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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 06:16:18 AM

Title: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 06:16:18 AM

 ;D Lol
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 06:21:40 AM
 ;D ;D ;D

We covered over 100 shows for the NPC and IFBB, complete with the fastest-to-the-web competitor photo posting on the internet; and pre-contest and wrap-up interview videos posted the same night. While Blechman was hosting lavish dinner parties at high-priced steak houses, getting drunk on hundred-dollar bottles of wine, ogling Victor’s glutes, telling everyone they used to call him “Cro Magnon” when he wrestled in high school because he had a 16 1/2 inch neck, and parading his 130 pound body around the table stopping at each guest, flexing his right lat, and telling them to check it out, Dave and I were holed up in his hotel room until four in the morning (forced to eat room service), writing about the show, posting photos, and editing and putting up video.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Jizzacked on February 09, 2009, 07:53:13 AM
interesting article...

another quip about blechman's schmoetastic ways...

Okay, first, Blechman doesn’t love bodybuilding he loves bodybuilders - in an almost perverted kind of way. He collects them, he ogles and obsesses over them, he hordes them, and he won’t share them with anyone. He gives 100% alright!  Like when he’s sitting in the front row of a bodybuilding contest yelling “WEEEEEW!” at the top of his lungs for his favorite bodybuilder of the moment, like a drunk, topless, groupie chick at a rock concert.  If you ever want to cringe from embarrassment, sit with Blechman when one of his bodybuilders du jour is on stage. 
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: mass 04 on February 09, 2009, 07:54:37 AM
interesting article...

another quip about blechman's schmoetastic ways...

Okay, first, Blechman doesn’t love bodybuilding he loves bodybuilders - in an almost perverted kind of way. He collects them, he ogles and obsesses over them, he hordes them, and he won’t share them with anyone. He gives 100% alright!  Like when he’s sitting in the front row of a bodybuilding contest yelling “WEEEEEW!” at the top of his lungs for his favorite bodybuilder of the moment, like a drunk, topless, groupie chick at a rock concert.  If you ever want to cringe from embarrassment, sit with Blechman when one of his bodybuilders du jour is on stage. 
hahah who would have ever imagined?
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Laura Lee on February 09, 2009, 08:00:47 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: spinnis on February 09, 2009, 08:01:52 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\

I agree.

bleachman made Palumbo what he is today, And paid both of those fucker alot of money.

And the FIRST opportunity they get, they backstab him to death.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: TrueGrit on February 09, 2009, 08:05:41 AM
Blechman = Having a 100 dollar bottle of wine
John Romano = Having a whine

Title: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: intakeprotein on February 09, 2009, 08:08:37 AM
Its official its raw and its no bull!!!!!!
Dave and John have launched their new site!!!!
Give it a try
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: mass 04 on February 09, 2009, 08:10:22 AM
Hi John and/or Dave!
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: saucetradomous on February 09, 2009, 08:10:45 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\

Who fired who?
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 09, 2009, 08:11:37 AM
I suspect Romano is more jealous of Blechmans  massive right lat than he is with the fact Blechman had $100 bottle of wine and Romano had room service.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: spinnis on February 09, 2009, 08:12:17 AM
Filled with penoris fbbs and John romano.

Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: spinnis on February 09, 2009, 08:13:32 AM
I suspect Romano is more jealous of Blechmans  massive right lat than he is with the fact Blechman had $100 bottle of wine and Romano had room service.

Blechman probably looks betten without a shirt then Romano does.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 08:16:27 AM
i already posted you fag.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: musclecenter on February 09, 2009, 08:17:21 AM
How and Why Dave Palumbo and John Romano Really left Muscular Development!

Many would describe it as a “cyber riot” that erupted after MD publisher Steve Blechman abruptly and unceremoniously fired Dave Palumbo and me from our executive positions at Muscular Development.  For the last week, he and his staff have struggled with a barrage of subscription cancellations, members fleeing the site for refuge elsewhere, and mountains of posts in our favor by angry forum members that required censorship and deletion by frazzled moderators (so much for their policy of “no bull”).  Eventually, the demands to explain our departure became so furious that Blechman had no choice but to make a statement. 

Originally, Dave and I were content to just walk away and not look back. But, since Blechman made his self-serving, inaccurate, statement . . .  totally misleading our fans. . . Dave and I felt we should respond. The following italicized paragraphs contain Blechman’s statement in its entirety followed by a critique of his egregious falsehoods, and my assumption as to why Dave and I were really fired. So, sit back, relax, and get ready for a strong dose of something you don’t get much of on MD anymore – the truth.

First of all, for a guy who promotes a magazine and website that are supposed to be “No Bull,” this statement Steve Blechman posted is remarkably full of shit.   He begins by stating that Dave was hired in 2006 as Editor-in-Chief of the website and for the first year was instrumental in making it grow (This marks the point where the truth ends and the bullshit gets so deep you need hip boots).  He continues by stating that during this last year (2008) Dave was too mired in the prepping of his athletes for competition and the launching of his supplement line (Species) to focus on MD.  Concomitantly, by Dave hiring me to help promote Species, Blechman accused me of compromising my duties as Senior Editor of MD magazine. Hence, the paradox created by running the MD website and a supplement company proved fatal to our ongoing relationship with MD.

These two statements mentioned above are so freighted with bullshit I don’t know where to begin.  Let’s start with Dave. During the last year, posted its greatest growth ever.  We covered over 100 shows for the NPC and IFBB, complete with the fastest-to-the-web competitor photo posting on the internet; and pre-contest and wrap-up interview videos posted the same night. While Blechman was hosting lavish dinner parties at high-priced steak houses, getting drunk on hundred-dollar bottles of wine, ogling Victor’s glutes, telling everyone they used to call him “Cro Magnon” when he wrestled in high school because he had a 16 1/2 inch neck, and parading his 130 pound body around the table stopping at each guest, flexing his right lat, and telling them to check it out, Dave and I were holed up in his hotel room until four in the morning (forced to eat room service), writing about the show, posting photos, and editing and putting up video.  Dave also hosted, not one but, three Transformation Challenges, complete with video training tips of the week that he filmed and edited himself ; and his Q&A thread grew to over 1.5 million views because he painstakingly answered an ever-growing number of nutrition, training and diet questions every day – all while maintaining his Q&A article in MD magazine each month. This of course was on top of the regular day to day duties involved in running and growing the site.

Since 2006, the MD site, under Dave’s watch, has grown exponentially, each year surpassing the previous year by a large margin.  Yet, Dave is accused of slacking because he did something non-MD related in his spare time.  God forbid someone should have spare time and not spend it on MD.  Incidentally, in spite of the fact that Dave’s commitment to MD was instrumental in the site’s unprecedented yearly growth, Dave never received a raise nor a commission since he signed on in 2006, and this year – the best year ever -  received no Christmas bonus, and no severance when he got canned on the spot with no notice whatsoever.  

As for me and my supposed “inability” to fulfill my obligations as Senior Editor of Muscular Development, if I wasn’t so exhausted thinking about it I’d laugh.  During 2008, my writing assignments for MD grew to an unprecedented six articles a month - two of them heavily researched in-depth features  (not to mention Blechman’s editorial that I write) – all together averaging over 15,000 words a month – completed on time and in top form.  In addition to that, I took a very active role in supporting the MD website.  While it’s nowhere in my job description, I participated heavily on the boards, answered a never ending stream of questions on my Q&A thread; hosted a 500 word essay contest offering readers an opportunity to get published (an opportunity totally unique in the industry); created the Hardcore Gym Registry; and generally filled in where Dave needed help, especially on the road doing wrap-up interviews with Dave, taking paparazzi photos, and doing interviews.

Additionally, Dave and I grew No Bull Radio from one hour to two hours a week, creating and implementing an ever-growing variety to the show. During the last quarter of 08, we also solicited and secured our own sponsorship dollars – and received no commission.  Clearly, both Dave and I did more work for both MD magazine and the website in 2008 than any other year.  Not only were we not shown any appreciation for this effort in the form of raises, commissions, or bonuses, but we’ve also been publicly disparaged by Blechman-- basically calling us slackers-- because we chose to work hard and try to get ahead by making something for ourselves beyond his company.  Not only is Blechman woefully inept at appreciating loyalty and commitment to a cause, but it’s also painfully apparent that in his mind the American Dream only pertains to him.

As far as using MD as a springboard to launch Species, I really don’t feel that Species was offered any more attention than any other paid advertiser.  Routinely, there were threads and discussions posted on the message boards about other advertisers’ products.  The only time there was ever a problem was when Species was mentioned because the perception was that Species was not a paid advertiser.

So, let’s clear the air. Was, or wasn’t, Species a paid advertiser?  Species had full ad pages in MD.  Whether those pages were paid for in cash, or as part of Dave’s compensation package, the fact remains that they were not free. Dave should have been afforded the same leeway as any other paid advertiser.  But he wasn’t.  Why? The answer to that question lies squarely on the narrow shoulders of perhaps the worst “Adman” in the industry.  

Species became the scapegoat for why this guy couldn’t sell advertising or secure sponsorships. He fabricated and heavily promoted the idea to the industry that Species was not a paid advertiser.  He worked extremely hard at convincing Blechman that Dave and I were subverting the company as well as detracting ad sales every time we uttered the name ‘Species’, or even if one of Dave’s clients was photographed at a competition wearing a freakin’ Species tee shirt!   This guy was so good at bamboozling Blechman with his trumped up numbers and blame-for-poor-sales on Species that he poisoned the entire office staff.  I have to give the guy credit.  He was able to show that his ad sales doubled last year by compiling and ever-growing list of giveaways to add value to what he was selling unbeknownst to those who would have to provide that content (Dave, Bill Comstock, and me).  He even gave away shit that didn’t exist! For one $5,000.00 sponsorship package the guy gave away 36 line items as added value!  No wonder his sales numbers went up and the advertisers loved him.  He gave away a million of dollars worth of value for $5,000!  He also built two personal websites using company resources (on company time) and he promoted his side business – building haunted houses - and he kept his job.  Apparently his job doesn’t require total focus; he went home every day at 5:00pm!  The only guys who would stay up all night working for Blechman and growing his business were Dave and I – the two guys who got fired.

Blechman goes on to lament that “Editor-in-Chief and Senior Editor are full-time positions and we require those who hold these titles to be willing to give their total focus. This was not the case. Dave and John have not worked onsite in the MD offices for over one year, which made working as a team extremely difficult.”  

This is such bullshit that I’m choking on the fumes! If Dave and I were not giving the website and the magazine total focus they would never have grown the way they did, especially during the last year when they grew the most. Additionally, I NEVER worked on site (in the offices) the entire 18 years I was with MD.  Now, all of a sudden, after doing more work in 2008 than ever before, being on site became an issue? How did we manage for the first 17 years?

The difficulty in working as a team was not caused by Dave and I working off site. It was due to Blechman’s protracted and inefficient way of doing things.  His decisions were made with the alacrity of a snail in the dead of winter. It didn’t matter if we were in the office or not; nothing ever got resolved in one sitting.  When meetings were called at the main offices, we always showed up.  We never refused to come in when we had to.  Remember, Dave and I don’t do regular office jobs.

Blechman further hampered the team effort by making many enemies in our industry.  Both Dave and I routinely fended off promoters, athletes, officials, and contributors who would come to us because they couldn’t contact him, they couldn’t get paid on time, and they couldn’t get Blechman to call them back regarding whether or not we’d sponsor or cover their shows, or any other matter important to them.  In Blechman’s mind, if it wasn’t important to him it wasn’t important. Unless the subject was Victor’s glutes; then his eyes would light up.

Our “team” effort was also marred by the fact that our fearless leader doesn’t even know how to turn on a computer (much less use one) and doesn’t understand the workings of the internet, internet media, or the social aspects of the community.  His inability to grasp these basic concepts is akin to Henry Ford not knowing how to drive a car.  This made simple things such as video conferencing impossible. In the same amount of time he wastes just logging onto the site, and complaining that things weren’t “put up” (because he had 400 windows open and didn’t know how to refresh his browser), Dave and I were way past him and onto something else, frustrated and stymied because Blechman was stuck in last century. You can only be a team if you’re playing the same game. Either one of us, physically, being in the office would merely be to compensate for Blechman’s inefficiency. In essence, it would have been a complete waste of our valuable time, which, apparently, all of it-- 24/7-- belonged to Blechman.

This is all ludicrous because I wasn’t even an employee!  I worked the entire 18 years as an independent contractor. I paid my own health insurance, payroll taxes, and provided for my own retirement. I was entitled to no profit sharing, no pension, no equity share, and no stock options; and when he finally decided to fire me, I got no notice and no severance. Yet Blechman thinks that he’s entitled to 100% of my time – to the exclusion of all else – in order to play on his team?  The guy’s losing his mind!

Blechman eats, breathes, sleeps and lives MD – to the exclusion of all else.  His $24 Million house in Aspen has a carbon copy of the NY office above the garage. He goes from the office in NY, into the limo to the airport, on the plane to Aspen, into the house and upstairs to his Aspen office all the while clenching a red pen in one hand and a stack of paper in another.  Other than going to dinner, or a couple of hours of snow boarding here and there during his stay, he never stops working!  While that could be the mark of a committed businessperson, in his case it’s because he needs to be committed – to an institution.  It’s his inefficiency that causes him so much work, not that he’s getting so much done.  ARP (the parent company Blechman owns) puts out three magazines and three websites for crying out loud, and the boss doesn’t have time to take a shit.  Jack Welch ran GE for 20 years with numerous subsidiary businesses all over the world-- at one time employing over 400,000 people-- and he still played golf every Wednesday.  Just because Blechman’s antiquated and inefficient way of doing things precludes any life outside of his business doesn’t mean that we need to follow suit in order to get our job done.  We did get the job done, in spite of what he says, and as all of you agree, Dave and I did build the MD website and the community.  And we did it well.  Proof of that is the fact that all of you are over here now and tumbleweeds are blowing through the MD site!   It’s true that in our spare time we did do other things. The jealously over the fact that we were becoming successful in other areas of the industry threatened Blechman, and THAT is the main reason he fired us.

Blechman’s next statement is really pathetic and evinces completely how woefully out of touch he is with the real world: “I love bodybuilding and have always given MD 100 percent and have only had the best interest of the readers at heart. I ask anyone to dispute the fact that I have always been extremely loyal and generous to anyone who has worked for MD.”

Okay, first, Blechman doesn’t love bodybuilding he loves bodybuilders - in an almost perverted kind of way. He collects them, he ogles and obsesses over them, he hordes them, and he won’t share them with anyone. He gives 100% alright!  Like when he’s sitting in the front row of a bodybuilding contest yelling “WEEEEEW!” at the top of his lungs for his favorite bodybuilder of the moment, like a drunk, topless, groupie chick at a rock concert.  If you ever want to cringe from embarrassment, sit with Blechman when one of his bodybuilders du jour is on stage.  

Other than that, he only gives so long as it suits him. I ask anyone who has ever worked for MD to dispute the fact that when Blechman is done with you, it’s like you have Dengue fever-- he abandons you and leaves you hanging quicker than the blink of an eye.  The most egregious example of that is how he fired me! After 18 years of loyal service to him and his company -  I’ve stayed in his house, been to family functions, he called me “his brother” -  I get a phone call from him saying, “ehhhh… we’ve been reevaluating and decided to terminate the relationship.  I have to go into a meeting; we’ll talk more later….” Click.  I’m still waiting for “later” to roll around.  In Blechman time that could be nine years from now.  It wouldn’t matter anyway.  I have nothing to say to him.  So much for his loyalty. The truth is, if Blechman has any use for you he treats you well; pays you well, takes you to dinner at nice restaurants. But, once he’s done with you, he’ll leave you by the side of the road in an instant.  I’ve seen him do it a hundred times. He did it to me, his “brother.”

As far as Robbie Durand goes, trust me when I tell you he’ll be over here with us soon, too.  Blechman’s inability to delegate responsibility, make decisions, his penchant for micro-management, and his need to be surrounded by yes-men, will eventually frustrate Durand’s intellect and derail his passion for MD.  When that day comes, as it most surely will, he will be welcome him with open arms.

With Dave and me gone, MD will never again be what it was. While Blechman is under the impression that his magazine and website are “number one”, an in depth analysis of the numbers will prove otherwise.  The reality is that MD is on the way down, right along with its page count and its editorial content. Blechman burns every bridge he crosses and routinely pisses off the powers that be in this industry, and at this point he’s running out of bridges and running out of favors with those who call the shots.  More people are pissed at him than not, and it’s only a matter of time before he runs out of pieces to put together. And when that day comes, as it most surely will, he will have no one to blame but himself.

Contained in MD’s new mission statement, Blechman states, “MD is outrageous, MD is controversial, MD is credible and MD is NUMBER ONE!!”  MD is no longer any of those things!  For outrageousness it has Gregg Valentino. For controversy it has it has Lee Priest. While I have nothing personal against either gentleman, you can’t base 50% of your mission statement on these two guys. Valentino is one reality show payday away from turning his back completely on anything having to do with bodybuilding, and Lee Priest is but one inevitable middle finger away from being permanently banned from the industry. As far as credibility goes, Blechman does employ an impressive list of credible people, the only problem is that, as far as Blechman is concerned, their subject matter is relegated to either what will not piss off advertisers or what suits Blechman’s agenda.  If powerful research comes out that trounces a MuscleTech product you can bank on the fact that that study will be buried lest he lose those ad dollars.  Just ask Anssi Manninin.  Or, if Blechman happens to be suffering from high mercury levels, he’ll assign someone an article flouting the consumption of large fish.  After his mercury levels go back down, tuna will be safe to eat again.  If that’s credibility, it’s selective at best.  And as far as being “number one” goes, if you go by the efficiency numbers I have for magazines sold versus the number of issues printed each month, and compare that to the audited numbers of our competitors, MD is far from number one. As far as the website goes, again the numbers don’t lie.  MD is clearly not number one.  So MD’s No Bull mission Statement = total bullshit.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Laura Lee on February 09, 2009, 08:17:39 AM
Who fired who?
I believe John and Dave were fired.  I don't know why though.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: intakeprotein on February 09, 2009, 08:18:24 AM
i already posted you fag.

damn relax you dont have to be so hostile
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: HeyNow on February 09, 2009, 08:19:00 AM
Thats a good read, without Dave or John I wouldn't even bother  buying the mag or going on the site ever again.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: MAXX on February 09, 2009, 08:22:12 AM
I believe John and Dave were fired.  I don't know why though.
for using md to sell their product not giving blechman compensation for it, or having worked out a deal about it with blechman... apparantly.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: CT_Muscle on February 09, 2009, 08:24:37 AM
Like Dave or not he did a GREAT job on the contest coverage for them. I never went on their boards so I can't say what else he did. But after any big show they were ALWAYS the FIRST to have pics up and tons of them. It will be interesting to see if that continues or not.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on February 09, 2009, 08:30:32 AM
Its official its raw and its no bull!!!!!!

they said that about md, and yet people were getting banned right left and centre. ::)
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: DK II on February 09, 2009, 08:32:12 AM
damn relax you dont have to be so hostile

Hey, watch your mouth!

Did "method101" do something to you??
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Triple-H_2005 on February 09, 2009, 08:41:03 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\
I know...after all the hard work john and Dave put be so unceremoniously dumped from MD...  just sucked.  I'm so glad to see them back on their feet!
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Topskin69 on February 09, 2009, 08:45:49 AM
Thought this quote was funny....

Both Dave and I routinely fended off promoters, athletes, officials, and contributors who would come to us because they couldn’t contact him, they couldn’t get paid on time, and they couldn’t get Blechman to call them back regarding whether or not we’d sponsor or cover their shows, or any other matter important to them.  In Blechman’s mind, if it wasn’t important to him it wasn’t important. Unless the subject was Victor’s glutes; then his eyes would light up.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Stavios on February 09, 2009, 08:46:02 AM
this will be good.

internet war at it's finest  8)
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: The.Giant on February 09, 2009, 08:50:18 AM
Blechman is a schmoe muscle-worshipper? Shocking!!!  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Relentless on February 09, 2009, 08:50:41 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\

Who turned against who here?  Are you talking about Dave and John getting fired and put out on their ass financially?  Or are you talking about how Dave and John decided to get their own thing going and reclaim some of the base they built over at MD?
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Relentless on February 09, 2009, 08:51:23 AM
I believe John and Dave were fired.  I don't know why though.

No one really knows other than Steve Blechman.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Stavios on February 09, 2009, 08:56:50 AM
Our fearless leader Ron Avidan posted on the RXmuscle forums !!!   8)
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Original Sin on February 09, 2009, 08:59:18 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\

Stating your side of a story especially if you feel that you were being slighted isn't turning your back on anyone,
It is standing up for yourself.  I know I wouldn't roll over and just take it.

Both sides of the story are available and the truth undoubtedly lies some where in between.
It is up to you to decide where to gauge the truth at.  

I lean to Dave and John as I have seen the
side of Blechman they talk about and I really have never had any use for either of them honestly.

~Night of the Long Knives~
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: tendonitis on February 09, 2009, 09:00:34 AM
so the truth about blechman is going to come out

this ought to be good  ;D
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 09:02:06 AM
Who turned against who here?
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Ron on February 09, 2009, 09:06:04 AM
Wishing John and Dave good times in their new forums, and perhaps even some support here and there!

I spoke to John on things, and I would like to have fun.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: HTexan on February 09, 2009, 09:06:27 AM
That is one angry juicehead.


Now that I’ve cleared the air of the biased, fabricated, egomaniacal, Napoleonic, control freak, crap that Blechman posted as the reason he fired Dave and me, let me tell you the real reason.  As some of you may know, Blechman and his four brothers owned TwinLab, the ultra successful supplement company their father started in the 60s and grew to a $300 Mill a year behemoth.  As head of product development for Twin, Blechman brought to market many innovative products; but it’s been more than 12 years since Blechman has been in the supplement biz and the industry has grown past him.

For the last 12 years Blechman has been telling me he’s getting back into the supplement business, and promising me that I would be a big part of it and become wealthy beyond my dreams.  Every year he makes the claim, reiterates how well I’m going to do, and then every year he chickens out.  Not wanting to upset advertisers and lose ad dollars is the source of his fear.  His quest became how to capitalize on the lucrative supplement biz yet still keep all his MD advertisers. Then along came Palumbo with his newly hatched Species.  Part of the arrangement for Dave to come on board as Editor-In-Chief of was the proviso that Blechman and Palumbo would go into the supplement business together using Species as the shell to contain Blechman’s creations.  Blechman felt that if they could keep his involvement on the down low he could have his cake and eat it too.  He could partner up with Dave and be in the supplement biz and not piss off advertisers because, with Dave as the front man, it wouldn’t look like the owner of the magazine was selling supplements at a perceived favored position.

Unfortunately, after several month of seeing how Blechman does business; not returning phone calls, not paying people on time, stringing people along while he took his sweet time making up his mind, going back on his word, and relying solely on published research even if it bucked empirical data, Dave felt partnering up with Blechman would be an unhappy disaster for him.  Dave doesn’t do business that way.  So, he told Steve he changed his mind and wanted to keep Species for himself.  Then Dave hired me to help market his company, thus throwing down the gauntlet.  I’m sure Blechman perceived this move on my part as being disloyal.  Blechman obviously thinks I should just wait around another 12 years to see if he gets into the supplement biz.  What the hell?  I guess I’m not allowed to achieve anything greater than what Blechman provides! Pffff…..

Be that as it may, Blechman still has plans to get back into the supplement business this year.  But, he wants to do it in a way that doesn’t jeopardize his ad dollars.  However, before he fills one bottle with pills, he’s going to have to reestablish who he is.  12 years is a long time to be out of the supplement business.  Most people out there today have no idea who Blechman is with regard to supplements.  So, Blechman decided to get on the message boards and make a name for himself.  Since he knows nothing about the internet or the community, his first foray into the web should have been to align himself with us until he got comfortable.  Instead, he charged headlong into a smear campaign against Dave and his low-carb, moderate fat, high protein, ketogenic diet.  He posted various esoteric studies warning of the deleterious nature of Dave’s diet for bodybuilders supported by inapplicable research. 

Almost immediately, a posse of ass kissers jumped on Blechman’s leg and humped it into oblivion with their anti-keto shtick-- all to no avail because Dave put up a very astute fight relying on both science as well as his success in getting athletes ready for competition.  I saw Dave, out in the cold, taking unwarranted pot shots from Blechman and sided with Dave because I know firsthand that his methods work and I knew that what Blechman was saying was contrived, biased, alarmist, and simply wasn’t happening in my case. 

At the end of the week-long debate, I posted the inevitable truth that was probably the biggest component in me getting fired.  I said, ”Who are you going to listen to, a shredded 270lb bodybuilder who prepped 200 competitors last year-- 98% of whom proclaimed they were in the best shape of their lives-- or a 130 pound science junkie waving a study who’s never competed nor coached anyone to the stage?”  Practical application of knowledge to affect a favorable outcome is what people are after, not proof based on what a study says.  Perhaps that was too powerful a statement.  The truth is like that you know.  In any event, Dave won the debate hands down and, in so doing, polarized Blechman and us.

Well, this really pissed off Blechman.  All of a sudden, after losing the “Carb Wars”, there began a systematic scouring of the MD website of anything having to do with Species supplements.  At the same time, Blechman thought he was going to throw a wrench in my gears by forcing me to fully disclose the fact that I was being paid by Species to endorse Dave’s product line and that I was paid a commission on sales of those supplements.  Interestingly, I did as I was told and the scheme backfired on Blechman.  He figured the boards would rally against me, when in fact the members rallied for me.  No one thought that selling Species supplements to gyms was a bad idea on my part; nor did they take issue with the fact that I believed in the Species brand and was being paid to say so.  In the end, I even got four new wholesale accounts out of Blechman’s backfired plan!

The fact that Species is rapidly becoming a popular premium brand of specialized bodybuilding nutritional supplements, combined with the online community’s support of Dave and me, threatened Blechman and his desire to re-enter the supplement business. We had proved that he was too out of touch, too heavily reliant on published research and that he consistently ignored functional empirical data. On top of this, Dave’s company was growing by leaps and bounds with the entire community praising Dave’s diet, his products, or both.  Blechman obviously felt this would threaten his chances of bringing his brand of products to market because too many people were siding with Dave.  Let’s face it, Blechman simply lacked street credibility.  That’s why last Monday, February 2nd Dave and I woke up to find ourselves locked out of the MD website and unceremoniously fired with not so much as a thank you, a decent explanation, nor severance pay.  We were fired because Blechman didn’t have the balls or the decency-- especially with my 18 year track record with MD– to sit down and try to work things out in an amicable way.  Instead, he cowardly and hastily fired us then released this pathetic batch of lies to try to make us look bad and support his stupid decision.

Dave and I believe you – the community – will do what’s right. And by the looks of how widespread the support is for us and our new website, we’re grateful to you that the truth has prevailed. Blechman had a good thing going and he ruined it. He was right about one thing though, “When one door closes, another one opens and usually for the better.” Looking around and seeing so much support for us, on that count, I’m not going to argue with him. He doesn’t even have to post the study or reference that supports his claim.  In this case, hands down, we believe him!
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: affeman on February 09, 2009, 09:07:26 AM
Wishing John and Dave good times in their new forums, and perhaps even some support here and there!

I spoke to John on things, and I would like to have fun, not malicious like it became via MD.

There were things??
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on February 09, 2009, 09:08:40 AM
sweet music to my ears :)

For the last week, he and his staff have struggled with a barrage of subscription cancellations, members fleeing the site for refuge elsewhere, and mountains of posts in our favor by angry forum members that required censorship and deletion by frazzled moderators (so much for their policy of “no bull”).
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: robins on February 09, 2009, 09:09:45 AM
Unfortunately, after several month of seeing how Blechman does business; not returning phone calls, not paying people on time, stringing people along while he took his sweet time making up his mind, going back on his word, and relying solely on published research even if it bucked empirical data, Dave felt partnering up with Blechman would be an unhappy disaster for him.  Dave doesn’t do business that way.  So, he told Steve he changed his mind and wanted to keep Species for himself.  Then Dave hired me to help market his company, thus throwing down the gauntlet.  I’m sure Blechman perceived this move on my part as being disloyal.  Blechman obviously thinks I should just wait around another 12 years to see if he gets into the supplement biz.  What the hell?  I guess I’m not allowed to achieve anything greater than what Blechman provides! Pffff…..

I think that was it for Bleckman. Steve is a schmoe who wasn't in touch anyomore with the supplement market for years.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on February 09, 2009, 09:11:42 AM

While Blechman was hosting lavish dinner parties at high-priced steak houses, getting drunk on hundred-dollar bottles of wine, ogling Victor’s glutes, telling everyone they used to call him “Cro Magnon” when he wrestled in high school because he had a 16 1/2 inch neck, and parading his 130 pound body around the table stopping at each guest, flexing his right lat, and telling them to check it out,
Title: The real reason why Blechman fired Dave & John
Post by: TK on February 09, 2009, 09:29:45 AM
From John Romano


Now that I’ve cleared the air of the biased, fabricated, egomaniacal, Napoleonic, control freak, crap that Blechman posted as the reason he fired Dave and me, let me tell you the real reason.  As some of you may know, Blechman and his four brothers owned TwinLab, the ultra successful supplement company their father started in the 60s and grew to a $300 Mill a year behemoth.  As head of product development for Twin, Blechman brought to market many innovative products; but it’s been more than 12 years since Blechman has been in the supplement biz and the industry has grown past him.

For the last 12 years Blechman has been telling me he’s getting back into the supplement business, and promising me that I would be a big part of it and become wealthy beyond my dreams.  Every year he makes the claim, reiterates how well I’m going to do, and then every year he chickens out.  Not wanting to upset advertisers and lose ad dollars is the source of his fear.  His quest became how to capitalize on the lucrative supplement biz yet still keep all his MD advertisers. Then along came Palumbo with his newly hatched Species.  Part of the arrangement for Dave to come on board as Editor-In-Chief of was the proviso that Blechman and Palumbo would go into the supplement business together using Species as the shell to contain Blechman’s creations.  Blechman felt that if they could keep his involvement on the down low he could have his cake and eat it too.  He could partner up with Dave and be in the supplement biz and not piss off advertisers because, with Dave as the front man, it wouldn’t look like the owner of the magazine was selling supplements at a perceived favored position.

Unfortunately, after several months of seeing how Blechman does business; not returning phone calls, not paying people on time, stringing people along while he took his sweet time making up his mind, going back on his word, and relying solely on published research even if it bucked empirical data, Dave felt partnering up with Blechman would be an unhappy disaster for him.  Dave doesn’t do business that way.  So, he told Steve he changed his mind and wanted to keep Species for himself.  Then Dave hired me to help market his company, thus throwing down the gauntlet.  I’m sure Blechman perceived this move on my part as being disloyal.  Blechman obviously thinks I should just wait around another 12 years to see if he gets into the supplement biz.  What the hell?  I guess I’m not allowed to achieve anything greater than what Blechman provides! Pffff…..

Be that as it may, Blechman still has plans to get back into the supplement business this year.  But, he wants to do it in a way that doesn’t jeopardize his ad dollars.  However, before he fills one bottle with pills, he’s going to have to reestablish who he is.  12 years is a long time to be out of the supplement business.  Most people out there today have no idea who Blechman is with regard to supplements.  So, Blechman decided to get on the message boards and make a name for himself.  Since he knows nothing about the internet or the community, his first foray into the web should have been to align himself with us until he got comfortable.  Instead, he charged headlong into a smear campaign against Dave and his low-carb, moderate fat, high protein, ketogenic diet.  He posted various esoteric studies warning of the deleterious nature of Dave’s diet for bodybuilders supported by inapplicable research. 

Almost immediately, a posse of ass kissers jumped on Blechman’s leg and humped it into oblivion with their anti-keto shtick-- all to no avail because Dave put up a very astute fight relying on both science as well as his success in getting athletes ready for competition.  I saw Dave, out in the cold, taking unwarranted pot shots from Blechman and sided with Dave because I know firsthand that his methods work and I knew that what Blechman was saying was contrived, biased, alarmist, and simply wasn’t happening in my case. 

At the end of the week-long debate, I posted the inevitable truth that was probably the biggest component in me getting fired.  I said, ”Who are you going to listen to, a shredded 270lb bodybuilder who prepped 200 competitors last year-- 98% of whom proclaimed they were in the best shape of their lives-- or a 130 pound science junkie waving a study who’s never competed nor coached anyone to the stage?”  Practical application of knowledge to affect a favorable outcome is what people are after, not proof based on what a study says.  Perhaps that was too powerful a statement.  The truth is like that you know.  In any event, Dave won the debate hands down and, in so doing, polarized Blechman and us.

Well, this really pissed off Blechman.  All of a sudden, after losing the “Carb Wars”, there began a systematic scouring of the MD website of anything having to do with Species supplements.  At the same time, Blechman thought he was going to throw a wrench in my gears by forcing me to fully disclose the fact that I was being paid by Species to endorse Dave’s product line and that I was paid a commission on sales of those supplements.  Interestingly, I did as I was told and the scheme backfired on Blechman.  He figured the boards would rally against me, when in fact the members rallied for me.  No one thought that selling Species supplements to gyms was a bad idea on my part; nor did they take issue with the fact that I believed in the Species brand and was being paid to say so.  In the end, I even got four new wholesale accounts out of Blechman’s backfired plan!

The fact that Species is rapidly becoming a popular premium brand of specialized bodybuilding nutritional supplements, combined with the online community’s support of Dave and me, threatened Blechman and his desire to re-enter the supplement business. We had proved that he was too out of touch, too heavily reliant on published research and that he consistently ignored functional empirical data. On top of this, Dave’s company was growing by leaps and bounds with the entire community praising Dave’s diet, his products, or both.  Blechman obviously felt this would threaten his chances of bringing his brand of products to market because too many people were siding with Dave.  Let’s face it, Blechman simply lacked street credibility.  That’s why last Monday, February 2nd Dave and I woke up to find ourselves locked out of the MD website and unceremoniously fired with not so much as a thank you, a decent explanation, nor severance pay.  We were fired because Blechman didn’t have the balls or the decency-- especially with my 18 year track record with MD– to sit down and try to work things out in an amicable way.  Instead, he cowardly and hastily fired us then released this pathetic batch of lies to try to make us look bad and support his stupid decision.

Dave and I believe you – the community – will do what’s right. And by the looks of how widespread the support is for us and our new website, we’re grateful to you that the truth has prevailed. Blechman had a good thing going and he ruined it. He was right about one thing though, “When one door closes, another one opens and usually for the better.” Looking around and seeing so much support for us, on that count, I’m not going to argue with him. He doesn’t even have to post the study or reference that supports his claim.  In this case, hands down, we believe him!
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Fatpanda on February 09, 2009, 10:15:44 AM
Unfortunately, after several month of seeing how Blechman does business; not returning phone calls, not paying people on time, stringing people along while he took his sweet time making up his mind, going back on his word, and relying solely on published research even if it bucked empirical data, Dave felt partnering up with Blechman would be an unhappy disaster for him.  Dave doesn’t do business that way.

hahahahahahahahaha the guy that sells fake gh kits thinks blechman is untrustworthy  ::)
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Balloon on February 09, 2009, 10:23:39 AM
Romano's response i legendary.

There doing a radio show tonight! they got K levrone on the boards! and their soon to be introducing a second weekly radio show  :P
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: affeman on February 09, 2009, 10:28:14 AM
Romano's response i legendary.

There doing a radio show tonight! they got K levrone on the boards! and their soon to be introducing a second weekly radio show  :P

And who pays them?? :-\
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 10:31:01 AM
And who pays them?? :-\
supplement companies will pay to put adds on their website
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: LeePriestLover on February 09, 2009, 10:48:08 AM

 ;D Lol

It's good to know that this forums creator is a stand up guy and does not represent the bile that surrounds his forums.

"Dave and John,

I wish you two the best in your new forum, and lets have some fun out there, enjoying bodybuilding, the industry and just keep it real. See you guys at the Arnold in a few weeks!


Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: The Showstoppa on February 09, 2009, 10:48:12 AM
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Palpatine Q on February 09, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
couple of things.

If Dave and Blechman's "agreement" to go into the supp biz together was in writing, dave doesn't get to just "change his mind". I don't know, just guessing.

And also Romano states that they built MD up to it's highest levels, then contradicts himself two paragraphs later stating that "the truth is, MD is on the way down"

There are two sides to every story, and the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

That being said I think Dave and John are two guys that are well established in the biz, and will do just fine
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: D_1000 on February 09, 2009, 11:19:01 AM
Its official its raw and its no bull!!!!!!

they said that about md, and yet people were getting banned right left and centre. ::)

Exactly. Say hello to the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Ron on February 09, 2009, 11:49:07 AM

The question is if it is cool that Romano is posting the 'dirty laundry' and not taking the high road on this.  There were two ways that they could of gone, and it looks like, after reading the response, it is the low road.

Now, keeping in mind that it will get interesting, I also am friends with Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler, and look forward to seeing what direction they are going to take with MD.   Shawn has long been a proponent of good relationships with Getbig, and i have know him a long time.

And he still owes me lunch!
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: CQ on February 09, 2009, 11:51:06 AM
It's good to know that this forums creator is a stand up guy and does not represent the bile that surrounds his forums. 

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: chainsaw on February 09, 2009, 11:53:24 AM
I think all 3 of them fuckers are laughin their asses off
at all the talk they are gettin and free publicity.  I would
not know who these clowns were till MS. Gunns brought it up.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: mass 04 on February 09, 2009, 11:59:49 AM
The question is if it is cool that Romano is posting the 'dirty laundry' and not taking the high road on this.  There were two ways that they could of gone, and it looks like, after reading the response, it is the low road.

Now, keeping in mind that it will get interesting, I also am friends with Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler, and look forward to seeing what direction they are going to take with MD.   Shawn has long been a proponent of good relationships with Getbig, and i have know him a long time.

And he still owes me lunch!

Ron, have you ever seen Blechman "woo woo" at shredded glutes like Romano claims?
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: jtsunami on February 09, 2009, 12:00:22 PM
lol a bunch of lies just like reading a bimbo bob post.  All convicted felons and maybe a few unknown felons trying to tell the truth  ;D

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Reign Down on February 09, 2009, 12:06:13 PM
I see good things for this site.

They have an uncensored area, there I will dwell!!!

ta ta
Post by: Balloon on February 09, 2009, 12:06:36 PM
Blechman's insecurities come pouring out.

John Romano

"Take Blechman’s message board avatar, for instance. There he is, arms crossed looking like Clark Kent with Superman’s guns.  Those arms look bigger than his head! And don’t think there wasn’t an endless barrage of accusations that the shot he uses on his “no bull” website was photo-shopped. His response?  Something to the effect of his arm being closer the camera, and thus it looked bigger…. Now, granted Blechman does have some well-shaped arms, but they’re not 22 inches. He’s lucky if they’re 14. But he insists the shot wasn’t enhanced!  I was there when that shot was taken and I was looking over the photographer’s shoulder when the he was enlarging those arms.  I watched it happen! When Pope John Paul II said "An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded,” he might as well have been looking right at Blechman’s avatar and listening to him defend it."

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: chainsaw on February 09, 2009, 12:11:04 PM
I can just see palumbo and ramano with billy gunns sayin "I'll go get all the getbiggers over here"
No way jose on my part.  I see the game miles away.
Post by: Stark on February 09, 2009, 12:15:57 PM
Hi Dave :D
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: wnybodybuildingfan on February 09, 2009, 12:16:53 PM
There is no reason why you can't be on both sites.  They(Dave & John) have quite a following.  They are even going to go to two radio shows a week!
Post by: mass 04 on February 09, 2009, 12:17:08 PM
Post by: QuakerOats on February 09, 2009, 12:17:34 PM
i think most people with half a brain knew that those weren't "big" Steve's real arms.
Post by: chainsaw on February 09, 2009, 12:19:37 PM
Hahahahah look at his shoulders, you can totally tell its photoshop.
Post by: BayGBM on February 09, 2009, 12:19:57 PM
Blechman's insecurities come pouring out.

John Romano

"Take Blechman’s message board avatar, for instance. There he is, arms crossed looking like Clark Kent with Superman’s guns.  Those arms look bigger than his head! And don’t think there wasn’t an endless barrage of accusations that the shot he uses on his “no bull” website was photo-shopped. His response?  Something to the effect of his arm being closer the camera, and thus it looked bigger…. Now, granted Blechman does have some well-shaped arms, but they’re not 22 inches. He’s lucky if they’re 14. But he insists the shot wasn’t enhanced!  I was there when that shot was taken and I was looking over the photographer’s shoulder when the he was enlarging those arms.  I watched it happen! When Pope John Paul II said "An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded,” he might as well have been looking right at Blechman’s avatar and listening to him defend it."

LOL  I would never photoshop photos of myself and and peddle them (or allow them to be peddled) as the real thing.  Shame on Steve!  >:(
Post by: spinnis on February 09, 2009, 12:23:37 PM
i think most people with half a brain knew that those weren't "big" Steve's real arms.

I wonder how MASSIVE john aka backstabbers arms are.
Post by: 240 is Back on February 09, 2009, 12:23:58 PM
Post by: Stark on February 09, 2009, 12:25:04 PM
LOL  I would never photoshop photos of myself and and peddle them (or allow them to be peddled) as the real thing.  Shame on Steve!  >:(

I mean think of it this way, hes surrounded by big masculine dudes, every time somebody new comes into the office it's the same tired question:
Who's the skinny pencil neck over there? YOUR SHITTING me, thats the owner of MD?

Post by: QuakerOats on February 09, 2009, 12:25:24 PM
I wonder how MASSIVE john aka backstabbers arms are.
probably not much bigger than Blechman's honestly.
Post by: spinnis on February 09, 2009, 12:26:44 PM
probably not much bigger than Blechman's honestly.

And how much money would John have earned in the last few years if it wasnt for Bleachman?


he need to shut his fucking mouth.
Post by: Stark on February 09, 2009, 12:29:00 PM
And how much money would John have earned in the last few years if it wasnt for Bleachman?


he need to shut his fucking mouth.

Its always easy for the one who got fired to run his mouth, fuck all of them I don't trust none of them, as far as I'm concerned next year they all gonna make up in a afterparty gangbang blackroom,
Post by: mass 04 on February 09, 2009, 12:29:15 PM
Romano is a retard. Blechman is a fairy but he has the keys to the castle. Palumbo at least has other interests so he can make a living. Romano has no talent and should have kept his mouth shut and hope Bleckmon would take him back.
Post by: BayGBM on February 09, 2009, 12:44:44 PM
I mean think of it this way, hes surrounded by big masculine dudes, every time somebody new comes into the office it's the same tired question:
Who's the skinny pencil neck over there? YOUR SHITTING me, thats the owner of MD?

There is nothing wrong with him being a pencil neck; he is a businessman not a bodybuilder.  Fair enough, but why lie about it with photoshopped pix?  If he wants to look buff, he should hit the sauce and do what all his contract bodybuilders are doing (like Vince McMahon over at WWE).  Lying about your physique was shitty when Joe Weider did it and it's just a shitty when Steve does it.

I care nothing about the Palumbo vs. Blechman feud, but having photoshopped pix of himself in circulation is shameful!  >:(
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 09, 2009, 12:59:05 PM
Can you imagine a pose off with romano vs belchman?  Two lackluster tiny tits battling it out for rights to claim the "truth" in why two convicts got fired.

Funny Romano only complains about bannings and such when it is HIM that is banned.  Prior to that, not a word was said about all the other bannings going on there.

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: PumpMeUp on February 09, 2009, 01:06:17 PM
Ohhhh the drama.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Meso_z on February 09, 2009, 01:09:30 PM
Who fucking cares.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Topskin69 on February 09, 2009, 01:11:57 PM

I really dont see what the big deal is...Steve pused his is biceps with out with his forearms to create the illusion of bigger arms. Some pros could learn from this guy....  ;D
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Chick on February 09, 2009, 01:29:55 PM
The question is if it is cool that Romano is posting the 'dirty laundry' and not taking the high road on this.  There were two ways that they could of gone, and it looks like, after reading the response, it is the low road.

Now, keeping in mind that it will get interesting, I also am friends with Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler, and look forward to seeing what direction they are going to take with MD.   Shawn has long been a proponent of good relationships with Getbig, and i have know him a long time.

And he still owes me lunch!

Oh, come on Ron...."taking the low road"? Did Blechman take the "high road" by doing what he did? I suppose taking the high road is letting someone say whatever they want without recoarse, or rebuttle, right?

Fuck em...fight fire with fire I say....

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: D_1000 on February 09, 2009, 01:34:09 PM
They are even going to go to two radio shows a week!

WOW! Two radio shows? That's like the coolest thing like ever.

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: millerbishop on February 09, 2009, 01:34:43 PM
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 01:45:40 PM
this will be good.

internet war at it's finest  8)


You're welcome.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 01:52:23 PM
they re all trying to sell you useless and inefective powders anyway in the end  ;)
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: D_1000 on February 09, 2009, 01:53:43 PM
they re all trying to sell you useless and inefective powders anyway in the end  ;)

The truth.
Post by: Stark on February 09, 2009, 01:54:34 PM
There is nothing wrong with him being a pencil neck; he is a businessman not a bodybuilder.  Fair enough, but why lie about it with photoshopped pix?  If he wants to look buff, he should hit the sauce and do what all his contract bodybuilders are doing (like Vince McMahon over at WWE).  Lying about your physique was shitty when Joe Weider did it and it's just a shitty when Steve does it.

I care nothing about the Palumbo vs. Blechman feud, but having photoshopped pix of himself in circulation is shameful!  >:(

Oh come on buddy, you know he's hitting the sauce ;) already, can you imagine NOT hitting it surrounded by Palumbo and rest?
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: The_Leafy_Bug on February 09, 2009, 02:09:00 PM
This thread needs some cradle of filth

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Reign Down on February 09, 2009, 02:11:12 PM
Fags dissing Getbig already.

I think it is too manly for them.

ta ta
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Relentless on February 09, 2009, 02:26:18 PM
Huge props to Ron for allowing an exchange of information.  Ron is the best site owner in bodybuilding, period.  While others fall, getbig continues on. 

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: The_Leafy_Bug on February 09, 2009, 02:28:09 PM
Huge props to Ron for allowing an exchange of information.  Ron is the best site owner in bodybuilding, period.  While others fall, getbig continues on. 

True, he has the most liberal minded moderators and allows free speech. As long as that continues this will be the center of all bodybuilding forums.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Relentless on February 09, 2009, 02:31:59 PM
True, he has the most liberal minded moderators and allows free speech. As long as that continues this will be the center of all bodybuilding forums.

Ron is very secure with himself and getbig.  He's the best.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Benito Mutumbo on February 09, 2009, 03:03:05 PM
It's pretty hard to take Romano's side.  His arguments are weak.. And he throws a lot of innuendo around.

He does divulge a fair amount of "insider" knowledge in his article..but a lot of it sounds like sour grapes.

Just admitting that he has never had a contract over his 18 years at MD, and also admitting that he had his doubts about The Blech's integrity & business practices, is pure Romano banality at it's finest.  I'm sure that lack of any sort of severance will be very noticable.

As far as I can tell Romano admitting that he hasn't actually been to the office much in his 18 years makes his insider knowledge of the office politics second-hand.  Add in the fact that he pretty much admitted he isn't going to any shows anymore?  Did he actually go anywhere last year?  All I saw was a lacklustre radio performance, a visible divorce, some odd internet dating on the MD boards, crying about money issues, doing some shifty sounding business practices within his workplace, etc..

The guy actually proclaimed on MD licensed property last week that he: "wears his jailtime as a badge of honor"  Proposed an All Convict episode. Wow It's stuff like that that says Romano may have some legitimate gripes...but he hasn't done himself any favors.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: TechnoViking on February 09, 2009, 03:49:43 PM
I think it will be fun to see all the things that will filter out about Belchman...I'm sure Romano has a lot of ammo saved up over the past two decades...
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 03:54:07 PM
romano is the biggest loser of em all that's for sure. He and palumbo are some of the dumbest mofos i ever seen. They  arnt going anywhere anyway.

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: QuakerOats on February 09, 2009, 04:04:42 PM
romano is the biggest loser of em all that's for sure. He and palumbo are some of the dumbest mofos i ever seen. They re aint going anywhere anyway.

"they re aint"?
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 04:07:53 PM
"they re aint"?
not everyone has to learn and know only one language you grotesque retarded blob of a man.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Karl Kox on February 09, 2009, 04:11:55 PM
It won't let me on the site. I don't think it's working right.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 04:13:19 PM
It won't let me on the site. I don't think it's working right.

who cares. their website/radio: dead in two months.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: wnybodybuildingfan on February 09, 2009, 04:13:36 PM
Me either.  Logged on just before 7:00 and can't even get it to come up now.  
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: AVBG on February 09, 2009, 04:13:46 PM
It won't let me on the site. I don't think it's working right.
TOO busy, I got the same problem.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Board_SHERIF on February 09, 2009, 04:13:53 PM
who cares....trash this thread now..
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Balloon on February 09, 2009, 04:14:13 PM
It won't let me on the site. I don't think it's working right.
The radio show was meant to start 15 mins ago.

I think the site can't handle the amount of traffic it must be getting.

i can't access anything.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Karl Kox on February 09, 2009, 04:18:47 PM
I liked their Radio show I hope I can get it on I tunes
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Benito Mutumbo on February 09, 2009, 04:23:40 PM
The site crashed with 175 people online.  They had better get their act together.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: wnybodybuildingfan on February 09, 2009, 04:27:11 PM
The site crashed with 175 people online.  They had better get their act together.

They will.  Shit the site has not even been up 24 hours.  Amazing they got online this quickly.
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: just_a_pilgrim on February 09, 2009, 04:28:51 PM

At the end of the week-long debate, I posted the inevitable truth that was probably the biggest component in me getting fired.  I said, ”Who are you going to listen to, a shredded 270lb bodybuilder who prepped 200 competitors last year-- 98% of whom proclaimed they were in the best shape of their lives-- or a 130 pound science junkie waving a study who’s never competed nor coached anyone to the stage?”  Practical application of knowledge to affect a favorable outcome is what people are after, not proof based on what a study says.  Perhaps that was too powerful a statement.  The truth is like that you know.  In any event, Dave won the debate hands down and, in so doing, polarized Blechman and us.

That's about 50 more pounds than i thought he was
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: kwri298 on February 09, 2009, 05:23:54 PM
Oh, come on Ron...."taking the low road"? Did Blechman take the "high road" by doing what he did? I suppose taking the high road is letting someone say whatever they want without recoarse, or rebuttle, right?

Fuck em...fight fire with fire I say....

Good post, Ron come on why do you ALWAYS take the side of the establishment.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: New Hank Wood on February 09, 2009, 05:51:16 PM
There is more to come on this story.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 05:55:23 PM
There is more to come on this story.

too bad nobody seriously gives a fuck about it.

palumbo/romano project's dead in two months if not sooner.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: New Hank Wood on February 09, 2009, 05:57:55 PM
Palumbo and Romano are fiercely determined individuals.  They have had worst set-backs than this.

The fire has been ignited. It will be interesting to watch how far, wide and deep it burns!
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: MAXX on February 09, 2009, 06:14:30 PM
i wonder if people will be jumping ship from md to rxmuscle
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: New Hank Wood on February 09, 2009, 06:19:59 PM
give rxmuscle a chance.  Romano and Palumbo have their hearts in the right place. 
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Ron on February 09, 2009, 06:26:37 PM
Good post, Ron come on why do you ALWAYS take the side of the establishment.

Romano has a lot of stories over the past 18 years - so does many people.  Romano has a point as to the way he was let go.  But you have to say - whoa - on some of that. 
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: LurkyLurker on February 09, 2009, 06:48:07 PM
WTF? Is this for real?? Got it from another site, so it must be.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: D_1000 on February 09, 2009, 08:59:52 PM
WTF? Is this for real?? Got it from another site, so it must be.

Oh my.  :-[
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: jtsunami on February 09, 2009, 09:03:46 PM
Oh, come on Ron...."taking the low road"? Did Blechman take the "high road" by doing what he did? I suppose taking the high road is letting someone say whatever they want without recoarse, or rebuttle, right?

Fuck em...fight fire with fire I say....

of course bimbo bob takes the criminals side
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: DeketheCreep on February 09, 2009, 09:06:49 PM
WTF? Is this for real?? Got it from another site, so it must be.
o shit hahaha what does romano have to say about this haha! 
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: TechnoViking on February 09, 2009, 09:24:41 PM
of course bimbo bob takes the criminals side

18 years with a company and you are senior writer and the owner leaves a 10 second message on a cell phone that your fired...

That is basically unfucking heard of...Say what you will about Romano and Palumbo(an i have) but unless Romano banged his wife, the way Belchman handled it was complete chicken shit...
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 09, 2009, 10:39:43 PM
too bad nobody seriously gives a fuck about it.

palumbo/romano project's dead in two months if not sooner.
shut up, i liked it.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: New Hank Wood on February 09, 2009, 10:48:33 PM
Palumbo and Romano have been brutally treated by Blechman.  They have decided to strike back with intensity and fury.

Yes, they are taking a risk with this new rxmuscle site. However, if they achieve their objective and poach Blechman's MD membership, then i think they have achieved their goal.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: flagadajones on February 09, 2009, 11:00:45 PM
shut up, i liked it.

that's because you are a retard.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: kwri298 on February 09, 2009, 11:01:34 PM
Palumbo and Romano have been brutally treated by Blechman.  They have decided to strike back with intensity and fury.

Yes, they are taking a risk with this new rxmuscle site. However, if they achieve their objective and poach Blechman's MD membership, then i think they have achieved their goal.

Right, but what are they really risking?  Bandwidth is cheap, the pub to get your website visited is expensive.  So I don't think they are risking much.
Title: RX Muscle and Youtube
Post by: TechnoViking on February 09, 2009, 11:34:22 PM
Which one of you left a nice message for Jumbo's/Romano's new site on youtube?...

Title: Re: RX Muscle and Youtube
Post by: TechnoViking on February 09, 2009, 11:40:27 PM
Don't click on the start arrow to bring up the comments...Simply click on Palumbo's head to the left ;)
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: robins on February 09, 2009, 11:47:07 PM
18 years with a company and you are senior writer and the owner leaves a 10 second message on a cell phone that your fired...

That is basically unfucking heard of...Say what you will about Romano and Palumbo(an i have) but unless Romano banged his wife, the way Belchman handled it was complete chicken shit...

Agreed. That's no way to deal with the situation. For instance the first time MD released the statement that they didn't want/have to explain the the choices that they made. The public got upset and day's later Bleckman releases his reason.
Poor management.

Dennis Wolf: My Take On Low-Carb Diets

If you follow my career, you should know that I recently had a pretty disastrous experience with a low-carb diet. I had been eating some carbs all the way through my contest diet for the 2008 Mr. Olympia until the last two weeks, when we (Chad and I) decided to do zero carbs to go for the most extreme condition anyone had ever seen from me. The results were horrible, as I lost about 15 pounds of size and fullness and ruined my chances of winning the contest.

If you follow my career, you should know that I recently had a pretty disastrous experience with a low-carb diet. I had been eating some carbs all the way through my contest diet for the 2008 Mr. Olympia until the last two weeks, when we (Chad and I) decided to do zero carbs to go for the most extreme condition anyone had ever seen from me. The results were horrible, as I lost about 15 pounds of size and fullness and ruined my chances of winning the contest.


I have always thought that carbohydrates were important, but this showed me they are even more critical than most of us realize. I know a lot of guys use the zero-carb diet because they get in shape faster, but most of them look flat on stage. If you compare photos of guys who diet with carbs (Dorian and Ronnie are two great examples), they have a much fuller look to them— because they have more water inside the muscle cells. Yes, you can carb-up at the very end of a zero-carb diet, or try to— but it’s a case of too little, too late. I was eating a ton of carbs just before the Olympia and none of them seemed to ‘take.’ When you lack that muscle fullness, you also don’t have the same deep cuts and striations.

So for me, I can say that I will never go zero carbs again. But if Dexter, Victor, Jay and Phil choose to— then go for it, my friends!

It seems also that Steve is verry childish in debating. He got into a debat concerning the low carb approach. Seems to me that he's taking this very personal.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 12:29:54 AM
18 years with a company and you are senior writer and the owner leaves a 10 second message on a cell phone that your fired...

That is basically unfucking heard of...Say what you will about Romano and Palumbo(an i have) but unless Romano banged his wife, the way Belchman handled it was complete chicken shit...
awe somebody dont like the way they were terminated...who the fuck does?
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: TechnoViking on February 10, 2009, 12:32:58 AM
Palumbo and Romano have been brutally treated by Blechman.  They have decided to strike back with intensity and fury.

Yes, they are taking a risk with this new rxmuscle site. However, if they achieve their objective and poach Blechman's MD membership, then i think they have achieved their goal.

It will be a done deal in less then 2 months...
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: TechnoViking on February 10, 2009, 12:35:38 AM
awe somebody dont like the way they were terminated...who the fuck does?

Haha...Apparently you don't know how much i've bashed the men in question...I could honestly give a rats ass about how they were terminated...Its just I will never be on side with a schmoe PERIOD!!! You on the other hand :-\
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 12:43:41 AM
Haha...Apparently you don't know how much i've bashed the men in question...I could honestly give a rats ass about how they were terminated...Its just I will never be on side with a schmoe PERIOD!!! You on the other hand :-\
i really dont fuckin care
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: TechnoViking on February 10, 2009, 01:09:10 AM
i really dont fuckin care

That is not what 3 posts up says :-\
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: gordiano on February 10, 2009, 01:12:03 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\

Exactly. Funny how fickle people are..... :-\
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 01:20:57 AM
That is not what 3 posts up says :-\
who the fuck said anything about
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: TechnoViking on February 10, 2009, 01:24:22 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people can turn against someone.  :-\

So if Mike makes it to 18 years as a personal trainer at the same place and all of a sudden they decide to leave a 10 second message on his cell that all his belongings are at the front of the gym and to come pick them up for he is fired, you would have the same response? Why do I think that it would be different?
Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: Manninen dude on February 10, 2009, 02:00:42 AM
Very good and accurate editorial (?) by Romano dude. PS. Btw, John, my name is misspelled.

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 04:14:20 AM
Somone post up the photoshopped pictures of bleakman :D :D
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Dorian01 on February 10, 2009, 04:50:47 AM
Chick is still sore about Ron outing his gimmicks.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: DK II on February 10, 2009, 04:51:50 AM
Chick is still sore about Ron outing his gimmicks.

chick had gimmicks??

Title: Re: Dave Palumbo and John Romanos new site!!!!!!!
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 06:17:32 AM
Very good and accurate editorial (?) by Romano dude. PS. Btw, John, my name is misspelled.

when those who deal fake drugs say trust me....hmmmm
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Chick on February 10, 2009, 06:24:24 AM
Chick is still sore about Ron outing his gimmicks.

Nice try...never had one, never needed any. Unlike some of the losers here....I've never been afraid to put my name on anything I write, or opinions I have.

 As if being anonymous isnt enough....some people then have to create gimmicks to preserve their "identity"....LOL...what a joke
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 06:31:50 AM
Nice try...never had one, never needed any. Unlike some of the losers here....I've never been afraid to put my name on anything I write, or opinions I have.

 As if being anonymous isnt enough....some people then have to create gimmicks to preserve their "identity"....LOL...what a joke
it's a sickness
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Blockhead on February 10, 2009, 06:33:23 AM
interesting article...

another quip about blechman's schmoetastic ways...

Okay, first, Blechman doesn’t love bodybuilding he loves bodybuilders - in an almost perverted kind of way. He collects them, he ogles and obsesses over them, he hordes them, and he won’t share them with anyone. He gives 100% alright!  Like when he’s sitting in the front row of a bodybuilding contest yelling “WEEEEEW!” at the top of his lungs for his favorite bodybuilder of the moment, like a drunk, topless, groupie chick at a rock concert.  If you ever want to cringe from embarrassment, sit with Blechman when one of his bodybuilders du jour is on stage. 
Special Ed and I speak about this all the time on Big Nation. Blechman is the ultimate fanboy. It is almost impossible for Steve Blechman to talk about anything els on Planet Earth besides bodybuildERS.

 'Hey, Steve...nice weather we are having today, eh?'

 " (in a lispy high voice) OMG, have you ever noticed how amazingly similar Branch Warren's legs resemble a redwood tree? I swear that occured to me in a dream last night. "

 'Uh, yea..yea. Cool. So, what are you and your wife doing for Valentine's Day? Any plans?'

 " (in a lispy high voice) WOW, the otherday I was thinking about how great Victor's side tricep is when he is on his left-side -vs- his right side. It's so fking SICK! "

 Hey. I have a gay uncle and at one time he had a wife. For 20 years, actually.

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 06:34:43 AM
so, is being gay a crime now?
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Blockhead on February 10, 2009, 06:35:30 AM
so, is being gay a crime now?
Unfortunately it is not but if it was I'd say about 80% of the group on this website would be arrested.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: drkaje on February 10, 2009, 06:36:43 AM
Nice try...never had one, never needed any. Unlike some of the losers here....I've never been afraid to put my name on anything I write, or opinions I have.

 As if being anonymous isnt enough....some people then have to create gimmicks to preserve their "identity"....LOL...what a joke

Gimmicks are gay.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: DK II on February 10, 2009, 06:38:13 AM
so, is being gay a crime now?

only on getbig.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 06:38:45 AM
Nice try...never had one, never needed any. Unlike some of the losers here....I've never been afraid to put my name on anything I write, or opinions I have.

 As if being anonymous isnt enough....some people then have to create gimmicks to preserve their "identity"....LOL...what a joke

I put my name and picture...boom beat that
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: bigdumbbell on February 10, 2009, 06:39:59 AM
Unfortunately it is not but if it was I'd say about 80% of the group on this website would be arrested.
oh yeah and speaking of weird voices yours is right up there with elmer fudd
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Relentless on February 10, 2009, 08:52:15 AM
Nice try...never had one, never needed any. Unlike some of the losers here....I've never been afraid to put my name on anything I write, or opinions I have.

 As if being anonymous isnt enough....some people then have to create gimmicks to preserve their "identity"....LOL...what a joke

Do these idiots think you actually have the TIME or care to mess around with gimmicks?  Please...
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: chainsaw on February 10, 2009, 09:06:13 AM
Oh, come on Ron...."taking the low road"? Did Blechman take the "high road" by doing what he did? I suppose taking the high road is letting someone say whatever they want without recoarse, or rebuttle, right?
Fuck em...fight fire with fire I say....

OMG 2x in one day I agree with Bob (I must be turning Gay!) >:(.  Ron you have Sucker written on you're forehead.  I would ignore all of them, let all three of them destroy their own websites and companies on their own, and then getbig will be getting bigger than ever.  I have a feeling thats what you are doing, just not sayin publically.  You are one of us right (infidels)
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Van_Bilderass on February 10, 2009, 09:16:20 AM
Some thoughts of mine:

They are all fags. If Blechman was such a disgusting homo why keep working for him for so many years? He was not a disgusting homo when he was paying them and they would have defended him against anyone saying he was on their forum.

Palumbo and Romano complain about censorship about the issue on the MD site. Well, their board rules stated: no subversive tactics. That's what you had then and still have now. Company changed directions and subversion against new the management wont be tolerated. MD was never "No Bull". Getbig is still pretty "No Bull" because all thoughts are tolerated to a large degree. Heavy moderation: Heavy Bull.  :D
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 10:07:54 AM
Unfortunately it is not but if it was I'd say about 80% of the group on this website would be arrested.
including you stud.  :D
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: burn2live on February 10, 2009, 10:09:42 AM
Some thoughts of mine:

They are all fags. If Blechman was such a disgusting homo why keep working for him for so many years? He was not a disgusting homo when he was paying them and they would have defended him against anyone saying he was on their forum.

Palumbo and Romano complain about censorship about the issue on the MD site. Well, their board rules stated: no subversive tactics. That's what you had then and still have now. Company changed directions and subversion against new the management wont be tolerated. MD was never "No Bull". Getbig is still pretty "No Bull" because all thoughts are tolerated to a large degree. Heavy moderation: Heavy Bull.  :D

Blechman was locking them in his hotel rooms and doing them in the ass. He sacked them because they began to suffer from rectal prolapse. It explains everything.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 10:11:15 AM
Blechman was locking them in his hotel rooms and doing them in the ass. He sacked them because they began to suffer from rectal prolapse. It explains everything.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: tu_holmes on February 10, 2009, 10:27:59 AM
I like this part...


And as far as being “number one” goes, if you go by the efficiency numbers I have for magazines sold versus the number of issues printed each month, and compare that to the audited numbers of our competitors, MD is far from number one. As far as the website goes, again the numbers don’t lie.  MD is clearly not number one.

So all of those years you were saying "MD was number one" you were just towing the company line and spouting bullshit huh Romano?

I cancelled my MD subscription because of John's attitude... no one else's.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Van_Bilderass on February 10, 2009, 10:47:04 AM
I like this part...

So all of those years you were saying "MD was number one" you were just towing the company line and spouting bullshit huh Romano?

I cancelled my MD subscription because of John's attitude... no one else's.

Exactly. Lying is OK as long as you're on the payroll. "No Bull" huh?  :D
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on February 10, 2009, 11:03:04 AM
Oh, come on Ron...."taking the low road"? Did Blechman take the "high road" by doing what he did? I suppose taking the high road is letting someone say whatever they want without recoarse, or rebuttle, right?

Fuck em...fight fire with fire I say....

I think Palumbo has taken the high road but obviously Romano hasn't and went way below the belt.  Blechman may not have trashed both of them but he only gave them a phone call and did not even give them a severence package.

I never liked Romano but I honestly can't blame him for lashing out.  He spent 18 years being Blechman's stooge and lackey and ended up getting a foot in his ass out the door with no severence or thanks for his work.

18 years is a long time and regardless of reasons, its simply wrong for Blechman to have thrown him out the way he did.  I know business is business but that's just simply not good business and he's smart enough to know better than to do something like that.   

Romano deserved better treatment and unfortunately its going to backfire on Blechman in subscription sales and overall business relationships because every employee at MD is no longer going to have any loyalty whatsoever to the magazine.  That in itself is detrimental in a company

This picture was just 2 months ago...who would have thought it would be this way now
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Laura Lee on February 10, 2009, 11:12:45 AM
So if Mike makes it to 18 years as a personal trainer at the same place and all of a sudden they decide to leave a 10 second message on his cell that all his belongings are at the front of the gym and to come pick them up for he is fired, you would have the same response? Why do I think that it would be different?
I don't know any of these men personally (and I will say I like Dave and John's online persona) but it appears as a "he said" "she said" thing. 

And if that were to happen, I can definitely say "sure" I would be pissed, but would I vent and air it out on a public forum?  No. 

Getting all worked up like that first makes you look like a crybaby and secondly once ya get going on a pissed off tangent like that...a lot of things become a bit "larger than life" and only hold partial truth and a lot of exageration.  Once you explode like's hard to take back and ya never know...maybe one day that little meltdown can cause someone NOT to want to hire you because they might fear you're a loose cannon or might do the same if they do something ya don't like.  :-\

Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: flagadajones on February 10, 2009, 11:27:07 AM
I don't know any of these men personally (and I will say I like Dave and John's online persona) but it appears as a "he said" "she said" thing. 

And if that were to happen, I can definitely say "sure" I would be pissed, but would I vent and air it out on a public forum?  No. 

Getting all worked up like that first makes you look like a crybaby and secondly once ya get going on a pissed off tangent like that...a lot of things become a bit "larger than life" and only hold partial truth and a lot of exageration.  Once you explode like's hard to take back and ya never know...maybe one day that little meltdown can cause someone NOT to want to hire you because they might fear you're a loose cannon or might do the same if they do something ya don't like.  :-\

looks like you're describing mickael arvilla 's life.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: boonasty on February 10, 2009, 11:34:23 AM
Blechman = Having a 100 dollar bottle of wine
John Romano = Having a whine

he was forced to eat room service  :'(   :'(

Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 10, 2009, 12:56:13 PM
Well Blechman is for sure a pole smoker... but then again at least he didn't wear eye liner and mascara like Palumbo.

As far as  Romano goes, hard to believe that he beat out all those other sperm cells way back when.  Proof that Mother Nature has a sense of humor I suppose.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Laura Lee on February 10, 2009, 02:02:04 PM
looks like you're describing mickael arvilla 's life.
How so.  Please explain.  ::)
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 02:55:22 PM
he was forced to eat room service  :'(   :'(


hahahaha  ;D
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Balloon on February 10, 2009, 03:00:23 PM
hahahaha  ;D
The radio show they did last night is def worth a listen.

Romano is just ranting about Blechman and it's priceless.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Parker on February 10, 2009, 03:02:34 PM
I believe John and Dave were fired.  I don't know why though.

Downsizing, the economy's bad?
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 03:03:50 PM
The radio show they did last night is def worth a listen.

Romano is just ranting about Blechman and it's priceless.
Yea i listened, it was alright, went abit off when they were talking about eating high calorie burgers.

The woman: I ate burgers which had 3000 calories in them i can't help it.

The three of them then burst into hysterical laughter like she just said the most interesting and hilarious thing in history.
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Balloon on February 10, 2009, 03:10:58 PM
Yea i listened, it was alright, went abit off when they were talking about eating high calorie burgers.

The woman: I ate burgers which had 3000 calories in them i can't help it.

The three of them then burst into hysterical laughter like she just said the most interesting and hilarious thing in history.
yea, they need to ditch that chick and the producer guy.
the forum has just hit 1000 members in under 48 hours.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 03:36:48 PM
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: TrueGrit on February 10, 2009, 03:39:01 PM
he was forced to eat room service  :'(   :'(


haha he moans about having to do his job whilst the boss was having a boozy meal. Welcome to the real world, fuckstick
Title: Re: The "muscle mob" is back in buisness!
Post by: Method101 on February 10, 2009, 03:41:06 PM
haha he moans about having to do his job whilst the boss was having a boozy meal. Welcome to the real world, fuckstick
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: Captain Equipoise on February 10, 2009, 10:27:09 PM
LOL, post more of those black metal pics, they're fucking hillarious.
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: DeketheCreep on February 10, 2009, 11:03:26 PM
Title: Re: Palumbo and Romanos 'Muscle Mob' new site
Post by: HTexan on February 11, 2009, 04:33:04 AM
who is that metal guy?