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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Wrestling Board => Topic started by: Superboy Prime on April 01, 2009, 03:03:28 AM

Title: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Superboy Prime on April 01, 2009, 03:03:28 AM
I gotta say Dynimate Kid.

The guy was just fucking amazing in the ring. Those matches with Tiger Mask were pure artistry.

And for a team, I have to say the British Bulldogs. If not for injuries to Dynimate this team could've been the greatest ever (I currently hold them second all time to the Road Warriors).
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: calfzilla on April 01, 2009, 06:28:46 AM
hmm good thread idea.  I immediately was thinking just of guys who are dead, but you are right Dynamite was pretty good.  Personally I was kinda liking Louie Spicoli in WCW before he died.   :'(  RIP
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: chaos on April 01, 2009, 03:34:21 PM
C'mon now.

Owen Hart would be one of the first I would think of, seems to be highly spoken of whenever his name is brought up.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: northernlights on April 01, 2009, 05:22:44 PM
Magnum TA. If that guy was not in an accident he quite possibly would have been the face of the NWA and then WCW. Not Sting.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: chaos on April 01, 2009, 05:36:01 PM
No offense to anyone or to Owen. But this guy was at the end of his career. Why do you think he went back to the Blue Blazer gimmick. He was just riding on his brothers success. He wasn't even that good. If you don't agree? Where was he headed? The NWO? Come on he was just recognized because of Bret.
LOL, you put down Goldberg!! The guy had like 3 moves and two of them were involved in his finisher. ;D

Who knows where Owen was heading, he died before he got there, Goldberg on the other hand believed his own hype and thought he was worth too much money.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: leonp1981 on April 01, 2009, 05:36:34 PM
I thought Lance Cade had a lot of potential.  We'll have to see if he ever gets another chance in the WWE.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: northernlights on April 01, 2009, 08:29:46 PM
Was Goldberg a bigger star than Owen Hart? Yes. Was he a better wrestler? Hell no! Goldberg was horrible in the ring. He was constantly hurting people. Goldberg was a way bigger star than he ever should have been. He was just in the right place at the right time in WCW. Bischoff was looking for someone to be his "Stone Cold". He even admits that in his book.

However, I do not think Owen Hart would have been a bigger star. People have said since his death, that his plan was to only wrestle a few more years, then retire to spend time with his children.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: chaos on April 01, 2009, 08:31:53 PM
Goldberg ended Brett Harts career.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Karl Kox on April 01, 2009, 09:27:16 PM
Was Goldberg a bigger star than Owen Hart? Yes. Was he a better wrestler? Hell no! Goldberg was horrible in the ring. He was constantly hurting people. Goldberg was a way bigger star than he ever should have been. He was just in the right place at the right time in WCW. Bischoff was looking for someone to be his "Stone Cold". He even admits that in his book.

However, I do not think Owen Hart would have been a bigger star. People have said since his death, that his plan was to only wrestle a few more years, then retire to spend time with his children.

I could not have said it better
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Montague on April 02, 2009, 05:42:50 AM
Forget the Hart “dynasty.”
Forget the Montreal screw job angle.

Disregarding those facts, Owen was a talented mid-carder…

…who botched a couple of piledrivers and severely hurt Austin and Dan Severn.

Wasn’t that one of Brett’s (many) claims to fame – that he never hurt an opponent?
I think that entire family thought they were more over than they really were.

Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Karl Kox on April 02, 2009, 10:05:38 AM
Of course little things like chops and bumps in the ring are gonna hurt. But if a wrestler is seriously hurting someone ( like Goldburg ending Bret Harts Career ) then they don't know how to work and have no bussines being in the ring.  Your supposed to have trust in the person your working with.  Goldberg hurt a lot of guys. 

Things are not supposed to hurt because wrestling is a work.  Just in the last 10 years did guys start getting hurt.  Back when wrestlers took care of each other the were not a whole lot of injuries.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Karl Kox on April 02, 2009, 10:19:34 AM
Thats sad but true.  I understand times have changed and for the better mostly.  But, these guys still need to try to take care of one another.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: northernlights on April 02, 2009, 10:45:52 AM
Are you listening to yourself? It's gonna be 2010. Times have changed. The fans are way more demanding. Hell in the Cell. Elimination chamber match. Didn't they make the mat less flexible so it looks more real? It's sad but true. The question was. If there was another intense high impact muscle bound guy introduced like Goldberg? Would ratings increase yes or no? Answer with your head not your heart.

Ratings are not going to increse because of an intense high impact muscle bound guy. To think that one thing would cause ratings to increase is very naive. Goldberg himself could come back and the ratings would not go up. And the mat was not made less flexible. You are a huge Goldberg fan. We get that. The reality is though he was not that good and just happened to get lucky. He was only in WWE for one year because he couldn't handle the pressure of being there. He was used to being the top guy in WCW and when he got to WWE, he realized he wasn't the most important person there.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Superboy Prime on April 02, 2009, 01:04:10 PM
Seeing how you guys are fighting over Goldberg and Owen Hart makes me realize how good Dynimate truly was. He had so much more potential to offer the world of wrestling than those two.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: leaky_frog on April 02, 2009, 02:14:21 PM
I always saw a lot of similarities between Goldberg and the Ultimate Warrior.  Both guys had super intensity, great entrances, the bodies, and a harsh finishing move.  Looking back, however, what usually made those guys great weren't the guys themselves, the people in the ring with them making them look good.  Rick Rude made the Warrior with their two feuds, selling every move like he'd been hit by a truck, and Goldberg was the same story.  Those matches get harder to watch with every passing year, while the guys they were in the ring with look a little better.  Haven't several wrestlers (I'm having trouble remembering names) said that Ric Flair's greatest strength was making whoever he wrestled look amazing?

Anyway, I think Goldberg got his due and then some.  I'd have loved to have had more time with the Dynamite Kids and Ricky Steamboats of the world, who were cut down too early.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: chaos on April 02, 2009, 05:03:02 PM
Let's see what HHH has to say about Owen and Brett......... :D

Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: northernlights on April 02, 2009, 08:09:25 PM
Great interview. Thanks for posting. Say what you want about him, but when I see interviews like this with Triple H it makes it hard not to like the guy.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Hulkster on April 18, 2009, 06:45:07 PM

he stopped himself, but when he was at his peak during the kurt angle/big show fueds, the man was strong as hell and could MOVE like no one else that size and strength.

he could wrestle with the best of them (thanks to an amature background)

not to many others have had that kind of talent with that kind of raw power and speed.

never really got the chance to develop his mic skills though..
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: Playboy on April 20, 2009, 04:20:31 AM
Magnum T.A.
Dynamite Kid
Chris Benoit

Are my choices for talent that was ended too soon. Sad.
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: The Showstoppa on April 20, 2009, 10:11:10 AM
I think Magnum TA for untapped potential.  Jay Youngblood was way over as Steamboats partner too. 
Title: Re: Wrestler with the most talent that career was stopped too soon.
Post by: mass 04 on April 20, 2009, 10:17:20 AM
I think Magnum TA for untapped potential.  Jay Youngblood was way over as Steamboats partner too. 
I agree. His stuff with Flair was great. I love Owen, but i think he pretty much hit his ceiling in the company. Lesnar i agree with.