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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: bassmaster on July 27, 2008, 01:44:38 AM

Title: deads for back
Post by: bassmaster on July 27, 2008, 01:44:38 AM
what are the opinions on performing a proper deadlift for back development,,, what i do is of course shoulder pinched back, knees slightly bent. bend from the waist go as for down iwth no slamming of weight at the bottom just an inch of the ground with a tiny squat in to play, then return back with a slight shrug pinching the lats together at the end motion with one hands facing in and the other out, their will be sessions i will feel a low back pump and upper back soreness the following days and at times no lower back pump but with the upper to lower lat soreness with some tightness.... what are the thoughts and any vids or visuals.  flame on

Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: Zach Trowbridge on July 27, 2008, 08:54:34 AM
"Experts" agree that smith machine deadlifts are better for the back.

Nobodys like Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates have somehow managed to build moderately impressive backs with the full deadlift even though they should know better than to overlap muscle groups that way.
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: chaos on July 27, 2008, 09:39:27 AM
"Experts" agree that smith machine deadlifts are better for the back.

Nobodys like Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates have somehow managed to build moderately impressive backs with the full deadlift even though they should know better than to overlap muscle groups that way.
Spot on, excellent post! ;D
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: Bobby on July 27, 2008, 10:23:11 AM
you should put the weight down on the floor on every rep, that's why it's called DEADlift 8)
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: OTHstrong on July 27, 2008, 03:42:26 PM
you should put the weight down on the floor on every rep, that's why it's called DEADlift 8)
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: Geo on July 27, 2008, 08:55:26 PM
I'm thinkin if you're using a weight light enough to actually keep from hittin the floor ?

you'd be using a weight too light to ever do ya any good...

SLDL's is a different story..
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: jpm101 on July 28, 2008, 08:56:57 AM
Actually Bassmaster is describing more of a SLDL (or even a Romanian DL) than a regular DL. He will be pulling with his lower  back rather than pushing off with the legs. The Dl is a push/pull effort. Knees should not be slightly bent but rather is a squat position at the bottom of the lift. With back straight and shoulders back, be concerned with using that leg push, at first, from a squat position. Looking as some of the training video's from guy's on GetBig, there form is from fairly good to really bad, on what is supposed to be DL'ing.

SLDL's and also Romanian Dl, give me better results than regular DL. You should get a better lat stretch/pump with either of these if into BB'ing. Try a wider, to extra wide, grip on any version of Dl's and notice the results.Good luck.
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 28, 2008, 09:19:34 AM
deads are outstanding for back..for something more directly bakc related.. sldl's or rack pulls are right there.
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: MisterMagoo on July 28, 2008, 09:40:30 AM
deads are outstanding for back..for something more directly bakc related.. sldl's or rack pulls are right there.

i dunno, i'd say SLDLs are more ham/glute.

personally i still insist that heavy rows are the ultimate compound back movement.
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 28, 2008, 09:44:13 AM
i dunno, i'd say SLDLs are more ham/glute.

personally i still insist that heavy rows are the ultimate compound back movement.

true..i think it's just body supporting heavier weights when you do the pulling that gives you the thickness.. but as far as the back that's involved with the sldl's...the lower/mid back is what I was referring to more so that the rest though they all see some form of work when pulling. no matter what kinda effort your do..even if it's bent over rows...your hams, glutes, and hips see isometric work just from you bending over to perform your rows.

there is no such thing as true isolation lol
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: bassmaster on July 28, 2008, 10:34:06 AM
I'm thinkin if you're using a weight light enough to actually keep from hittin the floor ?

you'd be using a weight too light to ever do ya any good...

SLDL's is a different story..

yea i feel ya on that one, but i do do deads with 315* 15 to 20 reps by 3-sets with 3-4 min rest in between and might add a 25 to each side at times, my take is if you control the weight on the way down and just touch the floor ( no heavy drop using gravity, but your muscles to control) then give just a bit of a squat on the way down the drive up to the top with a slight shrug.

sldl i do do , but i limit that do to  sciatic nerve issue. i love me the deads, so at times i will do them last with mod. weight to light weight at the end of my back day.  Then their will be days i will only do deads for back and go all out with proper warm-ups.

but i just had to check the weight issue their i do go heavy.. and i always thought for bb purposes you want to feel your muscles   doing the work and not about the weight.
Title: Re: deads for back
Post by: jpm101 on July 28, 2008, 11:11:37 AM
Actually SLDL's are a superior lower back movement, along with GoodMornings and Romanian versions . Attention is to a straight back, without any unneeded rounding of the back. Gluts/hips, hams and even calf's are stabling units within the lift. And as suggested  before (by myself..too many times), the weight is  held in position by the upper body while the legs do the actual pushing.  But like the regular DL, just holding a heavy weight below the waist builds mass in the total back area, including the traps.

A lot can be said about just holding a heavy weight in place as far as strength and development are concern. Even Hise Shrugs affect not only the traps but the whole chain of muscles all the way down to the feet. Can give overall power to the body. Try holding a crucifix  on a pair of gymnastic rings for a few seconds and add more seconds each time you do them. The whole upper body, acting as a unit, will become stronger, even the abs. Or try holding a BB(or DB) overhead  for any length of time and notice increase strength in the whole chain of musclesdown to the feet. Plus added shoulder girdle flexibility.

My best SLDL is about 130lbs below my best regular DL. Which only suggest how strong that lower back area is when geared up for heavy lifting, for anyone. Good Luck.