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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: calfzilla on June 13, 2009, 08:36:11 PM

Title: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: calfzilla on June 13, 2009, 08:36:11 PM
I have been doing some thinking and here is what I have come up with:  Say someone with severe palumboism such as kamali Kovach or Palumbo stopped lifting weights, ate a normal or possibly even vegetarian diet, and stopped using bbing drugs, and only exercised by jogging and doing yoga, do you think it would be possible that their bodies could turn back to normal after like a year or two? 
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 13, 2009, 08:38:50 PM
I have been doing some thinking and here is what I have come up with:  Say someone with severe palumboism such as kamali Kovach or Palumbo stopped lifting weights, ate a normal or possibly even vegetarian diet, and stopped using bbing drugs, and only exercised by jogging and doing yoga, do you think it would be possible that their bodies could turn back to normal after like a year or two? 
Great question, wonder what their normal bodies look like? ???
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: calfzilla on June 13, 2009, 08:41:36 PM
I am thinking that in order to cure the palumboism they would have to get real skinny.  Imagine the look of a marathon runner who is vegetarian who also does yoga and cleanses. 
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 13, 2009, 08:45:06 PM
I am thinking that in order to cure the palumboism they would have to get real skinny.  Imagine the look of a marathon runner who is vegetarian who also does yoga and cleaneses. 
I think they would still have large bellies due to the internal organ growth effected by Palumboism, so the look would be as a starving ethiopian with a swelled belly due to starvation.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: calfzilla on June 13, 2009, 08:46:19 PM
I think they would still have large bellies due to the internal organ growth effected by Palumboism, so the look would be as a starving ethiopian with a swelled belly due to starvation.
Possibly but I'm not sure.  Would be an interesting experiment. 
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: WillGrant on June 13, 2009, 08:52:30 PM
I am thinking that in order to cure the palumboism they would have to get real skinny.  Imagine the look of a marathon runner who is vegetarian who also does yoga and cleanses. 
You just described Dave P before he started bodybuilding
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: calfzilla on June 13, 2009, 09:00:10 PM
You just described Dave P before he started bodybuilding
Yes!  That is along the lines I was thinking. 
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on June 13, 2009, 10:52:03 PM
I have been doing some thinking and here is what I have come up with:  Say someone with severe palumboism such as kamali Kovach or Palumbo stopped lifting weights, ate a normal or possibly even vegetarian diet, and stopped using bbing drugs, and only exercised by jogging and doing yoga, do you think it would be possible that their bodies could turn back to normal after like a year or two? 

When you use growth hormone your organs grow in size which is what makes that trademark pot belly.

No amount of Yoga or veggies can shrink it.  Best thing to do is to wear an XXL Shirt so people won't notice and absolutely no belts
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: TechnoViking on June 13, 2009, 10:56:53 PM
Palumboism is like muscle memory...Once you have it, you are completely fucked...Sure you can look better in photos but in the real world, you are a complete mess...I've seen guys who haven't trained in 6 years still have the massive belly(with abs) and 15 inch arms...There has to be some sort of connection between Palumboism/ inslin and carbs/min. carbs...
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: calfzilla on June 13, 2009, 11:50:46 PM
At least I am trying.  Someone must find a cure for this horrible horrible condition.  Think of how much it will mean to the schmoes.  :'(
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: gordiano on June 14, 2009, 01:17:54 AM
At least I am trying.  Someone must find a cure for this horrible horrible condition.  Think of how much it will mean to the schmoes.  :'(

The only known cure is death.... :-\
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Rami on June 14, 2009, 01:29:16 AM
The only known cure is death.... :-\

or a full body transplant
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mars on June 14, 2009, 02:18:26 AM
i think the disease is terminal
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Sir Humphrey on June 14, 2009, 09:37:11 AM
Now that all your up-and-coming teenage bodybuilders are abusing GH/insulin/peptides starting in their teens, you can expect a lot more palumboism going on!
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: noworries on June 14, 2009, 09:49:33 AM
The only cure
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Team Diver on June 14, 2009, 09:59:34 AM
I have been doing some thinking and here is what I have come up with:  Say someone with severe palumboism such as kamali Kovach or Palumbo stopped lifting weights, ate a normal or possibly even vegetarian diet, and stopped using bbing drugs, and only exercised by jogging and doing yoga, do you think it would be possible that their bodies could turn back to normal after like a year or two? 

Does Dave actually know that a disease is named after him??
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: The ChemistV2 on June 14, 2009, 10:04:47 AM
If they stop lifting, they will probably notice their pecs drooping and hanging along with their other muscles, so they will look like they are melting. The skull which has been altered by the massive GH overdose will not return to it's Pre- Acromegalic form. If they stop the hormones, they will be left with no natural test production and their estrogen will skyrocket, so now they will lose muscle and gain fat.The waistline will still be enlarged and look even more freakish since the shoulders will now lack width. What is left is a Creature, not unlike something that has been put in a malfunctioning matter- transporter Telepod machine...  that should humanely be put out of it's misery.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 14, 2009, 10:59:53 AM
I have been doing some thinking and here is what I have come up with:  Say someone with severe palumboism such as kamali Kovach or Palumbo stopped lifting weights, ate a normal or possibly even vegetarian diet, and stopped using bbing drugs, and only exercised by jogging and doing yoga, do you think it would be possible that their bodies could turn back to normal after like a year or two? 
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: dustin on June 14, 2009, 02:28:57 PM
I know people who use a dozen units of GH year round and they don't have Palumboism. It's the GH and slin abuse COMBINED with massive eating. These guys are eating 4-5000 calories a day, clean. They're not eating until their bellies stick out and they're not doing that CONSTANTLY, 24/7. THAT is what gives you a huge gut.

The intestine/gut growth is marginal. If you're hulking back massive doses of hormones and also eating fuck loads, then you'll have hyper organ growth. The culprit is not GH alone.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: 240 is Back on June 14, 2009, 02:30:56 PM
lots of guys are using the same drugs.  it's excessive use and EATING the huge amounts that cause this.

Some guys keep it reasonable and gain their 20 pounds in the offseason.  Some guys think they have to gain 50.  there's the prob.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 14, 2009, 02:31:13 PM
I know people who use a dozen units of GH year round and they don't have Palumboism. It's the GH and slin abuse COMBINED with massive eating. These guys are eating 4-5000 calories a day, clean. They're not eating until their bellies stick out and they're not doing that CONSTANTLY, 24/7. THAT is what gives you a huge gut.

The intestine/gut growth is marginal. If you're hulking back massive doses of hormones and also eating fuck loads, then you'll have hyper organ growth. The culprit is not GH alone.
So why doesnt the bellies go down when they drop the calories?
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: dustin on June 14, 2009, 02:37:49 PM
So why doesnt the bellies go down when they drop the calories?

Eating fuckloads of food and abusing the hell out of some of the most anabolic hormones, over the course of a few years, and growing them into mutated super organs.... that's permanent - That shit won't simply go away any time soon. Perhaps it'll deflate and shrink down a little, sort of like how skeletal muscle shrinks. But smooth muscles are different. They're not supposed to get jacked up and huge. I'm not sure if you can reverse smooth muscle hypertrophy at all. It's nothing I've looked into because I don't plan on allowing my organ to grow to dangerous proportions.

Visceral fat storage will also increase dramatically. And unless you become completely shredded you won't burn that off easily. In fact, I don't really think any of it will go away, ever. If it does, it will be so marginal that you can't tell. It's not really rocket science. It's a chemical reaction. If you toast a piece of bread, you cannot "untoast" it by cooling it off. You're TOAST!!! 8)
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 14, 2009, 02:44:17 PM
Eating fuckloads of food and abusing the hell out of some of the most anabolic hormones, over the course of a few years, and growing them into mutated super organs.... that's permanent - That shit won't simply go away any time soon. Perhaps it'll deflate and shrink down a little, sort of like how skeletal muscle shrinks. But smooth muscles are different. They're not supposed to get jacked up and huge. I'm not sure if you can reverse smooth muscle hypertrophy at all. It's nothing I've looked into because I don't plan on allowing my organ to grow to dangerous proportions.

Visceral fat storage will also increase dramatically. And unless you become completely shredded you won't burn that off easily. In fact, I don't really think any of it will go away, ever. If it does, it will be so marginal that you can't tell. It's not really rocket science. It's a chemical reaction. If you toast a piece of bread, you cannot "untoast" it by cooling it off. You're TOAST!!! 8)
Damn good explanation so there is no cure for Palumboism.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: dustin on June 14, 2009, 02:53:33 PM
Damn good explanation so there is no cure for Palumboism.

Thanks, but I don't claim to be an expert by any means. I still highly doubt there's a way to reverse it.

Muscle seem to lose its striation and hardness, organs aren't going to shrink overnight because of calorie deficit and skin isn't going to lose it's thickness. It's much more than just eating and having a huge gut. That goes away for normal people. These guys are spending their years stuffing themselves silly. Even when dieting, they're still eating so much to maintain their sheaths of muscle that their guts STILL stick out!!

I'm all for getting big, don't get me wrong. I'm also starting to dabble with drugs in my pitiful quest to get big and conditioned, so I'm not condemning them at all. I just think that guys don't need to abuse the shit out of them or eat so much. Look at the guys from the Golden Era. Where were the huge bellies then? Even when synthetic, cheap GH started flooding the markets no one really started getting REALLY distended. I think after Yate's reign, everything went downhill.

I know a lot of big guys, guys that are MUCH bigger than myself, eat much more and take a lot more drugs (I'm only cycling shit and dabbling with hormones, but will start using serious doses soon) and they still don't have huge guys like that. They're not the most intelligent people in the world, but they know that if they eat too much and rock a pregnant belly 24/7, they're susceptible to having that preggo roid belly graduate to full blown Palumboism. When I start using bigger doses and cruise rather than just come off sauce all together, I'll continue to be aware of these dangers. Guys who use these drugs aren't doing any research, keeping logs, getting blood work or being cognizant of the changes. I don't think you need to be too meticulous and bring beakers, test tubes and electronic monitoring equipment to every gym session, but if your gut sticks out more than a bitch who's ready to shit out a baby, you're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 14, 2009, 03:07:53 PM
Thanks, but I don't claim to be an expert by any means. I still highly doubt there's a way to reverse it.

Muscle seem to lose its striation and hardness, organs aren't going to shrink overnight because of calorie deficit and skin isn't going to lose it's thickness. It's much more than just eating and having a huge gut. That goes away for normal people. These guys are spending their years stuffing themselves silly. Even when dieting, they're still eating so much to maintain their sheaths of muscle that their guts STILL stick out!!

I'm all for getting big, don't get me wrong. I'm also starting to dabble with drugs in my pitiful quest to get big and conditioned, so I'm not condemning them at all. I just think that guys don't need to abuse the shit out of them or eat so much. Look at the guys from the Golden Era. Where were the huge bellies then? Even when synthetic, cheap GH started flooding the markets no one really started getting REALLY distended. I think after Yate's reign, everything went downhill.

I know a lot of big guys, guys that are MUCH bigger than myself, eat much more and take a lot more drugs (I'm only cycling shit and dabbling with hormones, but will start using serious doses soon) and they still don't have huge guys like that. They're not the most intelligent people in the world, but they know that if they eat too much and rock a pregnant belly 24/7, they're susceptible to having that preggo roid belly graduate to full blown Palumboism. When I start using bigger doses and cruise rather than just come off sauce all together, I'll continue to be aware of these dangers. Guys who use these drugs aren't doing any research, keeping logs, getting blood work or being cognizant of the changes. I don't think you need to be too meticulous and bring beakers, test tubes and electronic monitoring equipment to every gym session, but if your gut sticks out more than a bitch who's ready to shit out a baby, you're doing it wrong.
Dustin you are on it dude, best explanation I've heard yet on the big belly syndrome. The way I understand once you grow the internal organs there is no going back.
Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: ahh.. fk on June 14, 2009, 03:31:01 PM
I say reversible:


Title: Re: A possible cure for Palumboism
Post by: Tesla on June 14, 2009, 04:11:21 PM
I guess the question is, has a guy ever developed Palumboism and then had it go into remission?  I can't think of any cases where it did.