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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: nodeal on July 06, 2009, 12:39:01 AM

Title: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: nodeal on July 06, 2009, 12:39:01 AM
Gonna keep it by my bedside so I can quickly record any dreams I have. I'll be able to reflect on them and discover more about my inner self. Anyone else do this?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Get Rowdy on July 06, 2009, 12:50:07 AM
I've only ever recorded one dream, where a homeless guy tried to rape me and my friends.  I beat him to death with a pipe.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: nodeal on July 06, 2009, 01:01:09 AM
I've only ever recorded one dream, where a homeless guy tried to rape me and my friends.  I beat him to death with a pipe.

HAHA sounds entertaining.

Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: webcake on July 06, 2009, 01:19:33 AM
Ok, add to the list of kissing men, skin products and now we have a "dream journal"..........just admit you are a raging homosexual and move on, son.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 06, 2009, 01:56:37 AM
Ok, add to the list of kissing men, skin products and now we have a "dream journal"..........just admit you are a raging homosexual and move on, son.

You saying his Inner Self isn't hiding in his ass?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: WillGrant on July 06, 2009, 03:30:29 AM
I thought no deal was only me?  ???
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: #1 Klaus fan on July 06, 2009, 05:03:33 AM
This can also be first step towards lucid dreams you can control.  ;) I had a dream journal for a couple of months and one time almost realised I was in a dream.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: MethodGNA on July 06, 2009, 05:21:02 AM
Gonna keep it by my bedside so I can quickly record any dreams I have. I'll be able to reflect on them and discover more about my inner self. Anyone else do this?

Gayer then a portley musclebear, in pink assless chaps, hoping up and down on a greasy pink dildo while singing liza manelli songs.......
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Marty Champions on July 06, 2009, 05:59:58 AM
I have a dream journal

here are some tips :

keep it near your bed

as soon as you wake up, surround yourself in brown so you can ground and remember most of your dreams

when you go to bed, vizualize royal blue .. this will help you skip past the astral realm which can be dangerous and go straight into hyperspace

good luck

oh yeah : you also need " Decoding your life " by Janet Swerdlow in order to learn how to properly interpret them

(If you call tell them Sebastian from Romania sent you )

interesting advice
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Mars on July 06, 2009, 06:12:09 AM
the most fucked up dreams are when you won a lot of money in the lotery.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Ursus on July 06, 2009, 06:42:40 AM
I have 2 friends called Johnny McCullaugh and Steven McKee

I had a dream my then 15year old sister got pregnant to a guy called Jonny McKee - man i was suspicious of them for a long while
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: nodeal on July 06, 2009, 09:35:15 AM
I have a dream journal

here are some tips :

keep it near your bed

as soon as you wake up, surround yourself in brown so you can ground and remember most of your dreams

when you go to bed, vizualize royal blue .. this will help you skip past the astral realm which can be dangerous and go straight into hyperspace

good luck

oh yeah : you also need " Decoding your life " by Janet Swerdlow in order to learn how to properly interpret them

(If you call tell them Sebastian from Romania sent you )

what is astral realm and hyperspace?

This can also be first step towards lucid dreams you can control.  ;) I had a dream journal for a couple of months and one time almost realised I was in a dream.

This is my hope!
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Alex23 on July 06, 2009, 09:57:09 AM
Last night I dreamed that I woke up one morning with shitload of ugly tattoos... a huge superman cartoon on my back and some ugly shit clown in the front with some sort of big "appendage" sewed to my shoulder to represent the clown's head.

I was pretty happy to wake up and realize it was only a dream.... no offense to tattoed people on here.

??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: dr.chimps on July 06, 2009, 10:00:40 AM
My dreams are cartoon-like. I'd be wondering why the fate of the world rested on me delivering a truckload of popsicles to Colonel Zap.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Alex23 on July 06, 2009, 10:03:39 AM
My dreams are cartoon-like. I'd be wondering why the fate of the world rested on me delivering a truckload of popsicles to Colonel Zap.

Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: figgs on July 06, 2009, 01:46:47 PM
duuude you gotta study this shit first. You don't know what the astral realm is? How long have we been friends?! Where do you think you travel in your dreams?

This is from my book Awakening Your Divine Ka

Astral Body: (1) exact etheric double of the physical body which leaves the body while we sleep and travels in the astral and higher planes; (2) connected to the body at all times with a silver cord in the third chakra, or solar plexus. (3) While we sleep, the astral body contains our consciousness and goes into other realms to act out and heal karmic patterns, clear the subconscious, learn from higher beings, create the future, heal the past, interact with other humans, and explore. (4) When we are awake, the astral body is blended with the physical body and brings psychic protection to the body and aura if it is in healthy condition.

Astral Planes: (1) nonphysical realms of consciousness corresponding to the physical world but not of it. (2) Lower-astral planes are referred to as 'bardos' in buddhism, or the dark underworld. hell, and hades in western society. They consist of parasitic entities, denied aspects of human consciousness, thoughtform entities (thoughtforms that have become self-aware and self-sustaining), and projections created by negative emotions. The realm of 'bogey men,' monsters, and your wort-feared agendas. (3) When emotions are held onto and believed to be based in truth instead of being seen simply as emotions, they become negative. Examples: phobias, revenge, lust and sexual fantasies devoid of love and spirit connection; repressed and justified fear, anger, rage, hate, blame, self-pitying victimhood, control, and greed. These energies, as well as physical abuse, rape, drugs, alcohol, indulgence in negative thinking, past-life murder or suicide, and absence of spiritual connectedness, pull humans into the lower-astral planes. (4) There are also higher-astral planes that correspond to the physical world such as the geometric plane, causal plane, interlinking communication network, past and future etheric double of all physical existence and experience, and the Akashic Records. These realms are generally accessed during sleep by the astral body. (5) the dark polarity of the fourth and fifth dimensions. The beings on these realms impulse humans via their own vices, negative thoughtforms, repressed emotions, and denied or unhealed shadow sides.

Here's how the book Between The Gates defines dreaming:

Normal Dreaming: Dreams are the most common, fragmented, and unreliable means of experiencing inner worlds because they depend on inner energies working to the surface of the operator's consciousness remembering them in some meaningful way on awakening. Normal dreams, however, are a valuable tool for taking the next step, directed dreaming, for reaching the inner worlds. Inner dreaming, in fact, may be passed over entirely, and lucid dreaming directly experienced in some instances.

Directed Dreaming: Directed dreaming in nearly identical to pathworking, only the story is not described in detail. Instead, the dreamer imagines a particular setting, or possibly a scene from an unfinished previous dream, while going to sleep. At the same time, the dreamer gives verbal affirmations of the intention to dream about this particular subject. This is a very useful method for use in problem solving.

Do more research on your own. It's time to evolve, bros!
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Griffith on July 06, 2009, 02:56:27 PM
the most fucked up dreams are when you won a lot of money in the lotery.
I've dreamed that I dreamed that I won the lottery and then woke up and couldn't believe that it wasn't a dream but real....then woke up  :-[
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Dredlock Rasta on July 06, 2009, 03:42:18 PM
Carl Jung was an advocate of keeping a dream journal. Look for reoccuring themes or circles. Never let someone else interpert you dreams. Read Jung's work. Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: The Master on July 06, 2009, 03:48:00 PM
I have a dream journal

here are some tips :

keep it near your bed

as soon as you wake up, surround yourself in brown so you can ground and remember most of your dreams

when you go to bed, vizualize royal blue .. this will help you skip past the astral realm which can be dangerous and go straight into hyperspace

good luck

oh yeah : you also need " Decoding your life " by Janet Swerdlow in order to learn how to properly interpret them

(If you call tell them Sebastian from Romania sent you )

Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Alex23 on July 06, 2009, 04:01:49 PM
astral is in between phisycal reality and hyperspace

hyperspace is pure energy, pure thought ( that's the REAL reality )

astral is an in between area where you can creata physicality if you wish

astral is to phisical reality and hyperspace what water is to ice and vapor  ;)

our "physical" reality is concentrated thought

your body is the representation of the mindpattern of your soul personality through the blueprint of the DNA

The DNA is the link between thought and matter ;)

In the astral realm there are many extraterestrial entities that could harm you or use you .... dangerous zone that needs to be bypassed

also when you physically die your soul personality first goes to astral then to hyperspace

Shit I wanna hit spellcheck so badly...
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 06, 2009, 04:34:31 PM
Shit I wanna hit spellcheck so badly...
too lazy to pay attention ... I could write correctly if I put a little effort into it but I'm lazy like that
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: nodeal on July 06, 2009, 06:24:42 PM
astral is in between phisycal reality and hyperspace

hyperspace is pure energy, pure thought ( that's the REAL reality )

astral is an in between area where you can creata physicality if you wish

astral is to phisical reality and hyperspace what water is to ice and vapor  ;)

our "physical" reality is concentrated thought

your body is the representation of the mindpattern of your soul personality through the blueprint of the DNA

The DNA is the link between thought and matter ;)

In the astral realm there are many extraterestrial entities that could harm you or use you .... dangerous zone that needs to be bypassed

also when you physically die your soul personality first goes to astral then to hyperspace

Thank you for your insight.

duuude you gotta study this shit first. You don't know what the astral realm is? How long have we been friends?! Where do you think you travel in your dreams?

This is from my book Awakening Your Divine Ka

Astral Body: (1) exact etheric double of the physical body which leaves the body while we sleep and travels in the astral and higher planes; (2) connected to the body at all times with a silver cord in the third chakra, or solar plexus. (3) While we sleep, the astral body contains our consciousness and goes into other realms to act out and heal karmic patterns, clear the subconscious, learn from higher beings, create the future, heal the past, interact with other humans, and explore. (4) When we are awake, the astral body is blended with the physical body and brings psychic protection to the body and aura if it is in healthy condition.

Astral Planes: (1) nonphysical realms of consciousness corresponding to the physical world but not of it. (2) Lower-astral planes are referred to as 'bardos' in buddhism, or the dark underworld. hell, and hades in western society. They consist of parasitic entities, denied aspects of human consciousness, thoughtform entities (thoughtforms that have become self-aware and self-sustaining), and projections created by negative emotions. The realm of 'bogey men,' monsters, and your wort-feared agendas. (3) When emotions are held onto and believed to be based in truth instead of being seen simply as emotions, they become negative. Examples: phobias, revenge, lust and sexual fantasies devoid of love and spirit connection; repressed and justified fear, anger, rage, hate, blame, self-pitying victimhood, control, and greed. These energies, as well as physical abuse, rape, drugs, alcohol, indulgence in negative thinking, past-life murder or suicide, and absence of spiritual connectedness, pull humans into the lower-astral planes. (4) There are also higher-astral planes that correspond to the physical world such as the geometric plane, causal plane, interlinking communication network, past and future etheric double of all physical existence and experience, and the Akashic Records. These realms are generally accessed during sleep by the astral body. (5) the dark polarity of the fourth and fifth dimensions. The beings on these realms impulse humans via their own vices, negative thoughtforms, repressed emotions, and denied or unhealed shadow sides.

Here's how the book Between The Gates defines dreaming:

Normal Dreaming: Dreams are the most common, fragmented, and unreliable means of experiencing inner worlds because they depend on inner energies working to the surface of the operator's consciousness remembering them in some meaningful way on awakening. Normal dreams, however, are a valuable tool for taking the next step, directed dreaming, for reaching the inner worlds. Inner dreaming, in fact, may be passed over entirely, and lucid dreaming directly experienced in some instances.

Directed Dreaming: Directed dreaming in nearly identical to pathworking, only the story is not described in detail. Instead, the dreamer imagines a particular setting, or possibly a scene from an unfinished previous dream, while going to sleep. At the same time, the dreamer gives verbal affirmations of the intention to dream about this particular subject. This is a very useful method for use in problem solving.

Do more research on your own. It's time to evolve, bros!

HAHA thanks man I'm psyched.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: uberman09 on July 06, 2009, 06:37:14 PM
Gonna keep it by my bedside so I can quickly record any dreams I have. I'll be able to reflect on them and discover more about my inner self. Anyone else do this?
just try to remember everything from your childhood you dumbfuck, then you'll understand your unconscious.
Title: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: nodeal on July 07, 2009, 01:20:14 AM
Anyone else love nightmares? I think they're awesome. I love falling off some sort of edge such as a cliff or bridge and plunging to the ground in a dream and jolting awake right before hitting the ground. I love when I'm being chased and I can't run fast. It feels like I'm underwater and some crazy dude is catching up to me. I'm down for any nightmare...falling, running for my life, in near death situations, being in the path of a tornado, parents dying, whatever... so thrilling waking up and  saying "Oh shit!".
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 01:21:58 AM
Anyone else love nightmares? I think they're awesome. I love falling off some sort of edge such as a cliff or bridge and plunging to the ground in a dream and jolting awake right before hitting the ground. I love when I'm being chased and I can't run fast. It feels like I'm underwater and some crazy dude is catching up to me. I'm down for any nightmare...falling, running for my life, in near death situations, being in the path of a tornado, parents dying, whatever... so thrilling waking up and  saying "Oh shit!".

You wrote about starting a dream-log. Not getting into lucid dreaming, are we? :D
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: webcake on July 07, 2009, 01:22:25 AM
Get some ZMA. It didn't do anything for me, but a lot of people who take it report of having very vivid dreams.....
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: nodeal on July 07, 2009, 01:24:41 AM

You wrote about starting a dream-log. Not getting into lucid dreaming, are we? :D

Last night was a successful logging of ONE of my dreams I had, but I forgot several others. Mexican laborers interrupted my sleep in the morning. I will continue the dream journal habit into this next sleep. We shall see what is recorded tomorrow when I wake up. Hopefully lucid dreaming will become a consistent thing pretty soon.
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 01:25:27 AM
Last night was a successful logging of ONE of my dreams I had, but I forgot several others. Mexican laborers interrupted my sleep in the morning. I will continue the dream journal habit into this next sleep. We shall see what is recorded tomorrow when I wake up. Hopefully lucid dreaming will become a consistent thing pretty soon.

Have you started doing reality-checks throughout the day as well?
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: Mars on July 07, 2009, 01:26:17 AM
i hear you, i only have nightmares when im very needy to urinate. i love the adventures i experience then.
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: nodeal on July 07, 2009, 01:26:47 AM
Get some ZMA. It didn't do anything for me, but a lot of people who take it report of having very vivid dreams.....
Interesting...going to bed after a night of drinking makes you have vivid dreams as well
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: nodeal on July 07, 2009, 01:27:46 AM
Have you started doing reality-checks throughout the day as well?

I try to say every now and then "Is this is a dream? Am I really awake? How do I know if I am awake or dreaming?", questioning the very moment. It is hard to commit myself to this for some reason.
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 01:29:55 AM
I try to say every now and then "Is this is a dream? Am I really awake? How do I know if I am awake or dreaming?", questioning the very moment. It is hard to commit myself to this for some reason.

Commitment comes with repetition. The more you do it, the better you'll get.

Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: clued-up on July 07, 2009, 01:42:13 AM
Anyone else love nightmares? I think they're awesome. I love falling off some sort of edge such as a cliff or bridge and plunging to the ground in a dream and jolting awake right before hitting the ground. I love when I'm being chased and I can't run fast. It feels like I'm underwater and some crazy dude is catching up to me. I'm down for any nightmare...falling, running for my life, in near death situations, being in the path of a tornado, parents dying, whatever... so thrilling waking up and  saying "Oh shit!".

Once you have a real nightmare, you will never want one again. There is some sinister shit out there.. and its not nice.
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 01:43:03 AM
Once you have a real nightmare, you will never want one again. There is some sinister shit out there.. and its not nice.

Ohh no! Did you dream about alien anal probes raping your ass in a spaceship ??? ??? :o
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: clued-up on July 07, 2009, 01:47:02 AM

Ohh no! Did you dream about alien anal probes raping your ass in a spaceship ??? ??? :o

that wouldn't be a nightmare.. replace *alien anal probe*.. with a large circumference paint brush, and we're talking wet dream.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Ursus on July 07, 2009, 03:17:18 AM
dreams are our thoughts and experiences

NOT a way to tell our future
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 03:19:02 AM
dreams are our thoughts and experiences

NOT a way to tell our future

You are not 100% correct here. Dreams can show indications of your dominant personality traits, and these traits influences your actions and therefore forms your future.
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 07, 2009, 03:20:23 AM

Ohh no! Did you dream about alien anal probes raping your ass in a spaceship ??? ??? :o
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 07, 2009, 03:21:19 AM
You are not 100% correct here. Dreams can show indications of your dominant personality traits, and these traits influences your actions and therefore forms your future.

oh brother ... stick to one liners

dreams are hyperspace info pertinent to the person receiving them
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 03:22:09 AM

oh brother ... stick to one liners

dreams are hyperspace info pertinent to the person receiving them


Can you prove this statement?
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: Ursus on July 07, 2009, 03:25:50 AM
For a few years i always had the same dream then would wake up adn vomit.

I was about 10-14

It was all black with suspended platforms like the 'Worms' game and i had to constantly eat the platforms. evebn during the dream id feel so so sick  got it maybe 10 times
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Ursus on July 07, 2009, 03:26:40 AM
In romania are the dreams poorer sev? are they darker and smellier like real life?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 03:27:58 AM
what a dumb fuck  ::)

this question alone renders you on an absolutely moronic level

You mean actually questioning a bizarre and unlikely statement = wrong and turns one into an idiot? Are not new knowledge often learned by "asking questions"? ;D
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 07, 2009, 03:31:08 AM

You mean actually questioning a bizarre and unlikely statement = wrong and turns one into an idiot? Are not new knowledge often learned by "asking questions"? ;D
to a 3 yo kid 1+1=2 may seem bizzarre andincomprehensible so you should not be so harsh on yourself
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: The Master on July 07, 2009, 03:32:29 AM
to a 3 yo kid 1+1=2 may seem bizzarre andincomprehensible so you should not be so harsh on yourself

When is the scientific backing of your statements coming Spermy? :D
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: emn1964 on July 07, 2009, 07:31:37 AM
try st. john's wort, gave me some really vivid dreams.
Title: Re: I wanna have nightmares
Post by: nodeal on July 07, 2009, 09:54:08 AM
For a few years i always had the same dream then would wake up adn vomit.

I was about 10-14

It was all black with suspended platforms like the 'Worms' game and i had to constantly eat the platforms. evebn during the dream id feel so so sick  got it maybe 10 times

sounds INTENSE. I don't think I would enjoy that very much as much as I love dreaming.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Ursus on July 07, 2009, 10:11:17 AM
It was so dark and shit and i was on my own and i was just jumping trying to get out. Then woke up and  boked.

Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Man of Steel on July 07, 2009, 10:30:39 AM
Gonna keep it by my bedside so I can quickly record any dreams I have. I'll be able to reflect on them and discover more about my inner self. Anyone else do this?

I'd say without filling out the dream journal you've just learned how much you love the dong.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Alex23 on July 07, 2009, 03:47:37 PM
I'd say without filling out the dream journal you've just learned how much you love the dong.


Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: nodeal on July 08, 2009, 12:28:40 AM
I'd say without filling out the dream journal you've just learned how much you love the dong.


Dreams are awesome.

Come on champs...contribute to the topic at hand. What are some your more memorable dreams?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2009, 03:16:37 AM
Dreams are awesome.

Come on champs...contribute to the topic at hand. What are some your more memorable dreams?

I used to have falling dreams as a kid, a few a year.  My body would contort and there would be a feeling of terror and a 'climb the rope in gym class' sensation in my guts, except nasty, not nifty.

They say if you hit the ground before you wake up you'll die or some nonsense.  Around age 12 or so I had one of these dreams and knew I was dreaming so I decided, 'in midair,' to keep my eyes shut.  When I hit the ground I bounced a couple of times, realized I was fine, and decided to wake up.  Haven't had a falling dream since.

A psych would probably like to tell me all about what it 'means' but it seems reasonable to me that a fear of falling could be an instinct remaining from the monkey days.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 08, 2009, 03:19:09 AM
I used to have falling dreams as a kid, a few a year.  My body would contort and there would be a feeling of terror and a 'climb the rope in gym class' sensation in my guts, except nasty, not nifty.

They say if you hit the ground before you wake up you'll die or some nonsense.  Around age 12 or so I had one of these dreams and knew I was dreaming so I decided, 'in midair,' to keep my eyes shut.  When I hit the ground I bounced a couple of times, realized I was fine, and decided to wake up.  Haven't had a falling dream since.

A psych would probably like to tell me all about what it 'means' but it seems reasonable to me that a fear of falling could be an instinct remaining from the monkey days.
have you ever had dreams about going into elevators or corridors with rooms ?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2009, 03:28:06 AM
have you ever had dreams about going into elevators or corridors with rooms ?

Not that I recall.  What is the significance of those dreams?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 08, 2009, 03:29:50 AM
Not that I recall.  What is the significance of those dreams?
going in the compartimentalized mind ...signs of a speciffically programmed person

as well as rotating fans or propellers
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2009, 03:41:23 AM
going in the compartimentalized mind ...signs of a speciffically programmed person

as well as rotating fans or propellers

As in programmed by someone else?  Isn't this what they call a 'paranoid delusion' Sev?  :D

The mind is not a computer.  It is conscious.  You've got to be applying the word 'programmed' equivocally.
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 08, 2009, 03:48:07 AM
As in programmed by someone else?  Isn't this what they call a 'paranoid delusion' Sev?  :D

The mind is not a computer.  It is conscious.  You've got to be applying the word 'programmed' equivocally.
the mind can be compartimentalized and programmed

I take offense in what you say because I am a person who has gone through that experience

read the basics bellow please :

" What is programming? It is a method of altering and adding to the mind-patterns and thought-forms innate to an individual and population for the purposes of manipulating the actions, reactions, and plans of that population ~ in this case, our planet Earth. Programming is the software embedded in the brain to monitor all functions.

What is mind-control? It is the application of the programming software as it steers and directs the activities of the individual in every aspect of life. The individual is not able to discern his/her own thoughts from those which are artificially induced.

The process started aeons ago on this planet with a group calling itself "The Illuminati." The Illuminati consists of 13 families who control and manipulate all things on Earth, as well as the 300 families who work directly for them. This is not conspiracy theory; this is fact.

Throughout historical experience, it is known that the only way for a relatively small group to safely and logically control billions of others, is to control their minds and also their bodies.

Through techniques developed before this world began, it was discovered that when a mind is traumatized by torture, fear, and pain, the individual personality fractures and segments in order to deal with the trauma. When this split occurs, it naturally creates a cube or matrix that is layered 13 x 13 x 13. This means that there are 2,197 separate components or compartments of a personality that can be reprogrammed into alter personalities or partial personalities within the same individual. All are pieces of the whole; the programming prevents integration and cohesiveness.

The entire population of the world in the 21st Century is programmed—mostly subliminally via satellite transmissions, television, radio, and ground antennae that transmit ELF and microwave signals. These signals piggyback the brain waves to download information and instruction.

Globally, about 2% of the population, or about 130 million people, are specifically programmed. This means that they were physically taken for programming sessions that involved the use of technology, sexual abuse, torture, drugs, and a host of other methodologies.

In the United States, about 5% of the population, or about 15 million people, are specifically programmed. These people are known as "sleepers," "Monarchs," and/or "sex-slaves." As you read, please keep in mind that the purpose of this book is to demonstrate case studies and their deprogramming. Deprogramming is a slow and tedious process that is like an archeological dig. You cannot just stick the shovel in the ground because you might damage something. You need to slowly brush away and release each little layer until the buried artifacts and treasures are revealed. Only then can they be saved intact and preserved.

In deprogramming, each layer of the control system must be carefully examined, cleaned, and merged back into the original personality so that the end result is a whole and cohesive functioning total human being with all the faculties, memories, and mind-patterns operating perfectly. This is the goal of what I do.

Alters are surfacing in many programmed people. Some lead to suicide programming and other functions that are malevolent. If you can consciously download the programming before it is externally triggered, then you can effectively preclude the programmed functions from occurring, thus giving the individual back control of his/her own life. When programs are triggered, the individual learns to recognize the switch or the anomaly. He/she is then able to work on merging this back into the original personality, which is really centered at the reptilian brainstem before feeding into the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Working within a programming cube of 2,197 compartments is a formidable task. One must be patient and truly willing to work on the process until completion. Completion which may not even occur in this lifetime, depends upon how old one is when the deprogramming process begins.

In the following section are stories written by individuals who are specifically programmed and have worked with me in deprogramming themselves. The stories are in their own words and are presented as an example of the various types of programming nuances that can exist.


Table of Contents


Section 1: Case Studies & Analyses
1. Stalker Programming
2. Presidential Model Programming
3. The Seeding Program
4. Experimental Monarch Programming
5. Male Monarch Programming
6. Disney Programming
7. Green Star Programming
8. Elite Descendent Programming
9. Failed Termination
10. Androgyny Programming
11. Monarch Breeding Programming
12. Cult Programming
13. Vigilante Sleeper Programming

Section 2: Unusual Programming & Experiments
1. Destroyers
2. Name Changers
3. Channelers
4. Walk-ins
5. Religious Fundamentalists

Section 3: Common Programming
1. Seeding Programming
2. Suicide Programming
3. Green Star Programming
4. Monarch Programming

Section 4: Deprogramming
1. Deprogramming Techniques
2. Technology Techniques
3. Elixirs
4. Deprogramming Training

Section 5: Supportive Articles by Janet Swerdlow
1. Layers of Mind-Control & Programming
2. Compartmentalization
3. Nowhere to Hide but Deep Inside
4. Exploring the Darkness
5. Red, White & Blue... Are These Triggers for You?
6. Do Unto Others... The Reptilian Balance
7. Wake-Up Call
8. Who's Going to Win?
9. Becoming Invincible
10. Practical Tips & Affirmations"
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2009, 04:09:27 AM
How did I know you'd post something like that?  Did you program me Sevastase?!

I take offense in what you say because I am a person who has gone through that experience

Well then I'm sorry dammit.  I'm glad you managed to free yourself from the insidious mind control of THEM and are here to expose the shocking, shocking truth.  Do THEY target bodybuilders?  Are we really in danger?!
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 08, 2009, 04:39:08 AM
How did I know you'd post something like that?  Did you program me Sevastase?!

Well then I'm sorry dammit.  I'm glad you managed to free yourself from the insidious mind control of THEM and are here to expose the shocking, shocking truth.  Do THEY target bodybuilders?  Are we really in danger?!
thought I could have an intelligent conv w/ you

Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2009, 04:44:00 AM
thought I could have an intelligent conv w/ you


I'm too tired to tackle world domination conspiracy theories right now.  Perhaps we could address tin foil hat issues some other time?
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on July 08, 2009, 04:46:39 AM
I'm too tired to tackle world domination conspiracy theories right now.  Perhaps we could address tin foil hat issues some other time?
still ironic

read this ... then we could talk about it
Title: Re: Just started a dream journal...
Post by: Tapeworm on July 08, 2009, 04:48:14 AM
still ironic

It's what I have in lieu of wit.