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Title: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Butterbean on June 10, 2008, 11:57:08 AM
Spike Lee Slams Clint Eastwood Over Representation Of Black Soldiers
May 21, 2008 at 10:05 AM



CANNES, France - Spike Lee is slamming Clint Eastwood over his two recent Iwo Jima movies, saying the filmmaker overlooked the role of black soldiers during World War II.

Lee _ whose next film is this fall's "Miracle at St. Anna," the story of an all-black U.S. division fighting in Italy during the war _ said Eastwood's 2006 movies "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters From Iwo Jima" were whites-only affairs.

"He did two films about Iwo Jima back to back and there was not one black soldier in both of those films," Lee said Tuesday at the Cannes Film Festival, where he was a judge in an online short-film competition.

"Many veterans, African-Americans, who survived that war are upset at Clint Eastwood. In his vision of Iwo Jima, Negro soldiers did not exist. Simple as that. I have a different version," Lee said.

Eastwood was in Cannes for his missing-child drama "Changeling," starring Angelina Jolie. At a news conference for the film, a reporter tried to ask for his reaction to Lee's criticism, but the moderator cut her off and told journalists to limit questions to Eastwood's own movie.

Due in U.S. theaters in October, "Miracle at St. Anna" centers on four Americans _ played by Derek Luke, Michael Ealy, Laz Alonso and Omar Benson Miller _ in the Buffalo Soldiers division in Tuscany.

Clint Eastwood has advised rival film director Spike Lee to "shut his face" after the African-American complained about the racial make-up of Eastwood's films.

In an interview with the Guardian published today, Eastwood rejected Lee's complaint that he had failed to include a single African-American soldier in his films Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima, both about the 1945 battle for the Japanese island.

In typically outspoken language, Eastwood justified his choice of actors, saying that those black troops who did take part in the battle as part of a munitions company didn't raise the flag. The battle is known by the image of US marines raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi.

"The story is Flags of Our Fathers, the famous flag-raising picture, and they didn't do that. If I go ahead and put an African-American actor in there, people'd go: 'This guy's lost his mind.' I mean, it's not accurate." Referring to Lee, he added: "A guy like him should shut his face."

"First of all, the man is not my father and we're not on a plantation either," Spike Lee told about Clint Eastwood. "He's a great director. He makes his films, I make my films. The thing about it though, I didn't personally attack him. And a comment like 'a guy like that should shut his face' -- come on Clint, come on. He sounds like an angry old man right there."

"If he wishes, I could assemble African-American men who fought at Iwo Jima and I'd like him to tell these guys that what they did was insignificant and they did not exist," he said. "I'm not making this up. I know history. I'm a student of history. And I know the history of Hollywood and its omission of the one million African-American men and women who contributed to World War II."

"Not everything was John Wayne, baby..."

"I never said he should show one of the other guys holding up the flag as black. I said that African-Americans played a significant part in Iwo Jima," he said. "For him to insinuate that I'm rewriting history and have one of the four guys with the flag be black ... no one said that. It's just that there's not one black in either film. And because I know my history, that's why I made that observation."

Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Fury on June 10, 2008, 12:31:14 PM
Eastwood would beat the shit out of Lee. Wonder if that punk is feeling lucky.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: big L dawg on June 10, 2008, 01:33:04 PM
so its ok for lee to make all black movies but eastwood can't do all white movie?
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: CARTEL on June 10, 2008, 07:10:34 PM
Gunny Highway takes out Mookie in a heartbeat.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: 24KT on June 13, 2008, 03:19:05 AM
I think you're all missing Lee's point.

Picture a movie documenting the civil rights movement of the 60's ...or a re-enactment of MLK's speech in Washington without showing a single white face. It's inaccurate. White people played a very large part in the struggle, and to omit their contributions would be a re-writing of history. That was Lee's point.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Butterbean on June 13, 2008, 10:52:39 AM


What is your take on when Lee was suing the TNN cable channel for changing it's name to Spike TV? 
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: big L dawg on June 13, 2008, 12:42:19 PM
my take....asshole....with to much time on his hands.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2008, 04:45:17 PM
I think you're all missing Lee's point.

Picture a movie documenting the civil rights movement of the 60's ...or a re-enactment of MLK's speech in Washington without showing a single white face. It's inaccurate. White people played a very large part in the struggle, and to omit their contributions would be a re-writing of history. That was Lee's point.
do us all a favor and delete your account until you can understand the conversation at hand.................... ...........hope this helps ;)

seriously spike lee is one of the most racist people in the public light today,and you are just encouraging his prejudice,spike lee has made several historically inaccurate movies due to his racist status.

Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Zaphod on June 13, 2008, 05:19:42 PM
I think you're all missing Lee's point.

Picture a movie documenting the civil rights movement of the 60's ...or a re-enactment of MLK's speech in Washington without showing a single white face. It's inaccurate. White people played a very large part in the struggle, and to omit their contributions would be a re-writing of history. That was Lee's point.

Just like casting those young balck men who raised the flag on Iowa Jima as white?

Man, you are dummer than a bag of Walmart hammers.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Parker on June 13, 2008, 10:45:50 PM
so its ok for lee to make all black movies but eastwood can't do all white movie?

Do The Right Thing" was funny as should watch it, and it wasn't all black people in that. Nor was "Son of Sam", among others.
Just like casting those young balck men who raised the flag on Iowa Jima as white?

Man, you are dummer than a bag of Walmart hammers.

Hope that helps.
obviously didn't read Spike's response...

He didn't say have some  black dude holding the flag up...
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: CARTEL on June 14, 2008, 10:45:01 PM
Do The Right Thing" was funny as should watch it, and it wasn't all black people in that.

Yep. The Italians, PR's and Whites were portrayed great in those movies  ::)

Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Parker on June 15, 2008, 10:19:06 AM
Yep. The Italians, PR's and Whites were portrayed great in those movies  ::)

And the blacks as well. That's why it's called Do The Right Thing...
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: big L dawg on June 15, 2008, 11:43:55 AM
spike lees a bitch.end of story
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Faust on June 15, 2008, 12:29:29 PM
Never liked Lee. It's good that things should stay a bit "politically correct", but choose your battles. If you start bitching about everything people will see you as a b****.

He called Tarentino's film racist as well if i remember correctly.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Purple Aki on June 15, 2008, 01:00:38 PM
Spike Lee absolutely butchered one of my favourite novels (Clockers).

So I have to agree with Clint.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Lord Humungous on June 16, 2008, 06:09:20 AM
I think you're all missing Lee's point.

Picture a movie documenting the civil rights movement of the 60's ...or a re-enactment of MLK's speech in Washington without showing a single white face. It's inaccurate. White people played a very large part in the struggle, and to omit their contributions would be a re-writing of history. That was Lee's point.
I love when you get gangsta on us Jag, it turns me on! Send me a picture of you with some huge hoop earings sucking a lollypop  ;D
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 16, 2008, 08:05:11 AM
hahaha... awesome thread.  I love seeing Jag jump into the pig shit face first  :)
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: bmacsys on June 18, 2008, 02:08:54 PM
Do The Right Thing" was funny as should watch it, and it wasn't all black people in that. Nor was "Son of Sam", among others. obviously didn't read Spike's response...

He didn't say have some  black dude holding the flag up...

Well Jaguar obviously didn't read Clint's response or see the movie or know anything about Iwo Jima. It is called "Flags of our Fathers" for a reason. It was about the ordeal of the men who were in the iconic shot raising the flag on Mt. Suribachi. It also dealt with racism very powerfully in the portrayal of Ira Hayes. Spike is the idiot who spouted off about "not being on a plantation" and other moronic bits. Not Clint.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: CARTEL on June 18, 2008, 02:11:37 PM
I hear Clint is in the works for a movie about Winston Churchill.

Denzel Washington has been tagged to play the lead.
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood says Spike Lee should "Shut his face"
Post by: bmacsys on June 18, 2008, 02:13:41 PM
I hear Clint is in the works for a movie about Winston Churchill.

Denzel Washington has been tagged to play the lead.

In Spike Lee's demented world he would.