Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: THE BAD GUY on May 18, 2009, 09:40:08 AM

Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 18, 2009, 09:40:08 AM
This is  a cycle id be running just want some expert opinions on this and see what u would change/do diff also i was wondering how much water would one mix into the gh in order to do 3iu a day 5 days a week, weekends off in a 5mg 15iu gh kit it comes with 10ml water

  3 iu gh morning 5 days on, 2 off
> 1 tab arimidex a day everyday
> 3 cytomel a day25 mcg x 3 everyday (75mcg) morning, afternoon ,night
> After workout 1/2 cc sigma glutimine,12 caps of bcaa, 1 tab glucophage with low carb drink
> 600-1000mg test e from iran a week
all this stuff is straight from the canadian pharmacy no ug lab stuff at all vaccume sealed seizin 15iu gh pharmacy sigma glutimine , ect ect thx again
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 18, 2009, 10:32:49 AM

i would suggest you post this as a thread and let us all give you some advice - so OTHERS could well...

I am telling you that hundreds if not thousands of "THE BAD GUY"s like yourself badly needs advice - and I am willing to help - but could not possibly do it individually...

However, as i do care for all my brothers and sisters of iron - regardless of status, professional or novice amateur, nationality, race, religion, age, sex, IQ, sexual preference, immigration name it...I am willing to give you precise advice here on board - publicly others could learn as well...

So, if you post it - just give me a link - as I am so busy working I have no time to search....

Mixing gh with water is very simple math...BTW

If you are putting 1cc (1ml) of water in whatever amount of powder (5 or 6 mg = 15 or 18 IU's) - what does that mean?

1cc has 100 units on "insulin syringe" - right?

So if your GH is 5mg or 15IU's - that means:

10 units on insulin syringe =1.5 iu of gh
20 = 3 iu
30=4.5 iu
40= 6 iu
50 = 7.5 iu
100 = 15 iu

Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 18, 2009, 10:35:37 AM


Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 18, 2009, 10:38:42 AM
i have 30ml winstrol from the vet sumit and also 2ml deca from organon if needed along with some anavar bascially whatever i need what do u suggest i add in? everything is available
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 18, 2009, 02:42:43 PM
milos u were saying before that i was taking to much cytomel what would be ur suggestion then ? start with 25mcg and go up? cuz i was told go straight threw with 3 dose of 25mcg a day to make 75mcg and what anabolics would u suggest i take with it
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Van_Bilderass on May 18, 2009, 02:59:25 PM


What do you consider an "anabolic"? And why would he need to include one or why is it advantageous instead of straight test? I mean test is more anabolic than most of the so-called anabolics.

Would you consider Dianabol an anabolic?
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: abc123 on May 18, 2009, 05:02:50 PM
What do you consider an "anabolic"? And why would he need to include one or why is it advantageous instead of straight test? I mean test is more anabolic than most of the so-called anabolics.

Would you consider Dianabol an anabolic?

Deca, Stanozolol, Anavar, etc.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on May 18, 2009, 06:04:55 PM


LOL Maybe cause that's all he needs.  There really is no secret to drug use as long as you follow the basics .  Take a certain amount and you'll grow.  Take a couple of  drugs and you'll grow.  What is adding one more compound going to accomplish?  You pros are hilarious. 
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 18, 2009, 07:07:28 PM
im just looking for what your opinions are ive done gear for over 8 yrs i know what im doing i just wanted to see if anyone could give me some new advice cuz u never stop learning, as for anabolics i already said b4 i just came off a pfizer cyp with anatest prop and some summit winny with masteron and anavar now im onto this stack any info is better then no info, i also like to know what you guys think about cytomel i was going to take it at 25mcg a day  3 x a day for 75mcg while on the growth but milos says its a very bad idea but i have a slow metabolism sooo what u guys think cuz ive read many posts that say u cant shut off ur thyroid even if u just stop taking cytomel cold turkey sooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo everyone got there own opinion what u guys think? any help is appreciated
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 18, 2009, 07:31:12 PM
Yeah i would think a 1000mg test a week and 4IUs GH ED would be pretty good.

Sure though more stuff will give a bit more boost.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Van_Bilderass on May 19, 2009, 05:19:44 AM
Deca, Stanozolol, Anavar, etc.

Yeah I suspected that, that's bodybuilder terminology. But really, all steroids apart from testosterone are pretty much "anabolics", if you ask a doc for example. Dianabol was designed for anabolism. The poster child of anabolic steroids.

Since you've talked to Milos why does a stack need one of these weaker anabolics?

Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: QuakerOats on May 19, 2009, 06:53:04 AM
when did 600-1000mg. of test and 3 i.u. of growth become a "big stack"? ???
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: abc123 on May 19, 2009, 08:18:18 AM
Yeah I suspected that, that's bodybuilder terminology. But really, all steroids apart from testosterone are pretty much "anabolics", if you ask a doc for example. Dianabol was designed for anabolism. The poster child of anabolic steroids.

Since you've talked to Milos why does a stack need one of these weaker anabolics?

I didn't go into detail with him about it, but he definitely likes to add in anabolics.  He personally loves anavar.  If I remember correctly, it's just the synergy between the drugs and perhaps the ability to get the same total effect without having to take as much test.  He also says it's very important to rotate test esters (and anabolics) within the cycle (if long) and from cycle to cycle.   

He swears he's never taken more than 750mg of Test per week, but he didn't go into detail what other anabolics he was on in his prime.  Honestly, I tend to believe him.  IMO, there is a huge difference between someone with superior genetics (ala, Kevin Levrone, Shawn Ray, Ronnie Coleman, etc) and the rest of the pros, when it comes to how much gear is required. 

Look at Arnold and the guys of that era.  They had genetics far superior to most pros today.  Many of today's pro's just take more drugs to compensate.  They wouldn't stand a chance on the doses that Arnold era guys took.  Look have guys who are huge freaks that don't even look good aesthetically.  Thats "all drugs."

I'd say Milos has pretty damn good genetics and that it doesn't take anywhere near as much gear for him as it would the other 99.9% of people in the world.  Hell, even gh15 said something about his genetics to that effect.  Add in insulin and GH and that amount of gear for him is reasonable.

Also, I find it amazing that people that have never met him call him a liar or a fraud.  He knows what he is talking about.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Van_Bilderass on May 19, 2009, 08:35:28 AM
I didn't go into detail with him about it, but he definitely likes to add in anabolics.  He personally loves anavar.  If I remember correctly, it's just the synergy between the drugs and perhaps the ability to get the same total effect without having to take as much test.  He also says it's very important to rotate test esters (and anabolics) within the cycle (if long) and from cycle to cycle.  

He posted this:

my 12 week Olympia cycle would be:

4 weeks:
Sustanon 250 - (500-750 mg/week)
Deca (500 mg/week)
Dboll (3X20mg/day)
Trenbolon (200 mg/week)
Arimidex - 1mg /day

5-8 week:
Test Prop 50-100 mg/day alternate with Test Heptylate 50-100 mg day (500-700 mg/week)
Trenbolon Acetate (200 mg/week)
Primobolan (500 mg/week)
Anadrol (3 x 25 mg/day)
Winstrol tabs (3 x 15 mg/day)
Arimidex - 1 mg /day alternate with 2.5 mg Femara every other day

9-12 week:

Test prop 100 mg/day alternate with 50-100 mg Test Suspension /day - every other day (500-700 mg /week)
Masterone 100 mg every other day - stop 10 days out
Winstrol injectable 50 mg /day (week 9) 100 mg/day (week 10) and 150 mg/day (week 11) - stop 5 days out
Oxandrolone (3 x 10-20 mg/day)
Halotestin (3 x 10 mg/day) / Or Andriol (40 mg Test Undecanoate x 3 /day) - either or?
Arimidex 2 mg (possible 3?) /day

With this cycle possible additions:

Clenbuterol, T3 (cytomel) T4 (Synthroid) GH, insulin, Cytadren....IF needed or available...but you asked for steroids - anyway...

Sure is a mix and match of different compounds. I wonder if Milos knows Heptylate = Enanthate.  :D

And yes, by adding weaker anabolics you can add total hormone without as much androgenic sides. That would be a good reason. But is it more effective?

I think Anavar is fantastic also.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 19, 2009, 01:42:27 PM
I really dont know much about Milos but he has an opinion and I like how he wants it on the open so all can learn, nothing wrong with that.  It seems he has some big dudes come out of his gym.

I mean i have to agree the title of this thread is BIG STACK the stack the OP proposed is not a BIG STACK,a bunch more steroids would make it one though. Maybe thats what he's saying?
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: jon cole on May 19, 2009, 01:47:00 PM
when did 600-1000mg. of test and 3 i.u. of growth become a "big stack"? ???

that's my sunday stack.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: QuakerOats on May 19, 2009, 04:09:42 PM
that's my sunday stack.
it's not a small amount but it's a drop in the bucket to some cycles.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 20, 2009, 10:33:19 AM
milos u were saying before that i was taking to much cytomel what would be ur suggestion then ? start with 25mcg and go up? cuz i was told go straight threw with 3 dose of 25mcg a day to make 75mcg and what anabolics would u suggest i take with it

Whoever would tell you to go from zero to 75mcg a day should be examined and/or arrested...

Hormones are NOT something you should be playing with...and when HEALTHY individual like yourself wants to implement whatever hormone for whatever reason - you must know possible consequences...

If medical community would have slightest clue what goes in "bodybuilding world" - they would instantly call for "red alert" - state of emergency...

If only general considerations for hormones are viewed - basic endocrinology, classes of hormone molecules, classifications of hormonal communication systems, biosynthesis of peptide and protein hormones, general concept of a hormone receptor, cellular organization, hormone-receptor interactions, regulation of HR's (hormone receptors), intracellular receptor specifics and membrane receptor characteristics...mechan ism of hormonal action - with entry of particular hormone into target cells, receptor mediated signaling, steroid hormone regulation of gene transcription...plasma transport (of steroid and THYROID -in your case-hormones...and I could go on and on...from anatomical, physiological, morphological relationship to chemistry, biochemistry and clinical aspects ALL NEEDED to be considered when hormone of choice would be implemented for QUESTIONABLE (to say nicely) reasons...

Thyroid Hormones are science on its own...

God, so many dangers you are facing are EXACT reason why I don't suggest to anyone - any amount BEFORE knowing everything important - and even than I would be cautious - before I recommend something... (contrary to my cyber-hero t-boobs belief...)

Thyroid gland and its hormones are capable of causing alteration in just about ALL metabolic pathways, organs and physiological effects...IT IS ATOMIC BOMB and as such - not a child's play...
Effects on metabolic pathways on one side and effects on cellular differentiation and development on the other MUST BE UNDERSTOOD - before recommending a protocol...and idiot who gave you 3X25mcg without knowing much about your present state - could literally "screw" you for years to come...and/or even life...

Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 20, 2009, 10:38:48 AM
im just looking for what your opinions are ive done gear for over 8 yrs i know what im doing i just wanted to see if anyone could give me some new advice cuz u never stop learning, as for anabolics i already said b4 i just came off a pfizer cyp with anatest prop and some summit winny with masteron and anavar now im onto this stack any info is better then no info, i also like to know what you guys think about cytomel i was going to take it at 25mcg a day  3 x a day for 75mcg while on the growth but milos says its a very bad idea but i have a slow metabolism sooo what u guys think cuz ive read many posts that say u cant shut off ur thyroid even if u just stop taking cytomel cold turkey sooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo everyone got there own opinion what u guys think? any help is appreciated

YES - I do think it is very bad idea without knowing...

But, in any case - ever considered starting "low" - like half tab a day for one week, before increasing to 1 tab a day (half every 12 hours) for another week...and than similar ascend to possibly 3 tabs a day (if that's your previous "right amount"...?)
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 20, 2009, 10:43:33 AM
milos proving again that he is a fraud and not worth 10 dollars let alone 1000.

How about $9? :'(...per second that is...?
Could you afford both seconds - as I would give you 2 for 1 special and give you all 4 for the price of two...

Deal - Dumbo?

Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 20, 2009, 10:55:11 AM
What do you consider an "anabolic"? And why would he need to include one or why is it advantageous instead of straight test? I mean test is more anabolic than most of the so-called anabolics.

Would you consider Dianabol an anabolic?

And why would I need to include - explanation to someone like you Van?
Obviously - you are - oh so knowledgeable  ;D ;D ;D you have to wonder why anabolics actually even straight test according to you (and people alike ::)) is self-sufficient and in no way disadvantageous... :-X :-X :-X

Hmmm, maybe we should actually have reality check and send "getbig anabolic experts" back to kindergarten as even 1st graders are too advanced - in anabolic department...

Hint - so you could possibly switch your brain ON after years of "darkness" - doctors prescribe TEST to critically catabolic patients or something else?
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Van_Bilderass on May 20, 2009, 01:37:26 PM
And why would I need to include - explanation to someone like you Van?
Obviously - you are - oh so knowledgeable  ;D ;D ;D you have to wonder why anabolics actually even straight test according to you (and people alike ::)) is self-sufficient and in no way disadvantageous... :-X :-X :-X

Hmmm, maybe we should actually have reality check and send "getbig anabolic experts" back to kindergarten as even 1st graders are too advanced - in anabolic department...

Hint - so you could possibly switch your brain ON after years of "darkness" - doctors prescribe TEST to critically catabolic patients or something else?

Milos, why are you attacking me? My post was very polite with no sarcasm. I was curious as to what you consider "anabolics". I was interested in your reasons. I have not tooted my own horn excessively here, I've never said I'm extremely knowledgeable. I only discuss things to the best of whatever knowledge I may have.

Anabolics were developed to reduce the androgenic effects while still supplying anabolic effects. Duh! I even said that was a good reason to include them in a cycle. But it just so happens that the drugs with the most androgenic effects are ALSO the most anabolic. Test and Tren are more anabolic than Primo and Winstrol. Why is Anavar used on burn patients instead of test? First of all it's because that's what the drug manufacturer sought approval for. Expensive drug, much money to be made. Same reason Serostim was pushed as an anabolic for HIV patients. Which is more anabolic GH or Test? Secondly it doesn't cause much androgenic sides = can be used on women and children even.

And though I try to be respectful to you I have to say that you are skirting the hard questions. I do not think you have extremely in depth knowledge of hormones like you try to make it sound by cut and paste passages like this. Not that I do either but I can tell when someone tries to dazzle me with their supposed superior knowledge using terminology they do not understand. Are you telling me that you order blood work on your athletes and/or consider/measure a bunch of parameters before recommending thyroid hormones for example? You say doctors would call for red alert if they saw a typical bodybuilders polypharma stack. That's true but they would react the same seeing your recommendations, guaranteed. Are you a doctor? Would a doctor approve of your recommendations of stacking 3-4 steroids, insulin, T3 + T4 (you recommended both at the same time... good luck finding a doc approving of that), IGF-1, clenbuterol, antiestrogens, Cytadren (LMAO a doc would definitely approve of this drug Milos! ::)) ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Get real, you're a witch doctor maybe.  :D

Mauro DiPasquale said it best, no doctor, including himself has ANY IDEA what the effect, long and short term, is from stacking these drugs. He IS a doc, listen to him, especially since you have said he's a true expert and you have tremendous respect for him.

If only general considerations for hormones are viewed - basic endocrinology, classes of hormone molecules, classifications of hormonal communication systems, biosynthesis of peptide and protein hormones, general concept of a hormone receptor, cellular organization, hormone-receptor interactions, regulation of HR's (hormone receptors), intracellular receptor specifics and membrane receptor characteristics...mechan ism of hormonal action - with entry of particular hormone into target cells, receptor mediated signaling, steroid hormone regulation of gene transcription...plasma transport (of steroid and THYROID -in your case-hormones...and I could go on and on...from anatomical, physiological, morphological relationship to chemistry, biochemistry and clinical aspects ALL NEEDED to be considered when hormone of choice would be implemented for QUESTIONABLE (to say nicely) reasons...

What do you teach your athletes? To take underground thyroid hormones like Luke Wood did? Things like this would be the first place to start, instead of BS about how you consider the "intracellular receptor specifics" and "morphological relationship to chemistry" before giving your recommendations.

I do agree that thyroid is nothing to take lightly.

Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: muscle19 on May 20, 2009, 03:39:39 PM
i always read and use that if your on gh, to take a low dose thyroid with it, now for someone who is going to stay on gh long term, how long would i run t3 with my gh?
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: abc123 on May 21, 2009, 02:48:44 AM
Cytadren (LMAO a doc would definitely approve of this drug Milos! ::))

My doctor is actually currently researching how to best use Cytadren in PCT, just like Milos does....btw, do you understand which drugs he uses it with?   That would help understand its role in PCT. 

You guys do understand that he comes to this board for entertainment.  He fucks with you on purpose with his responses.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 21, 2009, 04:32:55 AM
My doctor is actually currently researching how to best use Cytadren in PCT, just like Milos does....btw, do you understand which drugs he uses it with?   That would help understand its role in PCT. 

You guys do understand that he comes to this board for entertainment.  He fucks with you on purpose with his responses.

Hummmm?  I was hoping he came to share his knowledge and experience.  This ain't a circus.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Van_Bilderass on May 21, 2009, 06:32:24 AM
My doctor is actually currently researching how to best use Cytadren in PCT, just like Milos does....btw, do you understand which drugs he uses it with?   That would help understand its role in PCT. 

You guys do understand that he comes to this board for entertainment.  He fucks with you on purpose with his responses.

Has to be some kind of renegade doc.:D

I actually have been toying with the idea of ADDING corticosteroids during cycles. I'm serious.

Hard to know when the guy is serious, he always talks about free exchange of ideas. If he really feels like that he should share.  ;)
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Big Rock. on May 21, 2009, 07:04:34 AM
i always read and use that if your on gh, to take a low dose thyroid with it, now for someone who is going to stay on gh long term, how long would i run t3 with my gh?

   I was actually wondering this as well.
 Also is the 2 wks on/ 2 off schedule correct ?
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: muscle19 on May 21, 2009, 08:16:25 AM
the 2 wk on and off is for clen but how would someone run t3 if they use gh long term/for life
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: abc123 on May 21, 2009, 08:50:31 AM
Hummmm?  I was hoping he came to share his knowledge and experience.  This ain't a circus.

Well, this is the first time I've ever seen him post on the steroid board.  He usually is on G&O, which is pure entertainment for everyone.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 21, 2009, 08:59:22 AM
well i am using 25mcg for the 1st week and will bridge it up and ive read and been told by many pros in the ifbb that u dont need to bridge it back down as for the title big stack buddy i know what a big stack is ive done cycles most of u would cream ur pants in just to get ur hands on the quality of shit i can get so dont try to tell me what is a big stack half u clowns never even heard of the shit im running but to milos thx again for ur info and gh15 also another thx my friend
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 21, 2009, 09:02:02 AM
yes ill comment on this but this is last pm question ,,if need somthing  ask on main board its easy for me to go fast through main board and see ,,thanks

This is  a cycle id be running just want some expert opinions on this and see what u would change/do diff also i was wondering how much water would one mix into the gh in order to do 3iu a day 5 days a week, weekends off in a 5mg 15iu gh kit it comes with 10ml water

  3 iu gh morning 5 days on, 2 off
> 1 tab arimidex a day everyday
> 3 cytomel a day25 mcg x 3 everyday (75mcg) morning, afternoon ,night
> After workout 1/2 cc sigma glutimine,12 caps of bcaa, 1 tab glucophage with low carb drink
> 600-1000mg test e from iran a week
all this stuff is straight from the canadian pharmacy no ug lab stuff at all vaccume sealed seizin 15iu gh pharmacy sigma glutimine , ect ect thx again
 the recomendation you got from mishko on the mesurement is right

change gh inject to every day,,increase to 4 units a day 2 units morning 2 units bvefore bed time
1/2 arimidex tablet every second day (i would not use it at all but thats me)
cytomel 2 times a day mid day and early evening ,,avoid morning
600mg test enantat for your size if under 220 shouild be enough if human grade from pharmacy
insted of arimidex add proviron

gh15 approved


incase u guys didnt see it and would like to read the info
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 22, 2009, 07:09:34 PM
Hummmm?  I was hoping he came to share his knowledge and experience.  This ain't a circus.

And that is exactly why I am here...To share knowledge and experiences...
Sometimes - along the way - WHEN TIME PERMITS and some rather miserable getbiger had some choice of words for me that I find inappropriate - I also like to have some fun and - that's about it...

But, make no mistake about it - I am here to HELP, EDUCATE (if I have some info or opinion) and even point out MY OWN STUPID, RIDICULOUS, MORONIC MISTAKES - that almost killed me - and with complete awareness that I would be "joke of the month" or year...I still accept everything that would be coming my way - for that small opportunity to possibly save some (after all) - few people do listen to what I have o say...and those who did - thanked me personally numerous times...

And as I realized that my effort and exposure to getbig love/punishment didn't go to waste - I am still coming back for more...

Well, I am not ashamed to say: I love you guys :-*,  and even those few "haters" who think they hate me -I'll melt with my love...(just ask Shawn, Bob, King...etc...did they loved to hate me...or hated to love me...?...)

Bobby - I know you love me - don't try to say anything else - your nose will tell...
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Milos_Sarcev on May 22, 2009, 08:29:37 PM
well i am using 25mcg for the 1st week and will bridge it up and ive read and been told by many pros in the ifbb that u dont need to bridge it back down as for the title big stack buddy i know what a big stack is ive done cycles most of u would cream ur pants in just to get ur hands on the quality of shit i can get so dont try to tell me what is a big stack half u clowns never even heard of the shit im running but to milos thx again for ur info and gh15 also another thx my friend

I don't understand why would anyone suggest to stop thyroid "dead cold" (unless your whole cycle was super low - like 25 mcg/day from start to finish...

But, to healthy individual - if you take certain hormone - without valid medical reason - other than "bodybuilding" - your gland that produces particular hormone WILL respond (decrease production/release) to sudden increase of circulating hormone of choice (in your case - thyroid gland will reduce production/release of thyroid hormone)...

As it seems to me that your plan was to increase thyroid to 75mcg...if you start with 25 (one tab a day) - I would guess that whoever told you how to use it - suggested 25 mcg for 7 to 10 days before increasing that amount (if all vital signs are OK and/or as expected) to either 37,5 or 50 mcg for next 7 to 10 day period...and finally - 62.5 or 75 mcg for last 7 to 10 day period [ here in some cases amount that was obviously targeted as MAX - in your case 75 mcg could be prolonged for necessary amount of time to accomplish the goal - before starting to "pyramid down" or taper off - with at least SAME amount of days in descending mode (7 to 10 days) or slightly longer [1-3 days longer "descending step" in comparison to ascending...Here: 7 to 10 days UP (asc) and than 8 to 13 days DOWN (desc)]

Simple logic of safe and gradual increase, with possibility to react immediately and possibly STOP abruptly - upon urgent necessity (IF something goes wrong...).
It is considerably safer to stop "dead cold" - 25 mcg a day...than go from 75 to zero - if you know what I mean...

For that reason I agree that logic of person who recommended that you go:

1st week - 25 mcg/day
2nd week - 37.5
3rd week - 50
4th week - 62.5
5th week - 75
6th week - 75 (optional?)
7th week - start with descend:
10 days of 62.5
10 days of 50
10 days of 37.5
10 days of 25
and finish with 10 days of 12.5mcg/day

is completely reasonable and safe...if you know how to count...
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: tbombz on May 23, 2009, 12:08:27 AM
theres no reason to taper it down. stop whenever you like.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: abc123 on May 23, 2009, 03:27:00 AM
theres no reason to taper it down. stop whenever you like.

I'll let Milos argue with you about the medical reasons not to stop cold.  I will tell you that you may get very depressed.
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 23, 2009, 06:22:24 AM
And that is exactly why I am here...To share knowledge and experiences...
Sometimes - along the way - WHEN TIME PERMITS and some rather miserable getbiger had some choice of words for me that I find inappropriate - I also like to have some fun and - that's about it...

But, make no mistake about it - I am here to HELP, EDUCATE (if I have some info or opinion) and even point out MY OWN STUPID, RIDICULOUS, MORONIC MISTAKES - that almost killed me - and with complete awareness that I would be "joke of the month" or year...I still accept everything that would be coming my way - for that small opportunity to possibly save some (after all) - few people do listen to what I have o say...and those who did - thanked me personally numerous times...

And as I realized that my effort and exposure to getbig love/punishment didn't go to waste - I am still coming back for more...

Well, I am not ashamed to say: I love you guys :-*,  and even those few "haters" who think they hate me -I'll melt with my love...(just ask Shawn, Bob, King...etc...did they loved to hate me...or hated to love me...?...)

Bobby - I know you love me - don't try to say anything else - your nose will tell...

Thank You, you have a great depth of experience that few will ever achieve and a willingness to talk about it and help people.  That is invaluable.  8)

Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 24, 2009, 08:36:23 PM
I don't understand why would anyone suggest to stop thyroid "dead cold" (unless your whole cycle was super low - like 25 mcg/day from start to finish...

But, to healthy individual - if you take certain hormone - without valid medical reason - other than "bodybuilding" - your gland that produces particular hormone WILL respond (decrease production/release) to sudden increase of circulating hormone of choice (in your case - thyroid gland will reduce production/release of thyroid hormone)...

As it seems to me that your plan was to increase thyroid to 75mcg...if you start with 25 (one tab a day) - I would guess that whoever told you how to use it - suggested 25 mcg for 7 to 10 days before increasing that amount (if all vital signs are OK and/or as expected) to either 37,5 or 50 mcg for next 7 to 10 day period...and finally - 62.5 or 75 mcg for last 7 to 10 day period [ here in some cases amount that was obviously targeted as MAX - in your case 75 mcg could be prolonged for necessary amount of time to accomplish the goal - before starting to "pyramid down" or taper off - with at least SAME amount of days in descending mode (7 to 10 days) or slightly longer [1-3 days longer "descending step" in comparison to ascending...Here: 7 to 10 days UP (asc) and than 8 to 13 days DOWN (desc)]

Simple logic of safe and gradual increase, with possibility to react immediately and possibly STOP abruptly - upon urgent necessity (IF something goes wrong...).
It is considerably safer to stop "dead cold" - 25 mcg a day...than go from 75 to zero - if you know what I mean...

For that reason I agree that logic of person who recommended that you go:

1st week - 25 mcg/day
2nd week - 37.5
3rd week - 50
4th week - 62.5
5th week - 75
6th week - 75 (optional?)
7th week - start with descend:
10 days of 62.5
10 days of 50
10 days of 37.5
10 days of 25
and finish with 10 days of 12.5mcg/day

is completely reasonable and safe...if you know how to count...
thx again this is exactly how i was planing on doing it why not play it safe even if u can stop and nothing bad will happen im not going to chance it !!!!
Title: Re: BIG STACK
Post by: chainsaw on May 27, 2009, 11:46:51 AM
when did 600-1000mg. of test and 3 i.u. of growth become a "big stack"? ???

O.K big guy, let us know you're "secret' stack, other than protien from the tap.