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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 10:42:23 AM

Title: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 10:42:23 AM
 ProUSA2K  ProUSA2K is online now
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 835
Default Re: Arnold Endorses Open Bodybuilding Competition!
Originally Posted by JRS View Post
Bob Chic in 5,4,3,2....and your cue Bob.
Thank you JRS...!

Looks a little funky to anyone could have put it together.

Date is for the date of the show, not the date it was alledgedly writen...

"B&A" line is different than the rest...looks like it was pasted in...

No addressee...not to the promoter, whoever wrote the request to the Governor, nada....

Sorry, not buying it.

Bob really thinks that we forged a letter of the Governor of California!!!!!

Way to go Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: 240 is Back on May 16, 2008, 10:46:50 AM
this thread is going to get good...
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 10:57:26 AM
                                   ARNOLDS LETTER!
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: 240 is Back on May 16, 2008, 11:02:36 AM
Letter dated July 27, 2008 *(to be read to competitors?)

image condensed for readibility:

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: liquid_c on May 16, 2008, 11:08:23 AM
Forging a state seal letter from the Governor is a serious offense, so it would be quite a risk to do it; especially for something simple like this.  The letter can probably be confirmed or denied by calling the Governor's office.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: 240 is Back on May 16, 2008, 11:12:04 AM
Forging a state seal letter from the Governor is a serious offense, so it would be quite a risk to do it; especially for something simple like this.  The letter can probably be confirmed or denied by calling the Governor's office.

Agreed.  Should be easy enough to check.

I think it's cool that Arnold would write such a letter.  He really does love bodybuilding, even though he could have completely walked away years ago.  Arnold is number uno.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: TooPowerful4u on May 16, 2008, 11:21:57 AM
This was posted by Picsman....i think Chick has officially met his first "owning" without any dispute or way around it.... lol

Bob's reply is typical....first of all...and I know first hand....NO ONE is allowed to use the likeness of Arnold on their site without permission....period!

Second....don't think that they don't know who's site his image does appear on....

Third....does anyone with half a brain really think someone would forge a letter from the gov of CA to promote a bodybuilding show?'s so friggen funny....yeah bob....they want to commit a felony and umteen counts that they could be charged with JUST TO PROMOTE A BODYBUILDING SHOW....
Look....everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.....but isn't it funny....that if it isn't ifbb/npc...."there's something shaddy about it...or something doesn't seem right?".....yeah....bob's suffering from too much cool aid....hey bob....there IS a phone number on the bottom of the letter....why not call it and confirm your worst nightmare?....

The thing that you should all remember...THEY ARE NOT ASKING THAT YOU JOIN AN ORGANIZATION....ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS GIVE ATHLETES AN OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE AND GET SOME GREAT PRIZES...IN THE WAY OF A CAR, SPONSORSHIPS, ETC.....the other thing is...this is an amateur IFBB pro athletes couldn't compete even if they wanted to...but...the template remains the open to ANY athlete in ANY me....I've heard from several IFBB athletes that they would love the opportunity to compete for a brand new car....they've also said...that if they were still amateur.....they'd take a yrs suspension to win a car or $10K sponsorship because they know they won't have that opportunity to do it in their present org.....

oh and bob...don't's the day right after the npc show....I'm not a betting man...but I've got $100 bucks that says they'll have their "spys" at the show to see what it's all about....and then come Monday....someone will post that no one showed up....all the tickets were comped or some such nonsense....

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 12:37:39 PM
I am really having it now because other Idiots picking it up and saying it is forged to.
I am giving you Bob and all the other Idiots a warning,if you do not stop spreading false rumors about the official letter from Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California about the B&A show July 27th in Las Vegas,
i will take you and every other guy who says so to court.
Forging a letter from the Governor is a serious felony !!!!

I guess you and your pathetic dirty Organization (I call you so since all the Athletes on the Poster and all my sponsors got blackmailed,Posters got stolen,false rumors spread and i received yesterday death threads to)
have no more dirty arguments and try now to stir up other shit.


www.internationalclassic - "Most rewarding Amateur show in History" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 01:08:52 PM
I am really having it now because other Idiots picking it up and saying it is forged to.
I am giving you Bob and all the other Idiots a warning,if you do not stop spreading false rumors about the official letter from Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California about the B&A show July 27th in Las Vegas,
i will take you and every other guy who says so to court.
Forging a letter from the Governor is a serious felony !!!!

I guess you and your pathetic dirty Organization (I call you so since all the Athletes on the Poster and all my sponsors got blackmailed,Posters got stolen,false rumors spread and i received yesterday death threads to)
have no more dirty arguments and try now to stir up other shit.


www.internationalclassic - "Most rewarding Amateur show in History" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take someone to court??? N I G G A please...... ::)
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: no one on May 16, 2008, 01:13:13 PM

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Luga74 on May 16, 2008, 01:16:01 PM
why doesn't someone from GETBIG who lives in Cali, call the Governator's office to confirm it's legit.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 01:18:20 PM
I'm on hold right now with a rep on his staff.  He's checking on it right now. 
Title: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 01:35:26 PM
He pulled up the site and looked at the letter in question.  He stated that he wasn't sure whether it was an actual letter or not but that some things fall between the cracks and that the Governor may not have been aware that the B&A Classics was not sanctioned by the IFBB and that he was going to have it investigated

So Ben may actually have a legitimate letter from Arnold however I think that there is going to be a withdrawal of endorsement coming soon. 
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: gordiano on May 16, 2008, 01:35:32 PM
I am really having it now because other Idiots picking it up and saying it is forged to.
I am giving you Bob and all the other Idiots a warning,if you do not stop spreading false rumors about the official letter from Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California about the B&A show July 27th in Las Vegas,
i will take you and every other guy who says so to court.
Forging a letter from the Governor is a serious felony !!!!

I guess you and your pathetic dirty Organization (I call you so since all the Athletes on the Poster and all my sponsors got blackmailed,Posters got stolen,false rumors spread and i received yesterday death threads to)
have no more dirty arguments and try now to stir up other shit.


www.internationalclassic - "Most rewarding Amateur show in History" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's fucked up.  :-\
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 01:44:44 PM
Forging a state seal letter from the Governor is a serious offense, so it would be quite a risk to do it; especially for something simple like this.  The letter can probably be confirmed or denied by calling the Governor's office.

That's exactly what I did.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Zaphod on May 16, 2008, 01:45:04 PM

Take someone to court??? N I G G A please...... ::)

"report to moderator"
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: emn1964 on May 16, 2008, 01:50:52 PM
I am really having it now because other Idiots picking it up and saying it is forged to.
I am giving you Bob and all the other Idiots a warning,if you do not stop spreading false rumors about the official letter from Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California about the B&A show July 27th in Las Vegas,
i will take you and every other guy who says so to court.
Forging a letter from the Governor is a serious felony !!!!

I guess you and your pathetic dirty Organization (I call you so since all the Athletes on the Poster and all my sponsors got blackmailed,Posters got stolen,false rumors spread and i received yesterday death threads to)
have no more dirty arguments and try now to stir up other shit.


www.internationalclassic - "Most rewarding Amateur show in History" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben--accusing you of committing a felony is a classic case of defamation.  Open and shut baby.  Go for it.  If you don't slap these ifbb punks they will continue to harass and eventually kill any show organized by anyone other than them.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 01:56:12 PM
Ben--accusing you of committing a felony is a classic case of defamation.  Open and shut baby.  Go for it.  If you don't slap these ifbb punks they will continue to harass and eventually kill any show organized by anyone other than them.

Believe me I will if I hear only one more time anything like that.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 01:59:02 PM

Take someone to court??? N I G G A please...... ::)

so you as a black man calling a white guy N I G G A,
you are really low life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You like all the other NPC/IFBB guys,you have nothing more to say so you attack me personally.
Say again anything and I will sue you too,I am on my being nice limit.
Go on Monday to my lawyer,so go ahead if you want to be on the list.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 02:05:07 PM

so you as a black man calling a white man guy,
you are really low life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You like all the other NPC/IFBB guys,you have nothing more to say so you attack me personally.
Say again anything and I will sue you too,I am on my being nice limit.
Go on Monday to my lawyer,so go ahead if you want to be on the list.

I'll say what I want to say around here, n i g g a  and I've already spoke to a staff member of Governor Arnold to investigate the letter.  Just because you may have a legit letter doesn't mean anything.  A lot of things get through the cracks as he's a busy person and he may not have known it wasn't a sanctioned show 

As far as attacks are concerned, all I've said is that your shows were not sanctioned by the NPC or IFBB as that was the name of my thread that started that whole chain of replys.  I don't see how you can call that an attack.

As far as threats, poster's stolen, or etc are concerned, that's not me.....chuckle.....but whining about it up here shows that you're a weak minded little bitch

As far as your attorney's are concerned....they can kiss my ass. 

Go ahead and try to sue me.  You can't sue someone for telling the truth about your show....bahahahahahaha!!!!

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 16, 2008, 02:07:52 PM
I'll say what I want to say around here, n i g g a  and I've already spoke to a staff member of Governor Arnold to investigate the letter.  Just because you may have a legit letter doesn't mean anything.  A lot of things get through the cracks as he's a busy person and he may not have known it wasn't a sanctioned show 

As far as attacks are concerned, all I've said is that your shows were not sanctioned by the NPC or IFBB as that was the name of my thread that started that whole chain of replys

As far as your attorney's are concerned....they can kiss my ass. 

Go ahead and try to sue me.  You can't sue someone for telling the truth about your show....bahahahahahaha!!!!

alright man N I G G A it is,that what I will sue you for,I warned you and BTW Arnold does not give a rats ass about sanctioned or not sanctioned shows dummy.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 02:11:36 PM
alright man N I G G A it is,that what I will sue you for,I warned you and BTW Arnold does not give a rats ass about sanctioned or not sanctioned shows dummy.

Meltdown...... ;D
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Zaphod on May 16, 2008, 02:13:34 PM
I'll say what I want to say around here, n i g g a   and I've already spoke to a staff member of Governor Arnold to investigate the letter.  Just because you may have a legit letter doesn't mean anything.  A lot of things get through the cracks as he's a busy person and he may not have known it wasn't a sanctioned show 

As far as attacks are concerned, all I've said is that your shows were not sanctioned by the NPC or IFBB as that was the name of my thread that started that whole chain of replys.  I don't see how you can call that an attack.

As far as threats, poster's stolen, or etc are concerned, that's not me.....chuckle.....but whining about it up here shows that you're a weak minded little bitch

As far as your attorney's are concerned....they can kiss my ass. 

Go ahead and try to sue me.  You can't sue someone for telling the truth about your show....bahahahahahaha!!!!

report to moderator
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 02:15:50 PM
report to moderator

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Meltdown on May 16, 2008, 02:19:17 PM
Nice work Ben seems your show is Really starting to get Hot with all they are doing to you and your show.Please Tell me when the Fuk did that Idiot Vince start working with the IFBB has he taken over the Pro Reps Job not that he couldn't do it it's just that I didn't know about the elections of places within the IFBB.As we know they NEVER Vote on anything.All the Best with your GREAT SHOW.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Zaphod on May 16, 2008, 02:19:25 PM

No, racism sucks. You take the essence of someone, but just because he is of a certain color, or religion, you use to entire segment to label someone.  Utter crap.

 I am friends with people who respect others. Don't care about race, nor religion. Sure, it can come up, and I have had a myriad of discussions with black people, and how they feel about things.  Hell, Shawn Ray and I have discussed a number of issues, which is always interesting.  

There is a point of discussing whether if you are black, does your muscles shine better than if you are white, and other ideas related to bodybuilding.

I would rather get individuals to get more character involvement in themselves, to banter it up with a little rivalry, regardless of race or religion. We have enough of that in politics, the world around us, and more.

If it isnt black vs. white, it is Muslim vs. Christians, or Chinese vs. Tibetans.  Sure, they are important issues, but that is why there are different boards to discuss.

On the main boards, it is a place that everyone is welcome around the world, regardless of race, religion, etc.  

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Meltdown on May 16, 2008, 02:32:11 PM
Chick it's after Lunch so what is the word Big Guy????Who is the Fukin Lier???.Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on May 16, 2008, 02:36:45 PM
alright man N I G G A it is,that what I will sue you for,I warned you and BTW Arnold does not give a rats ass about sanctioned or not sanctioned shows dummy.

Stop being such a f'n dipshit.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 02:39:42 PM
Nice work Ben seems your show is Really starting to get Hot with all they are doing to you and your show.Please Tell me when the Fuk did that Idiot Vince start working with the IFBB has he taken over the Pro Reps Job not that he couldn't do it it's just that I didn't know about the elections of places within the IFBB.As we know they NEVER Vote on anything.All the Best with your GREAT SHOW.

I haven't commented on the B & A in almost a month and the only thing I've stated is the same thing as the NPC and IFBB have stated...that it isn't a sanctioned show and that's it.

As far as threats to him and the stealing of his posters....I have nothing to do with that whatsoever.  How can I steal posters from Las Vegas when I'm here in North Carolina.... ::)  Its most likely those ninja's that attacked Flex that did it. 

My suggestion is to call Crimestoppers.... ;D

And Chick never stated that it was forged, he just said it looked a little funky and he point out the details.  That's why I called the office to find out whether it is or not.

Ben can go waste his money and file a lawsuit against me and everyone else.  I'll simply send it to my attorneys but it doesn't take a lawyer to say that his argument has no merit whatsoever.  Nobody including myself has slandered or committed libel against him and he could be very sure that he'll get back a ton of countersuits.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 02:42:30 PM
alright man N I G G A it is,that what I will sue you for,I warned you and BTW Arnold does not give a rats ass about sanctioned or not sanctioned shows dummy.

He may not give a rat's ass but he may not have given a rat's ass to look into your organization further.  In addition, you are also using images of Arnold on your website to promote the event. 

However, that's really not up to me to decide, its up to his staff
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on May 16, 2008, 02:44:09 PM

He may not give a rat's ass but he may not have given a rat's ass to look into your organization further.  In addition, you are also using images of Arnold on your website to promote the event. 

However, that's really not up to me to decide, its up to his staff

Sounds to me like "ben1" is in for a shitload of legal trouble for using Arnold's reputation to further his own third rate show.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Zaphod on May 16, 2008, 02:45:35 PM
Sounds to me like "ben1" is in for a shitload of legal trouble for using Arnold's reputation to further his own third rate show.

Hahah, another classic Getbig "Ownage"  ;D
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 16, 2008, 02:51:07 PM

As far as your attorney's are concerned....they can kiss my ass. 

Go ahead and try to sue me.  You can't sue someone for telling the truth about your show....bahahahahahaha!!!!

In the legal world, Vince is what is known as "judgment proof"
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 16, 2008, 03:19:13 PM

Take someone to court??? N I G G A please...... ::)

Even an ignorant monkey like you Goodrum can see if Chic is actually stating this letter is forged by Arnold and also putting it our there on the internet and spreading this rumor around Ben could easily win in court.  The funny thing is will the IFBB now suspend Arnold for supporting Bens show.  And Goodrum shut your piehole your input is about as relevant as the shit I took this morning.  Plus it looked a lot like you.  Again this is something the IFBB told BOb to do and Bob will take the rap.  I want to see if Bob act like Jack Nicholson and tells in court it was the IFBB that gave the order.

Hey Goodrum how is legal team.  You know that awesome team you pay $35 a month for.  hahahahah god are you a stupid fuck
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 16, 2008, 03:20:26 PM
I'm on hold right now with a rep on his staff.  He's checking on it right now. 

Tell us what he says dipshit
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 16, 2008, 03:23:01 PM
I'll say what I want to say around here, n i g g a  and I've already spoke to a staff member of Governor Arnold to investigate the letter.  Just because you may have a legit letter doesn't mean anything.  A lot of things get through the cracks as he's a busy person and he may not have known it wasn't a sanctioned show 

As far as attacks are concerned, all I've said is that your shows were not sanctioned by the NPC or IFBB as that was the name of my thread that started that whole chain of replys.  I don't see how you can call that an attack.

As far as threats, poster's stolen, or etc are concerned, that's not me.....chuckle.....but whining about it up here shows that you're a weak minded little bitch

As far as your attorney's are concerned....they can kiss my ass. 

Go ahead and try to sue me.  You can't sue someone for telling the truth about your show....bahahahahahaha!!!!

The thing that protects you Goodrum from getting sued is the fact you have absolutely nothing to take.  you are nobody pretending to know shit.  you have been proven wrong and full of shit so many times it is funny.  Stop pretending you impress no one but that fag and cumdrinker Queer Vissy.  That homo is as fucked up as you.  The only difference is you are shit black. 
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 03:27:17 PM
Tell us what he says dipshit

I started a new thread but he stated that he looked at the site and said he would have it investigated further.  Could not confirm whether it was legit or not
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: emn1964 on May 16, 2008, 03:28:38 PM
In the legal world, Vince is what is known as "judgment proof"

come on Johnny, he's got deep pockets.  afterall, that caliberfitness website must be worth tens of dollars
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 03:33:31 PM
come on Johnny, he's got deep pockets.  afterall, that caliberfitness website must be worth tens of dollars

To be honest, now that I opened up a supplement shop in Whittier, I'm a bit tapped out right now.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Chick on May 16, 2008, 03:52:27 PM
I am really having it now because other Idiots picking it up and saying it is forged to.
I am giving you Bob and all the other Idiots a warning,if you do not stop spreading false rumors about the official letter from Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California about the B&A show July 27th in Las Vegas,
i will take you and every other guy who says so to court.
Forging a letter from the Governor is a serious felony !!!!

I guess you and your pathetic dirty Organization (I call you so since all the Athletes on the Poster and all my sponsors got blackmailed,Posters got stolen,false rumors spread and i received yesterday death threads to)
have no more dirty arguments and try now to stir up other shit.


www.internationalclassic - "Most rewarding Amateur show in History" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'re threatening to take me to court because I said it looked "funky"?

Go for it...

Ironically...I could sue you for the very title you used for this thread....a quote I never said, or wrote.

Be careful my are meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend!
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: youandme on May 16, 2008, 03:59:10 PM

Take someone to court??? N I G G A please...... ::)

black racist son of a bytch
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 16, 2008, 04:07:32 PM
come on Johnny, he's got deep pockets.  afterall, that caliberfitness website must be worth tens of dollars forgot about his bad.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Zaphod on May 16, 2008, 04:09:22 PM
Be careful my are meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend!

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 16, 2008, 04:10:01 PM're threatening to take me to court because I said it looked "funky"?

Go for it...

Ironically...I could sue you for the very title you used for this thread....a quote I never said, or wrote.

Be careful my are meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend!

hahaahh lord oh lord.  Chic you are hanging around Goodrum to much.  you are sounding like him.  Why are you posting something like this anyway.  What business is it of yours what he does.  Why do you care so much.  Oh let me tell you why.  Cause Manion and the IFBB tells you to care.  Everyone on here and anyone else knows you are told what to do by the IFBB and you do it.  Plain and simple.  Please quit doing your famous double talking.  You have tried from day one to put Ben down and the show and do everything you can to let people know not to enter it if you value your shitty future with the NPC or IFBB.  All the shit that spews form your mouth cannot deny that fact.  God just give it up already and let it go.  Just stay off this thread.  All you do is make yourself look like shit.  We have Goodrum already doing enough of that for everyone.  Go to dinner go play golf.  Just let the show go.  Can you do that?  Wait till next year cause Ben will have a lot more sponsors and the przes will go up and the event will be even bigger.  Then you can worry more.  But for now let it go.  Give Goodrum a call on what you should do in case Manion is not home.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: youandme on May 16, 2008, 04:12:09 PM
over 80k in cash and prizes?

and a $35 website

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, k
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 16, 2008, 04:17:18 PM
over 80k in cash and prizes?

and a $35 website

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, k

You obviously haven't seen the worlds largest BB organization and their website.  And they don't give away that kind of money in 95% of their shows.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, k
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: youandme on May 16, 2008, 04:20:59 PM
You obviously haven't seen the worlds largest BB organization and their website.  And they don't give away that kind of money in 95% of their shows.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, k

OWNED, they must have updated it while they saw his cash and prizes (
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: timfogarty on May 16, 2008, 04:49:19 PM
thank the lords of cobol* you're here to protect us.

* geeks specializing in legacy business programming languages
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: Dorian01 on May 16, 2008, 05:15:28 PM
Send more DA nudes to his parents house, Vince. That was good stuff.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: TrueGrit on May 16, 2008, 05:48:13 PM
Internet big talk at its best.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: chaos on May 16, 2008, 06:16:07 PM

To be honest, now that I opened up a supplement shop in Whittier, I'm a bit tapped out right now.
There is a Whittier in NC?
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Moosejay on May 16, 2008, 06:21:19 PM
alright man N I G G A it is,that what I will sue you for,I warned you and BTW Arnold does not give a rats ass about sanctioned or not sanctioned shows dummy.

Probably true that A does not care about sanction.

If its a show with competitors(constituents) in it in CA who vote, he'd be disingenuous not to endorse it.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 16, 2008, 06:46:57 PM
There is a Whittier in NC?

First thing I thought when I read that was Whittier CA.  ;D
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: chaos on May 16, 2008, 07:07:18 PM
First thing I thought when I read that was Whittier CA.  ;D
I'm waiting for an answer........apparently I have to put out the effort myself..........nah..... isn't that important, I'll wait. :)
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Meltdown on May 16, 2008, 07:12:39 PM
Ya Gotta love the Net one person says one thing and starts a thread and the other party the IFBB Puppets come and start calling lies.You Never get the Fukin Truth.Anyone who takes this shit seriously is a Fuk Tard.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: chaos on May 16, 2008, 07:31:31 PM
Apparently it's Whittier, NC........
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 16, 2008, 08:04:57 PM
I'll say what I want to say around here, n i g g a  and I've already spoke to a staff member of Governor Arnold to investigate the letter.  Just because you may have a legit letter doesn't mean anything.  A lot of things get through the cracks as he's a busy person and he may not have known it wasn't a sanctioned show 

You're so full of shit.  Like a staffer to the governor even knows what the IFBB is, or knows the difference between a sanctioned and unsanctioned show, or thinks the governor cares one way or the other.   ::)
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on May 16, 2008, 08:24:24 PM
Arnold's loyalty is to Joe Weider.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ILuvPriest on May 16, 2008, 09:08:31 PM
So will the athletes on the poster who are npc/ifbb be suspended? Funny how npc and ifbb peole are being told to stay away and not even watch the show/:( Come on it's bodybuilding if you love it why not support it? Who give a shot what organization it is...IFBB AND NPC with thier rules on it's compeitiors is truly fucked up...
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: candidizzle on May 16, 2008, 09:09:34 PM
So will the athletes on the poster who are npc/ifbb be suspended? Funny how npc and ifbb peole are being told to stay away and not even watch the show/:( Come on it's bodybuilding if you love it why not support it? Who give a shot what organization it is...IFBB AND NPC with thier rules on it's compeitiors is truly fucked up...
i agrre


shut up whore

nobodys talkin to you
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Chick on May 16, 2008, 09:25:35 PM
So will the athletes on the poster who are npc/ifbb be suspended? Funny how npc and ifbb peole are being told to stay away and not even watch the show/:( Come on it's bodybuilding if you love it why not support it? Who give a shot what organization it is...IFBB AND NPC with thier rules on it's compeitiors is truly fucked up...

No one has told anyone to not watch it...

There are no active IFBB pro's on the one to suspend.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Palpatine Q on May 16, 2008, 09:39:11 PM
No one has told anyone to not watch it...

There are no active IFBB pro's on the one to suspend.

You sound almost disappointed Bob ;D
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 09:41:11 PM
Send more DA nudes to his parents house, Vince. That was good stuff.

I know but the war between me and Derek is over with us.  Since Billy gave me the heads up on Robin and Derek trying to stab me and my boyfriend in the back, I've stopped being an antagonist to any of the Muscle Mob. 

Besides, I'm 31 years old now.  Life makes your wiser although I'll still cut up once in a while
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 16, 2008, 09:44:47 PM

I know but the war between me and Derek is over with us.  Since Billy gave me the heads up on Robin and Derek trying to stab me and my boyfriend in the back, I've stopped being an antagonist to any of the Muscle Mob. 

Besides, I'm 31 years old now.  Life makes your wiser although I'll still cut up once in a while

PM me with the G4P's parents address, I will mail them some DA nudes....
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 09:47:29 PM

You're so full of shit.  Like a staffer to the governor even knows what the IFBB is, or knows the difference between a sanctioned and unsanctioned show, or thinks the governor cares one way or the other.   ::)

He didn't know anything about bodybuilding or competing which is why he couldn't comment on the letter.  He referred it over to another staff member to view Ben's web site.  He did bring up however that he was also going to investigate the use of Arnold competition pictures as well. 
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Chick on May 16, 2008, 09:51:49 PM
You sound almost disappointed Bob ;D

not my job,
I don't suspend people....
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 16, 2008, 09:53:00 PM
You sound almost disappointed Bob ;D

Oh, I'm certain he is.  Mr. "rules is rules" "law 'n order" has no one to wag his finger at.  Bob would have made a good Nazi.  ;D
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Chick on May 16, 2008, 09:59:08 PM

Oh, I'm certain he is.  Mr. "rules is rules" "law 'n order" has no one to wag his finger at.  Bob would have made a good Nazi.  ;D

Not my job,
I don't wag fingers...
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: TrueGrit on May 16, 2008, 10:02:17 PM
There is so much internet shit/smack talk on this thread ..I can hardly keep track
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: chaos on May 16, 2008, 10:12:52 PM
PM me with the G4P's parents address, I will mail them some DA nudes....
You have DA nudes on your comp? :-X
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: youandme on May 16, 2008, 10:21:12 PM

I know but the war between me and Derek is over with us.  Since Billy gave me the heads up on Robin and Derek trying to stab me and my boyfriend in the back, I've stopped being an antagonist to any of the Muscle Mob. 

Besides, I'm 31 years old now.  Life makes your wiser although I'll still cut up once in a while

what you and your boyfriend?


so the truth comes out finally huh
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 16, 2008, 10:29:12 PM
what you and your boyfriend?


so the truth comes out finally huh

Where the hell have you been????   ::)
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: candidizzle on May 16, 2008, 10:31:00 PM
 oes somebody got a link to the page where vince came out of the closet man i need a good luagh  ;D ;D

hahha no wonder his physique sucks he almost guranteed trains like a fucking woman ( no offense RIP, i dont consider you to train like a woman)
Title: Re: Spoke with a staff member regarding the B&A's letter from Arnold
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 17, 2008, 10:39:50 AM
You have DA nudes on your comp? :-X

No, but I will find some, expecially the one Squad used to post about "Waiting for your Next Trick" with DA wearing those womens panties  ::)
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 17, 2008, 11:37:29 AM
I'll say what I want to say around here, n i g g a and I've already spoke to a staff member of Governor Arnold to investigate the letter.  Just because you may have a legit letter doesn't mean anything.  A lot of things get through the cracks as he's a busy person and he may not have known it wasn't a sanctioned show 

As far as attacks are concerned, all I've said is that your shows were not sanctioned by the NPC or IFBB as that was the name of my thread that started that whole chain of replys.  I don't see how you can call that an attack.

As far as threats, poster's stolen, or etc are concerned, that's not me.....chuckle.....but whining about it up here shows that you're a weak minded little bitch

As far as your attorney's are concerned....they can kiss my ass. 

Go ahead and try to sue me.  You can't sue someone for telling the truth about your show....bahahahahahaha!!!!

Vince you are just like most of the other idiots on here.  You can say whatever you want on here.  It is the advantage of being able to hide.  But no way in the world would you ever say shit like you do on here in person.  That has been proven.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 17, 2008, 01:28:04 PM
Vince you are just like most of the other idiots on here.  You can say whatever you want on here.  It is the advantage of being able to hide.  But no way in the world would you ever say shit like you do on here in person.  That has been proven.

I would have called you fat at the Mr Olympia but there was a wall of Krispy Kreme Doughnut Boxes blocking me from doing that
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: chaos on May 17, 2008, 01:35:03 PM

I would have called you fat at the Mr Olympia but there was a wall of Krispy Kreme Doughnut Boxes blocking me from doing that
Was that before or after DA spit his last clients' load in your face?
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: YoungBlood on May 17, 2008, 01:40:38 PM
Besides, I'm 31 years old now.  Life makes your wiser although I'll still cut up once in a while

Cut up?
In a bodybuilding sense, you were about as cut up as a turnip.
In a joking, ha ha sense, you are about as funny as a gerbil being shoved up your own ass.
WTF you speaking?
And regarding your use of N I G G A....'re about as black as Danny Bonaduce.

Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Nordic Beast on May 17, 2008, 02:35:56 PM
I have to give vince props

he is a message board genius---most would be flamed to death about being exposed as gay when so many people like to flame him anyway

he just said, "yep, Im gay, so what"------and what could people say after that
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: chaos on May 17, 2008, 02:40:51 PM
------and what could people say after that
They could say he is so gay that Elton John calls him "bitch", they could also say he is gayer than George Micheals singing "wind beneath my wings" to Ellen Degeneres on The Rosie ODonnel show.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Nordic Beast on May 17, 2008, 02:47:50 PM
They could say he is so gay that Elton John calls him "bitch", they could also say he is gayer than George Micheals singing "wind beneath my wings" to Ellen Degeneres on The Rosie ODonnel show.
hahha I was waiting for someone to pick up the punchline I left

figured it would be one of the y boarders ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Zaphod on May 17, 2008, 02:58:07 PM
Gayer than the metric system.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Nordic Beast on May 17, 2008, 03:03:29 PM
Gayer than the metric system.
gayer than having a "list" with a diseased G4P former BBer
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 17, 2008, 03:10:42 PM
gayer than having a "list" with a diseased G4P former BBer

Gayer than a strawberry scented bubble bath with an Etlon John CD playing.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: arce377 on May 17, 2008, 05:15:51 PM
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Meltdown on May 17, 2008, 05:18:52 PM
Sick Fuk should take up Ping Pong.BB has enough Fukin Idiots already.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: dearth on May 17, 2008, 09:19:17 PM
you just issue internet warnings on behalf of manion

Not my job,
I don't wag fingers...
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Chick on May 17, 2008, 09:29:42 PM
you just issue internet warnings on behalf of manion

I don't speak for Jim Manion...he is capable of doing that all by himself.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Meltdown on May 18, 2008, 04:03:06 PM
Then how is it we haven't seen Manion posting here????Could it be he has you doing his work????.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: ben 1 on May 19, 2008, 06:54:22 AM're threatening to take me to court because I said it looked "funky"?

Go for it...

Ironically...I could sue you for the very title you used for this thread....a quote I never said, or wrote.

Be careful my are meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend!

yeah right Bob,
you just play dirty,dirty like your whole Organization is!!!
You are just try to stir up shit,that is what you do and did with your comment.
But hey I remember you wish me good luck with the show.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 19, 2008, 09:48:59 AM

I would have called you fat at the Mr Olympia but there was a wall of Krispy Kreme Doughnut Boxes blocking me from doing that

hahaha yes sure you would.  Oh lord. ::)

I don't speak for Jim Manion...he is capable of doing that all by himself.

Bobby, even you know this is a funny as hell statement.  Manion has you, so no way would he ever have to do anything.  This your job.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: 240 is Back on May 19, 2008, 05:11:44 PM
Bob, to clear the air, do you believe the letter is real, now that it's been confirmed with his staffers?
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: JohnnyVegas on May 19, 2008, 05:27:37 PM
Bob, to clear the air, do you believe the letter is real, now that it's been confirmed with his staffers?

Have Vince call the Gov back up and finish hat he started.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Meltdown on May 19, 2008, 05:37:12 PM
When Vince told them his name they started laughing and haven't stopped.Try again in a couple of weeks when they can get that picture of you on stage out of their mind HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: onlyme on May 19, 2008, 11:22:37 PM
When Vince told them his name they started laughing and haven't stopped.Try again in a couple of weeks when they can get that picture of you on stage out of their mind HAHAHAHAHAHA.

That's not true.  He tells them (or anyone) his name and no one knows who the hell he is.  Then he starts to describe himself "you know the fat, sloppy, shit colored, delusional, moronic, imbecile, fag who likes to look at bodybuilders", then everyone knows who he is and starts laughing
Title: Re: Bob Chick said Letter of Arnold is not real/forged!!!!
Post by: Vince B on May 20, 2008, 03:28:16 AM
Melvin is lucky Keith was too busy at the Olympia to attend his posedown with Billy Guns. We can only imagine the uproar had Keith been in the audience with his favourite fart machine!