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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Darren Avey on August 24, 2009, 05:49:55 AM

Title: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Darren Avey on August 24, 2009, 05:49:55 AM
Id like to apologise for the pathetic Governments of the UK and Scotland releasing that piece of shit Lockerbie bomber "on compassionate grounds." He showed no compassion to the 270 on that plane-180 i believe were Americans
I understand the anger in your country as described by the head of the FBI.

Let me say 99% of people in the UK do not support this decision and are embarrased to be governed by these politically correct do gooder pieces of shit.
All Scots i know are very ashmed and embarrased of this and I altho English, am still British and as we are in a union with the Scots i feel embarrased too.
The UK is now  a politcally correct joke, right now £150M is being put aside to protect murderers of an 18 month old while the brave people who fought for us in wars are  being neglected.
Its one of the reasons i am joining 1000s of others and soon leaving the UK for good, this country makes me sick.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on August 24, 2009, 05:58:38 AM
Im Irish but I can tell you the irish government are equally retarded and clouded in 'political correctness'
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: MethodGNA on August 24, 2009, 06:00:21 AM
absolutely sickening..........i would like to say the uk is alone in this progression towards a socialist totalitarian state.............but america is not far behind...........the only things holding is back is a bunch of imbread , intolerant, toothless, fear-driven, bible-thumping rednecks in the midwest..............and they are not  any better, actually they might be worse.

so it might take a few more years to complete the transition.............b ut either way.......we are all fucked ;) ;)
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Schmoe Buster on August 24, 2009, 06:34:31 AM
I wish Great Britain would return to the days when it was the envy of the whole world
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: MethodGNA on August 24, 2009, 06:41:15 AM
I wish Great Britain would return to the days when it was the envy of the whole world

me too, i would move back there if it did, Britain was a beacon of light and progress for so long, and the english carried themselves with so much dignity.........brought industry to india and africa, and many other places, where before they were barbarians, gave them a system of government, taught them that they were good at serving white far everything has fallen :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Schmoe Buster on August 24, 2009, 06:45:02 AM
me too, i would move back there if it did, Britain was a beacon of light and progress for so long, and the english carried themselves with so much dignity.........brought industry to india and africa, and many other places, where before they were barbarians, gave them a system of government, taught them that they were good at serving white far everything has fallen :-\ :-\

i live in a former British colony and i can tell you that without the British it would'nt be what it is today
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Mars on August 24, 2009, 06:53:31 AM
yeah but aint there still doubts he was involved?
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: ManBearPig... on August 24, 2009, 06:54:49 AM
yeah but aint there still doubts he was involved?

nope.  he got a hero's welcome back home.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Ruffneck on August 24, 2009, 07:00:31 AM
nope.  he got a hero's welcome back home.

Sickening........Should have had a stealth bomber at the ready incase thre was any sort of celebration been thrown.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on August 24, 2009, 07:34:23 AM
I posted a similar message on the politics board.
As a Scot I am sickened by this decision as are all decent Scots. According to the press today it was actually done to prevent an investigation which would have proven it was a US citizen who was behing the bombing. A likely story I don't think.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Mars on August 24, 2009, 07:37:44 AM
just as sickening as these arabs partying when the usa blowned up their twin towers.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Purple Aki on August 24, 2009, 07:45:17 AM
yeah but aint there still doubts he was involved?

Yeah, some still believe the Iranians did it in revenge for the US shooting a plane full of their civillians down: (

US spies blamed Iran for Lockerbie bombJason Allardyce, Mark Macaskill

Recommend? (3)
Image :1 of 2
American intelligence documents blaming Iran for the Lockerbie bombing would have been produced in court if the Libyan convicted of Britain’s worst terrorist attack had not dropped his appeal.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence officer expected to be freed this week, had instructed his lawyers to produce internal US intelligence communications unavailable to his defence team at his trial in 2000.

The cables, from the American Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), suggest that Iran was behind the attack on Pan Am flight 103, which killed 270 people in 1988, in response to the shooting down of an Iranian commercial airliner by the USS Vincennes, an American warship, five months earlier.

One document that the defence team had planned to produce was a memo from the DIA dated September 24, 1989. It states: “The bombing of the Pan Am flight was conceived, authorised and financed by Ali-Akbar (Mohtashemi-Pur), the former Iranian minister of interior.

“The execution of the operation was contracted to Ahmad (Jabril), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command (PFLP-GC) leader, for a sum of 1,000,000 US dollars.

“One hundred thousand dollars of this money was given to Jabril up front in Damascus by the Iranian ambassador to Sy [ie Syria], Muhammad Hussan (Akhari) for initial expenses. The remainder of the money was to be paid after successful completion of the mission.”

The document is included in an unpublished report by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, a public body that considers miscarriage of justice claims and which had cast doubt in 2007 on the safety of Megrahi’s conviction.

The report also cites a DIA briefing in December 1989 entitled Pan Am 103, Deadly Co-operation, which named Iran as the probable state sponsor of the bombing.

Robert Baer, a retired senior CIA agent who claims that Iran was behind the attack, has alleged that the Americans were wary of pursuing the country in case it disrupted oil supplies and damaged the economy.

Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: jpm101 on August 24, 2009, 07:55:39 AM
Rumor that Gordon Brown made a oil deal with Lybia, though there is still extensive oil drilling in the North Sea. Must be something else very big, besides oil, in the release of the bomber. Briton once ruled the waves, now is being overcome by third world immigration. Make no mistake, this is a form of a crusade in many middle east county's.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: rockyfortune on August 24, 2009, 07:58:29 AM
BP made the big deal with Libya...they can't wait to get their hands on Mohamar's oil...hopefully that guy's asshole falls out of him while he's on his deathbed.

I'm wondering if Obama's scathing letter to the Scottish government did anything to change their minds?  ::)
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: MethodGNA on August 24, 2009, 08:02:30 AM
BP made the big deal with Libya...they can't wait to get their hands on Mohamar's oil...hopefully that ####'s asshole falls out of him while he's on his deathbed.

I'm wondering if Obama's scathing letter to the Scottish government did anything to change their minds?  ::)

if obama wanted to, he could have petitioned for extradition, and it would have been tied up in the courts for months,,,,,,,,and the guy would have died in jail.

obama didnt want to do anything, because he is weak and impotent.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: ManBearPig... on August 24, 2009, 08:07:23 AM
if obama wanted to, he could have petitioned for extradition, and it would have been tied up in the courts for months,,,,,,,,and the guy would have died in jail.

obama didnt want to do anything, because he is weak and impotent.

well, i don't like that he is/trying to try the Gitmo detainees as civil cases.  I say just shoot them.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: rockyfortune on August 24, 2009, 08:20:03 AM
BP made the big deal with Libya...they can't wait to get their hands on Mohamar's oil...hopefully that ####'s asshole falls out of him while he's on his deathbed.

I'm wondering if Obama's scathing letter to the Scottish government did anything to change their minds?  ::)

who is editing the posts? i can't even say c**ksucker on here anymore?
who is the PC police?
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: #1 Klaus fan on August 24, 2009, 08:39:40 AM

Fuck. Bullshit.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: bradistani on August 24, 2009, 09:34:43 AM
Id like to apologise for the pathetic Governments of the UK and Scotland releasing that piece of shit Lockerbie bomber "on compassionate grounds." He showed no compassion to the 270 on that plane-180 i believe were Americans
I understand the anger in your country as described by the head of the FBI.

Let me say 99% of people in the UK do not support this decision and are embarrased to be governed by these politically correct do gooder pieces of shit.
All Scots i know are very ashmed and embarrased of this and I altho English, am still British and as we are in a union with the Scots i feel embarrased too.
The UK is now  a politcally correct joke, right now £150M is being put aside to protect murderers of an 18 month old while the brave people who fought for us in wars are  being neglected.
Its one of the reasons i am joining 1000s of others and soon leaving the UK for good, this country makes me sick.

why do you feel the need to apologise? you had no influence in this decision.
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: Darren Avey on August 24, 2009, 10:16:14 AM
Im apologising cos im so embarassed and shocked by this decision yet old age pensioners who cant afford to pay their council tax are being imprisoned!!

Its time to say enough is enough and a revolution of sorts
Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: turnerg31 on August 24, 2009, 10:24:19 AM
if obama wanted to, he could have petitioned for extradition, and it would have been tied up in the courts for months,,,,,,,,and the guy would have died in jail.

obama didnt want to do anything, because he is weak and impotent.

C'mon man, you even want to blame this one on Obama????? Damn, Obama doesn't stand a chance.

Title: Re: Apology to all Americans
Post by: bradistani on August 24, 2009, 11:09:29 AM
Im apologising cos im so embarassed and shocked by this decision yet old age pensioners who cant afford to pay their council tax are being imprisoned!!

Its time to say enough is enough and a revolution of sorts

it's politics mate. as you know already, british politicians regard the us, the public, with utter comtempt. so you should be neither surprised, embarrassed or shocked by decisions they make.