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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: jml3001 on August 06, 2008, 03:45:15 PM

Title: HIT
Post by: jml3001 on August 06, 2008, 03:45:15 PM
Hey guys,

I'm new here.  I've been training for 9 years, about 5'9" 205, 13-14% bf. 

I'm trying to put together a HIT routine.  I was trying for two warm up sets + 1 set to failure, slow reps (4 - 2 - 4).  My questions are: how much weight should I do on the warm-up sets (as a percentage of my final set to failure)? and how much time should I rest between sets?

Anyone who's done HIT, I'd appreciate some advice - or any websites / articles...
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Montague on August 06, 2008, 07:21:39 PM
You’ll find lots of good discussion regarding HIT in this thread: (

Markus uses his own variation of HIT – 1 heavy working set of 3-4 exercises per body part.
He developed this protocol after working directly with Mike Mentzer for several years prior to Mike’s passing.

Markus is a cool dude. I’m sorry to see he no longer posts here.

Title: Re: HIT
Post by: jml3001 on August 06, 2008, 08:51:14 PM
That's a drag - it was reading his HIT post that got me interested.  I've been training for awhile, and was kind of looking for something a little different.  Plus I was thinking that, as a nattie, it makes more sense in avoiding overtraining...and WTF it's worth a shot...

Anyone else know anything about HIT - or should I just eff around with it until I find something that works?
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: d0nny2600 on August 07, 2008, 08:16:11 AM
I have trained HIT. I cycle it with Volume training.

As an example I'll use chest to answer your question.

First exercise of the day - Incline Bench Press
First Set: Just the bar
Second Set: About 35% of your max
Third Set: About 55-60% of your max
Fourth(or Fifth): Max Effort
If you feel fully warm then go to your Max if not do another set the same as your Third Set.

Second exercise of the day - Flat Dumbell Press or Machine Bench Press
First Set: 60% of Max
Second Set: Max Effort

Third exercise of the day - Incline Dumbell Fly
First Set: Max Effort

Thats just a general idea of a Chest Routine and the percentages you should use. HTH
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: jml3001 on August 07, 2008, 08:46:20 AM
Thanks for the routine -

How did it work out for you?
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: d0nny2600 on August 07, 2008, 08:53:03 AM
Thanks for the routine -

How did it work out for you?
I use HIT when I'm bulking and Volume when I'm cutting. I prefer using HIT but the truth is all bodybuilding programs work - provided you are taxing your muscles properly.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: jml3001 on August 07, 2008, 10:12:35 AM
That may be true - but I was hoping for something that might shake things up a bit.  Since I've hit 200, it's been really hard for me to put on more weight.  I've been at around 200 for about 2 years now.  I'm a little frustrated.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: d0nny2600 on August 08, 2008, 01:56:27 AM
That may be true - but I was hoping for something that might shake things up a bit.  Since I've hit 200, it's been really hard for me to put on more weight.  I've been at around 200 for about 2 years now.  I'm a little frustrated.
Well If you haven't used it before you should get some very good gains with it. I'd say give it a shot for 12 weeks. Up your carb intake too - this shit is demanding. Track your workouts and try to increase the intensity each week.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: jml3001 on August 08, 2008, 08:59:32 AM
So my weights are LOW using slow reps (4 seconds incline - 2 second pause - 4 second decline).  I did 135 on bent rows (my back is pretty strong, compared to the rest of me) and could barely eek out 5 reps.  Same with bench...did your lifts go WAY down?  How much rest did you take between sets?

Thanks for the advice, by the way - I tried it yesterday, and I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: d0nny2600 on August 09, 2008, 01:59:18 AM
So my weights are LOW using slow reps (4 seconds incline - 2 second pause - 4 second decline).  I did 135 on bent rows (my back is pretty strong, compared to the rest of me) and could barely eek out 5 reps.  Same with bench...did your lifts go WAY down?  How much rest did you take between sets?

Thanks for the advice, by the way - I tried it yesterday, and I think I'm getting the hang of it.
At the start your weights will go down a little. Mine went up big time afterwards. You get used to feeling your muscles work and you make all the supporting muscles stronger which in turn will help all your lifts. Remember you are not a powerlifter!

As far as rest goes: I never really timed it. I did the set when I felt 100% ready.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: powerpack on August 09, 2008, 08:36:18 AM
I use HIT when I'm bulking and Volume when I'm cutting. I prefer using HIT but the truth is all bodybuilding programs work - provided you are taxing your muscles properly.

True everything works for a while.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Necrosis on August 11, 2008, 10:32:34 AM
So my weights are LOW using slow reps (4 seconds incline - 2 second pause - 4 second decline).  I did 135 on bent rows (my back is pretty strong, compared to the rest of me) and could barely eek out 5 reps.  Same with bench...did your lifts go WAY down?  How much rest did you take between sets?

Thanks for the advice, by the way - I tried it yesterday, and I think I'm getting the hang of it.

going slow on the concentric portion doesnt make much sense, science has validated that moving the bar at maximal speed on the lengthening portion recruits the most fibers. slow negative, explosive positive is best for muscular hypertrophy.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: jml3001 on August 14, 2008, 10:20:59 AM
Maybe just holding the weight in the flexed position for two seconds?  I don't know - it's an interesting workout, and I've got a different "kind" of soreness the day after...
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: The Luke on November 05, 2008, 07:57:47 PM
I only do one warm up set on my very first exercise... then midway through my workout I do a 5-rep set to warm up for squats.

Am I the only guy who realises warming up is only important for newbies and the over-trained?

My routine:

135 lbs x 10    bench press (warm-up)

225 lbs       Bench press
Bodyweight Dips
180 lbs       EZ bar close grip bench presses
180 lbs       EZ bar bent over rows
80 lbs         Bicep curls

225 lbs x 5     full depth squats (warm-up)

315 lbs       Full depth squats
425 lbs       Deadlifts

...that's my entire routine: no splits; no isolation exercises; no ego lifts... just 7 sets total with 2 warm up sets (total) and I do the whole workout just twice a week. Once in a blue moon I might add a set of dumbbell lateral raises or perhaps dumbbell flyes.

You guys all over-complicate things... just train less so you can train harder. I'd wager most of you are doing more warm-up sets per workout than I'm doing total sets per week.

All the newbs here should check out those weights I listed too, all perfectly doable for a lifetime natural (like me) and all impressive enough to set you apart from the vast majority of weightlifters (even steroid users).

The Luke
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Eisenherz on November 19, 2008, 12:41:58 AM
What activety multiplier you use for that? 1.55 or 1.37? Is cutting a bitch on that routine? i.e. Having to do a ton of cardio?
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Necrosis on November 19, 2008, 09:11:02 AM
I only do one warm up set on my very first exercise... then midway through my workout I do a 5-rep set to warm up for squats.

Am I the only guy who realises warming up is only important for newbies and the over-trained?

My routine:

135 lbs x 10    bench press (warm-up)

225 lbs       Bench press
Bodyweight Dips
180 lbs       EZ bar close grip bench presses
180 lbs       EZ bar bent over rows
80 lbs         Bicep curls

225 lbs x 5     full depth squats (warm-up)

315 lbs       Full depth squats
425 lbs       Deadlifts

The Luke

oh brother.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Eisenherz on November 19, 2008, 11:58:38 AM
oh brother.

please elaborate..
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: The Luke on November 19, 2008, 12:57:41 PM
What activety multiplier you use for that? 1.55 or 1.37? Is cutting a bitch on that routine? i.e. Having to do a ton of cardio?

...don't know what you're talking about.

I'm pretty chubby most of the time. I use a substrate diet and an hour of low intensity cardio three times a week to cut down.

oh brother.


The Luke
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Necrosis on November 20, 2008, 04:25:33 PM
please elaborate..

nothing to elaborate on, this guy claimed 405 deads for close to twenty reps, hunts bigfoot, and offers physics tutoring for money. He is just a character is all. Nothing inherently good or bad.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: haider on November 20, 2008, 05:02:57 PM
nothing to elaborate on, this guy claimed 405 deads for close to twenty reps, hunts bigfoot, and offers physics tutoring for money. He is just a character is all. Nothing inherently good or bad.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

this made me laugh really hard  ;D
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: The Luke on November 21, 2008, 03:27:37 AM
nothing to elaborate on, this guy claimed 405 deads for close to twenty reps, hunts bigfoot, and offers physics tutoring for money. He is just a character is all. Nothing inherently good or bad.

...I have an honours degree in experimental physics, nothing wrong with teaching highschool level physics to students studying for exams. My last student improved his grade so much it got him the college place he was looking for.

People who post on this board have met me at bodybuilding and powerlifting comps; some have even trained with me... I HAVE deadlifted 405 for as many as 16 reps in good form (did 425 for 13 last week), and people who post on this board have witnessed me do such lifts. 

Yes, in my spare time I am somewhat of an amateur adventurer... so what?

In the last couple of years I've been on 4 bigfoot/sasquatch expeditions (Wisconsin; Washington state; British Columbia). This isn't a secret, I've been interviewed on several radio stations, including NPR in the US. I've also been treasure hunting in southern France (escorted off site by the police at one point) and I'm off to Australia for some more monster hunting in the New Year... I even give lectures on the evidence for extant hominids (Bigfoot et al).

Not sure how any of that makes me a "character"?

But I do know that none of it invalidates my expertise when it comes to bodybuilding/weightlifting... I've trained both champion bodybuilders and champion strongmen.

I didn't get to be a mod on this board for nothing... in fact I never even campaigned for such a post, I was recommended by others on this board.

The Luke
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Necrosis on November 21, 2008, 07:42:07 AM
...I have an honours degree in experimental physics, nothing wrong with teaching highschool level physics to students studying for exams. My last student improved his grade so much it got him the college place he was looking for.

People who post on this board have met me at bodybuilding and powerlifting comps; some have even trained with me... I HAVE deadlifted 405 for as many as 16 reps in good form (did 425 for 13 last week), and people who post on this board have witnessed me do such lifts. 

Yes, in my spare time I am somewhat of an amateur adventurer... so what?

In the last couple of years I've been on 4 bigfoot/sasquatch expeditions (Wisconsin; Washington state; British Columbia). This isn't a secret, I've been interviewed on several radio stations, including NPR in the US. I've also been treasure hunting in southern France (escorted off site by the police at one point) and I'm off to Australia for some more monster hunting in the New Year... I even give lectures on the evidence for extant hominids (Bigfoot et al).

Not sure how any of that makes me a "character"?

But I do know that none of it invalidates my expertise when it comes to bodybuilding/weightlifting... I've trained both champion bodybuilders and champion strongmen.

I didn't get to be a mod on this board for nothing... in fact I never even campaigned for such a post, I was recommended by others on this board.

The Luke

"...I have an honours degree in experimental physics, nothing wrong with teaching highschool level physics to students studying for exams. My last student improved his grade so much it got him the college place he was looking for."

bwahah i have a steel trap memory my friend, you were asking people on this board if they needed help with physics because you were low on income. I can dig up the quote if you really want me to.

"People who post on this board have met me at bodybuilding and powerlifting comps; some have even trained with me... I HAVE deadlifted 405 for as many as 16 reps in good form (did 425 for 13 last week), and people who post on this board have witnessed me do such lifts."

ok post proof. Its not that big of a lift, but you are the guy with the pony tail in the picture on here right?

"In the last couple of years I've been on 4 bigfoot/sasquatch expeditions (Wisconsin; Washington state; British Columbia). This isn't a secret, I've been interviewed on several radio stations, including NPR in the US. I've also been treasure hunting in southern France (escorted off site by the police at one point) and I'm off to Australia for some more monster hunting in the New Year... I even give lectures on the evidence for extant hominids (Bigfoot et al)."

oh brother. How can one give lectures on something they have no education in? You have no degree in biology(correct me if im wrong). Where is this yetti/bigfoot college located?

you are just a funny cat, no need to get upset.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: The Luke on November 21, 2008, 07:48:27 AM

I think you are on the wrong board for "ownings".

bwahah i have a steel trap memory my friend, you were asking people on this board if they needed help with physics because you were low on income. I can dig up the quote if you really want me to.

...I did jokingly post this, but I fail to see the relevance?

Re: Bigfoot...
oh brother. How can one give lectures on something they have no education in? You have no degree in biology(correct me if im wrong). Where is this yetti/bigfoot college located?

...Science Foundation Ireland disagree with you. They are the ones who hired me to give the lectures.

The Luke
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Necrosis on November 21, 2008, 08:37:14 AM

I think you are on the wrong board for "ownings".

...I did jokingly post this, but I fail to see the relevance?

Re: Bigfoot...
...Science Foundation Ireland disagree with you. They are the ones who hired me to give the lectures.

The Luke

not trying to own you, like i said nothign inherently wrong with you. You seem to having a ecletic mix of shit going on makign you a character. Online tutoring for monies, big foot hunting,bodybuilder,physics student, oh shit now treasure hunter. If you dont see how this makes you a character then i rest my case.

i wont post in this thread anymore, its getting way off topic.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: The Luke on November 21, 2008, 08:56:54 AM
not trying to own you, like i said nothign inherently wrong with you. You seem to having a ecletic mix of shit going on makign you a character. Online tutoring for monies, big foot hunting,bodybuilder,physics student, oh shit now treasure hunter. If you dont see how this makes you a character then i rest my case.

...yeah, actually when you put it that way then yes... I rock!

The Luke
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Swedish Viking on November 22, 2008, 10:23:54 AM
Luke, I'm an adventurer too-I've spent most of my time in the arctic.  Have you done Antarctica or Greenland?  Got any general location suggestions?
Guy who started the thread, I've done quite a bit of HIT in my time too, check my site for a routine.
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: The Luke on November 22, 2008, 10:34:09 AM
Luke, I'm an adventurer too-I've spent most of my time in the arctic.  Have you done Antarctica or Greenland?  Got any general location suggestions?

...hell no. The Great White North is feckin' cold, man.

I prefer those unexplored temperate arboreal forests. I sometimes teach survival training courses, so I'm pretty comfortable in old growth forest... if I run out of food, or can't find shelter I can still muddle through.

The Luke
Title: Re: HIT
Post by: Swedish Viking on November 22, 2008, 11:54:56 AM
I've done 1 survival course, tons of fun.  Which forests are unexplored!?  Have you heard of the Grove of Titans?