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Title: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Dos Equis on November 06, 2008, 11:54:31 AM
They not only need a leader, they need a message. 

Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
The next generation of Republicans will have to steer the party back to its conservative roots.
By Jennifer Lawinski

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Republican Party's doors are open to a new generation of leaders as it regroups and re-evaluates its message in the wake of Tuesday night's crushing defeat at the polls.

But what that generation should espouse remains up for negotiation.

"There's always a period of introspection after a loss, as there should be. We need to go back to square one and review our message, the values we communicate and the messengers we choose to communicate them," Republican pollster Whit Ayres said.

"I think we have to have a bunch of smart people reflecting on these results," he said.

While the Republican Party may need to return to the ideas of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan to center itself, the party's next generation of leaders doesn't look like its father's GOP.

Tomorrow's party leaders defy stereotypes and may seem counterintuitive, said Republican strategist Margaret Hoover. "We're not the old wrinkly guy party anymore.

"We definitely need some fresh leadership and some fresh faces," Hoover said. "Even on taxes, Barack Obama's tax message got more traction with Americans, so clearly we're not doing something right. The wilderness isn't a bad place to be."

Strategists say the party should look to its governors to guide its future, especially Sarah Palin.

"The majority of the most popular governors in the country are Republicans, even in this toxic atmosphere nationally for Republicans," said Ayres.

"I think Palin is clearly a part of the conversation, but we've also got rising stars like Bobby Jindal in Louisiana, Tim Pawlenty in Minnesota and Charlie Crist in Florida," Ayres said.

"These are people who have been very successful governors and are very bright popular leaders in their states and an obvious source of talent for the next generation of Republican leadership."

Jindal, 37, is the first Indian-American governor ever in the U.S., and Pawlenty, 47, was thought to be on John McCain's short-list of potential vice presidential picks prior to his selection of Palin. Crist, 52, was Florida's attorney general before being elected governor in 2006.

Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, 45, a fiscal conservative from Richmond, is another one to watch.

"He's fascinating," Hoover said.

Cantor, chief deputy House minority whip since early 2003, intends to run for minority whip, FOX News has learned, moving up the ladder of seniority. It is unclear whether the current GOP whip, Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri, will seek re-election to his party post.

The House minority leader, Ohio Rep. John Boehner, 59, said Tuesday that he will seek re-election to his post.

But old guard conservatives warn that unless Republican congressional leaders return to their roots, they have no place in the leadership.

They have "failed their party, they have failed the conservatives who make up their party's base, and they have failed the American people. They should resign immediately," Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of, said in a statement Wednesday.

""Not one cent, and not one minute of volunteer work, should go to the Republican Party until the congressional leadership is replaced with principled conservatives. These leaders still don't understand why the voters have rejected them, and they won't 'get it' until conservatives hit them where it hurts," he said.

But Hoover said conservatives need to find new ways to address the challenges. One Republican on Hoover's short list of creative thinkers is Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, 38.

"He's the only guy I know of that's putting forth a health care blueprint," Hoover said. "Americans mostly don't want lower taxes. The reason why is they don't feel like the Bush tax cuts were worth it."

GOPAC Chairman and former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele said Republicans need to get back to the basics and focus on the issues that made them popular during the Reagan years.

"We are a conservative party. We should be proud of that fact. We should not get mired and lost in adding a whole lot to it," Steele said.

"I think Reagan spoke very clearly to that which is why he was able to make conservatism cool. It was a cool thing to be a conservative and I think that is something we kind of lost sight of. We loaded it up with all kinds of things that probably weighed us down, and people didn't want to carry as baggage," he said. "No one wants to be judged by a political party."

Steele said Palin, former White House budget chief Rob Portman, 52, and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, 48, will help the party move forward.

"We have a phenomenal farm team, we just never developed it. We never groomed it. And now its time to do that because these are the men and women that are going to have to step up for us and reconnect with the American people," he said.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Straw Man on November 06, 2008, 12:04:05 PM
They not only need a leader, they need a message

any ideas?
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 06, 2008, 12:04:12 PM
Hate to inform you but Crist wanders across the aisle more than McCain ever dared to dream of doing.

Crist only became a "conservative" once he was put on the short list for VP selection.  Putting him on the ticket would be the greatest nightmare the right wing ever had.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Decker on November 06, 2008, 12:07:33 PM
I think we can expect the re-animated corpse of Ronald Reagan to take up the republican mantle.

Of course his cravings for human flesh will have to be overlooked.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Straw Man on November 06, 2008, 12:17:37 PM
I think the Repugs are completely dumbfounded as to what to do next

I can't even say for sure who is the leader of their party?

Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: shootfighter1 on November 06, 2008, 12:27:27 PM
No mention of Mitt Romney?  Arnold?

While I like Palin's character, she took an aweful beating by the press.  Some warranted and a lot unwarranted, but I do not believe her to be the leader of the party...a strong voice, sure, but not a leader.  My main issue with her was lack of federal level experience.  She has above average but not exceptional coverage.  People called her stupid, which is ludicrous, but she isn't brilliant.  Lack of experience and regional social differences may have accounted for a good portion of it.  She just wasn't ready to be VP.  Perhaps in 4 years, her resume looks stronger.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: tonymctones on November 06, 2008, 12:29:44 PM
jindal will be a presidential candidate one day and if there is justice in this world president.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: shootfighter1 on November 06, 2008, 12:31:18 PM
I was so impressed with Jindal...but what about this far right religious stuff on him that the left mentions?
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Dos Equis on November 06, 2008, 12:38:37 PM
Don't know much about him, but he has a very impressive background. 
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: tonymctones on November 06, 2008, 12:46:23 PM
im not sure if this is what he is talking about but this may be something.

I do know that when the supreme court said no to death penalties for rapist of children under the age of 12 he implemented chemical castration which is a state decision not national...very smart move if you ask me and one in the right direction.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Decker on November 06, 2008, 12:56:25 PM
The republicans need another Reagan: 
A hollow yet malleable actor who can learn his lines and lie to the american people with a grand smile on his face.

First and foremost, this new leader must have the ability to convince the lower and middle classes that less gov. services for them and more tax cuts and deregulation for the financial elites are the best expression of american government.  Class warfare exists only if the poor ask for another bowl of slop.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: y19mike77 on November 06, 2008, 01:10:47 PM

I really like this guy.

He lost his bid for congress but is far from done.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: y19mike77 on November 06, 2008, 01:13:15 PM
The republicans need another Reagan: 
A hollow yet malleable actor who can learn his lines and lie to the american people with a grand smile on his face.

First and foremost, this new leader must have the ability to convince the lower and middle classes that less gov. services for them and more tax cuts and deregulation for the financial elites are the best expression of american government.  Class warfare exists only if the poor ask for another bowl of slop.

Yeah your right what we really need is somone to tell the poor to stay home sit on your asses and do nothing for yourself. Because we will steal money from the rich and give it to them.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: tonymctones on November 06, 2008, 01:17:22 PM
The republicans need another Reagan: 
A hollow yet malleable actor who can learn his lines and lie to the american people with a grand smile on his face.

First and foremost, this new leader must have the ability to convince the lower and middle classes that less gov. services for them and more tax cuts and deregulation for the financial elites are the best expression of american government.  Class warfare exists only if the poor ask for another bowl of slop.
well the libs convinced ppl to give up their money so they can give it to others who dont work or make less other words its like supporting a family member who youve never met and dont know...sound good?
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: shootfighter1 on November 06, 2008, 01:21:19 PM
I heard Alan West on the radio, seemed smart and well spoken.  He's a black, ex-military conservative!  Love it.

Republicans must continue to diversify their party leaders.  its happening but very slowly.  Guys like West and Jindal need to be out in the public as conservative spoksemen. 
The rep party must get back to its roots of smaller gov and less spending.  Also be willing to compromise on regulation for corporations and other needed issues to protect the people from excess greed.
There's nothing wrong with lower taxes, its insulting that excessive taxation is cloaked as "fair" and "patriotic".  We already have a graduated tax system, no need to increase any taxes.  Stop fooling spending.  We must not let our gov get too powerful.  More minorities will agree as they continue to climb the economic ladder.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: y19mike77 on November 06, 2008, 01:26:34 PM
Decker is an all out socialist/communist. It is pointless to argue with him.

He would be much happier calling Obama "Emperor Obama"

I am willing to bet he loved Jimmy Carter as well.

If you ask me Decker you are in the wrong country...... wait..... or am I in the wrong country?
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: shootfighter1 on November 06, 2008, 01:27:20 PM
And the ironic thing is Decker is smart and still a socialist!  haha.   ;D
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: y19mike77 on November 06, 2008, 01:28:44 PM
West and Jindal both represent something McCain or bush do not.

Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: y19mike77 on November 06, 2008, 01:33:28 PM
Yeah there is no doubt Decker is smart. Probably one of the smartest on the boards.

But being smart does not mean your right.

Hitler was smart too.......
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Straw Man on November 06, 2008, 02:00:41 PM
Yeah your right what we really need is somone to tell the poor to stay home sit on your asses and do nothing for yourself. Because we will steal money from the rich and give it to them.

Don't forger that Reagan raised the payroll tax in order to create a surplus which he then borrowered to plug the holes in his budget that were created by his tax cuts for the wealthy.

Bush continues this tradition today with ~ 25% of the fiscal 2008 budget coming from $$$ borrowed from Social Security.   This is like you borrowing from your 401k to pay your household bills.

Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: timfogarty on November 06, 2008, 02:38:29 PM
While I like Palin's character, she took an aweful beating by the press.  ...  People called her stupid, which is ludicrous, but she isn't brilliant. 

She, like W, is an anti-intellectual.   She is not curious about the world.   She doesn't value education.  It took her four colleges over six years to earn a BS in communications.   Her two oldest kids are high school drop-outs.     She believes her faith is enough guide her through any crisis.

The evangelical movement is filled with such people.  I'll take an elitist Rhodes Scholar any day to be leader of the free world.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Decker on November 07, 2008, 11:18:08 AM
Decker is an all out socialist/communist. It is pointless to argue with him.

He would be much happier calling Obama "Emperor Obama"

I am willing to bet he loved Jimmy Carter as well.

If you ask me Decker you are in the wrong country...... wait..... or am I in the wrong country?
You fear the weakness of your own convictions.

Release your fear and join the darkside.

We'll sit around all day playing X-box, getting stoned and pigging out on junkfood while BrixtonBulldog, the Coach, Beach Bum, and HH work day and night to support us via their increased tax payments.

Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Straw Man on November 07, 2008, 11:39:07 AM
You fear the weakness of your own convictions.

Release your fear and join the darkside.

We'll sit around all day playing X-box, getting stoned and pigging out on junkfood while BrixtonBulldog, the Coach, Beach Bum, and HH work day and night to support us via their increased tax payments.


The only thing you left off was downloading porn
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: CQ on November 07, 2008, 06:18:08 PM
She, like W, is an anti-intellectual.   She is not curious about the world.   She doesn't value education.  It took her four colleges over six years to earn a BS in communications.   Her two oldest kids are high school drop-outs.     She believes her faith is enough guide her through any crisis.

The evangelical movement is filled with such people.  I'll take an elitist Rhodes Scholar any day to be leader of the free world.

Not a personal attack, but I find that highly perturbing as a parent. One of two things - either your aim for your kids was to be high school dropouts which most would say is not aiming too high, or your parenting efforts weren't too hot at all. I doubt the abilities of someone to run a nation who can't run their own house well. If you look at most highly successful people their kids tend to be as well, as they were obviously successful parents. McCain, Romney, Biden, Clintons even Bush basically like almost all pols have kids which have done well, if not extremely well...Romny is particular all his 5 boys are all across the board extremely successful both personally and professionally.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: timfogarty on November 07, 2008, 08:17:34 PM
Not a personal attack, but I find that highly perturbing as a parent. One of two things - either your aim for your kids was to be high school dropouts which most would say is not aiming too high, or your parenting efforts weren't too hot at all. I doubt the abilities of someone to run a nation who can't run their own house well.

while my exposure to how evangelical parents interact with their kids is limited to siblings, it seems that education is for elitists,  elitists are un-Godly, and its more important to study the bible because these are the end times.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: gymguy on November 08, 2008, 07:00:52 AM
My prediction:  Romney/Palin will be the winning ticket to replace Obama/Biden in 4 years.  Obamas four years will be disaterous!  Of course, it won't be his fault....He will continue to blame President Bush.
Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: Straw Man on November 08, 2008, 07:07:02 AM
My prediction:  Romney/Palin will be the winning ticket to replace Obama/Biden in 4 years.  Obamas four years will be disaterous!  Of course, it won't be his fault....He will continue to blame President Bush.

Title: Re: Republicans Look for Rising Stars to Shape Party's Future
Post by: 240 is Back on November 08, 2008, 10:50:56 AM
NO WAY Romney would tie himself to a goat like Palin.

Romney + Military Guy.