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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Brixtonbulldog on October 25, 2008, 07:35:07 AM

Title: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 25, 2008, 07:35:07 AM
Group’s Tally of New Voters Was Vastly Overstated

Published: October 23, 2008

On Oct. 6, the community organizing group Acorn and an affiliated charity called Project Vote announced with jubilation that they had registered 1.3 million new voters. But it turns out the claim was a wild exaggeration, and the real number of newly registered voters nationwide is closer to 450,000, Project Vote’s executive director, Michael Slater, said in an interview.

The remainder are registered voters who were changing their address and roughly 400,000 that were rejected by election officials for a variety of reasons, including duplicate registrations, incomplete forms and fraudulent submissions from low-paid field workers trying to please their supervisors, Mr. Slater acknowledged.

In registration drives, it is common for a percentage of newly registered voters to be disqualified for various reasons, although experts say the percentage is higher when groups pay workers to gather registrations. But the disclosure on Thursday that 30 percent of Acorn’s registrations were faulty was described by Republicans as further proof of what they said was Acorn’s effort to tilt the election unfairly.

“We were wondering how many were Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse,” said Danny Diaz, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. “The group is really tainted, and any work they do is suspect.”

Republicans had been prepared for months to make an issue of Acorn’s registration drive. A year ago, the party’s national committee anticipated the surge of new registrations by putting a map of the country on its Web site, labeled “You Can’t Make This Up! Vote Fraud.”

Democrats and officials with Acorn accuse Republicans of trying to manufacture a controversy to deflect attention from alleged voter suppression activities in several states. Election officials and experts say there is little chance that significant numbers of supporters of either party would actually try to vote through a fraudulent registration.

Over the last few weeks, the Acorn registration drive has become a flash point in the campaign when the flood of new voter registrations prompted complaints from election officials about the high number of improper submissions. State and local officials have begun investigations into possible fraudulent activity in at least 10 states.

If interviews with two dozen voters in the swing states of Florida and Ohio are any indication, Republicans’ efforts appear to have resonated with some members of their own party as well as with some independents and Democrats.

“I’d have to see how bad it is and what happens,” said Dorrie Cohen, an 82-year-old Democrat in Boynton Beach, Fla. “If it’s very organized fraud, I think that I would question the election. If it’s just a few people trying something, I don’t think I would. However, there’s so much on the newspapers and the TV about it, I imagine it will be organized.”

Mr. Slater and Acorn officials have defended their voter registration work. They said that it remained technically difficult to weed out duplications without better access to election records, and that their internal auditing identified many of the fraudulent registrations, which they flagged for election officials to review.

“Everybody knows that when 1.3 million applications are submitted, not every single one of them gets on the rolls,” said Brian Kettenring, a spokesman for Acorn. “That’s common sense.”

The Republican drive to publicize Acorn’s problems has had another less visible impact on the race, shifting the focus of election lawyers in the homestretch to the Nov. 4 election. Much of the Democratic team of lawyers and operatives who had intended to work on monitoring voter rights at the polls has instead played defense the last two weeks, responding to accusations of fraud.

The Obama campaign has also sought to deflect Republican efforts to tie Acorn’s registration campaign to the Democratic presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. The Republicans highlighted a federal election filing by the Obama campaign that showed an $832,598 payment last February to an Acorn affiliate, Citizens Services Inc., for “staging, sound, lighting.” The Republicans suggested that the payment was actually for voter registration. But the Obama campaign said it had mislabeled the payment, and it filed an amended report that reflects the money was for get-out-the-vote efforts.

In a letter on Thursday to Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey, the general counsel for the Obama campaign, Robert F. Bauer, said he worried that Republican Party officials or candidates would pressure the Justice Department to improperly involve itself in the election.

Accusations of impropriety by a Republican voter registration campaign surfaced this week in California, where the authorities arrested the owner of a firm hired by the California Republican Party to register voters. Officials said that the owner, Mark Jacoby, fraudulently registered himself at a childhood address to qualify for gathering signatures on petitions and registering voters.

Mr. Jacoby’s firm, Young Political Majors, is also facing accusations of tricking residents into registering as Republicans by having them sign petitions seeking tougher penalties for child molesters.

Mr. Jacoby’s lawyer, Dan Goldfine, said that the charges against his client were “baseless,” and added that although the authorities have been looking into accusations that Mr. Jacoby’s firm improperly registered voters, they did not charge him with those violations.

In June, federal election records show, the California Republican Party paid $175,000 for voter registration work to the firm of a Republican operative, Nathan Sproul, who has been investigated for voter registration fraud in several states. Mr. Sproul could not be reached for comment.

In interviews this week, Acorn officials said they had an extensive program to detect fraudulent applications, which included calling the registrants to verify information provided on the forms. They also said they had combed through electronic records from the group’s field offices across the country, and that their internal audit did not show evidence of pervasive voter registration fraud.

Most of the registrations that were rejected were duplicate forms, followed by incomplete forms. The Acorn officials said their investigation found about 9,000 voter registration cards that were determined to be fraudulent. A lawyer for the group estimated that perhaps 5,000 to 6,000 more cards employees turned in were fraudulent. Acorn officials said that 20 percent to 25 percent of the applications it submitted were likely duplicates, 5 percent were incomplete, and 1 percent to 1.5 percent were fraudulent. Mr. Slater said the estimates were based on past registration drives and a sampling of this one.

Acorn officials said they were unable to provide a state-by-state breakdown identifying where the fraudulent voter registrations were submitted, but a spokesman said that at least some bogus cards cropped up in all 18 states where the group had major registration drives. Acorn conducted smaller drives in three other states.

Mr. Kettenring, the Acorn spokesman, said the number of fraudulent cards did not vary widely from state to state, but he identified Acorn’s office in Gary, Ind., as a particular trouble spot. After Acorn officials identified the percentage of problematic cards to be “unsatisfactorily high,” they shut down the office for three weeks beginning in late August, and brought in new management and canvassers before reopening it.

The group also said it was forced to fire 829 of the 10,000 canvassers it hired during the election for job-related problems, including falsifying registration forms. Acorn officials say they pay canvassers an hourly wage and not by the number of forms they obtain.

Mr. Kettenring said Acorn intended to change the language on its Web site to reflect that 400,000 of the 1.3 million registration submissions would likely be rejected by election officials, but said the group did not intend to be misleading.

In Las Vegas, where state officials raided Acorn offices this month to seize records, the county registrar of voters, Harvard L. Lomax, said his workers had found hundreds of potentially fraudulent registrations beyond those identified by Acorn.

“What this has done is undermined confidence in the system, because voters don’t understand that we have checks and bounds,” Mr. Lomax said. “I’m confident in the integrity of elections here.”

Echoing other election officials, Mr. Lomax said registration fraud could be sharply reduced if registration workers were all volunteers. “I have a solution: Make it illegal to pay people to register to vote,” Mr. Lomax said. “Money is the root of evil.”

But Acorn officials say that paying workers helps their voter registration drives succeed in signing up large numbers of minority and low income voters.

Joseph Hickson, an automobile designer from Naples, Fla., who is registered as a Democrat, said the voter registration issue would be made moot by a large margin of victory for Mr. Obama.

“It really depends on how much of a landslide he has — if he has one,” Mr. Hickson said. “If it’s close there may be some questions.”
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: 240 is Back on October 25, 2008, 07:51:15 AM
Repubs suddenly give a shit about voter fraud.  It was okay in 2000 and 2004 though.

I wonder if these same folks were just as upset when Ohio refused to allow a recount of the paper ballots to ensure the correct person won Ohio ;)
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: tonymctones on October 25, 2008, 07:59:42 AM
Repubs suddenly give a shit about voter fraud.  It was okay in 2000 and 2004 though.

I wonder if these same folks were just as upset when Ohio refused to allow a recount of the paper ballots to ensure the correct person won Ohio ;)
i wasnt on this board at that time but your saying that two wrongs make a right? that sounds about right
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 25, 2008, 07:59:46 AM
Repubs suddenly give a shit about voter fraud.  It was okay in 2000 and 2004 though.

I wonder if these same folks were just as upset when Ohio refused to allow a recount of the paper ballots to ensure the correct person won Ohio ;)

So much for hangin up the politics, huh 240? ;D

Historically Democrats have been far more guilty of committing various types of voter fraud.  The instances of Repubs doing the same isn't even close.

Last I remember the allegations of vote fraud in Ohio were only allegations and if Dems were allowed to challenge every time they lose a state based on no evidence they would do it in every one.  But Dem groups keep getting caught red-handed.

And look who paid Acorn $432,000 to register new voters for him..  wasn't McCain.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Decker on October 25, 2008, 08:14:11 AM
So much for hangin up the politics, huh 240? ;D

Historically Democrats have been far more guilty of committing various types of voter fraud.  The instances of Repubs doing the same isn't even close.
Could you support these two statements with some facts?

Last I remember the allegations of vote fraud in Ohio were only allegations and if Dems were allowed to challenge every time they lose a state based on no evidence they would do it in every one.  But Dem groups keep getting caught red-handed....
When Mickey Mouse shows up to vote, then I'll take your accusations seriously.

Until then, these ACORN accusations are more of the same from the righwing trying to pull off another election fraud as they did in 2000 and 2004.  Gin up stories of 'vote fraud' and scrub the voter rolls of everyone they possibly can including thousands and thousands of legally registered voters.

That's how the right perpetrates election preemptively accusing the competition of a crime and then 'fixing' that crime.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 25, 2008, 04:24:52 PM
Could you support these two statements with some facts?
When Mickey Mouse shows up to vote, then I'll take your accusations seriously.

Until then, these ACORN accusations are more of the same from the righwing trying to pull off another election fraud as they did in 2000 and 2004.  Gin up stories of 'vote fraud' and scrub the voter rolls of everyone they possibly can including thousands and thousands of legally registered voters.

That's how the right perpetrates election preemptively accusing the competition of a crime and then 'fixing' that crime.

Here you go, dipshit:

Pathetic.. you have to make up a fantasy just to keep believing your absurdities.  Everything your failing arguments accuse of being stolen was "alleged."  Meanwhile REAL voter fraud is, once again, being committed in the name of getting Barack Hussein Obama into office.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: 240 is Back on October 25, 2008, 04:26:36 PM
So much for hangin up the politics, huh 240? ;D

I promised myself if I avoided the place for those 2 weeks and got diet right, i'd check in with you guys.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 25, 2008, 04:43:07 PM
E'rythang you need to know.

Most of the registrations that were rejected were duplicate forms, followed by incomplete forms. The Acorn officials said their investigation found about 9,000 voter registration cards that were determined to be fraudulent. A lawyer for the group estimated that perhaps 5,000 to 6,000 more cards employees turned in were fraudulent. Acorn officials said that 20 percent to 25 percent of the applications it submitted were likely duplicates, 5 percent were incomplete, and 1 percent to 1.5 percent were fraudulent.

Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Benny B on October 25, 2008, 05:22:20 PM
Here you go, dipshit:

Pathetic.. you have to make up a fantasy just to keep believing your absurdities.  Everything your failing arguments accuse of being stolen was "alleged."  Meanwhile REAL voter fraud is, once again, being committed in the name of getting Barack Hussein Obama into office.
There is a big difference between voter registration fraud and actual voter fraud.  ::)

You are a moron.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: tu_holmes on October 25, 2008, 05:35:35 PM
There is a big difference between voter registration fraud and actual voter fraud.  ::)

You are a moron.

The best is that ACORN found the fraudulent registrations... ACORN... You know, the people who are apparently committing the fraud.

Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Decker on October 25, 2008, 09:10:27 PM
Here you go, dipshit:

Pathetic.. you have to make up a fantasy just to keep believing your absurdities.  Everything your failing arguments accuse of being stolen was "alleged."  Meanwhile REAL voter fraud is, once again, being committed in the name of getting Barack Hussein Obama into office.
I've slapped you around in so many threads that I'm fatigued.

Let's see.

An insult; a link to irrelevant 'proof; more insults; and a restatement of an unsupported conclusion.

By gum, this must be a post by Brixton Bulldog!

Where else does incompetence meet failure with such style?

Your stumbling and bumbling suits your "in your face" style of pointless blubbering.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 25, 2008, 09:30:03 PM
I've slapped you around in so many threads that I'm fatigued.

Let's see.

An insult; a link to irrelevant 'proof; more insults; and a restatement of an unsupported conclusion.

By gum, this must be a post by Brixton Bulldog!

Where else does incompetence meet failure with such style?

Your stumbling and bumbling suits your "in your face" style of pointless blubbering.

Sure you have ;D

You're arguments are so weak you need two spotters.  Keep making as ass of yourself.. the more you marginalize your silly arguments the more you make the rest of us look like stephen hawkings, dumb ass.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 26, 2008, 07:56:49 AM
"'30 percent of Acorn’s registrations were faulty"

Can we please suspend all tax-payer $ to this horrible organization....even the NYT is reporting massive voter fraud here.
How much time and $ is wasted on trying to police their own faulty process?  How many registrations slipped through?  This organization is a failure.  They must, at very least, stop paying by the # of people their workers register.  This is another black eye on American politics.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Rimbaud on October 26, 2008, 08:53:42 AM
Repubs suddenly give a shit about voter fraud.  It was okay in 2000 and 2004 though.

I wonder if these same folks were just as upset when Ohio refused to allow a recount of the paper ballots to ensure the correct person won Ohio ;)

It's only fraud to them if they lose.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Straw Man on October 26, 2008, 09:48:58 AM
Republicans are masters of WHOLESALE election fraud i.e. flipping large #'s of legitimate votes from Democrat to Repug.

They are also the masters of things like caging (often used on people in the military), purging legitimate voters in heavily democtratic districts and suppressing voter turnout via dirty tricks (callling people and telling them the voting date has changed), having too few voting machines in heavily democratic districts, etc.....

on the other hand you have Acorn hiring poor people and paying them by the name to sign up voters.   Those fake names don't turn into actual fraudulent votes becuase there is no individual attached to the fake name.   Its a FAKE issue meant to keep you distracted while the Repugs steal, suppress, and flip tens of thousands and maybe millions of legitimate votes
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:09:40 AM
Republicans are masters of WHOLESALE election fraud i.e. flipping large #'s of legitimate votes from Democrat to Repug.

They are also the masters of things like caging (often used on people in the military), purging legitimate voters in heavily democtratic districts and suppressing voter turnout via dirty tricks (callling people and telling them the voting date has changed), having too few voting machines in heavily democratic districts, etc.....

on the other hand you have Acorn hiring poor people and paying them by the name to sign up voters.   Those fake names don't turn into actual fraudulent votes becuase there is no individual attached to the fake name.   Its a FAKE issue meant to keep you distracted while the Repugs steal, suppress, and flip tens of thousands and maybe millions of legitimate votes

Sounds like a lot of "allegations" and little substance.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Straw Man on October 26, 2008, 10:19:14 AM
Sounds like a lot of "allegations" and little substance.

there are plenty of sources. 

Here's one from a Repug

Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:21:35 AM
there are plenty of sources. 

Here's one from a Repug

I'm sure it happens on both sides.  But no one can deny Dems are responsible for far more.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 10:28:47 AM
I'm sure it happens on both sides.  But no one can deny Dems are responsible for far more.

Anyone with common sense would deny that.

The article you linked isn't even about voter fraud. The majority of the cancelled registrations were duplicates or incomplete. It is not illegal to register more than once.

Meanwhile, the republicans actually manage to steal elections.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:29:45 AM
Anyone with common sense would deny that.

The article you linked isn't even about voter fraud. The majority of the cancelled registrations were duplicates or incomplete. It is not illegal to register more than once.

Meanwhile, the republicans actually manage to steal elections.


why would that happen?  hmm..

christ you guys are dumb
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 10:31:50 AM
"'30 percent of Acorn’s registrations were faulty"

Can we please suspend all tax-payer $ to this horrible organization....even the NYT is reporting massive voter fraud here.
How much time and $ is wasted on trying to police their own faulty process?  How many registrations slipped through?  This organization is a failure.  They must, at very least, stop paying by the # of people their workers register.  This is another black eye on American politics.

Drama queen much? They don't receive federal funding. They don't pay by the registration either. Please learn to read. From the above article:

. Acorn officials say they pay canvassers an hourly wage and not by the number of forms they obtain
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Straw Man on October 26, 2008, 10:33:57 AM
I'm sure it happens on both sides.  But no one can deny Dems are responsible for far more.

I'm open to your opinion.

I'd like to see some evidence or even just some allegations of large scale ELECTION FRAUD from the Dems.

ELECTION FRAUD is how elections are truly stolen.

Election Fraud = theft on a large scale

Voter Fraud = theft of a very small scale

btw what the handful of people employed by Acorn did was not even voter fraud (i.e. casting a fraudulent vote).    I'd say it's unlikely that any of those fake names will show up to vote on election day.  They don't even exist.  It's just a fake name on a list so the employee can collect another $2.   It won't have any effect on the election (though to be clear I'm not advocating what they did)
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 10:34:25 AM

why would that happen?  hmm..

christ you guys are dumb

If someone registered for the 2004 election and they register again for the 2008 elections it is considered a duplicate. That is what the article is referring to.

Even if someone is registered twice, they can still only vote once. There isn't even a logical trail to voter fraud from that.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:35:11 AM
Drama queen much? They don't receive federal funding. They don't pay by the registration either. Please learn to read. From the above article:


Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 10:36:33 AM

Other than right wing dingbats, no one is really accusing  them of fraud. 
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:41:33 AM

just some interesting stuff.. there are articles of ACTUAL voter fraud all over the place yet most of the accusations made towards repubs for fraud are hearsay with no evidence.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:43:12 AM
Other than right wing dingbats, no one is really accusing  them of fraud. 

dude the NY TIMES of all places reported the story

accept it
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Straw Man on October 26, 2008, 10:47:23 AM

just some interesting stuff.. there are articles of ACTUAL voter fraud all over the place yet most of the accusations made towards repubs for fraud are hearsay with no evidence.

those links are all about VOTER FRAUD

Show me some links where Dems are accused of ELECTION FRAUD - you know caging, scrubbing thousands of legitimate voters, jamming phone lines, using intimidation in minority districts, owning voting machine companies and flipping thousands of votes.   

You know what I'm talking about.....stuff that Repugs do to steal elections
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:51:52 AM
those links are all about VOTER FRAUD

Show me some links where Dems are accused of ELECTION FRAUD - you know caging, scrubbing thousands of legitimate voters, jamming phone lines, using intimidation in minority districts, owning voting machine companies and flipping thousands of votes.   

You know what I'm talking about.....stuff that Repugs do to steal elections

is massive amounts of organized voter fraud not the same thing?

show me where the GOP has done something illegal
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Straw Man on October 26, 2008, 10:56:06 AM
is massive amounts of organized voter fraud not the same thing?

show me where the GOP has done something illegal

there is no massive amount of voter fraud

and voter registration fraud is not the same thing as actual voter fraud much less wholesale election fraud.

that's the whole point

If you were a guard in a bank you'd be keeping an eye on the pens while the vault was being robbed
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 10:56:39 AM
dude the NY TIMES of all places reported the story

accept it

Once again, the article doesn't really address voter fraud. Duplicate registrations are nost voter fraud. Applying twice isn't even a crime.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 26, 2008, 10:58:05 AM
there is no massive amount of voter fraud

and voter registration fraud is not the same thing as actual voter fraud much less wholesale election fraud.

that's the whole point

If you were a guard in a bank you'd be keeping an eye on the pens while the vault was being robbed

ok fine

show me where the GOP has done something illegal
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Straw Man on October 26, 2008, 11:07:28 AM
ok fine

show me where the GOP has done something illegal

I already gave you a link written by a Republican who was convicted and has exposed most of their tactics.

I suspect that the real wholesale fraud involves the diebold voting machine and there is plenty of info you can find that should at the VERY LEAST raise your suspicion.   

Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Benny B on October 26, 2008, 11:09:59 AM
dude the NY TIMES of all places reported the story

accept it

 ::)  ::)  ::)

There is a big difference between voter registration fraud and actual voter fraud. 

You are a moron.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 11:24:00 AM
ok fine

show me where the GOP has done something illegal
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 26, 2008, 11:26:07 AM
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Decker on October 27, 2008, 05:49:56 AM
there is no massive amount of voter fraud

and voter registration fraud is not the same thing as actual voter fraud much less wholesale election fraud.

that's the whole point

If you were a guard in a bank you'd be keeping an eye on the pens while the vault was being robbed

As soon as soon as Speed Racer and Donald Duck show up to vote with their fraudulent voter registration, Brixton will spring out and nab them red-handed thus proving the Democrats are trying to steal the election one vote at a time with ficitonal characters voting.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 27, 2008, 07:19:53 AM

As soon as soon as Speed Racer and Donald Duck show up to vote with their fraudulent voter registration, Brixton will spring out and nab them red-handed thus proving the Democrats are trying to steal the election one vote at a time with ficitonal characters voting.

Figures, I don't hear any conservative groups registering cartoon characters.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Decker on October 27, 2008, 07:25:04 AM
Figures, I don't hear any conservative groups registering cartoon characters.
That's b/c ACORN is not an elitest group. 

And, let's face it, the american right has its shit together organization-wise.  When they steal an election, like they did in 2004 and 2000, they use nonsense like the ACORN case to create an issue where none exists, then they fix the 'problem' with wholesale voter roll scrubbing.

That's pretty smart.  Have a veneer of legitimacy with a complaint of vote fraud and go for the jugular with wholesale election fraud by scrubbing all related voter rolls thereby disenfranchising thousands and thousands of democratic voters.

Like I said, that's fairly clever.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 27, 2008, 07:28:10 AM
Al, there is widespread registration fraud.  You must admit this.  Its reported everywhere now, its not disputable.  Your correct though...registration fraud does not necessarily mean election fraud.  Nonetheless, its inappropriate, particularly when ACORN is given $ based on #s they generate.

I do not defend any republicans who engaged in voter fraud.  If that occured, they are just as guilty.

ACORN does receive federal funding through 3rd parties.  We can and should restrict agencies receiving federal funds from passing these funds along to ACORN.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: garebear on October 27, 2008, 07:29:56 AM
I just can't believe that IFBB Wannabe has not gone apeshit on this thread yet. What is the world coming to?

You are most definitely slipping, my friend.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 27, 2008, 07:34:15 AM
This is a quote from the news story with house minority leader John Boehner where he urged the gov to block federal funds to ACORN because of a clear record of voter registration fraud.

Boehner's office had determined that ACORN had received more than $31 million in direct federal funding since 1998. He said the group had likely received far more indirectly through federal block grants to states and localities. "Immediate action is necessary to ensure that no additional tax dollars are directed to ACORN while it is under investigation," he wrote Bush
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 27, 2008, 05:54:18 PM
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 27, 2008, 05:57:37 PM
That's b/c ACORN is not an elitest group. 

And, let's face it, the american right has its shit together organization-wise.  When they steal an election, like they did in 2004 and 2000, they use nonsense like the ACORN case to create an issue where none exists, then they fix the 'problem' with wholesale voter roll scrubbing.

That's pretty smart.  Have a veneer of legitimacy with a complaint of vote fraud and go for the jugular with wholesale election fraud by scrubbing all related voter rolls thereby disenfranchising thousands and thousands of democratic voters.

Like I said, that's fairly clever.

So not only do you deny widespread attempts by the Democrats to commit massive voter fraud but you actually believe the eeeevil GOP is guilty beyond what few and isolated instances are reported by the mainstream media?!?!

I suppose you consider yourself objective.  Tell me, are you another who thinks Obama can do no wrong?
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: jimijimi on October 27, 2008, 06:11:35 PM
Repubs suddenly give a shit about voter fraud.  It was okay in 2000 and 2004 though.

I wonder if these same folks were just as upset when Ohio refused to allow a recount of the paper ballots to ensure the correct person won Ohio ;)

Now it's the Dem. turn, i bet that makes you happy right? it only took $800.000 dollars for the obama party
to do so.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Al Doggity on October 27, 2008, 07:07:22 PM
Al, there is widespread registration fraud.  You must admit this.  Its reported everywhere now, its not disputable.  Your correct though...registration fraud does not necessarily mean election fraud.  Nonetheless, its inappropriate, particularly when ACORN is given $ based on #s they generate.

I do not defend any republicans who engaged in voter fraud.  If that occured, they are just as guilty.

ACORN does receive federal funding through 3rd parties.  We can and should restrict agencies receiving federal funds from passing these funds along to ACORN.

No, it is not reported everywhere. The article posted says there were only about 10,000  registrations that could be considered fraudulent out of 1.3 million. The employees were fired and the registrations were flagged.

The only places that report widespread  fraud are Right wing blogs.

From today's NY Times:

Voting rights advocates say the Republicans’ accusations of fraud (even though party operatives themselves face possible charges of fraud, most notably in California) are part of a deliberate strategy to create confusion among voters, to galvanize the conservative base and to set the table for possible legal challenges of voters at the polls and of the election results.

And more importantly:

Voting rights advocates say that there is no correlation between fraudulent registrations and fraudulent voting and that past elections have shown little evidence of actual voter fraud. While it does occur, they say, it is hardly rampant.

Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 28, 2008, 07:21:11 AM
No, it is not reported everywhere. The article posted says there were only about 10,000  registrations that could be considered fraudulent out of 1.3 million. The employees were fired and the registrations were flagged.

The only places that report widespread  fraud are Right wing blogs.

From today's NY Times:

And more importantly:

Funny how those "voting rights activists groups" are always ultra left nut bags.

Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Decker on October 28, 2008, 07:32:32 AM
So not only do you deny widespread attempts by the Democrats to commit massive voter fraud but you actually believe the eeeevil GOP is guilty beyond what few and isolated instances are reported by the mainstream media?!?!
ACORN is required by law to submit ALL NEWLY REGISTERED VOTERS.  At what point does it dawn on you that that requirement sort of defeats the premise of widespread conspiratorial voter registration fraud?

Let me know.

I suppose you consider yourself objective.  Tell me, are you another who thinks Obama can do no wrong?
Nobody is objective.  I try to be even-handed.  I got nothing to gain if ACORN is or is not gulty of the allegations.  My one vote counts for shit. 

I don't bullshit myself to see a conspiracy where none exists.

Obama was not my first choice.  When you phrase the question as "do no wrong" that's not helping matters.  Only the lunatics on the right portray Obama as a Christ-like figure.

Do you deny that Obama is engendering enthusiasm and hope in many of the US citizens?
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: headhuntersix on October 28, 2008, 07:39:20 AM
Only the right...are u fucking kidding me....its the ding bat left that has halo's around him, its the deluded media that takes photo's of him like some messianic figure. Its his campaign that sets him up in Nurenmberg like raliies.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 28, 2008, 07:49:36 AM
ACORN is required by law to submit ALL NEWLY REGISTERED VOTERS.  At what point does it dawn on you that that requirement sort of defeats the premise of widespread conspiratorial voter registration fraud?

Let me know.
Nobody is objective.  I try to be even-handed.  I got nothing to gain if ACORN is or is not gulty of the allegations.  My one vote counts for shit. 

I don't bullshit myself to see a conspiracy where none exists.

Obama was not my first choice.  When you phrase the question as "do no wrong" that's not helping matters.  Only the lunatics on the right portray Obama as a Christ-like figure.

Do you deny that Obama is engendering enthusiasm and hope in many of the US citizens?

Yes, because ACORN wouldn't try to get away with breaking the rules or manipulating the system if it could, right? ::) ::)

Even if only 10,000 voters are fraudulent.. don't you see something wrong with that picture?

Obama is engineering hope for everyone who has finally realized the flaw of a gov't this close to true democracy and now they are about to "vote" themselves prosperity from those who have actually earned it.  Obama is a socialist, you are a socialist, so yes, he is hope for you and your agenda.
Title: Re: NY Times reports massive Acorn voter fraud
Post by: Decker on October 28, 2008, 09:18:10 AM
Yes, because ACORN wouldn't try to get away with breaking the rules or manipulating the system if it could, right? ::) ::)

Even if only 10,000 voters are fraudulent.. don't you see something wrong with that picture?

Obama is engineering hope for everyone who has finally realized the flaw of a gov't this close to true democracy and now they are about to "vote" themselves prosperity from those who have actually earned it.  Obama is a socialist, you are a socialist, so yes, he is hope for you and your agenda.
What a tour de force response.

Yes, ACORN slipped Fred Flintstone by the verification procedure and when he shows up to vote, look Obama victory.  Unless Fred is off of his game that day and he votes McCain.  You just never know how cartoons will vote.

The criminal, murdering, corporations and corporate executives really earned their money.  Now The People will take back that which was plundered from them by these crooks.  And all those multi-millionaires that fuel my jealousy will also pay to support the lazy shiftless jigaboos on welfare.

My aspirations take shape under Obama's christ-like leadership.