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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: ConanCarl on August 05, 2008, 07:50:38 AM

Title: Weighted dips
Post by: ConanCarl on August 05, 2008, 07:50:38 AM
Does anyone do these at beginning of chest workout-because I have a hard time at the end due to fatigue-thanks
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: windsor88 on August 05, 2008, 08:14:29 AM
I have done them as a quick warm-up to get a good pump.  Then I walk around and intimidate for a bit,  get a drink,  and go hit bench or DB inclines.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Bluto on August 05, 2008, 08:54:33 AM
why would you do them at the end
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: tonymctones on August 05, 2008, 09:50:09 AM
when i did them i did them on with triceps not chest
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: ConanCarl on August 05, 2008, 10:57:55 AM
Did them first yest-then presses and flyes-good wkt and feel sore wher I should be-lower/outer pec
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Ursus on August 05, 2008, 12:01:54 PM
I do them on chest/tri day. Its maybe th exercise. Ig you are tired at the end keep doing them. As you get stronger you will get better at them at the end of workout. It doesnt matter if you are using 20lbs and its hard at the end if you are capable of 100lb easy at the start. As long as you are progressing that is all that matters
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Redwingenator on August 06, 2008, 01:38:16 PM
when i did them i did them on with triceps not chest

I agree.  I do them after shoulders/chest as a lead in to isolated triceps work.  I do them close and heavy.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Bluto on August 06, 2008, 03:23:17 PM
i do them first.
and i do them for chest.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Geo on August 06, 2008, 09:22:35 PM
i do them first.

awesome way to fuck your rotor cuffs up
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: webcake on August 07, 2008, 02:03:09 AM
I do them last. I finish with flat flyes and in between sets i do dips. I never start with dips. They can be rough on your delts/rotator if your not careful. Makes sense to do them once warmed up.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Bluto on August 07, 2008, 02:46:50 AM

awesome way to fuck your rotor cuffs up

nah i do a pretty proper warm up but i dont count that as real sets

Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: YoungBlood on August 07, 2008, 03:11:47 AM
why would you do them at the end

Because if you can actually use a good amount of weight, it's easier to do them at the end of your workout since you don't have to load up a weight belt as much.
At the beginning of a workout, I'll use 2 45's and a quarter. Just getting into position on my dipping bars can be a pain in the ass.
But at the end of a workout, when you've "pre-exhausted" the pectorals by doing benches, inclines and/or flyes, I'll use a single 45 or sometimes even just my bodyweight depending on rest periods and whatnot.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Bluto on August 07, 2008, 03:16:19 AM
wouldnt that depend on how many reps you do? how many do you do
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: pumpster on August 07, 2008, 04:43:33 AM

awesome way to fuck your rotor cuffs up

Bingo. Some here with wider perspectives like goudy get it..

It doesnt matter if you are using 20lbs and its hard at the end if you are capable of 100lb easy at the start. As long as you are progressing that is all that matters
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: YoungBlood on August 07, 2008, 04:38:02 PM
wouldnt that depend on how many reps you do? how many do you do

Depends what phase my workout is in. If I'm going heavy, I'll use the 2 45's and a quarter for 6-8 reps. That's at the beginning of the workout. If it's at the end, only 2 45's for 6 maybe 8 if I'm feeling good.
On a lighter "rep day," I will use 2 plates for 8-10 at the start of the workout, but one plate at the end.
It also involves more/less rest time too. If I'm lifting heavy, no more no less than 3min rest. On a lighter day it's 2min rest.
Then there is the week where I may do Giant Sets and have no more than a minute rest, but I'm doing 4-5 different exercises in a row non-stop. I might do Wtd. Dips, run to Incline Smith Bench with a 2 second pause on my chest, flat Flyes, bodyweight dips and finish with a Hammer Strength Incline movement. Rest one minute and repeat all for 10-12 reps if possible.

Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Cap on August 08, 2008, 08:47:07 PM
I would have the shoulder girdle and chest well warmed up and stretched before you start these.  You may not tear a muscle but you will surely fuck yourself up.

As far as strength, what are you doing before them?  If you are doing 20 sets before dips then you will likely be weak but doing flat and inclines before shouldn't cause much problems.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: chaos on August 08, 2008, 08:53:26 PM
I would have the shoulder girdle and chest well warmed up and stretched before you start these.  You may not tear a muscle but you will surely fuck yourself up.

As far as strength, what are you doing before them?  If you are doing 20 sets before dips then you will likely be weak but doing flat and inclines before shouldn't cause much problems.
I see you 86'd the '86'......... ;)

I have known two people that have torn their pecs doing dips........I typically don't do them. Once in a great while, if I want to 'burn out' at the end of a chest/tricep workout
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Cap on August 08, 2008, 09:30:23 PM
I see you 86'd the '86'......... ;)

I have known two people that have torn their pecs doing dips........I typically don't do them. Once in a great while, if I want to 'burn out' at the end of a chest/tricep workout
Yeah, it's no more.

As for the chest issue, you really do need to be careful with the super stretch.  I've felt awkward pulls with two plates strapped to me and opted for BW dips.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: The Coach on August 08, 2008, 10:15:26 PM

awesome way to fuck your rotor cuffs up

Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on August 09, 2008, 01:46:52 AM
Does anyone do these at beginning of chest workout-because I have a hard time at the end due to fatigue-thanks

Be very careful with dips.  They're an excellent way to fucck up your shoulder girdle in the long run, even if you do them with good form.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: pumpster on August 09, 2008, 07:28:45 AM
Be very careful with dips.  They're an excellent way to fucck up your shoulder girdle in the long run, even if you do them with good form.

Exactly dude, the whole idea that good form is always the answer is actually incorrect.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Cap on August 09, 2008, 09:13:52 AM
Be very careful with dips.  They're an excellent way to fucck up your shoulder girdle in the long run, even if you do them with good form.
The people I know who complain about shoulder problems from dips either do too many, go too heavy (either with their own weight or adding weight), or use crap form.  I see too many guys doing bouncy reps, especially the ones who strap 1-3 plates on.

That being said, there are some people just aren't built to do them.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Ursus on August 09, 2008, 09:20:25 AM
I can rep 4 plates easily at 230lbs b/w below parallel.

its about control to an extent and i believe a secret is holding the plates beteen ur egs so they dont swing about and cause instability on your shoulders
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: QuakerOats on August 09, 2008, 09:22:01 AM
The people I know who complain about shoulder problems from dips either do too many, go too heavy (either with their own weight or adding weight), or use crap form.  I see too many guys doing bouncy reps, especially the ones who strap 1-3 plates on.

That being said, there are some people just aren't built to do them.
problem is too many guys let the added weight carry them too far down and they bounce out of the bottom.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Bluto on August 09, 2008, 09:24:05 AM
I can rep 4 plates easily at 230lbs b/w below parallel.

its about control to an extent and i believe a secret is holding the plates beteen ur egs so they dont swing about and cause instability on your shoulders

but youre a strong mofo

Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Ursus on August 09, 2008, 09:26:38 AM
ha ha thanks though the key is to keep good form, go below parallel without goinhg too far
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Cap on August 09, 2008, 09:30:12 AM
problem is too many guys let the added weight carry them too far down and they bounce out of the bottom.
Exactly, almost everyone I see bounces out of that "hole".  Guys think they are gymnasts or something and overstretch that area.  I personally like BW dips and if you use gymnasts as examples, you can see that muscle can be built with your bodyweight...just not 22 inch arms.  8) 

Goudy is right.  It's a fine line with regards to depth.
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: Bluto on August 09, 2008, 01:10:22 PM
gymnasts are short though and spent a lifetime building the physique displayed on tv + they got great genetics or they wouldnt be gymnasts
Title: Re: Weighted dips
Post by: jpm101 on August 11, 2008, 08:41:20 AM
Geo has a  video of himself doing dips (2 plates if I remember correctly)  in the half way rep range. Not too low or not to lockout, which would probably be preferred by most guy's here ( video somewhere on GetBig, don't care to search it out).That bottom bounce zone can also be a tear zone when using too heavy a weight even with a proper warm-up, as suggested by others. Dips need not cause any worry if approached with common sense, like most other exercises. On a personal bases, I prefer dips over flat benches any time.

Seen some close to 300lb dips in workouts. Heard of some over 300, but never seen one in person. For the most part, I have learned to never go completely by what a home or poor quality video may show with regard to heavy lifting. Probably one the the strongest dippers of all time was Marvin Eder.

A regular dipping belt will meet the needs of most guy's. Getting into heavier stuff, you will need a hip belt. Kind of hard to find, but I am sure they are out there. With a hip belt, all the weight is not centered just in the front of the body, as with a regular dipping belt. Can also use unbelievable  weight when doing hip/back/leg movements. Good Luck.