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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: MidniteRambo on July 07, 2008, 09:04:34 PM

Title: To Your Health
Post by: MidniteRambo on July 07, 2008, 09:04:34 PM
Lost in the maze of nutritional products, vaso-dialators, insulin spiking is a good old fashioned nutritional objective . . .  your health.  With 40 staring me in the face next week, what I see in the mirror is still important, even more important than what is happening on the inside--  but it's just a much closer contest than it used to be.  With a family history of cancer on one side of the family and heart disease on the other (take your pick, it's usually one or the other for every bloodline) I suddently found myself asking, did I get enough antioxidents today? enough EFAs? what's my fiber count for the day? almost as much as the holy grail of "one gram of protein per pound of lean bodyweight."  Maybe I don't mind quite as much taking in a few extra gams dozen grams of carbs per day if it comes in the form of fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables.  Sometimes I don't think I'm as cut as I was two years ago, but I feel better, a helluvalot better.  Not a bad trade off....
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2008, 06:14:11 AM
Balance and dedication at 40...erm, I mean 39... props Midnite!  :)
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: MidniteRambo on July 08, 2008, 09:00:24 AM
Balance and dedication at 40...erm, I mean 39... props Midnite!  :)

Thanks mang.  I'm trying to be like my namesake who looked pretty decent into his 50s.
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: Montague on July 14, 2008, 03:24:38 AM
Happy B-day, buddy!
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: MidniteRambo on July 14, 2008, 12:44:01 PM
Thanks, it is the 15th so you are the first to wish me a happy 40th!
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: _bruce_ on July 14, 2008, 01:58:42 PM
You're best kills are yet to come  :D
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: Montague on July 14, 2008, 02:37:45 PM
Thanks, it is the 15th so you are the first to wish me a happy 40th!

Doing anything special for this milestone occasion?
Maybe eating Brazilian?
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 02:43:57 PM
i always try to avoid microwaving and cooking my vegetables. i ttake fish oil. i dont eat much saturated fat or sugar, and i NEVER eat any trans fats. never eat at restaurants or fast food either. i never drink alcohol. i workout just about every day, and if i dont i still do soem cardio.

i think i am probably pretty darn healthy.

but i dont try to be, and i dont care much if i am.

happy early birthday !
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: MidniteRambo on July 14, 2008, 03:22:54 PM
i always try to avoid microwaving and cooking my vegetables. i ttake fish oil. i dont eat much saturated fat or sugar, and i NEVER eat any trans fats. never eat at restaurants or fast food either. i never drink alcohol. i workout just about every day, and if i dont i still do soem cardio.

i think i am probably pretty darn healthy.

but i dont try to be, and i dont care much if i am.

happy early birthday !

Thanks!  But never underrate the value of good health.  It is invaluable.  Ask the Mentzer Brothers (of course, they both died young but looked fantastic).
Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: candidizzle on July 14, 2008, 03:26:01 PM
Thanks!  But never underrate the value of good health.  It is invaluable.  Ask the Mentzer Brothers (of course, they both died yound but looked fantastic).
i am a big believer that the healthier your body is the more effeciently it grows and burns body fat....not too mention things like skin tone/texture and also clear nice looking skin..healthy looking eyes..  :D   so i do pretty much everything i can do be "healthy", but not to be healthy so much as to just have a body that LOOKS healthy...but i dont think you can fake that.

Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: Princess L on July 15, 2008, 08:53:00 PM
With 40 staring me in the face

Whew ~
just under the wire.
                                      Happy Birthday!

Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: Princess L on July 15, 2008, 09:08:00 PM
I saved you some.

Title: Re: To Your Health
Post by: MidniteRambo on July 16, 2008, 09:48:57 AM

Whew ~
just under the wire.
                                      Happy Birthday!


Thank you very much.  I celebrated in responsibly healthy fashion (unlike in my 20s) with a very lean cut of top sirloin and a sweet potato.