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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 07:26:31 AM

Title: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 07:26:31 AM
If ever there was concern for what the agricultural industry is doing to the crops, live stock and the processing of food this should answer some questions. This egg laid to a hen in Englad weighed nearly 8 oz or half a pound. Not only is the public at large for Big Agricultural firms using genes, pesticides and unnatural feed we are now seeing things like this. If these substances are doing this to livestock, crops and eggs...what will it do to people????


Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 16, 2009, 09:18:24 AM
Ummmm.... Feed more people? Help combat world hunger?

Whats wrong with increasing efficiency? How come it is a good thing in every other industry except agriculture?
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 10:02:07 AM
Ummmm.... Feed more people? Help combat world hunger?

Whats wrong with increasing efficiency? How come it is a good thing in every other industry except agriculture?

On the surface efficiency looks and sounds GREAT. Bigger eggs, more corn, greater quanitites of milk...problem is GMO food, feed and livestock have the potential to "POISON" the very functioning of a person's body. With the recent explosion of cancers, diabetes, autism, asthma, alzheimers and so many other conditions coinciding with the explosion of "food additives" it should easily make a person say this is more than a coincidence. Now image what potentially could happen when mad scientist like Monsanto start manipulating a persons DNA strands with these genetically modified products.

So far as the BIG EGG while it does occur naturally in nature, when companies start manipulating food for literally BIGGER yields then there is where teh problem comes in to being, due to the danger of the means to manipulate.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 16, 2009, 10:30:04 AM
Yes, yes, Monsanto BAD. We've heard this before...

Can you tell me specifically WHAT is bad about GMOs?
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 10:48:20 AM
Yes, yes, Monsanto BAD. We've heard this before...

Can you tell me specifically WHAT is bad about GMOs?

Genetically modified food has had genes inserted into it that come from not only other plants, but animals as well. Roundup wheat by Monsanto for example uses bacteria to produce a man made pesticide. The genes of the bacteria are then taken out of the bacteria and introduced into the plant where this gene causes the plant itself to produce this same pesticide which exists not only on the leaf, but also in the stalk, roots, fruit and the plant in its totality. Normally pesticides sprayed onto  a vegetable of fruit can be washed off and the food safely the pesticide is ALL THROUGHOUT THE FOOD. From the seeds to the skin, so consuming the food not exposes you to this pesticide in concentration MUCH higher than you would EVER be exposed to by eating the washed food. As a matter of fact the only way a person could e exposed to more pesticide is by either deliberately standing in a field being crop dusted or drinking the pesticide right out of the can. If a chemical can kill a bug at a given concentration or quantity then it can kill a human if the quantity or concentration is increased. Secondly these unnatural genes that are in these foods become a part of your body when you consume them. Fortunately yourbody viciously attacks and attempts to destroy any foreign genetic matter that attempts to disrupt your DNA, however that defense is NOT INVICIBLE. It is just a matter of time before the RIGHT combination of genes, or enough exposure or a good enough quantity will have a impact on humans and once that happens the effect will be permanent and could be catastrophic.... kinda like the ill effects of having a atomic bomb dropped on a nation and the deformities that go on for this case since it is damaged DNA it will go on as long as you and your generations exist.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 16, 2009, 01:31:36 PM
You do realize however, that the pesticides and fungicides that you are refering to are designed to become inert over a specific time period? They do not spray orchards the day before they harvest.

As for the second point, there is absolutly no evidence that consuming GMO crops creates radiation poisoning symptoms.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 04:19:56 PM
You do realize however, that the pesticides and fungicides that you are refering to are designed to become inert over a specific time period? They do not spray orchards the day before they harvest.

As for the second point, there is absolutly no evidence that consuming GMO crops creates radiation poisoning symptoms.

Pesticides by no means become INERT between the time of spraying and the time of harvesting nor the lag time between harvest and consumption. Various pesticides have beeen eliminated or are illegal in the US becasue of their inherent health dangers. There is a long sordid history with DDT in america.

No where in my post did I say anything about GMO crops creating radiation poisoning (you better read my post again). However there are plenty of studies showing animals which consume GMO food develop cancers, die prematurely and/or suffere neuro/psychological damage. I don't think any sane person wants to be a guinea pig to see if there will be negetive results of eating GMO food. We all already know of the damaging effects of food additives like preservatives, MSG, Aspartame, Hydrolyzed protein, food dyes etc etc
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 16, 2009, 04:46:41 PM
You compared the potential, unknown effects of consuming GMO commodities with the determined effects of people exposed to the atom bomb.

DDT and current GMOs have no relation. This is comparing apples to oranges. This would be like saying bleu cheese causes SARS because birds do too...

Are these studies from reputable sources? You do realize that anything in excess can be a carcinogen, right? Also, you do realize that DDT is still used just about everywhere else in the world today, yes?
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: 24KT on June 16, 2009, 07:35:11 PM
If ever there was concern for what the agricultural industry is doing to the crops, live stock and the processing of food this should answer some questions. This egg laid to a hen in Englad weighed nearly 8 oz or half a pound. Not only is the public at large for Big Agricultural firms using genes, pesticides and unnatural feed we are now seeing things like this. If these substances are doing this to livestock, crops and eggs...what will it do to people????


Take a peek at 35 seconds in. It looks as if that "egg" has a flat base. What's up with that?

On a side note, ...can you imagine how much that hen must have squawked passing that?  OUCH!!!
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 08:11:36 PM
Take a peek at 35 seconds in. It looks as if that "egg" has a flat base. What's up with that?

On a side note, ...can you imagine how much that hen must have squawked passing that?  OUCH!!!

The owner of the hen said it took half and hour for the egg to be laid....I am sure the hen took a vow of celibacy after this monster popped out.

The egg is probably flat after it crashed to (or through) the floor of the hen house... the damn thing weighed nearly half a pound...

Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: sync pulse on June 16, 2009, 08:45:40 PM
I used to produce a radio show about agribusiness, I used to discuss with faculty from agriculture universities about modern agribusiness.  Pesticides, food additives, and high tech agriculture processes are some of the most extensively tested products in human endeavors.
The modern food supply is the safest in the history of mankind.

I am on the side usually of social progressives, except when it comes to the illogical phobia when it comes to pesticides, genetic modification, food additives, and the chemical, drug, and heavy manufacturing industries.  There was a female rock and roll air personality famous in Houston, who would argue endlessly about how she only used only "organic" produce, saying she was not comfortable with the chemical residues on ordinary produce...Do you know what she would do while arguing with me?...smoke cigarettes.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 16, 2009, 09:48:47 PM
I used to produce a radio show about agribusiness, I used to discuss with faculty from agriculture universities about modern agribusiness.  Pesticides, food additives, and high tech agriculture processes are some of the most extensively tested products in human endeavors.
The modern food supply is the safest in the history of mankind.

I am on the side usually of social progressives, except when it comes to the illogical phobia when it comes to pesticides, genetic modification, food additives, and the chemical, drug, and heavy manufacturing industries.  There was a female rock and roll air personality famous in Houston, who would argue endlessly about how she only used only "organic" produce, saying she was not comfortable with the chemical residues on ordinary produce...Do you know what she would do while arguing with me?...smoke cigarettes.

YEAH...... RIGHT!!!!!
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: sync pulse on June 16, 2009, 10:39:17 PM
I can't argue against all capitals and five exclamation points,... if you had use only four exclamations,...maybe,...but I have no comeback against five.

However in departing, I think you should know that not using modern fungicides brings rise to the formation of Aflatoxins in grain crops, due to the action of fungus.  I bring this up to point out the fact that carcinogens in food supplies can arise from NOT using chemicals.  Totally organic...
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 17, 2009, 08:53:58 AM
Good call.... five exclamation points is just too much.

I have lost livestock to aflatoxins and other fungus and diseases before..... never lost one to GMO caused cancer....
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 17, 2009, 09:47:37 AM
I can't argue against all capitals and five exclamation points,... if you had use only four exclamations,...maybe,...but I have no comeback against five.

However in departing, I think you should know that not using modern fungicides brings rise to the formation of Aflatoxins in grain crops, due to the action of fungus.  I bring this up to point out the fact that carcinogens in food supplies can arise from NOT using chemicals.  Totally organic...

Sadly most don't know that there are TONS of NATURAL FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES that can be used without the inherent dangers associated with the lab made chemicals that kill not only the pests, but also the people. Somehow the american mindset doesn't realize that the world has been in existence for millennia, that the Native People taught whites how to farm and fertilize upon their arrival in america, that food and livestock grew in such abundance in america that not only were the people of america fed, but also fed all of Europe as well. Now thanks to greed based agricultural industry and the chemical industry the mindset is that ONLY CHEMICALS can assure a healthy crop. YEAH... it will also assure cancer, disease and death. Right now thanks to all of those chemicals and over fertilizing, the top soil of america is DEAD. Far more damage has been done using "modern technology than NOT USING. Further, many of the fungi that are attacking crops now is due to the use of pesticides that have caused a RESISTANCE in the strains of diseases that normally attack crops. Just like the overuse of antibiotics have caused resistant strains of diseases that now CAN NOT BE TREATED, so the same with crops. Farmers are forced to use stronger and more deadly products to fight infestations which then causes more resistance.

Thanks to foolish livestock feeding techniques of feeding cows ground up DEAD COWS and other livestock you now have things like MAD COW, MAD SWINE and various deadly infections killing livestock or crippling them. Cattle are herbivores ...NOT CARNIVORES. You won't see that on your american TV, but your animal rights groups have made videos exposing the criminal treatment of poultry, cattle and the like being harbored in cages their whole existence literally walking, sleeping and eating their own feces and being exposed to diseases. Cattle walking and living amongst dead and diseased cattle. Diseased livestock being slaughtered and sold as GOOD MEAT. Even your McDonald's uses deformed and diseased chickens to produce its McNuggets and chicken sandwich products. Farm raised fish being fed chemically produced food etc. Have you noticed all of the dogs now coming down with cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure, compulsive disorders, organ failure, etc... just so happens these dogs are also being fed these foul foods and chemicals as well...COINCIDENCE??? I don't think so. NEVER has a dog or cat been so diseased as they are today an never has a dog or cat received so much chemically enhanced or chemically made food.

Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 17, 2009, 11:06:50 AM
What other livestock do we feed dead cows to?  ???
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 17, 2009, 01:11:21 PM
What other livestock do we feed dead cows to?  ???

Pigs, cows and goats are routinely fed DESSICATED animals as feed. These are grazing animals NOT carnivores and because protein in animal form is being introduced into their diets where digestion is different than a meat eating animal, the development of PRIONS happens and the animal essentially is driven mad as these proteins interact with the neurons in the brain. The same proteins: PRIONS can enter into humans and cause debilitating sicknes and even death. In the sea food (fish farms) the fish are also fed DESSICATED fish. THIS IS CRAZY!!  It is done because the livestock industry does NOT want to spend money on feed or disposing of dead animals, so they have teh animals that die dried out and ground up and it is fed tot he livestock along with the normal fed of grass or hay.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 18, 2009, 09:04:10 AM
It's illegal to feed same-species animal material, or rendered cattle to live cattle in the US. Go the distance when you wiki and google things. As for fish, they have been fed fish protein since the beginning of aquaculture. Fish can't get BSE, which is the 'prions' to which you are referring.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Fury on June 18, 2009, 09:05:28 AM
Pigs, cows and goats are routinely fed DESSICATED animals as feed. These are grazing animals NOT carnivores and because protein in animal form is being introduced into their diets where digestion is different than a meat eating animal, the development of PRIONS happens and the animal essentially is driven mad as these proteins interact with the neurons in the brain. The same proteins: PRIONS can enter into humans and cause debilitating sicknes and even death. In the sea food (fish farms) the fish are also fed DESSICATED fish. THIS IS CRAZY!!  It is done because the livestock industry does NOT want to spend money on feed or disposing of dead animals, so they have teh animals that die dried out and ground up and it is fed tot he livestock along with the normal fed of grass or hay.

Your grasp of basic science is severely lacking.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 18, 2009, 09:13:11 AM
It's illegal to feed same-species animal material, or rendered cattle to live cattle in the US. Go the distance when you wiki and google things. As for fish, they have been fed fish protein since the beginning of aquaculture. Fish can't get BSE, which is the 'prions' to which you are referring.

When the movie FOOD INC comes to a theatre near you please go see it and find out WHAT REALLY GOES ON IN AMERICA. You guys are so lost on what is happeing in your own nation it is not even funny. ILLEGAL TO FEED ANIMALS SAME SPECIES ANIMAL MATERIAL? You are joking right? Your entire livestock, cattle, poultry, crop industry IS SCREAMING ILLEGALITY in regards to safety and manipulation. Get off of your computer sometime and stop Wiki and googling and get involved with groups who are actively exposing what is going on  in the food industry of the film THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSANTO just to get an idea/clue.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 18, 2009, 09:15:48 AM
Your grasp of basic science is severely lacking.

What does the crop and cattle industry have to do with science? and what does your response have to do with the feeding of livestock dessicated livestock or raisins GMO crops or spraying crops with pesticides.herbicides?
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 18, 2009, 02:01:38 PM
When the movie FOOD INC comes to a theatre near you please go see it and find out WHAT REALLY GOES ON IN AMERICA. You guys are so lost on what is happeing in your own nation it is not even funny. ILLEGAL TO FEED ANIMALS SAME SPECIES ANIMAL MATERIAL? You are joking right? Your entire livestock, cattle, poultry, crop industry IS SCREAMING ILLEGALITY in regards to safety and manipulation. Get off of your computer sometime and stop Wiki and googling and get involved with groups who are actively exposing what is going on  in the food industry of the film THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSANTO just to get an idea/clue.

Ya, ok you stupid fuck. I work in production agriculture. That is what I do. Are you telling me (IN ALL CAPS  SO YOU MUST REALLY MEAN IT) that I should go watch some retarded fucking left-field conspiracy theory video that some college fucks probably thought up while high to understand WHATS REALLY GOING ON?!?! Come up with something specific you idiot, instead of the random, vague bullshit you are usually spouting off about.


Shut the fuck up. Monsanto has done infinitly more to feed third world pieces of shit like youself than you or the college fucks that made that video ever have.

The rest of you.... go buy some Monsanto stock, because they got some cool shit coming along in the next 10-20 years....
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Dos Equis on June 18, 2009, 02:08:21 PM
Ya, ok you stupid fuck. I work in production agriculture. That is what I do. Are you telling me (IN ALL CAPS  SO YOU MUST REALLY MEAN IT) that I should go watch some retarded fucking left-field conspiracy theory video that some college fucks probably thought up while high to understand WHATS REALLY GOING ON?!?! Come up with something specific you idiot, instead of the random, vague bullshit you are usually spouting off about.


Shut the fuck up. Monsanto has done infinitly more to feed third world pieces of shit like youself than you or the college fucks that made that video ever have.

The rest of you.... go buy some Monsanto stock, because they got some cool shit coming along in the next 10-20 years....

I usually don't like the ad hominem rants, but I gotta admit this one is pretty funny.   :)
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: The True Adonis on June 18, 2009, 02:09:21 PM
I buy all my produce from a major local Farmers Market.  Easy to do in NC.  There is no, ZERO, taste difference if the variety is the same and if freshness is equal.

In fact, some varieties of agri-business crops will yield more nutritious fruits as they have been bred to express the alleles for higher vitamin content.  The same is also true for taste as they have the resources to express alleles that we recognize as tasting great.

Local farmers also purchase many of their seeds of the same variety or even from agri-business so you may even be getting the same crop.

Organic foods are also not any better than non-organic. 

With that said, I support local in that I support my local economy as well as the environmental impact of food travelling less.  Nutritionally and taste, there won`t be a difference, especially if you are not familiar with the actual seed or the history of any crop.

I subscribe to the heritage seed catalog and have a side hobby tracking down the histories of strains of crops.  I find it very interesting.

For instance, every chef KNOWS that Yukon Gold Potatoes are by far the best to use in cooking, for any Potato Dish.  No chef will EVER use any other Potato.Well Yukon Gold`s are relatively new, being developed in 1981 at the University of Guleph in Canada.  You see, our food supply is enhanced greatly by taste and nutrient content via direct breeding and artificial selection.

ORIGIN: Released jointly by Agriculture Canada and the University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 1981. Yukon Gold was selected from a cross between W5279-4 (a yellow-fleshed diploid hybrid of Solanum phureja and haploid cv Katahdin) and Norgleam. It was tested under the pedigree G6666-4Y.
CHARACTERISTICS: Yukon Gold has medium-early maturity (late in the mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S.), moderate yields, moderate specific gravity and relatively attractive tuber type. Plants are medium-large to large and upright. Stems are purplish but are more green in the upper portion of the plant. Leaf petioles extend downward. Nodes are not swollen. Leaves have a distinct terminal leaflet with four pairs of primary leaflets which are largest near the terminal leaflet. Secondary leaflets vary from two on lower leaves to 6-8 on upper leaves, usually in pairs. The number of tertiary leaves also increases from lower to upper leaves. Flowers are violet to light-violet with yellow anthers. Tubers slightly oval, may be somewhat flattened with yellow-white skin and light yellow tuber flesh. Its shallow, pink eyes distinguish Yukon Gold from other yellow-skinned, yellow-fleshed cultivars.

STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Yukon Gold is resistant to mild mosaic, moderately resistant to leafroll virus and susceptible to virus Y, common scab and air pollution. In some growing areas, hollow heart and internal heat necrosis may be a problem. Yukon Gold retains the yellow flesh color when baked, boiled or french-fried. The attractive tubers are well suited for fresh marketing. Plant establishment is irregular, particularly from basal seed pieces. Pre-cut or whole seed is used in some areas to improve plant stands.

Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 18, 2009, 02:23:55 PM
Ya, ok you stupid fuck. I work in production agriculture. That is what I do. Are you telling me (IN ALL CAPS  SO YOU MUST REALLY MEAN IT) that I should go watch some retarded fucking left-field conspiracy theory video that some college fucks probably thought up while high to understand WHATS REALLY GOING ON?!?! Come up with something specific you idiot, instead of the random, vague bullshit you are usually spouting off about.


Shut the fuck up. Monsanto has done infinitly more to feed third world pieces of shit like youself than you or the college fucks that made that video ever have.

The rest of you.... go buy some Monsanto stock, because they got some cool shit coming along in the next 10-20 years....

HAHAHAAHAHAAHAH...Yeah Right. You know what production agriculture means???...It means you are bent over in a field next to Manuel and Consuela picking tomatos and lettuce...hahaha...lolol o... You are funny indeed.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 18, 2009, 03:26:34 PM
Despite the BAD RAP this Arizona restaurant has... I would be tempted to take a flight there just for novelty sake to say I ate at the HEART ATTACK GRILL... sadly given the food in america I may really have a heart attack eating in this place.


Make sure you scroll through the pics on the website they are hysterical...the burger above is 8000 CALORIES!!!!!
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: The True Adonis on June 18, 2009, 03:57:25 PM
Despite the BAD RAP this Arizona restaurant has... I would be tempted to take a flight there just for novelty sake to say I ate at the HEART ATTACK GRILL... sadly given the food in america I may really have a heart attack eating in this place.


Make sure you scroll through the pics on the website they are hysterical...the burger above is 8000 CALORIES!!!!!

I could go to the Farmers Market and buy Beef and Cheese and make a burger DOUBLE the calories.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 18, 2009, 05:46:06 PM
I could go to the Farmers Market and buy Beef and Cheese and make a burger DOUBLE the calories.

But would you have sexy nurses, medical robes and a doctor who owns the place there to make your burger and liven up the atmosphere...??
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on June 18, 2009, 05:55:29 PM
I'll stick with my own personal garden when I can, thanks.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 18, 2009, 05:59:37 PM
I'll stick with my own personal garden when I can, thanks.

You mean you can grow hamburgers now? WOW..Isn't america and technology wonderful  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on June 18, 2009, 06:16:55 PM
You mean you can grow hamburgers now? WOW..Isn't america and technology wonderful  ;D ;D ;D

I'm slowly phasing out meat in my diet. The smell of it, particularly chicken is disgusting sometimes. Same with lamb, I bought it a few times from Costco and it stunk like ass. The way the animals are treated disgusts me as well. It just started naturally for me, my stomch just doesn't crave it like it used to, I don't think I've eaten a beef steak in over 8 months, same with pork. Love seafood though, don't think i could stop eating that.
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 19, 2009, 04:12:52 AM
I'm slowly phasing out meat in my diet. The smell of it, particularly chicken is disgusting sometimes. Same with lamb, I bought it a few times from Costco and it stunk like ass. The way the animals are treated disgusts me as well. It just started naturally for me, my stomch just doesn't crave it like it used to, I don't think I've eaten a beef steak in over 8 months, same with pork. Love seafood though, don't think i could stop eating that.

Sea food is probably more dangerous than Beef or Poultry due to the mercury and chemicals constantly being dumped in the oceans. I for the life of me don't understand what idiot thinks putting garbage in landfills or dumping chemicals and sewage in the ocean is safe or logical. These toxins end up in the water table and sea life only to be consumed by the public. I guess there really is no safe food no matter where it is grown ...
Post by: SAMSON123 on June 21, 2009, 08:48:15 AM
Post by: GigantorX on June 21, 2009, 03:53:37 PM
Title: Re: Big Agricultural Firms, Artificial Feed, Gene Tampering and Public Health
Post by: Hereford on June 21, 2009, 11:46:48 PM
So don't eat here then.  Go to africa and hunt your ass an organic gazelle or something if you're so worried.