb to 6&25; 7 & 6&25; then 6& a 25 for 25 reps to finish. I then went and did 3 sets of front squats for 12 reps with 225; one set of hacks with 2 plates aside for 20 reps not locking out at top nor bottoming out - tension!. To finish, I did one set of 20 reps with that leg press thingy where the chair you sit in moves, full stack. Two sets of lying leg curls and I'm done. Takes me about an hour and I can still feel it. I use what I call the 'towel test' - I like to get deep into oxygen debt for legs and if I'm not not wiping off my face after every set, I'm not working hard enough. I will change things up next week.

For back this week: three sets hammer pull-downs; three sets hammer rows; two sets pendlay rows; two sets t-bars; two sets one arm rows; and two sets of wide pulldowns. I finished with 3 sets of behind the back smith machine shrugs (v. heavy); 3 sets dbs with a nice pause at top. The key to back is to pull back as far as possible and keep up a good pace. Obviously don't get into oxygen debt to the same extent as legs, but 'towel test' still used. Again, change it up next week. Time about 45-55 mins.       
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Beener on May 01, 2008, 10:52:33 AM

For back this week: three sets hammer pull-downs   

My gym jsut got a new hammer pulldown machine, plate loaded one, and its fucking bent, the arms come down to your right more, so you gotta sit crooked on the seat. its such a peice of shit.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: freespirit on May 01, 2008, 11:14:29 AM
maybe "aussiejosh" takes 25 seconds rest between sets of 95 pound benches, squats and deadlifts, Geo. ;D

If you need more than 90 seconds between sets, you need to lower the weight, and leave your ego at home.

Otherwise you're doing strength training, and that's something else.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: triple_pickle on May 01, 2008, 12:18:46 PM
If you need more than 90 seconds between sets, you need to lower the weight, and leave your ego at home.

Otherwise you're doing strength training, and that's something else.

the title of the thread says "length of work out" not "length of bodybuilding workout" ::)
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: tonymctones on May 01, 2008, 12:21:37 PM
If you need more than 90 seconds between sets, you need to lower the weight, and leave your ego at home.

Otherwise you're doing strength training, and that's something else.
90 secs whats your rep range? and what percentage of your max are you working with roughly?
strength is related to size as well, Ronnie said it best "everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but aint nobody wanna lift heavy weight"
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Geo on May 01, 2008, 01:58:51 PM
hahah yeah I can understand what your saying about the squats and other exercises that are hardcore but I guess what Im saying is aimed at guys like Geo who said no one can do what they are there to do in 1 hour or 45 min which I think is crap it just depends on what your there to do there is more then one way to skin a cat!

for the record ?

I still think you're full of shit,I think you've just read too many myths and you're just posting what you think people wanna read regardless of what you actually do....

either way I could'nt care less

Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: webcake on May 01, 2008, 04:52:17 PM
If you need more than 90 seconds between sets, you need to lower the weight, and leave your ego at home.

Otherwise you're doing strength training, and that's something else.

I totally disagree with that.

I train as a bb'er, yet when i do squats and deadlifts and other compound moves, i need more than 90 secs rest.

If you trained hard on the big lifts (and do them for reps, not just 1rep max) you need more than 90 secs rest.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: GoneAway on May 01, 2008, 10:12:22 PM
freespirit is pretty much right. for hypertrophy training, its recommended you have 1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on May 01, 2008, 10:41:44 PM
Geo you have to be one of the biggest tools Ive ever come across I could care less if you think Im full of shit or not why the fuck would anyone come on the net an lie about the length of there work out, all your post are you being a complete fuck head  and a arrogant fool you remind me of a know it all who knows everything on every subject and everyone else is wrong. I told you my work out and my recent surgery Im there to do what I can and work out as much as I can without causing to much pain and being careful not to injure anything its called being smart and working out with your head not your ego.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: Geo on May 01, 2008, 11:15:54 PM
Geo you have to be one of the biggest tools Ive ever come across I could care less if you think Im full of shit or not why the fuck would anyone come on the net an lie about the length of there work out, all your post are you being a complete fuck head  and a arrogant fool you remind me of a know it all who knows everything on every subject and everyone else is wrong. I told you my work out and my recent surgery Im there to do what I can and work out as much as I can without causing to much pain and being careful not to injure anything its called being smart and working out with your head not your ego.

speaking of egos, you're the dipshit chasing me around like a wounded pup !

get a grip "pumper boy" !

Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: aussiejosh on May 01, 2008, 11:32:11 PM
If you think replying to a thread I started is chasing you around then your ego is bigger then I thought look at you "pumper boy" talking like you are 8 time Mr olympia your just another dip shit on a message board I think if anyone needs to get a hold on reality champ its you.
Title: Re: Lenght of work out?
Post by: freespirit on May 02, 2008, 12:55:13 PM
I totally disagree with that.

I train as a bb'er, yet when i do squats and deadlifts and other compound moves, i need more than 90 secs rest.

If you trained hard on the big lifts (and do them for reps, not just 1rep max) you need more than 90 secs rest.

That means that you have no endurance, only strength. Two times per week running, biking or any other type of training for endurance, next to your bodybuilding, will make you the man you ever wanted to be.