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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 11:49:52 AM

Title: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 11:49:52 AM
RUSH: Now, this just is mind-boggling.  "Several Democratic operatives from Illinois say the Illinois state legislature will likely move as quickly as possible to hold impeachment proceedings against Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D), in attempts to prevent the jailed governor from appointing President-elect Barack Obama’s successor in the Senate."  Now, you might be wondering how can that happen?  Well, it's very simple.  Illinois law allows Blagojevich to make the appointment while he is in jail.  Legislators in Illinois thought of everything.  They left nothing to chance.  They know their guys are going to go to jail. Every Illinois governor the last 25 years has been in jail it seems like.  Three of them are Republicans, we'll admit.  Blagojevich was the first Democrat governor there in I think 25 years. 

"While the decision would be a disaster for Democrats politically, no one is ruling out that prospect. Any candidate appointed by the jailed governor would be immediately tainted, and would face immense hurdles winning on their own in 2010.  Blagojevich could also appoint a caretaker to the seat, but that also would not bode well for Democrats politically. Having a sitting Democratic senator from Illinois appointed by a jailed governor would hurt the party’s chances of holding the seat in 2010." Who says?  Why would that make any difference?  There's another state that's pretty comparable to Illinois in this regard, and that's New Jersey.  And no matter what the Democrats do there, they keep getting reelected even from jail.  So I don't know why they're all worried in Chicago about what this is gonna mean.  I can understand them not wanting Blago to make the appointment of Obama's Senate seat while he's in jail, not because of how it would make 'em look, by the way, but because of how it would taint the appointee given all of this.  The first question the appointee would be asked, "Well, what did you give, Governor Blagojevich, in exchange for the nomination?"  And then there would be a little bit of a media investigation. 

By the way, you have to look long and hard in the news today and on television to find that Blago's a Democrat.  It's fascinating, but it's very difficult for the national media to find out his party affiliation.  By the way, one leading member of the local media in Chicago is calling on the Illinois legislature to impeach Blago.  His name is Mike Flannery.  He's CBS 2 Eyeball News.  He said, "This is disgraceful.  I'm going to tell you, there's every reason for the Illinois House of Representatives to convene, and if he doesn't have the decency to resign, then the House ought to impeach him, the state Senate ought to hold a trial quickly, and I hope the governor does not move to make an appointment at this point."  Now, I would remind Democrats, you're not handling this the way you usually have in the past.  You're really not.  I mean this kind of corruption was, well, not the exact kind of corruption that was going on during the Clinton years, but back then, all those things that were said were resume enhancements, or didn't keep him from doing his job.  None of this kept him from doing his job.  You Democrats, I mean you're not even willing to give poor old Blago here the benefit of the doubt, as the US Constitution does.  He's innocent until proven guilty.  And look at this kind of backyard old West railroad justice that even the media wants to engage in now, get Blago out of there real quick.   
I am stunned that the Democrat Party has the capacity to be this embarrassed, because this is nothing new.  Let's go down the list.  Half of the Ford family in Tennessee is in jail, right?  Carol Mostly Fraud.  What did she do?  She sold influence to a boyfriend or something, trip in Africa or some such thing.  Kwame Kilpatrick in Detroit.  Is he still in jail?  A Democrat.  You've got Jim McGreevey in New Jersey.  You got Torricelli.  You got the three ex-Chicago governors.  They happen to be Republicans.  It's all part of the same machine in that state.  They couldn't catch Corzine, even a SUV tried to get him, but the SUV failed.  SUV did its best when the law wouldn't.  Eliot Spitzer.  William Jefferson, congressman (Democrat-Louisiana).  I mean, why are they so embarrassed over this?  Look at Franklin Raines at Fannie Mae, Jim Johnson at Fannie Mae, why are they embarrassed?  Dan "Rosty" Rostenkowski. Charles Rangel.  The ethics committee in the House -- ha-ha-ha -- investigating Rangel.  Rangel says he didn't do anything wrong.  Pelosi says we'll have an answer on this very soon, and it will be official, he didn't do anything wrong.  Democrats cannot make ethics violations.  They can't commit them. 

There's no such thing as an ethical violation if you're a Democrat.  Only Republicans are capable of that because Republicans publicly state that they have standards.  They have morals, they have this or that, and they think people ought to live by them.  The Democrats say, to hell with all that, and so they can't be accused of hypocrisy.  See, hypocrisy is the real crime, and there's no hypocrisy here, and nobody is surprised.  We're just laughing at it.  We're in the middle of a sitcom here.  And you've got Fitzgerald saying the governor of Illinois -- he actually said this -- the governor of Illinois has taken us to a new low.  He said Lincoln's turning over in his grave.  And how about Jim McDermott?  Remember that old grandfather and grandmother couple that were driving along in their Cadillac on a turnpike in Florida, and just like all the rest of us they had their little radio where they could monitor cell phone calls. So they turned on the radio and listened to people's cell phone calls, just like you can do in your car.  And they overheard a phone call between John Boehner and Newt Gingrich, and they said, "Wow, this is American history being made, what do we do with this?" 

So they thought, "Let's send it to Jim McDermott," Democrat, state of Washington, Baghdad Jim.  They sent it to McDermott, McDermott gave to New York Times, New York Times published the transcript, Boehner sued, and eventually prevailed over McDermott to the tune of $700 some odd thousand dollars.  What was the name of that grandfather and grandmother couple?  The Martins, yeah, the good old Martins, they were just going to the mall to get some Christmas presents for the grandkids, monitoring the cell phone calls.  The cell phone radio is an automatic tape recorder as well, I've got one in my car, don't you, Dawn?  Everybody has cell phone recorders, yeah, they just happened to tap into American history there as they're heading to the mall to buy Christmas presents.  So what's the big deal?  It's not change.  Don't tell me it's change.  This is not change we can believe in.  This is the same old same old that we've always known is going on.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tbombz on December 10, 2008, 11:50:55 AM
if you want to be taken seriously why do you post transcripts from rush limbaugh ?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 11:52:04 AM
Rush is the guy who said he's dreaming of riots in American cities, right?

He wanted death and destruction to reign down in Denver, right?  Dead and injured Americans on our soil?

Sorry, that kind of extreme anti-americanism in the name of political party isn't for me.  He's dangerous.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 10, 2008, 11:53:26 AM
if you want to be taken seriously why do you post transcripts from rush limbaugh ?


Epic failure at rubbing two brain cells together and posting this in the right forum.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Rearden Metal on December 10, 2008, 11:54:47 AM
Wrong forum. Non bb related. Also, you're gay.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 11:55:16 AM
Rush is the guy who said he's dreaming of riots in American cities, right?

He wanted death and destruction to reign down in Denver, right?  Dead and injured Americans on our soil?

Sorry, that kind of extreme anti-americanism in the name of political party isn't for me.  He's dangerous.

He's a talk show host, how can he be dangerous? If most people hate him and don't believe him like you say then they won't listen to him right?

NOW....Chicago libs (politicians) are dangerous.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 10, 2008, 11:56:37 AM
Aren't you due for another divorce sometime soon?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 11:57:13 AM
if you want to be taken seriously why do you post transcripts from rush limbaugh ?

Is he wrong?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Earl1972 on December 10, 2008, 12:01:11 PM
what does this have to do with the sport of bodybuilding?

Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 12:01:48 PM
what does this have to do with the sport of bodybuilding?


Rahm Emmauel takes steriods.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Earl1972 on December 10, 2008, 12:02:32 PM
Rahm Emmauel takes steriods.

damn you respond fast


Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 12:04:07 PM
He's a talk show host, how can he be dangerous?

ANY person who can shout hateful things to 20 million people is dangerous.

ANY person who tells 20 million people that riots are a good thing, is dangerous.

Heck, any person who can get 20 people to listen to his hate rhetoric is dangerous.  

Osama bin laden wasn't dangerous because he was crazy.  He was dangerous because he convinced millions of idiots to spread his ideas of hatred.  Actually, I think both Rush AND Osama have dreamed of riots and death and chaos on American soil.  Hmmmmm
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: dr.chimps on December 10, 2008, 12:17:03 PM
ABC news is now saying that Jesse Jackson Jr. is Senate candidate #5. Go to town, Coach.  ;D
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 12:21:20 PM
I already did!
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: XFACTOR on December 10, 2008, 12:30:39 PM
if you want to be taken seriously why do you post transcripts from rush limbaugh ?

I'm with you.  I was in dibelief that this guy, the coach is trying to prove a point with a Rush Limbaugh transcript. 

Coach, are you really that dumb. 
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 12:48:56 PM
Again....was he wrong?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: dr.chimps on December 10, 2008, 02:28:27 PM
Again....was he wrong?
Who knows!? The point is that National Enquirer sometimes gets things right, but most people don't first look there for fair and balanced news -ie. they look to The Times, The Economist or The Post, not some loud-mouthed polemicist. See what I'm saying?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: gordiano on December 10, 2008, 02:28:55 PM
if you want to be taken seriously why do you post transcripts from rush limbaugh ?

Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Option D on December 10, 2008, 02:53:36 PM
Stopped reading afrer "Rush"

Seriously. I cant see how anyone listens to this uneducated, hateful, draft-dodging, drug addict, idiot, and takes him serious. Actually takes his garbage as gosepel.

Political influence...i sure hope not.

And yes give me the comeback...."yeah but rush is a millionare"

Yeah so is "Flava Flave"
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: bigdumbbell on December 10, 2008, 04:47:01 PM
if you want to be taken seriously why do you post transcripts from rush limbaugh ?
QFT and clarity
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: WillGrant on December 10, 2008, 04:53:41 PM
News flash...all politicians are corrupt  ::)
Also there is a poli board , go post this shit down there.  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 10, 2008, 05:29:44 PM
when did rush say he wanted death 240...lets be honest there are corrupt republicans as well its not that one party is the corrupt party here. There is corruption all around and it doesnt abide by party lines
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Hedgehog on December 10, 2008, 05:40:17 PM
I am stunned that the Democrat Party has the capacity to be this embarrassed, because this is nothing new.  Let's go down the list.  Half of the Ford family in Tennessee is in jail, right?  Carol Mostly Fraud.  What did she do?  She sold influence to a boyfriend or something, trip in Africa or some such thing.  Kwame Kilpatrick in Detroit.  Is he still in jail?  A Democrat.  You've got Jim McGreevey in New Jersey.  You got Torricelli.  You got the three ex-Chicago governors.  They happen to be Republicans.   

Coach, since when are Republicans part of the Democrat Party?

Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on December 10, 2008, 06:08:46 PM
He also hates black people....that alone is well NUFF SAID!!!!

Rush is the guy who said he's dreaming of riots in American cities, right?

He wanted death and destruction to reign down in Denver, right?  Dead and injured Americans on our soil?

Sorry, that kind of extreme anti-americanism in the name of political party isn't for me.  He's dangerous.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 09:40:41 PM
1. Find where he said he hated black people.

2. 240 and I went over this when it first came out and posted the entire transscript of that show, as usual, Rob purposly took it out of context because most on here were to lazy or pig headed to read it.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 09:44:00 PM
1. Find where he said he hated black people.

2. 240 and I went over this when it first came out and posted the entire transscript of that show, as usual, Rob purposly took it out of context because most on here were to lazy or pig headed to read it.

Rush has good points - BUT - he marginalizes himself with some extreme viewpoints.

The same way Beach Bum says Dennis Kucinish is crazy in all his views - because he saw some aircraft 25 years ago that he couldn't identify.

The same way people are labeled because they have one viewpoint that falls outside the norm.

Joe, you're a conspiracy theorist because you believe in that clinton body count.  Therefore, some could say all your beliefs are insane because you believe in CTs. 
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 09:46:36 PM
Who said I believed it, I just said it was any unbelievable coincedence...LOL!!
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 10, 2008, 09:47:02 PM
just want to know i never listen to rush but i want to see the transcript or clip where he says he wants death plz 240
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 09:48:44 PM
just want to know i never listen to rush but i want to see the transcript or clip where he says he wants death plz 240

he wanted riots and chaos.  People very often die in riots, tony.

I don't care what party you're from - you should NEVER wish for riots on US soil.  That's just anti-American, any way you cut it.

or, maybe he just meant to say he wishes people to be seriously injured and property damage to be only in the millions - you know, a minor riot? 
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: The Coach on December 10, 2008, 09:53:25 PM
LMAO...Tony, I will pull the transcript tomorrow and post it.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 10, 2008, 09:58:30 PM
he wanted riots and chaos.  People very often die in riots, tony.

I don't care what party you're from - you should NEVER wish for riots on US soil.  That's just anti-American, any way you cut it.

or, maybe he just meant to say he wishes people to be seriously injured and property damage to be only in the millions - you know, a minor riot? 
LOL so you spun it again...240 dude come on bro lets cut the crap man i dont think i have ever spun shit no this board bro intentionally or otherwise its ridiculous that you have to check everyones sources and shit on this board its like this board is full of little politicians man.

There are plenty of left wing radio hosts and writters who say shit along these lines bro not just rush you dont seem offended by them at all?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 10:00:01 PM
Rush Limbaugh Sings: "I'm Dreaming Of Riots In Denver"

maybe he was dreaming of the riots where people aren't killed or injured.  Or where property damage isn't in the millions.  Or where people aren't terrified on US soil.  But we've never seen those kinds of riots.  The 68 riots were some fcked up stuff... And Rush was dreaming about it.

Coach, you can re-post Rush's explanation he made the next day when there was a major uproar and he tried to back off his original statement.  That's fine.  But he told 20 mil listeners he was dreaming of riots on US soil.  That shit is un-American, plain and simple.  It's okay to like the guy and admit he says some fvcked up things sometime.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 10:01:07 PM
There are plenty of left wing radio hosts and writters who say shit along these lines bro not just rush you dont seem offended by them at all?

1) List them.  They dream of riots?  List the quotes.

2) Fuck them if they say it - they are pieces of shit if they want that.  Absolutely.

people of both parties say some messed up shit, and they should be criticized when they do it.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 10, 2008, 10:06:00 PM
1) List them.  They dream of riots?  List the quotes.

2) Fuck them if they say it - they are pieces of shit if they want that.  Absolutely.

people of both parties say some messed up shit, and they should be criticized when they do it.

ive gone over this with you many times left hate speech look it up
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 10:17:00 PM
ive gone over this with you many times left hate speech look it up

do you condemn hate speech on both sides of the aisle, as I do?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 10, 2008, 10:21:22 PM
do you condemn hate speech on both sides of the aisle, as I do?
ive never not once heard you condemn hate speech made by the left pls give me specific point...I do but i think you have to take it in context and most of the time it isnt meant to be serious by either side.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 10, 2008, 10:28:41 PM
ive never not once heard you condemn hate speech made by the left pls give me specific point...I do but i think you have to take it in context and most of the time it isnt meant to be serious by either side.

Any host, from the left or right, who wishes crime or horrible things on Americans should be kicked off the air immediately.

Do you agree?

We don't see much discussion of left-wing hosts, as they are irrelevant mostly.  but they're equally F'ed up.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 10, 2008, 10:41:35 PM
Any host, from the left or right, who wishes crime or horrible things on Americans should be kicked off the air immediately.

Do you agree?

We don't see much discussion of left-wing hosts, as they are irrelevant mostly.  but they're equally F'ed up.
no i dont agree thats what the first amendment protects now i will agree its fuked up but no they should not and if you think that then rev wright should be removed and it should look bad that obama sat in his church for so long but many ppl think it wasnt that big a deal.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: garebear on December 11, 2008, 01:44:21 AM
LMAO...Tony, I will pull the transcript tomorrow and post it.
Coach, are you a Democrat or Republican?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Hedgehog on December 11, 2008, 02:53:59 AM
I am stunned that the Democrat Party has the capacity to be this embarrassed, because this is nothing new.  Let's go down the list.  Half of the Ford family in Tennessee is in jail, right?  Carol Mostly Fraud.  What did she do?  She sold influence to a boyfriend or something, trip in Africa or some such thing.  Kwame Kilpatrick in Detroit.  Is he still in jail?  A Democrat.  You've got Jim McGreevey in New Jersey.  You got Torricelli.  You got the three ex-Chicago governors.  They happen to be Republicans.   

Coach, since when are Republicans part of the Democrat Party?

Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: jesusbod on December 11, 2008, 08:45:44 AM
I am sure all of you didn't think Democrats were without scandal. Hell, Obama isn't even sworn in yet and he has to defend himself.

REZKO is going to spill the beans on Obama.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 11, 2008, 08:54:29 AM
I am sure all of you didn't think Democrats were without scandal. Hell, Obama isn't even sworn in yet and he has to defend himself.

REZKO is going to spill the beans on Obama.

At least it looks like Jesse and his son may go down!

Maybe Obama is eliminating all the trash before he takes office so they can bring him down when he is in office?????????

Obama may be pulling something the same as the heist in Goodfellas where one by one all the conspirators were eliminated and DeNiro left with the money. 
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Option D on December 11, 2008, 08:56:29 AM
I am sure all of you didn't think Democrats were without scandal. Hell, Obama isn't even sworn in yet and he has to defend himself.

REZKO is going to spill the beans on Obama.

so whats obamas roll in this?
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 11, 2008, 09:01:37 AM
so whats obamas roll in this?

prosecutor says NONE.

in fact, the crooked governor called Obama a MFer for not playing ball.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 11, 2008, 09:01:53 AM
so whats obamas roll in this?

Obama came about amongst many corrupt people and he knows these people intimately.

Rezko, Blago, Rev. Jackson, Daley, et al.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Option D on December 11, 2008, 10:16:20 AM

Obama came about amongst many corrupt people and he knows these people intimately.

Rezko, Blago, Rev. Jackson, Daley, et al.
Im not asking about the people he would know in Chicago because they are all part of the Ill. Political Scene....Im asking about his ROLE in any wrong...How did he participate.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 11, 2008, 10:45:51 AM
Im not asking about the people he would know in Chicago because they are all part of the Ill. Political Scene....Im asking about his ROLE in any wrong...How did he participate.
i dont think he has any although from some of the transcripts ive heard and from what 240 has said he may have known about it, that is of course just my take on it.

Obama came about amongst many corrupt people and he knows these people intimately.

Rezko, Blago, Rev. Jackson, Daley, et al.
there is a old saying that goes if you dont lay down with dogs without getting fleas on are the company that you keep my friends.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 11, 2008, 10:51:28 AM
there is a old saying that goes if you dont lay down with dogs without getting fleas on are the company that you keep my friends.

Are you saying that George W Bush is dirty, just because many people around him have been busted for corruption or other crimes?

Hell of a charge to level against a guy.  Very unfair.  Sure, he worked with Scooter Libby and had ties to Abramoff.  But to accuse him like you did... wow...
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: tonymctones on December 11, 2008, 10:58:08 AM
Are you saying that George W Bush is dirty, just because many people around him have been busted for corruption or other crimes?

Hell of a charge to level against a guy.  Very unfair.  Sure, he worked with Scooter Libby and had ties to Abramoff.  But to accuse him like you did... wow...
LOL its a saying bro you can apply it to whomever you please...(cough obama)  ;D just fkin with ya
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Decker on December 11, 2008, 11:03:27 AM
“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind or not to have a mind. How true that is.”
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: 240 is Back on December 11, 2008, 11:14:42 AM
LOL its a saying bro you can apply it to whomever you please...(cough obama)  ;D just fkin with ya

While I do believe he had to put up with local Illinois trash and may have had to play a little ball to get where he is...and may have gotten the hookup with his apartment price...

I don't think Obama will be using the white house as his own personal piggy bank/attack dog, as clinton and bush did.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: bigdumbbell on December 11, 2008, 03:22:06 PM
1. Find where he said he hated black people.

2. 240 and I went over this when it first came out and posted the entire transscript of that show, as usual, Rob purposly took it out of context because most on here were to lazy or pig headed to read it.
i dont care what that Dr shopping buffoon has to say
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Mons Venus on December 11, 2008, 03:23:54 PM
prosecutor says NONE.

in fact, the crooked governor called Obama a MFer for not playing ball.

Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: jesusbod on December 12, 2008, 06:20:48 AM

Obama came about amongst many corrupt people and he knows these people intimately.

Rezko, Blago, Rev. Jackson, Daley, et al.

Lets wait and see what happens when the dust settles. I am the one that feels, when you surround yourself with bad people, their bad tendencies seem to rub off on you. If will be interesting to see.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 12, 2008, 06:45:04 AM

Lets wait and see what happens when the dust settles. I am the one that feels, when you surround yourself with bad people, their bad tendencies seem to rub off on you. If will be interesting to see.

At a minimum, it looks like Rezko, Blago, JJ Jr., JJ, Sr. and Rahmbo are all going to be reeling from this.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Slapper on December 14, 2008, 11:07:06 AM
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Hedgehog on December 14, 2008, 11:33:53 AM
Any host, from the left or right, who wishes crime or horrible things on Americans should be kicked off the air immediately.

Do you agree?

We don't see much discussion of left-wing hosts, as they are irrelevant mostly.  but they're equally F'ed up.

There's freedom of speech.

And I support Rush Limbaugh's right to be an idiot.

Every fcuking minute he's on the air.

I'm sure that he on the other hand would be grateful if several of the alternative media sources like Democracy Now would be shut down and or banned.

Rush went on for many years and crusaded against drug addicts.

Then he himself was found to be one.

Rush Limbaugh is Mr Hypocrisy if there ever was one.

But he has a right to be heard.

As does anyone.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 15, 2008, 10:30:31 AM

Rush Limbaugh is Mr Hypocrisy if there ever was one.

99% of conservatives always are.
Title: Re: Democrat Corruption
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2008, 10:39:00 AM
99% of conservatives always are.

Like Bernard Madoff, Pelosi, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Corzine, Rubin??????????????????????

Those people you mean?????