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Title: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Dos Equis on April 28, 2009, 11:51:43 AM
Is he right?  I bet his wife disagrees.   :)

Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:36 PM

By: Dave Eberhart 

James Carville, political consultant and media personality, lays out his case for Democrats ruling Washington for the next 40 years in his latest book: “40 More Years, How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation.”

In the introduction of the new Simon and Schuster offering, Carville, currently a political science professor at Tulane University, builds the case for why he believes the Democratic Party in American politics is stronger than ever before.

“Obama created a new party,” Carville writes. “He brought new people in all across the country, and in 2008 those new people were donating, registering, and voting alongside the existing base of Democratic voters.”

As a brutal aside, Carville notes that in his view the revitalization of the Democratic Party has occurred despite -- not because of -- Howard Dean’s “disastrous tenure” as DNC chairman.

“He was not simply unsuccessful but incompetent, particularly in the case of the 2006 midterm elections. I said then and I’ll say again that Dean’s leadership was ‘Rumsfeldian in its incompetence.’”

All in all, Carville seems to want to drive a stake into the heart of the GOP. By way of example:

“What seems to be escaping notice is just how serious the problems of the Republican Party as a whole are for the long term. It’s not just a Bush thing, and it’s not just about Republican prospects in 2010, 2012, or 2014…”

Grim stuff for the short or long term, but Carville recounts that in his conversations with Republicans, for the most part nobody is giving him a real fight over the direness of the political reality.

In a nutshell, he concludes that The GOP has simply lost the youth and Hispanic vote and is starved for credibility.

Carville writes that to understand the emergence of a lasting Democratic majority, one must first review the “profound and relentless incompetence” of the Bush administration – “and the pursuant collapse of the Republican Party.”

He suggests that this understanding requires a looking back at the failure of Republican ideas – “including a wholesale rejection of the myth of conservative superiority on the economy -- and holding our noses long enough to survey the gallery of truly repellent scoundrels, scandals, and screw-ups that the Republican Party has been responsible for over the last eight years.”

Very succinctly he makes the argument for why Democrats are going to keep winning: Two words: young people. “In short, the Republicans are going to keep getting spanked again and again for forty more years because we're right and they're wrong, and Americans know it.”

However, despite the boon of the alleged GOP incompetence, the Democratic Party will not be able to simply glide along on the voter backlash or its laurels. The road to perpetual victory is, according to the pundit, “to rebuild Americans’ trust in government as a force of good.”

All very serious stuff, but along the way, Carville has fun with the likes of Sarah Palin for once running an Alaskan city hall that “looks just like a Louisiana bait shop.”

Always a big target, Bill O'Reilly is lambasted as stupid, bigoted, and “remarkably nasty, even for a far-right nut job.”

As for Hillary Clinton, who he charges with running a messy campaign: “The kind of campaign you run doesn’t have much to do with the type of president you'd be.”

“The Republicans have been down before, and the Democrats have won Congress before,” Carville writes in his most serious vein, “and we’ve still managed to lose. This time we strung our policies together into a coherent, appealing narrative. And we did it with the help of the historically diverse, historically Democratic young people who will be the foundation for a lasting Democratic majority.”
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 28, 2009, 11:56:16 AM
Sounds a little like Karl Rove. 
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: BM OUT on April 28, 2009, 12:07:42 PM
This is the same guy who guaranteed John Kerry would beat George Bush.If I recall Kerry got obliterated.He doesnt know his head from his ass.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Dan-O on April 28, 2009, 12:12:27 PM
40 years??  Really???  In his wet dreams.  He's up in the night.  I used to see Carville on Letterman quite a bit.  He's a colorful character, but lots of delusional, clueless people are colorful characters.  In fact they're often more interesting to watch than sane people.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Mons Venus on April 28, 2009, 12:21:30 PM
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 28, 2009, 12:31:35 PM

Good.  I hate the GOP as GWB made it. 

We need an independent small govt libertarian party, not a huge spending GOP. 

Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: headhuntersix on April 28, 2009, 12:54:39 PM
BBbrrrr well well IIII seeee the Dems rrunning things fffffor 400 400 440 4000''' years....yes sir!! Thats Ob'obabam that obamamamamma yes siir...he's the One alright!
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: MM2K on April 28, 2009, 10:11:11 PM
Carville is a moron, but unfortunately he may be right, no matter how much the Democrats screw up the country. Look at Michigan. Democrats have been flushing that state down the toilet for over thirty years, but those people in Michigan just keep on electing Democrats like Lemings going off a cliff.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: bigdumbbell on April 29, 2009, 04:01:13 AM
there's hope
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 29, 2009, 04:34:24 AM
Carville is a moron, but unfortunately he may be right, no matter how much the Democrats screw up the country. Look at Michigan. Democrats have been flushing that state down the toilet for over thirty years, but those people in Michigan just keep on electing Democrats like Lemings going off a cliff.

Its very simple, democrats are the party of welfare recipient, illegal aliens, homosexuals, blacks, govt employee, union worker, medicaid receipient and everyone else looking for a handout.

In every one of these states, you have huge numbers of these people whose incomes are not connected to the economy or success.

Every state run by Democrats is a financial mess.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: bigdumbbell on April 29, 2009, 06:11:01 AM
Its very simple, democrats are the party of welfare recipient, illegal aliens, homosexuals, blacks, govt employee, union worker, medicaid receipient and everyone else looking for a handout.

In every one of these states, you have huge numbers of these people whose incomes are not connected to the economy or success.

Every state run by Democrats is a financial mess.
oh brother  another conservative libertarian  LOL
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 29, 2009, 06:13:02 AM
oh brother  another conservative libertarian  LOL

NY - Financial Mess
MI - Financial Mess
CA - Financial Mess
CT - Financial Mess

Who do you think makes up the majority populations in these states?
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Hereford on April 29, 2009, 11:23:43 AM
I love the fact he used the term 'rule', as opposed to 'lead'.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: BM OUT on April 29, 2009, 12:26:53 PM
NY - Financial Mess
MI - Financial Mess
CA - Financial Mess
CT - Financial Mess

Who do you think makes up the majority populations in these states?

Thats George Bushs fault.Not the left wing libs there.Just like Katrina was.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: LurkerNoMore on April 29, 2009, 01:07:46 PM
So he is saying it will take the GOP 40 years to find a face, a voice, a platform and a candidate?
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: headhuntersix on April 29, 2009, 01:19:00 PM
Carville is an asshat...but as long as Dems promise free everything to the poor in this country, as well as aliens, they will have a ready made electorate. Now when they bankrupt the country, maybe we'll get it back.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Hereford on April 29, 2009, 01:20:33 PM
Carville is an asshat...but as long as Dems promise free everything to the poor in this country, as well as aliens, they will have a ready made electorate. Now when they bankrupt the country, maybe we'll get it back.

Ya, how?

If I declare Chapter 11, will all my money magically reappear?
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: headhuntersix on April 29, 2009, 01:28:12 PM
I never said anything about our cash.....maybe ur great grand kids....we'll have to do all the hard work. Maybe FEMA camps aren't a bad idea.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 03, 2010, 09:50:40 AM
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Dos Equis on November 06, 2010, 09:38:07 AM
Well I'd say he was just a tad off.   :)
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 06, 2010, 12:14:59 PM
Well I'd say he was just a tad off.   :)

I was hoping to see the garbage pale come out again.   ;D
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Dos Equis on November 06, 2010, 12:29:02 PM
I was hoping to see the garbage pale come out again.   ;D

 :)  I actually like Carville.  He's pretty funny.
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 06, 2010, 12:29:47 PM
:)  I actually like Carville.  He's pretty funny.

Me too - he was a Marine, has fire in the belly, and you can tell he is a mans' man. 
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Dos Equis on November 06, 2010, 12:34:23 PM
Me too - he was a Marine, has fire in the belly, and you can tell he is a mans' man. 

Yep.  His household must be a lot of fun.  Can't imagine he and his wife agree on much. 
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 06, 2010, 12:35:45 PM
Yep.  His household must be a lot of fun.  Can't imagine he and his wife agree on much. 

They seem like a good couple TBH.  She has fight in her, but has a soft side, he seems like a tough love type of guy, but obviously cares about people. 

He is the type of Demo that does not scare me. 
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on November 06, 2010, 03:34:16 PM
NY - Financial Mess
MI - Financial Mess
CA - Financial Mess
CT - Financial Mess

Who do you think makes up the majority populations in these states?
who was president in 2000 to 2008 son,,,I think he was a independent that ran it to the ground then hands it over to someone and put blame on him,,,oh what a sneak attack from bush son,,,,as he looks down on katrina and wonders,,,what it means to be poor whiel I live in a castle with so much protection,,,,
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 06, 2010, 03:35:41 PM
who was president in 2000 to 2008 son,,,I think he was a independent that ran it to the ground then hands it over to someone and put blame on him,,,oh what a sneak attack from bush son,,,,as he looks down on katrina and wonders,,,what it means to be poor whiel I live in a castle with so much protection,,,,

 ::)  ::)

have you ever taken even a 3rd grade level civics class? 
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on November 06, 2010, 03:38:07 PM
I can ignore question also like you do on board,,,what did you do today when you put on your shoes?
::)  ::)

have you ever taken even a 3rd grade level civics class? 
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: tonymctones on November 06, 2010, 04:24:40 PM
who was president in 2000 to 2008 son,,,I think he was a independent that ran it to the ground then hands it over to someone and put blame on him,,,oh what a sneak attack from bush son,,,,as he looks down on katrina and wonders,,,what it means to be poor whiel I live in a castle with so much protection,,,,
LOL ill ask you like i ask the rest of the idiot parrots that blame bush...

what exactly did bush do to cause the financial melt down?
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on November 06, 2010, 05:13:41 PM
LOL ill ask you like i ask the rest of the idiot parrots that blame bush...

what exactly did bush do to cause the financial melt down?
lets see fella reverse the questions: what makes obama take the blame for the meltdow now? before you come back and tell me obama is spending like mad,,,with your little feeble mind all you can think about is what is current and not past or future,,,all these moneis being poured into th economy was enacted long before they were known which under which president,,,in 2000 to 2008??? Look for the inteviews he takes the blame,,,already so stop protecting bush even he admitted to the meltdown,,,,under his LOOKOUT!!!
Title: Re: Carville: Democrats Will Rule for 40 Years
Post by: tonymctones on November 06, 2010, 08:40:14 PM
lets see fella reverse the questions: what makes obama take the blame for the meltdow now? before you come back and tell me obama is spending like mad,,,with your little feeble mind all you can think about is what is current and not past or future,,,all these moneis being poured into th economy was enacted long before they were known which under which president,,,in 2000 to 2008??? Look for the inteviews he takes the blame,,,already so stop protecting bush even he admitted to the meltdown,,,,under his LOOKOUT!!!
obama isnt to blame for the melt down any more than bush is...

but obama has passed legislation after legislation that has hindered the recovery of the economy...

Im not protecting bush, im asking for legit things that he did to cause the melt down...

ill take your deflection and your undoubted future deflection as you dont have anythign which is the result of ALL THE OTHER BRAIN DEAD LIBERAL TALKING POINT PARROTS THAT HAVE COME BEFORE YOU...