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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Pet Board => Topic started by: smoothasf on December 27, 2008, 08:11:26 AM

Title: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on December 27, 2008, 08:11:26 AM
5 days ago i bought a puppy ridgeback and he is awesome.  ive owned german shepherds, spaniels, jackrussels and this dog is by far the most intelligent ive had.  He is 16 weeks old, 2 days to house train him, day 3 he sits, give paw, lie down and return on command every time.  He has a big flaw i notice by day 4, hes so nervous around dogs he keeps biting out at every dog down the park.  I took him up my parents that evening to put him in with my parents two german shepherds (the one i trained) both are very well balanced dogs.  1 hour walking about with the pair of them and he now completely comfortable with all dogs.  I even introduced him to a syb husky puppy today who had the same problem he did to help it relax.
I've had an amazingly easy time with this dog, from feeding, walking (he walks out of the house by my side with no lead and jumps straight into the car), he no longer jumps up or trys to chew me.
I've always been able to train dogs but not this quick.  I have been reading Ceasars book and watching all his vids which have helped, though i disagree on a few things (i dont touch the dog as a bite to correct it, i make a sharp noise or redirect the dog).

Any one else have one of these beautiful dogs?

I'll post a pic and some vids soon
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Butterbean on December 27, 2008, 11:36:14 AM

Any one else have one of these beautiful dogs?

I'll post a pic and some vids soon


I've never owned one but I've seen a couple...great looking dogs.

Looking forward to pics, vids and stories :)
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: hazbin on December 27, 2008, 02:22:31 PM
first one i ever saw was owned by a friend of mine named Serge. he owns the Gator's Gym clothing line that you used to see a lot of pros wearing. when "Gator", a pit bull died, Serge got a ridgeback. i thought he messed with the dogs back hair, as i had never seen anything like that before. pretty cool breed.
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Lord Humungous on December 29, 2008, 07:30:13 AM
wonderful dogs! Big beasts but very sweet
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Option D on December 29, 2008, 07:34:16 AM
The most awesome dog ever.. My friend has one. his is black...So awesome. His name is Julious... He just stayed in my house without messing anything up. The most well Mannered dog ever. Still had a good bark when left in the backyard. Im telling you. This is the best dog ever. Did you know it was part of the Hyena family
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on February 08, 2009, 12:19:34 PM
few pics
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on February 09, 2009, 12:13:22 PM
how do i stop this bastard wrecking the house??? lol
i walk the shit out of him, walked in morning, walk in evening everyday, even on roller blades at a pace he can barely keep up with, but if hes left alone for 1 hour he will chew up everything!

This week he has ate a sofa worth $6000 of your dollars making my g/f understandable cry.  Then just one hour ago he walked out to the stairs while we popped out and ate a $800 carpet and pulled it to bits. 
dog crate all day seems cruel and locking him out in the garden id guarentee hed dig himself out within 2 hours
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Butterbean on February 09, 2009, 02:46:21 PM
He is gorgeous!  Looks very regal in his coat ;D

I think maybe he needs more exercise/attention?  Is he left alone all day?   Do you have something for him to chew on that is meant for dogs to chew on?

Keep in mind he is a puppy.  There are likely to be more incidents where things are destroyed.  But sorry to hear those he's destroyed already were so expensive!

I don't think putting him in his kennel while you go out to dinner is cruel.  But I wouldn't like him to be in it all day long if you are not home.

Are you sure he'd dig out from under the fence in your yard?  Both of my current dogs were diggers when they were young (there's an occasional hole every once in awhile now too), but they never dug out from under the fence. ...they just dug holes.

Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on February 10, 2009, 03:09:25 AM
i just got back from walking him in a place here called nine mile point lol hes definitely walked more than 99% of dogs. my gf is with him most of the day. here in the uk the grass is very soft cause it rains all the time. he digs a pretty sizable hole in under a minute lol he has tonnes of chew toys.
you think these toys encourage chewing on stuff? my parents german sheppherds have a tennis ball an thats it and they never ever chew anything.

hes good as gold appart from the chewing thing
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Butterbean on February 10, 2009, 06:36:49 AM
i just got back from walking him in a place here called nine mile point lol hes definitely walked more than 99% of dogs. my gf is with him most of the day. here in the uk the grass is very soft cause it rains all the time. he digs a pretty sizable hole in under a minute lol he has tonnes of chew toys.
you think these toys encourage chewing on stuff? my parents german sheppherds have a tennis ball an thats it and they never ever chew anything.

hes good as gold appart from the chewing thing
I wouldn't think the chew toys encourage him to chew on other stuff.  Maybe it's a matter of catching him chewing on something inappropriate and then saying "NO" and replacing it w/a proper chew toy and saying...good?  I don't know.  I will email this thread to Flower as she had a dog eat a couch too.

It had to have surgery to remove the part it ate :(:

Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on February 10, 2009, 08:48:51 AM
lol im lucky he doesnt eat it just rips so he pulled the leather out of the middle of the sofa.  he does eat stones though as if they taste like big macs
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Vet on February 10, 2009, 10:25:21 AM
how do i stop this bastard wrecking the house??? lol
i walk the shit out of him, walked in morning, walk in evening everyday, even on roller blades at a pace he can barely keep up with, but if hes left alone for 1 hour he will chew up everything!

This week he has ate a sofa worth $6000 of your dollars making my g/f understandable cry.  Then just one hour ago he walked out to the stairs while we popped out and ate a $800 carpet and pulled it to bits. 
dog crate all day seems cruel and locking him out in the garden id guarentee hed dig himself out within 2 hours

Is he teething?  if thats the case, you need to get appropriate toys and wait it out, unfortunately. 

I had a ridgeback mix in college. He was a great dog.   My wifes technicians bred them in Ohio when we lived there.  they were also great dogs.   
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on February 10, 2009, 01:25:58 PM
hes six months old looks like hes got all his big teeth...maybe hes missing a few back ones. hes good as gold otherwise
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Lord Humungous on February 10, 2009, 07:15:01 PM
nothing wrong with crating a dog when your not home and get him one of those large black Kongs stuffed with treats like peanutbutter.  That should keep him busy for a while.
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: ~flower~ on February 11, 2009, 09:03:14 AM
Crate and watch when you are at home and correct with an appropriate chew toy.

 Emmett chewed the dining room table legs, pulled wallpaper off, and ripped up the rug. Also chewed on the wood moldings.   Addie ripped up one couch and got the blockage, then when I got a new leather couch chewed off the arm the same day while I went to the gym! I had a brand new couch for less than 2 hours!   >:(    She still will chew up the couch but doesn't eat it since her obstruction.   They have the leather couch now and I have my own couch which I put a folding chair on when I am not home so they can't sit on it. 

 If you have a dog proof room you can put him in instead of a crate you can try that. 

  Good luck!   ;D
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Rammstein on February 11, 2009, 10:15:28 AM
Nice dog. Have met a few, strong characters. I would also recommend more mental stimulation. Tires a dog much more than just going for a walk. Obedience training, retrieving dummies, searching dummies, tracking people etc.
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on February 11, 2009, 01:17:51 PM
another question, he always has to sit on mine and my gfs feet  or actually on us if we are laid down.  whats all that about?  he wont do it however to my gfs son who he thinks hes in command of lol
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: hazbin on February 12, 2009, 10:41:07 AM
another question, he always has to sit on mine and my gfs feet  or actually on us if we are laid down.  whats all that about?  he wont do it however to my gfs son who he thinks hes in command of lol

a lot of rotties do that too. sit on your foot and tilt their head over their shoulder and look at you.
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: knny187 on February 13, 2009, 07:33:02 AM
another question, he always has to sit on mine and my gfs feet  or actually on us if we are laid down.  whats all that about?  he wont do it however to my gfs son who he thinks hes in command of lol

It's a possessive quality.  With our dog, I can tell when he's being possessive, & other times, he's just laying his head on my feet just because it's better than being on the floor like a pillow.  When he's being possessive, I correct him.  We don't need a big Rottie trying to "have" everything.  If he's laying by my feet & asleep,  I leave him alone.
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: slacker on February 22, 2009, 07:22:22 PM
how do i stop this bastard wrecking the house??? lol
i walk the shit out of him, walked in morning, walk in evening everyday, even on roller blades at a pace he can barely keep up with, but if hes left alone for 1 hour he will chew up everything!

This week he has ate a sofa worth $6000 of your dollars making my g/f understandable cry.  Then just one hour ago he walked out to the stairs while we popped out and ate a $800 carpet and pulled it to bits. 
dog crate all day seems cruel and locking him out in the garden id guarentee hed dig himself out within 2 hours
Theres nothing cruel about crate training a dog. several hours at a time them reward him adn let him out. repeat as many times as it takes.  The only thing worse than crate training him is getting tired of this bullshit and shipping him off to someone else.  Youll be setting him up to be a miserable anmal forever.   If you are not home most of the time you shouldnt have the dog.  They are like children and most people would better serve all those involved by waiting until you are home more ie with children etc etc. 
try not to confuse the dog always give him the same thig to chew on. the same treats the same toy so he will learn whats exceptable. 
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on March 13, 2009, 08:57:05 AM
for reference to anyone who gets this problem in future.

Get a dog kennel and run for your garden.  While i'm at work or out he goes outside.  I spent a day making him a 10ft squared dog house with mesh door and he loves it. doesn't even bark when we go out (or so the neighbour says) i leave him with plenty to chew, food, water and the garden to dig up as much as he likes lol he sleeps in the house at night.
being outside he doesn't sleep as much as he would inside so its also helped with excess energy that he had before from oversleeping and bordum.

If you got a chewer save your house, buy a dog house
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on May 23, 2009, 11:05:47 AM
took the 'puppy' for a walk today and took a few snaps as its a lovely day
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: tonymctones on May 23, 2009, 09:28:58 PM
beautiful dog man...i bet that tongue gets licked all over you
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 24, 2009, 05:39:54 AM
Man nothing wrong crating him while you are at work 9 hours is doable for a dog but while a puppy he will need a break every 4 hours or so..  Thing is you should have done this since he was about 8 weeks old.  Now you are gonna have to break all that bad behavior he has been getting away with. 

Dogs like the crate, I have a Lab so I bought a big crate and it had a divider to make the crate smaller for house training which was about a week or 2 with this dog.   If the dog cries to get out of the crate tell it to STFU and deal with it, dont let it out when it demands.  Only when you are ready and the dog is relaxed let it out.  Don't let the dog manipulate you or reward bad behavior. 

Anyhow the plan was crate the dog for his first year, then let have run of the house while I'm away.  Worked well over all, a set back or 2 and a De-Nutting of the dog and he is fine in the house, does not even jump on the bed.  I never let dogs on the bed.  That first year or so raising a dog is really a lot of work but worth it.
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: Option D on May 28, 2009, 09:41:24 AM
Man nothing wrong crating him while you are at work 9 hours is doable for a dog but while a puppy he will need a break every 4 hours or so..  Thing is you should have done this since he was about 8 weeks old.  Now you are gonna have to break all that bad behavior he has been getting away with. 

Dogs like the crate, I have a Lab so I bought a big crate and it had a divider to make the crate smaller for house training which was about a week or 2 with this dog.   If the dog cries to get out of the crate tell it to STFU and deal with it, dont let it out when it demands.  Only when you are ready and the dog is relaxed let it out.  Don't let the dog manipulate you or reward bad behavior. 

Anyhow the plan was crate the dog for his first year, then let have run of the house while I'm away.  Worked well over all, a set back or 2 and a De-Nutting of the dog and he is fine in the house, does not even jump on the bed.  I never let dogs on the bed.  That first year or so raising a dog is really a lot of work but worth it.

Fawk no.. do you know how big a ridgeback is...i wouldnt crate him...My friend put him on a long leash in the yard...
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: smoothasf on May 28, 2009, 01:18:38 PM
hes been great for months now no problems must have been a puppy thing i want another now lol gorgeous dogs
Title: Re: rodesian ridgeback
Post by: knny187 on May 29, 2009, 07:38:39 AM
I have Rotties & they like crates too.  We only use them at night when they want to go to sleep.  Trust me, they walk in there like it's a bed.  You also have to understand, this is a 48" crate.  One dog has more than enough room.