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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Injury and Rehabilitation => Topic started by: DirtyDirt on December 01, 2008, 12:33:05 PM

Title: Tedonitis and Glucosomine
Post by: DirtyDirt on December 01, 2008, 12:33:05 PM
Haven't worked out steady in the better part of 3 months due to a shoulder injury from work. I went to a med doctor and an orthopedic doctor, had X-rays and tests done, the ortho doctor said it should be nothing more than tendonitis or maybe a very slight tear. When i take Glucosomine the pain goes away, my question is this, if i train through the pain or take glucomsomine and train w/o pain am i doing damage to my shoulder? and for the record, i'm getting a lot of clicking in the shoulder too... i really want to get back to the gym as i am looking and feeling like a fat pig, any suggestions would be great.
Title: Re: Tedonitis and Glucosomine
Post by: wild willie on April 14, 2009, 01:02:27 PM
I have the same exact symptoms....... I work around the right shoulder as best I can...... Use Glucosamine Chondroitin and Advil.......and make sure you cut down on your sets......if you are performing 4 sets, perform only 2 until the discomfort subsides. I have trouble with db side laterals, so I avoid that exercise for the time being. My right shoulder has been bothering me for 3 years.
Title: Re: Tedonitis and Glucosomine
Post by: DirtyDirt on April 15, 2009, 11:03:13 AM
I've been training steady again for the last 3 1/2 months and feeling pretty good. I notice when i train chest mainly decline, i get the most pain. I've run out of glucosomine about a week ago and i'm curious to see if the pain comes back.

I've been starting each workout with 10 min on the treadmill to warm up my body and then i usually start each body part with a few light sets...I'm not 100% but i'm def a lot better than i was..
Title: Re: Tedonitis and Glucosomine
Post by: wild willie on May 20, 2009, 12:15:37 PM
Yes.....the warmups are essential to keeping your shoulders healthy!!!! I try to get everything warm before performing exercises that I know will wreak havoc on my is hell getting old!