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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: SuperMike3288 on March 30, 2005, 08:29:59 PM

Title: Intensity Techniques
Post by: SuperMike3288 on March 30, 2005, 08:29:59 PM
I list this every once and awhile... sorta for any newbies...

The Shocking Priniciple
You can shock the body by taining with more weight than usual; speeding up your training; cutting down your rest time between sets; doing unfamiliar exercises; doing your exercises in an unfamiliar order; or using any or all of the Intensity Techniques.

Forced Reps
One method of forcing extra reps is to have your workout partner supply a little extra lift to help you keep going.

Using a moderately heavy weight go to failure in the set. Let the weight hang or set it down all together and rest for a few seconds and attempt to squeeze out a few extra reps.

Isolation Training
Predominately using exercises that only involve one muscle to target weak areas and to develope a greater degree of seperation and defintion. i.e Flyes over Bench Press.

Negative Repetitions
Concentrating on the negative (lowering the weight) movement of the lift.Slowly lowering a weight under strict control. Forced Negatives are when a partner either applys additional resistance or assists in lifting a heavier weight than one could by themselves.

The Cheating Method
Method in which one deliberately use other muscles or muscle groups to work in cooperation with the traget muscles. i.e Heavy Barbell curls where the back and shoulders are used slightly to continue moving the weight. Cheating is used to extend an exercise and make it harder, NOT EASIER.

Staggered Sets
Staggered sets involve doing a number of sets of a body part you want to train with increased intensity in between other exercises throughout your workout. i.e Inbetween sets for chest you would do extra sets for calves. Calves, Bench Press, Calves, Incline etc...

Priority Principle
This is when a person trains a "weaker" or less developed body part first, while it is fresh and they have maximum energy.

Supersets are two exercises in a row without stopping. (1) You can do two exercises in a row for the same body part or (2) you can train two different body parts. If training the same muscle, always start with the more demanding exercise of the two.

Stripping Method
The Stripping Method means you reduce the weight you are using as you began to fail at the end of a set so you can continue on and do more repetitions. i.e Go to failure with a weight, remove a plate or two and go to failure again.

Isotension Principle
While resting inbetween sets continue to flex and contract the muscles you are training. Pumps and primes the muscles. Also has some benefits for training as well.

Giant Sets
Can be four consecutive sets of one exercise or four sets of four exercises done back to back.

Can be done as main movement or added to the end of an exercise. A partial is just a section of the entire range of motion... whether it be the top, middle, or bottom section of the exercise.
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: koolie1 on March 31, 2005, 06:58:23 AM
another one

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Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: SuperMike3288 on March 31, 2005, 07:00:39 AM
Yeah... good one, I'm sure you'll get a lot of laughs with that  ::)
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: The Ugly on April 01, 2005, 12:07:10 PM
I think one of the best ways to increase intensity is to cut between-set rest, without sacrificing heavy weights. You build up to it.

I count a slow ten, probably 30-45 seconds. Adds cardio to your routine, too.

Suggestion: headphones, hat/beanie pulled low. (Discourages between-set chat without appearing rude.)
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: Nathan on May 10, 2005, 08:29:58 PM
having a set time limit for work outs works good make your self leave if your work out is done or not I leave after 30-45min but the Oak did this after 55min-1hr I find this makes me really ramp up the intesity cause I'm afraid I'll only get a partal work out in.
Plus it stoppes me from chatting in the gym because I don't have time to ;D
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: SuperMike3288 on May 11, 2005, 12:07:45 PM
That's also a good psychological technique as well
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: Nathan on May 12, 2005, 08:15:03 AM
That's also a good psychological technique as well

I lernt this when I was in rehab 4yrs ago (for pot/drinking) :( now I'm totaly drug free which is why I hate roids and know about all the games and excuses people use to convince them selves it's ok ;)
mainly because I've used almost all of them  ::) anyway I stoped my addictions by making my self give 50$ to charity if I used at all even one beer! (ie 2 beers 100$) after giving away 250$ I quit with out to much trouble  ;D
4 weeks ago I  missed a leg work out (I'll admit sometimes legs scare the sh** out of me.) and I punished my self by making my self skip
a week and treating it like a set rule of my program and I don't think
I'll ever miss legs again the price is way to high  8) but if not I'll just make it higher  :D now thats how you get high  ;D
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: SuperMike3288 on January 03, 2006, 06:57:29 PM
Just putting this thread back out front because I've seen some questions lately on these. All come from the Arnold Encyclopedia... enjoy!
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: SupplementGuy on January 03, 2006, 08:12:24 PM
Suggestion: headphones, and a hat/beanie pulled low (this way you can discourage between-set "chat" interruptions--or ignore them--without appearing rude)

Or just give everyone a smart ass reply and they will leave you alone for good in no time!!!

SG  ::)
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: Traps Hoolihan on January 04, 2006, 10:09:29 AM
One technique I like to use is to set a rep amount that I have to hit. For example I'll do 4 sets of 3 exercises done consecutively. I'll start w/ smith squats, follow w/ leg press and end w/leg extensions, then rest. I'll repeat this 4 times for a grand total of 12 sets. I'll set my rep goal @100 reps all the while increasing the weight I'm using  :-[  It's a good technique to use if you don't have a training partner to push you!
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: pumpster on January 04, 2006, 10:29:32 AM
Setting an overall rep goal to be fulfilled over multiple sets is a good one.
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: Wolverine on January 05, 2006, 12:35:36 PM
great post
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: ARTI on January 05, 2006, 01:20:16 PM
Suggestion: headphones, and a hat/beanie pulled low (this way you can discourage between-set "chat" interruptions--or ignore them--without appearing rude)

I used to wear headphones with no music.

This way the CD player doesn't get in the way while doing exercises.
No one will talk to you.
Title: Re: Intensity Techniques
Post by: SuperMike3288 on January 05, 2006, 04:27:21 PM
I was a big fan of forced reps there for awhile