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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Parker on March 08, 2009, 04:34:05 PM

Title: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: Parker on March 08, 2009, 04:34:05 PM
I don't believe he should have, and many black "luminaries" have launched salvos at Michael Steele, saying' that every time he open's is mouth he gets bbq'd. Al Sharpton said, "The door of the Church are open..." Basically, they are sayin' that he punked out.

here is a article on  his stumble and the ailing elephant. (
Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: War-Horse on March 08, 2009, 06:28:22 PM
It would be nice to see at least one Republican stand up to that pile of lard, limbaugh.     Bunch of pussys.....
Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: Dos Equis on March 08, 2009, 09:28:16 PM
Absolutely not.  He should have never said a word bout him.  Rookie mistake.  Rush is an entertainer and Steele shouldn't be baited by some in the media into playing the White House "Rush is the face of the Republican party" game. 
Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: 240 is Back on March 08, 2009, 11:07:12 PM
LOL... steele completely knocked off his game by hardcore reporting by... gulp...  DL Hughley.  hahaha oh brother.  He's not all that shrewd.  If Steele is being pwned and badgered by the likes of DL and Rush, he's in trouble if he ever became president and went up against putin.

Ron Paul is shitting on Limbaugh on DL Hughley's show right now too.  "Rush certainly doesn't represent ME!"  haha go RP.
Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: Busted on March 08, 2009, 11:26:49 PM
Absolutely not...

Steel is a great American... hes about to be in serious shit with his sisters company...
Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: Purge_WTF on March 09, 2009, 12:25:02 AM
  Who the hell is Limbaugh that people owe him explanations? Stelle needs to grow a sac.
Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: Parker on March 10, 2009, 07:23:08 AM
  Who the hell is Limbaugh that people owe him explanations? Stelle needs to grow a sac.

Title: Re: Michael Steele's Apology to Rush, should he have done it?
Post by: LurkerNoMore on March 10, 2009, 08:40:20 AM
Of course he should have apologized.  How dare he risk offending the savior of the GOP. Rush is the man, the voice, the message, the direction, and the face of the party all at once.