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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: TerminalPower on September 05, 2008, 09:13:04 PM

Title: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: TerminalPower on September 05, 2008, 09:13:04 PM
Read the article, bottom line 500k more viewers watched McCain than Obama.

NEW YORK (AP) - As a television draw, John McCain was every bit the equal of Barack Obama.  (ALERT: Liberal AP reporting)

The GOP presidential candidate attracted roughly the same number of viewers to his convention acceptance speech Thursday as Obama did before the Democrats last week, according to Nielsen Media Research.

It marked the end of an astonishing run where more than 40 million people watched political speeches on three nights by Obama, McCain and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The Republican convention was the most-watched convention on television ever, beating a standard set by the Democrats a week earlier.

Three times in two weeks, political speeches were watched by more people than the "American Idol" finale, the Academy Awards and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics this year.

"It clearly suggests that a great number of Americans think that who will be the next president is important and worthy of their time," said Tom Rosenstiel, a former political reporter and director of the Project for Excellence in journalism.

Television ratings throughout the primary season had already indicated an intense interest in the election, but viewers clearly were more fascinated in the Democratic contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton than the Republican nomination fight.

This week's ratings, with an average of 34.5 million viewers watching the GOP convention over three days, proved people are becoming more interested in what the Republicans have to say. The Democrats had an average audience of 30.2 million over four days, Nielsen said.

"No one really thought they had it in them in terms of pulling off this amazing convention," said Jay Wallace, vice president for news and editorial at Fox News Channel. But Hurricane Gustav pulled people into the news networks over the weekend, he said. People were also intensely curious about McCain's pick of Palin as a running mate, he said.

Nielsen said that 38.9 million people watched McCain accept the GOP nomination Thursday on either ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel or MSNBC. (Alert: Bullshit coming your way)PBS, which has a more imprecise estimate based on samples in a few big cities, said 3.5 million watched on its network.

Last week, Obama's speech in Denver was seen by 38.4 million on 10 different commercial networks, and an additional 4 million on PBS.

Add it up, and that's McCain, 42.4 million, to Obama, 42.4 million.

No one can really tell who truly had the biggest audience, since C-SPAN also showed the speeches, and Nielsen doesn't measure the cable channel's viewers. But if the presidential vote is this close on Nov. 4, it will be a long night.

McCain may have caught a break Thursday when the opening NFL game between the New York Giants and Washington Redskins finished a couple of minutes before the Republican took the stage, Wallace said.

More men (17.9 million) watched McCain speak than watched Obama (16.2 million), Nielsen said.

"The storylines this year have been so amazing," Wallace said. "It really got started with Hillary and Obama—that got everyone in middle America watching. They got caught up in the drama of it."

The numbers put to rest the thought that politics has been a turnoff and death for ratings, which has long been gospel at the TV networks, Rosenstiel said.

That has particularly applied to convention coverage, which broadcast networks have backed away from over the years because executives saw them as stage-managed events. ABC, CBS and NBC each added an hour this year to convention coverage, but it didn't halt one trend: Viewers are just as likely to watch the conventions on cable news networks.

Fox was the most-watched network all three nights of the GOP convention, duplicating its feat from the 2004 GOP convention. CNN was the most popular destination for Obama's speech.

Fox had 9.2 million viewers for McCain's speech, followed by NBC—which aired the football game—at 8.7 million. ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC followed in order, Nielsen said.

Thursday's edition of Fox's "The O'Reilly Factor," featuring the first part of Bill O'Reilly's interview with Barack Obama, was also the second-highest rated edition of his show ever, topped only by a night in March 2003 when the Iraq war was breaking out.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Dos Equis on September 06, 2008, 01:30:57 AM
With all the fuss, outdoor stadium, 80,000 (or whatever) who attended Obama's speech, old man McCain and Mrs. Palin had more viewers.  This despite Bush's unpopularity and McCain supposedly being identical to Bush.  Time for some people to reevaluate.   
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Hugo Chavez on September 06, 2008, 01:32:23 AM
With all the fuss, outdoor stadium, 80,000 (or whatever) who attended Obama's speech, old man McCain and Mrs. Palin had more viewers.  This despite Bush's unpopularity and McCain supposedly being identical to Bush.  Time for some people to reevaluate.   
That's because dems watched your crap but republicans didn't watch the DNC.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MCWAY on September 06, 2008, 12:37:31 PM
In other words, it's liberals doing what they do best: Make excuses when they lose.

Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: 240 is Back on September 06, 2008, 12:43:38 PM
lol... yeah, following a close redskins/giants game didn't hurt either!
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on September 06, 2008, 12:53:10 PM
lol... yeah, following a close redskins/giants game didn't hurt either!
exaclty, they are using bad statistics. following the opening game of the NFL helps drastically. plus people were already watching the news cause of the hurricanes. plus the tabloids created a huge interest in Palin that generated curious viewers.

haha but go ahead and believe all the viewers were just really into politics and what the republicans had to say
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MCWAY on September 06, 2008, 01:03:31 PM
exaclty, they are using bad statistics. following the opening game of the NFL helps drastically. plus people were already watching the news cause of the hurricanes. plus the tabloids created a huge interest in Palin that generated curious viewers.

haha but go ahead and believe all the viewers were just really into politics and what the republicans had to say

And all the viewers of the DNC were SOOOOOOOO into politics and what the Democrats had to say?  ::)

Had McCain's acceptance speech at the RNC received significantly lower numbers than Obama's speech at the DNC, Dems/liberals would be crowing about it all the live-long day.

Bad statistics, the football game, blah, blah, blah! As usual, it's more excuse from the liberals when they get beat.

For the past seven days, Sarah Palin has snatched the spotlight from Barack Obama and the Democrats, and it's got some folks on the left absolutely enraged.

Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: TerminalPower on September 06, 2008, 01:13:39 PM
And all the viewers of the DNC were SOOOOOOOO into politics and what the Democrats had to say?  ::)

Had McCain's acceptance speech at the RNC received significantly lower numbers than Obama's speech at the DNC, Dems/liberals would be crowing about it all the live-long day.

Bad statistics, the football game, blah, blah, blah! As usual, it's more excuse from the liberals when they get beat.

For the past seven days, Sarah Palin has snatched the spotlight from Barack Obama and the Democrats, and it's got some folks on the left absolutely enraged.

Beautifully written!
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MCWAY on September 06, 2008, 01:17:27 PM
Beautifully written!


I've just noticed a pattern with liberals, every time they lose, especially if it's an election.

2000: "We wuz robbed"
2004: "Kerry got swiftboated/it's them mean ol' Christians' fault"

I'm just curious to see what it will be, if Obama and Biden don't get the job done (and how many liberals will threaten to leave the country but stay anyway).
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: TerminalPower on September 06, 2008, 01:19:50 PM

I've just noticed a pattern with liberals, every time they lose, especially if it's an election.

2000: "We wuz robbed"
2004: "Kerry got swiftboated/it's them mean ol' Christians' fault"

I'm just curious to see what it will be, if Obama and Biden don't get the job done (and how many liberals will threaten to leave the country but stay anyway).

My friend if Obama doesn't win the election....WHITE PEOPLE WILL BE THE KKK WITHOUT THE HOODS.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MB_722 on September 06, 2008, 01:20:25 PM
if obama and biden lose it's because of the diebolt or whatever it is called now. Vote rigging.

McCain is a lameduck candidate.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MCWAY on September 06, 2008, 01:22:14 PM
if obama and biden lose it's because of the diebolt or whatever it is called now. Vote rigging.

McCain is a lameduck candidate.

In other words, you're planning on recycling the 2000 excuse, "We wuz robbed", should McCain quack his way into the Oval Office.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Dos Equis on September 06, 2008, 01:23:15 PM

I've just noticed a pattern with liberals, every time they lose, especially if it's an election.

2000: "We wuz robbed"
2004: "Kerry got swiftboated/it's them mean ol' Christians' fault"

I'm just curious to see what it will be, if Obama and Biden don't get the job done (and how many liberals will threaten to leave the country but stay anyway).

Some of the CT nuts also believe the Ohio results were rigged in 04. 
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MCWAY on September 06, 2008, 01:27:46 PM
Some of the CT nuts also believe the Ohio results were rigged in 04. 

Now that you mentioned it, this election is very similar to 2004.

Keep in mind, the ecomony and Iraq were supposed to be the death knell for George Bush.

The Democratic challenger kept yakking about "change" back then, too.

And, there was an alleged scandal that was supposed to spell the end for "W" (Memo-gate).

In the end, Bush won; the tax-and-spend liberal got bounced, the news reporter who started Memo-Gate got fired. And among the liberals, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Will history repeat itself in 2008? Only time will tell.

Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Decker on September 06, 2008, 03:38:07 PM
Now that you mentioned it, this election is very similar to 2004...

I agree.  We have an out of touch, multi millionaire, on his second wife--an heiress--running for president on a 40 year old war record.  Let's just hope the election results are similar
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: TerminalPower on September 06, 2008, 04:08:19 PM
I agree.  We have an out of touch, multi millionaire, on his second wife--an heiress--running for president on a 40 year old war record.  Let's just hope the election results are similar

On the other hand you have an inexperienced, aloof, terrorist sympathizer with a Wife and best friends who Hate and Kill Americans.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Dos Equis on September 06, 2008, 06:08:55 PM
Now that you mentioned it, this election is very similar to 2004.

Keep in mind, the ecomony and Iraq were supposed to be the death knell for George Bush.

The Democratic challenger kept yakking about "change" back then, too.

And, there was an alleged scandal that was supposed to spell the end for "W" (Memo-gate).

In the end, Bush won; the tax-and-spend liberal got bounced, the news reporter who started Memo-Gate got fired. And among the liberals, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Will history repeat itself in 2008? Only time will tell.

It might.  The momentum that Democrats had going into the 06 election is gone.  Congress has had a single digit approval rating and two members of Congress are on the Democrat ticket. 

I wonder which state Republicans are planning on stealing this year? 
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: youandme on September 06, 2008, 06:15:16 PM
if obama and biden lose it's because of the diebolt or whatever it is called now. Vote rigging.

McCain is a lameduck candidate.

They control the system man, they are out there like Pluto man. What you need to do man is get some encrypto software and make your own ballot box man, and vote yourself in office, then you can end this materialism, and stop the borders we call property, our land is their land.


Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Decker on September 06, 2008, 07:07:06 PM
On the other hand you have an inexperienced, aloof, terrorist sympathizer with a Wife and best friends who Hate and Kill Americans.
Aloof!   How dare you!

Obama is engaging.  How could you say such a thing?    ...aloof indeed.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MB_722 on September 06, 2008, 07:08:36 PM
They control the system man, they are out there like Pluto man. What you need to do man is get some encrypto software and make your own ballot box man, and vote yourself in office, then you can end this materialism, and stop the borders we call property, our land is their land.


you're calling me a communist.

Weak. That was weak. hahaha   ;D
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Decker on September 06, 2008, 07:13:50 PM
you're calling me a communist.

Weak. Thats was weak. hahaha   ;D
You're also a socialist, a traitor and an unproductive member of society riding the coat tails of industrious conservatives--the real people that built this country.

Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: youandme on September 06, 2008, 07:56:39 PM
You're also a socialist, a traitor and an unproductive member of society riding the coat tails of industrious conservatives--the real people that built this country.


No that is more you!

MB is just a little out there in a "groovy" type of way, haha his thing.

Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: MB_722 on September 06, 2008, 08:17:17 PM
No that is more you!

MB is just a little out there in a "groovy" type of way, haha his thing.


you do not get it. you're falling for the repub propaganda
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: OzmO on September 06, 2008, 08:57:46 PM
Read the article, bottom line 500k more viewers watched McCain than Obama.

NEW YORK (AP) - As a television draw, John McCain was every bit the equal of Barack Obama.  (ALERT: Liberal AP reporting)

The GOP presidential candidate attracted roughly the same number of viewers to his convention acceptance speech Thursday as Obama did before the Democrats last week, according to Nielsen Media Research.

It marked the end of an astonishing run where more than 40 million people watched political speeches on three nights by Obama, McCain and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The Republican convention was the most-watched convention on television ever, beating a standard set by the Democrats a week earlier.

Three times in two weeks, political speeches were watched by more people than the "American Idol" finale, the Academy Awards and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics this year.

"It clearly suggests that a great number of Americans think that who will be the next president is important and worthy of their time," said Tom Rosenstiel, a former political reporter and director of the Project for Excellence in journalism.

Television ratings throughout the primary season had already indicated an intense interest in the election, but viewers clearly were more fascinated in the Democratic contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton than the Republican nomination fight.

This week's ratings, with an average of 34.5 million viewers watching the GOP convention over three days, proved people are becoming more interested in what the Republicans have to say. The Democrats had an average audience of 30.2 million over four days, Nielsen said.

"No one really thought they had it in them in terms of pulling off this amazing convention," said Jay Wallace, vice president for news and editorial at Fox News Channel. But Hurricane Gustav pulled people into the news networks over the weekend, he said. People were also intensely curious about McCain's pick of Palin as a running mate, he said.

Nielsen said that 38.9 million people watched McCain accept the GOP nomination Thursday on either ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel or MSNBC. (Alert: Bullshit coming your way)PBS, which has a more imprecise estimate based on samples in a few big cities, said 3.5 million watched on its network.

Last week, Obama's speech in Denver was seen by 38.4 million on 10 different commercial networks, and an additional 4 million on PBS.

Add it up, and that's McCain, 42.4 million, to Obama, 42.4 million.

No one can really tell who truly had the biggest audience, since C-SPAN also showed the speeches, and Nielsen doesn't measure the cable channel's viewers. But if the presidential vote is this close on Nov. 4, it will be a long night.

McCain may have caught a break Thursday when the opening NFL game between the New York Giants and Washington Redskins finished a couple of minutes before the Republican took the stage, Wallace said.

More men (17.9 million) watched McCain speak than watched Obama (16.2 million), Nielsen said.

"The storylines this year have been so amazing," Wallace said. "It really got started with Hillary and Obama—that got everyone in middle America watching. They got caught up in the drama of it."

The numbers put to rest the thought that politics has been a turnoff and death for ratings, which has long been gospel at the TV networks, Rosenstiel said.

That has particularly applied to convention coverage, which broadcast networks have backed away from over the years because executives saw them as stage-managed events. ABC, CBS and NBC each added an hour this year to convention coverage, but it didn't halt one trend: Viewers are just as likely to watch the conventions on cable news networks.

Fox was the most-watched network all three nights of the GOP convention, duplicating its feat from the 2004 GOP convention. CNN was the most popular destination for Obama's speech.

Fox had 9.2 million viewers for McCain's speech, followed by NBC—which aired the football game—at 8.7 million. ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC followed in order, Nielsen said.

Thursday's edition of Fox's "The O'Reilly Factor," featuring the first part of Bill O'Reilly's interview with Barack Obama, was also the second-highest rated edition of his show ever, topped only by a night in March 2003 when the Iraq war was breaking out.

Not surprised.  She's hot in my book.   :)
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: 24KT on September 06, 2008, 10:19:56 PM
I might be willing to concede more Republicans watched the RNC convention that Democrats watched the DNC convention, do you think that's really a good idea? Honestly? ...'cause Republicans say the darndest things.

Check out what these Republicans have to say:

         Virginia Republicans Speak

         Susan Eisenhower and Republican house party
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: 240 is Back on September 07, 2008, 12:08:49 AM
i was in a sports bar where the game was on.

About 40 tables of people watching screens of Giants/Redskins.  Then mccain was on their screen.

Those DirecTV boxes registered 40 viewers, but not a damn one was watching the speech.  If this happened in thousands of bars around the country, I think it's safe to say the numbers were a tad skewed.

You can deny it, but you can deduct the 40 viewers I saw from those who actually watched. 
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: TerminalPower on September 07, 2008, 01:03:40 AM
i was in a Elk Club Lounge when Obama spewed shit out of his sewer.

About 40 tables of people talking to each other rather than listening to Obama .  Obama came on and people just stopped talking for 2 minutes then began running their jibs again, and paying no attention.

Those DirecTV boxes registered 40 viewers, but not a damn one was watching the speech.  If this happened in thousands of Elk Club Lounges around the country, I think it's safe to say the numbers were a tad skewed.

You can deny it, but you can deduct the 40 viewers I saw from those who actually watched.
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: 240 is Back on September 07, 2008, 01:05:42 AM
I've never been to an Elk Club Lounge.

What kinda food they have there?
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: 24KT on September 07, 2008, 02:56:44 AM
If YouTube is in any way representative of what people are viewing offline, it would appear the Democrats have been able to attract a much larger viewership than the Republicans.

Take a peek at the You Tube stats I just took a screenshot of.

Of all the Political channels on YouTube:

It shows Obama as the most viewed Today. Infact, ...nobody has even viewed McCain today.

It shows Obama as the most viewed This Week. With twice as many views as McCain.

It shows Obama as the most viewed This Month. With twice as many views as McCain

It shows Obama as the most viewed of ALL TIME.

Obama has more views than ALL the Republican candidates combined and trounces McCain by a ratio of 6:1
Title: Re: Republicans Beat Democrats for Convention Viewership
Post by: Dos Equis on September 07, 2008, 01:39:46 PM
i was in a Elk Club Lounge when Obama spewed shit out of his sewer.

About 40 tables of people talking to each other rather than listening to Obama .  Obama came on and people just stopped talking for 2 minutes then began running their jibs again, and paying no attention.

Those DirecTV boxes registered 40 viewers, but not a damn one was watching the speech.  If this happened in thousands of Elk Club Lounges around the country, I think it's safe to say the numbers were a tad skewed.

You can deny it, but you can deduct the 40 viewers I saw from those who actually watched.

lol.   ;D