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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: Eyeball Chambers on August 08, 2009, 05:23:23 AM

Title: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on August 08, 2009, 05:23:23 AM
From what I've seen on TV (BBC, BBC America, etc...) British people have a very low standard of living?  It seems that many of them have very dirty homes, (also very small) that they eat a lot of junk food, and have many many troubled children. 

Is this just the way the British are portrayed by the media, or are they really "off"?

WTF?  ???

Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: affeman on August 08, 2009, 05:25:45 AM
Britain is a shithole.

Only ugly people there.
Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: webcake on August 08, 2009, 05:25:48 AM
It is a dirty, dark, depressing country. Horrific weather. Raining all the time. No wonder they are so fat, pale, ugly, miserable and shocking, shocking teeth.
Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: Quickerblade on August 08, 2009, 05:27:25 AM
It is a dirty, dark, depressing country. Horrific weather. Raining all the time. No wonder they are so fat, pale, ugly, miserable and shocking, shocking teeth.
hahhhahaha why the fuck do so many aussies go there?
Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: Reign Down on August 08, 2009, 05:28:46 AM
It is a dirty, dark, depressing country. Horrific weather. Raining all the time. No wonder they are so fat, pale, ugly, miserable and shocking, shocking teeth.

Yeah "webcke" how long did you live there for?

ta ta
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on August 08, 2009, 05:29:15 AM
Even Anna's family from the movie "Eastern Promises".   They had a rather small out dated looking (government run?) apartment (or small house?) that they all shared.

I'm not making fun, I'm thoroughly curious.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on August 08, 2009, 05:30:55 AM
99% of the English are low life ugly scumbags. Probabably 90% in Scotland.  Rest of us have it pretty good. :)
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: webcake on August 08, 2009, 05:31:54 AM
hahhhahaha why the fuck do so many aussies go there?

I too wonder this. They always seem to come back eventually. And the poms are always trying to move here.....
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: affeman on August 08, 2009, 05:32:53 AM
99% of the English are low life ugly scumbags.

The other 1 % are aristocrats, in the fashion industry or metrosexual soccer players.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Quickerblade on August 08, 2009, 05:33:20 AM
I too wonder this. They always seem to come back eventually. And the poms are always trying to move here.....

and there easy to fuck to..they dont even tease you with the pussy.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ex Coelis on August 08, 2009, 05:43:20 AM
How Clean is Your House is a terrific program that shows the true depth of their Dickensian squalor

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: local hero on August 08, 2009, 06:28:27 AM
99% of the English are low life ugly scumbags. Probabably 90% in Scotland.  Rest of us have it pretty good. :)

ha, epic nation of heroin injecting fried mars bar eating jock c,unts!!!

there is however a very large gap between rich and poor tho!

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Schmoe Buster on August 08, 2009, 07:18:51 AM
I thought London was great when I was there, was 10 years ago though
Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: whataname on August 08, 2009, 07:28:33 AM
Britain is a shithole.

Only ugly people there.

with all due respect you don't know what you talking about!!!


Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Nordic Beast on August 08, 2009, 07:35:08 AM
How Clean is Your House is a terrific program that shows the true depth of their Dickensian squalor

am I the only one who would bang that blond haired cleaning chick??

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: dr.chimps on August 08, 2009, 07:38:23 AM
How Clean is Your House is a terrific program that shows the true depth of their Dickensian squalor

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: lax on August 08, 2009, 07:39:51 AM

"please sir, may I have some more...?"

Britain + USA= smokes rest of world
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 08, 2009, 07:42:42 AM
I have always enjoyed my jaunts to the motherland.  Weather was never as bad as many believe and excellent beer and nightlife. 
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Nordic Beast on August 08, 2009, 07:56:21 AM
you tits need to have some respect for wonder that is Britain

what other little island had so much a vast empire that the sun never set on their land??
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Lynchie on August 08, 2009, 07:59:47 AM
Lived here for 29 years of my life. Full of lowlife, dole tossing, low IQ'd, xenophobic, fat, stupid, lazy girls. London is ok since it has an international flavour and you don't have to deal with too many English wankers. Saying that, most of them here in London is educated, well traveled and people you can have a beer with.
Once you go outside the city and wade into the little towns, get ready to stab you eyes out and hang yourself. It's truly only places you can live in if you were born there and even then the slightly more intelligent ones get the fuck out quickly. The media is so fucking stupid even just walking past a TV or newspaper is a deadly assault on your brain cells, hence the fact I have not touch a newspaper (pissed on a few) or owned a TV since 2002. The current prevailing mentality is that of an empire lost and blaming it on foreigners, not our own government who fucked us over. The majority of our indigenous scumbags pray to the altar of celebrity and football and feast on tabloids to feed their need for cheap and easy trash. One of our most popular 'celebrities' does nothing more than fall drunkenly, half naked from one shithole club to another. She is idolized with strings of trashy books and who knows what the fuck else.
Friday nights in some of the bigger towns is a novel that was written years ago, it never changes. Fat male factory workers/bank workers/estate agents goes out to their local piss-hole dressed in £60 white shirts from Next with their only pair of very expensive shoes. The 'women' would squeeze their size 22 bodies into size 10 dresses. They usually go by the names of Gemma, Sara, Katie and is 90% of the time dog fucking ugly.

That my friends, is UK in painted in broad strokes. Ask if you want to know more, i swing past here once a month or so.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ex Coelis on August 08, 2009, 08:03:55 AM
you forgot lottery tickets

I read they have keen strategies for winning
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: spinnis on August 08, 2009, 08:09:22 AM

wtf, he looks like a handsome 25 yr old in the face haha
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: spinnis on August 08, 2009, 08:10:21 AM
english women are FUGLY.

BUT the ones that are hot are Super goodlooking.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: spinnis on August 08, 2009, 08:12:06 AM
they are usually more Cute then hot though.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: whataname on August 08, 2009, 08:17:35 AM

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on August 08, 2009, 08:26:29 AM
Lived here for 29 years of my life. Full of lowlife, dole tossing, low IQ'd, xenophobic, fat, stupid, lazy girls. London is ok since it has an international flavour and you don't have to deal with too many English wankers. Saying that, most of them here in London is educated, well traveled and people you can have a beer with.
Once you go outside the city and wade into the little towns, get ready to stab you eyes out and hang yourself. It's truly only places you can live in if you were born there and even then the slightly more intelligent ones get the fuck out quickly. The media is so fucking stupid even just walking past a TV or newspaper is a deadly assault on your brain cells, hence the fact I have not touch a newspaper (pissed on a few) or owned a TV since 2002. The current prevailing mentality is that of an empire lost and blaming it on foreigners, not our own government who fucked us over. The majority of our indigenous scumbags pray to the altar of celebrity and football and feast on tabloids to feed their need for cheap and easy trash. One of our most popular 'celebrities' does nothing more than fall drunkenly, half naked from one shithole club to another. She is idolized with strings of trashy books and who knows what the fuck else.
Friday nights in some of the bigger towns is a novel that was written years ago, it never changes. Fat male factory workers/bank workers/estate agents goes out to their local piss-hole dressed in £60 white shirts from Next with their only pair of very expensive shoes. The 'women' would squeeze their size 22 bodies into size 10 dresses. They usually go by the names of Gemma, Sara, Katie and is 90% of the time dog fucking ugly.

That my friends, is UK in painted in broad strokes. Ask if you want to know more, i swing past here once a month or so.

Hilarious and informative, thank you  ;D
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: divcom on August 08, 2009, 08:52:04 AM
brit women


sisters of 5 star


not bad from a minority stand pt.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: leonp1981 on August 08, 2009, 09:16:04 AM
Haha, there's a lot of hate going on in this thread.  It's nowhere near as bad as people are making out.  Yeah, we've got our problems, too much immigration, a government which is struggling with it's economy, whilst giving endless benefits and priorities to the immigrants.

The towns are generally nice, lots of history, but there is always an area/area's that are lower class, scruffy, and full of scum.

The women are a wide spectrum, you get some astoundingly good looking girls, followed by some 20 stone hippotroll.

The major problem is that we don't seem to have any self-respect left.  The government/local council's have virtually prohibited any form of patriotism, classing it as racism.  All forms of media are negative, spending more time slagging off the government and glamourising talentless celebrities.  The majority of people are too uneducated/brainwashed to be able to make their own decisions, and so just repeat whatever they've read in the newspapers.

At the end of the day, it's probably very similar to any other country.  The first three points could just as easily be applied to the USA.  Where the US differs is that you still have a very strong sense of national pride and you are allowed to show it.  Until we can start doing that again, we're gonna continue down a very slippery slope.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Tyr on August 08, 2009, 09:40:56 AM

The women are a wide spectrum, you get some astoundingly good looking girls, followed by some 20 stone hippotroll.

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Army of One on August 08, 2009, 09:53:32 AM
One of our most popular 'celebrities' does nothing more than fall drunkenly, half naked from one shithole club to another. She is idolized with strings of trashy books and who knows what the fuck else.

Jodie Marsh?Jordan?That could be one of hundreds
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: bradistani on August 08, 2009, 11:16:49 AM
i wouldn't wanna live anywhere else  :)

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Immortal_Technique on August 08, 2009, 11:52:36 AM

World's sexiest woman right there. Simon Cowell is throwing money at her to do American idol but she doesn't want to move there.

Regarding size of houses we probably do have smaller houses. They are made of brick and not wood, and they don't blow away in strong winds.

The way I see it, we invented you, we still have all the good music, we're not all lame and over the top emotional/neurotic. We have a concept of irony, and we have history extending beyond 50 years ago.

Aside from these things you guys are better  ;D

It's funny any American would bring up the fatness thing when America is well documented as being the fattest country in the world. Bwahaha

P.S. This is probably a meltdown, but Americans seem to lack self awareness sometimes so I thought I'd help some of you out :D :D
Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: johnnynoname on August 08, 2009, 11:55:57 AM
with all due respect you don't know what you talking about!!!



whenever i see that dude, this song plays in my head

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on August 08, 2009, 11:58:20 AM
Lived here for 29 years of my life. Full of lowlife, dole tossing, low IQ'd, xenophobic, fat, stupid, lazy girls. London is ok since it has an international flavour and you don't have to deal with too many English wankers. Saying that, most of them here in London is educated, well traveled and people you can have a beer with.
Once you go outside the city and wade into the little towns, get ready to stab you eyes out and hang yourself. It's truly only places you can live in if you were born there and even then the slightly more intelligent ones get the fuck out quickly. The media is so fucking stupid even just walking past a TV or newspaper is a deadly assault on your brain cells, hence the fact I have not touch a newspaper (pissed on a few) or owned a TV since 2002. The current prevailing mentality is that of an empire lost and blaming it on foreigners, not our own government who fucked us over. The majority of our indigenous scumbags pray to the altar of celebrity and football and feast on tabloids to feed their need for cheap and easy trash. One of our most popular 'celebrities' does nothing more than fall drunkenly, half naked from one shithole club to another. She is idolized with strings of trashy books and who knows what the fuck else.
Friday nights in some of the bigger towns is a novel that was written years ago, it never changes. Fat male factory workers/bank workers/estate agents goes out to their local piss-hole dressed in £60 white shirts from Next with their only pair of very expensive shoes. The 'women' would squeeze their size 22 bodies into size 10 dresses. They usually go by the names of Gemma, Sara, Katie and is 90% of the time dog fucking ugly.

That my friends, is UK in painted in broad strokes. Ask if you want to know more, i swing past here once a month or so.
A few very slight alterations there and it would be an amazingly accurate description of Ireland also
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: lax on August 08, 2009, 12:00:54 PM

World's sexiest woman right there. Simon Cowell is throwing money at her to do American idol but she doesn't want to move there.

Regarding size of houses we probably do have smaller houses. They are made of brick and not wood, and they don't blow away in strong winds.

The way I see it, we invented you, we still have all the good music, we're not all lame and over the top emotional/neurotic. We have a concept of irony, and we have history extending beyond 50 years ago.

Aside from these things you guys are better  ;D

and accomplished in only under 300 years! ;)
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: PJim on August 08, 2009, 12:45:47 PM
There are shit-hole areas in every country on every continent. The image that most people get of Britain is warped to say the least, there is a lot of beatiful countryside and some very old but awe-inspiring buildings, e.g. cathedrals and whatnot. The problem that occurs is that groups of shadows move into an area, ruin it i.e. paint their house number on the actual house, build unplanned, shoddy self designed extensions and open 20 "supermarkets" full of the same old shitty rice and curry powder.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: bodybuilder1234 on August 08, 2009, 12:52:24 PM
Yeh, parts of England are unbearable to live in. South London being one of them.

But people who generally hate and bitch about where they live should concentrate more on themselves
Title: Re: Question about people from the Britain
Post by: ChristopherA on August 08, 2009, 12:54:38 PM


[/quote]Monster v-neck
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: johnnynoname on August 08, 2009, 12:55:45 PM
scott alexander= the British version of JNN
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: NotMrAverage on August 08, 2009, 01:03:13 PM

HAHAHAHA great pic! Went to England once and I will never ever go back. It sucked so fucking bad man. The chicks are so fucking ugly and behaves like men. This girl would even be considerd hot by most english men. Land of the wanker!
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Darren Avey on August 08, 2009, 01:38:13 PM
Its the political correct bullshit and stupid rules and regulations that are ruining this country.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Griffith on August 08, 2009, 02:17:13 PM
Lived here for 29 years of my life. Full of lowlife, dole tossing, low IQ'd, xenophobic, fat, stupid, lazy girls. London is ok since it has an international flavour and you don't have to deal with too many English wankers. Saying that, most of them here in London is educated, well traveled and people you can have a beer with.
Once you go outside the city and wade into the little towns, get ready to stab you eyes out and hang yourself. It's truly only places you can live in if you were born there and even then the slightly more intelligent ones get the fuck out quickly. The media is so fucking stupid even just walking past a TV or newspaper is a deadly assault on your brain cells, hence the fact I have not touch a newspaper (pissed on a few) or owned a TV since 2002. The current prevailing mentality is that of an empire lost and blaming it on foreigners, not our own government who fucked us over. The majority of our indigenous scumbags pray to the altar of celebrity and football and feast on tabloids to feed their need for cheap and easy trash. One of our most popular 'celebrities' does nothing more than fall drunkenly, half naked from one shithole club to another. She is idolized with strings of trashy books and who knows what the fuck else.
Friday nights in some of the bigger towns is a novel that was written years ago, it never changes. Fat male factory workers/bank workers/estate agents goes out to their local piss-hole dressed in £60 white shirts from Next with their only pair of very expensive shoes. The 'women' would squeeze their size 22 bodies into size 10 dresses. They usually go by the names of Gemma, Sara, Katie and is 90% of the time dog fucking ugly.

That my friends, is UK in painted in broad strokes. Ask if you want to know more, i swing past here once a month or so.

Surprisingly accurate!  ;D
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: KevinP85 on August 08, 2009, 02:24:21 PM
"please sir, may I have some more...?"

Britain + USA= smokes rest of world

You would know a thing or two about smoking, would you?? Smoking "poles," I believe!
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ursus on August 08, 2009, 02:35:21 PM
Standard of living similar to USA and other developed countries.

Houses are smaller because WAY more expensive. Houses in USA built with wood. All brick in Britain.

My house isn't big and probaly only worth 150k pounds but I am sure it would buy a much bigger house in many parts of USA.

Fast food is increasing - not as bad as USAyet.

Welfare state means its easier and more benficial financially to NOT work and life off handouts in the majority of cases. We have now 3rd generation scroungers in UK. Free money, cars and housing.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ursus on August 08, 2009, 02:45:01 PM
I browsed a few propertywebsites and 250,000 USD would get ahouse WAY WAY bigger than mine.

Mine is a small semi-detached with garage. Living room is 13'x15'
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: NotMrAverage on August 08, 2009, 02:47:59 PM
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: affeman on August 08, 2009, 02:53:01 PM

World's sexiest woman right there. Simon Cowell is throwing money at her to do American idol but she doesn't want to move there.

She's superhot indeed. Not the typical UK-girl.

( (

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: KevinP85 on August 08, 2009, 03:05:57 PM
She's superhot indeed. Not the typical UK-girl.

( (


She's super hot!!! :o
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ursus on August 08, 2009, 03:20:18 PM
She used to be a chav - make up stylist and money made her hotter.


Nadine is Irish and Hotter IMO

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: affeman on August 08, 2009, 03:21:31 PM
She used to be a chav - make up stylist and money made her hotter.

Makes anyone hotter.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ursus on August 08, 2009, 03:23:55 PM
Beat the shit out of some black toilet attendent also.
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Ex Coelis on August 08, 2009, 05:30:14 PM
clever programing, mind you

Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: sync pulse on August 10, 2009, 06:16:33 PM
My dad when he was being "overpaid" in Britain during WWII liked the United Kingdom and Britons in general.  I have found that with my contact with the United Kingdom identical results.  It may be something in my genetic background. I tend to like Britons of all backgrounds, and Britain in general.  I found no problem understanding all the dialects I ran into.  I found that Britons tend to like me, but then, I know how not to be an "Ugly American".
Title: Re: Question about people from Britain
Post by: Parker on August 12, 2009, 12:13:38 PM
Lived here for 29 years of my life. Full of lowlife, dole tossing, low IQ'd, xenophobic, fat, stupid, lazy girls. London is ok since it has an international flavour and you don't have to deal with too many English wankers. Saying that, most of them here in London is educated, well traveled and people you can have a beer with.
Once you go outside the city and wade into the little towns, get ready to stab you eyes out and hang yourself. It's truly only places you can live in if you were born there and even then the slightly more intelligent ones get the fuck out quickly. The media is so fucking stupid even just walking past a TV or newspaper is a deadly assault on your brain cells, hence the fact I have not touch a newspaper (pissed on a few) or owned a TV since 2002. The current prevailing mentality is that of an empire lost and blaming it on foreigners, not our own government who fucked us over. The majority of our indigenous scumbags pray to the altar of celebrity and football and feast on tabloids to feed their need for cheap and easy trash. One of our most popular 'celebrities' does nothing more than fall drunkenly, half naked from one shithole club to another. She is idolized with strings of trashy books and who knows what the fuck else.
Friday nights in some of the bigger towns is a novel that was written years ago, it never changes. Fat male factory workers/bank workers/estate agents goes out to their local piss-hole dressed in £60 white shirts from Next with their only pair of very expensive shoes. The 'women' would squeeze their size 22 bodies into size 10 dresses. They usually go by the names of Gemma, Sara, Katie and is 90% of the time dog fucking ugly.

That my friends, is UK in painted in broad strokes. Ask if you want to know more, i swing past here once a month or so.

Sounds alot like the US, except our  snack food isle in the supermarket is bigger than the health food isle