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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: tonymctones on February 20, 2009, 04:56:32 PM

Title: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 20, 2009, 04:56:32 PM

"Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Friday that he will decline stimulus money specifically targeted at expanding state unemployment insurance coverage, becoming the first state executive to officially refuse any part of the federal government’s payout to states."

“The federal money in this bill will run out in less than three years for this benefit and our businesses would then be stuck paying the bill,” Jindal said. “We must be careful and thoughtful as we examine all the strings attached to the funding in this package. We cannot grow government in an unsustainable way.”

sounds pretty reasonable to me...
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on February 20, 2009, 04:59:56 PM

"Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Friday that he will decline stimulus money specifically targeted at expanding state unemployment insurance coverage, becoming the first state executive to officially refuse any part of the federal government’s payout to states."

“The federal money in this bill will run out in less than three years for this benefit and our businesses would then be stuck paying the bill,” Jindal said. “We must be careful and thoughtful as we examine all the strings attached to the funding in this package. We cannot grow government in an unsustainable way.”

sounds pretty reasonable to me...

It does...

Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Dos Equis on February 20, 2009, 05:19:20 PM
I love it.   :)
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Benny B on February 20, 2009, 05:59:42 PM
I love it.   :)
You from New Orleans?  ::)
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Dos Equis on February 20, 2009, 06:03:32 PM
You from New Orleans?  ::)

 :-X   :)  Mardi Gras is coming up.   :)
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 20, 2009, 06:06:45 PM
:-X   :)  Mardi Gras is coming up.   :)
i went like 4 years in a row, first time i was like 18 got a cab ride down there got out of the cab a few blocks from all the hoopla and as soon as i got out a guy in a bar opened up to the street asked if i wanted a beer i asked if i needed an ID and he said ended up peeing on the vending machine that night at the hotel...good times good times.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 20, 2009, 06:07:55 PM
what will be real interesting is what the government does if they do not take any money and paying back in their taxes.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Benny B on February 20, 2009, 06:12:33 PM
what will be real interesting is what the government does if they do not take any money and paying back in their taxes.
The money will still go where it is needed. The state legislator will ignore Jindal's stupid ass political posturing for 2012. Unemployment benefits are needed and when the checks run out those people will remember come reelection time.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 20, 2009, 06:14:20 PM
The money will still go where it is needed. The state legislator will ignore Jindal's stupid ass political posturing for 2012. Unemployment benefits are needed and when the checks run out those people will remember come reelection time.
they will also remember again in 100 years when they are still paying taxes for this retarted shit.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Benny B on February 20, 2009, 06:18:35 PM
they will also remember again in 100 years when they are still paying taxes for this retarted shit.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 20, 2009, 06:20:02 PM
hahah brilliant commentary  ::)
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Benny B on February 20, 2009, 06:29:20 PM
hahah brilliant commentary  ::)
Thanks. I thought simple one word answers would be appropriate for you!  :-\
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: 240 is Back on February 20, 2009, 11:40:30 PM
awesome move.

Now, will the congress 'make him' take the money?

he gets the win/win.  "I declined the money, but they made me take it."
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 21, 2009, 09:12:31 AM
Yep, it is a good move.  Sets a clear opposition to the bailout.  Now if he can be a little less socially conservative, I'll back him in 2012.
I am ok with extending temporary unemployment benefits, one of the few reasonable provisions of the bill.  However, just like TARP, mayors and governors will be given lump sums so there is going to be immense wasting of our tax dollars again!
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on February 21, 2009, 09:20:29 AM
they will also remember again in 100 years when they are still paying taxes for this retarted shit.
you son wont be alive so who cars,,, ::)
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Dos Equis on February 22, 2009, 10:15:46 AM
Jindal does a good job of explaining his decision.  The feds will force states to make permanent changes in their laws to accept a temporary benefit?? 

Handful of Governors May Refuse Federal Unemployment Benefits
Some GOP governors say new rules on unemployment benefits would hurt their states so they aren't going to accept a portion of the $787 billion recovery and reinvestment act signed into law this week.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal is sticking to his position of rejecting part of the federal stimulus money for his state, saying Sunday that accepting an increase in unemployment benefits will lead to higher taxes on businesses in his state.

Mississippi Republican Gov. Haley Barbour, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin say they may follow suit. They say the money to be disbursed to the states in the $787 billion spending and tax cuts package comes with too many strings attached.

"The unemployment insurance reform, if you will, would require the state to pay people who are not willing to take a full-time job," Barbour told FOX News, saying his state is not going to expand benefits to part-time workers. "We're not going to change that. ... We're going to give up about $50 million of federal money."

"It would be like spending a dollar to get a dime," Jindal said on NBC's "Meet the Press. "The federal stimulus bill says it has to be a permanent change in state law if you take this money, so within three years, the federal money is gone, we've got now a permanent change in our laws."

"What we would be required to do would be, for the first time, increase the level of benefit for part-time workers," Sanford told "FOX News Sunday." "We can't pay for the benefits already in the program, but to get the stimulus money, we've got to increase the program's size and scale."

The White House says Sanford's state, which has the third highest unemployment rate in the nation, would be eligible for $8 billion from the spending bill, which administration officials say would create 50,000 jobs. Sanford said that's not how job creation works.

"It sounds like the Soviet grain quotas of Stalin's time -- X number of jobs will be created because Washington says so. And that's not the way that jobs get created," he said.

But Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, said she'll be happy to take whatever cash Sanford and others reject. Also in line with an open hand are Republican Govs. Charlie Crist of Florida and Arnold Schwarzenegger of California.

Most of the governors are in town for the National Governors Association Winter Meeting. Palin, however, is back at home dealing with her state's legislative session.

On Saturday, Democrats claimed that governors who turn down money from are "fringe" politicians eager to score political points.

"All of us are committed to working with President Obama to pull our nation's economy out of the ditch that George W. Bush ran it into," Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley said at the Democratic Governors Association press conference on Saturday. "If some of the fringe governors don't want to do that, they need to step aside and not stand in the way of the nation's interests."

"I think in this instance I would humbly suggest that the real fringe are those that are supporting the stimulus," Sanford, who is chairman of the Republican Governors Association, said in response. "It is not at all in keeping with the principles that made this country great, not at all in keeping with economic reality, not in keeping with a stable dollar, and not in keeping with the sentiments of most of this country."

But Crist said the bill is good for Florida because it will help children stay in school, pay teachers, help Medicaid program stay solvent and build roads in his state. He said the people elected Obama as their leader and that he's willing to help him and work with him when the nation is in such a dire situation.

Schwarzenegger added that it's time to put the needs of the country over principle.

"Well, Governor Sanford says that he does not want to take the money, the federal stimulus package money. And I want to say to him: I'll take it. I'm more than happy to take his money or any other governor in this country that doesn't want to take this money, I take it, because we in California can need it," he said on ABC's "This Week."

"This to me is not about philosophical theory," Granhold added on "FOX News Sunday." "This is about real people who through no fault of their own, are laid off because of a recession. ... So you better believe I'm going to take every dollar that is coming to Michigan. And if my colleagues here in Minnesota and South Carolina don't get -- don't use theirs, I'm going to be first in line to say for my people, for our citizens, to put people to work and to make sure that they can survive through this, I'll take their dollars, too."

Unemployment benefits are said to total about 2 percent of the stimulus package. Barbour said taking those dollars would force his state to eventually raise taxes when the stimulus money runs out, putting in place what he called an unfair tax on employers.

"There is some (money) we will not take in Mississippi. ... We want more jobs. You don't get more jobs by putting an extra tax on creating jobs," Barbour told CNN's "State of the Union' on Sunday.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, said he's going to take the money his state is entitled to receive because it was his constituents who sent it to Washington in the first place.

"In Minnesota's case, we are a major net subsidizer of the federal government, and that's unlike some other states. For every dollar we send in, we only get 72 cents back. So we're paying the bill either way. We're going to take our share of the money," he said, adding that his state won't be hurt by requirements on unemployment benefits because those rules have already been in place for years.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Cap on February 22, 2009, 11:39:19 AM
Good for him.  If it works in his favor then he will look like a genius.  The Republicans should have all opposed it because the more exposure this bill gets, the more people can see it is a piece of crap.  Most of the money that is being used might as well be flushed down the toilet.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 22, 2009, 11:42:48 AM
awesome move.

Now, will the congress 'make him' take the money?

he gets the win/win.  "I declined the money, but they made me take it."
I don't think they can make the state take money.  Usually it's the other way around, Feds threatening to withhold money if states don't comply with this or that.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: 240 is Back on February 22, 2009, 12:39:27 PM
$2 says he'll refuse to be 'on the record', and as he'll know all along, his state will end up with the $ anyway.

Yes, moderator2012, I did oppose the bailout money... whatever the senate did after that was out of my control.

Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Straw Man on February 22, 2009, 12:53:07 PM
$2 says he'll refuse to be 'on the record', and as he'll know all along, his state will end up with the $ anyway.

Yes, moderator2012, I did oppose the bailout money... whatever the senate did after that was out of my control.

exactly - the state legislature will over-ride him and they'll get the money.

I heard the Gov of Montana on the radio today (that evil NPR) saying that bill allows states to refuse and their is a use or lose clause or something to that effect.   He also said the states get federal $$$'s anyway and the stimulus funds only amount to an additional 5% though I don't know if he was talking about his state or not.  Apparently they are doing pretty well in Montana with low unemployment and a friggin surplus.  Also, none of their banks took any tarp money.  As, always we're not comparing apples to oranges.  They have a lot of natural resources and a pretty low population.  Interestly, he's a Dem and he has a Republican Lieutenent Governor
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 22, 2009, 03:49:40 PM
exactly - the state legislature will over-ride him and they'll get the money.

I heard the Gov of Montana on the radio today (that evil NPR) saying that bill allows states to refuse and their is a use or lose clause or something to that effect.   He also said the states get federal $$$'s anyway and the stimulus funds only amount to an additional 5% though I don't know if he was talking about his state or not.  Apparently they are doing pretty well in Montana with low unemployment and a friggin surplus.  Also, none of their banks took any tarp money.  As, always we're not comparing apples to oranges.  They have a lot of natural resources and a pretty low population.  Interestly, he's a Dem and he has a Republican Lieutenent Governor
I didn't know his LG was a republican.  Interesting.  I know the governor just went to war with Wyoming tho.  The fight is on, you should see the papers lol...  Serious business :D
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 22, 2009, 08:07:25 PM
you son wont be alive so who cars,,, ::)
we will be paying this bill off for the rest of our lives jock...I agree with him he is not saying no to everything only to the things he believes is wasteful.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 22, 2009, 08:17:35 PM
Tony, what was the cumulative federal debt Bush left for Obama?
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Dos Equis on February 22, 2009, 08:33:28 PM
Good for him.  If it works in his favor then he will look like a genius.  The Republicans should have all opposed it because the more exposure this bill gets, the more people can see it is a piece of crap.  Most of the money that is being used might as well be flushed down the toilet.

You know I don't think it really has to "work."  He made a stand on principle.  He doesn't want his state to pass state laws being forced on him by the feds, just to receive temporary benefits.  I guess the laws could have sunset provisions, but once you put them on the books all bets are off.  From that standpoint, it doesn't really matter if the stimulus "works."  He's doing what he thinks is in the best interests of his state.  Not following the herd.  I like that. 

That said, the whole thing (the stimulus) is just flat irresponsible.  No one knows where the money is coming from. 
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: 240 is Back on February 22, 2009, 09:21:19 PM
No one knows where the money is coming from. 

we're printing it.  it's that simple.  If you have a gallon of Kool-Aid and you add 8 cups of what, you suddenly have 1 and 1/2 gallons of Kool-Aid.

The thing is, the Kool-Aid is now a lot weaker.  It doesn't quench your thirst as well (or buy as much).
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Benny B on February 22, 2009, 09:30:53 PM
That said, the whole thing (the stimulus) is just flat irresponsible.  No one knows where the money is coming from. 
Did you feel that way with Bush's tax refunds and the reckless spending in Iraq, BB? That crap was a result of printing money and borrowing the rest from China. And that wasn't during the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, like now.

Now we HAVE to print and borrow money from China to get our economy going. Once we're back on our feet, America can quickly pay back this short-term debt.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Straw Man on February 22, 2009, 09:32:30 PM
we're printing it.  it's that simple.  If you have a gallon of Kool-Aid and you add 8 cups of what, you suddenly have 1 and 1/2 gallons of Kool-Aid.

The thing is, the Kool-Aid is now a lot weaker.  It doesn't quench your thirst as well (or buy as much).

if the entire planet is fucked whose money would you want to own?
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: 240 is Back on February 22, 2009, 09:40:07 PM
if the entire planet is fucked whose money would you want to own?

the entire planet isn't fukced.

we've all been bluffing up our worth by 20 to 50% for a long time.

Now, thanks to the web (everybody knows) and the fact the USA borrowed 5 trillion bucks in the last 7 years, it's coming back to normal actual worth.

I would want to own the same $ I do today.  Once everyone realizes it's true value, prices will come down accordingly if people still want to sell their wares.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Dos Equis on February 22, 2009, 09:40:44 PM
Did you feel that way with Bush's tax refunds and the reckless spending in Iraq, BB? That crap was a result of printing money and borrowing the rest from China. And that wasn't during the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, like now.

Now we HAVE to print and borrow money from China to get our economy going. Once we're back on our feet, America can quickly pay back this short-term debt.

No.  Tax cuts by definition return people's money back to them, so I really don't see a parallel.  This stimulus is just monopoly money coming from God knows where.  How in the world are we going to pay the money back?  How are we going to balance the budget?

We don't have to print and borrow money.  We are in this mess because of mismanagement, miscalculations, and greed.  I would let the vast majority of these companies file bankruptcy.  That's why we have bankruptcy laws.  Let them reorganize or close shop.  

And if you think we're going to quickly pay back debt you're dreaming.  You have way too much faith in the government.      
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Benny B on February 22, 2009, 10:14:55 PM
No.  Tax cuts by definition return people's money back to them, so I really don't see a parallel.  This stimulus is just monopoly money coming from God knows where.  How in the world are we going to pay the money back?  How are we going to balance the budget?

We don't have to print and borrow money.  We are in this mess because of mismanagement, miscalculations, and greed.  I would let the vast majority of these companies file bankruptcy.  That's why we have bankruptcy laws.  Let them reorganize or close shop.  

And if you think we're going to quickly pay back debt you're dreaming.  You have way too much faith in the government.      
I have faith in Barack Obama. Just watch the budget speech the President gives this week and learn. He is infinitely smarter than you and will explain the many things you don't seem to be able to comprehend. Besides, I have a busy 60 hour week this week, along with taking care of my 1&1/2 year old nephew and therefore due not have to educate all of you Obama-Haters that are hoping for our President to fail.

I wish you all good luck, and I'm OUT.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Cap on February 23, 2009, 06:12:02 AM
I have faith in Barack Obama. Just watch the budget speech the President gives this week and learn. He is infinitely smarter than you and will explain the many things you don't seem to be able to comprehend. Besides, I have a busy 60 hour week this week, along with taking care of my 1&1/2 year old nephew and therefore due not have to educate all of you Obama-Haters that are hoping for our President to fail.

I wish you all good luck, and I'm OUT.
I wonder if the stocks will every other time he speaks about how he is going to fix the economy.  Bottom line is that he has not inspired confidence in the market.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: Dos Equis on February 23, 2009, 10:36:03 AM
I have faith in Barack Obama. Just watch the budget speech the President gives this week and learn. He is infinitely smarter than you and will explain the many things you don't seem to be able to comprehend. Besides, I have a busy 60 hour week this week, along with taking care of my 1&1/2 year old nephew and therefore due not have to educate all of you Obama-Haters that are hoping for our President to fail.

I wish you all good luck, and I'm OUT.

Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 23, 2009, 11:04:17 AM
He announced Biden as the stimulus czar and the markets dropped another 100 pts today.  We are down to near 7200 on the dow.  I think more people are becoming very afraid of big government, obviously wallstreet is.
Title: Re: Jindal refuses money
Post by: tonymctones on February 23, 2009, 11:30:58 AM
Tony, what was the cumulative federal debt Bush left for Obama?
Bush was out of control spending too bro, whats funny is ppl who complained about the debt and spending under bush now supporting a persons actions that will outspend bush.