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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2009, 02:43:22 PM

Title: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2009, 02:43:22 PM
TEHRAN, April 9 (Reuters) - Iran is now running 7,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges, a senior official said on Thursday, an announcement likely to increase Western concerns about the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear plans.

Gholamreza Aghazadeh, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, also said it had obtained the technology to produce more "accurate" centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium.

Referring to the inauguration of a nuclear fuel production plant by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad earlier on Thursday, he said in a televised speech: "Today we praise ... the accomplishment of the last stage of the nuclear fuel cycle."
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2009, 02:48:48 PM

ISFAHAN, Iran (AFP) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday inaugurated Iran's first nuclear fuel manufacturing plant, marking a major breakthrough in the Islamic republic's controversial atomic programme.

Iran's atomic chief Gholam Reza Aghazadeh meanwhile declared Iran has installed around 7,000 centrifuges at its Natanz uranium enrichment facility.

Ahmadinejad cut the ribbon at the fuel facility in the central province of Isfahan at a ceremony marking national nuclear day, an AFP correspondent at the site said.

The opening of the fuel plant signifies that Iran has now mastered the complete nuclear fuel cycle from uranium mining to enrichment, amid fears by world powers that the ambitious programme is aimed at making atomic weapons.

"Today the nuclear fuel cycle has been practically completed and there is no room for the idea of halting (uranium) enrichment in the negotiations" with global powers, the head of Iran's parliamentary commission of national security and foreign policy, Alaeddin Borujerdi said after the plant was opened.

Iranian news agency Mehr said the fuel plant can produce 10 tonnes of nuclear fuel annually to feed the heavy water 40-megawatt Arak reactor as well as 30 tonnes for light water reactors such as the Bushehr nuclear plant.

The Bushehr plant sited in the Gulf port city of Bushehr has to have fuel that matches Russian technical specifications as the facility is constructed by Moscow.

Speaking at the same function as Ahmadinejad, atomic chief Aghazadeh said Iran had reached a "new phase (generation) of acquiring the technolgy of uranium enrichment."

"Today in Natanz there are around 7,000 centrifuges installed," he told the gathering, referring to the uranium enrichment facility also in Isfahan.

In its February 19 report, the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency said 3,964 centrifuges were actively enriching uranium in Natanz.

It said another 1,476 were undergoing vacuum or dry run tests without nuclear material, and an additional 125 centrifuges had been installed but remained stationary.

Thursday's announcements are likely to trigger fresh concerns among the international community which has repeatedly urged Iran to abandon its uranium enrichment programme completely.

In a bid to defuse tensions, six world powers led by Washington on Wednesday invited Iran for direct talks on the programme which Tehran insists is civilian and purely peaceful.

Uranium enrichment is at the heart of global fears that Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons because the process can be used both to make nuclear fuel and the fissile core of an atom bomb.

World powers fear that Iran could configure the Arak plant in a way that it can be used to help make an atom bomb, but Tehran says the reactor is planned to make isotopes only for agricultural and health purposes.

Iran has defied five UN Security Council resolutions calling for a freeze in its enrichment activities, including three resolutions imposing sanctions.

In a joint statement on Wednesday, the United States, Britain, Russia, China, France, and Germany said EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana has been tasked to invite Iran for direct talks on its nuclear plans.

"We reaffirm our unity of purpose and collective determination through direct diplomacy to resolve our shared concerns about Iran's nuclear programme, in line with the package proposals for cooperation with Iran," they said.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington will participate fully in the talks.

"There's nothing more important than trying to convince Iran to cease its effort to obtain nuclear weapons," Clinton said.

Ali Akbar Javanfekr, a top advisor to Ahmadinejad, in response said Tehran will study the "constructive proposal" which "shows a change of approach (from the world powers)."

"We hope that this proposal means a change of approach to a more realistic attitude. The Islamic Republic of Iran will examine (it) and give its response."
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: tonymctones on April 09, 2009, 02:51:04 PM
all the while barry is promising the US will get rid of our nukes... :-X
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: SAMSON123 on April 09, 2009, 03:35:12 PM
Get rid of Israhells nukes, power plants and uranium first...that will solve the whole Middle East problem IMMEDIATLEY...
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hereford on April 09, 2009, 04:24:02 PM
I think the number of nations and people more aggressively behind preventing Iran from having nukes would vastly increase if Israel didn't have nukes.  Dumbest thing we ever did, giving Israel nukes.

I thought Israels nukes came from England?
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: headhuntersix on April 09, 2009, 04:30:06 PM
Get rid of Israhells nukes, power plants and uranium first...that will solve the whole Middle East problem IMMEDIATLEY...

Yeah because the rest of the middle east loves Iran.....Israel is just in the way. If they were gone they could all butcher each other in peace...ur an idiot.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hereford on April 09, 2009, 10:43:30 PM
Why is the US so up on Israels nutsack? Seriously... what does Israel do for America?
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Rami on April 09, 2009, 11:08:15 PM
Why is the US so up on Israels nutsack? Seriously... what does Israel do for America?

they are the "chosen people" and what not....  ::)
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: IFBBwannaB on April 09, 2009, 11:58:37 PM
I think the number of nations and people more aggressively behind preventing Iran from having nukes would vastly increase if Israel didn't have nukes.  Dumbest thing we ever did, giving Israel nukes.

The US didn't give everything , French did allot, actually...Israel didn't need any help.

Look up the Manhattan project....all the names that will pop up are Jewish, do you really think that Israel wouldn't be able to get nuclear capabilities so long ago when surveillance technology was so shitty? Who would stop them? All the brains of the project were pro-Israel, it would probably be quicker than doing all the paper work  ;D

Now in regards to Iran, fuckers need to get some ICBM attacks on their research sites, no good can come from Iran having nuclear capabilities....NONE but MANY HORRIBLE intentions were already stated by their president.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: SAMSON123 on April 10, 2009, 06:50:51 AM
Why is the US so up on Israels nutsack? Seriously... what does Israel do for America?

america can really give a shit about Israhell (and israhell does NOTHING for america), but becasue america and Britain created this so called nation for them, it has essentially been a doorway into the Middle East to impose americas foreign policies which power is to threaten and usurp the natural resources: OIL, out of the region....FOR FREE IF POSSIBLE.

Now that america is in the region by way of the attack on Iraq, you can expect real soon a breakdown of the 'relationship' with Israhell and don't be surprised when a couple of nations suddenly come upon and attack Israhell. This will then justify america going in to protect' Israhell, but the real goal will be the occupation and cutting off of Israhell and the destruction of everythig they think of as 'JEWISH'. The jews will protest to no end that their land is overrun with GOYIM, but the message in the occuppation will be (to the jews)---your time is over and the power given to you by the GOYIM/america has ended--- america will then try to control the oil flow in the region and the stage becomes set for European adn Asian countries to attack becasue the interrupted oil flow by america now effects their economies...wWIII starts.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: headhuntersix on April 10, 2009, 07:01:08 AM seems oil makes my car go.....SAMSON if burning every muslim in the middle east would ensure US hegemony and a peaceful world...I wouldn't even blink. How will an idiot like u fare in a war...3rd worlders in mud huts suffer far worse then the rest of us. If ur French. ::)...any war will cause ur country to collapse for a 3rd time in less then 100 years...and if ur some douchebag angry  American/anti-american...get ready for the draft.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 07:15:28 AM
The US didn't give everything , French did allot, actually...Israel didn't need any help.

Look up the Manhattan project....all the names that will pop up are Jewish, do you really think that Israel wouldn't be able to get nuclear capabilities so long ago when surveillance technology was so shitty? Who would stop them? All the brains of the project were pro-Israel, it would probably be quicker than doing all the paper work  ;D

Now in regards to Iran, fuckers need to get some ICBM attacks on their research sites, no good can come from Iran having nuclear capabilities....NONE but MANY HORRIBLE intentions were already stated by their president.
you mean I know more about Israel's startup than you do ::)  We provided materials, period, shut the fuck up.  Oh and nice to see you spout your Jewish Superiority shit, just like a nazi ;) 

I always get a big lol out of this:  If we say Jews are smart, it's anti-semetic, but you Jews say it all the time.  Not hard to find a Jewish author depicting your "people" as mentally superior to all others.  Now if a white dude says his race is better in any way, he's racist, kkk, neo-nazi etc...

US could have made problems with Israel's nuke program, but instead we helped, that's a fact and that's my point.  We should have been doing the opposite of helping.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 07:18:04 AM
Why is the US so up on Israels nutsack? Seriously... what does Israel do for America?
good question.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 07:19:16 AM
get ready for the draft.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: headhuntersix on April 10, 2009, 07:32:41 AM

He mentioned his deluded fantasy...China would rather fight then buy fuel, and Europe grew a pair of balls and decided to conduct a military operation against Israel. Europe couldn't decide to wipe its own ass, let alone attack anybody.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hereford on April 10, 2009, 08:23:04 AM
you mean I know more about Israel's startup than you do ::)  We provided materials, period, shut the fuck up.  Oh and nice to see you spout your Jewish Superiority shit, just like a nazi ;) 

I always get a big lol out of this:  If we say Jews are smart, it's anti-semetic, but you Jews say it all the time.  Not hard to find a Jewish author depicting your "people" as mentally superior to all others.  Now if a white dude says his race is better in any way, he's racist, kkk, neo-nazi etc...

US could have made problems with Israel's nuke program, but instead we helped, that's a fact and that's my point.  We should have been doing the opposite of helping.

There was a scientific study done tat showed that jews had the highest average intellect of all races. I don't know the details of that though. Asians came in 2nd...
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 09:47:37 AM
There was a scientific study done tat showed that jews had the highest average intellect of all races. I don't know the details of that though. Asians came in 2nd...
I think I've seen studies showing Asians with the highest average IQ.  Not really important to me.  Anyway, my point was based around the political correct hypocrisy that goes on in these matters, not on the actual statistics.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 10, 2009, 09:50:47 AM
Why is the US so up on Israels nutsack? Seriously... what does Israel do for America?

They keep the animals from killing each other. 

The arab savages would be killing each other if it were not for their focus on hating Israel. 

Israel can wipe out all these sand rats easily and everyone knows it. 
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 10:00:45 AM
They keep the animals from killing each other. 

The arab savages would be killing each other if it were not for their focus on hating Israel. 

Israel can wipe out all these sand rats easily and everyone knows it. 
so how's that something we should give two shits about?
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: headhuntersix on April 10, 2009, 10:05:50 AM
Well if it were Africa, we don't.... sorry SAMSON, but they have all that wonderful Oil.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 10, 2009, 10:27:19 AM
so how's that something we should give two shits about?

do you like driving to work and having food delivered to your grocery store?
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 11:09:28 AM
do you like driving to work and having food delivered to your grocery store?
fucking what :-\
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 10, 2009, 11:16:40 AM
fucking what :-\

If all the arabs were in war against each other, the oil would not be flowing to the rest of the world or so high we would not have access to oil to drive our cars, heat our homes, and have goods and services delivered.. 
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: powerpack on April 10, 2009, 11:22:17 AM
Get rid of Israhells nukes, power plants and uranium first...that will solve the whole Middle East problem IMMEDIATLEY...
No it wont.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: powerpack on April 10, 2009, 11:25:06 AM
I think the number of nations and people more aggressively behind preventing Iran from having nukes would vastly increase if Israel didn't have nukes.  Dumbest thing we ever did, giving Israel nukes.
Isreal had there own program together with a few other countries.
People keep believing that having no weapons or a pacifist attitude will stop the arabs from attacking.
It wont.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: tu_holmes on April 10, 2009, 11:30:00 AM
Why is the US so up on Israels nutsack? Seriously... what does Israel do for America?

I ask this question constantly and have never been given a good answer.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Fury on April 10, 2009, 11:32:52 AM
Why not? I don't think we should give them as much aid as we do, but a great deal of military tech, other inventions, innovations and progress have come out of Israel. What has come out of the rest of the Middle East besides Wahhabism and terrorism? Oil? Whoopee. 5 Muslims have won Nobel Prizes. 5. That's it. Out of a billion+ people, five. That's pathetic.

The people who think that the world's problems would go away if Israel disappeared are foolish and retarded. The Muslims would just move onto the next thing, like the governments who are allied with America, the American military presence with bases, the US taking "their" oil, and the laundry list of other gripes they have with the non-Muslim world.

Just a shallow pipe dream perpetrated by people who are living in a dream world.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: headhuntersix on April 10, 2009, 11:41:32 AM
I ask this question constantly and have never been given a good answer.

Well throughout their history they were decidely anti-Soviet Union while the rest of the Middle East was cozy with the Russkies. They have a very good Intel apperatus, which helped us throughout the Middle East. They are decidedly Pro-Western in a very bad part of the world. Thats one answer.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: tu_holmes on April 10, 2009, 11:43:29 AM
Well throughout their history they were decidely anti-Soviet Union while the rest of the Middle East was cozy with the Russkies. They have a very good Intel apperatus, which helped us throughout the Middle East. They are decidedly Pro-Western in a very bad part of the world. Thats one answer.

I'll agree with the idea of being their ally... I'm just not getting why we give them as much money and aid as we do.

That's all.

I think it's cool to be friends with Japan too, but I'm not trying to let them dictate lots of policies or give them insane amounts of monetary aide.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: headhuntersix on April 10, 2009, 12:01:17 PM
Japan isn't surrounded by as many crazies etc..but I get ur point. Israel is in a very strategic spot. Jordan is an ally but we really can't count on them. Israel is poltically reliable. We both have the same enemies. We don't have the same type of relationship we do with the UK, but its tight.
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: IFBBwannaB on April 10, 2009, 12:36:11 PM
you mean I know more about Israel's startup than you do ::)  We provided materials, period, shut the fuck up.  Oh and nice to see you spout your Jewish Superiority shit, just like a nazi ;) 

I always get a big lol out of this:  If we say Jews are smart, it's anti-semetic, but you Jews say it all the time.  Not hard to find a Jewish author depicting your "people" as mentally superior to all others.  Now if a white dude says his race is better in any way, he's racist, kkk, neo-nazi etc...

US could have made problems with Israel's nuke program, but instead we helped, that's a fact and that's my point.  We should have been doing the opposite of helping.

Can you read? I said the US didn't give EVERYTHING, I didn't said the US gave nothing.
Anyway, IIRC France built the reactor in Dimona.

Who said Jews were the smartest? I was stating a FACT , that just about all the leaders of the Manhattan projects were Jewish, do you want to debate facts? You're becoming more and more like 240 who claim Gazillion oil barrels in Iraq. ::)
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on April 10, 2009, 01:35:49 PM

troll somewhere else.  I told you I'm not going to let you use this forum for your stupid ownings.  take it to the forum here for that shit, one of the alphabet boards, not here. 
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: SAMSON123 on April 10, 2009, 02:39:29 PM
There was a scientific study done tat showed that jews had the highest average intellect of all races. I don't know the details of that though. Asians came in 2nd...

Uh Huh..and I would be willing to guess a jew conducted the study...Puleeeeeeze
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: IFBBwannaB on April 10, 2009, 03:24:48 PM
Uh Huh..and I would be willing to guess a jew conducted the study...Puleeeeeeze

So you prefer the studies that Arab conducts? What that will be....checking if a women without her clitoris a better wife?  ::)
Title: Re: 7,000 CENTRIFUGES!
Post by: The Coach on April 10, 2009, 04:30:50 PM
TEHRAN, April 9 (Reuters) - Iran is now running 7,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges, a senior official said on Thursday, an announcement likely to increase Western concerns about the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear plans.

Gholamreza Aghazadeh, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, also said it had obtained the technology to produce more "accurate" centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium.

Referring to the inauguration of a nuclear fuel production plant by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad earlier on Thursday, he said in a televised speech: "Today we praise ... the accomplishment of the last stage of the nuclear fuel cycle."

Thats ok, Iran isn't a threat ::)