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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2008, 03:17:47 PM

Title: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2008, 03:17:47 PM
I have my doubts about his timing and sincerity, but here is some of what he has to say about his faith. 

Here he talks about being a devout Christian:

I am a Christian, and I am a devout Christian. I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe that that faith gives me a path to be cleansed of sin and have eternal life. But most importantly, I believe in the example that Jesus set by feeding the hungry and healing the sick and always prioritizing the least of these over the powerful. I didn’t ‘fall out in church’ as they say, but there was a very strong awakening in me of the importance of these issues in my life. I didn’t want to walk alone on this journey. Accepting Jesus Christ in my life has been a powerful guide for my conduct and my values and my ideals.

. . .

Here he discusses embracing certain parts of the Bible and the death and resurrection of Jesus:

Well, look, obviously as a Christian I believe in the values that are laid out in Scripture. I reflect on them often. I reflect on the lessons of Scripture as I’m going through the day. I pray frequently. I wrestle with doubts and try to figure out whether I’m doing the right thing, am I operating in an honest and moral way that is true to my religious precepts? Sometimes I may falter. So I guess the point is, I approach my work or I guess my faith is part of everything that I do. And I don’t think there’s a clear separation between my faith and how I try to live my life. And I certainly think that part of my motivation in the work that I do is a belief in what I consider the core precept of Christianity in addition to Christ dying for your sins and that is treating your brothers and sisters as you would have them treat you. A sense of empathy and a belief in the golden rule. And that’s what I try to apply to my work and what I do every day.

Here he talks about being called by God:

"The questions I had did not magically disappear," Obama wrote in his recent book, titled "The Audacity of Hope" after Wright's turn of phrase, of the day four years later when he made a formal commitment of Christian faith. "But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side of Chicago, I felt God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."

Here he talks about doing God's will:

Explaining what it meant to him to be a Christian, the Democratic senator from Illinois talked of "walking humbly with our God": "I know that I don't walk alone, and I know that if I can get myself out of the way, that I can maybe carry out in some small way what he intends.",0,4760268.story

Here he uses his faith to try and get votes in South Carolina, calling himself a "committed Christian":



Today, Greg Sargent posted a brochure which the Obama campaign is distributing in South Carolina which seem to include religious appeals at least as overt and explicit as anything Huckabee has done. The center page of the brochure proclaims -- in the largest letters on the page -- that Obama is a "COMMITTED CHRISTIAN," and includes three pictures of Obama, all of which show him praying or preaching in a Church, and also includes a fourth picture: of the interior of a Church with a large cross lurking in the background. The page also says that Obama is "guided by his Christian faith" and quotes Obama saying: "We do what we do because God is with us."

That same page prints Obama's views "on the power of prayer," and -- using the same language George Bush has frequently used as a signifier to evangelical voters -- says that Obama is "Called to Christ," "Called to Bring Change" and "Called to Serve":

Similarly, the front page of the brochure shows Obama in a chin-on-hand contemplative posture and underneath, it reads: "Answering the Call." The last page shows two more pictures of Obama in Church, proclaims him again in large letters to be a "COMMITTED CHRISTIAN," and describes how he "felt a beckoning and accepted Jesus Christ into [his] life":

Sargent speculates that the brochure is an attempt to counter the false whispering campaign increasingly being circulated in South Carolina (by whom, we should find out) that Obama is a Muslim. That very well may be, but the brochure seems designed with a far broader purpose: namely, to signify to South Carolina's many Christian voters that Obama is one of them and therefore should have their vote for President, much the way that Huckabee sought to court the evangelical vote that was so critical to the GOP Iowa caucus.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 14, 2008, 03:20:10 PM
Nobody with half a brain gives a shit, but thanks for trying to make this an issue.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2008, 03:26:58 PM
Just to clarify for the intellectually and class challenged people (okay there is only one of you), this is an offshoot of The Luke's post in a prior thread, contending Obama practices, but does not believe in Christianity:

It's impossible to be a "secret" Muslim....

Denial of Mohamed as Allah's greatest prophet and divine channel for "the final revelation" (ie: a Muslim denying himself as being a Muslim, or denying Islam) is considered tantamount to renouncing one's faith.

Read your Koran people...

If Obama is a secret anything, he's a secret atheist (like most intelligent people)... he never attending any church during his younger years and only joined a congregation when he opted to enter politics; he isn't in any way a fundamentalist (ie: Creationist) and is very careful in what he says about religion: "I believe in religion" not I believe in Jeebus... he talks about his "Faith", he doesn't assert the Bible as truth... etc. Lots of little giveaways.

It should be pretty obvious to observant voters that he is a "practicing Christian" rather than a "believing Christian"... most of the Founding fathers had some form of faith (mostly Masonic), but Christianity is little more than a required/traditional formality for modern politicians.

The Luke   

Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 14, 2008, 03:30:12 PM
Just to clarify for the intellectually and class challenged people (okay there is only one of you), this is an offshoot of The Luke's post in a prior thread, contending Obama practices, but does not believe in Christianity:

So you've got a post from a well-known IRish bigfoot hunter. Good for you.  ::)  Like I said, "No one with half a brain (or more), gives a shit

ALl right, time for me to channel sweet Stella:  ;D

Beach Bum, do you have any information on Obama's position on dinosaurs? 
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: 240 is Back on September 14, 2008, 05:09:28 PM
Mayor Sarah says that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4000 years ago.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 14, 2008, 05:22:50 PM
240, I'm curious as to why some people vehemently reject that life (not the earth itself but life) could have only been on earth for let's say under 10,000 years?
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Parker on September 14, 2008, 05:26:23 PM
Mayor Sarah says that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4000 years ago.

If that constitutes as being a "Real Christian", then either that excludes a lot of people who go to Church, or they need to burn down the Smithsonian in DC for being a bastion of such heretical beliefs as dinos being wiped out 65 Million years ago....  
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 14, 2008, 05:31:52 PM

I find it almost hysterical that some people can't grasp that people who believe dinosaurs were running around 4000 years ago have the IQ of a chipmunk (a very cute animal, nonetheless).
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: 240 is Back on September 14, 2008, 05:34:28 PM
It's unreal that Palin will look us in the eye and try to convince us that all the scientists are wrong, and she is right.

But then again, mccain claimed she knew more about energy THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE UNITED STATES.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Parker on September 14, 2008, 05:55:26 PM
It's unreal that Palin will look us in the eye and try to convince us that all the scientists are wrong, and she is right.

But then again, mccain claimed she knew more about energy THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE UNITED STATES.

In her defense, there are chances that pockets of dinos are still around in the deep jungles of the Congo....if only they could confirm those rumors... Mastedons were around (dwarf) on some island around 4-10,000 yrs ago.

Loch Ness is nothing more than big sturgeons. 
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: mental_masturbator on September 15, 2008, 01:02:25 AM
In her defense, there are chances that pockets of dinos are still around in the deep jungles of the Congo....if only they could confirm those rumors... Mastedons were around (dwarf) on some island around 4-10,000 yrs ago.

Loch Ness is nothing more than big sturgeons. 

Mastodons went the way of the other N. American megafauna at the end of the Pleistocene...extinction .
The woolly mammoth, however,  survived into the Holocene on Wrangel Island (off the coast of Siberia) till about 4000 years ago.   Pretty astonishing when you think about it...
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: mightymouse72 on September 15, 2008, 03:52:26 AM
Sorry your thread got over taken by a couple of twerps, Beach. 
Good topic.  These same people that think this is a stupid subject are the same ones that will discuss on 5 different threads how Palin once got a parking ticket.  -for those that don't understand satire, read again.

No, Obama is not a practicing christain.  His views on abortion and his votes on the BAIPA support that.
Here some video below that explains this abortion view and his ignorance of the Bible.


Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on September 15, 2008, 03:58:57 AM
Sorry your thread got over taken by a couple of twerps, Beach. 
ohhhhhh.... that must suck... would love to do something about it but!!!! ahahahaha... what goes around comes around I guess ;)
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: mightymouse72 on September 15, 2008, 04:03:40 AM
ohhhhhh.... that must suck... would love to do something about it but!!!! ahahahaha... what goes around comes around I guess ;)

What's up Puke-O Chaffed-ass?!!
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on September 15, 2008, 04:14:54 AM
What's up Puke-O Chaffed-ass?!!
What the hell are you doing up so late? or up so early? assuming you're in America.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Neurotoxin on September 15, 2008, 04:52:44 AM
I have my doubts about his timing and sincerity, but here is some of what he has to say about his faith.  Here he talks about being a devout Christian:

as the US economy IMPLODES all you neocons talk about is religion.

you're NO DIFFERENT than the religious fanatic's in the Middle East.

Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 05:26:20 AM
Just to clarify for the intellectually and class challenged people (okay there is only one of you), this is an offshoot of The Luke's post in a prior thread, contending Obama practices, but does not believe in Christianity:

That’s because it makes The Luke look silly (or sillier), flapping his gums about Palin being stupid, because she’s a Christian on one hand; while on the other hand, he's encouraging people to vote for Obama (another professed Christian).

Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Parker on September 15, 2008, 06:17:03 AM
Mastodons went the way of the other N. American megafauna at the end of the Pleistocene...extinction .
The woolly mammoth, however,  survived into the Holocene on Wrangel Island (off the coast of Siberia) till about 4000 years ago.   Pretty astonishing when you think about it...

Thank you for correcting me, I knew was either the Mastodons or the Dwarf Woolly Mammoth....Well, there is that number again, 4,000 years ago...
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 06:23:09 AM
That’s because it makes The Luke look silly (or sillier), flapping his gums about Palin being stupid, because she’s a Christian on one hand; while on the other hand, he's encouraging people to vote for Obama (another professed Christian).

...I rather see it as a choice between someone pandering to the insecurities of the infantile masses (Obama); and a cabal of dangerously ignorant fundamentalists (Palin, Bush etc).

Historians will view it as the manifestation of a dysgenic societal schism... Republican voters <95 IQ; Democrat voters >95 IQ. They effectively represent the dysgenic (conservative) and stable (liberal) IQ population factions.

Lesser of two evils...

Personally I don't think there is a choice. Without serious (socialist) change of the type Obama recommends America is facing collapse. If McCain got into office with his more of the same policies, most foeign investors would dump their dollars and the currency would collapse... without the bargaining power of the dollar as the international reserve currency America is insolvent. Then China and Saudi Arabia foreclose and the USA becomes (even more so) a Third World country.

I'd rather have the option to vote Nader/Chomsky.

The Luke  
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 06:47:26 AM
...I rather see it as a choice between someone pandering to the insecurities of the infantile masses (Obama); and a cabal of dangerously ignorant fundamentalists (Palin, Bush etc).

Historians will view it as the manifestation of a dysgenic societal schism... Republican voters <95 IQ; Democrat voters >95 IQ. They effectively represent the dysgenic (conservative) and stable (liberal) IQ population factions.

Lesser of two evils...

Personally I don't think there is a choice. Without serious (socialist) change of the type Obama recommends America is facing collapse. If McCain got into office with his more of the same policies, most foeign investors would dump their dollars and the currency would collapse... without the bargaining power of the dollar as the international reserve currency America is insolvent. Then China and Saudi Arabia foreclose and the USA becomes (even more so) a Third World country.

I'd rather have the option to vote Nader/Chomsky.

The Luke  

Keep dreaming. The USA ain't becoming a third-world country.

And what wacky “historians” are going to come up with that claim, other than those already far-left, from the get-go?

Or did you forget that a huge chunk of Kerry voters (according to a CNN poll, of over 13,000 people) didn’t even have high-school diplomas? I wonder how they did on the IQ test.

The point is that the “Dems are smart; Republicans are stupid” tirade is a old and worn one. Judging from the fact that just TWO Democratic presidents have been elected in the last 40 years (only one of those guys got re-elected; the other got CRUSHED in his re-election bid) and the Democratic front-runner is coming dangerously close to blowing his chance at the Oval Office,  you might want to re-evaluate your little quips.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 06:55:33 AM

You are uninformed.

America is suffering the effects of both chronic dysgenia and a chronic IQ deficit.

I don't know if it's mercury in the food, or food additives or what... but you're about a hundred years away from Morlocks and Eloi.

The Luke
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 15, 2008, 07:04:10 AM
In her defense, there are chances that pockets of dinos are still around in the deep jungles of the Congo....if only they could confirm those rumors... Mastedons were around (dwarf) on some island around 4-10,000 yrs ago.

Loch Ness is nothing more than big sturgeons. 

you do realize that a woolly mammoth is not in any way related to dinosaurs?  That a mammal was around in the age of mammals is hardly surprising.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Decker on September 15, 2008, 07:07:23 AM
Beach Bum why is the christian question relevant to Obama?

If I didn't know better, I'd think you wanted some sort of religious litmus test for the office of president.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 07:12:37 AM

You are uninformed.

America is suffering the effects of both chronic dysgenia and a chronic IQ deficit.

I don't know if it's mercury in the food, or food additives or what... but you're about a hundred years away from Morlocks and Eloi.

The Luke

And, as usual, you can't answer basic questions, without rambling to make yourself sound smarter than you actually are.

You've yet to explain why these high-IQ-loaded Dems have elected a whopping TWO presidents in 40 years, why a significant chunk of Kerry voters didn't have high-school diplomas, or why Obama is floundering and may end up blowing this election.

Try that on for size and spare us all your long-winded posturing.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 07:13:41 AM
In her defense, there are chances that pockets of dinos are still around in the deep jungles of the Congo....if only they could confirm those rumors... Mastedons were around (dwarf) on some island around 4-10,000 yrs ago.

Loch Ness is nothing more than big sturgeons. 

GetBig's resident monster hunter says:

There MIGHT be surviving dinosaurs in the Congo. Parker is referring to the mythical Mokele Mbembe (the "Deep Diver") some form of sauropod said to live in the Lake Tele region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Giant chimps (6' 300 lbs) were discovered in Congo in 2003 (Google: "Bili Ape" or "Bondo Mystery Ape")... so it's possible.

The Luke
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 15, 2008, 07:17:12 AM

Assuming that by some chance, there is a dinosaur hanging out in some remote corner of the planet, how exactly does that prove that the world is less than 10,000 years old?

Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 07:19:53 AM
Assuming that by some chance, there is a dinosaur hanging out in some remote corner of the planet, how exactly does that prove that the world is less than 10,000 years old? doesn't. Such a creatures DNA could be compared to newly recovered dinosaur genomes to prove the length of time between the Jurassic and today.

Not that Jeebus freaks would listen... they discount the libraries worth of other data confirming the timeline.

The Luke
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 07:22:20 AM
And, as usual, you can't answer basic questions, without rambling to make yourself sound smarter than you actually are.

You've yet to explain why these high-IQ-loaded Dems have elected a whopping TWO presidents in 40 years, why a significant chunk of Kerry voters didn't have high-school diplomas, or why Obama is floundering and may end up blowing this election.

Try that on for size and spare us all your long-winded posturing.


Morons have more kids. Creationists (a moron subspecies) have more kids.

Just look at Palins family... 5 kids and one of the kids is pregnant.

The Luke
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Option D on September 15, 2008, 07:23:08 AM
dude so wheres the fire?
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 07:34:48 AM

Morons have more kids. Creationists (a moron subspecies) have more kids.

Just look at Palins family... 5 kids and one of the kids is pregnant.

The Luke

And that makes the Palins "morons" how?

Obama (the guy you're recommending) doesn't believe in Creation?

Boy, are you grasping for straws. But, it's the usual "we're smart; they're stupid" routine, which left-winged folk love to trumpet, especially after they lose elections.

Of course, there's my thread of the creationists who run a stem-cell research company, to counter your pathetic claims. But, that's another issue.

Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: calmus on September 15, 2008, 07:39:47 AM
Oooh, creations run a stem-cell co. ::)  How awesome!  Let me guess, they only use umbilical chord blood or some shit like that and are so far off the cutting edge, nobody but the great MCWAy knows who the fuck they are.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 07:52:51 AM
Oooh, creations run a stem-cell co. ::)  How awesome!  Let me guess, they only use umbilical chord blood or some shit like that and are so far off the cutting edge, nobody but the great MCWAy knows who the fuck they are.

You guess wrong, O belligerent one. I posted the thread a few days ago. Once, you've had your nap and graham crackers, you can check it out for yourself. ( (

Of course, I mentioned that to refute Luke's wacky claim about creationists, which was the point
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 08:33:54 AM

You are a self confessed Christian Fundamentalist Creationist who by his own admission TWICE voted for a dim-witted washed up cocaine addict to be the worst president in American history.

America is just shy of $10 TRILLION in debt: that's $10,000,000,000,000!

A devout, born-again Christian Creationist did that with the support (and complicity) of other simple-minded devout Christian Creationists who voted for him.

You and ilk have NO CREDIBILITY on this board.

The Luke
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 08:58:12 AM

You are a self confessed Christian Fundamentalist Creationist who by his own admission TWICE voted for a dim-witted washed up cocaine addict to be the worst president in American history.

America is just shy of $10 TRILLION in debt: that's $10,000,000,000,000!

A devout, born-again Christian Creationist did that with the support (and complicity) of other simple-minded devout Christian Creationists who voted for him.

You and ilk have NO CREDIBILITY on this board.

The Luke

That’s because all those Democrats, with the allegedly 95+ IQs couldn’t produce a better candidate for whom to vote.

Please explain why these brilliant Democrats couldn't produce a winning candidate (and try something original, other than than the tired "they're just dumb" routine).

Then, there's the matter of one Jimmy Carter, over whom you conveniently glossed. Why did Reagan BEAT HIM LIKE HE STOLE SOMETHING in 1980?

Two Democratic presidents in four decades (only one of whom got re-elected, whose successor LOST to the so-called "dim-witted washed up cocaine addict") with that and come with a response, that didn't originate from middle school.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: George Whorewell on September 15, 2008, 09:00:34 AM
McWay, dont expect miracles. Expect school-yard insults and amateurish arguments with imaginary numbers, conspiracy theories and self serving rhetoric.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: The Luke on September 15, 2008, 09:14:52 AM
I have never claimed that the intelligent were in the majority in the US.

The trend of elections in the US:
2000 ...picking a washed-up cocaine addict retard over the guy who invented the internet
2004 ...picking a the draft dodging deserter worst president ever over a war hero
2008 ...picking an out-of-touch Dubya-suck-up with a Jeebus freak VP over a Harvard Law Professor

...says more about the STUPIDITY of the electorate than any argument I could make.


You suck... the Democrats losing to these assholes doesn't prove they suck worse, it proves that the dumb outnumber the smart.

The Luke
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Decker on September 15, 2008, 09:19:20 AM
That’s because all those Democrats, with the allegedly 95+ IQs couldn’t produce a better candidate for whom to vote.

Please explain why these brilliant Democrats couldn't produce a winning candidate (and try something original, other than than the tired "they're just dumb" routine).

Then, there's the matter of one Jimmy Carter, over whom you conveniently glossed. Why did Reagan BEAT HIM LIKE HE STOLE SOMETHING in 1980?

Two Democratic presidents in four decades (only one of whom got re-elected, whose successor LOST to the so-called "dim-witted washed up cocaine addict") with that and come with a response, that didn't originate from middle school.
Reagan told the public what it wanted to hear:  There is no energy problem.  The american public should never have to sacrifice a thing for the common good.  Live like today might be your last and spend spend spend.

The american voter likes to be flattered and told that living a selfish life of acquisitive success is really in the best interest of the country.

That mentality is not intelligent.

Mourning in America.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 09:43:00 AM
I have never claimed that the intelligent were in the majority in the US.

The trend of elections in the US:
2000 ...picking a washed-up cocaine addict retard over the guy who invented the internet
2004 ...picking a the draft dodging deserter worst president ever over a war hero
2008 ...picking an out-of-touch Dubya-suck-up with a Jeebus freak VP over a Harvard Law Professor

...says more about the STUPIDITY of the electorate than any argument I could make.


You suck... the Democrats losing to these assholes doesn't prove they suck worse, it proves that the dumb outnumber the smart.

The Luke

You believe Gore invented the internet? <<<pause for hysterical laughter>>>

Bush wasn't drafted; he was already in the military as part of the Texas National Guard.

If you want war heroes, that honor would go to the current GOP presidental candidate, whose service to this country is well-documented and respected.

And you’re STILL dancing around the fact that Obama, whom you claim is the “smart” choice, is a professed CHRISTIAN (a “Jeebus freak”, as you so ridiculously state).

Make up your mind here. Is Obama smart, because he was a Harvard law professor, or is he a "moron" because he's a Christian (who perhaps believes in Creation)?

McWay, dont expect miracles. Expect school-yard insults and amateurish arguments with imaginary numbers, conspiracy theories and self serving rhetoric.

George, what can I say? When you're right, you're right!!! ;D
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Grape Ape on September 15, 2008, 10:04:30 AM

You suck... the Democrats losing to these assholes doesn't prove they suck worse, it proves that the dumb outnumber the smart.

This falls right in line with the whole "you don't know what's good for you, WE know what's good for you" rhetoric that the left tries to push.

The truth is, this should be a slam dunk election for the Democrats and they've picked the one candidate who just might lose it, when they had almost a sure winner sitting right next him.

The Democrats are just really, really bad at politics, and continue to be their own worst enemy.  Rational people on the Democratic side realize this.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: PTB on September 15, 2008, 10:08:19 AM
Amazing why this question continually comes up.
I can only think of one reason:
1.) Because his name is Barack Hussein Obama

If his hame was Barry Osteen, it wouldn't be an issue.  It's amazing how so many people believe
that you're not a Christian unless your name is James, Peter, John, or Matthew - as if these were
the actual names of these people in the bible to begin with.  Christianity in the west unfortunately
has become Anglicanized, and some simply can't see someone with a name like his being a Christian,
and being president.

Few presidents in the past - outside of JFK had to "defend" their faith to the level Barack, and for that
matter, Mitt Romney have.  Whether these former presidents were "devout" or practicing really didn't matter.
Most of these presidents have issues in their private lives that would question whether their faith was genuine - either in their executive decisions, or affiars, or whatever.

And in Republican camps, as long you answer a few questions in the affirmative - e.g. abortion, guns, homosexuality, etc., that's all their faith seems to boil down to.

John McCain has done some pretty "un-Christian" things in his life, which he has never come full mea-culpa on.  I found it interesting in the interview with Rick Warren, when asked what his greatest moral failing was, he said the failure of his first marriage.  Note he did not say that he cheated on his wife multiple times, and started seeing his current wife while still married to his first wife.

If people want to question whether Barack is a true Christian based on his words, values, and voting record, perhaps that's fair, but then again, if you go by the Christian requirements of faith - that you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, and that Jesus died and was buried, and was born again, that you will be saved - i.e., you become a Christian (Romans 10:9 - 10), who can truly judge then?   He's obviously confessed with his mouth. Who has access to his heart?
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: MCWAY on September 15, 2008, 10:18:01 AM
This falls right in line with the whole "you don't know what's good for you, WE know what's good for you" rhetoric that the left tries to push.

The truth is, this should be a slam dunk election for the Democrats and they've picked the one candidate who just might lose it, when they had almost a sure winner sitting right next him.

The Democrats are just really, really bad at politics, and continue to be their own worst enemy.  Rational people on the Democratic side realize this.

That’s also a tenet of some folks on the left: It’s never their fault, when they lose or screw up.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Parker on September 15, 2008, 10:39:18 AM
you do realize that a woolly mammoth is not in any way related to dinosaurs?  That a mammal was around in the age of mammals is hardly surprising.

Yeah, that is why I included the supposed Dinos running around the Congo forests...

But the Dwarf Woolly Mammoth died out about 4,000 yrs ago, which does f up Palin's timeline...I wish T-rex was around now, obese and ignorant people like Palin would be extinct.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Dos Equis on September 15, 2008, 11:01:51 AM
Sorry your thread got over taken by a couple of twerps, Beach. 
Good topic.  These same people that think this is a stupid subject are the same ones that will discuss on 5 different threads how Palin once got a parking ticket.  -for those that don't understand satire, read again.

No, Obama is not a practicing christain.  His views on abortion and his votes on the BAIPA support that.
Here some video below that explains this abortion view and his ignorance of the Bible.


It's okay mang.  It's only a message board.  Some people have a bit too much invested in this thing.  It's like you're taking their rent money or something.   :)
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Dos Equis on September 15, 2008, 11:02:42 AM

as the US economy IMPLODES all you neocons talk about is religion.

you're NO DIFFERENT than the religious fanatic's in the Middle East.


What?  lol.  Why you would make such a blatantly false statement is beyond me.  You're smarter than this NT. 
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Dos Equis on September 15, 2008, 11:04:10 AM
Beach Bum why is the christian question relevant to Obama?

If I didn't know better, I'd think you wanted some sort of religious litmus test for the office of president.

Look at my first post in this thread.  Obama made his faith a central part of his campaign. 

No, I don't believe we should amend the Constitution to have a religious test for the office of president. 
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Decker on September 15, 2008, 11:37:39 AM
Look at my first post in this thread.  Obama made his faith a central part of his campaign. 

No, I don't believe we should amend the Constitution to have a religious test for the office of president. 
My error.  It's too bad that he has to play to the religious crowd to get a secular elected position.

Just another indication of the mixed up values and thinking that's rampant in the US.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Dos Equis on September 15, 2008, 07:28:16 PM

blatantly false you say ? i don't think so BB. the party's been taken over by radical Christians, who think much like their muslim counterparts.

i'm a practicing catholic and see it all the time. I'm just being honest.


NT there is no one on the politics board who only talks about religion.  But it is an issue.  The candidates make it an issue.  The voters care.  It's a legit subject.   

Comparing people who talk about religion or "neocons" with Islamic extremists (the 911 attackers were Islamic extremists) is really an overstatement.  They're not in the same universe. 
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 28, 2013, 03:13:17 AM

Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: RRKore on December 30, 2013, 01:54:35 PM

You are uninformed.

America is suffering the effects of both chronic dysgenia and a chronic IQ deficit.

I don't know if it's mercury in the food, or food additives or what... but you're about a hundred years away from Morlocks and Eloi.

The Luke

I am a fan of "The Luke" but differ with him in that I think the problem with MCWAY is too much brawndo.
Title: Re: Is Obama a practicing, believing Christian?
Post by: Straw Man on December 30, 2013, 01:57:41 PM
Damn,  I had forgotten about The Luke, Calmus and Decker