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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: DIVISION on December 05, 2008, 04:16:30 PM

Title: UG Market Share.
Post by: DIVISION on December 05, 2008, 04:16:30 PM

Since I stated my intention to run an extended cycle of Axio's Sustaplex, there's been alot of discussion about UG's in general.

I'm wondering, how many of you regularly run cycles consisting of mostly UG products?

Is this something you do because you can't afford HG or just don't have the access or proper hookups?

I'm trying to understand what the majority of you are doing out there.   ???

Are you looking at total cost when deciding on what to buy and what brand to use?

Is it simply a matter of availability and using whatever you can get your hands on?

Obviously there's a market for UG or these companies wouldn't pour so much money in to advertising and sponsoring, but I'm skeptical.

Who is buying UG products?

I can understand why your typical broke college student is settling for UG products because he's priced out of the HG market.

I just have a hard time believing that some middle level executive who makes in excess of 100K per year is happy buying UG product when he can surely afford HG.

What about you?

What's your reason?

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 05, 2008, 04:21:23 PM
I use mainly UG products because that's the only thing I am able to find around here.
sometimes I can have HG but the assholes around here sell an amp of sustanon 15$.
that's way too expensive when I compare with the price on the internet.

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: dustin on December 05, 2008, 04:25:51 PM
Some UGLs are very credible, plus you can always filter your gear if you're really paranoid. If I wasn't absolutely confident with the UGL brands that I've used, I'd stick with strictly HG... aside from stuff like tren or Vet Grade gear like EQ. But I suppose that's a bit of a technicality.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Emmortal on December 05, 2008, 04:26:52 PM
Primary use is HG products but I do supplement UG stuff from only trusted guys that I've been dealing with forever.  I don't run the well known UG gear out there.  I did try some Axio dbol which was horribly underdosed, probably had maybe 5mg of dbol in a 50mg tab.  Utter shit.  I also go Vet and UG for stuff like Tren and EQ.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on December 05, 2008, 04:31:01 PM
I break it down into two sections, 1) I find most serious bodybuilders, that for the most part compete and do shows (or involved in other shit like fitness modelling) do as much clean HG as they can get their hands on, most of my friends who compete (and are pro's) will not touch UG stuff unless there is absolutely no other way and they can't (or the product isn't made HG) get it.

2) Is the typical gym rats that are <200 lbs. @ 19%bf who just put anything in their bodies, they don't really lay out their cycles or plan properly. They just sort of pop a pill here, do a shot there, etc. and hope for the best. Partly because it's cheaper and a lot of them are young or in college.

Those are the two major trends I've noticed at least, serious competitors do not and for the most part will not want to use a lot of UG, they will rather pay more but get the real legit deal.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Has Beens on December 05, 2008, 04:43:29 PM
I break it down into two sections, 1) I find most serious bodybuilders, that for the most part compete and do shows (or involved in other shit like fitness modelling) do as much clean HG as they can get their hands on, most of my friends who compete (and are pro's) will not touch UG stuff unless there is absolutely no other way and they can't (or the product isn't made HG) get it.

2) Is the typical gym rats that are <200 lbs. @ 19%bf who just put anything in their bodies, they don't really lay out their cycles or plan properly. They just sort of pop a pill here, do a shot there, etc. and hope for the best. Partly because it's cheaper and a lot of them are young or in college.

Those are the two major trends I've noticed at least, serious competitors do not and for the most part will not want to use a lot of UG, they will rather pay more but get the real legit deal.

Exactly !
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: DIVISION on December 05, 2008, 05:21:02 PM
I use mainly UG products because that's the only thing I am able to find around here.
sometimes I can have HG but the assholes around here sell an amp of sustanon 15$.
that's way too expensive when I compare with the price on the internet.

What is considered "too expensive" for you when paying for HG Sustanon?

Where does price vs. quality rate in your decision-making process?

$10-$15 per Karachi Organon Sustanon is the market price.

That's nothing out of the norm, trust me.

When you look at the internet sites, you have to factor in the possibility of counterfeit products and "bait and switch".

You're not going to get HG cheaply, esp if you're dealing with gym dealers.

Primary use is HG products but I do supplement UG stuff from only trusted guys that I've been dealing with forever.  I don't run the well known UG gear out there.  I did try some Axio dbol which was horribly underdosed, probably had maybe 5mg of dbol in a 50mg tab.  Utter shit.  I also go Vet and UG for stuff like Tren and EQ.

That's what I thought.  You only use UG for drugs for which there is no HG equivalent (EQ/Tren).

I break it down into two sections, 1) I find most serious bodybuilders, that for the most part compete and do shows (or involved in other shit like fitness modelling) do as much clean HG as they can get their hands on, most of my friends who compete (and are pro's) will not touch UG stuff unless there is absolutely no other way and they can't (or the product isn't made HG) get it.

2) Is the typical gym rats that are <200 lbs. @ 19%bf who just put anything in their bodies, they don't really lay out their cycles or plan properly. They just sort of pop a pill here, do a shot there, etc. and hope for the best. Partly because it's cheaper and a lot of them are young or in college.

Those are the two major trends I've noticed at least, serious competitors do not and for the most part will not want to use a lot of UG, they will rather pay more but get the real legit deal.

^This is what I'd noticed as well, but there has to be a larger demographic out there for UG, otherwise they wouldn't stay in business.

It's not just the baby gymrats out there who are buying UG.

I think there is a larger contingent of mid-level buyers who aren't speaking, people who have families/careers but don't have the connections to buy HG.

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: DIVISION on December 05, 2008, 09:13:46 PM
the ug gear is getting better.. and cheaper.
the main problem I have with human grade is I have to import it from another country unless I want to pay an arm and a leg.
but if money wasn't an issue I would use human grade and I wouldn't have to import it :).. I would also use american vet grade eq :)

Of course you need to import HG, that's the only way you'd get it reasonably priced.

There's a trade-off in terms of quality.

You can more for the pharmaceutical grade or pay less for UG and get it domestic.

I suppose it's all about the bottom-line........

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: BodyMachine on December 06, 2008, 12:52:56 AM
My dilemma is that I dont know who is a credible HG supplier. Money is one thing at the moment, but in general I dont give a rats ass about cost, my health is more important. With all the fakes out there and everyone saying not to trust any sellers on open boards, I dont know who to order from. My first experience turned out to be a bad one and I'm not sure what vendor to trust.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: DIVISION on December 06, 2008, 01:12:42 AM
My dilemma is that I dont know who is a credible HG supplier. Money is one thing at the moment, but in general I dont give a rats ass about cost, my health is more important. With all the fakes out there and everyone saying not to trust any sellers on open boards, I dont know who to order from. My first experience turned out to be a bad one and I'm not sure what vendor to trust.

I may be able to help you.

Please explain about your first experience.

Who did you buy from and what happened?   ???

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: abc123 on December 06, 2008, 02:40:07 AM
I'm one of those mid level managers/execs you talk of....I will gladly pay a premium for clean, safe, HG gear.

Given that I have been diagnosed with hypgonadism, 90% of my gear comes from a HRT doctor that writes a legal script.  All of those meds are covered by insurance. 

The only stuff I use from UG labs is Tren or other gear not made for humans.  Even then, I only use UG labs that are recommended by someone that knows who's who and I think I can trust to give me good a recommendation.

That being said, I'm a little more lenient with UG orals like dbol and anadrol.  I don't have a good reason, but I guess I'm not as worried about ingesting UG products as I am injecting them.  After writing that... it does not make much sense, but that's how it's been.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Alter Idem on December 06, 2008, 09:30:23 AM
Right on Bodymachine.

Money does play a part. You should always get what you ask and pay for.

Hasn't happened recently.  Doesn't matter if your a vet or just starting out.

Sometimes the game plays you but you should never just "take it".

Unfortunately most are untouchable. 
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: DRDOOM on December 06, 2008, 10:15:43 PM
    I guess I'm a middleclass guy (family income $120 000) and trust me that goes fast with a big

mortgage, 2 kids, suv payment, property tax ect.  Some human grade is available to me but the prices

are crazy-pfizer cyp 100mg 10cc=$75 or sust 250cyctahoh's=$14per amp.  Now if I could get cyp that I

know is good and I pay $60 for 10cc 250mg or sust 250 10cc for $60 it's a no brainer.  If the lab has a

good rep and I know guys who have done it they are my lab rats who test it for me.  I would never buy

ug shit from someone I don't know selling some gear I never heard of.  Div what if your experiment

with the sustaplex goes great and you don't feel any difference from the karachi.  Let's say axio would

sell it to you for $40 for 10cc.  Would you not purchase the ug product and save money??  I think that

you never had a solid ug guy to buy from and thats why you never gave ug a chance.

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: stevekg on December 07, 2008, 02:29:02 AM
man if you are smart dont do ugl shit. i read on some forums guys got big infections and some got sepsia!!! also i hear real bad about tbat axio ugl..
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Emmortal on December 07, 2008, 12:18:46 PM
man if you are smart dont do ugl shit. i read on some forums guys got big infections and some got sepsia!!! also i hear real bad about tbat axio ugl..

You can get an infection from bad sterilization even using HG stuff.  Some guys just don't take the proper precautions when sterilizing for injection.   
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: jtsunami on December 07, 2008, 01:29:53 PM
The problem with UG is some of the shit hurts terribly, and you never know what your going to get batch to batch, one batch may be less painful, while the next can be crippling, and then you have to worry about dosage and shit, why would you do that?

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: iron_dawg on December 07, 2008, 02:40:09 PM
I would use all the vet grade years ago then a got a hold of some UG which was a quality product in "PowerLine" and was cheap

now money is an issue an always will be but will pay for HG gear which I have used in the past and currently use now...

and is hands down far more superior then anything else out there
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: stevekg on December 08, 2008, 12:16:15 PM
when its come to yoursalfe then its not good to look on few more $ ;).. when you got infection or sepsia..then you will say omfg i am stupid!
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Smokincrazy on December 09, 2008, 09:08:14 AM
    I guess I'm a middleclass guy (family income $120 000) and trust me that goes fast with a big

mortgage, 2 kids, suv payment, property tax ect.  Some human grade is available to me but the prices

are crazy-pfizer cyp 100mg 10cc=$75 or sust 250cyctahoh's=$14per amp.  Now if I could get cyp that I

know is good and I pay $60 for 10cc 250mg or sust 250 10cc for $60 it's a no brainer.  If the lab has a

good rep and I know guys who have done it they are my lab rats who test it for me.  I would never buy

ug shit from someone I don't know selling some gear I never heard of.  Div what if your experiment

with the sustaplex goes great and you don't feel any difference from the karachi.  Let's say axio would

sell it to you for $40 for 10cc.  Would you not purchase the ug product and save money??  I think that

you never had a solid ug guy to buy from and thats why you never gave ug a chance.


$75 for hg American cyp?  Buddy you better jump on that in this day and age thats a fucking deal.  Why pay $25 less for Axio garbage that completely fake or underdosed when you could have real legit human grade for $75
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: leonp1981 on December 09, 2008, 09:15:02 AM
My main reason is connections.  I work out at home, live in the middle of nowhere, so my only option is scouring the web searching for suppliers, then trying to find out which ones are legit, then which ones I can pay anonymously, etc. etc.  I haven't done anything for ages now, cos it's not worth the risks to my health and my finances.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: DRDOOM on December 09, 2008, 09:55:56 AM
      Smokincrazy I wouldn't consider that a deal because if you read my post the phizer cyp is only

100mg while my ug cyp is 250mg.  Therefore paying $75 for cyp 10cc 100mg is 3x more expensive than

paying $60 for cyp 10cc 250mg.

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: stevekg on December 09, 2008, 12:49:56 PM
i never look for price when i shot something...only look for qualety first! guys i got 2 times sick sick sick as hell from time from stupid EC and one time from IP+ BD i buy from stupid poland source..its copy fake... and when you go every day in hospital and give plenty blood so they see what happening from day to day and if crp is say no more ugl!!!
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on December 09, 2008, 01:19:26 PM
      Smokincrazy I wouldn't consider that a deal because if you read my post the phizer cyp is only

100mg while my ug cyp is 250mg.  Therefore paying $75 for cyp 10cc 100mg is 3x more expensive than

paying $60 for cyp 10cc 250mg.


That Pfizer cyp is craaaaaazy clean, 200mg  a week you grow like on 1000mg a week of underground!!!

I've been getting that stuff from my doc for 3  years now!
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Emmortal on December 09, 2008, 02:21:10 PM
That Pfizer cyp is craaaaaazy clean, 200mg  a week you grow like on 1000mg a week of underground!!!

I've been getting that stuff from my doc for 3  years now!

I'd put it more around 400mg of it being close to 1000mg of UG stuff.  But yea, guys who've never run true HG gear are missing out.  I remember the first time running HG after having ran UG stuff for a while, I was blown away, night and fucking day difference.  After that I told myself I'd never go UG again if I didn't have to.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on December 09, 2008, 04:12:49 PM
I'd put it more around 400mg of it being close to 1000mg of UG stuff.  But yea, guys who've never run true HG gear are missing out.  I remember the first time running HG after having ran UG stuff for a while, I was blown away, night and fucking day difference.  After that I told myself I'd never go UG again if I didn't have to.

I blew up like crazy on that Pfizer cyp, that and ocassionally the Delatestryl Enanthate, wow.... talk about mass gains, only reason I don't run it more often is I retain too much water on long ester's, I prefer Farmak prop's from the Ukraine, but that Pfizer cyp is mindblowing.
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 26, 2008, 09:34:18 PM
ok guys so I started today a 1g/week test enanthate cycle.
the enanthate is from Norma

weight as of today is 222 lbs, I'll keep you updated on the results.
hoping there will be a big difference between that and the underground stuff I was using
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: tbombz on December 26, 2008, 09:36:23 PM
ok guys so I started today a 1g/week test enanthate cycle.
the enanthate is from Norma

weight as of today is 222 lbs, I'll keep you updated on the results.
hoping there will be a big difference between that and the underground stuff I was using
stav , not asking you to tell me your source, but what do u have as evidence to believe its legit hg ?
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 26, 2008, 09:42:02 PM
stav , not asking you to tell me your source, but what do u have as evidence to believe its legit hg ?

thanks for giving me doubt, mr.negative  >:(  ;D

I bought the amps from a friend of mine, not online.
he is using them himself and he seem to love them. Since he had more than enough for himself, I asked him if I could buy him a few amps.

he used the same UG as me and he said the gains are not even comparable
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: The Master on December 26, 2008, 09:43:21 PM
thanks for giving me doubt, mr.negative  >:(  ;D

I bought the amps from a friend of mine, not online.
he is using them himself and he seem to love them. Since he had more than enough for himself, I asked him if I could buy him a few amps.

he used the same UG as me and he said the gains are not even comparable

YOu sexy roid-monkey :-*
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: tbombz on December 26, 2008, 09:43:51 PM
thanks for giving me doubt, mr.negative  >:(  ;D

I bought the amps from a friend of mine, not online.
he is using them himself and he seem to love them. Since he had more than enough for himself, I asked him if I could buy him a few amps.

he used the same UG as me and he said the gains are not even comparable
w2ell then you shouldnt have any doubt, cuz it seems like you have all the evidence you need, which is the proof that it works!
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 26, 2008, 09:44:48 PM
w2ell then you shouldnt have any doubt, cuz it seems like you have all the evidence you need, which is the proof that it works!

awesome  8)

maybe I'll put some d-bol on top of that too
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: The Master on December 26, 2008, 09:46:24 PM
awesome  8)

maybe I'll put some d-bol on top of that too

Do you get checkups at the doc regularly? Liver values and such?
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 26, 2008, 09:49:04 PM

Do you get checkups at the doc regularly? Liver values and such?

nop, I have been thinking about going for a while but I always say : oh next week...

I still have to go soon for that fucking ingrown nail anyway. it was supposed not to come back but the doctor didn't do a good job  >:(
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 27, 2008, 08:08:17 AM
holly crap.
maybe it's in my head guys.
maybe it's in my head.

cause test enanthate is supposed to take much longer to work. but I took the first injection yesterday afternoon, I fucked my girlfriend around midnight and since then it won't "get down"  :o

I have a boner since midnight. I feel like I took a cialis

Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: jtsunami on December 27, 2008, 09:32:36 AM
its in your head
Title: Re: UG Market Share.
Post by: Stavios on December 27, 2008, 09:34:11 AM
its in your head

that's what I was thinking.

it's all good tho  8)